A celebration of the new “ideal org”
By selling another edition of DMSMH?
With an image of a fountain on the back!
Same old same old…
They still have the same photos of the same people from 3 YEARS ago
Puerto Rico is going ideal too
Bet these people didnt even know they were going to be promoted as a scientology “win”
$20 for an “ethics workshop” to get you into power
To “benefit” the “ideal mission” of the Foothills, a place so NOT in power it isnt funny?
So how are they putting on this seminar? Or more to the point why would anyone think they know what they’re talking about?
OT II success
I can hear the sound of my shoe laces…
Family, love and loyalty…
Obviously NOTHING to do with scientology.
But interesting it’s a celebration of Russia in Melbourne, Australia? Scraping the barrel much?
Speaking of Melbourne…
My brother and sister-in-law STILL doing the filing in Melbourne “ideal” org — they can’t keep their filing up to date without calling in the public even though they’re been “ideal” for years?
If you’re not an OT…
It’s only because you have OVERTS.
Give us your money and we will sec check you and that should clear things up for you.
Hawaii “ideal org”
Wonder if this non-entity will beat Albuquerque? Just think of all those suckers in the other orgs who are going to be harassed to make this happen before Sea Org Reserves finally pulls the trigger when they are desperate for something to announce at an event.
Father’s Day Weekend at Flag…
It’s a Country and Western hoedown to commiserate all the father’s disconnected from their children who have nobody else to celebrate with.
Still fighting the devil’s weed…
When cannabis has been legalized everywhere will they still be going on about it?
More cowboy stuff?
Maybe because when you herd cattle there is a lot of bs…
So how come you don’t have a job?
I guess they don’t qualify for the CSI “fake followers” fund…
This is an “ideal” org?
This is pathetic.
Physical well being?
I guess it’s a bit closer than dancing and painting lessons? It’s almost on message with Dianetics…
They roped in the Chan Man
The Sea Org Mission in WISE Clearwater is pulling out all the stops…
As always, his “key trait” was marrying money…
And Arte Maren??
Even the ex-GO gang is being called to duty…
More physical healing?
They SAY they are all about the spirit healing the body? Someone seems to be mixing up thetans with vegetables.
Oh, it’s not just all health stuff…
They have more painting lessons too.
Go Purif Go Clear.
This is just weird
How sad…
26 years a slave.
Over 300 calls to get people to the ship
A “production maniac”
Another weird one…
Of course…
Who has money for food?
The biggest game there is
Pity it is shrinking so fast…
Apparently less and less people are willing to play this big game…
Moonlight bookselling?
How romantic…
This a Huge Lie
In fact, you will ultimately be completely sucked dry — no sleep, no self-determinism, no wins, no children, no funds.
I spent 40 years going up the Bridge to Total Freedom and made it to Oat Tea Ate.
“I can hear my shoe laces”.
That surely was worth giving up my kids, my husband/wife, my career, all of my money – every last dime, my home (lost it to foreclosure) and got to experience food stamps due to bankruptcy from donating money to Scientology and all of the faux front groups faking help.
Thanks Ron!
That “Puerto Rico” mural IS kinda nice, but it IS a shame that the photoshopper/shooper didn’t notice he’d reversed it. That’s what proofreading is for, guys. USE it to your advantage.
AND I net Dwarfenführer didn’t even notice it in his whiskey-blurred condition.
SORRY, shoopper! didn’t INTEND to get you on DM’s shit list, but that’s what you get for working for a psychopath. Time for you to stop supporting his evil empire….
Google Aftermath Foundation & contact them for help escaping the munchkin’s clutches.
The last ‘forced’ job jump landed me in a place that gave us 5 weeks of vacation/sick/”choice” time and managers who WANTED us to take ALL the time off each year so we were all less “edgy”. SOME of my co-workers had problems with that much “free time”. *I* found a way to cope with it, somehow. I even took 3 weeks ONCE and sailed with my wife to nowhere in particular and we did nothing in particular while we weren’t really anyplace to speak of. Some of my co-workers were SO jealous. In a good way.
‘Twas a mellow place to work for, mostly. Even though these were computers and their related programs and stuff *OFTEN* “hit the fan”, our being less stressed, more mellow, kept tempers damped, and we worked more sanely than most similar companies. Part of scn’s insanity was that everyone was so RUSHED, always rushing, rushing to do the next thing, not stopping to ask if those next things WERE the right things to do, not stepping back and arranging the workflow so it didn’t take so many steps/actions; eliminating the non-essential, counter-productive steps. Of COURSE we couldn’t do THAT! That’s against POLICY, Don’cha know?
