Come up to present time…
You can’t even be a cause point to get your derelict building renovated after a decade?
So you are going to rely on the fact that some ships sailed from your harbor hundreds of years ago to cross the Atlantic with people fleeing religious oppression to explain how you “are doing it” now?
And what exactly is all?
A bellhop vest?
Momentus. Forever marked in Manchester history…
Get over yourselves.
Anyone can rent a room at the football stadium.
BobbleRinder could hold a more significant event there.
Mutually exclusive concepts…
Spend all your money trying to “go OT” is NOT being prosperous
Don’t forget to invite Tony Muhammad
He can get on stage and offer a few thoughts on solidarity with the IAS Medal hanging around his neck
The Prosperity Doctrine
The true scripture of scientology — worship of the dollar.
Free TV
You have to offer food and entertainment to get anyone to show up to watch the “entertainment”?
How many seasons in a year?
They put out a couple of new episodes and tout is a new “season.”
Pick up some garbage and make Hollywood safe
Just nuts
Talk about generalities “they” are “true enemies.”
I am sure HBO are absolutely terrified of losing the patronage of scientologists.
That’s quite a quote
You do know this says NOTHING about getting a new building. You are supposed to be building and smoothing, grooving in your functions RIGHT NOW. After 50+ years you would think this would have happened already.
See quote above…
Listen to him
He has not risen above the post of supervisor since 1988.
How to talk to them about scientology?
Don’t talk.
Hold an iPad and have them look over your shoulder?
And that big smiling woman on the right can’t even see the screen…
Anyone know what this is about?
Wow, a Flash Mob
It didn’t seem to catch fire…
Epic to be sure
And there WILL be regges.
Whale watch
These guys LOVE their photos on posters…
Excuse me, you do know Hubbard subsequently CANCELED Congresses right? Said they crashed stats.
But how are you supposed to know that. The OEC Volumes are no longer available.
Hey whatever happened to HELP?
Remember, Tom Cruise opened one of those across the street from the HGB? It closed down, never to be heard from again.
I would guess this is another candidate the IAS is trying to groom for a medal this year.
Check out the balance beam. Wow.
Walking on that thing alone is worth the tens of thousands of dollars you have to pay.
Though if you really want, there is one in the local playground near our house you can practice on for free.
Does that guy on the right look like he is standing at a urinal?
And really — totally exterior with all 57 perceptions? Wonder if they tested this?
Not much progress…
In fact, that is abysmal.
Yes, all the time
People laugh at me
Oh dear
If you are going to put out a poster you could at least not squash his head
This is the best they’ve got?
One guy finishing objectives
The AO Latin America is coming.
Based on Africa and Canada — this might happen before mid-century.
Ron: The master of understatement?
Have ‘African’ and ‘Asian’ now become religious denominations?
Looking at that one ideal org commendation, I can just hear the twerp complaining bout the posters costing too much that they’re handing out: The heavy stock, the silver foil highlights, and so forth. Never mind that the suckers just DONATED a gazillion dollars in return for a piece of paper with no intrinsic worth.
Yup, it DOES look like he’s at a urinal (SORRY, ladies.I realized just now it can’t be unseen.)
NO IT CANT!!! I actually tried. Took my eyeballs out and washed thoroughly- no luck. guy at the urinal is still there. I’m considering joining the cult just so they can brainwash it off my frontal lobe…..but I guess it will eventually wear away on its own (I can hope)
CORRECTION REGARDING HELP ACROSS FROM HGB: It is still there and has been for years
But nobody ever goes in.
“CORRECTION REGARDING HELP ACROSS FROM HGB: It is still there and has been for years
But nobody ever goes in.”
As it is with anything involving scientology…. So sad. Reminds me of Zathras, or is that Zathras, Zathras, or … Zathras? Scientology just can’t ever get it right, RIGHT, DAVE? IT’S ALL THOSE DBs surrounding you, RIGHT?
How do these people reconcile the fact they haven’t saved the world yet even with all this crap they put out?
“How do these people reconcile the fact they haven’t saved the world yet even with all this crap they put out?”
THEY DON’T Reconcile anything, just do what they’re told and hope not to get hit for it, THIS time, for once.
Valentine/Valentina. She can’t even spell her name the same way twice.
“You can’t even be a cause point to get your derelict building renovated after a decade?”
Love how you slam them with the lingo, Mike. Nobody does it better.
More about “Vanessa’s” word salad. I’m not sure if “she” is saying to not support HBO by watching HBO’s shows only on line or that watching on-line supports HBO. I’m TRYING beyond all hope to make sense of that well-tossed salad and have wasted too much time on it already.
managed to send highlights of NOI and Tony Muhammad’s greatest moments to all emails available on the posters. (except sara.b- for some reason that email kept being bounced back). Doubt any of them will actually do anything about it, but they will at least see something (I put whichever event was in the subject line). For some odd reason, I feel like emails are disappearing on these posters…..Wonderful Thursday!
DC next week!!
Thank you, Kat! One never knows if/how/when/why a communication like this can pique the interest and curiosity of a Still In Koolaid drinker and get him or her looking further to find out more. And its been proven over and over that the more they look, the closer they are to getting OUT. So no worries because all good, and what you’re doing is valuable. Seriously, I’m not just saying that. One day I’ll share with everyone the precise little question, unanswered that stayed lodged in my mind for YEARS – it wasn’t that important at all, but it was there…not bothering me particularly, and then, one day, I really wanted the answer and started looking for it on the internet. And that was the beginning of the end of my long sojourn in the cult.
