Not Funny: Very Good News
Allen Barton announced yesterday that his play, DISCONNECTION has been extended to March 29 – fifteen more performances.
Encourage everyone you know to attend, everyone who has seen it RAVES about how good it is.
Frisco Files
Another “ideal org” that doesnt seem able to do their filing.
Nothing the kids like more than to spend a day “filing.” Rumor has it Disney is looking to buy ideal orgs to turn them into children’s entertainment centers as they generate a never ending supply of filling.
Not sure if this is any better? Filing while watching a movie? One might imagine just a few misfiles trying to file in the dark, eat popcorn and watch a movie.
Still Trying The Same Old Shit
Spend your hard earned cash on “collector’s editions” — or save your money and buy them on EBay for a few cents. Somehow these “collector’s editions”
Get ‘Em Young
They’re NEVER too young to shill….
What a coincidence, this “ideal” mission (??) is opening just in time for a video to be shot to show at March 13th. And it’s close enough to Flag that they will be able to guarantee enough people for the video shoot, even if not a single one of them is actual “mission public.”
Oh, how amusingly transparent.
Take Me To St Louis
At least they could have a non-distorted photo of their big honcho (former Sea Org) fundraiser. Or perhaps they took the shot right after his head had been in the ideal fundraising vice which has been distributed to every org along with their ideal vitamin dispensers.
And just savor the good news. Nearly a decade after they got their building, they have scraped together enough to “plan” it, and now all they have to do is raise millions for the palatial renovations. What fun!
Those phantom stat “graphs” without numbers are really impressive. But it does make me wonder whether once you open your ideal org you have to wait for a couple of years and then you will suddenly “increase your delivery by 7 times” — just like Orange County…. And gotta say, those Inglewood photos are really impressive — a woman and her two children watching a video and two shots of the same 5 people on the Purif, two of them clearly not Inglewood public.
But of course, to go along with a new fundraising effort, you need a seminar to teach people how to make money so they can give it to you….
Orange County
Well, they need to get their “stat” stories straight. Above it’s 7 times. Their own promo says 6 times.
Math and graphs are not their strong suit…
But again, its curious that the new “ideal org” has sat there moribund since it’s grand opening in June 2012 and suddenly 12 weeks ago it began to rocket. So, the “ideal org” part really had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT?
It’s Monumental…
The single most important event in the history of mankind and this universe. This presentation by Mr. Miscavige is a step beyond “I have a dream…” and the Gettysburg Address.
As if you didn’t already know, you need can find out “what changed Scientology forever…”
But I can save you the time. It was punctuation and glossaries. The most important invention since Saran Wrap (apologies to Mel Brooks’ 2000 year old man).
Creepy Recruitment
Well, it will probably attract the only type of person that can survive in today’s orgs — the assertive know-it-all who loves to order others around, knows they are the best, and may or may not be into S&M.
Might Miami?
Laughs that will last all week!
From the “over the top entertainment”? Or the “interviews with celebrities”?
If I had to guess, the “celebrity interviews” will be with Grant and Elena Cardone. What FUN!!!
UK Mystery Sandwich
I would hazard a guess that this “celebrity speaker” is probably not Kate Winslet or Benedict Cumerbatch.
The mystery “mover & shaker of stage and screen” is probably someone nobody has EVER heard of. The “driving force of opening Padova”?
Why are they afraid to use her name?
At least it’s not John Mappin.
Just can’t get enough of those brunches….
How enticing — there is MORE on Objectives???
Regraded Being
Lots of call for saying the alphabet backwards in this century! Maybe the celebrity is Dr. Who, what with all the phone boxes.
I noticed all the turned over phone boxes too peggy. It makes no sense. I was even wondering from a creative viewpoint, what does it mean????? haha, of course it makes no sense. Dr. Who is an excellent guess!
I thought it was a domino effect, like when they start falling? meaning people would start calling that number and there would be a chain reaction, the telephone booths form an ascending line from left to right like a static going up and the booths also become bigger and closer in the image. Just my guess. LOL Alex
Maggie Camburn in the “Prove It. Join Staff” advert reminds me of Frau Farbissina from the Austin Powers movies. (Who was a spoof on Rosa Klebb from the James Bond flick, “From Russia With Love.”) I wonder if that was intentional.
