Envoy Extraordinaire
This is all they get for a few million? A crappy certificate? No bowling trophy?
And “Representing LRH to the world”? With a hall they will never get built?
Movies? For free?
They must be showing the Way to Happiness movies… Or some other propaganda from scientologyTV…
And “pre-mother’s day” means what?
Joining the Sea Org
Don’t do it! This car is your best means of escape when you need to….
The end of the mystery
Solved! We just need more of your money.
Hear from “guest speakers” and “multiple humanitarians” — that should be a clue
Changing a Life, a Nation, the World…
Tony Mo!!!
What a guy… Changing the world by getting rid of the Jews.
It’s ALWAYS the “Greatest Ever”
Whatever the last ‘greatest ever” one was — ScientologyTV? — it has really been impressive.
So this one should be epic, watershed and monumental.
Now that’s a real survey…
How many people answered “No” to the first question and were sent straight to ethics where they had to give money to the IAS to get out of trouble?
It’s an ideal world
It’s catchy. Everything is now “ideal”.
Ideal Missions. Ideal courserooms. Ideal Narconons. And now ideal Delphis…
American Gothic?
They finally made two auditors at the largest ideal org on earth.
They look like they’ve been at it for about 20 years, just missing overalls and a pitchfork.
Premier Showing?
Not counting when it was shown when it happened every week for months thereafter?
Celebrating a year of absolute futility…
By they very nature of the celebratory activities…
You can tell this has been a monumental, watershed, epic year of nothing
The biggest Dianetics boom ever seen…
Just you wait and see.
And in the first “Scientology City” just like Ron said in 1976. Right?
OT’s at work
Cause over MEST. Though it seems money is a problem… always. They never have enough. They’re always doing seminars about it, it’s an obsession…
Maybe money is really theta — outside the realm of control of OT’s perhaps?
Why I joined staff?
I was indoctrinated since childhood. I dont know anything else.
Just look at that line up of vultures…
They are going to help you, help them to make money.
Scientology Network presents
What is the “Scientology Network”
Wonder if anyone in the real world knows scientology is jumping on the Desmond Tutu bandwagon?
Total cause over MEST.
But not money
The Scam continues
Not satisfied with beating every last Rand out of the dwindling number of South African deadhorses for Ideal Orgs, they are bringing back a tried and true hustle.
Every library in all of Africa??? $500 times 2800 = $1.4 mil.
And they have “completed one set” so far…
OK, its decision time
Hand it over for new empty buildings or books to go in the dumpster.
Choices, choices….
This prophecy fulfilled business….
That would be the return of Siddharta Guatama?
Are you going to invite Tony Mo to speak?
Wow, big news
I havent even seen it yet, but I guarantee there is more talk about the Rose Parade and Rose Bowl than there is about scientology.
There is nothing to say about scientology in Pasadena. It’s just like scientology in Inglewood. And Burbank. And Hollywood.
This has NOTHING to do with scientology…
Being held on L. Ron Hubbard Way…
The budget must have been cut, they have held this in a theater for decades…
A Clear
Their annual quota has been meet.
That place is doing a great job of Clearing their environment. Working together with all their IAS Freedom Medal Winners they are building a model society in Venezuela…
I can’t fathom any reason Scientologists would be encouraged to come together to view a documentary on Desmond Tutu, Bishop of the Anglican Church. As a non-believer and non-practicer of their superior religion, what can they possibly learn from this wog’s life?
In actual fact, aren’t they aware how poorly LRH stacks up against Tutu? Not in the same league at all.
Thetans are Satans making money. In purpose to survive money, money and money must pour in and make scientologists day.
Scientologists stealing the bank from other thetans clear the planet and are out-ethics and rewarded with rice and beans in the cult.
In the Venezuela photo Silvana is listed as Clear #151? I don’t get it. Around 1980 my Clear # was in the 8000’s. World population has almost doubled since 1980 so if they’re starting over from zero last year or whenever they REALLY have a big job ahead getting everybody cleared. Problems, problems.
Maybe that’s the number AD69* Clears produced this year. If they produce a total of 375 this year then in AD70 they only need 376 to be upstat!
*AD69=69 years After Dianetics. (The world will soon switch over to After Dianetics spacetime on all calendars.)
Richard, I think she’s the 151st “clear” in Venezuela. Recently Scientology has been giving out “clear” numbers just sort of 70,000, as seen on some of the certificates in photos that are legible.
