The Greatest Money Grab on Earth
Featuring ex-D/CO OSA International now the “African Fundraising Project IC”….
You can bet Hugh Jackman appreciates the shout out.
History of Blacks in Scientology
That presentation will be shorter even than a David Miscavige presentation on compassion
The Doctrine of the Seed Money
Every time I hand over money I make so much more…
Why I joined staff…
Nobody more recent than this child who was raised as a scientologist and joined 15 years ag0?
The Dirty Half Dozen
In two weeks we will see Stevens Creek literally flooded with people… riiight.
These things come and go and NOTHING changes.
Flag is scraping the barrel
A “potluck” dinner at a tiny Mission? That’s a real demonstration of super powers…
Prepare to be disappointed…
The Noor Cultural Center? Sounds a bit strange?
Oh dear…
This is the best they could do for LRH on his birthday?
Not even a Holiday Inn conference room?
Don’t think about joining staff, just do it…
Because if you start thinking about it, you will realize you would have to be insane to sign up.
But you got to hand it to LRH, this quote is such amazing insight.
Why bother?
Why not hold the Flag “world tour” in the Ft Harrison?
The Chan Man is now a WISE Man
And I thought WISE was supposed to be something separate?
Now he is a multimillionaire too…
As always…
We ARE heading to St Hill Size (and have been now for 35 years — but just never getting anywhere) and I look forward to getting onto my OT levels once we get a Universe Corps…
Sad the eternal and misplaced hope scientologists have in the future of their activity when everything in the past is proof positive that these things will NEVER happen.
What happened to Bubbles?
Lyle Roland is now the Chairman (woman?)?
Columbus? Why?
Oh dear, Lyle is going to miss it…
Or maybe she is rushing back? Can you imagine the great news they are going to cover on how the “field” is just rocking along in Clearwater?
Recent research has confirmed this…
Gosh, I thought there WAS something wrong with this universe and that it is just a MEST trap for theta? No?
Would love to see some of this “careful historical research” — like you discovered the Piltdown Man kind of careful research?
A Fairytale Event
That is apt.
Come hear all the news of our accomplishments
Will take no longer than 5 minutes
Portland Ideal Org is rocking
Not a single actual NUMBER — but they are going to double the number of auditors auditing in the next few weeks. So that means there is 1 or 2 currently…. Because they apparently have to recruit someone in order to make the doubling a reality.
Studying THIER Golden Age…
Apart from the typo (isn’t scientology supposed to make the able more able?) — how is it that the largest and most important Ideal Org on earth in the center of the largest population of scientologists on earth is so short of anything to promote that they don’t even have someone who has completed reading a book, but instead are touting someone who is “excited to do it.”
Dear Lauren,
I’m SURE you’ll SOMEDAY be happy to “resign” the contract you happily RE-SIGNED.
The Aftermath Foundation stands at the ready for that day.
Best regards,
Navy Chief Yeoman (retired, but still looking for COS typos)
Flag having a Super Power reg event at a Mission?! Really? Wow.
The young woman – posed in a jacket and shirt several sizes too large, which isn’t a “very good indicator” of conditions for staff – being quoted as saying “I had seen my parents get big gains in it and I saw that there was something special about it,” hits on something I’ve been thinking about lately. It reminds me of the same sort of self-referential, social group confirmation bias that we see from the true believers who drop in sometimes, telling of anecdotes and supposed observations that they find compelling.
But there’s a sort of The Emperor’s New Clothes reality check, than no one outside the bubble can see such things. If scientologists were really experiencing such impressive gains, and they weren’t just an illusion of wishful thinking, then it could be expected that at least people in the world around them would notice it, and want it – not to mention which, like some other religious (and ethnic) groups, scientologists would become known for their accomplishments and success. And that’s actually how Hubbard said it was supposed to work.
But, of course, besides the lack of recognition from even casual outside observers, there’s also not a single study or a shred of empirical evidence to support the claims of the supposed “science” of Dianetics and Scientology*. It strikes me that some of the indies have got to be smart and self-aware enough to be bothered by that, even if the remaining CofS diehards have been winnowed down to a group of people who just don’t think critically – I think when we see such people trying to make fun of scientific research, they’re really expressing their suppressed discomfort about not having such proper external validation for their beliefs.
