It’s the 4th of July.
Happy Independence Day to all the US citizens that come here.
Come celebrate with us Scientology style
Of course, scientology uses the 4th (and any other holiday they can latch onto) as a fundraising excuse.
Bring people in for bouncy houses, $1 hot dogs and face painting and unleash the regges…
Surely there isn’t anyone left that doesnt know what this is all about?
The other big news this week…
Shermanspeak extravaganza in all orgs as the silver mullet rolls out some more fantastical stories about the incredible (in the true definition of the world) feats of L. Ron Hubbard. He has now apparently graduated to the “source of creativity.”
Dozens of these posters came in this week from all over the place. They all look the same and had various admonitions about attendance being necessary.
So hot, it’s Texas hot…
Whatever that has to do with Austin “ideal” org.
Another org, like Toronto that can’t go ideal even though they don’t need a new building. After 15 years of failure I think they might have cooled off a bit…
Not really the “winning team”
But they are located in “the live music capital” so that’s a good reason to join staff there. Right?
How come all these orgs are trying to attract people to MOVE to their city? They don’t actually have anyone there who will join staff?
Oh, blast from the past…
True, this is only 5 years ago. I happened across it when looking for something else and shortly after those posters above came in.
I wonder how they define “soon to be Ideal Org”?
Columbus and “International Stage”
Somehow those concepts are chalk and cheese.
And just as a note, nobody recalls the days when Columbus was breaking any records over and over… Nobody. Anywhere. Ever.
But break out the imaginary fireworks to celebrate your imaginary accomplishments.
Here is the Columbus pitch…
Now, you have to decide whether to head for the live music capital, the city with more fountains than Rome or the “heart of it all” — 50% of all Americans live within 600 miles (?)
For that matter, 98% live within 2000 miles of Columbus… But if you want to know WHERE to join staff on that basis, 50% of the population of the US live within 300 miles of NY City, so they have you beat…
The #1 city for opportunity…
Not if you are a scientology staff member it’s not
You know this quote is from 1959 right?
STILL not true today, 60 years later.
And this one is from 1965…
Asserting there was 5 years left for planet earth.
Why do you keep using these things?
And what is it with your “The Few. The proud. The Marines” slogan? It just makes NO sense at all? You came up with this playing MadLibs?
Desperate times call for idiotic measures…
First they did the Anatomy of the Human Mind Course, now the introductory lectures designed for new public??
Pick out the Scots?
This is a list with many names I recognize who have nothing to do with Scotland.
Can you imagine if those proud Scots in 1320 had declared “as long as we have the Normans, the Saxons and the Anglos pitching in to give us a hand, we will have a thatched roof over our heads…”
Tell them to watch TV?
Oh, how far the world of scientology has sunk.
Cannot get rid of these people now…
Havent heard a thing about Columbus in 50 years and suddenly they are everywhere.
The People. The Empty Rooms. The Futility.
Inglewood Latino potluck
Flamingos, pineapples and loudspeakers. WTF?
Here’s Kansas City’s new pitch…
No longer pushing fountains.
We have half a million people…
If this is a big selling point, go to Chicago. They are trying to find suckers for their ideal org too and they have a hell of a lot more than 2 million including surrounding areas.
If this is your thing, go open an org in Houston. That’s WAY bigger and has NOTHING.
Oh, must be a “talking point” quote
Everyone is sending this one out
No flamingos?
Are you going to address the elephant in the room — you dont even have a single org in Brazil, let alone an ideal one. And it is the biggest and most populous nation in all of Latin America.
They’re trying to get “wogs” to come to this one…
Easier pitch for you — just tell them to watch Scientology TV. Like scientologists, they won’t be able to understand a single run on sentence delivered by the silver mullet. But unlike scientologists, they are going to be asking “WTF did he just say?” while the scientology clubbed seals are going to be giving their 432nd standing ovation for the evening…
Pasadena still pitching to kids
They seem to be doing this more than any other org?
Just like Austin and Pasadena and, and, and…
They ARE going St Hill size.
Don’t hold your breath…
Oh, how the mighty have fallen
Remember when OT’s were being ordered to attend the “confidential briefings” of “Mr. Rabey” who was working hard on the target of 10,000 people ever started on Solo NOTs?
That’s STILL not done.
