Top international business consultant?
He obviously runs one of the MISFORTUNE 500 companies.
A BIG name…
Not new people…
It’s just friends and family you might be able to get to look at that dreck…
Bring family and friends…
And your wallet, check book, stock certificates and jewelry.
You know, just like in DMSMH…
No colds. Throw away your crutches and eyeglasses. Cure polio. Gain an eidetic memory.
Yeah, just like that.
I’m sure Ohio State is down with the Columbus Org CF…
They are really desperate — they sent a Sea Org member to Columbus to do their CF??
CF News!
Everyone has been on the edge of their seats, breathlessly awaiting this important information
Oh how appropriate.
I am hoping one day to see one of these posters for the Ventura Vultures. My life would be complete…
This should be fun…
You know how ethical scientologists are. They believe anyone designated an “SP” should be eradicated from the face of the earth.
It’s pretty bad when an org is trying to find people to body route on Facebook.
This is that booming “ideal org” that is “clearing London…”
Tony Mo
Cooking up some more commissions…
Hymn of Asia
Hubbard is the reincarnated Buddha.
But he’s not here any more and is AWOL from his 21 year Leave of Absence.
Wonder what they say about that?
They’re copying Sydney?
It’s always nightime in an ideal org.
Arms folded is a real thing in scientology these days.
Finally, something appropriate for the “Information Center”
Acknowledged fiction
Sucker them in with pizza…
How can we get ethics in on this planet?
Become a Crusader of course. That REALLY makes a difference.
Dance the night away…
These guys are REALLY off the rails. They are promoting someone else’s quote??? OMG. Wait til RTC finds out…
I wonder if this place delivers more scientology or dance lessons?
PLEASE come in…
We are dying in here and need someone to show up
Father and daughter take Denver by storm
They want to let everyone know that “we are on the brink of the make/break point”…
And push the Drug Free World message — a bit late in Colorado. Scientology is still railing against marijuana, sort of reminding people of the abolitionists. Or the flat earthers.
What they are REALLY interested in though is getting MONEY. These are all just gimmicks to try to get anyone interested in showing up.
…here’s the hard sell
You are going to be held down and given electric shock! It’s happening any day now.
Unless of course you give money to the IAS. The ONLY hope that this won’t happen.
I just saw a post showing that the Scientology network is showing a documentary on humpback whales….I’m confused. Is this a documentary about actual marine whales or is a documentary on the high rollers in Scientology???? I’m guessing the high rollers. No one else would be interested in watching this channel….
First promo. SMDH.
It’s a pissy little husband and wife business operating out of a domestic unit/flat in suburban Australia.
Who is the genius who made up the promo for a New Zealand presentation though and then left New Zealand off the map!! ?
As usual they lie. It is still alarming though. Here is a 2016 report.
“ Overall, the researchers estimated that 16.7 percent of the 242 million adults in the United States filled at least one psychiatric drug in 2013, including:
12 percent who reported filling one or more prescriptions for antidepressants;
8.3 percent who reported filling one or more prescriptions for sedatives, hypnotics, and anxiolytics; and
1.6 percent who reported filling one or more prescriptions for antipsychotics.”
Thanks for telling me, Cindy. I hope this for both of you too.
I was wondering why they still use paper files…always getting Cf up to date…then I had a thought. If they entered those names into a computer…well who knows what could happen. They might see all the declares… or accidentally click on Tony’s site etc. Better to stay inside the bubble on paper. I know they put the nanny thingie on their computers but still….LOL
Week after week there’s a promo piece that infringes on someone’s trademarked item. Sometimes it belongs to Disney, or some movie franchise – this week it belongs to Ohio State.
I’m surprised some enterprising attorney hasn’t instigated some type of class action suit to recover damages for all of the various entities infringed upon.
After all, it’s clear they just grab and snatch anything they want with ZERO regards to whether it’s legal or not. With all of the “business acumen” (Top International Business Consultant, etc.) this “most ethical” group has, not to mention the centralization of authority this leaves no room for pleading ignorance of the copyright laws.
It’s ironic, because at one point the CofS used the term “copyright terrorist” to accuse the people starting to reveal Scientology’s secret scriptures online. It was, of course, a stretch for them to claim that “religous” material could (or should) even be subject to copyright – but then when it suits them, they play fast and loose with others’ legitimate commercial intellectual property.
My guess is that non-profits, and particularly those with “religious” exemption, and especially individual “churches,” trying to throw small fundraisers, get a pass when it comes to trademark enforcement. However, Scientology is now doing it so constantly and organization-wide, that it may be inevitable that some of the trademark holders will decide there is cause for action.
It’s still possible, though, that the fact that each org and mission is separately incorporated, might make it hard for trademark holders to go after Scientology.
Just so you know- I just contacted Ohio state and let them know that Scientology colored their mascot for a fund raising event- thought it couldn’t hurt!
I nearly fell out of my chair laughing when I had a look at his company OrgTek’s client list and here it is in all it’s glory –
Oyaizu Tea Company.
I could literally find no mention of Orgtek’s “Proven success” anywhere. If it’s doing so great why is he flogging his “knowledge” to $camology suckers?
Live performances of some crap Hubbard wrote way back in the 30’s and 40’s. Arrive and be regged then watch a bunch of people do “The Professor Was aThief” for two hours with regge breaks every 15 minutes then be regged when it has finished. Fun for your wallet, pain for you.