* It’s also worth noting the works of research published actually disproved Hubbard’s theories – they may be old and not up to modern standards of rigor, but they stand until someone including Scientology itself can produce something more conclusive – plus there are reliable reports that Scientology itself tried to produce scientific research validating its theories and practices through the HDRF in the 1950, and FASE in the 1980s, without success, and buried the failed results.
I agree completely with you on those points. I was just pondering the self aggrandizement and elitism that seems to hold some people in the cult. Hubbard had an overweening need to feel important that resulted in many of his biggest lies about his life. That is a very good indicator that he was exceedingly insecure in himself and had a massive inferiority complex. IMO some individuals may stay because of this elitism. This may actually be to everyone’s benefit because if it starts becoming something causing shame to be a Scientologist, these people will start running as fast as possible. I was struck with one episode of Aftermath (I had to watch them all together to get caught up) where a man was very upset about his name not being included on a plaque. While his story of disconnection was heart breaking, I was taken a bit aback that he still seemed outraged that the church didn’t publically acknowledge the money he donated and raised. He spoke about hundreds of thousands of dollars that he helped raise and/or donated, but he seemed really outraged by being left off a plaque, even to this day – it was a good insight into how the cult keeps people in and giving money. By dangling incentives, they make members feel special and important, which may keep some in.
Happy to be a “woggle”
These young people were born in a bubble and raised in a bubble. By the time they reach their teens and early twenties, in that their parents have touted only the value of Scientology training to them, and have scorned the values of regular education, job training and so forth to them – in that this line of reasoning is all they’ve been hearing from their infancies, not only are their career choices extremely limited – in fact, on a par with the most disadvantaged socio-economic groups in America – but their mindset is also to their extreme disadvantage to having any kind of happy, meaningful, productive life. That the “wog world’ is a lawless, out ethics, senseless place, that the only sanity and happiness in life can be obtained within Scientology, that there’s no better place that they can be than working for nothing on staff or working for nothing in the Sea Org – this mindset alone is their own undoing. These kids are fit for nothing in the real world. This certainly lends strength to the destructive mindset. Really, these kids are so fucked. What else can they do except join staff or the Sea Org? If they’re very lucky there’s a family business they can work in to get by, some ready made job they can utilize as a half-way house while they work on staff and live at home. Or, the family has money and the” kids” – well into their 20s and pushing 30 or even in their 30’s pushing 40 – know they’ll always be taken care of. Or they’re trust fund babies. But for the rest, they’re just fucked, that’s all. Set up to fail from Day One. Ripe fruit for the Sea Org vultures. OF COURSE they yearn to do something “meaningful” Ripe fruit for being a Class V org staff slave. In fairness, ALL young people have some anxiety about career and life decisions. I know, because I work with them in my business. But Scientology kids are unwittingly and with the best of intentions, programmed by their parents, friends and the cult in general to take their place amongst society’s losers. These children get applauded by the cult for making the most destructive decisions about their own lives, and their parents get applauded for helping the kids do themselves in.
The Stupid, it hurts!!!
Your Thursday Funnies snark never fails to amuse me, Mike.
But New Haven’s Ideal M’org event promo has no need of yours, as, unwittingly, the snark is built in to the wording.
“An Ideal Fairy Tale Event”.
How long has New Haven been around, trying to go Ideal?
Twelve years?
A fairy tale event, indeed!
New Haven’s zombie morgue building has been sitting idle for fifteen years, if you can believe it – I had to check to be sure it was really that long. Along the way it’s been nearly foreclosed on for unpaid taxes, and the org itself moved out of an attractive longstanding storefront location to a smaller walk-up space, and then again recently into a creepy wooden building that looks as if it could once have been a funeral home, all hardly surprising for one of the worst-off small and failing orgs (SFOs).
They have got to be at the end of the construction priority list along with Battle Creek (which has been sitting on a derelict old hotel for going on 17 years) and Long Island. Even Miscavige must be asking himself if there’s any sense at all in pouring millions into New Haven when, among other things, there are much larger and more vital metro areas in the region, like Providence-Warwick, RI, that don’t even have a mission.