I’m not sure that Scientology has enough people left, to actually be making the 1,000 clears a year or so that the continuing advance in their numbering indicates, though it’s possible if they are working through long-time members and staff who’ve never been able to afford it, or using new numbers for re-dos. But it still actually reveals how infinitesimally small progress they’ve made towards their supposed goal of “clearing the planet” after more than half a century.
The 151st “clear” in Venezuela makes sense. I’m guessing the write in at the top of the paper she’s holding says something like “The number of Venezuelans creating theta”. Venezuela still has some whales.
Somewhere I read that “Clearing the planet” meant that rather than everyone being clear it meant that 10,000 Clears and “fully Operational” Oh Tees would be able “to clear the planet” which is less a pile of BS to swallow. That sounds like a cop out – lol
Get with the program and get those homo saps cleared!
When I first got into Scn I had no idea what “Clear” was all about so clearing the planet was just some kind of motto. It wasn’t long before I realized that clearing 4 billion people was out of the question. Scn might make a difference and I guess many people had Utopian dreams. I’m still waiting.
Richard – you have to understand the evolution and cycle of a Scientology Clear.
First – you are told you are going to get rid of your reactive mind – ERASE it.
There is the Past life Clear, the dianetic Clear, the Clear Cannibal (an Active Scientologist in good standing who is willing and able to destroy others in the name of L Ron the Con Hubbard) and other versions of the whack job Hubbard’s definition of Clear.
Ole L Ron Hubbard, the liar, could not figure out how to get rid of the reactive mind so he changed the Clear Cognition to “I am creating my own reactive mind but I can stop it and control it” and hence Clear on the 1st dynamic only.
Then Ole Tubbs realized that Clears got sick, needed glasses and became SP’s.
The EP of Scientology is SP.
Hence the newly Clear “Clear” – which means they won’t ask too many questions as to why they have to go broke, get divorced, file bankruptcy, disconnect from sane people they love and do a Bridge to nowhere.
There ain’t no Clears. Just look. There ain’t no OT’s. LOOK! No super powers…. just stupid powers.
The bridge is a circle – you keep going round and round and round and keep starting over with more confusing “data” which Miscavige re names and repackages as GAT I and GAT II.
If you don’t ask any questions and keep giving Scientology money and free labor – you TOO can be A Scientologist in good standing. You become a stupid criminal who wastes their life on an evil cult destroying people.
Invalidated, Nullified etc. – After an indeterminate number of hours of introspecting on the past in auditing/counselling someone might have no regrets about the past and realize the past has no negative effect on them. To that extent I don’t knock “Clear” but it’s certainly no scientology “miracle”.
I split in 1982 and I have a hard time wrapping my head around how current scientologists can go along with DM’s crazy. That’s religion for you I guess.
As someone who spent quite a bit of time doing humanitarian work in Rubio, Venezuela (a tiny town near the border of Columbia), I am deeply saddened by the photo of the woman with “Clear” status in Venezuela. The people of that country are desperate for food, clean drinking water, medical supplies, safety from violence, and education/opportunities for their children. I’m quite certain that Scientology is providing none of that, and instead sucking desperate people into a life of servitude filled with false promises.
The Hebrew caption underneath the picture of Israeli Scientologist Ira Kellman says “I am OT!”
Do you reckon next weeks “Sail the Freewinds” poster has been put on hold?
Building a clear California? They could start by clearing the dog poop off of San Franciso’s streets.
That’s more likely people poop in San Francisco.
Good grief! My favorite West Coast city. You’re joking, right?
And hypodermic needles litter the streets.
I’m sorry to hear it. I was there a long time ago, just before the dawn of the Haight Ashbury era.. I haven’t been back since. I was very young. I fell in love with San Francisco. The adults had their plans, I was trusted to be on my own so I went all over, walking around, exploring wherever my fancy led me, talking to strangers and getting directions from them in coffee shops and other places, riding the trolleys ,Grant Avenue in Chinatown, Knob Hill, the Golden Gate Bridge, just off the top of my head. Loved it, every neighborhood, loved everything about this city, including the “morning fog” that “chilled the air”. What a great place. Vital, energetic, interesting… I’m sorry it has deteriorated.
As always on Thursdays, I read as I have for YEARS, this column — with a mixture of contempt, nausea, bewilderment, disgust, horror — and pity — for the poor people trapped inside this sick pile of Scientology dog poo goo. Thank GOD I am not in their circumstances. It’s a nightmare I can never get my mind wrapped around.