Im trying to ask questions which I think may spark some sort of internal questioning- we will see if it works. I wish that I had contacts for everyone’s kids or parents, sisters, brothers and other family members so that I could surreptitiously contact them- but I doubt they are allowed to open strange emails or be on social media.
I would love to hear what finally made you get out. I think it would be helpful if I/we knew what promoted each of you to start questioning things.
That “cirque” thing is only a couple of days away…. Do I feel like going? Not a chance. It’s a pretty picture, but they’ve not connected it with anything. No,*I* don’t know what it’s about.
I’m assuming you had a specific reason for including “her” rant, so I spent more time with it than I usually would, and more time than it seems to have deserved:
About that comment from “Vanessa Piera Frykman”. Not only doesn’t it say anything useful, but it’s ignorant & illiterate. After re-reading it many times, trying different cryptographical methods to discern any message and Goggling #MJ Innocent , I’m no better informed of anything and have NO idea what “she” was trying to say with: “What they[HBO] did to OUT church?
??? What IS ‘OUT church’, anyway? Some sort of LGBTQ “thing’?? Perhaps ‘out’ as in ‘out-‘ethics’? How can you be ‘out church’ if scientology ain’t by no stretch of imagination a ‘church’?
I suspect this was from one of the known ‘scientology’ social media accounts, or one of the for-hire imitations. financed and ‘informed’ by OSA. And it IS just nuts.
Only by substituting “our” can I tease out a seeming sense. As a result, my opinion is that “she” was conflating “Going clear” with “Leaving Neverland”, which just aired and I happened to catch it — on a channel OTHER than HBO, which we don’t subscribe to, darn it — I missed “Going Clear”.
AFAICT after looking it up , HBO didn’t produce much of the content. The major damaging content was of Martin Bashir, from MSNBC, AFAICT. He might have been at BBC’s “Panorama” orITV doing “Living with Michael Jackson” when he did the interview that portrayed Jackson so devastatingly unfavorably. Jackson’s own words damned him, IMO.
That ‘Guy’ [MJ] was certifiable and “Leaving Neverland” was kinder to him than he deserves now. I’ll admit he was a primo entertainer, but that doesn’t absolve him from knowing and holding to SOME of the moral norms of society. EVEN IF HE WAS ABUSED AS A KID, which I believe might have been the case. AFAICT, MJ created a cult with him as the primary adherent, living in the fantasyland of his own creation that only a GOB of new-found money could create, along with the best “justice” Money could buy to protect him from suits about his (at a minimum) ‘odd’ relationships with children invited to stay with him(creepy by itself) . Of course, now the ‘guy’* has been dead for a decade. *(I’ve long wondered if MJ was, in fact, a man towards the end, what with all the obvious surgery and such he’d obviously undergone…. )
Ten years after his demise, There’s nothing to be served insisting that a freaky entertainer wasn’t a child molester, and had IMO, the mental maturity of a 10-year-old, IF that. AND connecting such a flake to what you assert is a church is self-defeating.
Sorry, “Vanessa”, but you served no one’s agenda by posting that word salad.
Yea, totally exterior with 57 perceptions? I’d settle for exterior with just one perception, unfortunately, this is how it always goes:
“OK, i’m going to go into this room and close the door, you tell me what I’m holding in my hand”
Answer: “I don’t do parlor tricks”.
Really. This is what their answer usually is, or something very similar. I had this guy from AO, who dressed up really executive like in his Seo Org uniform, tell me, “oh yea, I’m a cleared theta clear” (one who can create illusions at will, perceivable by others). So I asked him to create for me an illusion. And he told me that exact thing, “I don’t do parlor tricks”. C’mon man, knock off my hat at 50 yards. I can handle it.
Overrun in California: He COULD have called your bluff by saying that he was not “here”, but really in Clearwater; that you were experiencing the illusion right then and there. But he was just as bummed as you that the superpowers were themselves illusions and hadn’t worked out a good comeback.
They don’t do parlor tricks, unless it involves the Volney Matheson E-Meter, then they swear a voltmeter reads your mind, while they fiddle with the sensitivity knob to make sure the Read Pointer is pointing wherever they want it. In my world, that’s called a Parlor Trick. Especially when they pinch someone and then quickly thumb the sensitivity knob at the same time, and say “See? The needle moved! It reacted to your pain thoughts! [or something, auditors and sec checkers YMMV] It shows your pain!”
The only pain is the pain of an empty wallet, a confused brain, a twisted version of ethics-as-punishment, and a downright anti-social superior being attitude that guarantees you will run over your own children to win the local cake walk.
@ Overrun,
How many times did I hear OTs say, “I don’t do parlour tricks.”
Here’s how I would have responded to them if (if only) I’d had thought of it and/or had the nerve:
“You won’t do parlour tricks, eh? Why not? Jesus Christ did them. Walked on water, fed 5 thousand people with 5 fishes and 5 loaves of bread, made a blind man see, brought a dead guy back to life, came back from the dead himself – very cool stuff! Impressed a lot of people. Turned hundreds of thousands of pagans into Christians in only 2 hundred years. Turned Jews into Christians with those parlour tricks, by gum! Jesus wasn’t above doing a few now and then to get his points across. Moses did them too, you know. Parting the Red Sea – pretty impressive. Moses was no slouch in the parlour tricks department, that’s for sure. So what’s your beef with doing them?. We’ve got a whole planet of full of 5 billion people to clear, and not an infinity of time in which to do it (whatever that means). I’d say, lets anyone who can actually DO parlour tricks not hold back. In the immortal words of Mel Brooks, “If you’ve got it, flaunt it! C’mon, its not gonna kill you. Don’t be shy! Let’s see whatcha got!”