As for the rest of the fliers, etc…siigghh…
Hi Meghan,
When it rolls around to the year 2020, you might want to start defining your self worth by something other than a 2016 medal.
Best wishes,
I thought it said “SNARKS”!
Lol- that would have been more appropriate!
At least this arms-folded guy is not scowling. No fierce dedicated glare. Could it be that our J & D out here on the fringes is nfluencing cult promo? I wouldn’t want us to appear conceited but – is it possible? This particular young man actually comes across as a nice person despite the folded arms. Just wondering out loud, that’s all.
Aquamarine the reason he comes across as a nice person is because he is a very nice person and is my son. I hope to be reunited one day.
Thanks for telling me, Cindy. I hope this for both of you too.
I hope so too!
Aquamarine and Kat LaRue, Thank you for your kind words.
I thought that was him! I remember you shared a photo in your blog post here back in 2014. (Fabulous post btw! Really well-written!) I too hope you are reunited soon! I can’t imagine the heartbreak you are going through.
I read the last one as “paying the way to freedom” and thought “Freudian slip.”
If Scientology really had the ‘”secrets” of business success’ – or were able to cultivate any of their other claimed abilities – then their members would stand out in society. Some other groups achieve that, generally because they value and encourage rigorous thinking and the pursuit of advanced education – just the sorts of things Scientology actively discourages. Instead, scientologists are mostly known for modest-sized boiler room-type operations selling mostly worthless products and services, and a couple of major frauds such as Scientology “minister” Reid Slatkin’s investment Ponzi scheme ($300+ million lost, one of the top 10 in US history), perhaps soon to be followed by David Gentile’s GPB Capital Holdings (over $1 billion at risk) which is under investigation and has been called a Ponzi scheme by a former insider.
Has London raised staff pay that much as part of their “you can have it all campaign” – or are they offering as much money for an afternoon of leafleting, as they pay staff in week? That’s not going to go over well, and strikes me as the sort of management mistake made by someone young and inexperienced.
That 131 hours on CF might be claimed as “making headway” – but those projects seem to typically involve tens of thousands of files requiring many thousands of hours of labor (we’ve seen specifics on some), so they would have about a year to go at that rate. Has there been any sign of when the new “ideal” facility is supposed to open, presumably early summer or fall?
The Foothills Mission offering pizza is the one that was trying to raise money on GoFundMe a while back, to improve their awful space, which is in the back lower level of a large complex with retail facing on the street, with commercial and and light industrial spaces that are actually accessed from the street behind. The dance studio where they’re having the other event, is in the front part of the complex at street level – I wonder if they’re just making arrangements to use the space, or if the studio owners have gotten sucked into Scientology.
Ha ha ha! “You can have it all.” Certain restrictions apply *
* Friends, family time, free time, a marketable skill, a living wage.
I know you’re all wondering…..
THIS Pizza Driver won’t be delivering to Motrose, CA!
Shudder to think of what kind of tips they give…
And I bet I make more an hour than the SO/Staff workers.
You saved me a post! Absolutely, the fundies in the South can’t have no music, no dancing, ……. or any fun stuff but Bible study.
Old Scientology saying has long gone.: ‘If it ain’t fun it ain’t Scientology.’
I’m so confused by the baseball analogy re the Columbus CF….
Wouldn’t Ross Wilson, the First Place Slave, er worker with the most hours have hit a HOME RUN? Why is he still on First Base?
Teri, Luis and Peggy have already rounded second, third and headed for home?
What? Who’s on First?
Or is that “Whose on First?”
I don’t know tons about why Scientology is opposed to ECT, but as someone who has both had it and administered it, I don’t think they understand it at all.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that they have a 1960s view of the therapy, since LRH wasn’t educated about anything related to science or medicine, it’s just strange to hear them holding onto the sorts of attitudes about depression and mental illness that were even uninformed minority views in the 60s and 70s (see: Tom Eagleton)
But then again what do I know – having received all manner of treatment, medications, and therapy from “the psychs” over the years which has improved my life massively and in some cases just allowed me to get through the day… they would call me a degraded being that was beyond their help and essentially worthless, right?
Mark, Hubbard was actually stuck in the 50s. In the era of pre-frontal lobotomies and trans-orbital leukotomies. Since the APA didn’t listen to him and demanded actual research results, he started a feud with them that they don’t even notice. Sort of like the little Chihuahua that thinks it is in a fight with an elephant.
If you have received treatment from the “psychs” you are an illegal PC. They may accept some or all of your cash but if you start to run out they will take your treatment history as an excuse and dump you like a hot potato.
“Ethics and Survival”
The word ethics in Scientology has been degraded. Just look at the actions and criminal results of the church and you can see clearly that the actual definition of the word is missing an essential part of the definition.
Scientology ethics has nothing to do with the actual definition of the word ethics.
I’m working on that article.
The answers to Scientology’s deviance is found in Hubbard’s definitions and instructions.
Using the IAS Field Disseminator graphic posted on 3//419:
Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad, who says “the Jews control” drugs, pimping, pedophilia and pornography, is the No. 38 Scientology Field Disseminator.
ESMB post with full information:
ahh yes Peter Simpson, his son Anthony is on staff at the Melbourne Org – Anthony, his wife and kids were in one of those “have it all” posters Mike shared here last year I think.
