Ugliest poster ever?
There have been a LOT of these things over the years.
This one struck me as particularly hideous.
It’s EASY!
Jut marry into money. Everything becomes effortless…
The seminar is CONFIDENTIAL
Why? Learning about “mis-action” is a big secret?
Capitalization Spasms?
Love to see what the “massive celebration?” Plymouth City Council is planning to throw for a new scientology building opening in their town…
Little know secrets about marijuana…
Reefer madness?
I did something effective to handle this planet…
Exactly what? Posing with arms crossed doesn’t count…
Kansas City is on a roll…
Effective dissemination? Right. Just like in Atlanta? Phoenix? Salt Lake City? Denver? Those places are dead AF.
My employer got me to join…
She told me this was a beautiful city?
She also sold me some wonderful land in the Everglades.
I am so dumb I probably deserve this.
Quote of the Day…
Of course.
Home of the 18th and Vine district
Then I would join LA Org because that is home to Hollywood and Vine…
Or maybe NY, because that is the home of the meatpacking district…
Hell, Seattle has the Pike St Market…
San Diego has a gaslamp district…
They are much more famous.
A New Civilization?
Nah. Nobody buys this one. But it WILL be empty as shown.
The clock is ticking…
Hey, what’s another 10 years? You have been sitting idle for that long already? What’s the rush suddenly?
They bought eight humanitarians?
What are these things you buy? Cliche generators? As you get to each level you are given new cliches you can use for your “success stories” seems like 8 might reward you with “new civilization already on its way”…
Why Columbus?
They don’t have an 18th and Vine district? So how can they be any good?
But really, what does this have to do with joining staff? You have no time to raise a family on staff….
Show me ONE “ideal org” that has actually expanded?
This is what they tell you. But pop up and take a look at Detroit… It’s completely empty.
The real business of an AO…
Doing org board seminars.
Experienced guest speaker from London
We don’t know their name, nor why being from London has anything to do with this.
But we had to say something…
101st Nelson Mandela Day?
You do know he this is not the 101st Mandela Day — July 18 is 101 years since he was born.
JK Theta??
Another “ideal org” “academy success”
Not an actual auditor trained.
But a Personal Values and Integrity into course completion…
Scraping the barrel much?
Looking ridiculous as ever
My brother and sister-in-law holding a photo and an announcement of being an “Alliance Spartan” whatever that is.
And in the background, Rikke Jenssen (she has some other name now) the disgraced RTC Rep FLB who was there when Lisa McPherson died and was sent to the RPF in Australia. She was on the RPF for YEARS.
Aesthetic Minds Production Company
No idea what this is even for, but with a name like that it’s some sort of scientology fundraising.
“Exotic African grill cuisine” sounds scary.
Ignite your power to disseminate
Dan Sherman is writing these posters now?
Hurry, catch you dissemination on fire.
Maiden Voyage Pre-Event
The Maiden Voyage isn’t going to get anyone to come in.
Maybe a non-scientologist will attract some suckers?
Anything is worth a shot.
Make any sense out of this?
And why is Leon Vincent named?
The real solution to a drugged society
An ideal org?
I think Mr. Jimmy Page is ON drugs.
Maybe he will give a rendition of Stairway to Heaven?
We Rise Up?
For what?
Who is Jesse Stevenson?
Pictures of empty rooms to sell ‘Idle’ Orgs..wouldn’t a picture of a full room of happy people, even if fake, look better than these sterile pics of empty rooms? Scouring Facebook for wannabe celebs and ‘musicians’…ie ‘JK Theta’, Leon Vincent, and Jesse Stephenson…who are these people? Only place you find some of them are on Facebook & Instagram where they try to sell themselves. Some dreaming of that reality show gig…spew…Facebook is full of children like this kid Leon, where a parent has hired a PR person to sell sell sell their kids so they’ll be the ‘next big thing’…it’s sickening really…I couldn’t find anything on the kids Facebook about Scientology so there’s that at least…probably has a parent or manager that’s in…who knows.
“The Model Ideal Org of Los Angeles”?
So that’s what’s been going wrong with the Ideal Org programme.
They were Ideal Orgs but not Model Ideal Orgs.
Stand by for a frenzy of ribbon-pulling as money is collected to upgrade all Ideal Orgs into Model Ideal Orgs.
