An Ideal Continent…
Yeah, they cover all of Asia and if they can just get those last two orgs in Adelaide and Canberra done they will be ideal… No org in Indonesia, India, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam or Mainland China AT ALL. But hell, who cares when the ones they have are “all ideal”…
Gathering in the back alley…
Arms crossed. Sunglasses on. What could be cooler.
Make $400,000 a year selling OCA’s…
It’s a “special” briefing
Another code word for fundraising
Go for the kids…
Their parents have money
They finished their CF backlog!!
This in scientology is a “major milestone” – though boy the time they celebrate it will be backlogging again.
Misplaced confidence
You know Hubbard said this in 1974 right?
Not very OT of him was it? HAPI is the same miserable failure today as it was in 1974 and it has never changed.
Feel “closer to Ron”
Wow. I guess handing over money for useless promises would do that for you…
Unforeseen conflicts?
Again, not very OT of OT VIII Jim Kalergis
Ideal Org, not ideal pay
She is an HGC auditor in an “ideal” org and cannot make enough to live on.
More stupidity…
Walt Disney “moved there” — and then he left.
Hallmark cards? What does that matter, they don’t make scientology holiday cards? No “L. Ron Hubbard Birthday” cards. Or “MV Anniversary cards”
“Among the top 13”? That means #13. And if this is a reason, they are literally saying there are 12 other cities you should go to before KC…
A new pitch…
Simple. Catchy. Empty.
Most beautiful?
You’re not serious are you?
That looks like a Charles Dickens novel sweatshop where children are forced to do manual labor…
If it’s such an adventure…
How come nobody is doing it?
That’s not a new mission.
The survival of your family?
Better hope none of them is declared…
Still the typos and typesetting issues…
Why do the biggest contributors get the smallest letters?
And still the Benenfactors and Gaurantors.
It’s tough being a pirate — good grammar and stuff isn’t natural.
$20 to power up your life…
Raise your IQ. Become willing and knowing Cause. And a few other minor things.
If he really COULD deliver any of this he would leave Tony Robbins in the dust.
They’re pitching him hard…
Hipster has a sidekick…
She is ready to kick ass and take names.
Him, not so much.
The real reasons for attending…
taco’s [sic]
outlandishly cool music…
Phillip, the “summer camp” is priced so EVERY dollar received is pure profit. There IS no overhead, in other words.
Yup! HAPI took off like a rocket, all right. A rocket with no propellent, and no payload. Instant meltdown.
“Love me Don’t Drug me” Funny slogan to see, because I suspect most scn kids would rather say:”Love me, don’t throw me into the ‘cadet’ org.” [or On Staff.] OH, if Tubby’s techniques ever WORKED (as promised), they wouldn’t be having such desperation; They’d have to move over to make room for the hordes trying to avail themselves of such wondrous stuff. BUT he never DID want to actually deliver, only RECEIVE boatloads® of cash for his empty promises.
The arms are crossed to keep them up and hide the saggy guts; the shades hide the sleep-deprived eyes. All-in-all, those guys look SO TIRED! Just what’s needed to lure unsuspecting sheep to their slaughter.
The staff auditor looking for moonlighting work reminds me that, in the big picture, Scientology is way “out exchange” with society and the world.
Staff rely on outside jobs, supportive spouses, and even reportedly welfare to make ends meet.
They infamously rely on charities to provide their abortions – and probably much other healthcare as well.
Ultimately they rely on the social safety network for the elderly, to provide for them if they don’t leave Scientology feet-first, and end up without any Social Security or other retirement, 401K or other savings, or even any assets like a house owned free and clear.
Scientology’s vast, largely empty Potemkin Village real estate network is almost entirely tax-exempt, and yet relies on local governments to provide services such as police (who they seem to call on often), fire, etc.
Scientology exists as it does only because they’ve figured out how to freeload on the world at large – just not paying minimum wage and Social Security to their staff and Sea Org, is about a $100 million a year deficit they run with government and society.
Yes. The policy that supports all that you say is called Moonlighting.
Moonlighting is just the first part of it. The reliance on the social safety network and other exploitation of the system, is like what the “bleeding the beast” that FLDS Mormon cult justified when they had people apply for welfare benefits to support their lifestyle while the organization accumulated millions in assets.
Great post, Peacemaker.