My guess it that there’s a good chance that their going “ideal” will indeed turn out to be a fairly tale, and that they will never get their languishing building renovated. We see the struggling org in St. Louis now giving up on the property they’d purchased long ago, and I suspect the “ideal” org program may either shift gears to better prospects, or even grind to a halt as Scientology itself shrinks and fails.
Thanks, PM. Interesting data. I appreciate the “hard news”.
Hey what is happening…? There have been two weeks in a row of no new Aftermath… the season over?
Thank you Mary…….that was short. I thought there were more episodes. I sure hope they do another one.
A college student that I know told me that someone approached her on campus this week and invited her to a free movie. When she stopped and talked to them, they said it was on Dianetics. She said she recognized that was another name for Scientology, told them that and said no way! She said he was stunned and just stood there as she walked away. She knew this info because of the show. So thanks for saving another young person and the friend that was with her.
Thanks for that interesting report that Scientology is still trying some recruiting on college campuses.
I would think they would be used to constant rejection – which is probably much of the reason that they’ve virtually given up on that old strategy, not to mention most attempts to “body route” from streets and public locations.
People are much more wary than they once were about that type of pitch, regardless of its source. Aftermath certainly serves an important role to inform people in depth, and possibly even more significantly, to enlighten the remaining members who the CofS relies on deceiving and exploiting for its survival – see for instance the comment by Gee Eee today, “Thanks to Mike and Leah and the show on A&E, I left Scientology for eternity.”
Never underestimate the power of a pretty female to lure a lonely freshman to her lair.
Can we send an email to every acct listed above and just ask “Where is Shelly”?
“You don’t get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion”
L Ron Hubbard
“You don’t get rich working for a living as a handyman. If you want to get rich, you promote a religion–but it has to be one with commissions.”
Chan Man
The FSM “disseminators” are more like vultures, not so much spreaders of Scientology as adepts at picking its carcass clean. As with “expansion,” dissemination seems to have been re-defined so that it no longer has anything to do with real growth and success, and instead is something more like a measure of existing membership’s ability to keep up appearances in the face of decline, more sort of maintenance of a Potemkin Village. From time to time there is discussion of how Hubbard considered “hiding” to be low-toned, and it occurs to me that what Scientology is now virtually celebrating, is their ability to hide what is actually going on.
Sunland is actually one of the zombie missions, that long ago lost its storefront space, and is no longer even on Scientology’s official list of locations – though a couple of the once-active missions that have retreated to the residence of longtime mission holders, probably field auditors with some remaining clients, are still listed. Some members, presumably not the original mission holders, are apparently trying to keep Sunland alive in their homes – but succeeding only in keeping up the appearance that the mission is still alive, if that.
Oh, and I can’t quite make sense of the Portland org’s claim. It would even be typical these days, that they might be down to one auditor and trying to get back up to two, which would give them some reasonable (or rationalizable) basis for claiming that they were about to double their number of auditors. But they’re also claiming their “highest ever number of Auditors auditing,” which can’t really be true given Scientology and the org’s decline, so I’m not sure what they’re counting, unless it’s something like people on OT VII self-auditing – or maybe it’s limited to the recent few years when they’ve been an “ideal” org, and have never had more than a couple of auditors, unlike the old days when the org and mission before it actually did a fair bit of business.
I thought I would share a story with you. Two days after the “The Aftermath” on JW’S aired I had four JW’s show up at my acreage. I am pretty secluded, and 15 miles from the metro. I thought to myself they are implementing damage control. Last week a group of four different JW’s showed up, and asked me once again if I would interested in some more information. I told them I have researched many cults. A young woman told me I should not believe everything I see on T.V. about JW’s. I responded with a question. How did you know I watch “Scientology The Aftermath”? Without a word they returned to their vehicle. I don’t think they will be back. You are making a huge impact. Keep up the good work!
Several years go there was a knock on our front door, & when I opened it there stood two well dressed clean cut young men who greeted me with a big smile & an offer about talking to me about Jesus.
