First, thank you so much for the quite overwhelming volume of good wishes on the occasion of my birthday yesterday. There is no way I could respond to everyone individually or even “like” or “heart” everything. It was extremely gratifying to know how many people out there have my best interest at heart. It’s GREATLY appreciated.
Scientology TV
This was a BIG topic this week. The “new season” launched with 6 new episodes of the same old infomercials.
The real torture is trying to watch the ridiculous spin they repeat 24/7 in a loop of lunacy.
The Jive Asses have Shrunk
Happened to note while perusing the scientologytv list of shows that the one that promotes them features 6 GUYS. Now it’s 3 and a girl?
Had some blows perhaps? Or some of them traded in yellow suits for black ones?
$75 to see half a Sea Org band?
10 years already?
Still not SH Size.
In fact, still no more than 20 staff, having no impact on “Clearing Texas”, let alone Dallas.
But they do celebrate with some ChanMan action. That’ about as good as it gets…
OMG 2 letters are done
Isn’t that INCREDIBLE?
You would think this was a task that dwarfs putting a man on the moon.
Well, no wonder
They’ve only got 5 people — imagine these 5 putting a man on the moon.
It was amazing!
Nothing more important than training to use an e-meter to forward your art… Seriously?
Come hear some “competent playing”
When scientology chooses to avoid “amazing”, “incredible”, “game-changing” etc it is truly the ultimate damning with faint praise.
Dogs are howling…
Sharon Lonstein
So much to unpack here…
Not so much a self-made financial wizard.
Wonder if she will run into any NOI people down there and ask them about their view of Jews?
And while on the topic — still no word about who and why that guy was shot by the police in your org?
Another 10 year failure…
Also not even close to St Hill size.
Nobody in Nashville even knows this place exists.
Not even the ChanMan apparently.
So much for Clearing the Planet.
That SO Mission must still be going in WISE Clearwater
They are cranking out these seminars thick and fast.
One of these days I will drive by at the announced time and see if I can see anyone at all.
Remember the good old days?
They used to have the Flag World Tour with “big names” who drew crowds to hear about the remarkable tech at Flag. This was based on a Hubbard evaluation (AO 536 if I recall).
Now it’s become a potluck at someone’s house with an unnamed “guest speaker”…
OH, how the mighty have fallen.
The only way you can get people to watch scientologytv
Offer them a bouncy house, face painting, the balloon man and Hana-li.
The extraordinary truth…
I think the word truth should probably have been omitted. Perhaps “tale” or “story” would be more appropriate.
Staying OT “not for a few trillennia but triumphantly foever” etc etc
Hubbard Study Tech: The ONLY answer to literacy
One long sentence.
Haven’t you had enough problems already?
Now you want to support scientology in Clearwater?
Knock Scotland’s socks off
Which reminds me, in case you missed it. This article is a wonderful example of Scots humor and cynicism. One of the best opening lines of a scientology piece EVER:
“LIKE serial killers and small men, Scientologists like to be taken seriously.”
Cringe Corner
That was me when I was 7 — the start of a long and winding road. I hope these two get off that road real soon.
How about Stevens Creek for Stevens Creek?
In case you haven’t notice, you’re not St Hill size either — after more than 15 years being “ideal”?
And you know St Hill size is just the starting point, where you are just above being “viable” according to Hubbard. It’s not really even accomplishing anything other than surviving.
It’s Epic!
At least that’s what they say beforehand.
After they saw what it actually was, not so much.
But regardless, they all congratulated one another about how much progress they were making on Clearing the Planet…
Well, I think not.
If they EVER get this single building done, I doubt it is going to “create an island of enchantment” when there are thousands of buildings and tens of thousands who still haven’t recovered from the devastation of Hurricane Maria.
How about raising some money for THAT?
These people are SO inside a bubble they don’t get it at all…
What we are effectively doing about it?:
Not a damn thing.
Hey, at the next CCHR event they will be talking about how much WORSE the drug problem is because of the psychs.
You can’t have it both ways. Unless you are scientology. Then you fundraise coming and going: “Give us money because the problem is getting worse” and “Give us money because of what we are doing that is so effective to solve the problem.”
Regardless. Give us money.
It’s big news.
It requires big money.
So hand it over.
Oh for a video of this…
Carol Martiniano/Nolan lip synching? Priceless. I would make a donation for that. (though it would not be much…)
A: Buy TONS of click-farm feeds.
The other three Jive Aces are probably entertaining upper management in The Hole
Belated Happy Birthday, Mike! Stay classy! 🙂
Now if the Scientology TV network started showing Columbo reruns …
OMG, they’re so OVERJOYED that they’ve got 2 letters of Columbus’s CF done. Means they wasted their energy alphabetizing everything before starting the real work. I’ll almost guarantee that they’re not 2/26th of the way done, as they front-loaded half the work. Probably the right thing to do is pull out all the receipts of everyone who has ever purchased anything from the org. There can’t be many of them. File all with folders, make folders for the rest. THEN start filing the remaining chaff into their folders
Stop making fun of Scientology TeeVee!!