I just read this news article from this link https://www.news.com.au/tra… about the measles quarantine for the Freewinds. It says in the article that the ship’s doctor requested 100 doses of anti measles vaccines to be brought on the ship and they would administer them to the passengers and crew. This is crucial information for Scn watchers at the Bunker and at Mike’s blog. He only requested 100 doses, when the church earlier said there were 300 people on board. So the fact that he requested so much fewer doses tells me they lied about how many are on the ship and it is a very small passenger and crew list, further proof the church of Scn is ever shrinking. Of course some of the passengers may have already been vaccinated, but my guess is not many and especially among crew not many as the general feeling amongst most Scns and SO were to NOT get vaccinated for the reasons stated in earlier articles. Which brings us back to, not many are going to the Ship these days.
Cindy. I saw this story tonight on Inside Addition
They said DM is onboard..maybe he will catch Measles
This is the best news I’ve heard all day.
Im waiting for the poster that says Tony Muhammad is going to be speaking at the Israel ideal org….Im still attempting to reconcile the dichotomy of that. How do they manage to keep all of these parts separate? I understand that the cult is the ‘only’ thing the members are supposed to support, but come on- how can a Jewish person in scientology stand to be in the same room with a group who spreads such hatred to their culture and traditions.
Its sad to see someone selling their possessions to throw their life away for nothing, and its even sadder to watch the older people who are joining the sea org- they will be used and cast aside so swiftly their heads will spin. It seems more likely that they can no longer afford the ‘courses’ and have to join the staff or sea org to remain in good standing or to afford the ‘classes’ and have somewhere to live.
As we have seen the wonderful grammar and diction evident in these flyers, it is brutally apparent that the Delphi isn’t even close to adequate at preparing anyone for life.
Im still giggling and outright belly laughing about the Freewinds. I hate to admit it, but I am holding out hope that a bout of norovirus sets in soon! I was also blocked from scientology’s twitter site, even though I’ve never posted there nor do I visit it. I think they are feeling the heat a little bit. I was so proud of being blocked that I had to take a screen shot and send it to my friends! there was much laughter!
I just saw that Facebook has banned Louis Farrakhan as a dangerous extremist.
How’s that merger working out for you, Scientology?
Come join the NOI! We have hate , measles , Facebook , and Instagram. Well we have measles, and hate!
And this is making my day! Well done, Facebook!
Oh, how painful these flyers are to read but it does beg the question. If money wasn’t the object of Scientology – what is?
Um, sorry to nit-pick, but that photo is NOT of Nelson Mandela. It is Bishop Desmond Tutu. It’s okay, Mike. You were still deep in the Scientology fecal matter when Nelson Mandela was freed so you wouldn’t know the dif.
Generally, we continue to see retirement-age people doing courses, and young 2nd gens signing up for staff – along with a few of the oldsters as well.
As for books in Africa, one example to look to is Venezuela, where Scientology had a campaign to put a set of books in every library. A while back I checked the online catalog of the Caracas library system, and only two branches out of about 30 had a full set, and maybe 10 more had Dianetics and possibly another major book. They can go ahead and buy all those books, but like so much of Scientology’s printed output, most of them will end up pulped or in a landfill.
And speaking of Inglewood – what about that Bentley-driving, sword-wielding guy who was shot and killed at the end of March? We haven’t heard any claims from Scientology that it was a hateful attack from a complete outsider, which means it likely was someone with embarrassing ties to the org as a least one person on the scene initially reported, but it also seems that the CofS must be successfully tying up release of the police report. But hey, in typical hypocritical irony, “The Right to Know” is the title of another of their PR pieces…
“…young 2nd gens signing up for staff…”
They don’t have too many options as regards earning a living. High school diplomas mostly, and not trained to do anything. So they live with their parents, are mostly supported by their parents and if there’s a family business giving them an automatic job they work it part time while they work on staff at their parents’ org. Then they get older. And older. They start pushing 30 and getting unhappy and depressed because they’re not producing anything, they know they’re wasting their youth, and not even making any money. No life of their own, no real job, no house or apartment of their own, still living like children with Mommy and Daddy. This comes to a head when they’re near 30. Its at this point that the Sea Org comes for them again. I say “again” because inevitably these kids went to Scientology schools and the Sea Org failed to recruit them after graduation. So now , 12 years later, the Sea Org sticks its ugly head out (cue Jack Nicholson in The Shining) and says, “I’m baaaaaaaaaaack”. And the 30 year olds are turtles on their backs. Ten or twelve years older still with no options – no profession, no training – 10 years of producing nothing on staff, still living at home, totally fed up with their meaningless lives, staring another 10 years of the same in the face and desperate for SOME kind of change, they are now ripe fruit for Sea Org recruitment.
