There are a lot of postulates happening this week…
Reg Event
When an event is put on by the FSC Office — you know it is for only ONE purpose.
This makes sense…
To nobody.
Let’s make Brisbane ideal — because we are proud of a dingo fence? You know this would be the same reason Adelaide and Canberra should be ideal. They too are protected by the same fence…
Clear the dingos!
Come as your alternate identity
Wow. Talk about out of valence…
No reason for them
But as Ron says, letters out = Gross Income. So, we will just write stuff to somebody.
We had no option…
This will make it possible to “adequately handle this sector”? Who says this?
Wonder if he knows who this is?
This is scientology Sheriff. You don’t have an org within 200 miles? What are you doing?
Must be a remnant from the distribution of WTH in the area after the hurricane?
Dianetics Cafe
Come in for a hot cup of lava.
Looking cool!
A DJ in a bellhop outfit?
Only $100 to hear Igor
What a bargain.
100% Clear New Zealand
Only 100% to go!
Family Postulates
Like, “we plan to keep the whole family together so we are all getting the hell away from scientology…”
Wow — this one is “free”
Except for the regging after you have done an “Admin Scale” that has at the top “To go up the Bridge”
No need for auditing
Apparently this handles your case…
Dance lesson?
At least it’s different.
Wonder if there is any Hubbard “tech” imparted on how to dance?
Those who achieved the State of Clear in 2018
There are apparently 12 of them…
Yikes. How’s that going to adequately handle this sector?
Get ’em early
Inculcate them with scientology basics — they will be stuck in their minds for the rest of their lives.
CC can’t even get a sidekick for Gavin?
Lordy, I must have missed the LRH Policy on how to dance, lol.
On the “Sheriff” thing: Was that a name or title? If the latter, why not ID the location?(Oh…. Of course he wouldn’t want it to be known.)
How about a dingbat fence? To keep the Stil Ins, you know, in.
Ha ha ha Aquamarine, good one!
I dare say that the Dingo fence serves a greater purpose than the Ideal Morgue!
I can’t tell you how many letters out I have written while on staff, it’s up in the thousands, every now and then I’d get a book commission because I included a promo piece for a book such as FOT. Wow,
I’d get a few bucks to pay for some toothpaste. What a scam!. LOL
as you said Mike,
“There are a lot of postulates happening this week”
dianetics and scientology are but only postulates.
for there are no clears, no OT’s, no perfect recall, no ability to solve any problem, no ability to communicate to anybody about anything, no ability from freedom of the upsets of the past, etc. and so on up the Bridge to OT.
It’s all a postulate that Hubbard even admitted he failed.
DM is a scam artist, and he knows it!
suggest or assume the existence, fact, or truth of (something) as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief.
“his theory postulated a rotatory movement for hurricanes”
synonyms: put forward, suggest, advance, posit, hypothesize, take as a hypothesis, propose, assume, presuppose, suppose, presume, predicate, take for granted, theorize
“such hypotheses have been postulated by highly reputable geologists”
(in ecclesiastical law) nominate or elect (someone) to an ecclesiastical office subject to the sanction of a higher authority.
a thing suggested or assumed as true as the basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief.
“perhaps the postulate of Babylonian influence on Greek astronomy is incorrect”
Gib – Scientology’s definition of a postulate is
Various levels of confusion and delusion – pretending to obtain some secret super power Wogs have had since the beginning of time and giving credit to LRH and $cientology when in fact – it was YOU all along doing everything that made you successful.
How to obtain a Scientology Postulate
Make it up – if it is not happening – pretend it is. Take a picture of people pretending to BE DO AND HAVE – that makes it real to a $cientologist
How to destroy $cientology postulates: Tell the TRUTH
Don’t ever admit the truth because it is admitting failure of $cientology and it shatters the postulate
LOOKING shatters $cientology Postulates – Looking at documentaries, reading books from veteran Scientologists who have been beaten and abused by L Ron Hubbard and David Miscavige – destroys the $cientological postulate. Looking at the internet and reading horror stories from ex members also does a number to the $cientological Postulate.