I know, or knew, one staff member who had a government job. In some large municipalities it is almost impossible to be fired from a government job. Well OK, there’s nothing wrong with a government job per se, but she was almost never AT her job. Instead she was on post at the org, full time, 40-50 hours a week at the least. She must have had SOMEONE clocking in for her at her government job so that she got paid. Someone covering for her, or some scheme to get paid. I always thought it odd as well as out-ethics on her part that she had no problem getting full pay from a job supported by taxpayer dollars when she was almost always NOT working at that job. She was in her 50s back then; today she has to be close to retirement age. No doubt she’ll get a generous government pension and health benefits too. Its not right. She didn’t put the hours in. Back then I would wonder how she was OK with doing this. Today I see that what she did was just another example of the cult’s out-exchange, rip off mentality. The American government is “suppressive” so anything you can rip off is OK. I suppose that’s how they justify what they do. Of course, tax dollars fund the government so it is the tax payers getting ripped off, but hey, details, details…
Peacemaker, You nailed it. Scientology depends upon first-world societies’ infrastructures that scientology refuses to support and would abolish as ‘downstat’ if they were somehow to get in power.
In so many ways, scientology and scientologists don’t rise TO the level of human, much less surpass that standard.
What they so zealously demand for themselves: freedom of “religion”, freedom of speech; they would deny to everyone else.
PeaceMaker:”The staff auditor looking for moonlighting work reminds me that, in the big picture, Scientology is way “out exchange” with society and the world.”
BIG picture, LITTLE picture, EVERY picture. To tubby, ‘Exchange” only applied to him receiving. Him DELIVERING was never part of his ideas.
In the above poster for “Summer Camp”, what are those two tanks that girl has strapped to her back?
Are they underwater air tanks so she can go SCUBA diving? Or is she planning to “blast off” and rocket up, up and away? If that is the case, can anyone here explain why she has a bunch of leaves coming out of the bottom of her tanks? It’s very confusing.
think they’re supposed to be cartoon flames, but cut out in construction paper
I find it highly amusing that the Manchester ad says A Movement United… trying to get Man United ⚽️fans attention?? Puhleeze!!!! 😅
Poor hipster guy. I want to take him to the nearest gastropub and get him drunk on excellent craft beer so he can experience life as a real hipster, see what he’s missing.
Tom Clapp sold me a Dianetics book about forty years ago which started me on my unfortunate journey in Scientology.
I wish I had been somewhere else that day.
It’s interesting that he is still in a scam camouflaged as the cult.
That’s the whole question I have about these various front groups.
If Scn is so great why hide what it is?
It’s all a lie.
I believe the reason they hide what it is is because the truth is:
1) their tech does not really work.
2) their so-called gospel is all a bunch of convoluted and crazy baloney and makes no sense.
3) the true purpose of their thing has nothing to do with improving the lives of their members or giving them increased abilities and power. Their true purpose is to convince you to give them all your money and empty all your bank accounts and give them all that money together with all the money in all your retirement savings plans, all the money in all your annuities, all the money you can get by way of cash advances from your credit cards, all the money your parents have, all the money all your other relatives have, all the money you can beg, borrow, steal or get with lies or at the point of a gun.
All they really want and all they really care about is getting you to give them all the money you can get by any means whatever. They have no problem encouraging to do any kind of crimes in order to get even more money to give to them.
They don’t care if you wind up serving life in prison or if you are executed in the gas chamber or if you die of starvation when your grow old because you no longer have enough money left to feed yourself.
They don’t care if they tear apart your entire family and you never see or hear from any of your relatives ever again. Just so long as they get everybody’s money. That’s all they care about.
That is the true face of this monstrous criminal cult.
Skyler, you nailed just about every failing of scientology. Brava.
So…I guess nobody in KC recognized the irony of including cards on the Hallmark spiel that include “Fight For Love”, “Father’s Day”, and “Best Dad Ever”? No thoughts of disconnection or SO families that aren’t really families? Not even an involuntary twitch?
And that Pirate Honour Roll…as a former graphic designer, that made my head AND heart hurt. And who puts periods after names on a list?!? For the love of all that is holy, WHY?!?
One of these Thursdays, my head is actually going to explode.
‘And that Pirate Honour Roll…as a former graphic designer, that made my head AND heart hurt. And who puts periods after names on a list?!? For the love of all that is holy, WHY?!?’
Because they don’t know any better, not having completed past 9th Grade (or whatever is the lowest legal grade to blow out of.) They don’t respect ‘wog’ education, but depend upon it, nonetheless.
Gabby wants an “additional” source of income, huh?
Some money in addition to what she earns on staff at Portland Org.
Which is zero.
Forget the “additional”; what this cult creature needs is income, period.
Something to scrape by on while she lives her shiftless life on staff, flopping on someone’s couch or in Mom’s attic.
