Bargain Basement
I thought interns were supposed to audit staff?
Austin is on Fire
Competing with Kansas City for the greatest city on earth…
I have included one full poster and then excerpted a string of the “Why Austin” reasons to save space…
This is apparently why you should move to Austin to join staff there. Not that ANY of this has any impact on your life as a staff member.
And this is what you get…
Stay Classy ACT
My 7 year old could put together something more aesthetic than this…
Cincinnati is “Clearing the Planet”
And in the coolest religion on earth, THIS is the coolest org “for over 20 years”
Who would have guess that Florence Kentucky would literally be the coolest place ever.
At least until these guys make their way to Antarctica.
Do you think the person writing this copy is trolling them?
Vacation away from the physical universe
Most people call this daydreaming.
Some call it suicide.
They can’t even afford a laptop?
You can pick one up for $300…
Not exactly “flourishing and prospering”
OT VIII Marie Gale
Mother of Liz, grandmother to two boys she disconnected from. Back at the bottom of the Bridge again.
And she attests to having a “willingness to operate as a Team in LIFE”??
Pure foolishness
Then dont bother with the “Bridge” any more, just give money…
Obviously that “process” works great for you.
Austin’s competition…
Again, to save space I chopped these up and just include the “important” stuff that isn’t repetitive…
(Apparently Columbus has given up)
They are hip (according to their own estimation), they yell loudly, things are good on Friday and they have an art museum.
Here is what Columbus is hoping for…
“Dissemination” to nobody at all.
Las Vegas
A booming scene in this “ideal org” — nobody has ever seen more than 6 vehicles in their parking lot, but they ARE going St Hill Size.
Blast from the Past
Chilly Bean is still around?
And so is Malmo “ideal” org?
Wow, who would have guessed it?
I would love to know in the “Study Tech” where it splains how you teach someone to read?
Actually, this was Hubbard’s claim for Key to Life.
But that went out of style…
Making Waves Around the World
Waves = tiny ripples
Around the world = where we had video cameras
Will they have 5 people?
Or less?
Wish someone could swing by and take a shot.
Same old same old…
But less.
A couple of years ago they used to publish this list and it was twice as long.
So much for ideal org = 10X expansion
To make nothing of out of the enemy…
Great humanitarian objective
Hold on a second…
I thought Kansas was the hip place?
And Cincinnati is the coolest org on earth?
This hipster is claiming the title for Tampa (yeah, right…)
Those quotes are pretty cool too.
Special 2 hour documentary
Now they’re cobbling together content for scientology tv from the videos in the “Industry of Death” museum.
Hard up for content much?
A Clear UK in 2020…
Sure thing.
Keep saying it with Tone 40, it is sure to happen.
“It would be clean ads and attractive enough not to repel its public.”
Wow, way to set high goals, LRH.
Cincinnati’s been SOO COOL for the last 20 years that NO ONE has heard about it ‘specially old fogies like me.
Austin’s supposed to be so great….. What they don’t tell you is that the most you’ll see of it is between the airport and the org as you arrive. For instance, 5 years at Flag within walking distance of the beach — and as much as I love the water, I got there ONCE. late in the night instead of sleeping.
R. Kelly’s arrest was reported to be the result of some agent watching a Lifetime documentary. At first I was hoping that one of the agents was watching Mike & Leah’s documentary and saw something that sealed the deal for the Monster and it was he who was arrested.
Sadly, not yet. But it sure does seem like it’s coming. The above link contains a story from The DrudgeReport that explains more about what happened. I sure do expect The Monster’s turn is coming. Karmic responsibility does not permit criminals and monsters to evade their responsibility forever. It seems like it catches up with them and the very worst time in their lives. How appropriate!
Hats off and Major Kudos to Mike and Leah. A job well done. I can’t wait to see Mike and Leah stand up in front of a life-sized poster of Mary Kahn and give a great big salute and announce, “DONE!”.
Oh turnabout is fair play. It is just so delicious.
**** HUGE FRAUD ****
Word word word _FREE_ word word word word word.
(Word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word.)
Word word word word _PAID UP_ word word word word word.
(Word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word.)
Word word word word _PAID UP_ word word word word word.
Any questions please contact:
(Because who doesn’t want to be considered a body for regging.)
Zeros need ones in purpose to get their brains working.