KNOWING about the real life of L Ron Hubbard and David Miscavige – shatters $cientology Postulates
Stat: Spot-on definition.
While doing TR’s as a new recruit years ago, we were cautioned to not use words that might re-stimulate OT3. Years later it cracked me up that the cover of “book one” had a picture of a volcano on it. How irresponsible is that!
LongTimeGone: AND as a new recruit, how are you supposed to know what COULD restim OT levels?
Thursday Funnies are a time for laughter. This year my wife and I celebrate our 30th year OUT OF SCIENTOLOGY. My sister-in-law reminded us today. After all of that time what comes to mind about Hubbard, the man who suffered a miserable death in 1986 – our escape.
Annie Lennox says it better.
Dianetics Cafe
Come in for a hot cup of lava. – LOL
Dance lesson?
At least it’s different.
Wonder if there is any Hubbard “tech” imparted on how to dance? – Seriously, i wish I knew! That would be hilarious.
Inculcate them with scientology basics — they will be stuck in their minds for the rest of their lives. – (What a great opportunity for some indoctrination!)
Dancing while holding the cans must be difficult!
You CAN have it all, but not in the criminal organization calling itself the CO$. if you’re in, they’ll convince you to give it ALL away … to the CO$ for the Dwarfenführer’s benefit. HOW can we get a message to the poor clubbed seals that it shouldn’t BE that way?
Please look up ‘Plato’s Cave’ to get a alternate perspective on where/what they are stuck at.
Free dance lesson??? I’d rather go bowling!
EVERY time I see Gavin, I flash back to “the Love Boat”. Such an unfortunate name for him to have these days….
And on a more controllable note, Once again, a reg, Leslie McCaffrey using a gmail account, though the other has the expected @ddress. Haven’t she any PRIDE that she’s shilling for DMology?
BTW Mike, since you’re from the general area: Did that Dingo fence do anything other than collect trash blowing downwind?
The Celebrity Center* “graduation” with 12 clears may also be telling of the state of things. If those are all they made in a year (or who haven’t blown yet), and that’s average for the 135 or so orgs, it would come to well over a thousand per year – but it appears that the CC is well above average, not surprisingly, as some of the orgs only seem to be making a tiny handful of clears per year.
I still can’t quite figure out what’s going on with clears, particularly since there have been some indications, like the pictures of old-timers holding new certificates, that they’ve been on a push to get a lot of the membership at least that far up the “bridge” (there are a lot of longtime hangers-on who haven’t made much progress, which is obscured by the fuss they make about those who have). The clear numbers being issued, even subject to some vagaries, indicate that they’re keeping up with a long-term average of about a thousand per year, but with possibly as few as about 10,000 active public members (few staff or SO are going clear) they would either be running out of remaining members, are bringing in enough new people who go clear and then get disillusioned and blow (a known phenomenon, to at least some extent), or they’re making fewer clears than it might seem by some indicators.
* I refuse to use the pretentious British-style “Centre” spelling – which went out of fashion decades ago, anyway.
PEACEMAKER: CC INT is obviously well above average. MOST orgs aren’t producing anything but debt.
Thank you Mike, If you don’t mind I’ll put this on my blog Concerning the building in brisbane which it makes sense to avoid tax.
Its done, the brisbane scientology poster is on my blog site. I also defaced it as well, “never donate”
Of course Peter Simpson is delivering that, he owns a company called “Organisation Technology” where he delivers the BS Hubbard tech to the poor suckers who believe it. Its obviously a WISE front company. Oh yeah and his poor son Anthony is also in the cult, working at the Melbourne org – he was in one of those “have it all” propaganda photos with his wife and kids.