What happens to the person who organizes these gatherings if they don’t bring in enough money? Do they have a quota they are expected to reach?
“What happens to the person who organizes these gatherings if they don’t bring in enough money? Do they have a quota they are expected to reach?”
Of course they have quotas and of course they’re held responsible (blamed) if they fail to match the unreal targets.If [WHEN] they fail, they’re at a minimum called CICS or some other vulgarity, slapped about the head and shoulders by the “punching Pontiff”®, and possibly thrown in the “HOLE” or worse.
Thank you Jere & Robert. That’s what I was wondering, if there was some extreme consequences. Great motivator to blow. I guess also a great motivator to get money no matter how they have to get it.
What a horrible little man at the helm.
He’s never heard from or seen again!
“Why Scientologists attend International Events.”
Hmm…because…they have no handy excuse not too?
Aquamarine:”“Why Scientologists attend International Events.”
Hmm…because…they have no handy excuse not too?”
You’re learning. Short of death, there’s no excuse for missing these “reg” events. AND if you use that excuse, you better not resurrect or you’ll wish you’d stayed dead. DM’s minions aren’t known for having any functional sense of humour.
🙂 How true, Jere.
KN: “I reached the state of existence that I always wanted where nothing, nothing can bring me down again. I regained my full spirit of play, my love for others.”
Fast forward 1 month:
KN, opening the mail: “Holy shit…every credit card maxed…do we continue to make the mortgage payments, or pay the minimum due on the cards…either way we’re fucked…thank God we’re dumping the kids in the Sea Org soon, that’ll help with the overhead…”
Voice from the kitchen: “Honey! Someone at the org on the phone for you!
KN: “Tell’em I’m not here! Tell’em I’ll call ’em back. Give’em an acceptable truth!”
Voice: “But, honey -”
KN: “No WAY I’m talking to ANY of ’em right now! There is NO MORE MONEY! I’m BUSY right now! For crying out loud, just make up an acceptable truth and get them the fuck off the phone!”
Voice: “Honey, PLEASE! They’re NOT asking for money this time. They just need a Success Story for their promo or something.”
KN: ” A Success Story? Oh…yeah.. I can do that.”
Aquamarine: You just described another “Regraded Being”! That was bang-on.
Thanks, jere, but then RB gets the credit for this ripoff 🙂
Along with my local Dunkin’ Donuts for ONCE AGAIN slipping me CAF instead of DEcaf, thank you very much.
There’s a Suppressive in that place. Its a conspiracy, I just know it 🙂
Aquamarine:”Thanks, jere, but then RB gets the credit for this rip of.” ?And that’s a good, or a bad thing? Good, IMO, if it gives another RB to enjoy. Someone’s got to do the work of drawing and lettering, even if a friendly soul inspired or donated the dialog.
“…Along with my local Dunkin’ Donuts for ONCE AGAIN slipping me CAF instead of DEcaf, thank you very much.”
IMO, barring a specific problem with caffeine, I’d stick with the high test. I’m afraid of the chemicals they use to make decaf, even though I pretty nearly live in Dupont “better living through chemicals”country, aka Delaware State. As it is, the Dupont clan owns a substantial portion of my home county and township, not that they’re USUALLY bad neighbors and all — other than the crazy one who drove an Armored Personnel Carrier around his (obsenely large) yard. Same guy was the one who had a ‘thing’ for greco-Roman wrestlers and firearms (separately, I believe, or that’d be KINKY and a half. ‘Twas kinky enough with just his fetish for “coaching” the young boys.)
AND the DD coffee is SO much better…. As confirmed by some Canadian correspondents of mine, Don’t bother with that “new” franchise moving in the US: “Tim Hortons”One Canuck even knew how good Wawa’s coffee bar was, and had plotted where every store was down the East Coast into Virginia. Made me feel proud, as the town of Wawa and the original Wawa Dairies is just one big hill over THAT way (gestures wildly over the top of the monitor, pretty much SW). Right across Route 1 is the old Franklin Mint, famous on late-night TV for awhile. Was really a mint in addition to all those tchotchkes
In answer to your first question, : If Regraded Being’s comedic talent and satiric style has seeped into my consciousness to the point where I unintentionally imitate him, I’d say that’s a good thing, Jere 🙂 Forget about drawing, though; I get panic attacks drawing stick figures, and no, I’m not joking, that’s true.
Got it on everything as re the coffee versus the decaf. Due to insomnia I gave up all caffeine 10 years ago. Very hard to do. Based on what I experienced kicking caffeine, I don’t know how people give up cocaine and heroin. It was very hard for me to do but very worthwhile, as now I sleep like the proverbial baby. Deep, refreshing sleep. I’ll never go back to caffeine and be sleepless again. That said, I still crave it, occasionally. Understandable because I was “Forty years a slave.” Regular vitamins and brewers yeast drinks help a lot with caffeine and sugar cravings. All part of my routine now.