I told them we had our “own religion” & wouldn’t be interested in anything else. They then asked me “who did I think they were from”. I replied: “The Jehovah’s Witnesses”……
To me surprise they said: “Actually, NO, we are from the Mormons”…. Wow, I thanked them for their visit but once again indicated we would NOT be interested in changing religions…they left immediately and that was that, never saw anyone from “The Mormons” here ever again.
Oh yes you do know why I laughed!
Where the hell is the Alice in Wonderland theme? I keep waiting for it. >so sad< lol
You can folow us into the Godlen Age of wanege to!!
Studying THIER Golden Age.
They don’t need no stinking grammar! That’s just for wogs!
Silly wog’s! Like a roof over your head, and car insurance.
Not to be a bore, but I’m really glad you’re back.
Your absence was such a mystery – so inexplicable!
Then again, I enjoy mysteries 🙂
Along with BBC Drama, and this blog, I’m addicted to detective fiction 🙂
Thanks,Aquamarine! I just couldn’t get past the ‘URL’. So I had given up and resigned myself to just reading others posts. But, I tried one more time and the URL wasn’t there. So…let’s party!!!
I really miss getting notifications for articles and comments. I hope this is fixed soon. Hard to keep up and have a conversation now.
This is the same issue I am having – I thought it was a setting in my account – but it’s all set up properly. It also doesn’t same my email/user name any more either – I have to type it in every time
“Every time I hand over money I make so much more”. Ann Auburn how long can you maintain that ? Forever? Because that’s how long it will be. Stop handing over your money. Use it to improve YOUR family’s life, not DM’s life. COS has plenty without yours.
The Co$ version of the Prosperity Gospel. I remember turning on the TV and seeing an infomercial about a Prosperity Gospel church. The televangelist was Creflo Dollar. A very appropriate name! 🙂
One of the biggest crooks EVER!
Yo Ann Auburn:
If you are “making” money its because you’re producing a product in sufficient quantity to be viable and applying sound, workable marketing principles to sell that product while at the same time maintaining an overhead that ensures your organization’s resources are being used to greatest advantage to create maximum return on the viable product or service that you are selling
Or, maybe you have income that is being wisely invested.
That you are handing over money to the cult is making you any money, Ann.
Here’s an experiment for you, Ann, if you dare to try it:
1) Stop working or investing.
2) Just give money to Scientology
3) That’s right!
4)Don’t do anything except give the cult money.
5) Give them whatever they want, whenever they want it.
6) Do this for 3 months.
7) Add up how much money you’ve made in that time
8) Write up what you learned from this experiment and share it with us.
Much love,
The Greatest Show an All-Ideal Africa show!
with two guest speakers that are white give me a friggin break
Why don’t we ever see a group of Oat Tee’s at one of these events displaying their acquired abilities? Heck, I’d even go to that one!
Ah! I’ve been to the Noor Cultural Centre back when it was the Japanese Cultural Centre. It’s not far from the Ontario Science Centre, where they’ve booked events in the past.
I guess it’s better than the ice rink arena where they had a previous event, but if Scientology is so big and expanding, why don’t they have hall of their own? It wouldn’t have to be a large one.
Why Lauren Segrave joined Staff in Cincinatti? Do you want the truth ? Can you handle the truth OSA?
She was a born in and is under undue influence.
She was brainwashed, manipulated and deceived into signing a one way contract to work for nothing, endure abuse beyond belief and do further damage to her her emotional, physical, spiritual and mental well being.
Scientology shatters minds, shatters families, shatters lives.
When Scientology has used her up and damaged her beyond repair – she will be discarded without sorrow.
Wogs will have to pick up the pieces of her shattered life from being “in” Scientology, if there are any left to put together.
This is why we are here. This is why we fight. This is why we won’t stop.
We need to help the young ones and all human beings from getting trapped in Scientology.
Humans are vulnerable and $cientology has mastered manipulation and commits fraud daily to trick and deceive.
We know too much guys and we have to do something about it to help.
I knew as soon as she mentioned “Universe Corps” that she was in trouble.
Umm … wouldn’t a “Recovering Cincinatti Staff Member” know how to spell Cincinnati? Just sayin.
Good catch- definitely kinda strange. Should I be insulted that I’m being called a wog (I guess that’s Scientologese lingo for someone unenlightened and a second class citizen)..NVM!!! I’m actually ok with that!!!