When I passed that one about Sunday School, my stomach churned a bit. Then I remembered back in the early 90’s, I had a little Sunday School once a month at the mission for about 7 or 8 of the local Scientology kids – whichever ones wanted to be there. They did clay demos of basic things like the parts of the ARC triangle, parts of the Comm Cycle – they had lots of fun, laughed, threw clay at each other, and learned whatever they learned. It was short and sweet – less than an hour. I did it for a couple of months as we all had other things to do. Whenever I saw one of the kids that had attended, they always asked me when we were going to do it again.
I made sure there were no registrars in on Sunday while we were there.
This photo looks like the kids have to sit, be quiet and watch some long, slick, boring, pablum video. That’s good. Should turn them off of the cult forever.
Oh, and Mike, just wanted to let you know that last Tuesday’s show was brilliant. You guys are really not pulling any punches. What you, Leah Remini and A&E are doing with this show is incredibly impactful and I do believe will contribute in large part to bringing Tiny Shoes and his cult to an end. Thank you so much.
I’ve noticed the curious location of the Mission of the Foothills in Montrose when it has come up before – the mission address of 2254 turns out to be in an alley behind a retail building that fronts on Honolulu Ave, on the lower level of a sort of annex of office and industrial spaces. So they’ve got a location that appears on paper as if it’s on a prime downtown street with shops and restaurants, but is actually a basement-level commercial space in the rear of the building that would be nearly impossible to find unless you knew where to look for it. Scientology seems to have a policy that missions (and orgs) should try to have what looks like a standalone street address, even when their space is really an office suite or industrial unit (or a space connected with the mission holder/franchisee’s primary business), so this is all pretty typical of the declining state of the missions network, going from storefronts to low rent spaces, and resorting to token existences in residences or finally going defunct.
What shows up on the front side of the complex is a sewing and vacuum repair center at 2254, that I think I once mistakenly assumed hosted the mission, as well as a restaurant at 2256 – and an Arthur Murray dance studio at 2260, where the event being advertised is being held. I’d guessed that the mission is hosted in the back room of the dance studio, the sort of arrangement that seems to be common with many of the remaining locations, but I can’t find any connection between the proprietors of the studio or any of the other businesses including those in the annex with suite addresses on the side (Market) street, so they may just have made arrangements to use a neighboring space for this special event.
A while back, the mission was running a GoFundMe campaign to try to raise money to renovate their space:
In a comment on that piece, someone reported that Sunland (aka Sunland-Tujunga) had tried to combine and share the space – but that mission is now infamously homeless and holding events in members’ residences, as discussed recently. The mission holder/franchisee of Foothills appears to be Stacy Kitchens with an address in Tujunga (!), though ownership seems to have changed at least one or twice in the past several decades, possibly as recently as just a couple of years ago (they seem to have missed all their bi-annual corporate filings between 1997 and 2017).
Good research work, PeaceMaker. So how much money did their Go Fund Me for repairs and paint actually raise? And more importantly was the work done? You’re right that Foothills Mission is in the basement in a parking lot. You can’t even see it from Honolulu which is what its address shows. There is no way into it from Honolulu, the main street. You have to drive around to the alley and park in the lot and then walk into the dark basement. It’s even darker now because they put up huge posters and things over the windows to shut out all the curious people who look inside (which is some ex Scns who live in the area and report how empty it is.) They solved it by blocking up their windows and source of light. So it’s dark in there and yes it needs a lot of things. If you were hoping for walk in prospects to find it, it is a long shot cuz you can’t see their sign from the street and you have to know where it is to find it in the alley.
Scamology’s pond is shrinking so fast that scamologist’s will need to become lungfish’ to survive.
Thinking about Meryl Streep: How do I get my baby onto the non-dingo side of that fence?
Oh, I forgot to comment on dingo fences. Here’s the one for trying to get an org in Wyoming.
There are snow fences all over Wyoming, let’s see if we can snow the people too. Makes about as much sense as ideal orgs and dingo fences.
“…than to really stretch our resources” “Our contribution did not end with this step, it was a start.”
Ugh, truth in advertising. The Bizzells are broke and know it but they understand that the crush regging will continue. Their tired half smiles show it.