Aqua, You described exactly my feeling after declaring “clear”(#5875) in ’78. Just a short time later, upon considering how impossible it was to ALWAYS have increasing stats, week-over-week, after maintaining upstats for quite awhile — easy considering how bad the area had been when I was sentenced to it — I went into a DEEP depression, but I pulled back from the brink of type III by dint of sheer intention, not wanting to do the “Introspection r/d” — or rather, not wanting it done to me. Short story: I was assigned to the RPF, as if degradation and punishment was going to improve my depression. Turned out that the RPF was lighter work than I’d done previous to the SO and I was still a good long-distance runner after my several-year flirtation with being a “jock” in High School. After awhile, I maintained “This is ridiculous.”, refusing to be cowed by their ineffectual “punishment” and they “beached” me, after giving me time to ship my gear home and get the motorcycle ready. That last bit made it the softest “beaching” they could have awarded me. I was a bit bummed when I heard that more recently, they’ve been giving “offloads” some significant folding money before sending them on their way.
jere, thank you. Thank you for being so strong. Thank you for coming out of the Sea Org with all your marbles despite every reason to be a mental mess after the insane, cruel and unfair treatment you received. I’m sending you an internet hug. That you not only survived all this – this off-the-reservation insanity – that you not only survived physically, but that are still you, still communicating, still very much alive and caring and contributing and involved shows how strong you really are. Its no small thing. Its a big deal. Well done.
Aqua:”jere, thank you. Thank you for being so strong. Thank you for coming out of the Sea Org with all your marbles despite every reason to be a mental mess after the insane, cruel and unfair treatment you received. I’m sending you an internet hug. That you not only survived all this – this off-the-reservation insanity – that you not only survived physically, but that are still you, still communicating, still very much alive and caring and contributing and involved shows how strong you really are. Its no small thing. Its a big deal. Well done.”
Well gee golly shucks and thanks for the compliments, but it took less strength than the obstinance bred into my bones from the Scots, in my estimation. Lots of it was resisting nothing, just doing EXACTLY as ordered, even when I knew it wasn’t what they really wanted. THEN collapsing into a corner of the floor and panting, muttering “this is ridiculous” semi-audibly as I loudly panted. I don’t THINK it was particularly good acting, but I avoided greater attempts of punishing when they realized that that wasn’t phasing me at all. Must have frustrated them not to get me to bristle. I just didn’t care anymore. That wasn’t strength, it was feigned apathy, getting them to pity poor lil’ ol’ me, if just a bit. Bit of the sociopathic training leaking out, I guess.
Jere, you said that nowadays when they beach someone the church is paying them large money. Is this hush money to keep them from talking badly about Scn or Davey?
“Jere, you said that nowadays when they beach someone the church is paying them large money. Is this hush money to keep them from talking badly about Scn or Davey?”
I believe that’s the case, as was done to Debby Cook and other high-value route-outs. If you’ve been reading these “ASC” sites and been paying attention, you’ve as much idea as I do. I’ve been away so long, I knew/met only a few of the current personalities, though the stereotypes[GOTTA be a better word!]have remained true. Dwarfenführer is fairly unique, and I’ve met him and found his measure(..err…lack thereof) but that Grant Cardone… I doubt I met him, but he looks SO familiar. He probably reminds me of a used car salesman who tried to rip me off years ago That’s the -type that I’m looking for.Might be a psychological typing system, might be something more body-soul related, Archetype just popped up, but that’s not QUITE it, though closer than stereotype. AND… We’re back to “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” Ain’t it grand that these great old cliches keep on keeping on?
Still, that tip-of-the-tongue disease kills me
Hey, don’t worry. On June something or other, I was beached by our own Jenny Linson. Oh the days that have pasted ..
I wish you well Jere ?
Mike’s reference to Hubbard’s cancelling of congresses, is an interesting reminder of Scientology history. Congresses, unlike “international events,” were looked forward to as a chance to see Hubbard himself explain and present new “tech” (for whatever that is or isn’t worth), as well as providing an extended opportunity to interact with others as alluded to – and I’m guessing that there wasn’t the sort of repression of discussion of “verbal” tech that there is now (not to mention the repression of sexual activity and enjoyment of substances that had been part of early Scientology). When Scientology was growing, it had that sort of excitement about it, as well as the advantage of riding the demographic wave of young baby boomers, but it’s been declining for nearly half a century as those phenomenon abated.
I’m guessing that congresses crashed org stats both because they used up a lot of the money people had to spend on Dianetics and Scientology (they were pretty expensive for the time), and because they left the rote activities and materials available at an org or mission looking uninteresting in comparison. Scientology is supposed to be synergistic, ability- and prosperity-building, and yet Hubbard is essentially confirming that it turns out to be a zero-sum game.
“Finance and Prosperity seminar”
My version, in short: STAY AWAY! Nothing good comes from giving them a CHANCE!
“And what exactly is all?
A bellhop vest?”
Well, She still seems to have ALL her teeth.
…for now.
Will Miscavige be attending this Be-Do-Have Seminar?
I think He could really use the data 🙂
I do believe the Dwarf’s got a Crashing MU on “Be-Do- Have” as evinced by his yugely failing Ideal M’Org Program which appears to be based on a principle of His OWN creation best described as “Have – Do – Be”.
Seriously, will SOMEBODY please take pity on poor COB and get Him into Qual for a Cramming?
Scientology really is a junk yard of yesterday’s con, and COB… well, Elvis summed him up pretty well, “meaner than a junk yard dog.”
IYawnalot:”Scientology really is a junk yard of yesterday’s con, and COB… well, Elvis summed him up pretty well, “meaner than a junk yard dog.”
Wasn’t that Jim Croce? Doesn’t matter as it was all junk anyway. Nothing to see here; move along.