‘get fired up about a survival action only to feel “rained on” just s yo get going?’
Yup, that’s scientology in a nutshell, alright.
Kansas City…. A place TRULY off the crossroads to anywhere, unless you count the overflights. Yup, JUST the pace to get stuck in for the next 2 1/5-5 years, a ‘lovely’ prison.
ALL those posters are SO childish: How many different fonts can I pack in haphazardly? It’s like they JUST discovered this new thing, FONTS. It’s common to almost all novices.
Dear Steve and Noelle,
Quit giving your money in dribs and drabs. You’re not doing any good just being a mere 8 time Humanitarian.
It’s time to up the ante and go for Ultra Status Level Double Palladium Hubbitarian. Drop off your credit cards, checkbooks and property deeds at the Org and not only will we print up a nice acknowledgement for you but we’ll also frame it, AND we’ll permanently reserve Two Blue Chairs in the front row for you at all Briefings, Disseminations, Seminars and Shakedowns.
Act now, and oh, don’t go visit any other ideal orgs to count people.
Deceitfully and Lyingly
Gimmy Yurmoney
Hello Phillip,
Nice post. I hope you won’t mind if I make a suggestion for the next time you encourage some dupes to give more.
I would suggest maybe as well as all their cash, credit cards, savings plans, etc. you might want to encourage them to donate their children to the Hubbard Human Trafficking Seed Org. Ever heard of it?
The Seed Org is a lot like the Sea Org. But every few years this scam starts to worry when the FBI does something like raid all their offices and send a bunch of people to jail. So they change the names of things – like the Guardian Thing. They are now changing “Sea Org” to “Seed Org”. See how clever they are? They make the new thing sound like the old thing so people will know what it means and they will know that if anyone makes any waves, it will be into The Hole for them.
But the Seed Org is taxed with the maximum fertilization of ovums of donated females in order to breed more and more dupes for Human Trafficking. They can then be sold to wealthy Saudi Princes who love to own pretty blonde ladies. They all want to fuck a Prom Queen. Hmm .. where have I heard that line before?
Any way, credit the monster with this great new 21st century idea to swell the coffers now that even the mind-controlled whales are refusing to give this scam any more money. His personal mania needs to find a way to keep that moolah rolling in. Maybe with all their experience, they will open an Assassination Squad and kill big wigs for big bucks? After all, it doesn’t really matter if they aren’t members of the scam. Isn’t that right? Isn’t that part of the Fair Game doctrine?
Looks to me like they are applying “danger” condition with all these gimmicks to get ANYONE into their empty buildings…. if i were COB I would be worried.
Throw it all on the wall and hope something sticks.
The scam is over. People aren’t buying it anymore.
Robert King said: “The scam is over. People aren’t buying it anymore.”
Well, Praise the Lord! Speaking of which, have you heard the Good News?
In ten years (or less) the Talevis are gonna really wish they had that “8th humanitarians” money in the bank. It would have made a nice retirement nest egg. They’re gonna need it.
But they won’t have it.
Hey,do you know if Steve Talevi is a relative of Mitch Talevi? Mitch is a real piece of work…
Plymouth is in the running for being the smallest, worst failed org on the planet – right down there with Battle Creek, New Haven, Long Island and Albuquerque. Local “Once Born” reports that they’re down to 30 members, whose state is so bad that some live as squatters in the derelict building bought long ago to be their “ideal” facility, which has been stripped of any fixtures that could be sold for scrap – may that’s the pirate spirit at work. I’m sure the local council is desperate for them to finally do something about the historic building they’ve been letting go to ruin, there have even been threats that the government would have to start seizing some of the decaying properties.
Columbus may have rated the best city for family life, but Scientology has got to be the worst organization for family life – literally. I can think of some communal living cults that are as bad and possibly even worst, but I can’t think of a single one that has locations out in the world at large, and staff who aren’t in residence who suffer from so little personal or family time.
Er, Mr. Rinder? It’s Pike Place Market…
You are correct, the Freewinds ad is particularly hideous. They only used one font, I see our complaints are getting somewhere, they are not mixing as many fonts. However, their ads are looking worse and worse, they need to do something besides use only one font. They actually need to understand design and advertising *sigh*. Oh well.