Where have you gone Hagit Ron?
The Valley turns its lonely eyes to you.
Woo woo woo
I’m all in a tizzy … Can’t decide … Columbus , KC, Austin … Columbus, KC, Austin … Columbus , KC, Austin … What to do? … What to do?… Oh, HECK, I’m just gonna go with the place with the best tacos … And you now know which of the above cities I’m moving to …
I don’t know why but I’m no longer getting any email notices in weeks. I got this random Thursday funnies today. Anyone know why?
In my day, ACT and Adelaide constantly vied for the title of “worst Org in ANZO”, though that wasn’t an official competition! They were both consistently downstat and couldn’t make money. Both cities couldn’t support a large field, as they’re tiny.
In Anchorage, we have the most amazing seals in the world and the best sled dogs on the planet. Help us build an Ideal Org here and be a part of this great environment. By joining staff, you will be contributing to our Clear Siberia campaign. We’re counting on you!
Contact Reggie at [email protected]
I…am on the floor – LOL!
Good one, Scribe.
About the “IAS Patron Success” – it appears that “gains on the Bridge” means gaining body fat. I mean, it worked for Hubbard.
Austin is on fire? Really??
Well, whatever you do, I strongly suggest you do not call anyone from The Scam for help because the way they works is ….
They will demand money from you up front to put out the fire. But of course, they know nothing about fire fighting and so when it turns out that they are unable to douse the fire, they will charge a huge amount of money for the time they spent.
They will also charge you a huge amount of money under the guise that they must pay the person(s) who started the fire. Now, it won’t make any sense to you why anyone who started the fire deserves to be paid. But … that is the nature of The Scam. No one ever promised it would make sense.
The only way it seems to make sense is that everything that goes on is fully billable and you must pay for it all in advance.
They will also charge you thousands of dollars for the water they claim to have used in their failed attempt to douse the fire. If you ask them how they can possibly charge for water since it was provided to them for free from the municipality, they will demand you attend some sessions in which they will question. Of course, you will have to pay thousands of dollars to attend those sessions. You will never get any answers or any explanations that make any sense. But, by now you should be getting familiar with the way this scam works. You pay for everything up front and if you are not happy (and you are never happy), then you must pay again and again.
They welcome any complaints you have. But when you make a complaint, you must attend a closed-door session where they promise to explain things to you. But they never explain anything except that you must pay thousands of dollars to attend those sessions and they never make any sense.
Are you beginning to understand the way this crazy shit works now?
Welcome to The Scam!
Be very careful you never bring any friends or relatives to any of your prepaid sessions because if you do – one way or another – you will likely never see them again. Welcome to the world of “disconnection”!
Oy Vey! Whadda Scam!
“Now, it won’t make any sense to you why anyone who started the fire deserves to be paid. But … that is the nature of The Scam. No one ever promised it would make sense.”
You mean,,,, the SCIENCE of MENTAL health doesn’t imply making sense?
Well, NO, as it turns out, but they’ve THOUSANDS of reasons explaining why that’s so, and why the SCIENCE doesn’t work, EVER, for ANYONE.
One of El Are Aitch’s signature moves was to make trivial observations and then pretend that they were deeply profound as well as unprecedented discoveries made from his own extensive “research.”
For example: If you don’t understand a word, use a dictionary. (And now, pay us to show you how to use a dictionary.)
Or: Metrics and statistics help an organization to understand how it is doing. (Now pay us to run your organization–not that our own is going anywhere).
Interestingly and no doubt as a result of utter despair about their own numbers, his minions have resorted to providing meaningless graphs and arbitrary claims, such as 47x this or that.
The latest trend: Don’t bother with your OWN statistics at all. Instead, use someone else’s statistics. Such as the number of THEIR fountains (of course, you did not construct a single one of them). The growth of THEIR industry (to which you contributed ZERO–in fact, you can’t stand those pedestrian wogs). The number of musical acts performing every night (just look up LRH’s “music” on youtube to see why no one is performing any of it).
It is telling that NOT ONE of the cities trying to lure people onto staff has anything to offer along the lines of “Our organization has grown from x to y; staff pay has increased x%; our customer base has increased from x to y.” In other words, anything meaningful to consider for someone who may want to uproot their life in one city to pursue a business opportunity elsewhere.