IYawnalot:”Scientology really is a junk yard of yesterday’s con, and COB… well, Elvis summed him up pretty well, “meaner than a junk yard dog.”
Wasn’t that Jim Croce who said it? Doesn’t matter as it was all junk anyway. Nothing to see here; move along.
I agree with the sentiment, but that was early-1970s singer-songwriter Jim Croce (Kro-chay), not Elvis Presley, in his hit song “Bad Bad Leroy Brown.”
LOL, I’ve had extensive Scientology – my mind and memory are fucked!
I Yawnalot said:
“LOL, I’ve had extensive Scientology – my mind and memory are fucked!”
I hear ya’. Remember, I attested to ‘Clear’ so all of the really long-term memories are gone 😉
AND I had a stroke — from too much smoking, I’m told. Right Hemisphere artery block by a clot, which means the left side of the body stopped talking to anyone/anything else. ’twas an Eerie feeling. I couldn’t even tell the left side wasn’t “there” No static or an equivalent, just a blank channel when I thought to move those limbs. Right side limbs perforce have had to do all the heavy lifting(literally) From a 10-finger touch typist clearing 120 clean WPM,(my talking speed), I’m reduced to about 1,000 W/Hour, pretty sloppy/dirty.That’s SO slow, I forget I wrote this thought twice before in THIS composition, so should delete some of the extra words. OR I lose the train of my thought and wander all over the landscape. One thing I love about Mac OS is how some useful apps are right to hand so I don’t have to remember things, just where to find the app where I put the things. That’s why I have a button that proudly proclaims: “I have not lost my mind— it’s backed up on disk” [AND SO IT IS—to an extent. [The docs at the rehab hospital loved it, as they saw how useful my little iBook laptop had been in the first few months after the stroke.] Since I DID technically lose the right half of my brain & mind in the stroke, short-term memory could have been compromised; If it is, *I* can’t see it other than writing the same things several times in a row in my compositions/comments/replies. It’s frustrating because I can’t seem to make it briefer, but that’s not lethal,or even much of a change as it was a problem before the stroke: forgetting that I’d already written that thought, so should delete all but one copy of it.
Okay, okay, Ron said the brain isn’t the mind, and vice versa, but WHERE was his evidence? I defy anyone to operate the body except through the brain, OR to have any sense of mind without the brain. It takes both sides of the brain working together to create new memories, the neurologists have decided within the last decade that Ive been paying close attention, though old memories aren’t lost if you “turn the power off”, as in a stroke. One thing I’ve been doing with Pat and other long-term friends is checking the accuracy of my long-term memories. (this LT only; I’m interested in what is known to be stored in the grey matter. I’ve been looking at the situation from the *inside* of a radically modified hardware/firmware machine for the last decade and don’t see the truth of Ron’s hypotheses, just the ‘logic’ by which he chose those conclusions. It was the easy, comfortable, simple answer, the way he demanded all his answers be, or seem. Neurological research is better equipped than ever before , and has gotten close to reading some minds through mapping electrical activity in and around the brain. They could identify, for instance, that a subject was thinking about or seeing a picture of a boat a few years ago, differentiating from a colored square and other shapes .They’d progressed to a more mobile skullcap which they were trying to use to control his wheelchair, and beginning to compose text with the skullcap easier/faster than Hawkings had available with his writing tool, IIRC, was mouth-controlled. & speech synthesis. If the skull cap gets debugged, it’ll be a godsend for those who are without even one working hand/foot or tongue and have a lazy eye that won’t focus properly (small joke) . Their goal, of course, is a human-cyborg blended entity. Sounds like fun. MY wish, of course, is a replacement right brain so I can walk, run, climb, and ski again. Is that too much to ask? Might be nice to be able to get more physical with Pat, but she says I’m doing fine romancing her one-handed,along my many verbal flirtations. She calls me a “terrible flirt”, and I’m NOT improving with practice. Funny, everything ELSE I practiced with her got better.
I’m surprised how reflective and self-aware I’ve gotten, but that makes sense because it’s been SUCH a big change and I’m never certain when an internal perception might spring something loose. As I found in the hospitals, I’m not patient, but I am persistent. That can substitute, I was told.
