Not really.
Pain. Poverty. Futility.
For once I agree
Go to the beach. The cliffs. Take a bike ride. Those, and the people and music and beer are all great reasons to visit Ireland.
Stay the hell away from the “ideal” org…
They don’t even mention the org so they know what is real.
It will blow you out of your seats
You can be more causative, powerful and expand as a being. Just by attending this event and giving us your money….
Send those kids for a shot of measles
Tip of the spear
What happened to clearing Sacramento?
That was one of the early “ideal orgs” and apparently it has achieved NOTHING in “Clearing Sacramento”.
So, let’s shift to Ventura because THAT is what will make the difference. All those ideal orgs in Nor Cal and SoCal have not had any impact, but this one off a freeway in Ventura is going to be what pushes it over the top…
Scientology TV
Will get people moving on the Bridge?
What a ridiculous joke.
Picture progression
This looks like one of those IQ tests…
They went from 200 attendees in 2009 to 20 in 2013.
What will 2019 bring?
Should be 2 attendees…
Something they know ALL about?
They are completely disconnected from reality, wonder what they will say about America: 2019? It’s a good time to buy a CD player? Or a telex machine?
What does it take?
A complete lack of sense?
To hand over money when you don’t have it and wear outfits that make you look like you have should be committed …
Are you with me?
Says Ron, exponent of the Sea Org motto: We don’t come back…
7 letters done.
We ARE Clearing the Planet!
How we are going to win this game…
The game being? Convincing fools to part with their money?
The sad fate of ASHO
Home of the Briefing Course and Power Processing, ASHO has been resigned to trying to get people to do Objectives.
It’s like Harvard only being able to teach 3rd grade math courses.
Reverse aging?
And if he has control over time, why isn’t he going to be there in person?
It might be a clue that this is a lot of bs that the secrets of reversing aging are being provided over Skype.
Jim Kalergis
He was totally disaffected with scientology… Somehow his wife apparently got him back on the reservation. And now he is trying to collect some commissions.
By the way Jim, while you were away your Class 6 Cert was thrown in the trash.
It doesnt count unless it is a “GAT II” cert and there is no GAT II SHSBC.
Specially trained in PR on the Freewinds
That should convince everyone to listen…
Pasadena “ideal” org
Clearing Pasadena one 5 year old at a time
More pitches for kids…
The adults are harder to get.
Get what you want from life…
If that includes being constantly regged, then this is the seminar for you
Sherman Oaks “ideal” mission…
Get into power as an artist…
Like those amazing people you see in their promo. Denice Duff. Raven Kane. Bodhi Elfman. Household names and most certainly in “power” as artists…
More pitches for kids…
Golden Age?
What exactly do these people think is going to happen when they add another empty building to the dozen they already have?
Secrets to abundant income…
Become an IAS Reg
When I was years ago involved with the $Scientology, I remember this one staff member telling me that somewhere up the bridge you will have the ability to remember your previous life and never get any older physically … he used Tom Cruise as an example. I could see he really believed it.
Another higher up staff member said ” Ron can probably recall his past life of a trillion years ago”!
Yeh, it’s all about mind control, taking your mone y and making their quotas as they are “clearing the planet”.
When I was years ago involved with the $Scientology, I remember this one staff member telling me that somewhere up the bridge you will have the ability to remember your previous life and never get any older physically … he used Tom Cruise as an example. I could see he really believed it.
Another higher up staff member said ” Ron can probably recall his past life of a trillion years ago”!
Yeh, it’s all about mind control, tasking your mone y and making their quotas as they are “clearing the planet”.
As a non Scientologist, and knowing very little about them, just looking at the wording and layout of the above, it is obvious that those who produce those things are seriously deranged.
As a taxpayer, I find it outrageous that they have tax exempt status.
Ps: I have seen several episodes of Mike and Leah’s show and those shows have provided context for my previously negative impressions of Scientology over the years. Every time someone tells me “how great” Dianectics is, I cringe. I remember me and my friends making fun of that book while in college more that 35 years ago.
