We have a bit of a backlog, but due to traveling I have been unable to include ALL the funnies that have been sent in over the last couple of weeks. But still, plenty to bring a chuckle here…
2 Years of Nothing
But if you’re “tired of being ill” they will get you well in celebration of two years of stagnation.
No 10X expansion to be seen here…
Graduation with a “bonus”
How to expand your business. WTF?
Successful relationships
Scientology’s forte of course. No broken marriages or destroyed families in scientology…
What happens if people use their event as an opportunity to hand out Aftermath Foundation cards?
Corner of Shame
How can they keep doing this?
New Haven rebels?
Where have you been for the last 15 years — you guys have had an EMPTY “ideal org” building since the earliest days of this boondoggle and NOTHING has ever happened?
Lots of dreams, not much action.
Unprecedented, unparalleled, over-the-top…
…levels of BS.
And the winner is…
The VM with the MOST photo ops for the year.
The clown on the tricycle…
This is the same graph they have been using for years. Just a line on a page with NO specifics. Could well be number of boogers he mined from his nose.
Would you seriously take advice from a clown on a tricycle?
It’s going to take Bart Simpson to finish this off…
The ideal org formerly known as Santa Barbara is a real bitch.
A new movement…
You do know he wrote this decades ago and this “movement” has gone nowhere right?
Pay me $10 and I will tell you…
…how I manage my finances.
I tell other people to give me money.
Another small and failing “no org”
Just remember to bring your wallet
Great quote…
Scientology began its decline right about that time.
Are you deluded or what?
Wonder what all the jokes about scientology mean then?
“totally winning” over the “psych controlled media…” ???
Truth in Advertising
You can have all this stuff they show as long as you have it BEFORE you start on staff…
That’s in the super fine print.
Tom Cummins
Mr. Cool…
He looks more like the drug dealer he used to be than the BMOC whale he is held up to be today…
How about “Why I left the Sea Org”?
How do you qualify to even BE on staff at a Mission. There is Hubbard policy that forbids ex-SO from doing so?
ANYTHING to try to get some people in the door…
Even if its just to watch a football game? The Regges will be there for half time…
Here’s my free seminar
Step 1 — avoid scientology
Step 2 — avoid scientology.
This increases your chances of a lasting relationship immeasurably.
Boy, he REALLY duplicate the material
Learned all about “U-Tube”
Jere (2nd part of comment) In 1996 in the US there was a settlement for those who had gotten HIV from blood products. Every hemophiliac with HIV got $200,000. I had HIV at that time and had symptoms by then but being on the ship I had no knowledge about it.
Well, I have gotten a couple million dollars in clotting factor and HIV meds since I left the ship.
Saved the Chuch a lot of money in the end since I found out a month before I left that they had taken me off of the crew list so as to prevent their insurance premium from going up in 1989 when I had the ulcer. This explains why I never got a Chief Engineers license on the ship when several of my juniors did.
I worked the last 13 years on the ship and I was not even on the crew list. I should check with Social Security, if they told them I did not exist then they broke some laws.
I do not expect to ever get a windfall but if I ever did I would give a large amount to Mike to help his actions.
My “windfall” was getting HIV and getting FBed out of the SO.
Had I stayed another year I would have been dead anyway, probably a suicide, even without HIV.
I just had a few more realizations about this cycle: The failure of ship personnel to get medical treatment for myself endangered the lives of other staff on the ship, namely my 2 wives. I never used condoms prior to finding out I was HIV+ as my wives used other means of birth control. My first wife Sharron Webber has been the COFSSO since 1995. I heard that she tested negative for HIV within days of my testing positive. This was clearly correct as otherwise she would have been dead by now. Since I worked in the Engine Room, I had some injuries which caused bleeding. There was usually no one else around and the only way it could be contagious is if my blood got in another persons cut or break in the skin. I have a blood test ordered by Dr Denk in my posession which was done a few months after I left the ship. It shows my viral load (the quantity of virus in the blood) to be higher than the test could measure. It also shows my T-cell count ( the blood cells that HIV kill which destroys the immune system) to be undetectable. Any count below 200 is considered to be AIDS; mine was zero. As it takes an average of 10 years of untreated HIV for the test levels to get this bad, this confirms that I had HIV for the last 13 years I was on the ship. I was sent off the ship within 24 hours of them finding out that I had tested positive.
However the cowards did not tell me that I had tested positive or to take precautions against spreading the virus that people are told to do when they are found to be positive for HIV. The Captain did not want me to tell my wife as she likely would have insisted on going to LA with me. Even then it is probable that they planned to keep her on the ship until I was dead. As I had all the symptoms of full-blown AIDS the doctor would have known that the HIV was advanced. I was told several days later by Dr Denk that I had tested positive. Since he had done no testing himself, it was clear that he was told that I had tested positive by persons on the ship. In the US, one has to sign a form consenting to the HIV test and any person testing positive is to get counseled on what that means and what to do next. But, as we were not in the US they were not leagally required to inform me. Since they had not told me that I had been tested for HIV in the first place I did not know to ask for the result of the test.
In order to be legal to work on the ship crew have to have physical exams every year or 2. My physicals were done by the ship’s doctor and I always passed. However, there was not much to them and there was no blood work.
Later when my wife started working on ships again, she told me that she got another HIV test as part of the physical exam. And she never told her employers that I had HIV. Therefore, it is probable that the physicals I received on the Freewinds did not meet legal requirements. There is more but this comment is getting overly long already.
Thank you for your comment.
To address your points in a logical sequence: 1. I started receiving proper medical treatment in Feb 2003. I was close to death at that time and certainly would have been dead in a few months had I not gotten treatment then.
2. The blood bags I received (I had one on each side of the bed in the hospital going in both arms) had tags on them saying they were tested for HIV in the United States. I do not believe my HIV came from the actual blood. However, as I am a hemophiliac,( which is why I lost so much blood in the 1st place); I was also getting the clotting factor that my body does not make. This clotting factor was made in the Netherlands using donated blood. As the tests for HIV only measures antibodies to HIV and not the virus itself; there was a loophole in the testing as it can take 6 weeks or more after getting HIV before one would test positive from the test. Not only that, but the dumb asses mixed the donated blood with a thousand other donations before seperating out the clotting factor. This is why 85% of the hemophiliacs in the world died in the 80’s. My Hemophilia doctor’s patients now are mostly little kids because most of the adults are dead. Of course the doctors knew all this by 1989 and they also knew that HIV could be killed by heat treating the clotting factor. However, this cost a lot of money and I read much later that many people got HIV simply because the companies making the factor decided to save money and not heat-treat it. (I will split this reply into 2 parts so as not to risk losing it.