Imagine yahoo advising you to move to Silicon Valley because google just had a record quarter, Facebook has an award-winning cafeteria and the freeways are clogged with cars of Apple employees while the Uber IPO has advanced the price of real estate further into the stratosphere. Some pitch!
Great comment!
The ad says, “Cram Officer Auditor”.
For a second, I thought his last name was “Cram” and I was going to remark again on how bizarre it seems to me that so many of the people who appear in these posters have such strange last names.
But I was mistaken and if anyone could explain to me please, just what is a “Cram Officer Auditor”?
It sounds kind of terrifying. Does it have anything to do with students “cramming” for a test?
A “Cramming Officer” is a position in The Qualifications Division. If an auditor makes some mistake in session, this person gets them through a short study action relating to the error. It’s not like doing a course. It’s going over course material that you obviously didn’t get well enough when doing the course.
I see. Thank you.
Of course, I assume you have to pay for this and I would guess you have to pay double or triple (just my weak ass attempt at humor) but thank you for taking the time to explain that.
There was no charge for cramming to get mistakes corrected. Believe it or not in the early days there was a demand for excellence from the auditors and generally throughout the.organization. In their current delusion current Scientologists probably believe they are doing likewise.
The guy with the red beard looks like he’s stoned. And, believe me, I know stoned when I see it.
Too much kool-aid will do that. Withdrawal’s a bitch!
Yeah! I found that out.
Yeah OSD, I saw that bloke in Brisbane the other day. He had his hat on the ground, so I threw a dollar into it. Poor bugger, he needed a good feed.
There’s that “clean and attractive enough to not repel” phrase again, which never fails to make me LOL!
Look: you and I have never met, but lets meet for coffee.
Per my policy on personal grooming, when meeting new people, I will be clean and attractive enough not to REPEL you.
Now, I’m NOT saying that I’ll actually BE clean, mind you! In fact, I might even be a little grubby. There may well be a little dirt under my nails and my hair may be due for a washing. But, look, I’ll be clean ENOUGH, I promise!
And by the way, don’t expect this map of mine to be some kind of oil painting OK? I was voted, “Most Likely To Need Plastic Surgery” in high school… and the outfit I wear to meet you may be on the tacky side with part of the hem held up by a safety pin or two…but you won’t see that.
In any event, you have my guarantee that I will not REPEL you.
Sound like a plan?
Gee, I’ll bet you’re really looking forward to this, aren’t you? I know I am!
(OK, ok, I’ll stop. Forgive me, I can’t help it, honestly. its just so funny to me!)
I have to say, if someone asked me out in those terms, I’d jump at it. They sound like a riot! Only thing is, does the policy still hold good for a possible second date, or is that too much to hope for?
LOL! EmaSP, you are a brave man 🙂 Frankly, I repelled MYSELF writing what I did 🙂
I thought the offer of a free “bridge” was intriguing. Particularly remarkable was its repeated emphasis NOT on how you had to be prepared but how you had to be PAID UP!
Imagine a real church advertising that it will give you first communion training for–gasp, imagine the member’s surprise–free. But only if you are paid up on Sunday school, communion, Sunday admission fees, confessional fixed donation, absolution assessments…
Our motto: Who needs to pray! Just pay!
Todd, “Who needs to pray! Just pay!” Rolling on floor laughing. That’s a keeper.
They will also have to pay to stay at Org-owned or favored accommodations, and for meals and case supervising and regging, and may have to work for the Org when not on course.
The Foothills Mission is the one that’s actually off an alley, and which attempted a GoFundMe campaign a while back to make their old commercial-industrial type space more “ideal,” hoping to raise $15,000 if I recall. Now they’re reduced to begging for an old laptop.
Sadly, Marie Gale was also the mother of the late, brilliant Philip, a prodigious young MIT student whose promising life ended as one of the strange cases of Scientology-related suicides. That was a couple of years after Lisa McPherson’s death (and while the debacle following it was still going on), and I suspect is part of what lead Miscavige to crack down on and limit delivery of Hubbard’s Scientology “tech,” realizing that it inevitably caused adverse and even tragic outcomes that could no longer be swept under the rug.
And in the 2021 UK census, we may find out that the island nation was cleared in 2020 – of scientologists. The 2001 census found fewer than 2 thousand, and that number is likely to be closer to a thousand unless they happen to have lots of foreign staff and students at Saint Hill.