I DID get away with changing my Hat by discussing it with my Senior and both of us looking for policies I might have violated. The result was the first time in history that Flag’s CF was in complete PT. AFAICT, once I was kicked out of Flag, CF immediately started falling out of PT despite a few more people being assigned to filing. All from letting “reformers” re-interpret policy and giving CF other things to do.
But WHY am I donating valuable advice to that criminal organization?
Habit, I suppose.
For the years since Flag kicked me to the curb, I was paid fairly well as a problem solver. Often, I needed to come up with several disparate solutions before one would get chosen as acceptable to management and the other programmers/analysts. Describe any any problem to me and my SUB-conscience will work on finding solutions even if *I* go do something else.
I can’t help it, it’s a SICKNESS.
AND, I guess I DO still kinda hope that the real scientology, a real, WORKING system, might somehow rise from the ashes of Miscavige’s destruction. Ever the dreamer, I suppose.
About that CF job: a MAJOR reason for that group’s slowness is that strange filing system. Instead of filing cabinets that you can see into properly, they have to drag folders out of the shelves before they can see/read what’s inside, and the names aren’t written out in a horizontal line, like how most of us read normally, but must be some strange totem-pole-like one-over-the-other, which isn’t comfortable for the moderately literate file-people. AND those open shelves are inefficient space-wise.
and WHY am I donating MY expertise to them so they can more easily go out and terrorize prospects?
Do I correctly surmise that Mr Rinder wasn’t invited to celebrate Father’s Day at Flag? Let’s hope he finally gets to see his (older) kids soon somehow, though. And it’d be nice if his ex- didn’t try to get him arrested that day (at least). Thank Xenu for small favors IF she finally desists from being a mad dog for some small period.
Let’s just go ahead and get this on out there: If you’re into Scientology you are mentally ill and in desperate need of cult deprogramming.
This shit is just SICK.
I understand people may not realize, but Spanish is not one of the languages written right-to-left – they’ve used a photo of that course room in Puerto Rico that is flipped backwards.
The Mission of the Foothills, which last year was trying to renovate their very dated back alley space with an abortive GoFundMe campaign, apparently still hasn’t raised the funds – surprise, surprise.
– https://www.mikerindersblog.org/thats-some-ideal-mission/
– https://www.mikerindersblog.org/foothill-msn-fail/
It’s curious to see Diana Dernehl of the South Coast Mission, promoting being a mission holder. Her brother, who she refers to, several years ago took over the Ocala mission as well – wasn’t that originally Travolta’s pet project? – and then suddenly disappeared from the scene, with both missions now in the hands of whale. I’d assumed that Sean Dernehl had trouble keeping two missions going – though apparently the ED (the position Diana now has) had been declared after one of her clears infamously committed suicide in Clearwater, which could have caused other problems – and that Scientology had to have someone with deep pockets take over. Most of the missions have got to be money losers these days, and the “ideal” missions in particular seem to require someone who can subsidize them.
(Steven J. Eickhoff Sr.) “Seeking Opportunity: I’m looking for an honest, home based business that is proven to succeed and will not fail when I apply “‘affluence attainment’.”
Unintentional honesty? Makes me wonder how many “proven to succeed businesses” this guy has seen fail when applying Dr. Hubbard’s tech?
Hint to Steve: The cherch faithfully applies Dr Hubbard’s biz tech. How’s that working out for them?
Now this just makes me sad:
(Steven J. Eickhoff Sr.) “Seeking Opportunity: I’m looking for an honest, home based business that is proven to succeed and will not fail”
That’s a tall order for anyone, anywhere. Home-based business opportunities are almost all MLM/NM scams where you will end up losing lots of money (which he should be used to being a Scientologist). Home-based businesses can be awesome if it is your idea and efforts pursuing something something passionately, if you have done enough market research to find a solid market opportunity.
This poor guy is so lost, wandering aimlessly, deep in the Scientology fog. And he is setting himself up for yet more failures and unrealized apirations.
That is what Scientology is all about: A long, endless road to nowhere, traveled (mostly) by decent people with good intentions; the roadside littered with their lost hopes and dreams. And they spend much or all of their lives pursuing this ideal, going nowhere, yet thinking they are on the right track to a great future. So very, very sad.