I may have gone to college with you- I did the same.
I think we all know that if you go to the org in Ireland, they’re not going to let you see the countryside or go to the beach – because, per KSW, “the whole agonized future of this planet, every Man, Woman and Child on it, and your own destiny for the next endless trillions of years depend on what you do here and now with and in Scientology.” Leah said that in all her time in Clearwater, she never even got to go the couple of blocks down to the water.
The promotion of “reverse aging” is curious. And over at Tony Ortega’s Underground Bunker, there’s discussion today of Scientology allying itself with the anti-vax movement. I wonder if those are signs of a new strategy.
Sorry if this is off thread, but I wanted to comment on Scn attorney Blinky Monique Yingling. She got her nickname because when she was interviewed for a statement on TV about the Scns she works for, she continuously and nonstop blinked fast in an unnatural way. Constant. Well there have been many ads on tv where I live about a condition that has a medical name which means, rapid and constant blinking. The ad said it was caused as a side effect of certain drugs for bi-polar, schitzophrenia, anxiety, depression etc. So if Blinky Yingling is blinking cuz she is on psych drugs, Oh Ho! How ironic is that since the church is dead set against psychs and psych drugs. But then she is NOT a member of the church, so she can take as much bi-polar medication as she likes. Still, if DM knew she was on these psych drugs, would he fire her?
Yes, but. Somewhere I saw a video of the “set” where the interview took place. She was plopped in a chair in the middle of a room with bright lights all around her and a boom microphone overhead, sort of an interrogation setting. Just sayin.
Richard, Give us a link that will show us the video of the set where the interview took place please.
Sorry, I don’t have a link. Even though she’s a sleazy lawyer representing a sleazy client I remember feeling a bit sympathetic for her being put in that uncomfortable situation. I think when she appeared on the Aftermath it was a torso shot with someone off camera questioning her.
“And over at Tony Ortega’s Underground Bunker, there’s discussion today of Scientology allying itself with the anti-vax movement.”
Could you provide a link for us all to see?
I only see stuff from 2015. Anything more recent?
“Why we did it.”
Please check whatever applies, Mr. & Mrs. McKenna.
______ Because we want the phone calls, emails, texts, home visits and office visits to stop.
_____ Because we refuse to join staff and we feel guilty.
_____ Because we refuse to join the Sea Org and we feel guilty.
_____ Because we are by nature gullible, weak-willed and easily persuaded.
_____ Because we need to feel important and this is the only way we know how.
_____ Because we need people to pay attention to us and admire us and this is the only way we know how.
______Because we are brain dead.
_____ Because we have a kid we dumped in the Sea Org who we’re afraid we might not be able to see unless we fork over enough cash to keep the cult happy.
_____ All of the above.
Dennis McKenna , probably a nice guy,’but looks like a brainwashed loser .
Spends a pretty penny though to maintain his Hollywood hair and teeth.
But hey, he’s shooting for IDEAL!
There sure is a growing fixation within Scientology on children hey? That is scary on some many levels.
Once saw a WW2 photo of an SS trooper smiling as he handed a doll back to a young girl who had dropped it while being marched off to God knows where. It was one the most chilling images I’ve ever seen, it still haunts me. The same sort of feeling is emerging seeing Scientology target children. Nothing good can come of it, nothing at all. Scientology ruins lives.
I Yawn, the ‘God knows where’ is, probably Poland. There were approximately 10 to 12 camps scattered around in different areas. But, they had one thing in common: DEATH.
P.S. Children were also killed.
They’re not getting any new members so they have to focus on the kids, get them fully indoctrinated into Scamology. Sad
What an appropriate contrasting image.
Scientologists put on smiles and “high tones” to get your money for nothing or counsel you til your eyeballs are rolled back in your head or convince your child that YOU, their mother, are the enemy…
I did a paper on the children of the holocaust in college. The loss of children at the hands of the Nazi regime is mind blowing. The kids we see on this website are destined to a painful mental fate. I hope Mike helps many young people move forward, and away from $cientology.