Mike, Thank you for posting pictures and promo on your blog. Today I saw my son, Alan, who disconnected from me just because I wanted to leave Scn and because HCO beat him into submission to disconnect from me. His picture is the young man with arms crossed on the recruitment for Pasadena Org poster. What’s with the arms crossed stance that all of them do when posing for pics? It is very unwelcoming body language. I love seeing pics of my disconnected kids, but hate that I can’t just take their pic in person when we see each other and interact and love each other. The church tears families apart. DM’s legacy will be that he tears families apart.
Hi Cindy
I have never been a scientogist. I learned about scientology many years ago while attending conferences with family member trapped in cult. My sister-in-law was in a cult at the time. I actually learning about the problems with scientology from their own members. They attended the conferences, pulled fire alarms at 2:00 AM, harrassed people in the hallways and elevators, etc. I could not believe their behavior.
Mostly I am writing to you as a parent. I am very lucky that my two sons are “cult free”. They have never been in cults and after seeing what their aunt went through I believe they are safe. As a father my heart goes out to you. I hope, trust and actually believe that your son will one day be free and reunite with you. I wish you, your son and your family the best. Danny
Danny and Brian thank you for your kind words. I also hope to be reunited with my son and daughter one day. The cult is going down.
I’m sorry for your situation. It must be hard.
“How To Interest Your Friends And Family In Scientology.TV.”
How to INTEREST them…actually make them INTERESTED…hmm….
Ok, well, everything is relative.
Here’s a suggestion – seriously – you want to spark authentic interest in something extremely boring, so what you have to do to make it INTERESTING is subject someone to a lengthy interval of something even MORE boring – something EXCRUCIATINGLY boring, you see, and then, afterwards, practically ANYTHING will be a relief, and interesting, for a while. That’s the theory.
Excruciatingly Boring Activity Suggestion #1:
Before permitting anyone to watch Scientology TV, require that he or she spend
one full hour listening to repeated renditions of “We Stand Tall”.
EBAS #2:
Before permitting anyone to watch Scientology TV, make it a prereq that Miscavige’s 1993 Int Event be watched, back to back, 3 times.
Now, this is the way, the only way, to truly interest someone in Scientology TV and now you know and it hasn’t cost you a penny. Guaranteed, after completing either of the prereq’s above, the person will be so mentally ossified that watching grass grow will be “interesting.”
Feel free to contribute your own EBAS’s, people!
Miscavige REALLY needs our help with his latest boondoggle!
I remember something from scientology lore about it’s better to be interested than interesting. If you’re interested in people they’ll think you’re interesting. If you try to be interesting they might think you’re self absorbed or a bore, which makes some sense. It might have been in reference to auditing. Auditors are supposed to be interested rather than interesting. Some reports say auditors are now being trained to be robotic.
Richard, typically that comes from somewhere else – the pioneer who established a more original, much larger, longer-lived and genuinely vibrant self-improvement movement:
“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.” Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People (1936)
Google just about anything that came from Hubbard and Scientology, and you’ll find that there was actually another, earlier source for it.
I think auditors are being trained to be more robotic, because Scientology can no longer recruit enough people with the sort of natural skills that would have made them effective at any sort of talk therapy*; and because, as I wrote about the other day, that like the abreaction therapy that Hubbard observed (right before it was abandoned) and copied from, there are an unacceptably high number of cases where people end up being made worse by catharsis and regression. Scientology, and Miscavige, have discovered that Hubbard’s “tech” can make things a bit too “interesting,” as in the case of Lisa McPherson, in ways that are no longer acceptable, or able to be concealed, in modern times, and so they need to tightly control and even limit delivery in order to avoid “flaps”.
During the time you were involved, did you know of “PTS” cases occurring – and being swept under the rug? There was actually so much of it, that just the reports of it over at ESMB, had to be split into 2 threads:
How many people went type III (ie. had a Psychotic Break) in your org?
* Which I think means that any positive results of the past, had more to do with the intentions and abilities that auditors brought to the work, than the content and techniques of Dianetics and Scientology; and that seems to be borne out by many comments from former members that the best auditors in the supposed “good old days,” were those who listened well, and empathically, rather that necessarily following the “tech.”
Knowledge is where you find it I guess. Scn has way too much false knowledge for it to have any lasting value. I didn’t have a problem with trying to be interesting in session since I don’t consider myself to be particularly interesting and I would have been a failure at it anyhow. haha
Maybe I have a “Type Five” basic personality. Here’s something I browsed over a bit just to get an overview. It’s interesting but it might have the pitfall of evaluating and judging oneself and others through the filter of “basic personality types” which could become a “via”, another concept mentioned in Scn.
enne (nine) agram (diagram) – A nine pointed diagram
Richard, there’s still my question as to whether you knew of any cases of people going PTS, or having any major psychological problems after auditing. I think auditors like you were well-intentioned, but Hubbard cynically used techniques that he thought might have the power to make the able more able, but knew would do so at the certain risk of making some minds snap.
I did a fair bit of work with the enneagram at one point. I think it’s oversold as a tool, particularly as a way to try to evaluate potential hires and employees, and can indeed end up being used to pigeon-hole others – but I found it can also can do a good job of reminding, and even training us, that others view the world differently and are motivated by different things; and it helped me a lot in raising and establishing a great rapport with one of my kids who is very like me in some ways and almost the opposite in others.