As for Columbus being the #1 city to raise a family, I guess they depend on the fact that their target audience doesn’t have access to the internet.
Columbus isn’t even on this list and there are 25 cities
Not on this 10 city list either
Or this 12 item list
I narrowed down the search to Ohio alone and ooooops! They weren’t even in the top ten places to raise a family in Ohio.
Bottom line, I couldn’t find Columbus on any top place to raise a family list. I wonder who rated it that. You’d think they would note that somewhere in the advertising (if it were true).
How can these morons possibly have a Freewinds Maiden Voyage Anniversary event at Stevens Creek Mission??????
“Seminarist”? I don’t think that means what they think it means.
Best place to raise a family in the United States is Columbus, Ohio? Not accurate. If you google Columbus, Ohio, best places to raise a family, then you can find a link. But if you just google best places to raise a family in the United States, Columbus doesn’t make the ranking. Interesting use of “statistics.”
Dang! As soon as I saw that word in the poster I wanted to think of a good joke. But this time, I searched all the existing posts to make sure I didn’t step on anyone’s toes who had already made fun of this silly word.
For some reason when I say the word, “Seminarist”, it just rolls off my tongue like something very painful.
Just saying it feels so awkward. I got such a strong feeling there is no such word. If you ever want to use a word that describes someone who spends their time conducting seminars, the word would almost surely be, “Seminarian”.
I vaguely recall some comedy routine where the possible names for an inhabitant of some town or state are listed and so many of them just sound bizarre. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the subject of that routine.
Was it “Little Rock”? Someone could be called a “Little Rockian” or a “Little Rockist” or a “Little Rockarian”.
Nope. Those all sound plenty bizarre. But it wasn’t any of those. Why do I seem to recall some Mary Tyler More show as being the source?
I’m guessing that someone here must remember the name of the geograpic location that started that routine. I’m pretty certain it wasn’t Little Rock. But what was it?
Wait. Maybe it was “Delaware”? Does a argument between “Delawarians” vs. “Delawarists” sound familiar?
“It would be clean and attractive enough not to repel its public. The Public Divisions would be buzzing with effective action and new people.”
To me, “not to repel the public” is a pretty low bar. You don’t need all the shiny buildings to be clean and attractive to that degree. But I can’t believe they have the gall to even quote “buzzing with effective action and new people.” When was the last time anyone — Scientologist, non-Scientologist, or ex-Scientologist — saw one of these ideal orgs buzzing with effective action and new people? The level of double-think that must be going on to write these things is incredible. To believe these things.
Btw, it wasn’t THAT Jimmy Page, right? (Led Zeppelin)
Yo Everyone –
Together, all of you reading and posting here on this blog have, at some point in the future, an invitation to gather for dinner at my place.
Data as re time and place will be forthcoming.
My home will be clean and attractive enough to not repel you.
Dinner will be edible enough so that you don’t throw up.
Seating is limited; confirm today to ensure that you won’t have to eat standing up.
Much love,
I will be the “guest” who stands by the door in case other “guests” try to leave before Pass-the-Pen starts.
LOL! Thank you, OTD!
This is very helpful and appreciated, because AFTER dinner there will be a 3 hour closed door video and briefing of my recent basket-weaving classes. This is vital data that everyone needs and I wouldn’t want anyone to leave before its over.
Basket weaving? Well why didn’t you say so? Vital information there. Of course we won’t even need to be fed dinner if there will be basket weaving classes. I’m so there. Wait, my fingers typed to fast. That should read I’m so out of there.
Thanks, Valerie, and yes, this is indeed vital and confidential basket weaving data with actual footage of me weaving a basket from start to finish…got it on how excited you are… More good news, you’re confirmed, and won’t have to eat standing up! Hope you like baked clams.
Hopefully the basket weaving is NOT the kind of Basket that people “go to Hell in a hand basket” type of thing…..I’d surely pass on that!
Wish I could make the “open house”…..pot luck would be a good idea….I’d bring some baked ziti with meat sauce if I could attend..
What’s for dinner?
It will be potluck, with a side of regging with a minimum entry fee of $10 to step across the thresshold into the clean and fairly attractive setting. Can’t you read between the lines? 😉
Now, wait, Valerie – clean and attractive? I’m an LRH PURIST. My place will be just clean and attractive enough so that you won’t be REPELLED, OK?