With some of the kids born into Scientology the cult training and indoctrination from infancy sticks; with others it doesn’t. Go figure.
That autographed dianetics book looks interesting. Isaac Hayes, and Lisa Presley-Jackson.
As for Jim Kalergis, I think he has a daughter in the SO. I wonder if he’s back on the reservation so she won’t disconnect from him?
If he has a daughter in the Sea Org he wants to be allowed to see occasionally, that’s ALL you need to know. The cult has him. He IS their creature. They know how much money he has. They know how much debt he has. They know everything they need and want to know about him, and if he has any money, property or assets he WILL pay accordingly. He will donate what he is told to donate, and when. He will buy the courses and auditing that he is told to buy. They own him, case closed.
Sung to the tune of Georgy Girl:
Hey there, Davy boy
Swinging little fists so fancy-free
Nobody you meet could ever see the cravenness there inside you
Hey there, Davy boy
Why do all the feds just pass you by?
Could it be you just deny or is it the smile you wear?
You’re always window dressing but never ‘fessing your crimes
So shed that false persona, that boner you can’t hide
Hey there, Davy boy
There’s another Davy deep inside
Bring out all the hate suppressed and, oh, what a change there’d be
The world would see the real Davy boy
Whoa! Now that’s great! Very well done HD! Bravo!
Thanks for the compliment OSD. I’m reading an interesting book that seems to describe Davy quite well. Here’s a link:
The top disseminator for CoS in 2018 (if I read correctly) had a shade over 130 people start services and sold 200+ books. That tells you all you need to know about the decline of clearing the planet and CoS. Not even specified if it was brand new (raw meat) services or book sales. I’d guess most weren’t brand new startsunless you count children of cosers on their first service.
The fact they consider these numbers brag-worthy is telling.
The guy at our local mall hands out more chicken teriyaki samples in an hour. The lady at hot dog on a stick sells more hot dogs in a lunch period.
A not so funny. Greg Mitchell, a lobbyist who represents the Church Scientology, attended a recent anti-vaccine event, addressed the crowd, offered to be their “voice in the public-policy game” and said, “I’m your lobbyist, I’m here to help you.”
Not getting vaccinated, including children, is not an optional setting. Even one of the Kennedy boys’ is against vaccination. I thought we were well beyond that stage. But, we’re not. By a long shot.
Granted I’m not well informed on this and I should probably read up on it but Jeez what is the big freaking deal about vaccinations? Back in grammar school we ALL got our polio vaccines. I remember very well that my left arm was a little sore for a few days afterwards. Big deal! None of us got polio! And none of us got autism either. There were hundreds of us small kids getting our polio shots. Perhaps the dosages have changed since those times? I simply don’t get how any parent can object to their child getting a polio vaccine. End of rant.
“What does it take?”
A technology that actually DID what it promised would be a WONDERFUL start. If that happened, I might just change sides….
I’m not holding my breath. In fact, I’m going to take a nap and get away from all the failure which IS scientology. It’s too depressing to spend much time on when the weather’s looking more like May (not so ‘April-showery’ as it’s been of late.)
“Ninety-nine percent of what’s wrong with people is not enough excitement.”
I think there might have been a typo there. Is it possible the original quote read, “not enough excrement?” That would explain so much.
“Not enough crap in your life? Scientology can handle that.”
Fixed it.
What does it take in Manchester? Apparently an incompetent Vietnamese typesetter called Pla Yi Ng dressed in a bee costume.
I would not want you to think that your joke has gone unnoticed.
I took one look at “Pla Yi Ng” and thought to myself, “Hmmm … Hmmm … “.
Then I took a second look and thought out loud, “Hmmm … Hmmm … Hmmm … “.
Finally, I took one last look and thought out loud, “Hey! What gives here?”
Even tual ly, I put it all together and figured you was just “playing”.
All in all, I thought it was a real good joke and I liked it. Well Done Sir!