Scientologists have no sense of humor. It couldn’t be intentional.
However, it must be said that the first person I thought of when I saw Maggie was Rosa Klebb. I just know that Maggie has sharp daggers in her shoes.
Is that the same “free brunch” they served a couple of weeks ago? Are they going to bring back that grass-feed burger from a few weeks ago as well?
And you’d think that with “armies” of auditors and “droves” of clears that they would put some numbers on their graphs.
And you’d think that with “armies” of auditors and “droves” of clears that they would put some numbers on their graphs.
Never! The church admits nothing. Reality is whatever Dave says it is. Report to your MAA for even thinking of wanting a scale on a church graph. Or send all your credit card details and your children to the SO to avoid being declared,
You will be declared and lose your kids when you run out of money to give to the church anyway, so get your ass to an “effluance (affluance) seminar” and make more money or else……….
Thanks Dave. I went to the MAA and I kicked his ass. He said he’d fix the church graphs with new scales that have numbers which will be: 1 army…2 armies…3 armies….etc. And 1 drove… 2 droves…. 3 droves….4 droves…etc.
She looks mean, contemptuous and bitter, the poster-woman for that much-admired cold chrome steel mock-up. She’s really solid.
Off-Topic Mudsling Alert: Kirstie Alley seems to be down with this cold chrome steel crap also. Her whole face changed in the past decade, and not for the better. But its not because of her yo-yo dieting or because she got older. Its the expression, the hard look in those empty eyes and the smile that isn’t ever a smile, but a sneer. For all her relentlessly “uptone” tweets I perceive no joy in her visage. I perceive hatred emanating from her, actually.
There is a lot more of that flow on the way too imo. It takes a great deal of concentration to hold a hate flow but when it sticks, it really sticks and no amount of make up will cover it up.
Celebrity or not, her life must be getting mighty solid. JT & TC can’t be all that far behind either. They are on the wrong side of the tracks and must know it by now and would have to rely more and more on their lawyers for advice on what they do in daily everyday life – if you could call it that.
Mike, there you go again spotting outpoints. The Data Series had that drill where one spots outpoints in a newspaper. But these days it is easier to count the outpoints in the church promo. It used to be in orgs that there was “omitted” toilet paper. Now it is a much worse state of affairs.
That was one of my favorite drills on that course, spirit, and yes, church promo would be a more fruitful source today. No wonder the CO$ won’t deliver that course anymore. The Data Series is the Yellow Brick Road out of the cult.
Regarding the Creepy Recruitment flyer, I’ve just got one thing to say:
Hey, Cruella DeVille…go fuck yourself.
Hide your puppies around that Lady!.
For some reason the lady in the cartoon reminded me of Debbie Cook. I’m still fuming after watching the interview of that elderly Italian women that Debbie extorted a million dollars from, buying a 40,000 car with the reg commission. Researching aspects of your scientology “religion” has absolutely astounded and sickened me. The problem is 90% of you are some of the most unselfish, compassionate, and dedicated people in the world….. I just don’t get it.
Yeah good observation with Debbie Cook, that’s what organised Scientology does, it rots from the top down and infects all below it, good or bad.
So many angry people have developed and appeared out of the woodwork and seem to take pleasure throwing the baby out with bathwater now that it tends to make them more accessories to the crime rather than justice workers imo. I’ve never seen so many well intentioned people (me included) involved with something that went turned out so unbelievable corrupt either. To punish the majority of them however is like what a lot of people did to the troops returning home from the Vietnam War. I actually saw marching soldiers being spat on by young women protesters in the 70s. Yet the soldiers were conscripted and had no choice but to either put a uniform on and go to war or go to jail. Did you know it took nearly 40 years for the majority of troops who served in Vietnam to march as returned serviceman on ANZAC Day? So long ostracised they were. The greater majority of Scientology staff members and Sea Org truly believed they were helping mankind and sacrificed everything they had to do so and I mean everything. I just hope a sense of compassion will develop in the public where only the truly guilty ones are punished during the process ofmiscavige’s organisation collapsing.