I am so excited about Season 2, I fired up the boiler to run the Ole’ Telex, and then telexed all of my scientology friends. He was just as excited as me!
(Well, to be truthful and honest, I had my assistant Ceeorg fire up the Telex boiler, as my limbs are just tomato plant leaves. And state-of-the-art technology intimidates me a little bit.)
$75 to see half a scientology band? I can’t see anything interesting about paying $75 or $130 for ALL of one, particularly that jive a** group.
The “Jive Aces may have shrunk, but they added eye-candy as compensation. She makes that gown look fairly presentable.
And that CCHR photo op: Dozens there? I see about 10, and a half-dozen guys could each be holding two signs in the background. Maybe 15 protesters? Guess that’s the best the crazy cult’s front grow could shanghai into showing up.
Oops! Missed an auto-correct:”Front Grow” should have been front group.
Is it my imagination or do the remaining three jive arses look as enthusiastic as a clown hired to perform in a real morgue?
WHO is “up” for seeing the Chan man in Dallas tomorrow? Not ME! I’ve got just the prosperity I need and want since escaping that Evil cult that sucks the life and vitality out of anything/anyone it touches.
“This was a BIG topic this week. The “new season” launched with 6 new episodes of the same old infomercials.”
Who was the poor sod who actually watched the ‘new’ season and counted them? Commiseration on the headache he/she must have.
Sharon Lonstein –
“With more than 30 years’ marketing experience working with top 500 companies…”
Although I see with $camology the above has suddenly become “…UK’s top Fortune 500 companies.” Yes, business must be booming. They can’t even decide whether it’s more than 30 years (as above) or more than 25 years experience.
Wow, they make concrete pipes and manholes –
Oh dear –
David Wilson Homes –
Then again, maybe a tad dodgy –
More than a tad dodgy?
Not looking good for Sharon is it?
Roland Bardsley
1 review of 4 stars (2017)
Not a single review –,36.htm
Of Stanley and Livingston, Stanley Toolmakers, Stanley what?
“The Free Being”
I wonder who gets the job of moving the jawbone of his skeleton up and down in time with the recorded drivel and wave the skeletal arms around.
Can’t believe p erople aren’t tired by now with all these fundraising events .
Give it rest already!
I have heard musicians described in many different ways. But to call someone “competent”?
That is def a new one for me. Talking about Trinity Skye the Ukulele player. I really don’t want to be too harsh when discussing this lest I hurt the poor lady’s feelings. But I just can’t resist pondering what it means to call someone’s skill playing the violin as “competent” and then compare that to someone’s skill playing the ukulele as “competent”. I’m left wondering just what the difference in skill level would mean to someone playing one of those instruments compared to the other one.
I got curious and looked to see if she had a Wiki page. I found this.
What is an Amino app? I am very confused.
I would love to spend all day Saturday, and Sunday doing a mountain of endless paperwork. Because I don’t get my fill during the work week. Sounds like a fabulous idea!
Ah, but what if it was pointless work, based on an ineffective and inefficient archaic approach, that the org had never valued enough to keep up with, and would let descend into chaos again once you were finished? Would that appeal more to your sense of masochism?
Putting it that way reminds me, CF cleanup could be seen as one of the sort of pointless mass rituals that groups are sometimes subjected to, like building huge monuments with hand labor.
p.s. Actually, based on Tony Ortega’s post today over at the Underground Bunker, about a guy Scientology reeled back in after 26 years and initially got about $80,000 out of, we can see why they go through old records and try to “recover” people. The files are not the productive resource Hubbard once described, that were supposed to be able to allow the orgs to flow material out and get responses in return, but in desperate times and given virtually free labor, it’s possible to doggedly comb through them and occasionally track down someone who can be exploited under pressure, perhaps in part because a lot of Scientology’s former demographic is now borderline senile but with some assets or retirement income.
“Sharon Lonstein. A Solo Nots Auditor and OEC trained.”
OEC trained, huh? This Lonstein woman is OEC TRAINED.
Would I ever love to have her in front of me to ask few pointed questions at her about Miscavige’s Ideal Org Program
How does an OEC trained person JUSTIFY actions that are so obviously, so blatantly off-policy?
How does she do it? How DOES she do it?
Sorry. Forgive me, please. It still blows my mind.
Now, let me say this.
Many of the Still Ins, mostly the young ones are NOT trained. They’re ignorant gullible, easily led. They’re used to following ORDERS without question. They mostly don’t know what an off-policy order would be anyway. They’re fairly empty-headed, obedient bots. This group I understand. I don’t respect them much but I understand them.
On the other hand, PLENTY of the older and old Still Ins ARE trained – very highly so.
Its THIS group that bothers me.
They’ve done a LOT of courses. They KNOW policy. Many of them have been Class V Org staff for DECADES. They KNOW what Hubbard wrote. They’ve been Supervisors , they’ve taught OTHERS. They BELIEVE in what he wrote, fervently. They’ve dedicated their entire LIVES to what Hubbard has written, many of them. In short, there’s NO WAY that, unlike the ignorant, unquestioning youngsters, they don’t know and fully understand what Hubbard wrote in his PLs.