U.K. being cleared of scamologists, now there is a stat worth celebrating.
Jeremy Kasel and his sister Rachel are still on staff in Kentucky under the dictatorship of Jeanne Sonnenfild and her horrible husband, David Ironside the Horrible. Wow – you would think they would have realized that they wanted to KEEP their reactive minds when their mom died of cancer a year or so ago. Cincinatti Org is nothing but a Morgue. I went there years ago and go by it all the time. It is VACANT and dead. Hip Hip Hooray!
I’m so very glad to hear that as I live in Kentucky!
Was Jeannie ever single long enough to receive any financial support from her 15 ex husbands?
Interns have been used to audit public since basic-basic.
If there’s no public, then they audit staff.
At least that’s the way it was in my time.
Nom nomnom, nomnom, nomnom & finally nom. Did I get it right?
Yes OSD. You did get it right. And for your reward for getting it right, can you guess what you win? No? Oh Dear!
Well, you win 7 closed-door Sec Check sessions and you must pay $8,000 IMMEDIATELY and UP FRONT right now! In advance. You must pay. Today is the day to pay.
But you must also pay a penalty for guessing. That is not cool. Guessing is what we call Out-Ethics because there is no guessing in the El Con Man Land. Therefore, guess what?
You must pay for guessing. That will cost you $12,000 and it is payable in advance right now.
You know, by now you should know better than to ever question anything or complaing about anything or say anything or do anything. Each of those actions will cost you $18,000 for being Out-Ethics. Only people who never speak and never listen and never question can escape being Out-Ethics and avoid paying through their noses. I could go on. But I feel some compassion for you and so I will spare you and just shut up now.
P.S. Nice to see you OSD!
Nice to be seen! Old Surfer Dude
Thank Xenu Austin has an ‘educational school system’. Can any other kind of school system exist? Oh yeah, there is that Mace Kingsly thing and ‘Applied Scholastics’ ‘tutors’ all around.
So AOSH Africa is SO successful that they have ZERO Academy students who need Grades or NED? NO ONE?
It’s because staff isn’t sessionable because of long working hours and eating junk food. It’s the same in every org. No moving up the bridge on either side.
That was my thought too about AOSH Africa. When I did my internship I advertised for a student who would let me audit them all the way through the Grades and got plenty of students applying. But that was in the 80’s when the orgs were full. The fact that AOSH Africa is asking for anyone, anyone from any country to fly in and hold the cans for this student auditor is proof there is almost no one in that org. No academy students who need grades, no staff either. My guess is there isn’t many on staff there and we know there aren’t many public there or else they wouldn’t be advertising world wide for what should readily be there in their own org. This just proves how poorly they are doing and how much they have contracted.
I vote for no one.
All $cientology needs is an easy-to-use photo-real people plugin to use for all their faux Photoshopping to show actual crowds showing up to their morgues and regge-nag events – in lieu of actual people and non-existent crowds.
Peter, I gotta tell ya, I’m not seeing any crowds. At all. Wake me when something happens.
No one needs that much sleep!
Well, when you’re hammered you don’t really care.
OSD, no, no, don’t go to sleep – stay with us, we don’t want to lose you forever!
Ok…ok. I’ll try to stay awake! If I start to fall asleep, just douse me in ice cold water.
I’m already gone…
I’ve lived in Cincinnati all my life (I’m 67) and never heard bupkis about Scientology. That includes the 70’s (when I got around) and the 80’s, when I got involved with the Landmark Forum for awhile (you’d think I’d have heard something there, since Werner stole a lot of ideas from LRH.) Their presence here is -0.
I found out about Sci because I’m a reader, and followed up an interesting link through Amazon to Lawrence Wright’s Going Clear.
Hey Bridget! I’m coming up on 67. Let’s go out and have a couple of brews.
Hi OSD! I figured I recognized another Aging Hippie on here – silly, silly Scamology to think they could keep one of us on staff – and in Honolulu, yet! Maui Wowie!
And that wowie is great. Especially on Maui. Old
Hey girl! I’m a mere 62. Like you, I never heard a word about Scientology here in Columbus until I read about it. Mostly I read about it in “Going Clear; Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief”. Then I saw it on “Aftermath”. Now I continue to read about it here and at the Underground Bunker. Still have yet to meet an actual Scientologist in Ohio.