A witch hunt for “Scientologists” is brewing now and I don’t think a thing can be done about it. It will have to run its course, especially after the HBO showing, the general public is a bit of beast of a thing. However, Scientology has already been successfully stopped from existing in the general forum of public opinion – their own stats prove that. So there’s no need to kill the subject anymore really, it’s already dead and there’s enough people out there with hate sites like ESMB, Ortega and Marty’s site to keep the anti-Scientology technology movement at a fast boil from here on out. Self proclaimed anti-Scientology vigilantes abound behind keyboards across the planet and their numbers grow daily. The public have been well and truly informed about the subject and it’s evils are firmly entrenched in the internet as well as many political persuasions, especially France and other European countries.
I don’t think you’re truly meant “to get” what is going on with Scientology – it’s a phenomenon in progress. But it’s death at a public level has all but been assured. It’s physical aspect is being worked upon as we speak, it’s only a matter of time. Mike Rinder and other powerful people will not stop until the abuses cease and miscavige is a certifiable nut case with a big stack of cash. Tick toc…
I hope that there will not be any actual “witch hunt,” and I have seen no trace of that in France (where public awareness of how bad the organisation is is years ahead of some countries). I have seen the people complaining about “witch hunts” (i.e. OSA) take critics to court, however…
But, I still think there is a problem, which is that inside the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology the victims are controlled by the misinformation that EVERYONE is out to get $cientology which – wouldn’t you know it – is actually the ONLY salvation for mankind. By making the victims experience the outside world as hostile and stupid, the Co$ makes the victims more isolated and thus the mind-fuck is self-perpetuating.
At least the ex-victims can find more information faster (with the Internet) and for the Damnation Navy victims there are slavery-victims assistance (among others, the Salvation Army in the UK, see also http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/jvwhFzW1mTnzBY49lBFg2j/information-and-support-slavery )
For a broad overview with lots and lots of references to more serious works on coercive groups, see Rick Ross’ “Cults Inside Out: How People Get In and Can Get Out”
I hate the “tech” and will work for its destruction until the day when every Hubbard book and tape has been reduced to ashes or is buried so deep in a landfill that no one can find it. But I don’t hate you, Yawn. I pity you for being taken in by this avalanche of lies, but I don’t hate you.
There’s no “witch hunt” going on for Scientologists. I should know, since I would be Matthew Hopkins with a Guy Fawkes mask if there were. Most Antis would be perfectly content for you to practice your “tech” once the abuses end. I, of course, would not be content with that, but I’m not going to go out of my way to wrap your limbs around a stake and throw petrol on you, then light the whole mess with my Zippo.
Just because someone is against Scientology does not mean that someone is The Enemy. Hubbard planted that seed in your mind. Time to pull the rotten plant out of your head.
Well Espi, I think you have stepped off the edge and fallen into the abyss. It’s not an idea “planted by Hubbard” that if you stand for the destruction of something that someone believes in that you are an enemy. Anyone who proclaims they want books burned, no matter what books they are, is someone I do not consider a friend. And that is not “Hubbard think” — that is my think. I believe all ideas have a right to exist, and all expression has a place in the world. People may disagree or agree, ridicule or praise it, but it is not for anyone to dictate what may or may not be seen or read or what people may or may not think.
What can be controlled is practice. Not belief. Not books.
You must remember that this subject is TINY TINY TINY in the world, and there won’t be a public hate campaign.
There may be thousands of people reading this blog (I don’t know) but the vast majority of the world just doesn’t give a shit about it. 99.9% of the world probably has never heard of Hubbard. I’m sure the HBO doc will open some eyes, but it’s not going to lead to millions standing up and saying “enough!”
It took the killing and kidnapping of defenceless girls in Nigeria, within a very well known conflict, to get a social media campaign that amounted to…. almost nothing.
Scientology is niche. Anti-scientology is a niche within a niche. We can only hope that publicity chokes off any new recruits, and the actions of the church gradually shed existing members.
Espi, don’t go all Commie/Fascist. Burning ideas, no matter how obscene to you is plain stupid. It even acts against your own purpose as it gets people interested in what you are denying them.
1st editions of Battlefield Earth? They must have untold thousands of copies of this piece of crap gathering dust in the warehouses. I purchased a second hand copy some months after it first came out all those years ago, took it home and started to read. Made it almost half way then literally threw it out my bedroom window (I left it out there until the weather destroyed it) in disgust. A lot of 1930’s pulp SF was high literature compared to that garbage.