And isn’t Dianetics and Scientology full of covert “vias” – like the Tone Chart, as recently discussed? That seems to have been a repeated trick of misdirection of Hubbard’s, decry obvious examples of something devious to appear above it, and to attempt to convince people that they’re not being manipulated, and then sneak in its use surreptitiously.
P.S. I only participated in Scn for a few years and left in 1982. I wasn’t aware of any mental damage caused by Scn until I started reading the blogs after watching “Going Clear” and found out there was a lot of mental damage as well as severe emotional damage.
Richard, I just caught your P.S. – thanks for answering my question!
Fair enough – I know it was possible, particularly at a smaller operation like a mission, not to have seen things go wrong, especially since Scientology tried its best to hide and cover-up when it did. And as I’ve noted elsewhere, I think that’s part of why under Miscavige local orgs are delivering only mission-like minimal amounts of auditing, because it limits the risks and makes them easier to control.
PeaceMaker – Acknowledged (scientology-speak)
Making people take a personality test on a job interview is weird in my opinion. I’m retired but I’d like to think I’d refuse to do so on a job interview.
Just for idle curiosity maybe Hubbard was a Type Eight.
The Challenger – The powerful, dominating type, self-confident, decisive. willful, and confrontational
Too bad he descended into the “unhealthy levels of development”.
[Unhealthy Levels
Level 7: Defying any attempt to control them, become completely ruthless, dictatorial, “might makes right.” The criminal and outlaw, renegade, and con-artist. Hard-hearted, immoral and potentially violent.
Level 8: Develop delusional ideas about their power, invincibility, and ability to prevail: megalomania, feeling omnipotent, invulnerable. Recklessly over-extending self.
Level 9: If they get in danger, they may brutally destroy everything that has not conformed to their will rather than surrender to anyone else. Vengeful, barbaric, murderous. Sociopathic tendencies. Generally corresponds to the Antisocial Personality Disorder.]
Enneagram has some interesting observations but I wouldn’t pursue it as a philosophy of life and living. To me it has some cult like aspects and one cult in a lifetime is enough for me.
willful. and confrontational
Auditors have always been Ron’s little robots. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have practiced the garbage called scientology
I subscribe wholly to this philosophy, Richard. Interested people are interesting. Its true. My auditors were all interested. If auditors are being trained to be robotic now, auditing will not only not work but harm people as well. Sad.
Nope…….Make Scientology TV a drinking game. Choose a key word like “Hubbard” or “expansion” (or whatever is the Scientology word of the day) and set up the shot glasses……!
At least it would be one way to get people to watch it…….
Inglewood’s IAS dinner with special guest speaker Minister Tony Mohammed. What’s on the menu, Tony? Roast Jew?
They’re Muslims so it will need to be kosher roast Jew. (Am I getting confused about things here?)
OMG, and I thought I was the too gruesome one, Richard 🙂
Actually, they’re fake Muslims, though. When I was still in I knew several NOI who ate pork in all its forms. They dressed up in pseudo Arab drapery and turbans, they gave themselves Islamic names (Sister this, Sister that) but when mealtimeS came they reverted to their 100% down home African American roots – barbecued ribs, black-eyed peas & bacon, mac & cheese, collard greens cooked with side meat, etc. Plenty of pork on those forks! No true Muslim EVER eats pork.
I’ll add that these NOI women I knew back in the day were Southerners born in the Gullah region of Georgia – some islands off of the mainland – so what they mostly liked to eat was what they grew up on, which was chiefly pork and shellfish. Quite delicious.
pork on the fork – laughter – I thought they had strict dietary guidelines, avoiding foods the White Devils put on their plates to make them sterile. Whatever. Religious Beliefs, occasionally based on facts. Loin of pork on the menu for the Inglewood IAS event. Yummy
Totally yummy, but nothing Muslim about it. The NOIs I knew were African Americans who dressed up like Muslims and took Muslim names for themselves. The NOIs don’t even read the Koran! Islam does not recognize NOI as one of their sects. Its a total joke.
Richard it wouldn’t need to be kosher but halal
The cult of Islame makes scamology look like a group Mother Teresa would create.
I browsed over the Koran one time but there were too many does and dont’s and I took it back to the library. God loves those who love God but look out if you don’t love God.
Good reference. Now I have it straight. Muslims would need to eat halal roast Jew. Jews would need to eat kosher roast Muslim. (political correctness temporarily suspended)
Yes, you now have the culinary requirements straight. 😉
Wynski – laughter! What a train of thought – thanks, Aqua!
That’s it! End of cycle!
“One of the MISFORTUNE 500 companies.”
Oh, right, you mean one of those WISE-dominated Scientology companies that spends employee payroll money on IAS Donations, afterward declaring bankruptcy and stiffing them?
Oh, yeah, everybody, let’s go get some GREAT financial advice from the head of one of THESE companies 🙂
‘Join The Sydney Org Team’. I can’t join! That face scares the shit out of me! I keep thinking she’s a reptile and her head will open up. I wonder what small children will think.
Not to make fun of someone’s appearance but she does have sort of a “snakey” look in that picture. Kind of like getting ready to strike. I wouldn’t want to tangle with her, especially if she’s an ill tempered Ethics Officer.