The great News at Aukland’s second anniversary celebration? That there’s STILL more that you have to make big donations for, and the registrars are right THERE blocking the exits.
More data I got from a just out ex SO who is now also ex Scn:
At LA Org about a year or year or two ago, some big anonymous whale donated several OT pkgs to LA Org (or it might have been Valley Org) for use by upstat staff so that they could get their OT Levels for free. This is probably how my daughter got onto OT VII. She was at LA Org and getting auditing via the Universe Corps promise if you’re St Hill size etc. Only I think instead of bringing in the UC they just audited staff and sent them to AOLA for OT stuff. So once they got the staff member as high as OT Levels, then the big whale’s anonymous donation bought the upstat staff their OT Levels including getting onto OT VII. This tells me two things: 1. The anonymous whale was doing lower conditions and bought his/her way out of them. And 2. They don’t have public paying pcs to audit, hence auditing their own staff just to keep the auditors busy.
Is that “block party” truly open to the public, or can the “church” remove people for “trespassing” due to a hoarding permit or such? It seems that the sidewalk and part of a street is blocked off. I’d love to be able to help handing out Foundation cards.
Hahaha. “Nothing is wrong with you – but something is!” What???
Pretty colors in the lie-a-thon this Thursday. I particularly like the red tricycle though. Hubbard did ask once, “how red is a red bicycle?” in a lecture – well, there you have it!
Sadly no Chan the Noddle man again – he must be busy catching new fish to fry hey?
I predict the whole evolution to get Sea Org members into a uniform (The Uniform Project was a mission fired to suit everyone up) will be found to be OFF POLICY and NOT WRITTEN BY LRH HIMSELF so it will be cancelled and everyone will just wear regular clothes.
Except for the actual Ministers. They will be wearing minister-y looking collar thingys.
I’ll be at that downtown block party, Aftermath cards in hand! Won’t be the first time I’ve slipped a card into a SO / Staff member’s hand.
Hey Ron Sharpe and Barbara Russel, nothing says ‘Broadway legend’ like a gig in the New Haven $cieno Mission. Whats-a-matter, was the VFW booked for a Bar Mitzvah?
These people are so full of shit. I was never in scamology but have worked indirectly in scamology. I am probably way low on the tone scale for calling out bullshit. They seem to live in a fabricated world of making shit up. The good part is they seem to be having a difficult time finding fellow scamology people to exist in their fake world.
Ann Davis asked the question: “Does Miscavige pop in to share how he keeps his marriage working?”
Is it possible that The Scam is actually some kind of brilliant cover-up for a mission designed to bring back slavery?
Slavery is the all time perfect way to manage relationships. The master can do whatever he wants to his slave because he owns her. Miscavige took his wife and locked her up forever. Never to be seen or heard from again.
I wonder if LRH was actually some high level operative for the KKK and maybe the KKK has been behind The Scam all along?
Well, please forgive me for trying to bring a little humor here after a very depressing episode. Sad and creepy indeed. Still, stranger things have happened. Hmmm … maybe that explains why there are no black people in The Scam?
Great epsiode about Clearwater but it pissed me off. The cult has been doing the same thing for decades (Fair Game, PI’s, Harrassment, Entering gated communities and threatening people, etc) and NOTHING has changed, I know they don’t change their policies but as far as any authority wanting a deeper look – nothing has chagned. From the 60’s to 2019 they are doing the same stuff and getting with almost all of it. I just don’t see any agency stepping up to do anything to change. PLEASE convinve me otherwise – I need it.
I understand how you feel and I feel the same way. But when you say nothing has changed I would like to ask you if you don’t agree there has been one GREAT BIG change.
That is the TV show that Lea & Mike have created. That has raised awareness of The Scam and that is a huge change. It means a kick in the pants (the revenue of The Scam) is under attack. New members are becoming harder to recruit and Lea & Mike & you & I are watching how they recruit. Every time they think of a new way to recruit, I trust L&M will find a way to demolish that.
For we enemies of The Scam this is a thrilling time. Things are on the downswing for This Scam and I hope and pray (because there really is a God) the end is coming.
It may have taken a very long time if not for L & M. But now it won’t take so long. That is a major tipping point in the struggle.
Bravo Leah & Mike.
I knew Laura Malm when she was the EO at Westwood Mission. She was very nice, but a little shy. We shared a keen interest in classical music. She always had the local classical music station playing on the radio. Her entire family were Scios. Her mom, Sally, and her sister Nancy both were WW staff. She had 2 brothers, Evan and Eric. They were all pretty cool people. Evan played bass guitar in our WW Mission house band called Power Trend. I wonder if they’ve all remained in good standing. If so, they are a testament to smart people falling for stupid ideas.
Chris, Eric died of a heart attack at age 49 while hunting BTs on audited NUTS. Leaving a wife and two kids destitute.
Happy Ron Is Dead Day.
I wish I’d walked out that day…..
But I’m glad to have woken up and to be peeling the layers off.
I’m glad he’s dead and glad he had a miserable end. He deserved even less.
Oh happy day!
I’m holding on to NONE of it.
Bravo Mike and Leah. This show just keeps getting better. Every episode seems more powerful than the last. You know that you are hitting home when Leah almost drops an F-bomb on air.
How could anyone who works for the FBI or Justice Department fail to be moved by this most recent episode about Clearwater? I just cannot believe any of them could fail to be moved. I cannot believe that if there was something the individual employees could do, they would definitely be doing it. No one could ever resist the power of that episode. There is a reason why The Scam seems to skip along through life and almost never have to answer for their crimes. I sure would like to know what that was.
You stole my words Skyler , even though you said it better than I could have!
Powerful is the key word for this last episode.
As usual the editing is great .
I heard of somebody who is out after watching the show . I thought a piece of good news would be cool for everyone.
Marie, Did you hear Bob Pace finished OT VII? Yes. It happened. After about 30 years of him saying he was close to finishing.
After 30 years of auditing on OT VII, Bob Pace probably ran out of money and THAT is why the church finally allowed him to attest to completion of OT VII; their cash cow was depleted.
Isn’t it fear and money??
I remember being asked to these types of events, or to help put one on back in the 70.s I was in my 20’s and knew absolutely nothing about, for example, relationships, yet I would be asked to give a talk on that. I would say, SURE! I saw sure because I was assuming I knew everything about everything because HE said I did. After all, I’ve been around thousands of lifetimes, and I can do ANYTHING. Nice euphoria but false data. Try building a real bridge without going to school to be an engineer for example. How many bridges have I built in a past life? Thousands!!!! Yeah. That’s it! Thousands. I can do it. If I say it then it’s true! That’s oatee. However…When I left the church I realized how little I actually knew about the real world. In the bubble it’s a false universe full of enforced “uptone” people who don’t learn how to do things but instead they just assume they know then they “talk” about it…like it’s true without having to demonstrate proficiency in the subject. If I can dream it, talk about it, give advice on it…then it’s true. LOL Not!