Then there was that execrable ten volume Mission Earth toilet paper: I actually made it page 75 of the first book before returning it to the library. Coming soon – buy all ten 1st editions for only X$. In fact buy two sets…no three…
Thank you all for your comments. I have no intention of “toning it down”. I just happened to think of a funny one (I hope) for next week.
Some of the things that have been done to many of you under the guise of Religion are criminal and inhumane at best.
Though most Scientologists I’ve known are really good people wanting to be better and also wanting others to be better off, I’ve observed that the same holds true for those who’ve never been in or even have never heard of Scientology.
Most people are people of goodwill but throughout history there have been men of such depravity that they pretend to honor ones goodwill in order to sate their own insatiable greed and thirst for recognition and power.
We are living during the era of one such man. He cloaks himself with symbols of greatness and superiority
but this cloak is only really there to hide his own fears. This man would never dare to stand alone in a room with any of you. He speaks in lies but only to those who dare not speak back.
He knows he will someday be found out to be a coward and will pretend to be a victim himself. He has contributed nothing of value to others and is of no real worth as a person himself.
We will stop him. One voice at a time. Mike began with a whisper. All of you have turned that whisper into a shout. Soon there will be a Roar that will be heard all over this world.
You cannot be stopped. This man knows that and he’s afraid.
Apropos of what you said:
Understanding Narcissistic Personality Disorder: http://youtu.be/q1lClgIfA9U
Can’t get enough of Regraded Being….hats off to you my friend 🙂
Perfect RB. Thank you for your artistry and humor.
I loved the plaque on the wall that read: THE BEST RELIGION MONEY CAN BUY.
Just wanted to let you know.
Sixty bucks for a book? Pfft. When are they releasing the special edition Battlefield Earth DVD, complete with autograph by creepy John Travolta? 😉
Is there a list somewhere that shows how much you have to fork over to reach each status?
Maggie Campburn from Creepie Recruitment looks like a sadistic prison warden. Think you’re the best? Prove it!! Unleashing her whip while she gets great pleasure in seeing you cower in the corner.
I’ve got it now? I know who she reminds me of…Nurse Ratchet! Way cool, I wanna join and be just like her (?).
My sense of that recruitment ad is that it is aimed at 15 year olds who know everything and nearly of whom have something to prove.
At the risk of being a broken record (or should I say a broken CD ;), it is ridiculously apparent that the radical church is completely spiritually bankrupt. The only products of Scn are SUPPOSED to be the wins of pcs/preots and well trained auditors. These status crazy games, money laundering, I mean fund raising have absolute nothing to do with spiritual gains, knowledge of self, helping others, or any other spiritually oriented activity. They get a big huge flunk for a big huge waste of time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “Posers” suits these people very well.
You don’t sound like a broken record. Carry on!
There go our funds, there go our funds
And I say it’s not right
Little darling, it’s been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years we’ve lived in fear
There go our funds, there go our funds
And I say it’s not right
Little darling, the frowns returning to our faces
Little darling, it seems like years since we’ve been clear
There go our funds, there go our funds
And I say it’s not right
Funds funds, funds, we’re overrun
Funds funds, funds, we’re overrun
Funds funds, funds, we’re overrun
Little darling, I feel that grip is slowly tightening
Little darling, it seems all sense has disappeared
There go our funds, there go our funds
And I say it’s not right
There go our funds, there go our funds
It’s not right, it’s not right
Here is the way fund-raising works:
1. Give us all of your money for the purchase of the building.
2. Give us all of your money to fund the meetings at which we will plan the release of the fund-raising drive to pay for the building/restoration plans. This includes 25 cases of scotch.
3. Give us all of your money for the new golden age of streamlined idle org construction planning, to be housed in a
beautiful new building at a prime location in a soon-to-be-disclosed major city, directly on the cross-roads of international finance and government. This includes 25 cases of scotch.
4. Give us all of your money for the meetings at which the construction plans for this building will be created. This includes 25 cases of scotch.
5. Give us all of your money for the construction of said building.
6. Give us all of your money for the promotional campaign(in international print and television media) to announce the release of the construction plans of the building in which we will hold the meetings in which the New Golden Age Of Idle Org Construction campaign will be created. This includes 50 cases of scotch.