But things are so desperate at the FSO now he is trying to help scrape up some bucks any way possible.
Family Day and Scientology
Like Columbus and the International Stage. They just don’t go together.
One stock image and a lonely VM was all they could muster.
This is NOT where to find out about this…
Though I suppose people do visit former concentration camps to get some up close and personal understanding of the holocaust.
Maybe the same principle applies here.
They should be holding this at Gold.
“Bigger and Better” Dinosaur Family Weekend
Wonder if they will explain how Xenu’s H bombs wiped out the Dinosaurs 75 million years ago.
I suspect this is where Hubbard came up with the date for Incident 2 — he read somewhere that the dinosaurs went extinct 75 million years ago — I think scientists have now revised this to 65 million years ago now.
Fast Track?
Like Austin?
New Haven has had an empty building for 12 years. Long Island is a nothingburger. Battle Creek a mess too.
If this is fast track, I guess normal track is not moving at all. Or maybe going backwards?
The Elite?
Seriously? That’s what you think of yourselves?
Joburg sinking
The only public they can scrape together are people from the other hemisphere? Because the exchange rates makes it cheap…
This is the first Clear they have made in recent memory in this ideal, St Hill size model org.
Freudian slip?
Lights, camera, action…
The REAL purpose of this is a “photo op” that can be used for future fundraising promotion and perhaps an event.
HAPI heading to the industrial wasteland?
This should really help put them on the map.
It’s worked out really well for Malmo and Dallas and all the others who have used this “ideal” strategy.
Truth in advertising finally?
They dropped the rest — “Few Are Chosen” because, well, ANYONE who is sucker enough to sign a billion year contract is accepted.
A Clear USA?
They cannot even Clear L. Ron Hubbard Way…
Final Nuttiness
Meaningless drivel.
Yeah, and we have to be rich to get rich. And be sick to get sick.
I’ve never been to Columbus and I don’t know anyone who lives there. It might be a nice city.
That said, as regards the place being a bit less than a day’s car drive from Atlanta, Chicago and New York City – is this supposed to be a selling point for living there?
A DAY’S DRIVE? What young people, what WORKING people have TIME for this?
Except occasionally for a planned city vacation or a family visit, etc.
And, if one lived in Columbus and HAD to nip over to Chicago, Atlanta or NYC – for business reasons, possibly – who would DRIVE? Flying would be the way to go, I’d think.
So sad…. Not recognizing that continuing to do exactly the same thing while expecting a different outcome is a good working definition on insanity.
So GLAD I’m out and able to relax doing nothing in particular.
Amen to that, jere.
I’ve got some home renovations going on. These 4 long weekend days are a Godsend. I’m having fun redecorating, giving things away,. buying some new things and throwing things out.
It may not sound like fun but I love my new walls and the way I’m moving the furniture around; love the lack of clutter and that I’m keeping only things that I really, really like. And I’ve got one more whole delicious day tomorrow…pure bliss. I’ve been wanting and needing to do this for so long.
When I was in the cult I’d NEVER have been able to have 4 days to myself like this!
I might even throw out all my cult books as i can use the space, I’ve heard that any and all Scientology materials can be downloaded for free online now.
Independence Day, indeed! Across all the dynamics,. if you’ll excuse the Cultspeak.
Come celebrate the nation’s freedom with the slaves of scientology.
Why are they advertising all the music venues in Austin? When will these staff members ever have time to go listen to music?
What is happening at the St. Louis .org? Apparently they squeezed more blood out of their turnips to add a parking structure and revamp the place, etc but I drove by the other day and it was dead!
I call the Thursday Funnies my “Thursday Sickies” since I always feel somewhere between queasy and downright nauseous by the time I’m finished perusing Rinder’s weekly haul of vomit inducing, Scientology garbage.
