Everything is INCREDIBLE and ON FIRE
We are fundraising for our construction documents… Woohooo.
And the AO Africa is opening (maybe — been promising that white elephant for a decade now). And that is important because?
This is Durban Ideal Org!
Not really. It’s a hospital where they provide blood transfusions for those who have been sucked dry by the regges…
Great news
5 people finished something! With the Howarth’s leading the way. One Clear. Likely the only one this year…
Join staff now
We have the greatest rugby team on the planet.
The Chan Man
This is a big time event — the Chan Man is the headline speaker… Captain AOSH ANZO is second billing. Chan Man gets double billing too.
Are they hidden behind the words that go over the top of the other words?
That’s some fine photoshopping
Do you think the Wizard of Oz will come out from behind his curtain and make a surprise appearance? True Leader loves to visit Australia. He could then go scuba diving at the Great Barrier Reef…
What an event
Rafferty Pendery will join you via Skype to explain that the best way to get up the Bridge is to marry someone with a rich mother. Should be a spellbinding evening.
Nothing is actually Done Sir!
But we are postulating it…
New Zealand has the best rugby team
But Columbus has a hockey team named after civil war uniforms. Take that Auckland.
They keep including the same Comps?
The Howarth’s are still leading the way…
Detroit Did It
Phew — they hardly had to raise any money. Just hold out long enough for Miscavige not to have any ribbon yankings to show.
Wonder who the experts are?
Apparently nobody notable or they definitely would have included their names…
Why at someone’s house?
Flag doesn’t have anywhere they can hold a briefing about their services? Or are they afraid nobody will show up because they have so many regges there.
BTW I wonder if they will explain that Hubbard complained about how messed up the L Rundowns are 20 years ago, but they’ve not been corrected as Miscavige “doesn’t have time” to get to doing the correction and figuring out how to tell people they have continued to take their money for out tech rundowns for years.
Seems to be the “new thing”
Wonder when they are going to hold magic shows at people’s homes? They seem to be the trendy things to disguise reg events in recent months.
More Skype
Why bother showing up if they can’t be bothered showing up?
Twice as fast as what?
If you never get there, twice as fast is never too…
Oh, there you go. Magic
It’s a good new slogan. Flag: The ultimate in magic and illusion.
Not really
When do you see your kid other than for a photo shoot?
The buried treasure eluded him
I guess he didn’t know then that his memories were from BT’s and they tricked him…
New fall season…
Of the same old shit.
Did I miss this?
Stuttgart snuck in under the radar?
Has anyone else this place has been announced as “ideal”? Unusual for it not to be announced repeatedly…
That’s it?
No “saving the planet” or “changing the world” or “joining the greatest force in the history of the universe”?
Whey all these public?
And even EX-SO?
You can bet the news about “progress towards” the 10,000 target is “epic”…
Staff rocketing up the bridge
Not really.
What does a Clear USA Mean?
Absolutely nothing. It’s not going to happen. Ever.
Bye bye Santa Barbara
Just a distant memory. It’s like it no longer exists.
Santa Barbara now doesn’t need an org, but Ventura does? They are both about 100,000 people. Based on LA Org, each would take 500 years to Clear, so it seems BOTH cities need an org?
I thought you were supposed to be running Valley?
Why not use this money to pay people to take courses in the empty Valley Ideal Org?
I Love dyslexia: I read the “stephan & Zainab Blows” as an announcement that the couple had blown more than once.
And again I ask Aukland: What’s so good about being OFF the crossroads, where no one goes? Or even passes through?
Mrs. Howarth does not look healthy. Huge swollen glands in her neck. Sjogren’s, maybe?
Nice to see Michael Chan has dusted himself off from the nasty attacks from those sub-humans – you know, the WOGS and the SPs. An OTVIII is a superior human, dauntless and defiant!
An OTVIII can only cry, rocking back-and-forth, clutching a pillow, for so long.
It’s interesting to see the continued use of the “mystery sandwich” approach in PR pieces for the orgs left that have yet to get their “ideal” facilities, which are all ones that have been unable to raise the money on their own. Maybe the “secret” is that even though it’s now obvious that Miscavige will bring in outside money to get the job done, the locals are still going to be squeezed for every last penny, just as if the building couldn’t be opened unless they bankrupt themselves and give up their own homes to foreclosure (as has apparently happened in all too many cases).