7. Give us all of your money to speed the development and release of NGAIOC at orders of magnitude heretofore
unseen in this sector of the Universe. This includes 75 cases of scotch.
8. Give us all of your money for the RELEASE of NGAIOC.
9. Give us all of your money for the grand opening of the NGAIOC headquarters.
10. Give us all of your money for the release of the building/restoration plans for the building named in point 1, which was part of the NGAIOC release.
And so on and so forth…
If you 6X your stats and are now full, it means you were running at 1/6th capacity. If you 6X your stats and need to 20X them again to be solvent, then you are Orange County Ideal Org.
How many of those “doctors” listed in the St. Louis Horror Roll are actually chiropractors?
Dr. Kevin Adney – Veterinarian – Florida
Dr. T Everett Mobley – Veterinarian
Dr. Monica Prost – Radiologist
Dr. Kathy Conable – Kinesiology
Dr. Bert Hanicke – Chiropractor
Dr Winsome Henry-Ward – Dentist
(headed out the door so that’s all I had time to look up, will check out the rest later)
Drs. William & JoAnn Kathrein – Dentists – Omaha, Nebraska
Dr Bert Hanicke must be increasing status from the other side…
So, vets, dentists, body manipulators, and a glorified x-ray tech. Sounds like your typical WISE line-up of “medical professionals” to me. Thanks, NOLA, you’re a beautiful soul as usual.
Tommy J – This Bert Hanicke is Jr. His Dad is the Dr. Hanicke that passed away.
Espi – Thank you my friend, I’m always happy to help.
Free Brunch???
Everytime I went for the FREE anything in Scientology, I ended up spending $$$,$$$.
They are Las Vegas with all the shiny and bright lights.
Scientology knows exactly how to con people. They truly are “source”.
At least in Las Vegas you “know” you are getting scammed.
I did join staff.
Picture yourself jumping out of an airplane without a parachute.
You are given a note that says halfway down someone will give you a parachute.
So you jump and halfway down you look around and see dozens of other staff falling without parachutes all holding notes..
That’s how I felt while on staff, Jose! The worst part was everyone spying on everyone else. I brought up the book, “1984.” That didn’t go over well…
In the 70’s before session (life repair) I would read a paperback about Francis Gary Powers being shot down in a U2 over Russia. That caused a near riot. I was sent to the G.O. and sec checked with two auditors.
If I told you what I had to go through to get onto OT levels you would swear I was making it up with bogus questions, FPRD style of course.
Holy Shit, Jose.
Regraded Being is tracking life within the bubble closely.
It would be good if St. Louis printed the milestone years as well.
This cherch is cheap and gaudy all over. Glad to be out and with other options.
“As if you didn’t already know, you need can find out “what changed Scientology forever…”
Oo! I know this one. The answer is, the INTERNET! Destroying the lies of El Con & Scientology since the late ’80’s!
Also, bring your own meal while you slave away at archaic paper files for no pay!? Anyone who is still a scientologist or Hubbardite has no brains left. Don’t breed whatever you do!
I hope that Maggie does not experience the bitterness of being pitied. Because its pity I feel
for her. From here, her life looks like a farce and
it would be better if she never knows what could have been. I think the shock would be too much
to bear.
It wouldn’t be the Thursday Funnies without typos, and the St. Louis flier mentions “spirt of play.” That sounds kind of icky.
Here, some tissue.
“Spirt of Play.” So…they’re into porn now? And, yes, LHS, it does sound icky. Not “kind of,” but the real McCoy icky. The kind that makes you go eewwwwwwwwwwwwww…
Ideal Mission of Belleair. So Belleair Mission expanded into more space but the same building; I would truly like to know how much they have actually expanded since 2011. They are located just down from Flag and get all of the Flag rejects, but I really do like many of the staff and auditors there.
They obviously made #1 again and now (at LRH birthday event) the push will be for other Missions to go Ideal and Belleair will be the standard. I wonder when they will move Sea Org Members over there to run things. Sea Org was in there frequently doing seminars, reg cycles, etc.
They opened a few new rooms and it is a grand opening? what a joke. One question I have been thinking about is if Seaorg are volunteers and not employees (per the UK and AUS tax info) then how is the Church sponsoring all these Visas the people have. How are they getting so many Visas? The Belleair mission is little Italy. Tourists can only stay in the US so long. Anyone an expert on this? The workforce would be diminished significantly without all the foreigners.