By the way, be careful of OSD. He wants to nuke Columbus and Cinci would get hit by the fallout!
Nah, I’m not worried. I count on Mark Twain – by the time anyone gets around to nuking an Org, it won’t happen here, and we won’t have to worry about it for years. Because – “When the end of the world comes, I want to be in Cincinnati because it’s always 20 years behind the times.” -Mark Twain, a midwestern boy who KNEW. Unlike LRH, who just made it up as he went along…
OH SHIT! I totally forgot to nuke Columbus & Cinci. My bad. I’ll make it up to you, Miss Dutch! I promise. But you might have to wake me up several times.
There are probably more anthrosophists (followers of Rudolph Steiner, best known for Waldorf schools) and members of all manner of small groups, than scientologists.
Scientology works hard to draw an inordinate amount of attention to itself, such as through its exploitation of celebrity members – and is now suffering the backlash to that, not only because their celebrity situation has turned sour, but especially because they are one of the most extreme high control groups or cults, and thus do an inordinate amount of harm to members and families, as well as designated enemies.
That statement about 25 colleges calling Kansas City, Missouri home is funny.
The first photo is of the University of Kansas Medical Center. The University of Kansas is in Lawrence, Kansas, not Kansas City. One of the photos, of the Living Learning center, is kind of an adult education program. The 2nd and 8th photos are of community colleges, which you can find anywhere.
The city has one mid-major university, UMKC. There are a couple of small private colleges, and a bunch of other places to get yourself a McDegree. This is the same as any mid-sized city.
I love KC and it’s my home, but to call it some kind of an educational paragon is silly.
The KC promo materials all seem to be written by people who were imported to work at the Org and don’t actually know anything about the city.
Also, Scientology derides college attendance, and effectively discourages members from pursuing higher education, almost as rabidly as the JWs (who label it “worldly” and have among the very lowest rates of education of any religion). So it’s particularly ironic that they would list educational educations as an attraction; what next, number of psychiatric facilities offering electroshock?
I had a JW neighbor once. Learned everything I needed to know about the religion from her answering one question: Is your son heading to college after High School graduation? No, we lose to many of them that way.
The university of Kansas has had a medical branch in KC (Kansas side) since I was a student eons ago.
Hi everyone,
I am part of a church that wants to express love and care and concern for Scientologists working at the Org in our area. Several of us have been moved by what we have seen on the Aftermath and these stories of people who are on staff working 14 hour days 7 days a week for no pay, living in shameful conditions, and being deceived into devoting their lives to what is really a money making scheme. We are so saddened at these folks who are duped into wasting their lives.
We are not going to cause trouble at their building or even go to it. We only want to volunteer to give them necessities, offer friendship, maybe invite them to dinner, and perhaps reach some of them with the idea that people do care about them and there is another way.
We just don’t know where to begin. Where do staffers typically live? Can outsiders befriend them? Will they respond to our offers of friendship if we are not going to start doing Scientology?
Our heart really goes out to these people and we want to help them not only see that there’s a better way, but feel loved and cared for. Even by we wogs 😉
Any comments or suggestions you might provide would be appreciated. Thank you.
Perhaps you could contact the Aftermath Foundation about where/how you might contribute your help. Thank you for the compassion to want to help and the will to make the effort.
I don’t know…I think you’re wasting your time with cult members.
Martin Taylor, I think its wonderful that your church wants to help the Still Ins like this. Right off the bat I’d advise that NOTHING be said them about Aftermath. IMO, the 3 kisses of death that will prevent them from r accepting your help would be any mention of 1) Aftermath, 2)Leah Remini, and 3) Mike Rinder. In fact, I’d say ignore all mention of your knowledge of any abuses and just offer help. I agree with Cat W that the Aftermath Foundation will coach you excellently on how to reach out and offer help in a way that will not be rejected.
Martin, that is so kind of you. I don’t know the answers about where they live, but perhaps going by their office and offering food, soap, toilet paper, etc? The dinner offer is nice but I think they are always at work so may not be allowed to do these kinds of offsite activities. They don’t get paid much at all. They are pretty much brainwashed, but sometimes a kind word or gesture will be remembered years later.
Thank you for caring!