Her skill sets are not impressive.
Yet another typical, unemployable, bubble-dwelling, mooching millennial whose cult parents likely shelled out 200K for her high school education.
What do you mean her skill set is not impressive…she knows!! Hell, she’s practically IT!
🙂 Bad.
Well really now. DM does have a lot on his shoulders. I’m sure when he’s not out feeding the homeless, reading to the blind, helping old ladies cross the street, he still has to make time to convince people that all they have to do is give up their children so he can build a new army of believers, and then give him lotsa money, and then to dig deeper so he has lotsa more money, because he alone can save the world! I mean, after all, the evil little prick is the chosen one.
The Joy of Regging
Force yourself to scam and you’ll soon stop working.
Force yourself to lie and you’ll soon find something to lie about.
Wax ecclesiastic and you’ll very soon feel so.
A being causes his own income.
The greatest joy there is in life is regging.
Splurge on it!
What with Jane Doe’s lawsuit and, I expect Donkey Punch’s which will show scn’s hijinks in high relief, the “kid”® has got to be soiling his teenie, tiny pants.
Tiny pants…I love it. Goes along with tiny hands.
Valerie:”What I want to know is who took a photo of my grandson’s parents and grandparents the night he got a DUI because he drove drunk because he didn’t want to call any of us and wake us up?”
I’m empacizing with your (grandson)?? [you don’t look old enough to have a grandson, girl.] At least around here, just getting *caught* with alcohol stripped us of our driver’s license. Kid’s going to suffer enough without the crossed arms and glares routine.
Jere: ok that’s 1000 brownie points for you. I will have my grandson’s 7 year old daughter (my great granddaughter) deliver them to you. The glare was because he drove, not because he was drunk. Kid knew he was supposed to wake ANY of us up if he was too drunk to drive and didn’t.
Lucky thing I know a lawyer. Lawyer, however was told to charge him full price so he’d learn a lesson. He did, and the kid learned a lesson.
Pedrito, As I see it, the 4th season is probably mostly “in the can”, ready for broadcast, and it’ll be incomplete if it continues to omit the episode on “Donkey Punch” Masterson. That corrupt DA’s office has had more than enough time to bring their case, and if he can’t get a “fair hearing” if that episode is broadcast, the defense lawyers will have utterly failed to do their jobs, starting with Jury(or judge) selection
ONE CF got caught up? WHICH ONE? I bet it wasn’t one with more than 1,000 names in it, the way they go about it. AND of COURSE it’s been backlogged again since the next afternoon, not that anyone BOUGHT anything in the meantime, just from the normal slowness of the internal ‘comm’ “systems”. If ‘speed of particle flow’ DOES indeed equal power, they have none.
Ato-correct creates SUCH interesting results sometimes….
Oops, ‘ato’ should have been ‘auto’: (auto-correct protecting itself, I suppose.)
Stephen Ridley? No, I hadn’t heard of him, and a search brought up a music video by a thoroughly forgettable guy. D’ya mean that HE,or at least the mention of his name, is going to get shills STREAMING into the venue where they can be shorn of they financial well-being? No WONDER they ‘had’ to ask if we’d heard of him.
40 % COMMISSION?? 40% of WHAT? Certainly not of gross; DM wouldn’t approve of that much going to anyone but HIM
Thursdays are so much FUN! The bubble-dwellers never cease to amuse in their earnestness.
Oh, Dear Lord Xenu: OCAs in the corporate world. I can’t think of a more useless “thing to do”™.
About all they could do with THAT piece of “stuff” is create numbers of lawsuits of employees being told they were worthless, so HAD to do these non-religious, ‘science-based’ courses at the local scientology center(never say ‘church’) OR having the company’s lunchroom be converted into an “academy” and all employees being required to attend 8 hours a day. Could make DM some few bucks in the meantime, so he’s behind it, of course.
Concerning the Kids Summer Camp.
They’ll provide Breakfast and Lunch for 5 days for $150. That’s $15 a meal. There’s 3 ways this makes any sense.
1. With only 4 kids this is what it’ll cost to cover feeding them and the overhead.
2. We’re using the kids money to also feed the staff.
3. We can feed the kids for about $5 apiece per meal, so that’s an easy $100 extra.
Am I the only one who sees this as blatantly out of proportion?
Small (tiny) victory, guys: Remember when Mike published the post about yet another Miss New York appearing at a Foundation for a Drug-Free World event?