Nola, I’m glad I’m not the only one who felt like I was sucker punched by Regraded Being today. That one hit hard (sometimes the truth will do that to you).
I promise something of lighter spirit for next week.
I will do one featuring our beloved COB in his quest
towards planetary fleecing. His presence seems to always
place everybody in a better mood.
I heartily welcome anything that makes fun of that little midget fuck RB, but don’t stop doing these either. People should get angry at this. This emotional blackmail is disgusting and more people need to be aware of it.
Everything you do is great!
Thanks RB. Although hard to experience, your illustration of the undue influence and emotional blackmail, regarding children, family and friends is so important. Sometimes the truth is hard to confront, but we see the terrible toll that it takes to not see, or not act, on outpoints in front of our faces. It’s in the moments of threatened loss that our integrity is most challenged. It is always better to live with the truth, and this entry has poignant relevance to many of us with decades of work to hopefully, advance spiritually. Coercion and extortion have no place in the arena of spiritual peace and integrity. Your artistry illustrates this very well. Great job.
It’s true what is being shown in the cartoon. I have friends with a daughter in CMO and their life has been turned upside down because of it. They have been regged for money to the bone, told by their daughter that “either you’re “in” or you pay”. They’ve been strapped for money and have been working overtime in the last few years due to all the money they’ve given away to the church. In spite of this, their daughter then insists that they have to do the SRD, because they “have to help” to keep the stats up. So they route onto the SRD part-time and spend every waking moment either working or coming into the org for the SRD for the next five months. They couldn’t take one day off and were exhausted by the time it was over. Their daughter is clueless as to the worry and inconvenience that she causes them.
I won’t even get into the hoops that the parents have to jump in order to get to see their daughter or the despair that they get into over this. Part of the reason they put up with doing the SRD was to get to see their daughter here and there.
The church knows all about this and encourages the kids to call their parents for donations and to get them to route onto services. There are always quotas to meet. They are doubly used, not only for labor but for extracting money and time=stats for the church from their parents.
Next time the daughter calls for donations, tell her, you get a Libs day off to come see me and then I’ll give you money for donation. Two can play at that extortion game.
Regraded Being, keep writing and drawing. Yes it hits close to home and is sad sometimes. But don’t tone it down. We need to get people enraged enough to act and DO something about this situation. It is almost too much evil to confront which makes people not confront it. Your cartoons, even if they hurt to read them for those of us who have lost kids to disconnection, are important. Don’t water them down. Bring people to an emotional, visceral response on the evil that is occurring right under their noses. Great job Regraded Being.
I agree, Regraded Being, and look forward to next week. Just the picture of his pompadour above the desk just cracks me up.
I agree with you Cindy, that the parents can still put some discipline in on the situation. They eventually got to the point where they had to stop handing over their money. They tapped out.
There are certain parents who feel guilt over the fact that their kid joined the Sea Org at an early age. In the case above, the girl was raised in Scientology, went to a Scn school etc., and then was recruited by CMO at the age of 14. The parents were steamrolled into it and I would even say to a degree, bullied. They relented and let the girl join. Nothing worked out as promised; such as the girl never finished school, took vacation time, or had any regular time off. It turned into a heart-breaking situation for them, and they feel powerless.
Based on things they have said to me, I could see that they felt responsible for their daughter and felt guilt that they allowed her to come to be in her situation. They have said over and over, “this is not the life we wanted for her”. The mom goes into grief and sobs. So they wanted to make her happy on some level and try to stay close to her. Parents can be “guilt driven” into doing things for their kids and end up spoiling them. I’m not saying that this is what is happening here because it’s only my own evaluation. It could be desperation, or just missing their daughter and the life they once had with her. Fourteen is an early age to leave the family and have minimal face to face interaction with loving parents.
Good work, RB. Thank you.
Me too …….. so I took it out on Maggie Cornbun with her holier than thou condescending look. I’d love to give her the opportunity to put my ethics in. Maybe Dave Dickbreath could help her out!
Regraded Being. Wow.
I am too angry for words.
That’s what happened to me when I read that. Eerily too close to my story. (Sell your soul or your family.)
Because I’m a never-in, people ask me why?
This is why.