The Bizzell family is stretching their resources. Isn’t that Scientology code for “going bankrupt?” And one other comment. The “Only 100% to go” comment on the Clear New Zealand graphic was very snarky. In other words, I loved it.
OK… I give up. What’s the Scio punch line here? Or did I miss something?
This is one of the wackiest Thursday funnies yet, but the dingo fence comparison is by far the most non sequitur bs I’ve ever laid eyes on. Like… WTF! Sure 100+ years ago the sheep industry in Australia had a dingo problem killing lambs, so they built a fence, a bloody long one at that. (We won’t mention the commercialism intent, extravagant overuse of tax payers $ and the blatant disregard for the environmental impact of over grazing on what is a sensitive, mostly arid environment – which by the way the same attitude exists today now that the water management authorities have sold out to water hungry cotton growing interests, diverting badly needed water, ‘pretty much all of it’ from flowing downstream from the tropic monsoons resulting in native fish kills in the millions downstream, a horrible death by suffocation as massive algae blooms eat up all the oxygen. Two massive fish kills in the last month alone. Those fish populations have survived countless natural droughts for eons but cannot survive man created, commercially motivated ones).
Scientology, like their marketing is insane.
Tsk tsk, no Chan the Noodle Man again – that’s another loss of some magnitude.
That one on power and postulate wokshop already answered all my questions. Lunch at 12, followed by 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, etc… Learn something new everyday. NOT!!
If Gavin Potter and Micheal Chan are in the same room, will the universe implode? Or will only your wallet disappear into the 5th dimension? Inquiring minds want to know.
Hahaha! ☺
I Googled Gavin Potter and found the following on alt.religion.scientology:
“Gavin Potter is a Sea Org recruiter. IF you hear that your child is even
talking with him, I highly suggest you GET YOUR KID AWAY FROM HIM
Gavin tells young children (ages 13 usually and on up) that the end of the
world is coming, and that their parents are going to starve to
death………….so they need to join the Sea Org and save the world!”
Seems like a real prince of a guy!
They haven’t a hint that they are a ‘Dead Man Walking’.
Melanie: If ONLY they were UP to “man”…. Tubby’s hypnotic techniques lead to losing the “Human” emotions like Empathy, kindness, sociability; the death of any humanity.
Religious churches come together to worship God. The CoS come together to worship money.
Debbie, you are right about CoS, but religious churches are there to make money, too. Money and power over people.
I left the Cult of Scientology in 2012 after Debbie Cook’s email.
I made a postulate – that a huge celebrity would find out the truth about the cult of Scientology and expose it to the world.
It happened. Leah Remini and Mike Rinder – THANK YOU!
You are making my dreams and postulates come true.
Good Day Folks…Party at MY “crib”.…..make sure you bring ALL your money to donate so I can CLEAR my attic, garage, under stairs storage area collection that had badly contaminated my REACTIVE MIND.
C’mon…you damned well know It will take A LOT of money to CLEAR out all this…how else can I get my Reactive whatchamacallit to whatever it is they are always trying to get money for.
Just a short list of Mike’s “laundry list”…..
1) 12 people graduating…they will tell you about their “wins” & loss of all their $$$
2) Sunday School for kids……Keep your kids as far away as possible
3) Ultimate Success…….COS wins again……they’ve got ALL your $$$
4) Dance Lessons………..Dance right out the door as fast as you can before you are coerced to donate $$
5) No Need For Auditing… Finally honesty from COS…NO ONE NEEDS AUDITING
I could go on and on but anyone with even half a brain gets the picture.
You Can Have It All!
But, it’s likely you will lose all you have because we’ll bleed you dry of every penny you actually don’t have to begin with!
LOL, Sue! Let me add to that:
“You Can Have It All”…for a while…until we take it.
Yeah, you can have it all for a couple minutes – tops. Then it’s all post Pleasure Island indentured servitude and you SO fools the jackasses.