And you have to wonder: why would he want to work at home when he could go work with a gung-ho group of scientologists at a scientologist-owned company that uses LRH admin tech? Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Or how about join staff and be part of something 100% on Source while helping others achieve spiritual freedom? Why would anyone want to isolate themselves from other scientologists like this?
Exactly! And why not just be a FSM? You save few WOG and earn your bridge, so easy…
With the local real estate in the midst of an historic crash, maybe they’ll finally be able to afford hat building for the Vancouver Ideal Org. Then after 8 more years of fundraising for ‘renovations’ they’ll open, and Vancouverites will be compelled by their awesome building to rush into the church demanding services.
Or maybe not.
“When every Org in the world’s CF is in PT, then you’ll have a cleared planet.”
Dictated by LRH from Target Two
“free parking and entrance” in the rear of the building. Does that mean the front entrance isn’t free?
Of course we all know there’s a HEFTY cost for using any existing EXIT(s).
“Debossed” on the rear cover? I had to look that up. Turns out it’s the inverse of embossing, depressed features instead of raised. But WHAT makes it better than the already-overpriced copies which should be for sale in the Morg? AND why is some guy at ASHO the contact?
Pity the guy that completed OT II did not raise his level of awareness to realize he is in a cult and inside a group that mostly cares for money.
He should start the Bridge all over again…maybe the objectives will help him see what he got himself into.
Give OT guy a break. He just realized the world is 3D. (I had to read that twice. I thought it was a joke).
What is it with Scientologists, OT Powers and inability to use spellcheck, to spot grammar errors, or to conform to basic logic in their printed pronouncements.
(???) “On OT II my hearing changed” … “I can hear my shoe laces” … “My universe is very quiet”
(???) “I am … at peace and aesthetic.”
(???) “and that fighting other the dynamics was”
(???) “Without him (LRH) we would all be doomed to oblivions.”
When a Scn writes a few paragraphs of their “wins”, don’t they actually read what they wrote before saying “Yes” to “OK to publish”? How do they achieve such an elevated state of making multiple errors in a 2 paragraph composition? And any/all the other Scns who read it and miss the errors, or just don’t even care.
Thanks Mike, love the Thursday funnies.
It irritates me that nobody is doing the Key to Life course any more.
KTL, based on the lie of ” study tech “. It’s bullshit.
One can learn basic reading, writing, and spelling skills without polluting one’s mind with scientology indoctrination and mind-fuck.
“Wonder which & how many missions have closed so far in 2019?”, xenu’s son, not nearly enough.
Prisca & Marc. Nov ’96 married (but not a religious wedding). Straight, reliable road up until April 2005. That is obviously when they joined $cientology, because their road takes off in a complete, confused clusterf*ck. bla, bla, bla 20x..Freewinds. Is that the secret code for Bring Liquidated Assets??
Micheal Chan doing his spiel for free? And he has to share the bill with 2 other non-comedic actors? How are they going to split the take? Oh, there is no take, or is there??
There is a joke here somewhere. Three FSMs walk into a room…..How many FSMs does it take to change a lightbulb? What is the shortest way to an FSMs heart?
Why is the WISE center in Clearwater bringing in one of their A team? I sense a new ‘Ideal’ FSM coming your way.
Zee Moo asks:
“What is the shortest way to an FSMs heart?”
This has to be more than a joke, it’s a trick question. FSMs* have no heart.
*As well as ethics officers, regges, recruiters, cult lawyers, top level cult execs, etc.
Yeah I noticed that Mickey Chan isn’t jetting around the world anymore either. He’s stuck in CW at a mission no less not even an org…and for free. Tsk tsk I think COB got PO’d about that video of Chan’s getting put on YouTube and then the real telling parts of it ending up over at the Bunker. A Micheal Chan paid presentation posted on the net for all the SP world to see. That’s a no no…and I’ll bet Chan is paying for it since supposedly he allowed it to be posted so all the peeps that couldn’t attend could see his spiel.
Parts of said spiel that may cause embarrassment to COB-
Chan admitting only 1 or 2 new people are coming into the ideal orgs a month. Chan saying that they are looking for ‘Obi Wan Kenobi’ and with only 1 or 2 new people coming in that will never happen.