“Wog” is Scientologese for non-Scientologist. Someone who’s never been in Scientology. Coming from the mouth of a Scientologist, whether or not it is a pejorative term would depend entirely upon the context of the communication and the tone in which it is being delivered. It could be insulting or disdainful, then again, not necessarily. As re the Scientology definition of the word, it depends.
“Wog” is also used as an adjective by Scientologists, as in “I’m working a wog job to pay the bills while I’m on staff”.
That said, my bf and I recently viewed the film “Out of Africa” again. In this film, coming from an English colonial type in Nairobi circa 1914, the term “wog” was DEFINITELY an insult. This character remonstrated with Meryl Streep’s character about her intention to start a school for the workers on her coffee plantionation. Angrily he told her that education would be utterly wasted on “a bunch of wogs” (Africans) . Definitely pejorative.
It always goes back to that “us versus them…and we are much better” mentality that the cult (and all cults) uses to ensure that members feel superior and enlightened. That was something that Hubbard needed throughout his life and all of his self-aggrandizing behaviors were one way that he made himself feel important (it’s really an issue with very low self esteem- which, IMO, Hubbard felt his entire life). It’s also an old mechanism to gain adherents to a specific belief system or idea. If you can offer “elitism” and create a derogatory or “offensive” term to call others then all the better. Every time a Scientologist uses the term “wog” (which is definitely perjoritive regardless of the context), then they are reminded that they are the ‘superior elite’ who are much more enlightened and are doing such important work- which keeps them mired to the group.
Any time a separate term is used for a group of people outside of a group, there is no other word for it but perjorative. Think about it in the context of hate groups as well as throughout history- even if a term was used in a “non-insulting” way, it’s still separatist and derogatory in nature….
I am very, very, very happy and relieved to be referred to as a wog and do not take a bit of offense as it means I was never in this cult- which is a very good thing to be able to say. I admire those of you who got out and think y’all should have your own elitist/anti-Scientology name that signifies a derision of the cult…any suggestions?
So- I guess I’m a proud and happy “woggle” from here on out!! Lol
Kat, you’ve hit the nail on the head. The desire for status. The driving need to be or at least feel superior to others. This elitist mentality definitely manifests in Scientology. It also crops up in other religions and cults. My evangelical relatives PITY me and ( I can tell) look down on me because I haven’t seen that the only way to true and everlasting salvation is thru Jesus Christ (I’m paraphrasing but you get the concept), I know they consider themselves superior to me because of their superior “understanding”. Of course they don’t actually SAY the words but the concept comes across; they’ve been found, I’m lost :). Its very Now, most of the time this is a source of amusement to me so I keep my sarcastic mouth shut, but occasionally it gets on my nerves and I get even. I wish I could tell you how I got even but I can’t because its funny but its also political and Mike would (rightfully) not post it. Anyway, point being, these relatives of mine believe themselves to be infinitely enlightened to the likes of me, and believe it their duty to bring me To Salvation.
Holy Xenu – I must be PTS and must have an MU.
I fucking hate that City and my evil intentions are coming out.
By the time I noticed the typo there was no way to correct it.
I am sorry that enturbulated you PTS-SP.
I will make amends by donating to the Aftermath Foundation.
I think I will keep that spelling because I hate that City and moved when I left the cult.
Recovering from Cincinnati – OMG – I was there in that hell hole City at that hell hole Org. I really hated it. I was there when we were downtown and I helped open the Ideal mORGue. Nothing but lies told to us about expansion. It is a big empty building with no one coming in. Thanks to Mike and Leah and the show on A&E, I left Scientology for eternity.
I’ll meet you on the porch of infinity. We can swap stories.
Speaking of spelling, I actually have a problem with my spelling after I went up the Bridge in Scientology. Anyone else notice they lost some skills and abilities by “doing” Scientology ? I have a friend that suffered from amnesia after he went Clear. He kept going up the bridge and did OT VIII and is now not the same person I once knew.
He is a robot and does fraudulant fundraising for Scientology. What a waste of a good human being.
That’s a damn shame. BUT, it’s his life…such as it is.