A sort of “Stranger In The Night”. Just not in the way Sinatra had in mind.
At least her arms aren’t crossed! (Hey, when I look at these I’m looking for ANY teeny tiny positive I can find).
At least it looks like Sydney is feeding the staff.
The guy from Pasadena looks like he could model for an Auschwitz movie.
I don’t see anything unusual about a church sponsoring a dance. It’s an opportunity for the young uns to hook up. In the 1970’s I don’t recall any CoS sponsored dances but the scientology parties in the Hollywood Hills were a blast. There weren’t any drugs there was still a lot of sex and rock and roll.
I don’t see anything unusual about a church sponsoring a dance.
Try telling that to RTC…
They had been week on the Freewinds until some teens were caught smoking marijuana and the D/Security Chief was busted for snorting cocaine in a local bar.
….or to some of the fundamentalist denominations, like conservative Baptists. It’s interesting how Scientology has turned sexually repressive – I think that when Hubbard went from being a profligate tantric occult practitioner, with several wives and at least one mistress along the way, plus a couple of reports of experimentation with other men, to being completely impotent (he complained about troubles as far back as the Affirmations of the late 1940s) and isolated, he decided, typically, that the way he lived, was what was best for everyone else, too.
And I think that’s another respect in which things in the orgs and the missions went on in keeping with the free love, easygoing zeitgeist of the 1960s that the baby boomers brought, until Hubbard’s Sea Org finally extended his hand of repressive totalitarian control throughout the organization in the 1970s and 80s. I was reading part of KSW the other day and was reminded, where he says he tried for 3 decades to run a more collaborative organization and decided that it wasn’t going to work, that his approach clearly evolved about how heavy-handedly (and even repressively) he was going to have to try to run the organization.
A bit off topic, but great news here re Tony Garcia’s appeal.
Richard: You are joking, right? No harm in cos sponsoring a dance?
I can pretty much gaurantee these bribes Harry Meer quotes for OCA leafletting haven’t been approved by AC or EC.
Anyone dumb or naive enough to actually fall for this ploy will probably subsequently waste twice as much time chasing him up for their payment and he’ll spend the same amount of time re-submitting POs to AC for as long as it takes for the apathy to kick in and then it’ll simply be a matter of countering any further futile attempts with the ‘greatest good’ sucker punch.
This is one of the activities of Div 6 and contributes to one of the key indicator stats for that area – Div 6 promo – which used to involve regular staff all-hands, such was the importance placed on it.
So this kind of desparation really does sum it up perfectly in London.
The “Inglewood’s IAS Dinner” seems to answer my question as to whether NOI are required to pay full price for the required donations (status) and services as scientologists as they crawl up the bridge. Apparently the Church of Scientology swindles the NOI equally as scientologists so fair is fair. (joke)
I’ve read that scientologists are not allowed to sell scientology to the NOI so Tony M. probably has a profitable full time job selling scientology to the wealthier NOI and collecting commissions. He might even become the first NOI to attest to OTVIII with Allah’s blessings.
You got it, Richard! The NOI are all going OM – Operating Muslim *
*Phrase stolen from someone – i forget who – on this blog
Laughter – If Tony is the first NOI to go OTVIII his Success Story will be unique in Scientology history. He’ll need to include praises to Allah, Rev. Farrakhan, the Chairman of the Board and the Hon. L. Ron Hubbard combined. Add to that whatever mishmash he comes up with by combining NOI and Scientology beliefs and it will be a classic.
🙂 A cult classic 🙂
“Mystery and Suspense”, “Science Fiction”, “Fantasy”. These are the descriptions from the LRH Theater group. Seems they are FULLY aware of what they are “teaching”!! Keep up the GOOD work Mr. Rinder. Kind of tempted to see if I can attend any of the Denver functions…
“You know, just like in DMSMH…
No colds. Throw away your crutches and eyeglasses. Cure polio. Gain an eidetic memory.”
Not unrealistic that these are what someone may wish for. The big catch is to be very careful what you wish for and who is promising a cure. Would it be the value of your soul, losing your family, bilking people out of their money? No thanks.
If what they are offering was possible why wasn’t LRH doing the Irish jig in a stadium packed with his faithful followers and waving a goodbye to them up until the time he decided to drop his body?
Because it’s all a lie?
THEY ARE CURIOUS!???” WHAT lamebrain idiot came up with THAT button? Ain’t no one curious but us folks who are curious about what their next insanity will be.
The ad with Ronit Sorroco top FSM, saying she’ll teach you how to get new people in is a joke. If you brought a new person to Ronit, she would turn you and your friend away with a sneer because she only wants OT’s because “the big money is selling people OT LLevels and people on OT VII who have to go every six months for auditing and thus FSM commissions on all of the above. I was told by top FSM Divona Lewis that she and all her top FSM colleagues don’t want to handle new people and would only handle OT’s. So much for bring us your new people. No one wants to handle them cuz there is no money in it for them.
35 years ago Ronit would not touch a new person. She never did.
Is it just me or do the Failkoffs give out a Donny and Ivanka vibe?
Meaning, if his Freedom Medal winning daughter were not his daughter, he’d be dating her?
My evangelical relatives, their pastor and all the Born Agains in their little Georgia church have given this sort of wishful thinking a pass, by the way.
And they’re VERY tight with God and Jesus Christ.