And I thought it was scary thinking about my physics-impared roommate being an architect. Now I realize I should also worry about past-life engineers! At least I’m not likely to enter a building built by one now that I know about them. What if their designs are based on a different level of gravity? Disaster!
Wait, wait, wait. Is that Iron Man poster used with ABC/Disney/Marvel’s permission? Because Iron Man is a copyrighted character. Possibly trademarked. I don’t think Fair Use covers that particular use of it. And Disney has so many lawyers. Can we point them at CoS?
I wondered about the “Great Gatsby” one as well!
At least they honored the “Super Bowl” copyright. calling it the “Big Game”. The NFL also tried to copyright “Big Game”, but failed partly because Stanford and another college had a meet-up called The Big Game, which started way before the AFL and NFL merger or the first inter-league championship game.
OMG – these are hysterical. I am a marketing expert.
Now – Let’s do some TRUTH in Advertising to help the Wog World understand What Is Scientology
Brochures will be created and billboards will go up around ALL Ideal Org’s.
Here we go!
List every Scientologist who donated $100,000 plus to Ideal Org’s and then filed bankruptcy.
Send the list to the creditors and the IRS, Attorney General, Mayor of your City, Governor of your State Congressmen and Senators of your State, copy Florida and California.
List the names of every Scientologist (especially the OT’s) who filed bankruptcy and lost home to foreclosure.
Many of them hide this fact because it is OUT PR.
The records are public – very easy to obtain!
A photo of Jefferson Hawkins, Claire Headley, Marc Headley, Tom DeVocht, Amy Scobee, Matt Pesch and all of the other Sea Org Staff that were mistreated by David Miscavige and had the guts to tell the World –
CURIOUS Why We Blew the Sea Org?
I was beaten, abused, neglected, exploited, trapped, forced to marry, forced to abort my baby/ babies, financially ruined, they kept my passport, treated like slaves, worked for free so Tom Cruise could have burled walnut panels for his SUV and run in a field with Nicole Kidman that I created, worked 18 hour days 7 days a week, 364 days a year for no pay and no Bridge services for 25 years.
Feeling Something Is Wrong with You?
Come into Scientology and we will exploit that for our financial gain!
List of all Scientologists that filed bankruptcy and lost homes to foreclosure.
Trapped in a bad relationship?
Come into Scientology where we will destroy all of your relationships!
List all divorces of staff and public of local Orgs.
List of all families shattered by Scientology via Disconnection Policy.
Photos of Mary K and all of the others who lost their kids.
The Marketing must IMPINGE on the normal human emotions of people to stay far away from Scientology.
This may help
(Hey. Can’t help myself.)
Trevanon thanks for the link!!!
It would be interesting to find out exactly how many people actually come to any of these events. Seems like more tax free money down the drain for maybe a handful of people.
News Flash: I talked to a very recently escaped ex SO and ex Scn and learned this: Now staff are being told to get loans to pay cash for their auditing. It used to be staff could get auditing for free or to coaudit for free and it would just be added to their Freeloader Debt. But I guess Mike’s blog has blown the lid off that, that the Freeloader Debts are not legal and they can’t enforce it. But it breaks my heart to think someone making $25 to $50 OR LESS per week, working 100 hrs a week, has to take out loans to pay for something that was always held out as the carrot for staff members: free auditing. How low can they go? Oh and some of the staff put regular street clothing on when waiting in the pc areas, so as to make the org look full and bustling. It is bustling with SO staff in and out of uniform and NOT with paying public pcs. Just more smoke and mirrors.
No matter how you slice and dice it, this is the church of deceit and lies.
I’m guessing that the orgs are desperate for GI, and want staff to pay cash now, rather than running up imaginary “debt” that might or might not get paid at some point down the line.
And it’s actually just taking a page from one of the scams the seemingly successful missions ran in the 1970s to boost GI, getting members and sometimes even staff to take out often fraudulent loans, eventually from credit unions that some of the missions themselves set up.
It’s very interesting to hear that they are so desperate as to resort to subterfuges like dressing staff in street clothes to make it appear as if the org has more public. Thanks for the reports from recent “blown” people.
The orgs have been desperate like that for well over a decade. I recall back in the early aughts being surprised at seeing Sea Org members dressed in suits and cocktail dresses for Int Events. What happened to the uniforms, I wondered. That was around the time the orgs were getting really nervous about the attendance at these things. That was when the confirming/reconfirming/re-re-re-reconfirming started, when they started calling you 10 times a day. That was when I solved the problem by getting another cell phone and number and leaving my old number ONLY for Scientology personnel. Date coincident with when Sea Org showed up at events dressed in street clothes. Back then I figured it was a ploy to prevent us public from avoiding them and whatever they were selling…because they were ALWAYS selling SOMETHING. The uniforms made them easy to duck. I’d spot one of them coming my way and nip into the bathroom. But of course, its now obvious that they were dressed as public to give the illusion of well attended events.
Also, I doubt SO members can get loans unless they have collateral of some kind. But if that were the case the church would have them liquidate their collateral and give that money to them.
Class V Org or Msn Staff I can see that happening cuz they usually have a real job in addition to being staff.
Part of the “good old days” mission loan fraud, was that reges and others helped to fake applications showing applicants had collateral like cars that they actually didn’t, and had other tricks for getting the applications through – until some missions finally set up their own credit unions, and then had complete control of the process.
It seems more likely that it’s staff and not SO getting loans, but given the tricks that Scientology still has to get people unusual amounts of credit, they could be back to the worst of their old tricks and getting loans for people like SO with no assets.
people making $25-$50 per week can’t get a loan unless they lie on their loan application which is a crime.
MK, it may be a “wog” crime – but Scientology doesn’t seem to care. In the past, Scientology missions helped people submit false loan applications, lying about things like income, assets and collateral, until that turned into a scandal and a legal “flap” (see references below). But according to consistent reports including very recently, Scientology staff continue to push the envelope on helping members get credit and loans, including taking personal information and applying on members’ behalf, and then sometimes even tapping into the funds without permission – which you’d think would be a crime, but apparently they get away with.
Scientology unit raided in fraud probe
Thursday, 14 June 1979
Riverside Mission is Searched for Evidence of False Loan Scheme
More cases, including references to lying on loan applications:
Scientology Financial Fraud
Time to rename this to: Thursday Oxymorons.