So now he gives lectures at missions. I bet those FSM percentages are down too. I think Michael was about at the end of his rope when he was in Greece where the presentation was filmed. Mr Chan is a true believer and thinks he really has sooper powerz but looking at his eyes in that video…they were dead…to paraphrase Quint…they were black eyes a dolls eyes…
Zee Moo brought up many good points including:
“Why is the WISE center in Clearwater bringing in one of their A team? I sense a new ‘Ideal’ FSM coming your way.”
An “ideal FSM” is anyone who can get others to give $$ to the org, MUCH $$ — whatever it takes.
Zee Moo brought up many good points including:
“Why is the WISE center in Clearwater bringing in one of their A team? I sense a new ‘Ideal’ FSM coming your way.”
An “Idealer” FSM would LOOK the part, with Expen$ive suits, much cosmetic surgery; everything blinded out to the Max.
blinded was a !@#$% auto-correct. Meant blinged-out/super-glitzy.
“So how come you don’t have a job?”
I’m fucking retired! Old
OSD quipped”
““So how come you don’t have a job?
”I’m fucking retired! Old”
I HEAR that, old sage.
My “JOB these days is keeping the ol’ Lady happy, a task that comes with pretty awesome rewards.
“I can hear the sound of my shoe laces.”
Delusion: Thy name is Scientology. I wonder what kind of sound shoe laces make. Hmmmmmm…
The guy who is writing his success story about OT II seems to be an English as a second language person. Some of the poorly written sentences aren’t the important thing here.
You don’t hear much about OT II. III, VII & VIII (even the non-existant IX & X) get more coverage. This reminds me of a ‘briefing’ I went to shortly before exiting the cult. It was someplace in the LA area, Beverly Hills maybe. The sea orger that was speaking was publicly deriding Ruth Minshull because she was “stuck” on OT II and as a result hadn’t passed thru the ‘wall of fire – OT III’. Ruth was the author of scientology books that were designed to be more accessible to the public at large. If I recall correctly, her books were very popular and sold at missions and orgs. When the ol’ grifter dropped his meat sack, she was suddenly on the outs with the cult. During this briefing, it was strongly implied that there was something wrong with her for not getting thru OT II quickly. She wasn’t a good scientologist.
Hopefully this fellow will suffer the same fate and find his way to the exit. Once he does get out he can experience any of the successes he has had in the cult for a fraction of a fraction of the cost. All he needs to do is go to some New Age type program and do some sort of guided meditation and will get the same results. Drugs of various sorts also work well. And, you won’t have to put up with a reg or ethics officer harassing the shit out of you.
The Sunland Mission has a pot luck and seminar or tape play after it. The address is a house address, probably the home of Susan and Richard Stewart. So they are not successful to have a storefront or any kind of actual mission… just someone’s house.
“They still have the same photos of the same people from 3 years ago.”
What’s changed? NOTHING!!! And, nothing is ever going to change!
OSD, it’s just a matter if time. After some period of time, those same people will either drop their bods or drop out and go do something else, like maybe LIVE a little
FYI to the New Zealand Org. I’ve been living in an American legalized marijuana state for over a year now. I have to say, I’ve been a little surprised that I haven’t seen any problems that legalization has caused. Not saying there might not be problems, but I haven’t noticed any. I think you’re bucking a trend, Kiwi clams. Once governments have a new source of tax revenue in place, they’re not likely to take it away again, and I daresay your government – local or national – is no different.
I know those new ideal org CF files. Ugh. They’re full of ancient people, from back in the early 70’s and forward. So many with wrong addresses, book buyers only, or even less. Walk-in’s that took a test or something. The real number of files with recent people, and which there are only a few, number around 500 – 1, or worse. So when you look at those shelves with Mike’s brother, what you are truly seeing is about one regular file cabinet worth!! We had lot’s of people that live in other states or countries. And having been at other org’s CF, I know they’re probably duplicated in about every org in the continent. Don’t be fooled by the numbers. And I bet it’s even worse in Melbourne, which has had a presence since the 50’s. OMG!! I can only imagine that number could be 1000 – one there.
Re Robert Nebeker success story:
“My ability to computer has increase.” (but not your grammar)
“Without him [LRH] we would all be doomed to oblivions.” (there is no plural for oblivion)
“I am super appreciative of RTC and COB for safeguarding the technology and ensuring that I get 100% pure LRH.” (check on appropriate suck-up to DM).