Yet – YET!!!!!!! They go along with PROGRAMS that directly contradict EVERYTHING they studied and word cleared and drilled for DECADES.
How do they do it?
IF ONLY I could understand.
If I could just understand this one thing, I could stop:
!) getting upset about it
2) asking over and over the same question
3) ranting about it
4) boring you all to death.
Thank you.
Hey AM,
I’ve heard it said the two most powerful human emotions are fear and greed. There doesn’t seem to be much room for greed in this cult since The Monster has almost everything and keeps it all for himself (and his bff Tom).
But fear could provide a good answer for you. There are three fears that I can understand and that might help explain their actions to you.
1) The biggest fear is usually being “disconnected” from all your family members. I would think that most of the long-term members know they cannot really trust or count on so called “friends” in this cult. Their family members are all that most of them have that provide any of their needs.
2) Next is the fear that everything they have devoted their lives to for 20, 30 or 40 years is just a bunch of foolishness and its only goal is to enrich The Monster.
By the way, I am so fed up with people comparing him to The Pope. I listened to one of those Youtube videos where some people agreed that he is called The Pope of Scamology because his position is like the Catholic Pope.
He is nothing like the Pope. The main reason is that The Pope is the head of a religion that contains millions of people. The Monster is a tyrant who has enslaved a few thousand people. He’s nothing like The Pope. Please stop comparing him to The Pope. It makes my skin crawl – and I’m not even Catholic.
The third reason is fear of punishment and humiliation. No one wants to clean dirty bathroom floors with their tongues. Do they? No one wants to have The Monster beat the shit out of them – unless they are some kind of extreme masochist.
Have I got that wrong? Or does it sound right to you?
No, it doesn’t sound wrong at all, Skyler.
I’ve been wracking my brain for a logical reason. That was my problem. Logic has nothing to do with any of this.
These Still Ins are emotion-driven and the emotion driving them is fear.
Fear of being disconnected from their families and loved ones, fear of punishment and humiliation from their group, and last but not least, fear of realizing and having to confront that they’ve wasted decades of their lives – their time, their money, their effort – on something that is not going to work out.
What threw me off was how WELL they TALK the logic game. How well they MOCK UP being adherents of LRH policies. But its all an act.
Maybe in the beginning it was for real; maybe the started out sincere and on fire to change the world with LRH “as its written”.
But somewhere along the long road from where they started in Scientology to where they are now, they flipped.
Flipped in the sense of deciding that what was REALLY important was to IGNORE what didn’t make sense, what they KNEW was wrong, and instead, to follow orders, to OBEY Command Intention no matter how it conflicted with LRH. They made this decision at some point and now all their efforts are in obeying Miscavige and to hell with policy if it conflicts with Command Intention! And all because they’re afraid. What they fear is more important, FAR more important, than what they know to be right.
They’ll sell each other down the river now for the sake of obedience to Command Intention, so that they can stay connected to their families and friends, so that they remain ” in good standing” with the cult, and so that they don’t have to confront what in their heart of hearts they already know, to wit: they’re failing, they’re completely and utterly wasting their time. And by stubbornly clinging to their delusions they get one more benefit: they don’t have to face how they’ve forfeited their own integrity, which makes them, PER LRH – nothing.
Ok, so I’m processing this…no logic,. driven by fear (and some by greed of course, but I’d say those profiting from off policy are in the minority).
The thing is, what threw me off back then was that these Still Ins TALKED such a good game.
They really did! They were so convincing verbally as to how important POLICY is, while, on the other hand, their ACTIVITIES contradicted outrageously what Hubbard said to do and not do…they talked a good game.
But is was all gaslighting. These people sold out their principles years ago. Lost souls, really.
I’m angry with them for gaslighting me. I trusted them. I looked up to them, admired them. They shouldn’t have lied to me as they did.
Then again, how could they NOT lie to ME when for years they’d been lying to THEMSELVES?
I’ll get over it. As long as I’m onto a REAL “Why” I’m on the right track. I have to always keep in mind: “Fear is driving them. Fear, fear, fear. Forget what they say or how cleverly they talk. They’re AFRAID.”
You helped me, Skyler. Thank you.
I helped you? Well, I must say I’m surprised and delighted at that. I’ve spent many years at war on several forums and I usually get banned within a few weeks. No one has ever before said I helped them. Usually people just tell me to knock it off with my weird sense of humor.
Have you ever read George Orwell’s Animal Farm? It was required reading when I went to school. Required reading in the 8th grade. I was 13 years old and IMO, that was far too young to appreciate this great book.
But I think a lot of went on with the pigs is similar to this scam. The big difference is that it wasn’t fear so much as greed. Well, they were pigs after all.
But whenever I think about it, I see so much that is similar. All the double talk. All the fear of the leader. Of course, I also see a lot of similarity to the Nazis. The Nazis were even more like The Scam than the pigs at Animal Farm.
AM said: “Then again, how could they NOT lie to ME when for years they’d been lying to THEMSELVES?”