Wynski! I was thinking oxymorons everywhere today.
Yes oxymoron is good, or every Thursday, another step backwards openly displayed for all to see by a tax exempt cult.
Thursday Morons is closer to the mark.
Dear All….Mike….you and Leah truly Overwhelm me every week as I watch the show. The Clearwater show was so Creepy and so Sad. (2 words that shouldn’t be in the same sentence.
I have been over there twice to walk around. And it is EXACTLY like that everyday. NO One on the streets….except Sea Org. They stare at you….makes the hair raise on the back of the neck. Scientology has destroyed downtown. I crossed the street because I didn’t have the stones to walk by a large group of Sea Org. So did the man in front of me. Believe it or not….as I walked around FLAG…..deserted, deserted, deserted….I had a Shore Story ready if anyone stopped me. CREEPIER than Universal’s Halloween ?Horror Nights. They should just hold it in Clearwater. I should’ve had my middle finger up the entire time….but thought that was to obvious.
I Just wanted everyone to know……everyday in Clearwater it is EXACTLY like AfterMath showed.
Again…..you are an inspiration.
Keep Going my Friend.
If you do see people inside, most are SO both in and out of uniform to try to make the place look busy. I got that from newly out Bree Mood who just escaped only a couple of months ago.
Successful Relationship Seminar! Does Miscavige pop in to share how he keeps his marriage working? Yes, aspire to be isolated and guarded? Or at the least to have disconnection ruin your life. Don’t they realize what a joke that is? Their leader’s relationship should be held up as the role model for scientology.
The three rules of a successful Idle relationship cult style:
For public cult members there is one additional step which is the Eee Pee ……….
Donate …… and get a free one minute ‘get out of jail free card’.
Rule number 4, repeat rules 1-2-3.
And for those who still think that it was all rainbows and unicorns back in the good ol’ days before Miscavige, look no further than the shining example of successful relationships than the Founder hisself. Look what happened to Mary Sue and the children, not to mention the previous wives and children the old grifter would not even acknowledge existed.
Exactly Ms. B!
My first thought is that the “Successful Relationships” seminar probably involves “SP tech” – yes, winnowing your relationships down to a small number of people who think like you do, including disconnecting from those pesky family members, might appear to make things smoother.
HAPI Edinburgh was sounding like they might really have a major announcement several months ago – they did almost secure a building a couple of years ago – but it appears that they’re back to the same endless fundraising.
And, yes, the delusion – and ignorance – is astounding, when scientologists run across old ideas that Hubbard plagiarized for use in his “work,” and assume that they are seeing the effects of their “Source” on the world.
The “you can have it all” campaign, which reportedly is foundering, is juxtaposed by the reality that they had to resort to bending policy to sign up an elderly ex-SO worker.
Seeing the Hubbard quotes, I’m reminded of something a wise old former mission holder said, that if you stand by a busy road and gesture in the direction that traffic is going while shouting “go this way,” you can seem like a master of the universe. Hubbard happened to be in the right place at the right time to ride the wave of baby boomer youth to the crest, at a point when anyone who hung out a shingle attractive to “seekers” was likely to be swamped by interest, and apparently assumed he had caused it all himself. But when the flood of young “raw meat” to feed the churn in his orgs started to come to an end in the 1970s, he hardly knew what to do, leading to the infamous fallout that we see the results of to this day.
“You can have it all” was a typo. Should read “you can have it small.”
I have recently read some forums where there has been a whole lot of quarrels and mean-spirited finger pointing. I was prompted to compose the following blog entry.
I sometimes think about what is required to help people come to a point in their lives where they are ready to consider changing their minds about some major life choices.
I remember one man who started out as a member of the American Nazi Party. Somewhere along the line he became disenchanted with the tenets they preached and he found a different path. I can’t remember if he became a priest or a minister or an advocate for some form of a peaceful life. The point is that he helped a great many people who had subscribed to the policies advocated by the Nazi Party to leave that party and find a new attitude and a new way of life.
The interesting thing is the way in which he helped these people. It was a form of kindness. He would befriend these people and discuss their lives. They would talk about the kind of lives people lived in the Nazi Party and the kind of lives they lived outside of that party. Then, they would talk about his life and how it was living in the Nazi Party and how it was once he left the party.
At first the people who were members in the party were very skeptical but as time wore on and this man steadily treated them with respect and kindness, they began to reconsider. It may have taken many months or even years. But many people who decide to join a group that preaches hate and destruction often come to a point where they reconsider their path in life.
When that happens, many of these people reflect on the way in which they’ve been treated and who had treated them in that way.
He saw a great many people decide to renounce their membership in the Nazi Party and choose a different path instead.
I know that we all can’t be responsible for befriending everyone involved in groups that promulgate hate and violence. But even if only a small number decide to try that path, it seems to help a great many people come to a decision some time down the road.
I wish all the best to you and yours. We should all be so lucky to meet someone like that.
Anyone with the patience and fortitude to stay in gentle, continual and understanding communication with American Nazis with the purpose of persuading them to leave this organization is a candidate for sainthood. Seriously.. That he could stand even a minute’s conversation with such people without throwing up is miraculous.
One of my favorite interviews I’ve ever seen/listened to was by Joe Rogan with Megan Phelps-Roper, who was born into and grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church. It was someone on Twitter (yes, Twitter!!) who interacted with her kindly…someone who eventually showed up in person to a few protests WBC had and asked honest questions and listened to her responses. No yelling, no name calling…it took her several years but those seeds that were planted by someone treating her with respect, led her to realize that “outsiders” could treat her better than her own family when she made a mistake. She did a Ted-Talk as well, but the interview with Joe Rogan for his podcast was like 2.5 hours and worth every second.
I also watched, riveted to that interview. It was amazing and that woman was able to change her thought process to become a more caring and compassionate individual. I highly recommend it to anyone interested.
LRH in the stream media? Hello…this is delusional.
You should read books from Aristotle, Wisdom Texts from Egypt, or even Will Durant Story of Philosophy and you can easily see where LRH took the many, many concepts and words he eventually wrote claiming to be his own, unique discovery.
This idea of the greatest good for the greatest etc., are words that Aristotle wrote 323 BC.
So, no baby, LRH is not in the stream media because you are auditing on OT VII. And you are nowhere if you stay in that cult…
The remaining members seem to be those ignorant of everything that came before Hubbard, and thus buy the propaganda line that he is “source.”
I happened to have had some familiarity with subjects like hypnosis and Aleister Crowley’s Thelema that were also important sources for Hubbard, before encountering Scientology, though those aren’t things I would necessarily expect people to be familiar with. I was interested in Hubbard’s “work” because it seemed like he might have some interesting takes on earlier material, but I think now that mostly what made the experience of Dianetics and Scientology what it was at the time, was just that it happened to be an environment that attracted a lot of thoughtful and idealistic people, including auditors who would have done well (or better) at other modalities of talk therapy.