This is extremely off topic. However …
Has anyone here ever before proposed we start our own religion?
Perhaps if we made it appear outrageously over the top, we might get someone to consider putting an end to outrageous and insane groups calling themselves religions?
OMG – I think that is Adrian Austin. I have been looking for her since I left Applied Scholastics. She was there when Bennetta Slaughter, Keri Lee and Craig Burton were hiding out from the Lisa McPherson murder / neglectful homicide cover up. She worked at the New York City Idle Morgue for a wall and then left, (I heard from ex staff there ) when her father dropped his body with the help of Scientology.
I believe her father, Dan Austin, was a Scientologist living in Cultwaters, Florida. His body washed up on the shore of the Cultwater beach. Google it. Devastating.
I guess they used that vulnerable time to manipulate Adrian into joining the Sea Morgue. She will make a good soldier. A died in the wooler for sure.
Nothing but shady shenanigans with Scientology – Dan Austin probably knew something and was murdered and tried to leave the Cult and someone had him unwillingly drop his body for fear of exposing something he was not supposed to expose regarding Scientology.
$cientology spread the ole black pr whispering campaign about Dan Austin – that he was a pedolphile. SOP – they have done that to so many.
$cientology – Black = White Bad = Good Wrong = Right – all to benefit David Miscavige and prior tot that, the con artist L Ron the Con Hubbard
Was Dan Austin in Atlanta around 30 years ago? Or maybe I’m thinking of someone else.
Yes, Dan Austin was in Atlanta. That is the same Dan Austin. He got caught propositioning what he thought was a minor for sex on the internet. Moved to Florida, went swimming and didn’t make it back.
Xenu’s cluster BTs:
That was a funny image: “She worked for a wall and then left”
I gotta ask:”WHAT WALL?”
OR did you perchance mean to write “For a while”?
“…the universe is now very 3 dimensional.”
“My ability to computer has increase.”
ROFL. Make it stop, the laughing, it hurts now.
His IQ has dropped ( ” my computer has increase ” ) and his universe is quiet because his head is shoved so far up his ass; a mind filled with Hubbardian shit, encased in shit…
May he leave sooner than later!
It’s only for awhile, Kyle. You’ll get used it.
“…I now perceive a whole range of sounds that were shut off before.” 3 sentences later, “My universe is very quiet.”
If I can hear my shoelaces, I don’t think my universe is very quiet. I think I’m not far from walking around mumbling to myself and yelling at streetlamps.
Wonder which and how many missions have closed so far in 2019.
The cancer “funny”.
You have cancer because you have aberrations on your 2nd dynamic.
You have to audit those out and you’ll beat cancer. You can pay to get the help you need…see your registrar or if you are too ill to do that your FSM will swing by to suck more money out of you.
At least that is what my mother believed (because that is what LRH says) as she followed their advice to her early grave.
You get the
Scientological CANCER OF tbe 2nd Dynamic.
You are not supposed to HAVE one. It gets in the way of slave labor where you are suppose to produce and make money for the cult.
“My ability to computer has increase.” Interesting. And at what level does your ability to properly write in English increase?
My ability to writer has been unaffect.
When he leaves scientology behind for good, he will have a chance to learn how to speak, think, and write clearly. I hope that happens for him.
Davy, Davy give me back all my loot
I’ve gone crazy learning the shit you do
There will be no orgs and missions
When you’re locked up in prison
But you’ll look sweet upon the seat of big Bubba and all his crew
Outstanding, Scribe!
Thanks OSD.
By the way there is NO traditional russian holiday in 6th of June at all)
Wow, that OT2 comp “success” story made me sad. I knew Bob Nebeker back in the day. He was a course sup in Sacramento, CA, in… 1975? Now, that is LIGHTNING progress up the bridge! Sad to see he’s still in. And that cancer one… Can you imagine the uproar if they published ElRon’s tip “Want to prevent cancer! Smoke three packs a day!” Tsk… so off-source. Vegetables???
“Smoking doesn’t cause cancer. Not smoking ENOUGH causes cancer.”
I guess I shouldn’t have quit 18 years ago. What the hell was I thinking?!?!?
OSD qoted Tubby:
““Smoking doesn’t cause cancer. Not smoking ENOUGH causes cancer.””