I didn’t know Jim Kalergis had been disaffected. Can you tell us what you’d heard? Was he an “Indie”, or turned off to the whole kit and kaboodle?
He was my FSM about a thousand years ago.
Free at Last, Jim is too smart to openly show his disaffection. He knows how to play the game. My FSM a the time, Power FSM Divona Lewis, told me that no one could get Jim to move an inch to get back on the Bridge and he was pretty prickly about it, so much so that they all just stopped and gave him his space. He said to everyone who tried to get him back, “I’ve done the Bridge at least 3 times over and I got the EP of OT VII, so I”m NOT going back on the level.” His attitude was I’m happy, I got the EP’s, and I”m not going to fuck with it again and mess it up. Now he is back giving talks like he used to. My guess is either his SO daughter or his wife have threatened to disconnect from him unless he gets back in the fold. But that is just supposition on my part.
EXCUSE ME for being a bit petty, but I’m once more astounded that THAT picture of the “Fleecewinds” got approval for publication. It shows the WORST paint job I’ve ever seen on a purported cruise ship
(which depends on a professional presentation to make it in ‘the biz’.)
AND they’re advertising to have parents sent THEIR CHILDREN to that rust bucket? For “COMPETENCE &LEADERSHIP” TRAINING”? ? I feel sad for the kids whose parents would CONSIDER doing that, worse for those who get sent. The only competence they’d get would be, perhaps, scraping and painting, maybe learning how to survive on rice & beans, honing their skill at tuning out rude noises being shouted at them, following the herd to “go along to get along”; all the scientology ‘tech’ which demonstrably has no value, learning EXACTLY what “Lord of the Flies” means in the ‘real world’ of scn’s “bubble”. Hopefully, none will be too horribly scarred by the experience, hopefully most or all come to the conclusion that the ‘Sea Org’ isn’t for them.
Well, summer is coming so I suppose all the kids camps and ‘conventions’ are a great way to get Junior out of the house for a few weeks. Miscavige loves compliant, servile children. They make great $cientolgists. If only a handful show up, they should fear for the future.
The ‘Leadership and Competence’ seminar is so badly named. The only ‘leadership’ in the Clampire involves rote parroting of Lron’s wisdom and doing wonderful stuff like cleaning out the bilges and rowing a lifeboat. That means much fun, unless the I/C (in charge) wants to go water skiing.
zeemoo observed, in part:
…”Miscavige loves compliant, servile children. They make great $cientolgists. If only a handful show up, they should fear for the future.”
IMO, if ANY children show up, they should fear for their futures, since none who go are likely to escape the ‘Sea Org’ having parents like that who would ALLOW them to go there unescorted by the parents in the first place. The parents would KNOW that once the FSSO has them, the parents have no say in their kids’ futures; They’ll be SO crew well before the parents get to see them again.
“Miscavige loves compliant, servile children.”
Perhaps, but only if they are far away, never seen. Such BT-infested PC juveniles pose a grave threat to his full powers and big beingness as COB RTC charged with clearing the planet.
Ron is still MIA, he’s here with me, polishing the third row of bricks.
Was that you the other day on Venus? Hey PaR, stop by some time! It’s a blast here.
Dear Steven Evans who want to sell the celebrity signed Dianetics books.
The only thing that is going down faster than the anti psych crowds is the price of LRH collectables.I threw my singed LRH Dianetics book in the recycle bin because already 4 years ago because nobody was buying it on ebay.
Just checked:Thousands of lrh books on e-bay.0 offers.
Sounds like you are still in the middle of a religious implant.
Dear Steven,please come up to present time.
OH.MY.GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This Idle Morgue, in CF, is actually on the letter ‘H’!!! Can you believe it?! I’m thinking in a couple of years they’ll be on ‘J’!!!! Good on ya, cult members!
OSD observed:”OH.MY.GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This Idle Morgue, in CF, is actually on the letter ‘H’!!! Can you believe it?! I’m thinking in a couple of years they’ll be on ‘J’!!!! Good on ya, cult members!”