The sort of stealth opening of the Stuttgart “ideal” facility was covered a bit over at Tony Ortega’s Bunker. The building is on a street corner and they apparently couldn’t arrange any road closures, so there was no space for a typical big ribbon yanking, though it looks as if they did hold a small one with people standing on a wider area of sidewalk at the corner. That may not have been good enough for Miscavige, with no place for a stage and speeches, or maybe there were other problems such as getting any significant number of people to come to an opening in Germany. They didn’t even post any event photos on their website, of the sort where they typically meager crowds are distorted if not photoshopped to appear impressive.
Santa Barbara is going to be moved half an hour’s drive South into the ugly older brutalist style office building that has been purchased in Ventura, but I’m guessing that a lot of members are probably none too enthused about giving up their classic old mission style building downtown – particularly after they were originally lead to believe they’d get something much nicer. Presumably they are even going to have to change the name of the org. There’s a picture here, of the much nicer building Scientology claimed had been “approved” – which says something about the (un) reliability of the certain-sounding claims of progress made in PR pieces:
There a picture of the dark, ominous looking building that they now have to renovate, which looks like it could be Darth Vader’s headquarters, here:
Man, you’re not kidding about the Darth Vader vibe.
It somehow suits what’s really going to happen in there.
I hope they’re over painting dire looking buildings bright blue, ha.
Well, Miscabbage does have all the warmth and compassion of Darth Vader.
Ah, the deluded, crazy world of the Howarths of Durban – mad as a box of frogs…
I got an email today from the Way To Happiness Foundation inviting me to join for $7.95 a month.
In your dreams, losers!
Wow! I can be happy for free. I already know how to brush my teeth and all the other things in the pamphlet.
I know! Me, too! And they want me to have all that for $7.95 a month!
Here’s how you sell leatherbound Dianetics:
Send out promo of attractive men and women dressed in leather, but not much leather. You get the idea.
For example, promo to male Scientologists could show a Pamela Anderson dominatrix type in a black leather bikini with spike heeled boots,raising a whip with hand and presenting a Leatherbound Dianetics in the other. Have her say something like, “Into leather? Get yours. You KNOW you want to. But if you don’t, you KNOW what will happen. Get yours NOW.”
Actually that’s not very good but its just off the top of my head but you have the concept so just I’ll leave the promo wording to others.
But $500? No problem! Maybe they should even put the Blonde Bombshell Dominatrix on the COVER of Leatherbound DMSMH. You’re shocked? Why? After all, back in the day they had a primitive furry ape man eating raw bloody meat on the cover of History of Man. So what’s the big deal? Maybe Kirstie would do it. Or better yet Jenna Elfman.
And OK I know this is very sick, and I’m sick, and degraded and so forth for even thinking it,
But in my own defense:
One must think of SOMETHING to cause average non-whale Scientologists to be willing to fork over $500 for a book they’ve already owned AND read a dozen times!.
DM reads this blog. HE will understand. HE will see that I’m only trying to help! These leatherbounds MUST get sold! We do not have an infinity of time! The whole agonizing future of every man, woman and child on this planet depends upon it!!!!!
I trust I’ve made my point, so let me know what you think of this dominatrix angle.
A Clear USA means the East Hollywood City Council will not be having emergency meetings about excessive after hours noise and cherry pickers driving the wrong way on Catalina St at the Pacifica Base. Thank God, we will
not be having a Clear USA, LOL.
Ah, “Mission into Time” that brings back memories. It’s what got me escorted out of the Brisbane $camology building in 1987 and was told in no uncertain terms to, “Never ever return.” Probably shouldn’t have mentioned that I was reading Russell Miller’s “Bare-Faced Messiah” at the time (and had just finished reading the section about Tubbolard’s Sardinia, and other areas, treasure hunt) when they asked me where I had heard about the book.
Stuttgart Ideal Org Leatherbound lead me to, and almost choking on my coffee laughing, to this –
As for the rest, it’s just the same old desperation and money grubbing crap.