AM, that is a mighty powerful breakthrough. I think it takes a really good mind to achieve that kind of realization. So many people spend their lives blaming others for lying to them and cheating them out of their lives. Mike sets a good example. He readily forgives all the people who have lied to and cheated him and he asks forgiveness of all the people he has done the same to. Someone recently said we need to find a better name than “Bobble Mike”. I have always thought of him as “Captain Mike”. He deserves to be the leader of those people much more than The Monster deserves anything.
IMO, that realization frees both of you to transition to the next stage in your development. I have no idea what that may be. But I’m very proud of you for having figured that out they couldn’t help lying to you since they have been lying to themselves for so long. It is very difficult to put yourself in the shoes of others but it’s such a powerful thing to do. Now that you realize it was no one else’s “fault”, you can stop wasting your own time fuming and blaming and lost in anger.
Forgive me for making some very blatant assumptions about you AM. I have no way of knowing whether you have spent much time blaming others and that you now realize it’s not going to help you. I’m making other assumptions about you that I have no business doing. So I need to ask you to forgive me for that. It can cause you to feel bad if I say dumbass things and I’m wrong about them.
But I’m sure you have done something terrifically (bunch of new-age adjectives similar to “enabling”). I better stop before I say something hurtful. I just think it took an awful lot for you to realize these people weren’t at fault and didn’t deliberately try to hurt you.
After all, if they were walking down the street and stepped on some ants, they wouldn’t really have been to blame for killing them. They may just not have been paying attention because they were thinking about some stupid Scamology shit.
In summary? Not your fault, AM. I suggest you will be better off if you don’t waste your time beating up on yourself because you don’t deserve that.
The OTHER difference would be that the Catholic Church Pope is more or less ELECTED to BE the POPE.
David Miscavige voted himself in….he took over with an iron fist squashing anyone in his way. He had the BALLS & the back up to do it. His devotees still kiss his ASS as much as the Bishops etc in the Catholic Church kiss the Pope’s ring.
OEC-trained? BFD. I was OEC trained at one point, OEC 2. POSSIBLY 0 as well. Big fat lotta good it did me, then or now. They didn’t say she was an OEC GRADUATE.
Ha ha! That’s true! “Trained” doesn’t mean she completed the course.
IMO, You’re failing to understand How/Why stems from seeking a logical reason, when the usual reason is just an empty-headed belief or going along to get along — Anything to avoid being declared, sometimes. In my own case, I survived the bubble as long as I didn’t really examine what was happening. When I was forced to — my nose being shoved into it, I realized it was all ridiculous and told them so. That was verboten, reasoning, so they quickly offloaded me as “unsuitable”.
Absolutely right. I see that now. There’s no logic! You said, “Anything to avoid being declared…”
These old, die hard Still Ins have seen MANY who spoke out become declared or as things are now, whispered about disparagingly, their PC folders gossip fodder within the org.
Not gonna happen to THEM, oh no!
I get it. Thanks, Jere!
Aquamarine: That someone has been in for DECADES that they’ve drunk deeply of the Flavor-aide and aren’t about to question any of their fervent beliefs. The longer they’re in, the more firmly they’ve trapped themselves, sadly If they were inclined to, they would have looked already and joined the rest of us living free outside of the bubble.
Yes, this too. They’re being “last ditch right”. And in the process, making anyone who quotes policy and disagrees, anyone who observes what’s ACTUALLY happening and punctures their delusions – wrong! They have to, I guess. They’re that far gone.
It’s hard for people to realize they’ve been suckered…most people would never admit that they fell for this crock of shit. People are judgmental in certain situations as in “how could you be so dumb to believe in Xenu, atomic bombs, volcano’s. Well at least space Aliens might be under consideration as a distinct possibility yet to be proven, could Xenu actually BE one?
In reality Lron was a Science Fiction writer (dubious author?) who could spin a yarn with the best of them. He figured out soon enough as noted that the ONLY way to really make some cold hard cash would be to start a religion.
New cults were popping up all over the place, Heaven’s Gate, Children of God, young people in the 60’s hippie generation about peace & love trying to “save the world”…Or in Lron’s imagination “Clear The Planet”…..
For the long time still in’s, just how does one admit to themselves that none of what they’ve studied, paid thousands in cash for, sacrificed their entire lives for, so hard to admit it’s all a fantasy…that the brand spanking new “meat body” is never gonna happen. There have been cases where people under hypnosis can recall what they claim would be past lives or lives of someone ELSE who’s been long dead & now that “being” inhabits their body.
The depth & breadth of the human mind is still being explored today. WHY are some people geniuses, why are their some people with 70 I.Q.’s able to solve complicated math or science problems or play a musical instrument like a virtuoso…
AAAhhh we still wonder about life & just WHERE the HELL we ALL came from?
Balletlady, I hear you on people being embarrassed about being suckered. Mark Twain said it; something like people would rather keep on BEING fools than admit that that someone has really fooled them. Admitting this is too embarrassing so they just keep on “being right” about it and being fools! You illustrated this very well in your post, and one can observe this phenomenon everywhere.