So – YOU gotta problem with it, Zee Moo?
Let’s not discriminate against Scientologists.
Fair is fair.
They have the right to be obsessed with their daughters too, you know.
After all, you wouldn’t want Ed Parkin to get upset and taking a Religious Discrimination STAND against us because of your thinly veiled inference, now, would you?
And besides, any possible incestuous proclivities on the part of this Big Being towards his daughter will eventually get handled in sec checks…er, sessions…for both of them. Because, of course, SHE’LL have to be interrogated as to her out -ethics for “pulling this in”. Pun unintentional.
Get with the program ZM!
“Meaning, if his Freedom Medal winning daughter were not his daughter, he’d be dating her?”
Actually, it would be more like he’d be dating his daughter’s daughter. The sexual deviations practiced by the people in The Scam are far more biazrre than the ordinary kinds of sexual deviations. There is just no way to predict all of their predilections.
Hmmmm …. predict all of their predilections …. I wonder if I could enter that into some kind of contest somewhere.
Well, Skyler, I have to hand it to you. I thought I was shock-proof. I mean, its high enough on the perv meter for a man to muse frequently and publicly about a young woman he’d like to date if she were not his daughter, but – a GRANDdaughter? Maybe in some areas of the world. Perhaps in some isolated pockets of the USA. I rather tend to believe, though, that Scientologists, subject as they are to sec-checking, would repress and/or deny such tendencies, certainly never give voice to them, unlike The Donald and Incest Barbie.
Well AM, I must admit that I am smilie-challenged. Oh well, now you know my secret.
THE SECRET TO BUSINESS SUCCESS? Ignore Ron’s rules of mismanagement, and practice proper customer SERVICE. what (un)A.B.L.E. offers ain’t worth the time of day unless you’re running a cult. If you want to succeed, learn from those who HAVE succeeded, not from those who only know how to make a small fortune.”First you start with a large one….” Above all, DON’T send all your profits to scientology,
Not only is customer service missing, but so is anything about having a real product, quality control and so on.
Entrepreneur’s list 5 Secrets to Success in Business starts of with what the scientologist is missing. 3rd is the exact opposite of what Scientology’s “hard sell” approach cultivates: “No one likes a sleazeball. You can’t sell anything. Don’t be that guy (or girl) that people dread speaking to. The used car salesman. The underhanded low-balling greedy saleswoman. Don’t be that person….Don’t make unrealistic claims. People can see right through it.” Only at number 4 does it touch on a more tempered form of the sort of unreasonable, irrational optimism that is fundamental in Scientology’s approach:
“1. Create something of real value
2. Improve the lives of others
3. Be authentic and transparent
4. Focus on positivity
5. Follow the 80-20 Rule
The 80-20 Rule states that 80 percent of the results come from 20 percent of the efforts.”
I just read this, Peacemaker. I’m printing it out to keep. Thank you!
Every time I see a CF needing updating, I’m moved to offer the CF Officer’s Hat I left in Flag’s CF so many years ago. It details how Flag’s CF was brought up-to-date for the first time in its history, AFAICT. 131 hours by 22 volunteers is a mere 6.95 hour average. GET ON THE STICK, PEOPLE, AND PUT IN THE TIME!
If that was during the late 1980s, it did not last long because in 1990 the FSO C/F was backlogged again and it continued to stayed so at least until 1993.
Furthermore, I highly doubt that the Flag C/F had ever been in “PT” because in 1992 I discovered that the C/F files of the Flag Ship Org and the early Flag Land Base had been dumped in the so-called book warehouse and had never been matched with the then current FSO C/F. That means the FSO C/F had never been in PT.
I mean, I’ll give them a pass on the dark staff recruiting posters.
It must be hard to seem cool when you’re dressed like an extra from It’s A Living circa 1983.
“Break Free and Live Life to the Fullest”?
Wow, Dave Petit is giving a lecture on how to leave scaamology!
Wynski beat me to offering:
‘ “Break Free and Live Life to the Fullest”?
‘Wow, Dave Petit is giving a lecture on how to leave scaamology!’
I’d upvote you if it were offered.
jere, it isn’t my brilliant writing. This stuff writes itself from the insanity they spew.
Now, now, Wynski, you must learn to OWN your brilliance. Scientology can help you with that.
I’m really wondering if Ohio State approved the use of their mascot on a CoS poster.
Not sure how it works down there but up here in Canada, the universities are pretty protective of their mascots and how they are used – most will not allow unofficial use outside of a university event/function.
Anyone feel like calling the athletic department of OSU and ask them why they are promoting a CoS event? hehe
The NCAA and the Big Ten don’t appreciate it when their logos are used without their consent.
In that poster for Ohio, why didn’t they just list the hours as Monday-Sunday? They are the same every day of the week.
And what does the term “must have the ability to duplicate” mean? Is that a specific Scientology term? Does it mean they need to make paper copies of things? Does it mean they are attempting cloning themselves?
Chuckles, “to duplicate” in Scientology means to understand fully and completely. As if you had made a perfect copy in your mind of what you were told. It is all part of Hubbard’s strangely mechanical explanation of communication, probably cribbed from a military class on signal flags or something.
The NCAA and the Big Ten don’t appreciate it when their trademarks are used without permission.
Why did they list the work hours separately for weekdays and weekends? It’s the same hours?