I’ve been a scientology Watcher and Lurker since the late 1980’s and have wasted god knows how many hours of my life reading about this shit. But it’s like the biggest baddest carnage-strewn car wreck I’ve ever seen in my life — and I just can’t make myself quit looking at it. Help! ROTFLO 🤣🤪🍿
Austin hasn’t been heard from in a while, maybe because they’re way behind on renovation of their old building. They moved into ignominious “temporary” quarters in January of last year and then the building just sat for about a year, apparently due to their typical mis-managed and last-minute construction planning, There were hints they were having trouble getting permits, though it may really just have been that they had a long wait to schedule contractors in a busy construction market. Work seems to have started around the beginning of this year, though a photograph reveals that the new top story being built is not as light and airy as shown in that architectural planning rendering:
The way it’s coming out, actually reminds me more of the brutalist monstrosity in Ventura, that looks as if it could be Darth Vader’s headquarters. If the project were on track I’d think we’d be hearing about central files and staffing, so it may be that it’s still subject to delays – in those Scientology projects, the beginning of construction doesn’t always mean that the end is near, witness the 2 decades it took them to finish the Super Power building.
And I’m still trying to figure out if HAPI is really just in the midst of another “ideal” bait-and-switch – as in Austin, or more like Ventura/Santa Barbara where they were originally shown renderings of a light and airy building (not to mention St. Louis and Boston and Albuquerque, all of which are giving up on historic buildings originally bought, and of course once shown in shiny renderings). It’s not clear whether “measuring, photographing, looking and drawing” means that they’ve bought a property or are just inspecting a prospective one – several orgs are even reported to have used pictures of properties for fundraising, that they had no chance of actually buying.
The ‘left turn not permitted’ sign they included in the graphic mock-up of their would-be Austin ideal org I find absolutely hysterical for some reason…
I smell……desperation?? yes, it definitely stinks of desperation. I think they are finally feeling the pinch of all the bad publicity that’s been bombarding them.
USA Ideal Alliance: Bubba and Davy
( and that alliance will give one of Davy’s fave acronyms CICS[ counter intention cock sucker ] a whole new twist )
Timex: “Takes a licking and keeps on ticking.”
Scientology: “Takes a frying and keeps on lying.”
Another Blue Ribbon winner!
“Fumble around with it a bit”? Well, that really inspires me to pay out good money for this fool-proof tech which I then can’t use without ‘fumbling around’ with it. If it’s effective, it should work without fumbling. And as always, no money back guarantee!
And how long do you suppose that fellow from San Francisco will own that fancy bracelet he’s showing off before he has to sell it to pay for more useless ‘services’? Good thing he’s got a picture of it now so he can remember it when it’s gone.
Apparently, Scios are no longer considered qualified to promote their own religion to others. Better to let Scn TV do the work. As far as I know, Hubbard’s HCO PL 23 October 1965, “Dissemination Drill” is still the standard tech for getting people into the orgs. Did it get cancelled maybe? Or perhaps just fell out of use because it doesn’t work any more. But that’s how we used to do it. That, and sell DMSMH on the street. I’m waxing nostalgic to those days when you could talk to strangers about Scn and not get met with scorn or laughter. Goodness, times have changed. Probably a good thing, too.
Dinosaurs aside, I’ve still yet to hear a scientologist argue the case for Hawai’i existing 75 million years ago (not to mention “Las Palmas”, “Krakajawia”, et al). Considering its significance in the OTIII saga, it’s an odd one to get so wrong. Hub was able to remember some of the most minute details of our ancient history. He recalled events going back 24 quattuordecicentillion years, the technological wizardry of intergalactic slavers and soul traffickers, even the names of distant planets, ancient races and evil tyrants. So what gives? He was such a clever dude. I’m pretty shocked, tbh.
Mwesten, there will always be some fool hanging on every word Hubbard uttered concerning the validity of the OT III materials as well as the collected bullshit in ‘History of Man’, ‘Hymn of Asia’, ‘DMSMH’, ‘All About Radation’, etc. It doesn’t matter that it is a scientific fact that there were no Hawaiian volcanos 75 million years ago, the e-meter ticked when they thought about it so it must be so.
Don’t expect FOOLproof to stop by this blog to defend his favorite science fiction writer on this issue anytime soon. Fool is going to be kept very busy with his OSA duties of PR area control since the “Jane Doe” vs. scientology lawsuit came about recently. Yes, he will be a VERY busy fellow helping to handle that latest, all-hands, hill-10, flapping flap that won’t quit flapping.
“How come all these orgs are trying to attract people to MOVE to their city? They don’t actually have anyone there who will join staff?”
uhhh, No, they don’t. They can’t recruit folks who have SEEN how the staff are treated and they aren’t making auditors or new PCs except by chance: the rare wog who doesn’t think to google the cult first.
“Balloon twisting” contest?