IMHO, they don’t squawk about off-policy because they don’t believe in it anymore, if it was ever really more than a temporary overlay on their basic common sense. Hubbard was a master of indoctrination, and provided all sorts of repetitive and hypnotic training to snare those who could be snared. But he has been gone fore-ever. Forever. And, to the ever-ins, those intense indoctrination activities have also been gone fore-ever. Forever. So the intense desire to do all things Hubbard exactly as Hubbard set forth evaporates over time, just as Pavlov’s dogs quit salivating at the ring of a bell if enough time passes without being reinforced.
They no longer care about policy – to actually care about it would only earn them demotion, a stint on the cans for an expensive sec check, maybe a year or more of poor food and sleep deprivation on the RPF, or even disconnection. They know better than to rock the boat even talking (nattering, talking about cases) about what is off-policy. There are many reasons people think they have to stay in the CoS, so they have learned to make the best of it, and addressing off-policy activity is a non-starter within the CoS.
I suppose the real true believers in Policy left after the Debbie Cook letter, if they could.
I hear you, Ammo. Either they don’t believe in it, or, they believe in it but adhering to policy pales in comparison to what they consider far more important, i.e., obeying orders. Plus, as you’ve pointed out, they’ve had so many losses, so many failures over the years that possibly they WELCOME Miscavige effectively condoning not following LRH.
Good point. The decades of proof that El Con policy is a major failure might bring that about. Members are looking for someone who could do it better than Hubtard.
Well, I know for a fact that the Birthday Game and making staff do lower conditions, and then stressing them out with high conditions that have to be maintained when they do produce has given staffHUGE losses. Couple that with having to learn and relearn, sell and re-sell whatever Miscavige’s tech du jour happens to be and you have a terrible business model. I I follow formulas loosely and they work for me the way I cherry pick what I will personally apply and when. And loosely and informally managing staff with certain formula actions (“promote”, duh) work well.
But managing staff, strictly, that way?
Jesus! Making them do Lowers, giving them an arbitrary weekly target date and time, i.e., having to get everything DONE by Thursday at 2PM or whatever the day and time chosen, holy hell, just slit your throat before running a business with THAT policy! I’d NEVER treat my staff like that. If I did, I’d have long ago lost my business. I wouldn’t have a business! Producing staff, mostly working hard, earnestly, loyally, who don’t get EVERYTHING finished by some arbitrary time – punish them? Unthinkable! And then making them do Liability or Doubt or Enemy…Unthinkable! Not only cruel, but dumb.
And yes, also, as you’ve pointed out too, Ammo, is they don’t see what they don’t want to see. Its amazing what otherwise smart people don’t see simply because the don’t want to see it. But their willful blindness doesn’t stop them from spouting off to the rest of us about how – how right they are, how logical they are. Its amazing!
Now if the Scientology TV network started showing Columbo reruns …
No no Aqua, don’t stop – I fully agree with you!
Help me out with his one, doesn’t compute…
So the top Fortune 500 companies in the UK are small businesses? What happened to you limies? Are you guys OK? Is it Brexit?
“Let Callifornia be the first fully Ideal Zone.” Hmmmmm……Callifornia ? “Zone” ? Spelling notwithstanding, I guess Callifornia can’t be the first Ideal STATE, since Florida seems to have claimed that title. Although, if any state only has 1 org in it and it is an “Ideal Org” wouldn’t that technically make it an “Ideal State” ? Will Puerto Rico be the first “Ideal Country” ? Is Australia the first “Ideal Continent” ?
Is Target Two the first “Ideal Planet”……?
Somebody STOP me ………
Sorry Valboski, but Puerto Rico is not, not has it ever been a country. It’s always been a territory of someone. ‘Course it IS part of Paradise in the Caribbean, the rampant drugs and corruption notwithstanding.
Target Two might well be the first “ideal” planet, but I expect DM, for no apparent reason, to declare good old Teegeeack “Ideal” first, since it’s where HE holds sway. Ron never needed nor wanted Ideal anythings.
Sorry…..I guess I was too subtle. Puerto Rico’s ascendancy as an independent country is about as likely as the “Saint Hill Size Ideal Org” developing. They are too busy being a teat-sucking territory to make it as a country.
OK, I’m trying to book my next vacation, but Travelocity is having a hard time finding this new “Zone” called Callifornia…….
Oh sorry, I fell asleep reading the flyers – what’s happening?
“Hubbard Study Tech: The ONLY answer to literacy” and the flyer touting the study tech has misspellings, typos and run-on sentences. Oh the irony!
OK Yawnalot: Find that MU!
“Meat-body societies”? I don’t know what to make of that!
“We’re not cannibals, we’re just scientologists. All good, fam!”
For starters there’s that typical photo of a CCHR rally cunningly shot to look like a crowd, but that really only has the usual 2 to 3 dozen people in it, on close inspection.