My opinion is currently that the brain is the computer and firmware operating system, with connections to & from each muscle in the body, and direct connect to each of the sense organs. [That’s one gawdawful lot of connectors and nerves, but they’re all supposed to be there. If they’re not, you can’t necessarily perceive them missing. It’s not, in my experience, a buzzing of static or similar, it’s a completely blank channel, no one home, no one talking,no one listening. As a fair athlete up to the stroke, it’s sorta humbling. Instead of being able to visualize a complex motion, the simple mottos become complex, sorta like when we started learning how to
In that, I’d say The Mind is or the minds are the program or programs running on the computer, the brain the physical computer, including a multi-level RAM or DRAM, which stores its data even without a sound electrical connection and periodic power bumps to maintain the memory & its connections to other neurons . One interesting neuro idea I heard watching Science/Discovery shows was that the brain primarily controls movement, with certain “muscle memory” activities being stored in the spine or nerve bundles in the extremities. Seems to explain some things for me. For instance, though I don’t have volitional control of my left side, when I do a big cat-yawn, the left arm and leg join in. Also, a couple ties when I nearly fell, the left leg jumped to the right place to maintain balance. I can’t perceive HOW it happened as those nerves are still not back and reporting muscle/joint positions and amount of effort expended;in short, the the proprioceptive nerve system; I just observed the external actions and my core muscle/nerve system reported the overall balancing act. something I can’t disagree with given how completely the loss of my right brain affected my left extremities, is the left-right swap between one side of the brain and the other side of the body. The cute little NOTES app has an interesting feature: Type “Wake Pat at 1PM” and Reminders sets a to-do that wakes up at 1, sets a reminder that’ll come up exactly at 1;00PM and say:”Wake Pat NOW”… Handy, and something I could have used at work when they paid me to keep a Windows XP box running for 8 hours of work — NOT easy under windoze with all its known, never scheduled-to-be-fixed BUGS. We got good at noticing certain things happening, then shutting down before the crash OR ‘freeze’/hang. You see, Windoze had a “few” known bugs that got in the way of work when we pushed it hard, which was usually, it was our JOB to push the machines to their limits. SOME of those bugs we tripped over had been there since the dos days(NOT NXIVM’s DOS, but the original geek-only command-line interface that WAS the “blue screen of death”) Their “fixes” oft-times were work-arounds involving “don’t do that or the system may hang/crash” and WE had to write a module that wrapped around that part of the OS, shepherding it away from trying self-destructive actions. FRUSTRATING , particularly how easily malware got around Micros..t’s laughable ‘security’, and how many known bugs we had to work around in a supposed “mature” system. I had a list of 4, or was it 5, that I’d discovered. Sadly Micros..t had fair-gamed all their competitors, so MicroS..t was the only game on the Wintel boxes.Also sadly, TPTB specified Windoze OS and MS programming /database languages, so we were stuck with that. The one application we’d done in Powerbuilder, a decent database & interface builder some else had chosen years previously was fast, clean, and stable under Windows NT. When migrated to XP, it mysteriously crashed on our users’ machines. Funniest thing: when they went to the candy cotton color scheme, the application died. In the “plain” colors scheme, like we programmers preferred, it was fine. ODD behavior it’equivalents’ often were themselves malware gateways. One ‘suite’ of apps was the bane of our existences for a while as we chased down their hijinks on each of our machines. after awhile, we trusted NOTHING we didn’t create, and no MS product or OS with less than a 2.0 version number. Took them that long to find/fix the new problems which involved creating & testing a bunch of stupid little apps. what a PITA, as my v1.0, build 1 apps were expected to work flawlessly. We had a QA/testing section as large as the programmer section to prove or debug our stuff. Wy can’t Microsoft do similarly. Why do the 1st few versions wind up being beta test versions? Meanwhile, back at home, we could depend on our Mac OS, built on UNIX and rock-solid to be here for us, no muss, no fuss, no MicroS..t headaches.
“I have not lost my mind – its backed up on disc.”
Now THAT is hilarious.
I MUST get me of those buttons, and plenty of extras for gag gifts!
Cracking up, here!
I can’t decide whether the Sea Org uniforms look like Bellhops or Caterers.
“At a congress you find the reality of how many we are…”
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Now that’s some funny shit! Wait…What? They were serious? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
OSD! You’re back! Missed ya buddy.
Wow. So much bullshit.
Just home from a trip visiting family and friends and the beautiful environment where I grew up. It wasn’t all perfect and predicted. I had arguments and stresses with family and sometimes the weather was too cold for my Florida blood. I never had much time for this nor gave any time for this when I was in the church of scientology; one reason was BECAUSE of the stresses and what that meant when my head was in the foggy cloud known as scientology. In an odd way, it was beautiful to me this time and I appreciated it more than ever.
Six years May I walked out of the church of scientology for the last time. It’s been a very difficult road unraveling from it all and I’ll probably continue to unravel from not only the bullshit I took in but from the pain and consequences of the bullshit I tried to reject. This trip in particular really brought to light for me how important my family is to me (warts and all), old and new friends, nature and how beautiful my life is and most of all the curiosity and anticipation of what I want to do next and where roads will lead. It’s not set in stone and I have no Bridge to cross but it will be all mine.
Scientology has a label for just about everything and these take the individual and put them, their thoughts and their creative potential in a box and while one in it might argue they are living their own lives, I daresay, I disagree.
That’s my Success Story for the day.
Good on you.
Mary: When I took my first vacation from Flag, I walked up the street from the bus stop to home about this time of year in AWE of how unbelievably COLORFUL it was after a couple years in Florida’s oppressive sun, where plants just don’t need as much chlorophyll or other color to get by. Similarly, when I left Flag forever, it was so delightful to re-establish friendships started when we were toddlers, friends who didn’t REQUIRE anything from me, but who just WERE. scientology sucked all the life out of everything, returning nothing I wanted in exchange.
Yup! So true.
$cientology has found the way to take everything negative about a person and amplify it all the while taking the best of the person and snuffing it out.
This is done with the clever tech of finding a persons ruin (the mark tells what is wrong with him) and then the cult member sells him the fix. And often this goes on for the rest of the persons life…..if you can call it one.
VWD Mary on switching it up on the bastards. Great success!
AS did you Coop✨☺️✨
Beautiful , Mary .
Hope all is well with you.
“Wow. So much bullshit.” Made possible largely due to Chairman of the Bullshit (COB)
“Stand Together—A call to prayer for peace and freedom”
Since when does the COS offer prayer? To whom will they pray?
Prey, yes. Pray, no.
Corner Cottage:”Prey, yes. Pray, no.”
GOOD one!
I think you meant to say “PAY, yes. PRAY, no”
I think you meant to say “PAY, yes. PRAY, no”
That’ll work, too, but Corner Cottage said it first, and lacking an up-vote option, that was my response.