More like “arm twisting” contest to see who can reg the most
Well, I guess this really is the cult without borders spreading the word “The End Is Near”.
On the “Tell them to watch TV”, I did, finally, check the cult network. It seemed more like preaching to the choir, but I suppose maybe it could get someone interested. Getting them past just interested would be a real stretch though unless it was someone who had no ties to anyone or anything. Someone who was just hanging on.
Oh yes, and the ever sure to let you know they mean business, the crossed arms and the serious look. Oh, and that priest looking white collar and the white top of the tie. But, you just gotta love the smirk with just screams “suckers!”. And Mr. Clive Rabey looks like that creepy type you never wanted to go near! Ewwww New Haven guy – same thing!
Ok, gotta go have some hot dogs and junk food. Hope you all have a nice 4th especially now that you are free from the clutches of the cult!
This is all so weird. I visited the Austin org three years ago or so. The staffer (who was in her 70s, had been there forever) proudly brought out photos of the new rugs and furniture upholstery colors for their new Idle M’org. But the rendering is all wrong – the building is not located like that nor does it look like that at all, from what I remember. They had a small table (unstaffed) in front of the building and I think they said they planned to move the facade back so they would have more room out front. And the 323 area code is the Los Angeles area, not in Austin. Have all the Austin staff disappeared or are they just so incompetent that they can’t be trusted to raise money?
FMFH, who knows what they were told or believed, and then tried to tell you – Scientologists aren’t strong on being factual, or accurate. They are actually pushing out the first floor facade, which used to be recessed, in order to get more space, and then adding a third floor. If you google something like “Scientology Austin” and then look at images, you can see what the org looked like before construction started – and maybe find that photo showing that construction isn’t exactly following the ideals of the rendering, either.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! No More!!!!! No more Columbus!!! No more Columbus!!! No more Columbus!!! I’d like to nuke that city.
As a person from central Ohio, I was beginning to feel you were really dumping on Columbus. Columbus actually is a good place to live (the fireworks pic was from our 4th of July ‘Red, White, and Boom’ event). then I realized you were targeting the Columbus Scientology Org. Since they are SO prosperous that until just one or two years ago I didn’t even know they existed (lived here my entire 62 years), please feel free to dump all you want! I would prefer if they would go from “I didn’t KNOW they exist” to “they DON’T exist”!
The self delusion is the ONLY thing in scamology that is booming, straight up and of EPIC proportions.
Davy, nothing’s changed in years
Still the bullshit mixed with fear
Your empty smile is but a sneer
Show me a motherfucking clear!
That is a great one, my favorite to date.
I always equate $cientology “clearing” with clearing people’s bank accounts and then some. (Or clearing their minds of basic humanity, morality and true non-cult ethics.). That is their sole purpose. There’s nothing remotely warm and caring about hyper-cold $cientology without a profit motive behind it.
I know I state the obvious so why isn’t it obvious to all? Turn on your Spidey Sense “in” people!
Well, of course, Peter. You just need to hand over more money. A LOT MORE. I suggest you start counting your change.
Want to wish all the ex-dupes who woke up in this year a Happy Independence day!
Now THAT’S something everyone can get behind! I like Xenu’s Son!
THE TRUE STORY of Scientology is simple, concise and direct. It is quickly told:
1. A writer develops a story about space aliens, psychiatrists and the pharmaceutical industry.
2. People find it toxic.
3. People find it bankrupts them and destroys families.
4. People warn others about it.
5. It dies.
VERY true Scribe
Gawd I hated that book*. Must have been my ‘MUs’ not the fact that it just sucked.
*New Slant on Life (for all you newbies and never-ins)
This is the first time I’ve heard delicious and food truck in the same sentence.
You’re thinking of the old roach coaches that served construction sites; there’s been a movement in the last few years with truly artisan specialty food, some by famous chefs, all delivered on trucks. These are often recruited for events, and you don’t feel like you need to wash your hands just being close to them.
Best lobster roll I ever had was from a food truck.
Best crepe I ever had was off a food truck in Paris.
Food trucks can go both ways.
The good ones are REALLY good.
So glad to be out of this.
Happy Independence Day!
In all my Scientology “watching”, my favorite things to hear sentiments from ex members like, “glad to be out”. I’m always hoping to see new people saying this.