And what do they mean by the term “must have the ability to duplicate”? Is that a Scientology term? Do they need paper copies made? Are they trying to clone themselves? Strange phrasing.
There will be pizza. But they fail to tell you:
. You have to buy the pizza ingredients and bring them with you.
. You have to make the pizza and cook it.
. You have to stand out front and give away teeny tiny samples of the pizza.
. You have to sell the pizza.
. You have to buy the pizza. (but you cannot buy the same pizza that you sell – that would be ethics out)
. You have to eat all the pizza that is not sold.
. You have to regurgitate all the pizza that you eat so they can feed the dogs. Dogs are allowed in Scion aren’t they?
Finally, they don’t tell you that all their pizza tastes like shit. But that is all to be expected from this cult.
Oh! That’s way too much info! Hey Skyler! Can you let me know when the pizza gets here?
OSD. I luv ya’ to death. But you just don’t get it. The Scamology Pizza business works very differently than the regular Pizza business.
. First off, they don’t deliver the pizza to you – you deliver yourself and your whole family to them.
. Second off, you don’t pay them to deliver the pizza. They pay you between 3 cents and 5 cents (depending on a whole lot of incomprehensible bullshit) and then you pay them all the money you have on you.
. Third off, their pizza doesn’t have any set price. You write a check for all the money you have in your bank account, all the money you have in stocks and bonds, the entire value of all your retirement plans and you sell all your household pets and pay that money to them as well.
. Fourth off, you bring your parents and all your children, all your aunts and uncles and all your neighbors to a local nefarious coffee shop and sell them to some dude named Abdhul into white slavery. If you are not white, I don’t know how they do this, but they tell you that you got the wrong number.. You then take the proceeds of the sale and turn that over to them as well.
. Fifth off and last, every week they think of new ways to gouge and scam more money out of you. More money and more money and more money!
See? Very different!
P.S. Thanks to Aquamarine for the above idea. I thought she was talking to OSD in the following post. But I was mistaken. It was Rip Van Winkle.
You’re welcome. I’m flattered to be someone’s muse 🙂
P.S. Again. Aquamarine, Mike has told me that any member may request any other member to allow them to send them a kind of “Private Message”.
If you are willing, Mike said he will send me a private email that contains some email address where I can send you a private message. If you are willing, I suggest you create a new “disposable email account” specifically for this purpose so that you will not get any unwanted messages sent there.
Or, if you prefer, you can ask Mike to give you my Email account address and you can send me a message. That would protect you from making your email address known to anyone that you do not know. There are other ways you can protect the anonymity of your email address as well and I would guess Mike would be happy to suggest other ways to you if you prefer.
Please be advised that if you do not want to give out your email address, I will certainly understand and I will not bother you again.
But, I’m thinking that some people here would not mind creating a new email account just to send and receive private message to other members here. If that sounds good to you, I will send Mike an email address of a new Email account I will create for that purpose and maybe we could arrange to then create a small list of people here and their email addresses so that we could send Private Messages to each other?
By the way a “disposable Email account” is one that is free (, and Yahoo mail are all good free Email accounts. Gmail is OK too. But lately, they want a lot of info and do not provide much secrecy. So they are no longer a favorite of mine. But … tell you what. I will just provide a free email address that I have not used for hardly anything but I would be happy to use this for message to and from other people on this board. It is:
[email protected]
Anyone here is welcome to send me email to the above address. If you do, please use a new free email address so that you will not receive email from anyone else except me to that address.
It is up to you, of course. But there are several people here what I have often wanted to exchange private messages with and I’m hoping this might be a good way for us to create our own private message system. The blog software that Mike uses has no facility to enable us to exchange Private Messages.
If you agree to using this approach, the worst that can happen is that if someone starts to spam you or bother you, you may have to delete the email address that you created. But I cannot see any other way that you could be harmed using this approach. If anyone here can see some kind of problem with this, please feel free to post about it here and we will then try a different approach.
@ Skyler,
Nice idea. Just reading about it now. I’ll do it. So if its OK with him, check with Mike, then, in a few days.
Obviously, they were husband and wife in a previous lifetime, so that makes it all right- right?? Wouldn’t that particular theory mean that all sins wouldn’t be wrong per Scientology’s own teachings? This is such a sick “religion” that I can see them using that premise to excuse all sorts of sordid and illegal things! Yuck.
OMG, Kat! Of course! Husband and wife in a former life! Laughter! But you know, if they WERE Scientologists, SHE would get sec-checked too. Would she ever! And I kid you not! Because for some reason, in some way, SHE is “pulling this in”. Now, stop laughing because this is an actual Scientology expression – everyone on this blog who was once IN will bear me out – if something bad happens to you, you “pulled it in” and you have to reveal your overts and witholds (bad deeds / not revealed) in order to unearth the Evil Purposes which are causing you to ATTRACT the bad things into your life. Poor Ivanka! What SHE must have done in a former life – LOL!
Wow- all Scientologists must have some bad mojo in their lives to have pulled in Scientology!!!! (J/k- that was just wrong)
Lol- I’m rolling!
But don’t forget that you also have to make pizza for all of the other sea org goons- and you get the honor of doing this all day every day for the exorbitant salary of 0.0001 cent each and every day!!
Columbus Central File project with 131 hours in a week, with 22 people.