If Columbus is at C around the beginning of April, then they are on track to make it to Z in about a year. Among other things, this shows how few active members the remaining small and failing orgs (SFOs) that have yet to go “ideal” actually have, if they can only get a handful to come in on a weekend to work on a high-priority project. I assume they plan to move to the new facility sometime this year, so I wonder what they are going to do – unlike Orlando, they don’t have a big Scientology center nearby that can take over the project from the SFO. We can look forward to some desperate promo in the future, probably trying to get members from around the country to come spend their summer helping out with the central files and various other Potemkin Village projects.
And I don’t see anything in the HAPI promo piece about a new “ideal” facility, so I wonder if that Herald piece referring to their acquiring a property jumped the gun, perhaps having fallen prey to one of Scientology’s propaganda ruses. The “ideal” facility campaigns have been known to use the lure of pictures and even enhanced renderings of buildings that they don’t yet own and may not even be in serious negotiations to buy, when pushing for donations; in the case of Santa Barbara they were showing around an image of a very attractive modern office building in a sort of airy art deco style, before they finally bought the hideous, dark, brutalist-style one that must have been the cheapest on the market due to being so undesirable.
So I wonder if some of the 10th anniversary events will backfire, by causing people to realize that it’s been a decade, and that not only has there not be “expansion,” the orgs are actually emptier than ever. 2009 was the year the St. Petersburg Times “The Truth Rundown” marked the triggering of tsunami of negative exposure, with prominent former international executives coming out on critical blogs, followed Janet Reitman’s book, the Debbie Cook letter that helped to catalyze a significant exodus, Going Clear, Aftermath, and so on. It’s been Miscavige’s decade “horribilis.” But then again, at least for the true believer members who are left, Scientology seems to have become the “science” of knowing not to look*….
* AKA denial, willful blindness, obliviousness or what is known as invincible ignorance
I think those three photos in Central Files might have been shot in different seasons. At left, a female wears a heavy coat. In center, two females are working in thin shirts like T-shirts. At right, they have on long sleeve hoodies, indicating it’s cold inside. Which is it – cold outside, cold inside, or shirt-sleeve temperature?
‘Thanks to our incredible volunteers, the Columbus CF is up to completing the letter “C”.
‘Let’s get ‘Er DONE!’
Wow! They finally got up to ‘C’. They must have partied like it was 1999! Imagine being there for this great event! Whew! How exciting!
OK, now, let’s all get going on letter ‘D’! It shouldn’t take longer than 6 or 7 months.
‘Let’s Get ‘Er Done!’
She wants the D… If you know what I mean, honk honk…
No, I don’t know what you mean, but, I like the honk, honk.
So few new emails- was it something we said??
I know you said you were meeting with some people in DC. Tony Ortega posted a documented example of BLATANT fraud and elder abuse to whom the church issued a settlement without standard gag orders. He also references another who’s free to talk and it sounds like some law enforcement is showing interest. These would be HUGE for anyone in Gov’t or connected with the IRS to review.
I was already back home when I saw the story- I didn’t check the blogs before I left DC. I emailed the link and an explanation to the people I spoke with. The story was incredible and I’m optimistic that someone will pick it up and run. The FBI can get involved because the wire fraud is in their wheelhouse and under their purview.
The lack of an NDA was puzzling. I’m wondering if the Scientology lawyer is having doubts about the cult and “accidentally” forgot to have it included. That is NOT a usual occurrence nor is it a mistake a seasoned lawyer would make. It makes me wonder about what’s going on inside- the quick settlements and now this. I think they know they have broken multiple laws and are scrambling to neutralize the damage.
I think Davy is panicking… and people who panic make mistakes.
Speaking of Dallas, noticed that the deep ellum mission no longer maintains their fb page, and it’s now an extension of the org’s. Hmm…
The Deep Ellum mission is indeed apparently defunct – it’s still listed on Scientology’s website, but checking FB I see that in February the address was changed (without proper capitalization, so perhaps hastily) to that of the Dallas org.
So it does seem that it’s yet another one that has bitten the dust.
I notice that it also shows up in some other listings as a Life Improvement Center, and that’s what the signage in the window shows, as seen on Google.
It was apparently incorporated, and opened at the one location, in 2013, so it’s not one of the longstanding missions.
Thanks for catching that. Now we just need someone to verify that it’s gone, and post it as closed on Google….
“Important and exciting announcement” is just a Scion euphemism for “We want your money, ALL of it, and then some.” These guys never change as LRH intended,. Too bad for them the time certainly are.
I’ve seen many videos of the “Dallas” Org (it isn’t in Dallas) over the last two years . No public coming in and out no matter the time or day of week. The only staff that have ever been seen are a security guard, an HCO staff member and an OSA/DSA insane old bat of a lady who tries to take pics of anyone getting within 100 yds of their building.
How about getting within 101 yards of their building? Would they cut us some slack?
Cracking up, Wyn. The insane old OSA bat…its funny. The org is utterly empty and desperate for Bodies In The Shop, but if occasionally it looks like someone might actually come in – uh oh! Highly suspicious. Like a woman who’s wants a boyfriend very much but when a new guy makes overtures she demands a dossier from the age of five before meeting for coffee.