I was near 30 when I first got started in Scn. Wog life was boring and I was looking for something interesting to do. Scn kept me interested for a few years.
Almost anyone can start off in a low level retail, fast food, sales or other various jobs. If it’s beneath your dignity too bad for you.
Richard, I personally 100% agree with you. My father taught me to NEVER be ashamed of any work I would have to do, no matter how menial, so long as it was honest. Just do it if you have to, he said, and do it well. And there were times that I did do poorly paying retail work, and restaurant work, because that was all there was. And because of what my father taught me, I was not ashamed.
That said, even though low level retail, fast food, and commission-only sales are all that these kids are qualified to do given their lack of education and training, still, there’s no way they would do it.
These kids’s situations differ from yours in that you voluntarily got into Scientology, and they were born into it.
You had a “before Scientology” life (as I did) and thus you had the ability to make decisions based on a much wider and more diverse life experience.
Also, after their parents spent FORTUNES on their expensive Scn schooling, these kids wouldn’t dream of working in such jobs, even if they are the only jobs they’re qualified to do!
The 20 somethings I knew had families who had businesses. They’d flit in and out working in the family business, doing low level clerical or receptionist work.
Or, some fellow Scientologist friend of their parents would employ them, for a while.
They never stayed in anything for long. They led rather shiftless work lives. Being Scientology STAFF was their “stable datum”. And their helicoptering Scientology parents subsidized them to a great degree. Mom and Dad remained another “stable datum” .
Their lives consisted of growing up as Scientologists, attending Scientology schools, going on staff at their local org, “working” in the family business and continuing to live at home…that’s it. No independent life at all.
By the time the SO came for them they were thoroughly SICK of their lives and themselves and literally BEGGING for change. No way were they going to start out at age 30 at McDonald’s! The Sea Org plucked them like ripe tomatoes off the vine.
I knew 4 of them like this. They resisted at 14, 16, 18, then went on staff. The SO left them alone for a decade, mostly and then came back for them, and got them.
Aqua – Got it. The sea org recruiters certainly keep a “prospect list” and they would be just as relentless and ruthless as the registrars. I was out out of Scn in 1982 so there would be a lot fewer 2nd gens back then. My Scn experience is much earlier than most people commenting. I’m becoming a dinosaur.
Exactamundo on all, and me too, Brontosaurus Rich 🙂
Building an Ideal California? With ALL those years of HUGE numbers of “OTs” in California why is it now the State with the most people living in poverty, the lowest education level and worst crime in the ENTIRE country?
Wyn! California has the 5th largest economy in the WORLD! Also a growth rate of 3%, a balanced budget AND a budget surplus of 6 billion. And all this despite its very high taxes. And its the most liberal state in the USA with a mild climate, so of course homeless people and other indigents flock there! And of course Mexican immigrants want to work there and avail themselves of such services.
Still, despite all this, its a remarkably booming state. I’m not a Californian but I think California is extraordinary. it has everything. It could be its own country. Seriously. And, yes, there are people moving out but they’re mostly retired people anyway. Property values in CA are sky high for one reason: many, many people WANT to live there. Simple supply and demand.
ACTUALLY,it doesn’t. You see they are counting ALL revenue made WORLDWIDE by companies like Apple. Apple (and ALL other mega companies in California) bring ZERO $ into the state from out of state and country sales. Apple has a separate corp in a single room suite in Nevada that banks ALL sales and revenue from the other 49 states. This is because CA has some of the worst corp tax rates. So, that 6th largest econ meme is complete garbage in reality. California has an unfunded future debt that under GAAP rules make it all but bankrupt. It has the highest percent of people of ANY state living below the poverty line and the LEAST educated H.S. Grads in the nation. The state has the largest exodus of MIDDLE CLASS working age citizens in the nation. it is NOT mostly retirees. Since 2000 it has lost 3 MILLION middle class 30 something.
As someone who invests in real-estate around the country I get ALL the real info delivered to me regularly. California has NEVER been is worst shape since 1840.
CA has ALWAYS had the best climate but only recently the worst poverty. You aren’t using logic.
He he he (evil laugh) I KNEW this would bring you out, Wynski.
That said, Ok, my head is spinning from this barrage of in depth facts you’re throwing at me.
I don’t know what GAAP is; I’ll have to look it up.
I don’t think I will concede at this time, but I won’t say you’re wrong either. I’m just not knowledgeable enough to have this conversation, or debate, right now, apparently.