I like Cat W.’s suggestion.
Probably the best thing you and your friends can do is to continue educating
yourselves and your fellow parishoners about cults and undue influence. If you decide to forge some personal and/or organizational friendships with scientologists and are fully informed about the beliefs, behaviors, and organizational history of that
” church “, you will have a better chance at actually helping anyone in that group who would actually ACCEPT help from non-scientologists. As a rule-and I speak as an ex-member of the group-“helping” scientologists, from your position as a non-scientologist, is almost impossible to do with hard-core, dedicated members. They will insist that YOU and YOUR FRIENDS are the ones who need the help of their ” superior technology “. The vulnerable scientologists, the ones who are fed up with the abuses and have any kind of doubts and are contemplating leaving, are the ones who MIGHT accept your help, and even THAT road is loaded with booby-traps, hence my suggestion to be super-informed about the group you’ll be dealing with.
Best wishes to you and those who care enough to want to help!
Ok, ok. I just hope I can be of service to these people. Seriously.
You can only help those who want help. Some do and reach out to the Aftermath Foundation. Contact the Foundation and offer what you can. Send an email to Mike Rinder and he will point you in the right direction.
Shill Chee Zee( Chill E B’s real name ) looks like he finally audited off those chin thetans…Cool sunglasses and a baseball cap do not minimize the wankery, however.
And the ads extolling the virtues of various cities that people should literally move to to commit to being a scientology ” volunteer “? Because…your full-time staff schedule
and complete lack of pay will make that a viable and sensible choice?
Hmmm, maybe the confluence of all of that theta and those tone 40 postulates
will pay the rent, buy the groceries, maintain the car and fuel it, too? And, hey, with your scientology staff and study schedule, you’ll have LOADS of free time to enjoy
the culture, the arts, and other interesting activities in those places, eh?
What utter, desperate bullshit!
Now Mark, go easy on them. After having El Ron sit on their brains for so long, they are severely mentally challenged. They’re all in desperate need of a Hubbardectomy.
Can you schedule me for a Hubbardectomy, Scribe?
Scribe and OSD:
Hubbardectomies to All, and to All, a good life!
OSD you got one when you left staff in Hawaii. Let’s give it to those in real need.
I concur. That’s my big word of the day.
I just don’t feel I would be abel to even keep a straight face when contacting this person.
I don’t think he would be abel to help anyone except to help them empty their bank account.
His inabelitie to write a sensible ad really bothers me.
Nice one, Skyler.
Eye zaw wot u did thair.👏
What did he do? What did he do???
I made fun of the guy who doesn’t know how to spell “able”. He spelled it “abel”.
But it’s just way too easy making fun of these poor ignorant people who never went to school and never learned spellling or grammar. I think I will stop doing that now. It’s just too easy.
Heh! Heh! Heh! Sometimes it gets too easy. Like shooting fishies in a barrel.
LRH Admissions from Target Two:
The whole agonized future of this planet, every man, woman and child on it, and your own destiny for the next endless trillions of years depend on what you do here and now with and in Scientology.
I wrote the above as my own personal take on hell to scare you into complying with my wishes and feed my oversized ego as well as quite ample stomach. It was fun while it lasted!
Also wanted to mention that telex machines are probably no longer needed as well as CF. And though that Lucifer thing was a major fuck-up, who’s the genius that made it a part of OT 8?!
If I can get my hands on a souped up E-meter, I could probably get rid of these remaining BTs and clusters in the next ten thousand years or so. And lastly, Miscavige is an idiot!
Scribe! 😂
I like Scribel better.
Hello Ann,
There is just no doubt about it. Our Scribe has arribed!
Maybe the person/people creating those “WHY OUR CITY IS GREAT” pieces will connect the dots that it ISN’T because there is a scientology org or mission and that all of these great things were created by WOGS.
That Tampa guy forgot to cross his arms. Boy did he screw up. No one is going to show up now.
Someone forgot to cross their arms??? Holy shit!
Scientology always was and always will be a “revolving door”. Over fifty years I have seen the same pattern. New faces looking for new faces. One out of a 1,000 stay in for a few years.
Is Valley OTC getting smaller? Where are whales David and Bonita Wilson? They seem to have disappeared. Does anyone know?
Eaten by sharks.
And I saw it happen!
The chumps became chum!