Aqua, maybe they have an operational mortuary going there and are reporting B.I.S. literally
🙂 Wyn. Aptly named, then, these “cherches”. Ideal M’Orgues.”
Wynski, you may be onto something, with all the old-timers they rely on, dying off. Also, that’s why quite a few of the long-time missions finally close, because the old mission holder passes on.
Peacemaker:”Wynski, you may be onto something, with all the old-timers they rely on, dying off. Also, that’s why quite a few of the long-time missions finally close, because the old mission holder passes on.”
That’s what happened to the franchise that caught me up nearly 50 years ago. AFAIK, I’m the only one from that glorified hippy commune (without the drugs, sex or rock & roll) who went beyond doing their Academy Levels at NYO. Most didn’t finish the courses the franchise COULD deliver.
Is the “insane old bat of a lady” the same one from the Regraded Being?
Having them experience the “beauty” of Scientology.
Love the scare quotes. I’d use them, too.
SCIENTOLOGIST is a collective membership mark designating members of the affiliated churches and missions of Scientology.
Except when it designates any sale of a book written, or ostensibly written, by L. Ron Hubbard.
The beauty of Scientology??? Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Now that’s some funny shit!
All of the adult Scientology topics I find interesting and entertaining.
Children being swept up into adult mind games, I find almost painfull to read.
Oh boy, are these all supposed to be Ideal posters, promoting Ideal meetings, for Ideal people and, indeed, for an Ideal future?
All inside an Ideal bubble of delusion and lies.
The flyer promoting the win of a girl from CC Int in LA said something like she must study it for her art, and Mike says how will the emeter help her art? Well this is the lie that all aspiring actresses and actors at CC are told: that you must learn Scn tech and get Scn auditing so that you can get the breaks in your career and become a world famous actor or actress. The church plays on the fears and insecurities of people who audition and don’t get it on a daily basis. It causes confusion of “why wasn’t I picked? I’m perfect for this role.” So in all that confusion, the church puts the stable datum there of “get on lines at CC and watch your career take off from the tech.” And in a confusion, the person grabs for a stable datum to put order in the confusion. It’s sad that the stable datum put there, CC Int, will not be the why if they are successful. And they tout their stable of celebs saying that you could be the next Tom Cruise if you buy this auditing etc. Why, just look at what Scn did for Tom Cruise, and Krustie Alley and John Travolta! Oh, wait, on second thought maybe I’ll pass on that.
Cindy that is so well said! Perfect explanation
Belated birthday greetings, Mike. Please know that your bobblehead has found a home on top of one of my stereo speakers, and every morning when the missus and I sit down for our morning caffeine-induced chit chat, she always says ‘Hi, Mike’ to your bobble-headed likeness.
for me… ..Flag Events are like Spaghetti O’s.
Once upon a time I quite liked and enjoyed and them… and now I just shake my head… “never again”.
As Class V Org staff, we quite enjoyed having a Flag World Tour Event. They would send a couple “Flag Advance Men” out to the org to do all call-in and handle the whole venue and set-up. These guys were generally quite likeable and personable – much different than the SO Missionaires who came to town.
You soon figured out that “these SO people” were different. They weren’t yelling and acting all lordy and mean, (or declaring staff, kicking them off post, musical chairing, etc) … they were more fun, upbeat, and would cheerfully promote how the event would help the org too, not just Flag.
They’d ask for a bit of help with call-in and would be sitting down with Regges, and Div 2,4,7 execs to get info on hot prospects.
Flag Advance people would tell us how they’d reg for Flag, but also for the Org. Sure…sure…there would be people who couldn’t go to Flag for some reason, wanted local training, etc.. and why, those nice Flag people promised that these public would pay up and stay right here in our org and get onto service. Everybody wins! Our stats would go up TOOOO!
No..they weren’t there to just bleed every bit from the pockets of OUR public, rendering them too poor to buy services from struggling US.
The event would be held in a hotel! With catered food! No pot-luck in the chapel for THIS event. Nope, and Flag paid for it all AND arranged it!
Events were the one and only “social” engagements for workaholic staff. – to have Flag event was to have all the excitement with little of the work.
The videos made scn look all big and shiny and winning. They portrayed an org full of bustle and competence, Reassuring evidence that Scn was flourishing with rich happy people going up the bridge.
and the Food.! yay for trays of food prepared and laid out just like we were somebody! Baked Ziti in metal trays! mmmm!
I can just imagine… these small struggling Class V orgs…. the bulk of public are old, broke, limping along on SRDS and Basics Ext Courses… trying to fill up a rented hotel convention room, trying to drum up excitement… .. what happens when the event is empty and small?
A small intimate affair at the home of a local “Opinion Leader”?
No more canned slop for me.
Looking at these posters makes me think maybe these people are infected with invisible body thetans that are ruining their lives. Kind of like meth heads who have invisible bugs crawling all over themselves that they constant pick at. This is some of the most bizarro shit I’ve ever seen in my life.