Peacemaker I 100% agree with you. I studied metaphysics for years, and when I read Dianetics it was disappointing. Not if the same calibre as many other teachings. But that’s how it got some idealistic souls and maybe could’ve gotten me. EXCEPT that I don’t believe positive results can ever come from the ugliness of Hubbard’s policies, like fair gaming and disconnection. This should be unacceptable to such people.
Ann – I wasn’t aware that you studied metaphysics for years. I think most people like myself had little or no background in science, religion or philosophy when they entered Scn. Experimentation with psychedelics might have given some people a “different perspective” – haha
As Timothy Leary said, “Turn on, tune in, drop out”
Were you aware of the dark side of Scn when you read Dianetics? I never believed all the claims made in DMSMH. Metered Dianetic auditing which addressed attitudes, emotions, sensations and pains made sense.
Richard, I was completely unaware of the dark side of scientology when I read Dianetics. I was 18 and had just moved to Ft. Lauderdale and on a trip to the local Publix Grocery store. There was a guy that gave me a free copy as I was leaving. I was reading any books I could on metaphysics which at that time was limited. Like I read all my local library had and then had to start buying more interesting ones. When my friends asked what I thought about Dianetics my words were it’s interesting, but it’s mental practices as opposed to spiritual ones. This isn’t an actual religion. At that time I had no preconceived notions at all. But I was drawn in other directions. I wanted to be purely good and wise. Lol ☺Plus I really appreciate wicca. And Budhism. I like to take the best parts of philosophies to live the happiest life. That’s one reason I hate that scientology steaks people’s faith. When Leah said she didn’t know what were her thoughts and what thoughts were just learned from scientology, that’s devastating to have your beliefs stolen and controlled.
Ann – Thanks for the reply. It shows the various quests people take if you want to call it that. When I got into Scn at twenty six years old spirituality wasn’t a hot topic for me. I was rather bored with everyday wog life and was looking for something interesting to study and engage upon. Scn kept me engaged for six or seven years.
I took Elron’s word for it that Scn was applying Western science to Eastern philosophy. From my point of view at the time Scn was self improvement and a form of psychology on the lower levels. “This lifetime” was spoken as casually in Scn organizations as “being saved” might be in Christian organizations but the REALLY big mysteries were hidden away on the mysterious OT levels which I didn’t do.
Whenever Buddhism is mentioned I like to mention my favorite reference book on Buddhism which is “Buddhism – A Way of Life and Thought” by Nancy Wilson Ross. It’s easy reading and has numerous interesting and humorous anecdotes from Buddhist lore. It also has a full glossary and index and is available in paperback reprint for ten dollars. I resonate with Nondualism which is sort of a subset of Zen Buddhism and like yourself I enjoy investigating different philosophies. I don’t know anything about wicca but I’ll look for a reference.
Regarding “Source” – Source is clever rhetoric. At a glance it can be taken as Hubbard is the source or originator of Scn. Over time some scientologists come to regard Source as Prophet although they don’t recognize it or acknowledge it as such.
Even before Dianetics Hubbard studied Belles-lettres on rhetoric and became a master at rhetoric as the art of persuasion and in his case manipulation. From what I gather current scientologists are required to read the LRH library before they get very far along on so they would be well into the suspension of disbelief.
I don’t get it. I don’t understand how they can buy into this ‘expansion’ propaganda. Can/do they Not see their world rapidly shrinking around them? (strictly rhetorical!)
Scientologists seem prone to believing that everything is “booming” somewhere – or everywhere – else.
It’s typical phenomenon in high control groups or cults, that everyone believes that everyone else is experiencing the extraordinary or miraculous things, that they are not. Scientology policy of not discussing one’s “case” is a mechanism that effectively prevents people from figuring this out, and the CofS seems out to have managed to get it to work on an organization-wide basis.
A number of former members have indeed reported that what finally shook their faith, was traveling to other orgs and finding out that supposed “expansion” was not actually happening anywhere else as they had believed, and that in fact all the orgs were small and shrinking.
It’s an aspect of the phenomenon of pluralistic ignorance:
Marne, this surprises you? Why? People everywhere believe the most outrageous stuff, with nary a shred of proof pr evidence. People believe in a snake that talked to a man and a woman in a garden, in an ark that held 1 male and 1 female of every species of living creature in the world, and in the ability of a man to live in a whale’s stomach for 3 days and come out whole. To continue, people believe that a virgin who never had sex with a man gave birth to a baby boy, that this boy when he grew uo walked on water, and that a man named Moses parted the Red Sea. This is all just off the top of my head. People to this day believe in all kinds of magic and woo that has nothing to do with what their eyes can see or their ears can hear, and this has been going on for thousands of years. Furthermore, if you question it or sound sceptical of it in any way they’re very likely to become very upset and angry with you and possibly avoid you altogether. Many, many people love their woo, NEED their woo, and defend it passionately and they don’t need no “evidence” to do so, thank you very much 🙂
Yes! This!
Aquamarine – I repeat – ‘strictly rhetorical!”
Confirmation bias.
A Scientology party theme based on a book about how a bunch of shallow, venal people flash a lot of cash, refuse to properly communicate with each other, suffer from the deep ennui of their insubstantial lives, and at the end of the book are all dead or severely disillusioned. Sounds appropriate.
Wow, a BLOCK PARTY in Clear Water Feb 9th….Can someone PLEASE attend UTR…maybe a “disguise” & poke around a bit?
THIS will be the ONLY time you will get to see OTHER people in the streets near Flag. I wonder if they’d allow you as “such an innocent person”….take photographs?
I just wonder if the POLICE DEPARTMENT will be in attendance?
Of course, you’d HAVE to be someone not easily recognized. Do NOT drive your car down there, maybe take a bus or walk. A fake beard, mustache, wig, sunglasses…a fake accent while speaking. A woman could wear a wig, a lot of different make up, etc…..
I wonder how long it would take before they offer you the “free personality test”….I WISH I had the funds & health or I would do this MYSELF, I AM game for it….
Balletlady – We relocated to Clearwater because we thought our tiny, shrinking Org was not using the tech. We found out neither is Flag or Tampa Org. Clearwater is a ghost town. Tampa Org is dead too. It sucks to be in Scientology today. MAA’s and Registrars have hit a whole new level of low. We will poke around.
We are watching Scientology; the Aftermath. Mind.Blown!
Thank you Mike and Leah.