On the Funnies article today the last picture there is shows a SO member with a guy who is studying at the Valley Org. That SO member is my daughter. She and her brother, both on staff, disconnected from me on my birthday 5 years ago. Other than an occasional picture like this, I haven’t seen her. The church breaks up families.
So sorry Cindy ?
Oh Cindy. Five years. ???
You and I both know it doesn’t get easier over time.
I’m heart-broken for you Cindy. I’m so sorry to hear that. Hopefully one day soon she find it within herself to leave and will reconnect with you.
Dear Mike, Mary, Mick, Thank you for your kind words regarding my disconnected kids. I hope your good wishes come true!
This evil cult does a lot more than that. Wishing you the best, Cindy.
Cindy – that is tragic and heartbreaking. Scientology destroys families. I can’t wait until they lose their tax exempt status. I hope you reunite with your loved ones soon.
Thank you Mike and Leah for getting people out and helping keep people out of Scientology with your valuable show on A&E. So many people are talking about it. It is such a great show.
We want for Season 4. We are calling writing to A&E. We hope others do the same.
I was giggling away reading today’s posts and comments…then I read your post, Cindy.. I’m so sad for you. Reminds me that it is no laughing matter what this cult is doing despite all of us attempting to find humor to eliviate the pain and anger.
So so sorry, Cindy, that’s so awful…(((hugs)))
Oh good, my post went through. I don’t know what happened with the previous attempt, but I have a feeling it was an error on my part – especially since I was posting from my phone. Ah, technology! 😉
Another slip up: The Cincinnati Org is not in Cincinnati, it’s on the other side of the Ohio river. 8^ O
On top of that, I well remember the scheme to lure poor Lauren in using the “second dynamic” developed by Jeanie Sonenfild (CO/ED). We had a gent named David Seagraves (I think that was his first name) who had just finished college and Lauren was a bit younger. The plan was to lure her in so she could date Mr. Seagraves. Judging from her last name, they got hitched. At any rate, it worked out great for the Sonenfilds (Big Dave & Jeanie) since Lauren’s mother is a Dentist and David’s is a Chiro. Both threw tons of money at Big Dave Sonenfild, a reg above all reges – a legend in his own mind, for their kids’ auditing.
The Who & The Why, circa 2010 CINN ORG
It’s always good to know that once they get rid of “the Who” and “The Why” things always go so much better in scientology… You can see the Florence KY org has rocketed to not St Hill Size since you departed.
All was supposedly going great in scientology once the REAL SP’s were “dismissed” – Rathbun, Rinder, Headleys, DeVocht, Scobee, Cook. The abuses and heavy regging all stopped back in 2009 they said. And they were SO HAPPY we had all gone.
Things have obviously been going swimmingly since then.
Wait a damn second. In that last promo, they did indeed misspell the word “their” (thier). But they also misspelled the words “Golden” (Godlen) and “Knowledge” (Knowlege). But looking at the quote from Logan Pase in the middle left, she apparently ALSO misspelled the word knowledge (spelling it “knowlege” like it was at the top).
I can’t help but wonder…..was Logan the one who generated the promo and just quoted herself? Or did someone else create it and just made up her quote for her (if she even really said it herself), misspelling the same word twice?
Something seems fishy to me about that one…well, about all of them really, but that one in particular.
Apparently, GAT doesn’t include grade school level spelling ability. The COS is truly under-manned, under-educated, and under serious delusions. Golden? Chrome plated plastic is more like it.
Yea, but … Lauren said she was happy to resign …
She will learn that there are no friends in scientology when she really needs one.
Hubbard used a typewriter, and had editors and proofreaders to correct his spelling. There were no computers with spell checkers for him to use. Hence, no directive was issued by Source to use a spell checker, thus no desire by his minions to use correct spelling or grammar.
The exact quote appears in their rarest but most in-demand volume, the
Hubbard Rotary Bathroom Reader, Soft & Cushy to the Bum & Tushy Edition, published by Charmin Press.
It appears, Mick, that either Logan hasn’t done The Student Hat yet or she did complete it and somebody in Qual missed something.