Awesome! The magic house party sends “Privet Message” s to RSVP. I wonder if that’s anything like a private message. Or if any Scientology fundraising flyers ever have a proofreader.
Could they be hedging their bets that someone might show up?
Helen forgot to thank COB in her success story! Oh no!
OMG!!! She didn’t thank Corn on the COB! And got away with it? Well, that’s one in a million. I hope Helen has a very secure home.
I also noticed that, and we can bet on the rainbow pony that COB noticed it-and immediately sent whom ever approved that write up to the RPF. Oh wait, I forgot, there is no longer an RPF, what a foolish WOG I am for forgetting that amazing humanitarian act the Exalted one performed in disbanding it. (yeah right).
BTW – who’s Kaye Champaign?
Come on Durban! If you’re going to credit someone for giving you money at LEAST spell their name correctly??
Hi KiwiGal, this is Kaye Champagne. Never mind the misspelling of my last name. No one in Scientology gives a rat’s ass about spelling. and it has never been a whole track issue for me. Nevertheless, thank you for the acknowledgement. Reading it, I felt so validated! My anchor points are way out now, and my ARC for you and for every being on this entire planet is just out the roof! So many thanks, KiwiGal. And thanks to LRH and COB too. Not sure why I have to thank these last two but better safe than sorry, you know? TTFN, and lets stay in touch. Btw, my friends call me Bubbles. .
You don’t know who Kaye Champaign is?!!
Silly girl! That’s the lady that Mike Rinder refers to as Bubblzzzz!
Words fail me over the Auckland piece…
We DO have the ALL BLACKS (I am biased and even though I don’t follow sports I think they ARE the greatest Rugby Union team currently).
The photograph is of the NZ Rugby League team, the Kiwis… A different sport altogether.
Whoever wrote this is not a NZer.
(Pretty sure I can hear palms slapping foreheads even from this distance! 😀 )
Oh, what sacrilege. I didn’t notice, but any Kiwi out there will find this horrifying. Like saying “We have the NY Yankees” and then showing a shot of the NY Nicks or the Mets.
In New York City that would probably get you killed.
Right, Mike. I have no doubt that Wak Allcock is rolling in his grave now. Rori Deness. and Shane Carter on the Freewinds I trust are still alive to see this infamy.
(Continuation) Shane was best man at my last wedding.
Their idle morgue sure looks pretty. Is that real or an “artists rendering“?
How to go up the Bridge twice as fast? Rob TWO banks! Once you have the loot, refuse IAS status upgrades twice as often.
I see an Aftermath Foundation business card blitz opportunity on 10/13 in Ybor City!
As I read this week’s Funnies, I kept giggling over the name Stephen Blows. And when I got to the one about the meeting at the Kuchars’ home in Clearwater, I Googled the address. What a hellhole. Looks like the Kuchars have put all their money into Scientology.
Wow! I couldn’t get over Stephen Blows either! Wonder if his name is his destiny? .Lol
Nick / Nikita Howarth (Durban good news)
Ohai Ron!
The look on the Wilsons face says “just kill me and get me out of my misery”. So sad.
P.S. SRD is NOT rocketing up the bridge. SRD is not even an official part of “the bridge” just another busywork to make people feel like they’re getting something done.
Valerie, I thought the same thing. Those are very pained smiles the Wisons are giving.
Gee, what a smorgasbord of Scioland treats this week – wow!
Chan the commission Man down under (again!). Wonder if he stays in Chinatown?
The All Blacks may be the best rugby team in the world, but just how many of them are Scientologists… mmmm? (crickets chirping). Look closely and you’ll see the huka very much resembles a COB inspired motivational speech for senior execs.
It’s all just too much ideal madness for me, I’m all a quiver, but I am progressing on my Ideal Apostate checksheet rather nicely though. Can’t wait for all those practicals at the end, perfecting beer guzzling, mastering the use of scented soap, bong making, being kind to people etc. Opps got to run, we’re mustering at the Crown & Thistle for a Guinness froth watching competition, so much to do, so little time – Thursday 2 just seems to crop up out of nowhere.
‘ Stephen Blows.’ I’d take you up on that, but, I’m married. Maybe in our next life we’ll both be single.