And as “proof”, Tubby didn’t die from cancer, but strokes which, according to my own stroke doctor, were almost assuredly caused by SMOKING.
Meanwhile, I was rushed to the hospital then airlifted to another where I was stuck in the Neuro ICU for a few weeks and I survived. Ron was left alone in his Bluebird RV, getting only shots of “Vistaril”?? to keep him quiet and passed on to Target 2 or wherever, leaving the door wide open for Mustsavage to take over the empire.
“OT II success
I can hear the sound of my shoe laces…”
Oh my, I wonder what sound shoe laces make. Is it like an “oh no! please, not the double knot!”
Reminds me of one of the Aftermath shows when that guy said all of a sudden his cats listened to him, something like that. Yea, right, cats listen, but do they do what you tell them to? I think not.
He’s now ready for the Zen koan: What is the sound of one hand clapping? Oh, wait, that’s squirrel. There is one tech and that is standard dreck. End of transmission.
Question Scribe. If a cult member were to have a DNA test, like the kind to find out about your ancestors, would they expect to find theirs going back hundreds of thousands of years along with some unknown mystery dna?
Question: “Do shoelaces make a sound ?”
Answer: “No, they do knot.”
Thank you and good night everybody……..
Valboski, you forgot to say “be sure to tip your waitress” 🙂
Apparently OT levels do not teach you how to write. I guess this letter is supposed to make sense (“My ability to computer has increase”) I guess hearing your shoe laces as you tie them is worth all the money you have to pay?? At least he is soooooooo much happier. And it is OK to publish- love the headers!
BTW- I thought that scientologists don’t get cancer, or they have special ways to cure it since they are so powerful- so why all the healthy living and cancer prevention seminars- if you are a scientologist in good standing, shouldn’t your risk be zero?? zilch?? nada?? If that’s true, why the seminar that looks at your cancer risks and genetics?
Poor Steven Eickhoff Sr. cant find a home based business to run- why doesn’t he get out and do an actual “wog” job? I guess scientologists aren’t trained for anything but Amway. Iv’e never seen so many people in one group that insist on working from home! Whats up with that?
Scientologists are apparently also trained to be experts in marketing. Back when I was more in contact with them, it seemed that half of the self-employed Scn-ists were out to boom your business using their expertise in marketing.
As for cancer, I remember very well being at the NOTs release event, and the guy on stage telling us about how he cured his father’s cancer thanks to the abilities gained on NOTs (now OT5). It was a few years later that I remember the first NOTs completion dying of … you guessed it – cancer! Since then, it’s about a half dozen of just people I knew. But that was just one more on top of several incongruities that I found between what Scn claimed, and what the reality was.
Dear Kat,
To my mind Steven is out-tech (or is it out ethics?) in applying the ‘nonexistence formula’:
If he thinks social media is a ‘communication line’ to getting a professional job then he is beyond delusional.
He seems to be unaware (or oblivious) that aggressive statements and assertions will NOT make you appealing to an employer.
He is NOT finding out what is needed and wanted by an employer. Lots of the “I” statements all about what he is and what he will do and how he will do it.
He is NOT willing to do or produce what is asked of him unless it is what he is comfortable with. He cannot change and will definitely crash your business if he uses his ‘tech’ or ‘admin’.
So to summarize: Steven is saying he is an EGO, with an attitude, and he will add NOTHING to your company or business.
Kat, they want to work from home because they are fixed at the infantile stage of development and cannot interact with other humans. Cults do that to people.
The Sr CS at Flag died of cancer, Richard Reiss, RIP. Maybe that was the only way he could get out of a suppressive environment?
Kat observed:
“Poor Steven Eickhoff Sr. cant find a home based business to run- why doesn’t he get out and do an actual “wog” job? I guess scientologists aren’t trained for anything but Amway. Iv’e never seen so many people in one group that insist on working from home! Whats up with that?”
Scns are SURE that any ‘wog’ is secretly out to get them; SP or PTS, so can’t work for/with them. In my experience, the insanity is lower in the real world due to labor laws no scientologist company would stand for, AND there being similar jobs paying better just “down the street” limiting just how much S**t an employer can dish out before employees leave. I had 2 insane bosses, neither as bad as Flag was, and I could claim unemployment benefits when they discovered I could take more than they could dish out and fired me for no discernible reason. Being fired was a benefit as it “forced” me to get jobs paying better with better benefits and less insanity during work.