It’s always so helpful to see these scientology promotional pieces here in your blog since they include phone numbers I can call to try and learn more about Scientology. I have downloaded and printed out all of the authentic L Ron Hubbard “OT” materials from a website called Wikileaks, and I have SO many questions. I’m especially interested in all the BT clusters that are invisible attached to my soul and that I can apparently “blow” through “auditing” processes costing me hundreds of thousands of dollars, and many thousands of hours of personal time.
I’m also wondering who L Ron Hubbard’s dentist was, because in many photos he looks like he has a mouthful of rotten, nicotine stained teeth. Is that what the mouth of a Big Being looks like? The cousin of Pennywise out of the movie “It”?
Plus, as he got older Hubbard became gut sprung, and had long bedraggled hair and looked like a “rode hard put up wet” degenerate drug addict about three hypodermic needles from a grave.
I’d like to take some classes in scientology from professor Tom Cruise. I know he’s doing all he can to clear the planet of BT cluster infested humans, and dumping hundreds of millions from his movie career into the IAS. Humanitarian! I love the big hunk of ribboned metal he was awarded by David Cabbage a few years back at that big celebration of the dead cult leader’s birthday.
I was always under the impression that LRH denounced dentistry which is why he let his teeth rot inside his head.
Thank you Mike. Your comments are Ideal, indeed.
After the Black Scientologists International Convention, the Freewinds should do the Yellow Scientologists, I guess.
Poor Marc Silber – smh – still in even after his mission was raped and pillaged. He’s a Lifer for sure.
“Reverse Disconnection” = The day I found out one of my best friends was a hard core closeted Scientologist. Ghosted him overnight. Blocked his phone number and email address. See ya ?
Hope I don’t become a target of L Ron Hubbard playbook tactics now. ?
This cult is like a real live cross between the movies Invasion of the Body Snatchers and They Live. ☠️
That David Miscavige character is one Scary Little Monster. The energy radiating out of him is just SICK. ?
Mandy – Is the former best friend a member of the official church or an “Independent Scientologist”? I can’t say for sure but I doubt “Indie” groups practice fair gaming, disconnection and bankrupting people.
Jeez that valley idle morgue one is terrible… Also what’s the bet they literally pulled some guy off the street and took his photo?
Despite being both declared in 2008, my wife is getting Scientology mailings again from Boston and Tampa. There does not seem to be a proper link from Ethics to the outer “orgs”. After watching Aaron’s video on the criminal charges against him, I am convinced that these people have seriously degenerated into morons with no grasp of technology. My plan is to continue hiring artists to create images of the real Hubbard. These people are not going to like seeing images of Hubbard as Lucifer.
I wonder what they are going to do when I send them my mailing.
In Paradise Lost Lucifer[Hubbard] has two “engrams” which he experienced which will be my new artist commissions.
1. Lucifer is hit in the head by an electronic bolt from a Seraphim and driven ten paces back.
2. Lucifer is sliced in half by Michael’s swinging sword attack.
I can see the red velvet ropes surrounding these creation and a mailer.
I’d pay to see it! And maybe you could create a mailing list and send promotional glossy pamphlets to all Scientologists on the planet! It could be awesome!
Thanks for the support. I already have an artist rendering of Blavatsky and Hubbard eating at a dinner table.
My first idea was to get 10,000 square feet of space in Clearwater. I now see it is not necessary. All I do is mimic and duplicate the promotional material that they are sending.
What I do is show in my original drawings – in full color – the real Hubbard[Lucifer]and then send it to them. The morons won’t get it.
Lol! Sadly – you are right. They won’t get it. But it shouldn’t stop you from trying.
I’m a little nauseated thinking about the rendering of Blavatsky and Hubbard eating dinner together…just imagining the table manners and those teeth, while Blavatsky looks on with her usual dour stare…yikes!!! I have to see this!
The artist who started it is going through a divorce but promised to finish it as soon as possible. Blavatsky was known for forcing butter on people by moving the tray. In the drawing she is moving the butter tray with her right hand while Hubbard catches it with his left – symbolical of Hubbard’s dark side. On Blavatsky’s side there is an old clock. On Hubbard’s side a large picture of the Freewinds. I am waiting on the artist.
Lol- I’m rolling on the floor thinking about this!! Keep me posted please!
? I just love this blog!!