I’m curious how you know about Tampa Org and what you heard?
P. T. S., very interesting account of the reality of Scientology in the Clearwater area from a member’s – and, I take it, now, ex-member’s – perspective. Thanks for that report.
I get the impression that there are fewer than a thousand public members in Clearwater, precisely because many of those who move there end up disappointed that the “tech” is not as hoped and promised (yet again), and disaffected by the hothouse atmosphere of regging and snitching, and drop out or move on. Is that about right, and is there anything more you can tell us?
Tampa seemed to be a relatively big org with a substantial staff, and doing some business if only because they operate as sort of a satellite of Flag, even serving some of the foreigners who come. Can you tell us what their staff side really is, and how many public they are really serving?
I would go to CW and do that but I would probably be recognized as I worked there for 7 years. Unless of course, which is entirely possible that all of the people I worked with are dead by now.
Now this guarantees the eventual end of the cult; the fact that loyal die-hard members like myself will die due to the indifference of the cult and those who can think for themselves will either not join in the first place or blow.
Now I did not leave of my own free will (though I wanted to) I was nearly dead from AIDS which I got from a blood transfusion in their home port which they supervised and paid for. After 13 years of no treatment they cancelled my billion year contract and sent me off to die. I was lucky in that they were afraid of AIDS and did not wait for me to die before sending me off.
Wow Bill that’s just heartbreaking to hear you were treated SO poorly after giving so much to them. I’m very sorry and thankful you’ve defied expectations & share your wit and experiences!
Jenyfurrr: Thank you for your comment. Yes, I imagine that some in the cult are sorry now that they did not hold on to me until I was dead. Just “Google” my name and either AIDS Scientology HIV or Freewinds and you will see the videos I made with Karen de la Carriere and the articles I wrote for Scncult.com. In my not so humble opinion, they are too covert. If they wanted to kill someone; they should have continued until they were dead.
Actually, they continued their actions long enough. It is a concatination of miracles that I am still alive.
That is why I am “Dead Men tell No Tales”.
If you do not see a comment on this blog for a few weeks, you will know that I am finally dead.
I wish we could include graphics in our comments. I would make one that shows a big bottle of Ex-Lax with the title “This is a New Movement Upon the Face of Earth.”
Also, Ron Sharpe and Barbra Russell — Broadway “legends?” Carol Channing just spoke to me from the grave and shouted, “B.S.!!!”
What is the matter with their mouths in that photo? Made me think of vampires.
The photo is overexposed making their faces look flat and pale and over-emphasizing their mouths. Also heavy makeup on both, I think.
These two are “Legends” on Broadway? Where? Making sandwiches at the Carnegie Deli?
Thanks for the laugh, cult!
Maybe “Lee’s Actual Graph” is showing greenhouse gas emissions. Or possibly mass shootings. Those both seem to have gone up since he started applying the Tech.
Either that or Scientology just doesn’t know how graphs work.
The FB message and response – too much. Oh Geez. The part that cracked me up is “the basic principle of nature is survive.” No one other than LRH could have said that!!! It’s such a mind-bender! I mean they really are getting scientology out there!
Hey Mary!! This was astonishing to me as well. I am so sick of people thinking that LRH was the total source on EVERYTHING. One just needs to look in the acknowledgements in the beginning of an original/old edition of 8-8008 to see LRH recognize in print many brilliant artists, theologians, politicians and great thinkers through the ages for ideas, viewpoints and opinions that he adapted, including Jesus, Buddha, Plato, Rene Descartes, Thomas Jefferson, Mohammed, Socrates and The Vedic Hymns to name a few.
The one thing the present day Scientologists do seem to forget is that LRH said if you need money in, people in – do more Scientology, use Scientology – not games, giveaways and other practices. I thought it was very interesting that Betsy Phillips is noted as a “Relationship Expert.” What does that mean? Is she a certified Life Coach? A Psychologist? A Marriage Counselor? A Family Therapist? I didn’t see any Scientology courses that relate to the subject of relationships listed that she had completed.
In this batch of pitches, come-ons and traps, more and more other practices are being used rather than any Scientology tech – which in my day of long ago, this was not only not OK, but also proved to be extremely unworkable.
Scientologists are responsible wholly for the demise of this cult. I wish they’d step it up a bit.
LRH is the source of BTs and Clusters.
Scribe seems fond of dropping his daft and wrong opinions here in little one-liners. Still, some fools might believe him, he hopes.
Who are you talking to?
I guess you’re addressing the general audience. If so, enlighten the people on this blog by answering the following: Who else but L. Ron Hubbard dreamed up BTs and clusters? Take your time.
FOOLproof: Better that people listen to and believe someone like Scribe than allow that malignant narcissist’s paranoid scribblings to get any traction in their lives. I have seen NO one whose life actually improved from scientology, only those who had delusions of improvement that had no observable basis in fact. I count myself among them; I *thought* I had improved, but only after I disconnected from scientology’s suppression, couldI see how much better all areas of my life likely would have been without scientology’s interference. My happiness and success zoomed FAR more than 47X by every measure. It was as if I’d had a large rock removed from on top of me, allowing me to move about and DO things for the first time in years. In scientologese, I had been PTS, TO scientology, itself. This was long before Dwarfenführer assumed supreme power. I’d met him as an OEC intern and was less than impressed by his ability to study OR think. He’d just blown from High school and (given any chance to do so) nattered endlessly about what I knew to be a top-notch school Since, I’ve mused about the number of and types of O/Ws he had on the subject, some of which are evident from his public pronouncements. Guy shows little evidence he studied ANYthing in that school system. Judging from some of his nattering, he likely looked for and joined up with the few druggies in the school district and “contributed to the motion”, so to speak. Looking at his pictures of late, he LOOKS at least a little stoned at times. I suspect scotch isn’t the only drug he favors, tobacco isn’t the only substance he smokes.
I think you are tarring me with a wrong brush. I am an independent Scientologist. As to your beef with Scientology, perhaps, as Hubbard himself somewhere stated, your beef is actually with those who practice what they think or have been led to believe is Scientology. The subject matter is entirely different.
As to people improving themselves with actual Scientology, I am surrounded by them in my life and know scores of others personally who state otherwise than what you state.
The other point on this is after spending 38 years as a Scientologist did it not occur to you that you should get your case handled? Otherwise what is the point of doing Scientology – on a personal 1st Dynamic level. You can hardly blame Hubbard or even Miscavige if not.
“We are winning” ??