They prey to x e n u .
Robert King:”They prey to x e n u .”
WE can pray to Xenu if we want to; ; THEY’RE not allowed to know about him until they’ve payed their DUES — THAT $300+K “DONATION” they demand before you can see the silly fantasy story.
Sorry: Is anyone getting any symptoms of pneumonia? According to the keepers of the flame, anyone who hears even a fraction of what we discussed is destined to be cursed with pneumonia and die a horrible death, or some such; I forget. Didn’t believe any no curse in the first place. Just superstitious drivel to keep others away from *our* secret place. Now we gotta shoo all those “little its” away, chase them back to where they belong.
And Hubbard never did have no DTs from the prodigious amounts of rum he drunk. He Just called them BTs. Isn’t that what every drunk can see that is invisible to everyone else in the room?
Re Manchester. They are currently in negotiation with the local council to finalise planning permission details. We swung by there recently and took some pics of their Idle Morgue-to-be. A handsome building but it needs major work due to years of neglect, it’s grossly over-size for their needs and it’s set in an urban wilderness of derelict buildings with little passing traffic. I’ve let Tony have the pics and my detailed comments, which he’ll be posting on The Bunker very soon.
Aren’t “grossly oversized” and ” set in an urban wilderness with little passing traffic” REQUIREMENTS of the new Morgs?
they’re just creating beautiful corpses for when they finally give up the ghost, and DM does his own version of “the bunk”
I think it may be the only way they can hide that they are all empty!! Put them off teh beaten path, and they can claim they are filled to capacity!
Thanks for the report on the Manchester building – interesting that it is in a rather derelict area. Most of the recent “ideal” facilities orgs are being moved in to, have been in commercial office parks and industrial areas, though no others I’m aware of in what sounds like a landscape of urban decay.
Scientology does seem to have generally given up on trying to have orgs in buildings with any sort of traffic, as they can no longer successfully “body route” passersby, anyway. Initially they bought a lot of historic buildings, many of which like Manchester have ended up sitting abandoned while they raised funds for renovation, but most of their recent purchases have been of buildings just old enough to be going cheaply, but modern enough to not to be too expensive to renovate.
The Birmingham building’s set in an upscale leafy suburb. I suspect all that matters is that the buildings look good as a back-drop for Dave’s big day. This generates impressive photo’s and video to keep the whales happy, then the caravan moves on. The wider setting never gets photographed and is thus irrelevant. If there is a common theme it’s that the buildings all look big and impressive and are all in light traffic areas devoid of passing foot traffic.
Peacemaker:”Most of the recent “ideal” facilities orgs are being moved in to, have been in commercial office parks and industrial areas, though no others I’m aware of in what sounds like a landscape of urban decay.”
I guess I haven’t stressed enough how BAD an idea Philly’s idle Morg’s site is.
It’s right around the corner from Wanamaker’s flagship store, so it’s a bit like NY when they were across from Macy’s, which worked OK 45-50 years ago. Trouble is, even Wanamakers, with its big(for Philly) draw around Xmas, is having trouble keeping its white elephant open in that depressed an area. The 15-story Morg, which was an abandoned piano manufacturer’s warehouse for awhile and couldn’t sell. (for Years, I believe) It’s not a real *dangerous* area, per se,— No place in philly is —other than compared to other nearby areas — but it’s a foreboding place, empty and abandoned. Slightly better is their current org location a few blocks away, but they’re making no inroads into the SE pennsylvania area from there that I’ve caught wind of. It SHOULD be great for body-routing, between the downtown Mall and convention center and Chinatown, ALL big draws of people with time on their hands, but … nada, nix, nuttin’ … , as best I can determine. All that effort squandered. The staff who are still THERE are real troopers, hanging in when all hope is lost. HEY! Wasn’t Aaron Smith Levin from here? Would love to hear him weigh in…. And BTW: How’s that big, Bad “SP DOG” doing? Fat and sassy, I hope, having vanquished all those OTs with a wag of his tail….
Jere, Philly seems to be a small and failing org – in spite of being in a metro area with a population that’s one of the largest in country, we hear almost nothing from them. And it doesn’t have any missions left either, either – across all of the rest of Miscavige’s home state, there’s just the token “city office” in Pittsburgh that’s actually in a suburb inconveniently far outside the city, and a satellite of the Cincy org.
Thanks for the report about their siting. They could literally be in Times Square and it wouldn’t help their inability to recruit nowadays – the New York City org is hardly doing any better, and it has that prime sit in the heart of the country’s largest city.
The building is one that they bought early on in the campaign to put all their orgs in “ideal” facilities when it was still focused on acquiring historic buildings in city centers. They obviously had to wait for one that that they could make a deal on, and the fact that it sat so long means that it would probably be hard to ever sell again, though it’s even possible that like Boston and now St. Louis they will end up trying to dump it and buy one of those office park buildings that are cheaper to renovate.
The plight of Philly and other orgs like the ones I’ve cited, show how Scientology is on the verge of dying out across the heartland (extending into Canada, as well) and the East Coast.
Every single communication from Scientology reads like an advertisement…..that could be because they are a business, not a religion.
In the first promo they misspelled the word “Civilization.” In America it is spelled with a “z” and in England and Europe with an “s”. So it gives the idea that their SO staff is now mostly NON Americans, people imported from Europe and all over cuz no one here will join staff. Or it could just be that they don’t proof read their work before publishing it far and wide.