But I will read up on this – the subject interests me, actually because even though I don’t live in California I have a great admiration for the state itself, as well as Californians ( I know that’s a generalization but I truly admire how Californians, as a group, are willing to TRY OUT new things, to give new ideas and concepts at least a CHANCE.)
Anyway, I’ll review your material and do some more reading up and we can continue this another time, if that’s oK with you.
I’m ok with being wrong about California being the 5th largest world economy.
And by the way, thank you for telling me that I’m not using logic.
That is the nicest insult you’ve ever given anyone on this blog, and I appreciate it 🙂
Why is the Freewinds responsible for sending books to Africa and what 3 languages would those books be in? Africa has 1,500 languages.
Kayt. I hope that’s a typo and not how her Scientology parents thought the name was actually spelled.
Scientology: sleazy, soporific, super stupid, slimey, skeezy, scuzzy, shitty, sheistery,schmucky, schmoe-like, swinish,skanky, soulless…on a good day!
The ” TOP OT AMBASSADORS ” have drilled the appropriate body language and facial expression for their asset-hoovering mission:
Glad to see you back Mark!
And the blood on those fangs.
… blood on those fangs …
Well done AM. What a powerful image!
Where on ‘L Roc Bubbard Way’ is the writers of the future being held? Is it in front of Big Blue?? How many are expected to attend? It seems that no one wants to be associated with Lron anymore. Who would have thought that could happen?
They finally made two auditors at the largest Ideal Org on earth. Wow! They must be celebrating like it’s 1999.
“Don’t you just dig it man?”Opps wrong decade – text me.
“I have two questions for you:
Do you like the idea of a monthly supporter program?
What amount do you think members should donate on average?
Thank you for your help.
Who the fuck wants to donate their last few pennies?
What amount to donate? Not a fucking penny! It all goes to Corn-on-the-COB!
Desperation is quickly taking over.
Yes I love the idea of a monthly supporter program. I hope that program is already in place on Target 2 also.
I’m pretty sure it is. I’ve been there. But wait till you see the three breasted women. Oh, crap. You won’t. It’s always on Venus.
So repulsive. There is nothing in these flyers and ads that seems remotely inviting, but then I am so done with this “church.” All I see are stupid come-ons to see or do stupid things or donate to stupid causes (except for the guy selling his car so he can join the Sea Org, I cry). I KNOW there are scientologists in good standing that feel the same way.
Off Topic, but Gawd, wouldn’t it be awful to be someone that went to the Freewinds to do some course or go to some event for a week or two and be stranded on it and in quarantine for 21 days. It’s got to be a slice of hell. I think it would be great if miscavige was there to celebrate his birthday – little pip squeak.
The guy selling his car makes me sad, too! Don’t do it young man – live your life!
The Freewinds measles cruise… I was curious to ask someone like you, who’s spent plenty of time AND $ on it, what do you think is going on with those people stuck there who were there for a shorter course? Are they being regged even more from a “since we’re stuck here…” perspective?
You bet! During this quarantine they have been put on some course or something that they pay for. They are “making it go right” and getting some “theta” during this time.
Mary – 21 days of fleecing the PTSers who pulled it in
Image the ethics handlings and brutal treatment the poor souls on the Fleecewinds will receive.
So glad I exteriorized out of the cult and into the truth.
The truth set me free.
Lurkers – I do want you to have the same amazing wins
Watch Going Clear by Alex Gibney
A&E Scientology; the Aftermath
Oh yea. I feel for the person who started this PR flap by pulling in the measles.
The two auditors made at Valley Org, yes Mike, they took forever because: they had to do the unique metering course that lengthened the training for months, then the GAT came out and they had to redo from Student Hat on up again. Do not forget the Basics where you needed to study the Books all over agin and then the GAT II, again…student Hat on up.
It is a miracle they managed to complete the training despite their age.
The second poster – Family Movie. Are you kidding, you have to bring your own chair? And a blanket? Are they doing the movie showing in a freezer? Come on, is summer in Florida!
Silvia, good comment. I know the older couple who completed some auditor training at Valley Org. They are very old timers from the 70’s or 80’s. Having been in it this long, why so long to finish auditor training? Probably because as Silvia pointed out, OT’s are being recycled through the bottom of the Bridge and up again. If you cancel all certs and issue new training materials and requirements , thus being in violation of KSW, then you can make more money as all the old timers re-do what they’ve done before. It is a perpetuating circle leading nowhere. And there is no OT IX and X to release. So that must be why Dm recycles everything — because there is nothing new coming out.
“Times over equals certainty” is somewhere in the “scripture”.