McCarran, we are together on this one!
So sad .
Sadly, it’s not a matter of “sell your soul or your family” nowadays. It is sell your soul to save your family and then the church will take your family anyway, with a “ha ha, we lied” response. It happened with my friend. His family forced him to go to his Com Ev when his only “crime” was reading the blogs and talking to a few people about it.
They told him if he gave up names he would be spared. Ha! He threw me under the bus as a name to give up and his thanks was he got Declared and lost his wife and kids to disconnection anyway. And the icing on the cake was I got declared based on his throwing me under the bus to save his skin. It didn’t work. Never negotiate with a terrorist is good advice. The RCS is a terrorist. Never negotiate with them.
Very good advice Cindy. The CoS is not to be trusted on any level. Would you advise to not go your own Com Ev? You would get Declared in absentium, wouldn’t you?
Regraded Being hits the mark perfectly. Why are all the faithful minions being hit up for their firstborn? Just so the clampire can play that card for the next 20 years.
Having just finished reading Jeff Hawkins’ new book, “Closing Minds”, it helps you understand it, but it still makes you angry.
Mike, or anyone, when /where in the pipeline do public get the so-called ‘ethics’ training?
Public do ethics training at the orgs. I did a course called the Ethics Specialist Course and there is also a practical portion where you do various ethics handlings spelled out by LRH, with other public. It’s not a quickie course and takes some time to complete on a part-time schedule.
My son had to memorize the Gettysburg Address in 4th grade, therefore his mother got to memorize it also. 272 words that have stuck with me all these years including these:
“The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but can never forget what they did here.”
To dare intimate that Miscavige can come close in any of his purple prose to the spare eloquence of the simple phrase above is a breathtaking show of sheer and unadulterated pompous buffonery.
Anyone who can read that promo piece and believe it has no common sense left.
*folds up soapbox, walks away in a huff*
Just to clarify — it was me that proclaimed Miscavige’s address surpassed MLK and Lincolm. I am sure he THINKS this, and so do the clubbed seals that jump up at his every utterance. But he didn’t make this statement, I did…
Yeah Mike, I went back and looked at it again after I had my fit. But, hey, nothing clears the sinuses like a good fit in the morning so thanks for allowing me to vent anyway ;-0
I’m sure he thinks that whether or not he said it and the promo with one sentence containing “Monumental Release of the Golden Age of Knowledge for Eternity Event” (say that fast 3 times) drills home my point.
“The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here…”
I always find it ironic that that line is from one of the most well noted and long remembered speeches ever.
Wow, Maggie Cornbun looks like a real piece of work. Haughty, arrogant and of course looking down on YOU.
“Think you’re the best? Prove it!”
No Daveshit Maggie. Why don’t you and your cold chrome steel sad frickin excuses for a human (much less a ‘thetan’ ) practice what you so arrogantly preach………. PROVE IT……BITCH! And for gawds sake, at least get the make up personnel to do something with that face. Looks like you haven’t seen the sun in 10,000 years. Now that I think about it, trolls usually live underground and hate the light of truth (I mean day) so no wonder the dough face. I think I’m done for now although I feel there is more to say……………
Yo Dave,
Think you’re the best …………………..PROVE IT ……………..ASSHOLE!!!
I’m on a pad and can only enlarge the print in Maggie’s name so much.
Is the very charming Maggie really “Cornbum” or (heaven forbid) “Camburn” (as in a relative of the oft missed Ida)?
Please say it’s not the spouse of some Camburn kid, PLEASE,
“The single most important event in the history of mankind and this universe. This presentation by Mr. Miscavige is a step beyond “I have a dream…” and the Gettysburg Address.”
The Gettysburg address contained only 272 words and said thing far more insightful and meaningful than all of Miscabive’s bloviations to date.
“This presentation by Mr. Miscavige is a step beyond “I have a dream…” and the Gettysburg Address.”
Honestly? You mean to say Dave has just left Abraham Lincoln and MLK in his rear-view mirror? I know Dave’s a “Big Being” but there has to be room for some humility in his world.
I don’t think there is any room for it in Daves world……………………….He is too small.
My bad Mike,…. my sizable mug of Folgers Mocha Super Supreme hadn’t entirely released me from the night. I see now this was your comment.