Funny you should mention that – some have theorized that the inspiration for BTs came out of Hubbard’s abuse of the amphetamine Benzedrine, whose use he openly advocated in his early lectures, when it was then still legal. That, and alcoholism, which Hubbard also suffered from, can cause delusional parasitosis, or the belief and sensation that parasites are infesting the body – which can then result in the sort of picking and scratching that methamphetamine abusers in particular are now infamous for.
Omg I just got that connection. I bet that’s probably true. Thanx for that.
Is that a wedding ring on Meghan Fialkoff’s hand ? Lucky guy . Hope he has got money !
No. Wealthy Dentist Dad has all the money and Meghan and hubby both “work” in his dentistry practice – she, I suppose, when not somewhere elsewhere doing the vital work of shilling for the IAS.
Meghan also has an event planning business with cult people patronizing her services.
Her husband has no money. His attraction was that he was already a Scientologist… and not married….that’s it.
Actually, there’s more, and it was no small thing: he wasn’t going to dump her for being a Scientologist. As had a few of her former boyfriends, apparently.
In light of his otherwise stellar qualifications as husband material, that he was unemployed with no profession and of Muslim extraction were of no consequence. He was considered a terrific catch for this never married Scientology Jewish American Princess pushing 40.
( FYI, this idle, shamefully catty, juicy and totally un-fact-checked gossip came to me recently via a New York acquaintance – long-term Innie, UTR and on the verge of being officially disaffected. Proudly I pass it along to you.)
“A source says . . . ” – Laughter and perfectly acceptable gossip for apostates on the fringes of the internet! 😉
Shamefully catty, juicy and un-fact-checked gossip is the BEST kind!
In Regards to “Valley Idea Org”…..I question the use of the word or reference to: BOY SCOUTS…..
I know of several churches who use different verbiage when referring to a group of boys such as “Royal Rangers” or “Explorers”…..but none uses the word Boy Scouts……think I’ll refer this to the Boy Scouts of America & see what THEY say.
Trinity Skye??? Never heard of her….but then…I never heard of “what’s her name” either until she showed up wearing her Donald Trump dress…….scheeez.
Well, not all boy scouts are real boys any more…
The Boys Scouts are now allowing females to join……so they can achieve the Eagle Scout Award as well.
Ballet Lady,
WHAT?? you’ve never heard of Trinity Skye??!!! but shes COMPETENT on the ukulele. Wouldn’t you just love to pay to see a ‘competent’ performance on a ukulele? I cant imagine who writes this stuff. Guess the words Epic and Unprecedented and stratospheric can only be used one million times each, so they had to come up with a new adjective….guess this was the best they could do.
competent. I guess in the reality of what scientology is actually doing, competent is actually a compliment!
By the way, my recollection is that a few months ago when the former BSA began to admit girls, it also changed its official name from “Boy Scouts” to the single word “Scouts.”
I can’t imagine a ‘real’ Scientologist making time for the monthly Friday-Sunday camp-out, the weekly evening meeting, the prep work to keep track of merit badges, ranks, and mentoring boys ages 11-17. But again, when I input the Valley Org Zip Code into the Boy Scouts of America finder feature, none of the 20 results has any name like Valley Org, Silicon Valley Org, Church of Scientology, or any name like those. Maye they just forgot to register with the Boy Scouts of America.
Mountain View Buddhist Temple is there. Covenant Presbyterian, Rotary Club of Palo Alto, Elks Lodge #1471, Barron Park Association which meets in the Gunn High School Staff Lounge, Los Altos Youth Center where the build their own kayaks, Rotary Club of Los Altos which welcomes girls, 4 Congregational Churches, 2 each Lutheran, Methodist, and Episcopal, plus a few others – but no Valley Org.
Does the org provide free meeting space, help fund the troop, allow parents time off for activities? Can anyone imagine Miscavige allowing the ideals of Scouting to infiltrate his fiefdom? Of the 12 points of Scout Law, DM has already failed at #1 Trustworthy, and most certainly fails at #2 Helpful and #3 Friendly.
Scout Oath
On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
Scout Law
The Scout Law has 12 points. Each is a goal for every Scout. A Scout tries to live up to the Law every day. It is not always easy to do, but a Scout always tries.
A Scout is:
TRUSTWORTHY. Tell the truth and keep promises. People can depend on you.
LOYAL. Show that you care about your family, friends, Scout leaders, school, and country.
HELPFUL. Volunteer to help others without expecting a reward.
FRIENDLY. Be a friend to everyone, even people who are very different from you.
COURTEOUS. Be polite to everyone and always use good manners.
KIND. Treat others as you want to be treated . Never harm or kill any living thing without good reason.
OBEDIENT. Follow the rules of your family, school, and pack. Obey the laws of your community and country.
CHEERFUL. Look for the bright side of life. Cheerfully do tasks that come your way. Try to help others be happy.
THRIFTY. Work to pay your own way. Try not to be wasteful. Use time, food, supplies, and natural resources wisely.
BRAVE. Face difficult situations even when you feel afraid. Do what you think is right despite what others might be doing or saying.
CLEAN. Keep your body and mind fit . Help keep your home and community clean.
REVERENT. Be reverent toward God. Be faithful in your religious duties. Respect the beliefs of others.