Thank you for the laugh out loud moment I had reading this. I needed it. I just watched the show about the battle for Clearwater. I live in St. Pete but I attending a couple of the Friday Blast concerts put on by Eckerd Hall that are in downtown Clearwater. It is creepy. My brush was Scientology was years ago when I took a temp position with a dentist. At the time I had returned to school but had been a dental assistant. I left that profession because of back problems. It was just for a weekend but they called me later and asked to see my x-rays for my back. They wanted to send me to a chiropractor because this dentist really wanted me to continue working for him. I never worked for him again. Just lately though I’ve been receiving phone calls that come up on my phone as coming from Scientology. Are they running some kind of phone campaign, telemarketing?? Or could they be calling to ask me why I’ve made some negative comments on social media?
Scientology is the key to great relationships! You will become closer than ever to our registrars, and be lauded around the org until you run out of money and credit. Then you’ll become closer than ever with our ethics officer!
So true MarcAnon. So true.
Reminds me of the LOVE BOMBING – OMG – they had me thinking they actually cared about me and my family.
Scientology is the key to great relationships if you like abuse, being financially exploited and neglected…
Here at Scientology – we love bomb the shit out of you until you have given us all of your money
and if you complain
Scientologists are trained to say….
You sound like you are nattering – and think to themselves (nattering = overts)
You will hear form Scientolgists –
“I don’t know – I was not there”
“Why did you do that?”
“You out-ethics degraded being ethics particle”
This is the reply you have been waiting for. Your now have three new theories about Original OT VIII. Let me comment on each:
1. Kathy Roberts certainly did not fit the Miscavige stereotype. She was enthusiastic and kind. She asked me to help and I did. I went through the OT VII solo nots list of names and called as many as I could reach. Most were going very slow and expressed frustration. Hubbard and Mayo developed a repetitive technique which had very little connection to the reality of the mind. This has been proven by thousands.
2. I never said anything important about tech data that was slipped under the door on the Freewinds. They slipped a gold embossed invitation for OT VIII. So what?
3. Check your Hubbard sources. Miscavige did not cancel OT VII for any of your reasons. He cancelled it solely on the idea that Hubbard never said you could blow a BT on inspection or by knowingness or by “as is”. You had to run a BT through a comm cycle. Now Miscavige never did OT VII so how did he know. Secondly, Hubbard’s entire cosmology of spirits was based on false assumptions. We all know this because millions and millions of hours of solo nots is a “dead end” as has been proven.
Seriously Foolproof. How can you defend nonsense? For example, Hubbard railed against meditation claiming it was “navel examination”. First of all, Hubbard knew nothing at all about the subject. Secondly, there are far more practicing Yoga than Scientology. Hubbard was a child of Blavatsky and did not even understand her fully but just copied what he wanted. Hubbard stumbled on what he called the “reactive mind” but miscopied Blavatsky when he defined his “engram”. It was all downhill from that point. Hubbard simply would not study or accept valid teaching from anyone else. In the end he was a stupid man falsely claiming that he had answers. Get the point?
George, Thanks for the info. When did Kathy Roberts get declared? I know she was routed out of the SO on a Fitness Board. But you’re right she was uptone and enthusiastic and alive, something most SO members are not. If she is declared I’d like to call her and welcome her to the free world. Do you have any info on this?
No current info but I have my feelers out. She was great!
Alas, Foolproof is not Idiot proof.
Can’t you scribble anything better than that?
You seem tongue tied.
Give it UP, FOOL proof.
George, if I was you I would not proffer any more “information” to me – it is getting embarrassing now. We’ll leave your 12 hours a day of “Solo NOTs” (sic) gig till last, so I will take up your points as you number them, but I will take up a remark as point 0 first:
0. The original OTVIII was dated as a real HCOB in 1969. I presume you mean the April Fool’s “Lucifer” and “spontaneous combustion” version as being what you term as your “original OTVIII”?
1. NOTs, either audited or Solo, is not a “repetitive technique”, it comprises a set of processes used each time for each handling. Repetitive techniques are where the same question is asked until an EP is achieved for the process. I am sure Kathy is a nice person as you say but that has no bearing on anything. As for the “Hubbard and Mayo…” datum, this is just your opinion and is worthless as an argument. For the sake of an argument then, what would be better than what “Hubbard and Mayo” created? And by the way it was Hubbard who created the Solo NOTs techniques as Mayo stated in 1980.
2. I distinctly recall you mentioning somewhere on the Net that the actual “HCOB” was slipped under your cabin door late at night. Can’t find the reference but I haven’t really looked as if your now version is true, then why would that be important for me to recall as such – a simple invitation being slipped under the door would hardly be noteworthy. But you didn’t say that – somewhere or other. But again that is not a big deal either way.
3. You seem to have gotten confused on point 3. Miscavige has never cancelled OTVII (Solo NOTs). As you carry on talking about NOTs techniques I can presume you don’t mean “New OTVIII” but – NOTs. Blowing by inspection is not done on Solo NOTs but under Audited NOTs.There are 2 (main) techniques of Solo NOTs, but blowing by inspection is not part of them. And the vast bulk of Audited NOTs (OT5) is usually done with another technique but again it is not blowing by inspection. And as to how one could blow by “as-is” or “knowingness” what one is dealing with on NOTs shows also your confusion on the subject – you can’t “as-is” what you are handling on NOTs! As to your last 2 sentences in point 3 these are just your opinion and as you seem to be mightily confused about mostly everything else then we can knock that on the head then as well. By the way George, what are the 2 main techniques of Solo NOTs called?
And your last paragraph is just your biased opinion of Hubbard. As to Solo NOTs being a “dead end” there is a specific yet multi-faceted EP of Solo NOTs and I wonder now if you achieved it George, as otherwise you wouldn’t say it is a dead end! Would you?
But the real humdinger is your daily “12 hours” of Solo NOTs, or whatever it was that you were doing. Now there was a little competition at Flag for Solo NOTs solo auditors as to who could get the most hours done in a week and I believe the record was about 25 hours, i.e. about 3.5 hours a day. So, now let me see George – 12 x 7 = 84 hours a week!!! Wow! You must have been really motoring! Over 3 times the usual highest ever! Stellar performance there George! Or did you invent your own Jesuit process and report that?
But saying that the real big humdinger is believing that nonsense about Hubbard being Lucifer and spontaneously combusting if “you get the processes wrong”! Jeez!
I suggest you report to back to Flag or go to an Indie group and get all your confusions sorted out. Or stop pushing your silly little book on the subject and expecting people to believe you!
Actually I have just had an astounding cognition – your silly little booklet was produced on April Fool’s Day! How can I, “Foolproof”, have been so foolish? This explains all! Of course! I will wear a hair shirt and self-flagellate now for the next 20 years! (Giving you a way out here George!)