As to what’s for dinner, Robert King, the menu plan is a work in progress but be assured I’ll be sparing no expense: baked clams, unlimited bologna, koolaid of course…I’ll keep you posted.
Seriously, everyone, I’d love to have a huge party with all of you. Rent a hall somewhere, do it up right, have a blast. If I had the money I’d fly you all out to ________where I live, put you up in the very best motels 🙂 OMG I JUST GOT THE MOST OUTRAGEIOUS IDEA.
Let say I were really rich – I’m not even close to be so by any means but lets say – ok, I’d pretend to be someone else and call up my local org and offer them an OUTRAGEOUS amount of money to rent the auditorium for my party. I could call it a birthday party or something and the amount I’d offer would be so Yuge they couldn’t turn it down. THEN, WE’D ALL SHOW UP – surprise! An SP Party. Can you imagine the looks on their faces. Ok, I’m being very silly now and have to go home and go to sleep.
Thanks, aquamarine, but you know there ARE quite a few people who would like to take you up on that offer, if only to meet the poster of all those pithy comments. It’s a shame this site doesn’t have up votes as you deserve a few.
JL, I agree with you.👍
Thanks Jere, Mark, Sky 🙂
Moi Aussi. (That’s in honor of today being the hottest day ever in France). Can it be that Global Warming is making a comeback?
Hey Aqua,
Do you live in one of the southern states where it is very warm most all the time?
If it gets to be too hot where you live, you could always act as a guest host and come to my igloo to host your dinner. Most of us Canadians live in igloos, you know.
Actually, you may be interested to learn that most Canadians have a serious resentment that they are too polite to ever tell anyone. From a very early age, our elementary school teachers have spread the myth (which happens to be untrue) that most all Americans think everyone in Canada lives in igloos. In truth, some Canadians live in …. Dang! I can’t think of a good punch line to end this post.
That’s an easy one. Some Canadians live in Canada.
PS. You really live in an igloo, don’t you, I mean, that’s what I learned in skool 😉
LOL Valerie. Nice to hear from you.
Some of the orgs that haven’t been updated in 30 or 40 years are indeed repellent. Have you ever seen photos of what the old Orlando location looked like? (I actually visited it – yecch). Or Chicago – it looks like they took it over from an old variety store that went out of business, and are still keeping up the theme of looking like it’s going out of business.
But as I noted yesterday, the orgs only needed modest upgrades to keep up with 21st century expectations for a professionally-run organizaiton – and they all should have been done about two decades ago. Instead Miscavige reacted late, over-reacted, and has been haphazard about it to boot, with awful old facilities still left in several major cities (Chicago, as noted, and Philadelphia, for instance, with Boston and Toronto long stuck in ignominious long-ongoing temporary location due to that hapless inability to finalize projects in a timely way).
A little news on certain celebs & the COS lawsuit
Whoa! Now that’s a lot of info. Thanks Balletlady!
OSD…..Thank you…….I truly thought others would really enjoy getting a good look at the stuff hitting the fan.
My ONLY true wish would be for David M to be “the guest of HONOR”…sitting in the hot seat right next to the Judge!
The thing that leaves me really hopeful is that if this lady’s lawyers can ever get this case in front of a jury of her peers, there’s a really good chance they would just ignore all the legal instructions and just dispense a whole bunch of justice to the monster.
That would be so much fun!
Maybe the thing that will ultimately destroy this scam and its scumbag leaders is that although they can’t be convicted of criminal offenses due to Freedom of Religion and the associated shields, maybe just maybe they could be roasted alive by a jury of people who would love to express the way they feel about the way the monster condones and leads all the abuse that is done. I would be so happy if that happened.
I meant a jury in a civil case. That is very different from a jury in a criminal case.
I got so excited I forgot to make the distinction that it is a Civil case and not a Criminal case.
We can always HOPE that one day….some how…some way….one of these cases turns into a CRIMINAL CASE.
Are these ads getting more and more weird and stupid, or am I just getting more and more sane and smart?
The former…I mean the latter.
Both. Your father would be proud of you.
it aint you, babe! No, no, no It aint you, babe…..
Isn’t it just hilarious this monster is so fearful of good people who might rival his position, that he kicks out all his best and brightest people and the result of that is so easy to predict.