That’s why I’m missing an arm.
Hey Scribe,
1) What do you get when you cross a chump with a bum?
2) What do you call a group of chumps who are crossed with a group of bums?
3) What do lonely chumps become when they join The Scam together with lonely bums?
4) What do they then call the people who they believe to be their new friends?
Hint: All four questions have the exact same answer. Thanks to Scribe!
Good guess Aqua. Guess what you win? That’s right. You win 18 pre-paid Sec Check sessions and since they are pre-paid, you must please pay me now! Thank you.
OK. I had some fun today making fun of the stupid way the scam forces people to take do-overs and then pay for them. But I sense that it’s no longer very funny and so I will stop doing that now and apologize to anyone who feels I took that too far.
Skyler, no worries. Its ALL funny. See, we have to laugh. That doesn’t mean that what’s happening is funny, necessarily. But if we don’t laugh, we’ll be paralyzed with grief and we’ll just wring our hands and cry instead of doing something about it. Mike has the right idea with the Funnies and with his snark. Laugh – while you’re taking action. Hey – if Mel Brooks could poke fun at the Holocaust and Adolph Hitler and the extermination of 6 million people, we can have our fun with the Still Ins and their idiocy while at the same time supporting the truth getting out there so that one day, hopefully soon, each of them will wake the F up and leave the cult and reunite with their families. In the meantime, life goes on, life is beautiful and we’re alive, so why cry? What good does crying do?
No doubt about that. There is only one thing that Mike has done better than running the publicity wing of this scam and I’m sure that every body knows what that is.
Mike required a great deal of organizational skills and much executive abilities in the way he managed a major portion of this major corporation. Regardless of the fact that it was a terrible scam, we cannot ever overlook the fact that Mike ran a huge money-making corporation for many years. The only thing Mike ever did better than run The Scam and (sad to say) help the Monster Man to build it up was to help Leah tear the fucking thing down.
Who would ever have thought that the only thing Mike was more capable of doing than “building up” this scam was to then help Leah tear it down.
I wonder how many other people who frequent this blog are now feeling what I am feeling. No comedy here. Very serious. I feel a very strong feeling of optimism in the air. It’s as if most people here are really enjoying themselves at this time. It’s as if we can just “taste” the upcoming destruction of this evil empire. It would seem to be in the wind now. With every breath I take, I can taste the “impending doom” that the evil monster is now facing. He can wriggle and he can shake but he cannot do anything to evade or avoid the impending doom of which he is the principal driving force. He is the one who caused this doom and he is the one who will feel it hit hardest.
For all of us who were only “briefly in” or “never in” or lucky enough to escape the whole trap that is this scam, I can feel a sense of happy expectation in the air. You just never know how and when these things will unfold. Just look at how things caught up to Havey Weinstock and Bill Cosby and Bernie Madoff.
Did you hear the wonderful news this morning? If not, just take a look at “The DrudgeReport”. It turns out that some government agent (I think it may have been an FBI agent) was watching a TV documentary about R. Kelly and concluded that, “Something is not right here”. Can you guess what happened next? OMG! They went and arrested R. Kelly and threw his Peeing Pedeefelia ass into jail (“Peedafeelia” is the best way to describe that creep). Hey Monster Man! Can you hear those footsteps coming? They are coming after you. Do you know whose footsteps you are hearing? Why, it’s your old friend Mike Rinder. He is coming. Would you like to slap him around some more? You do not have very much time remaining to do that. He may just slap you back.
You know what you need to do now? You need to go and get Sammy Kahn and reverse his brain washing just as much as you can before the Feds come and put the Kaybosh on you! Can you hear Mary’s footsteps? Payback is a bitch and just wait until you feel the wrath of a mother wronged. Mary Kahn is coming for you! I hope she gives you one great big smack. Nobody deserves that opportunity more so than Mary. While you are waiting, do us all a favor? Yes. Eat Shit and Die!
That poor slave I mean staff member Gabriel or Danny of ‘Tampa Model Ideal Org’ looks as though he hasn’t had a decent meal in years. Not fit and lean but emaciated. Must be due to all the amazing expansion and prosperity of scn….not.
Ideal homeless shelter for the broke staff and fleeced public.
I was in that shelter once. Hated every minute of it.
I saw that. He barely fills out the shirt.