You took the bait on the solo nots auditing. I fooled you foolproof. Hubbard said “What is true for you is true” or some such nonsense. It was true for me to tell you twelve hours a day. I wanted to see your reaction. I really saw you blow a gasket. That is what I planned. If you check my hours, you will see that they were the highest. I recently threw away all of the commendations I received.
This OT VIII story that you relate is far too technical. I am going to simplify it all for you. As the only true OT VIII on planet earth, I demand control of all of Scientology from Miscavige. That is the only way out. Have a laugh over that one, but its is coming.
Trust me, it is your only way out.
Damn it George you scared him away! I must admit, it’s quite a feat to try to make sense of a thought structure based on fantasy. Would love to see Foolproof on the Aftermath!
Yes, ok George. Glad you took the way out. I can’t be bothered to joust over this crap any longer.
George, refuting FOOLproof point-by-point is frustrating and useless. He won’t respond to the facts you present nor your logic, but squirrel off to some non-sequiturs of his own imagining.
Oh! Really Jere, so you also believe like George that Hubbard was Lucifer and that one will spontaneously combust if one does the April Fool’s version of “OTVIII”. Yes, astounding “logic” there. The only real facts are what I give above as anyone who knows anything of Scientology will realize. George’s rantings about Lucifer are all nonsense as you really know. Anyone sane reading George’s stuff will whistle with disbelief at the crassness of it. Still, there are quite a few here who will (or rather want to) believe it. At least I applaud your bravery in sticking to your guns, despite being faced with supporting the biggest pile of horse dung one could possibly imagine.
Actually if anything I think the dudes at OSA will be laughing their butts off at the antics of George and a few others on here as anyone UTR reading such stuff will promptly decide to stay in the Church and have nothing to do with such lunatics.
Or like Hubtard said, describing OT 3 will make people sick or die? LMAO FOOL. ONLY Fools have not perceived Hubtard’s charade.
But, thanks for being a live demonstration of a “brain on scamology.” You serve a purpose here. To scare the crap out of anyone reading this blog who ever even thinks about joining Hubtard’s cult.
LMAO about Lydia Hopwood’s FB post. It was just a matter of time before a scientologist posted something like: “the squirrels are really making a lot of noise, so we must be winning!”
And clever comment by Liam Ro Clarke. He names both the Aftermath as well as Going Clear. Not sure, but I would think that’s a no no. Wouldn’t surprise me if he’s under the radar.
Lydia Hopwood must not have seen the episode of The Kominsky Method where, Michael Douglas’s character , asks Alan Arkins character about his daughter . Arkin replies ” My daughters a Scientologist . She doesn’t talk to me because I’m a Suppressive Person”. Now that was funny !
How does one get to OTVIII while on staff earning $50 a week? Do your rich relatives pay?
They need to be rich and still connected or dead. I think the cherch prefers the latter as it is less messy and they only have a single target to zero in on.
For a “Newcomer” you are quite knowledgeable. On the Freewinds I watched a guy (Bob Gill) who claimed that LRH sent him to the ship to release OT IX and X. ( He was a PTS TYPE III. He said that LRH wanted renos done on the ship first. I suppose that this explained why he knocked down walls ripped out piping (still under water pressure and stripped rooms down to the bare steel hull.
I made $7.50 a week when I joined the SO in 1979. After I was sent off the ship to die my wife was told by CO CMO Ship Pilar Saldariaga ” Bill will be fine”. What the CO meant was not that my body would still be alive but that, more importantly, I would die well thought of by the Church. Maybe the CO thought that I would have been better off dead. And she would have been right except for one thing: There was no logical reason to let a senior Engine Room Officer die with no replacement, who by their own statement (in a Comm-Ev) saved them millions of dollars when they could have gotten treatment for free which would have saved my life. And I have nothing against the CO. She was one of the very few people to say anything at all about it. The
Capt RA Mike Napier ( who once loudly told me that he was the only Right Arm Captain in the Sea Org and that no-one could tell him what to do) and Chief Off Bill Bragg were stalling me when they were not working to ensure that I would be DEAD before I saw an actual doctor. (And I considered them both good friends of mine). My wife was told by someone from the ship to put me in a hospice to die when I no longer recognized her. Had she followed the order you would need seance to get this comment written. Because, as I confirmed with my doctor later; once in a hospice I would have received no treatment for AIDS. I would have just received pain-killers or whatever for a relatively painless death. The ship’s doctor at the time told me on the phone that they now had good “cocktails” to treat HIV. She no doubt told the Capt and Mr Bragg the same thing. So either the Captain and Mr Bragg were grossly stupid or they intended to cause my death.
I worked with both of them for a 16+ years and I know that they are anything but stupid. So I hate to say it, but my “friends” must have intended for me to die.
Bill, if I hadn’t been in the SO, and at Flag, I couldn’t so easily believe your story. It’s tough to believe that real people can be that callous and unfeeling, knowing as many as I do who couldn’t possibly act that way. I’d also have trouble believing that a blood supply (even on a small third-world Caribbean island) wouldn’t be scanned for dangerous diseases. IIRC, when almost all Flag crew donated blood in about ’77 (the only time I’ve given blood as I’m incurably phobic of needles that big), the donations were at least spot-checked for diseases; we each were questioned about our health, I recall. I could be wrong as that’s now more than 40 years ago, but i’m pretty sure at least one story of a bad blood transfusion causing lethal problems had hit the major media, causing at least the Red Cross (A primary blood supply here in the US) to check their supplies more carefully by popular demand. The doctors I’ve heard of down there all proudly keep up with current developments so they can serve their neighbors and friends best. It’s sad you didn’t benefit from that, almost(as I think about it) as if someone targeted you for some reason. Though I’ve tried to take special note of your posts on the subject, I don’t recall if you’ve gotten effective treatment in the meantime. Hope you have, and hope you get to enjoy a long and happy rest-of-life. IMO, life outside of scientology requires a bit of work, but not as much as ‘inside’ AND the rewards are definitely worth it. At a minimum, if you do get a windfall, you can keep it for your own purposes, not have to “donate” it for some useless, overblown project.
Thank you for your reply to my comment.
Yes, I got effective treatment just in the nick of time.
I gad dementia and no longer recognized my wife and my T-Cell count had reached zero. The test for the quantity of virus showed that there was more virus then the test could measure.
So HIV wise; Of the 25+ million people who have died of AIDS, none of them could have had worse HIV test results than myself. It is not possible to have less than no T-cells and these are the blood cells killed by the virus.
As far as the blood was concerned, I had a bag of blood on each side of the bed going into both arms. The bags had tags on them stating that the blood was tested for HIV in the U.S.
But they were also giving me clotting factor to control the bleeding which was made from whole blood.