Not for long is my prediction. I can hear the pitta patter of tiny little blows about the house now. Let’s get plastered at the naming ceremony.
Oh, absolutely! I’m sure they forgot that you and I were coming. And plan to stay there for the duration.
This time my comment is a big THANK YOU MIKE!
For the blog, for the witty comments, the Aftermath and whatever else you are doing to keep this going.
Many, many of us are here with you.
A few positions left at Detroit mOrg!!! OMG, rush right in before others snag those few, revered staff positions. If someone raises funds, maybe I will do it. Who will raise 20 mill for me, because that’s what it will take?
OTD, I’m holding a fundraiser in my office.. My people and I refuse to allow the Mest Universe to act as a barrier to your whole track purpose to be on staff. We’re buying you a plane ticket to Detroit. One way :)… What’s that you’re saying?… Oh, you’re so welcome 🙂
Woo hoo! I’m a bargain, then. I’d do it for a million per year of contract. But I guess I’d have to become a scientologist in good standing first. On second thought, never mind.
Never mind?! Let’s go and get three sheets to the wind. C’mon L C, we’ll have a great time. Bring some money for bail…
OTD I’ll make you a deal…….I’ll raise you 20mill, but first……you raise me 40mill.
Survive or continue to succumb with the downward spiral of fallen angels?
Say what you may but the tech works but only when applied.
Try step onto the bridge to total freedom and may you achieve infinite survival.
Cool story, Hansel.
Yeah… I always like to play Make Believe. It’s such fun when I was a kid.
And that’s what Scientology is: Make Believe.
Ron Howarth, English is not your first language, is it? Or possibly you’re disguising your native English with deliberate bad grammar so as to appear foreign? Or, worst case scenario, you’re a Scientology semi-literate?
What I don’t think you appreciate Aqua is that their promo is proof read! Think on that for a sec.
Yawn, I’m with you! My response to Kiwigal was just my silly satire. I agree with her and with you. I think spelling IS important because poor spelling can cause message to be rejected, not because of the message but in the manner that its conveyed. Spelling and grammar are just tools to convey a message. They’re not the message, but HOW one says or writes something can have a lot of impact.
I’m wondering if it’s intentional? Like not knowing what blew meant! I mean come on, people that know very little about scientology usually have heard that term for sure! I’m thinking he’s a planted distraction but who knows?
Try step? Or Try To step? I’m sorry, but your lack of education makes your writing unclear. You need to look up your MUs. I’m writing a KR on your OSA trolling Fail.
Yes, really! OSA, surely you can spare a slave with decent writing skills to troll here?
I would really appreciate a troll that could actually spell and communicate! You would think it they could do better being big beings and all!
Ron, I too thought like that years ago. Keep reading and discovering. Best ?
Durban claims it needs an ideal org to flow clears up to the Africa advanced org. Correct me if I’m wrong, but Don’t class V orgs go up to OT V?
I remember reading that Missions went up to Clear, then Class V orgs to somewhere in the mid OT’s and then Flag did the upper bridge and the free winds ot8. Where’s the breakdown and what do Advanced orgs do?
Helen Berks thanked LRH but forgot to thank COB. Will she be sent to ethics for this?
Too right! LOL
I am sure. Doug, that she has already been sent to ethics.
I was at Graduation on the Freewinds when a lady giving her. Success said that the Route to Infinity course was” almost as good as LSD”.
She was routed directly from the stage to ETHICS. And she had only denigrated LRH, not our dwarfenfuehrer DM.
Lance has been in Scientology for over thirty years, is only at OT V, and is the expert in getting up the bridge twice as fast? Yikes – that is some crappy tech.
That jumped out at me, too. It sometimes takes Mike to point out that people giving these seminars have no experience or actual success with what they’re supposedly talking about, but it’s blatantly obvious that someone at the point that guy is after all those decades, doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Is Scientology really scraping the barrel here?
Well, I’ll say one thing: if you’re going to go through life with a last name like ‘blows’ and not change it, you’d better be damn good at confronting suppressives and warding off body thetans.
Calls to mind that Johnny Cash song, “A Boy Named Sue.”