Plymouth IS in England…
Right Mike. I just assumed, probably wrongly, that all the promo for the Idle Morgues was done at Flag at the mecca of all. But now it looks like each Morgue does its own advertising.
I remember getting the first few GO OT mails from them. The spacing between the letters were the same, so it kinda looked like G O O T. For a long time I tried to figure out what “goot” is. I couldn’t, so I settled on gooch. When I left, I realized I was spot on.
Maybe it stands for ‘Gross Overstatement Of Takeaways’ or ‘Grandiose Obfuscation Of Truth’
or maybe ‘Guidance Of Obscene Teachings’ ….the possibilities are endless!
Another way of saying Get Out Of Teegeeack.
Cirque D’la libertaid proves never wear a cape and keep away from long billowing curtains. I hope Cirque du Soleil doesn’t notice the trademark and copyright infringement. But then it wouldn’t be $cientology if some type of fraud were not involved.
Whoever named Cirque d’la Liberté either went to an Applied Scholastics school or isn’t French at all.
d’la? Non.
I’d love to read a book of L Ron Hubbard’s dumbest, nonsensical and idiotic quotes that cult members like to publish. Like this one:
“The game of life demands that one assume a beingness in order to accomplish a doingness, in the direction of havingness.”
Did LRH “technical research” determine that “life is a game”? Last I heard we we’re all trapped on a prison planet infested with invisible Body Thetans that had infected our human bodies, and a whole lot of ”clearing” was in order to “save the planet” and help spread sanity.
So let’s be clear (and not scientology “clear” because no such thing exists). Life is *not* a game …. “it” does not “demand” that one (a person) assume *anything* — least of all a “beingness” to accomplish a “doingness” in the direction of “havingness”.
LRH’s quote, rewritten, should read
“Hello folks, I’m sitting here chain smoking this morning, whacked out on barbitutes which is my current addiction in addition to nicotine, and have come up with the following idiotic nonsense which you suckers are sure to fall all over:
Life is not a game, but that cliché phrase floated into my addled mind so I thought what the heck that’ll be a great place to start and riff off. Hmmm. So what else. Let’s see, you have to be alive to do anything and in the process have something so … alive, do things, have things. How can I spin that into something that sounds impressive? How about adding “ingness”onto those words and seeing how that sounds?
“Havingness” sounds more impressive than “have”. (I like that, he says.)
I think I’m onto something (LRH pauses for a deep think cigarette break then returns). Yeah, ok!, this is the kind of whackjob babblespeak quote the brainwashed morons will latch onto and feed off of like everything else I write.
Spot on
That is one book scientology would NOT appreciate! We should put Peacemaker on it.
Do any of them have proof readers? Their poor writing skills and typos are legendary. Probably due to their lack of education and business experience (illustration: the leader) But today’s Publicity Ad from Barbie said it all. “I will not lie”. Enough said….
Yes, I had a chuckle on the ‘out church’ typo instead of ‘our church’. The masters of communication hard at work no doubt.
I Yawnalot,
I think that wasn’t a typo. More of a Freudian slip (I hate Freud but still…)
It’s a new designation for not attending Sunday Service when required to maintain the right image so as to profit from the religion angle. Those who don’t comply are considered “out- church.”
Too bad Jose Mourinho’s not at United anymore… he could have given them a rousing pep talk (pun sort of intended, lol) at the Manchester ‘awards ceremony’.
It is only fitting that scientology has its location in a small office building on Indian School Road in Albuquerque.
Anyone who doesn’t know the history of Indian schools in the US and Canada would do themselves a favor to research them. Warning: use a barf bag. Children were forcefully removed from their homes, given new names, not allowed to speak their native language. In the overall scheme of things, those are the nice things that happened there. The beatings and sexual abuse was abhorrent.
I had actually wondered if they had renamed that road. Well now I know.
I like the objectives success story where the graduate calls the physical universe hypnotic. The objectives are a study in hypnosis. What a sad, foolish man he is and Hubbard was.
Now the events are important as there will be a special guest, the ED of Ideal Org…
Getting worse by the minute.
Im assuming that’s not ED Perkins as he is probably now residing in the hole….(j/k)
It looks like they’re back to tapping their pool of senior citizens in the “have it all” promo piece. I wonder if she is a retiree who’s at the point she can afford to take a job with essentially no pay? We know specifically in a number of cases that’s just what they’ve done – it’s essentially the strategy that’s kept the dusty old Christian Science Reading Rooms open as long as they have, and it might work for Miscavige to keep his grandiose idle morgues open until he too is senile.
And their one low-level completion in Atlanta is another senior citizen. We’ve also seen this before, that they seem to be increasingly relying on retirees who have time to come in and do, and re-do, courses in order to help keep org stats up – they seem to be on their way to having the old leading the old, with the occasional Sea Org kid thrown in to yell at them.
The cleanup poster seems to have the typical 2 to 3 dozen people in it on close examination, scrunched together to make them look like a bigger group. It’s very rare to see Scientology able to gather more than that number for a photo op other than big annual events and the facility openings that they bus people in for, which is telling of the actual size of Scientology and its local orgs.
I already know how to talk to my friends and family about Scientolgy 😉 buuut these jokers may not like my version of the seminar.
I bet you I’d like it, Agnes!
“big smiling woman on the right can’t even see the screen…”
That’s how we can tell she’s the Scientologist. Avoiding entheta and staying uptown.
A whole new crop of crazy to spread the word to! Thanks again!