Helloooo…this is about 6 hours per person in a week!!!
Highest ever never in history shrinking organizations…
Wow, a new look in Sidney! The Gainsboro Blue Boy pose has replaced the folded arms.
“Break Free and Live Life to the Fullest”.
Yes indeed Scientologists, yes indeed.
The promotion of Hymn of Asia is just beyond hilarious. That and the Jo’burg presentation on ‘Clear’ are just too much to take. Hubbard, the reincarnation of the Buddha and his sublime state of ‘clear’. ‘Clear’ doesn’t exist and never has. Perhaps Hubbard should have performed his ‘clear’ demonstration with Sonia Bianca in front of a curious crowd of Buddhist monks back in the early 50s to provide evidence that he was in fact the Buddha incarnate. Only fools would have been taken in by that.
“they sent a Sea Org member to Columbus to do their CF??”
The Sea Org motto: If you want something done wrong, do it yourself.
They have to, hgc10! Only a Sea Org member can figure out complicated stuff like the CF.
Q: How many sea orgers does it take to straighten out CF?
A: Don’t know, it has never been done yet. And probably never will be.
The orgs remaining to go “ideal” are the small and failing ones without enough members to even handle things like CF, so it’s another thing with which they need outside help – along with coming up with the money for their new facility. Orlando’s CF had to be taken to Clearwater for volunteers to work on, and even then I think it might not have gotten done before the new building opened, like it was supposed to (they certainly struggled, and I think resorted to using kids from Scientology schools, yet another sign that their local membership in Clearwater is small).
If I recall, orgs’ CFs seem to often run 20 to 30 thousand files, requiring 15 to 20 minutes apiece, making them something like 6 to 8 thousand man-hour projects – daunting for an org with just a couple of dozen members (which would break down to 1 to 2 hundred hours per member) with other things to do. However, a Sea Org member working 120 hours a week, could do half of it themselves in 6 months!
Paving the way to freedom … get ethics in … help Ron ‘clear the planet’ … move up in status” — ad nauseam. I’m literally sitting here on the toilet taking a dump reading this scientology crap, which is rather appropriate.
One of the scariest phenomena concerning humans is their susceptibility to brainwashing. In this instance, think of the lives WASTED — and laid waste to — by this malignant, parasitic cult that’s a religion in name *only*. There is NOTHING remotely altruistic about this organizational abomination.
And an organization headed up by a world class psychopath
? David Miscavige ?
Isn’t that right, little Davy.
What sewer did that piece of rotting slime masquerading as a human come oozing out from under?
Mr. Rinder, you know Miscavige’s crimes. Or at least … some of them. (It’s his sex crimes yet to be publicly exposed that interest me the most.) It must gall you to no end witnessing this shit show from the outside looking in now.
1. If a show was interesting, people would be flocking to watch it, there wouldn’t have to be DRILLS on how channel people’s interest in watching it. Perhaps if there was something worth watching?
2. Maybe everyone is folding their arms so they look like they are praying? I thought we convinced them by laughing at all the folded arm poses a couple of years ago that they just look uninviting. But I guess not. Here we go again OSA: What is it that your staff is scared of? “Crossing the arms across the chest is a classic gesture of defensiveness. This defensiveness usually manifests as uneasiness, shyness or insecurity. When a person feels threatened by a situation, he crosses his arms over his chest creating a barrier that helps him protect his vital organs- the lungs and the heart.”
3. Harry Meer on Facebook paying people to figure out a place to hide a bunch of test tickets at Oxford and pretend they were handed out so stats can be priceless.
“If a show was interesting, people would be flocking to watch it,…”
Ditto Scientology events!
Somehow, I think the cult has yet to figure this out, Valerie 🙂
I’m guessing his sex crimes will be very hard to uncover because he is such a “wierd-type guy” that the thing he likes could be just about anything. There are thousands and thousands of different bizarre sexual fetishes and deviations and it seems like every day new ones are uncovered. We may think we have heard of them all before. But when you talk with sex workers, you discover that people pay them to do things – all kinds of bizarre things – that get them aroused but do not make sense to anyone else.
Almost any body part you can name – almost any article of clothing you can think of – and many other things can all be the objects of sexual fetishes.
By the way – a little off topic – but if you have not yet seen the HBO documentary film, “Leaving Neverland”, I would like to recommend it to you. Not only is it informative and entertaining, but it also opens some new windows into the mind of sexual offenders and abusers. Some young boy claims MJ had been sexually abusing him from years. But when the police surprised him one day by coming to his house and asking if MJ had ever done anything whatsoever inappropriate to him … he just looked them straight in the face and said, “Oh Gosh! Why no sir! He never done anything like that”.
Most every police officer believes that if they interview a victim of a crime, that victim will be happy and grateful to tell them all about the crime that happened to them. But that is not true of victims of sexual offenses and people who have been defrauded (especially elderly people) over the phone – defrauded of much if not all their savings. I hate to think of how many investigations just “die on the vine”, because the police do not understand this. Think about how Leah asked the LA police to investigate what happened to Shelly and they came back and told her she is just fine and everything is just A-OK. IMHO, they would have no idea that if someone told them Shelly was fine, they would have any reason at all to suspect they may have been lying. These kinds of scams and crimes will be very hard to stop until the police are trained in the workings of the minds of victims who are too ashamed to admit they were victims.