“Privet message”? Some sort of revolutionary shrub tech?
I posted similarly before I saw your comment. Yours is much funnier. Touche’!
Just leave the message in the hedge…
OMG – Helen Burka looks terrible.
She is or was the ED at the Twin Cities Morgue when I was on Staff. A little bat shit crazy but what died in the wool Scientologist – isn’t?
Helen Burka has spent her entire life as a slave for Scientology and she owes L Ron Hubbard because he taught her how to give up your life and give up all of your money for a cult that does nothing but harm people.
Makes perfect sense.
She has seen the carnage of many Twin Cities people harmed by Scientology but she sticks her head in the sand and pretends to be happy – thanks to L Ron Hubbard and his magical processes
Helen Burka better keep doing those clever mind controlling processes to keep the “THOUGHT STOPPING” tactics working so she does not feel any human emotions and reactions –
Empathy and sympathy is a high crime in Scientology.
I am afraid to say but Helen Burka will go down with the sinking ship of Scientology.
Without a doubt, some of them will go down with the sinking ship AND be all puffed up proud to be doing so. Poor devils, really. I almost pity them, again. Almost.
It’s their life. Let them ruin it.
OSD No one is happier than you when people blow or wake up! Lol. Maybe you don’t want to care but you do. Well, at least about more and more and more people leaving! ☺
Is it Berka or Burka? Because I wouldn’t be surprised if they spelled it incorrectly.
Anyway, I thought she looked kind of cute for an older lady. How old is she, anyway?
Burka should wear a burka.
Aqua. Too funny! ?
How could Elron complain about the L Rundowns being messed up 20 years ago? Was a special message received from Target 2?
Seriously, if Scientology had discovered life-after-death communication, folks would overrun every Ideal Morgue on the planet.
Hi all–I found a set of brand new SCN texts in a Little Free Library in my Portland, OR neighborhood this morning. Dianetics, WTH, and A New Slant on Life. Free Little Libraries are a huge trend here and lots of other cities, too. Have you heard any whispers of public or staff using these to distribute LRH books? Most books in these libraries are used, as people donate things out of their own collections. Struck me as strange that these were brand, spanking new.
It was donated, no doubt. We had one of them shipped to our public library. I made sure it had a suitable date.
Maybe someone dumping things they don’t need now they are gone or maybe a way to “get books in libraries”, either way, I hope they were unceremoniously removed to make room for real books. I love those little book houses, but I want books I’m going to actually read in them.
When I was on staff at the Portland Org, staff and public were encouraged to buy additional copies of the Basic Books to give to friends and donate to the Multnomah County Library system, so I wouldn’t be surprised at all that they see the Little Free Library boxes as a new opportunity to “enlighten” those who still think they’re just “meat bodies.”
And about as useful as a brand new box set of Betacord VCR cassettes.
I Yawnalot,
And all of them with prerecorded Battlefield Earth.
I would guess they are from an escapee, or someone who had been aggressively “regged” to buy several copies of books they didn’t need. However, your theory is plausible.
I’ve read that most libraries no longer accept donations of scn books. Also, with the ease of self publishing a million new book titles are released each year and no library has room for all of them. Digital libraries are probably necessary. Scn books are being distributed as gifts to Nation of Islam members but I don’t think it’s known how widespread it is at this time or who is paying for them. The “basics” books are neatly packaged and are being sent out or delivered to NOI members.
How many NOI members are actually going to wade through that dreck? I’ll give you great odds if you want to bet.
If I were an NOI I wouldn’t plow through it. I’d scan or browse over it as I would in a bookstore and start reading at whatever interested me. According to the ESMB post a lot of NOI are hot after scn. Without the control factors of scn the dreck might be being passed around among the local members with the blessing of Calypso Louie.
Maybe half of the rank and file NOI are bored with listening to Farrakhan rant about Jews and would find some of Hubbard’s writings interesting. I’d say ANY of the basic books by Hubbard would have some interesting passages. If the basics package includes spoken lectures then listening to Elron talk about atomic race cars would be trippy.
BTW in the 1970’s reading or listening to most of Elron’s far out stuff wasn’t required for training on dianetic and scn grades auditing.