Agreement. As I’ve said before, they’re doing more stat-keeping than FILING there. Otherwise, they’d have been DONE before their first announcement of getting to “C”. I strongly suspect they’re doing a LOT of things other than filing, like duplicating the hard-copy by keying it into a computer or similar folderol. I’ve maintained similar computer systems; the overhead is INCREDIBLE and not entirely worth it as the hard-copy is where the real valuable info is, including samples of the prospects’ handwriting which can give valuable clues.
True Dat!
“This Idle Morgue, in CF, is actually on the letter ‘H’!!!”
I thought that photo & plea for labor was for Columbus, in their High Street s*hole a hundred yards North of the State Capitol. And the reason they are buried in CF is they aren’t allowed to move them as is and thereby contaminate a lovely virgin Idle mOrgue.
BTW, the Columbus idle morgue property was purchased nearly a decade ago, and still sits there incomplete, unopened, apparently in full stall. And the new location is nowhere near anything like “foot traffic” or high visibility.
It would be great to hear some knowledgeable commenters about the state of CoS in Columbus, Ohio:
* What’s up with the new property?
* How many Scns are there actually within 100 miles of Cbus?
* Are they still fundraising like mad for the new idle morgue?
* Anyone important departed or blown from Cbus in recent years?
“DRILL using our TV channel to get Scientologists[sic] moving up and back onto the Bridge”
O.M.G! Looks like I’m likely to get more phone calls from orgs after Ronit Soracco’s indoctrination session @ Valley Org. Guess the current “Hill 10” is to get those viewership numbers UP — at least to the point that the services report their abysmal stats. That’s just one more reason I’m glad we dumped DirecTV a few years ago.
*That [sic] was because I don’t believe scientology should be capitalized, but I was quoting, so quoted them exactly.
As a former Battle Creek resident, I can attest to the fact that the Top Gun event at the Courtyard might be the best event in town. All things are relative.
Never mind my thoughts on that “Manchester, a movement United” tag line they’re overusing just as I’ve gotten back to the ‘puter after hitting the bathroom.
Suffice to say I’d ask, “What were they thinking?” except that I know they aren’t thinking. They’re just following orders, going through the motions.
That ‘excitement’ quote reminds me of the purported Chinese curse:”May you live in INTERESTING times.”
‘Excitement’ is alway dangerous when you’re in the bubble. It leads to errors of judgement, sorta like getting too excited at an auction with much the same result: Paying more than you can afford for some thing you have no use for.
California is certainly NOT the “tip of the spear” in creating a new civilization. Maybe tip of the spear in turning a US state into a 3rd world hell hole… Kind of fits for scamology.
$cientology must be getting a bulk rate by now with their constant raiding of the vaults of Getty Images since no one in $cientology could ever be remotely as happy as some of these pics show. To better reflect the cult mood (especially after being harshly regged) it would be better to use Siberian Gulag prisoner pics.
One of the fastest growing energy companies joins the fastest growing religion; we got that going for us and that’s nice.
Secret to abundant income by stealing from another.
Make an offer on two celebrity signed leather bound dianetics books before the signees get declared.
I told the Scientology telemarketer I’d gladly come to an event that features a piñata in the form of David Miscavige with all the money he stole inside. Still waiting to hear back.
Wait…WHAT??? They actually have a piñata? With money inside? Oh! I am so there!
What a hoot!!!! Sign me up too.
Are kidding? I just did!
odd said:
“Wait…WHAT??? They actually have a piñata? With money inside? Oh! I am so there!”
BUT all the money will be separate pennies, so you’re unlikely to pick up enough cash to … like … GET anything, like gas or tolls it takes to get there & back.
Like all else in scn, they expect the reader to ASSUME the best possible outcome despite all the history
I told him I’d settle for a punching bag with Dave’s face as the target, but he muttered something about J&D and suddenly ended the call, which I thought rather rude. Some people have no sense of humor.
ROTFLMFAO!!! Yep! Some people have no sense of humor! Especially the cult of Scientology! Those fuckers need to lighten up!