Wait a minute… I’m going to be very near Montgomery St. tonight. Do you think I need to leave early to fight the crowds? What movie is showing? If you say Battleship Earth, I might have to cancel my plans and attend. And bring all my friends. (Friends don’t let friends miss free screenings of the best film ever made…)
Apparently the movie is a preview of a bootleg copy of a new made-for-television movie about Going Clear. John Allender made it on a head camera at some Utah festival but I heard he’s a few frames short of a full screening.
“find out what changed scientology”?
it’s that an admission of altering the tech?
Regarding “Creepy Recruitment: Think you are the best? Prove it. JOIN STAFF.”
One of my pet peeves is when someone thinks that just because they signed that contract (staff, yes, but mostly Sea Org) that they automatically, by that alone, deserve respect, and every word and whim of theirs has to be respected and revered.
Respect is a two-way street. Show you deserve respect by giving it, and by being mostly sane and constructive by the results of your actions and orders. That is how you get real respect, not by asserting it.
So right on with that comment, Dave Fagen.
St. Louis is having an ‘Ideal Matrix’ event? The irony is just too much!
Will Kenau Reeves still be the star in “Ideal Matrix?”
Not sure about Keanu, but I do know they only give you one pill to choose from. And you have to wash it down with kool-aid.
Hello Miami! Now take my credit cards … please. I just asked Grant Cardone “Who was that lady I saw you with last night.” He said “That was no lady; that was my wife.” Ba – boom! Know Joan of Arc? I went with her. I WENT with her. (That last one for you Mike after your sharp Mel Brooks comment)
Value of Services of Delivery That is what VSD has become? The problem here is when when there are no services being delivered, meaningless words on a flyer just sneak by without being caught. Then they compound the error by putting the same fake graph on two different flyers. What is a value of services of delivery? Back when services were actually being delivered, the stat was Value of Services Delivered.
The Mission of Bellair: fun fact. Kathy Feshbach owned it, she turned ownership over to someone else about a year before the Feshbachs filed for bankruptcy, (I do have the backup doc but this is just a comment here not an expose) but Kathy didn’t remember to take her name off the Mission. The Florida Secretary of State still has her listed as co owner.
Regraded being, the comic strip wasn’t funny today, just sad.
The IDEAL thursday funnies with cartoons and all. Thank you Mike, always good to have a laugh with your witty comments.
I would go see Mappin as a ‘celebrity’……….insanity fascinates me
San Francisco Org 1971 … Project to get Central Files into PT is announced … it is now 44 years later (FORTY FOUR freakin’ YEARS!) … speed of particle flow … ability to confront MEST … say what? (uhm … what condition we applyin’ again?)
Hey Joe, I remember that. My first job on staff. Central Files and Addo. And remember the mimeo mountain – all the bulletins piled on the floor?
I was young, I had all my hair – on my head, and the kool aid was sooo tasty!
Who can forget the mimeo mountain. I think you were my senior there briefly Phil.
Hahahahaha. Brings instantly to mind the literal wall that was CF, which divided the Div 2 and Div 6 areas. And, the files were backlogged in 1971. Nothing has really changed – not for the better anyway.
When the SF Org was going “ideal”. I was staff at the SF Mission and we had to spend every Sunday at the Org getting CF in order. It took months with fancy files and I believe it was all up to date at that time. It’s hard to believe they’re having CF parties again…Funny!
Wild & Crazy at St Louis is enough to make you cringe with embarrassment, fully grown adults acting like morons all just to raise a few bucks. I hated those stupid costume themed fund raisers and avoided them at all costs.
What is really crazy here is this disconnection policy. The DSA NY Jennifer McDonald Cox has a background that is about as confidential as the OT levels. SHE…Jennifer McDonald Cox and her husband Larry Cox, paid for their child until he was about 18 and then FORCED him to join the Sea Org because they were running out of money. Is that what one is afraid one is disconnecting from? 🙂
I just don’t understand the venom fired at these goons dressing up.
Fancy dress parties are enjoyed everywhere; it’s fun and different. Sure, they’re raising money for an unethical organisation, but why does the fact they dress up make such a difference? Why do they look more embarrassing than anyone at a Hallowe’en party, or New Year’s Eve? Surely, with the pressure and strain involved in being in that organisation, they should be allowed some fun?