It is so hilarious that he kicked out Mike because Mike Rinder was the very best and brightest worker this scam ever had and to force him out? That was even more stupid than suicide.
I think we need a new analogy. So many of us have spoken about how he keeps shooting himself in the foot. But there has to be something even funnier.
Maybe something like …. “He was so terrified of suffering headaches and so terrified of taking an aspirin tablet, he just took one of his shotguns and blew his head off”?
That “ugly” poster looks like a reworked White Star or Cunard Line advertisement from the early 1900’s.
And the only thing that’s happened with the Plymouth “Ideal Org” is they finally got approval from the Planning Commision. With the condition the place has been allowed to rot away to, there will have to be major safety inspections before work of any kind can start.
I’m planning to go to a Columbus org event when they feature Mr. Roger Daltrey.
Hey, Joe! Can I tag along? Would love to see it.
I’m with you !
If scientology actually worked they wouldn’t have to gimmick and beg so hard to get people to come in, do things, and help.
The longer I am out, the more offensive these things become to me.
They’re just such blatant lies and empty promises. So many are just bait designed to lure one in so they can pounce on you to reg you.
and if you find fault with any of this, such as I have done.. it means that you have overts, that you’ve done bad things that you don’t want them to know about, and if you hadn’t done the bad things, you’d be excited and willing to be a part of it all.
so dastardly.
Lying is what they do best, Rip. And they’re good at it.
They have had a great many years to perfect the craft of lying.
Besides, they are incredibly strongly motivated. If someone in charge of a particular rip-off cannot think of a good lie to help make money, it’s, “Off to the Hole they go!.”
The fear of that horrible torture is enough to make anyone lie. After all, to make some stupid rip-off look good, they don’t have to actually get it to work and make money. All they really have to do is to lie and say it made money. So, it’s only natural they will like so they don’t get tortured.
“and if you find fault with any of this, such as I have done…it means that you have overts, that you;ve done bad things that you don’t want them to know about, and if you hadn’t done the bad things, you’d be excited and willing to be a part of it all.”
THIS sums up the type of GASLIGHTING, the PRECISE con THAT WAS RUN ON ME when I showed the org staff how what was being done was off-policy. I showed them LRH, I showed them HCOPLs, and this is all that I got in response, i.e., “What are your overts? What are your witholds? You MUST have them. You need to write them up!”
Sorry to shout, but WOW, I’ve been struggling to articulate what I experienced for 8 years and, Rip, you just communicated it perfectly and effortlessly, so thanks!
You’re welcome, Aqua. Yep, the robotic black and white thinking of the cult comes quite easily to me.
…and I love the distance I feel from it, how it’s dwindling and revealing itself as more and more grotesque.
Lately, the mail has struck me as a horror. It’s these vicious lies arriving in my home, trying to entrap me or my spouse, to lure us in.
I throw it all away. The spouse’s lifelong disinterest in Scn mail now suits me perfectly. Cut off the evil tentacles reaching toward us. … Into the bin!!
Dedicated to Chairman of the Buccaneers:
I know a wee pirate named Davy
Who runs an entire fake Navy
His liver is shot
From decades of Scotch
And SPs are driving him crazy!
ROTFLMFAO! Whew! You’re good… very good!
Thanks OSD. Here’s another:
Mr. Scam Man, sold me a dream (dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb)
Made it the slickest that I’d ever seen
Made up a paper bridge I must get over
Got me to salivate like my dog Rover
Scam Man, you’re all alone (dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb)
I bought your bullshit, now I’m on my own
You can shove your tractor beam
Mr. Scam Man, screw this bad dream!
Wow! You are really good. I love that line, “Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb”.
It fits right into the chorus of most any pop song. Well done Scribe!
“I did something effective to handle this planet…
Exactly what? Posing with arms crossed doesn’t count…”
Well, the crossed arms seem to be a standard but my gosh…that curl right in the middle of his forehead, well, that’s gotta be what seals the deal! For some reason that just amuses me. Reminds me of the poem about the little girl, who had a little curl, right in the middle of her forehead.
…and when she was good, she was very, very good. But when she was bad, she was HORRID! It actually applies here, doesn’t it?
I believe you are right Miss Dutch! I wonder if he uses Dippity Doo to perfect that curl 🙂
No bout a doubt it!