There would be many details to work out with digital libraries but authors might somehow be compensated for people reading their digital books similar to digital music.
It’s just a guess but maybe 5,000 sets of basic books have ever been printed? Here’s a thread on the Ex Scientologist Message Board about the NOI which shows basic books packages being delivered to NOI members. A squirrel combination of Scn and the NOI in the future will be “interesting”. All due respect will be given to Master Fard Muhammad and Master L. Ron Hubbard.
The Durban org promo screams that you need to give your money now because with Scientology TV the place will be flooded.Small Google Trends fact-check:
I hope Stephen Blows (Why We Donated – Vanguard) joins the Sea Org. Then one day someone can say, “Did you hear? Blows BLEW”!
In the first couple of notices we have Stephen Blows (he should) and Auckland’s Stephen Rule, Tech secretary. Did he get the job based on his name? Is he slated to become ethics officer next?
I played little league football with a kid named Richard “Dick” Repture. It always got a twitter from fans when the announcer said “And at right tackle, Dick Rupture”
My exact thoughts! Lol
That’s funny. Here’s a real life story of Int. Base from Marc Headley:
A $ci named Powers Coleman is involved….as is the power company, the power blowing, did powers blow, the blow drill, etc.
From the last brochure:
“Now, will the regs leave us alone like they promised they would?”
“Just look into the camera and try to look happy, Squint!”
That there are folks who still believe this ‘stuff’ is sad, truly sad….
Jere, don’t be sad about what people believe because you’ll be being sad for practically the entire world. Hundreds of millions of people believe in all kinds of outrageous woo. So long as its just woo and it makes them feel better, so what? Scientology woo that didn’t include Fair Game and Disconnection, and that wouldn’t deny anyone standard medical treatment who needed it, wouldn’t hurt anyone.
I agree, Aquamarine. I would have no beef with them either if they had just sent or even allowed me to go to a doctor when I was sent off the ship when I was dying of AIDS. It was bad enough that I got no medical treatment for it when I was in the SO but they sent me to a Scn chiro who told me in no uncertain terms that the treatment the doctors would give me would only hasten my death. I finally survived 1. The threat of calling the FBI got my wife off the ship where she had been held illegally for 6 months (they figured, almost corrrectly, that I would be dead by then and they could then keep her; 2 When released she called her sister who works at San Francisco General hospital where the oldest AIDS clinic on the planet is located and 3 Since I was near death and had dementia (I no longer recognised my wife and did not know what year it was or what country I was in which bypassed my desire to follow the Church’s orders and 4. Her sister advised my wife to take me to the hospital in San Diego which had an AIDS clinic and 5. She took me there just in time for me to recover. (They told me there that most people in my condition do not recover.
There is no need to feel sorry for them. It took the fact of imminent death to get myself moving in the right direction. And it was mainly my wife who was making the decisions then. My main fear was that she would follow the directions from the Church, which was to put me in a hospice to die.
I just did not want to die alone. But hell, that was 16 years ago and I am still alive!
So they gave her some bad advice.
Me too Jere. I wouldn’t be here on this blog or be me if it didn’t. But just because I feel sadness for them and empathy, I don’t take on that pain. I’m the happiest soul in the world. I love life and I’m happy and enjoying life every single day! But my heart does feel the pain of scientology abuses. Even tho it’s their freaking choice. Lol
How would you liked to be ‘Stephen or Zainab Blows’ in the 4th grade?
I see it only costs $20 to listen to Michael Chan. It costs nothing to not see him. And Gavin Potter is on the road too, I wonder how much it costs to hear him?
If you ran into Gavin Potter and Michael Chan in the same room, would they fight over your wallet?
It costs soooooo much more than $20 to listen to Michael Chan. You pay $20 for the “privilege” of having your pocket picked by Michael Chan. My guess is if you prove you have the $20 to go see him, it proves you’re ripe for the picking and you’d be lucky to escape only paying $20×10 after listening to him
Not only that, the Chan Man is speaking from 10 PM to 2:30 PM! Nine and a half hours over the midnight hour?
Oh, about Gavin Potter!why does he keep using that same picture? He’s been in the Sea Org for thirty four years so he ain’t no twentysomething!