Then a journalist contributor at The Underground Bunker reached out to the Miss New York folks to ask if they knew about the group’s anti-mental health medication stance and its relationships to scientology, etc. (And I think I remember that at least one reader of this site reached out to the organization, too!)
Now, a few months later, Miss New York has finally dumped FDFW and notified the Fialkoff’s that they’re done. Whoa!
Excellent news!! Smart, beautiful AND ethical.
What I want to know is who took a photo of my grandson’s parents and grandparents the night he got a DUI because he drove drunk because he didn’t want to call any of us and wake us up? That’s what those 4 people with their arms folded and the sunglasses look like to me. Unfortunately for a young scientologist, it is probably people forcing a 16-year old to sign their sea org contract.
Regarding the 40% commission… hello IRS? Anyone home?? Anyone awake? Apparently not. Jesus h Christ.
And the Manchester Org kinda looks like an updated version of the hotel from The Shining. Yikes.
So Scamologies Kalifornia Legends consists of four burned out and bankrupt Boomers.
I’m impressed, that they are still alive.
Jack Nicholson can still pull off that cool cause I got my shades on look; these 4, omg, what a joke. And the folded arms – wow, I am so intimidated 🙂 Major fail.
Forget the 18-35 demographic in Scientology as it barely exists – can’t this org dredge up some 40 somethings, 50 somthings, at least, for their dumb promo?
The current 50 to 60 something demographic (Leah’s age group and early Gen X) was never more than ~1% of scamology. The 35-40 something is larger being the kids of the original boomers. The 18-35 range is smaller than the 35-40ish. The under 18 is almost nothing.
The secret is the sunglasses.
That Plymouth Ideal Org “Honor Roll” of “Benenfactors” is hilarious, not only does it have misspellings, but they compressed the type to near unreadability.
The more hefty the sum of money you have given to Scientology, the more scrunched up your name is. And the measly “Honour Roll” members get their names full size. Don’t they proofread things?
Or pass it around to org staff for comments like “Won’t our Humanitarians be pissed off their name is so tiny?? They donated 75,000 pounds and you can barely read their name!!””
Speaking of Mickey Mouse, besides the obvious reference to Scientology, why did Mickey divorce Minnie Mouse? Because she was fucking Goofy. I guess the same could be asked of why someone would up their status in Scieno.
Come to the AOSH ANZO Ideal Continent Convention!!
It has been over 6 months since our last never explained homicide!!
General coverage:
Sea Org Member Murdered in Australia | by Aaron Smith-Levin
Growing Up In Scientology | Published on Jan 14, 2019
“I have confidence that HAPI Scotland is going to take off like a rocket.” L. Ron Hubbard.
This guy has been dead for how many years! And HAPI? Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
I can remember walking around South Bridge Street in Edinburgh in the mid 70’s and the street was a nightmare, between the Scientologists, the transcendental meditation lot, the hari Krishna’s and the end of the world is nigh nutters all you could hear was “get yer self tae fuck”, “are your ears painted on FUCK OFF” you get the idea. The closest Scientology ever got to taking off like a rocket was the offer to boot their arse into space. They do however have a good chance of having a full car park in the new building when the rugby is on at Murrayfield but I don’t fancy their chances of getting paid for parking from a crowd of fuel-up rugby supporters.
If Kansas City is so literate why is the public school district have probationary accreditation?
Sung to the tune of My Back Pages
Crimson flames tied through my ears
Rollin’ high inside Ron’s trap
Countless EOs threatening me
The Bridge my only map
We’ll all be OT soon, said I
With stats to raise, but how?
Ah, but I was so much dumber then
I’m smarter than that now
So, can anyone actually clear a living wage selling seminars to WOGs, let alone several 100k?
I’m laughing at the idea of these little organ grinders in their vests showing up and closing a big deal with a CEO to put all his employees through a bunch of WISE mularkey
I laughed so hard I almost fell off my chair reading about Tom and Mary Ellen and Dean Glossup wanting trained sales people to sell the OCA tech to wog businesses. First of all, once the business owner gets wind that it is LRH tech from Scn, that will scotch the deal right there. The other funny things were they want super duper sales closers who provide their own leads, can get past gate keepers into huge corporations, can schmooze and sell CEO’s and big name corporate people, and and and. IN other words they want a money making machine person that they can get overrides on at worst and take 60% on at best while they provide no support and training to these sales people, no leads, no nothing, and these amazing OT Salespeople will pave Tom’s, Mary Ellen, and Dean’s own personal streets of gold and then pay for them to move up in status to Maximus Glutious Meritorious in the IAS.
It’s just so ludicrous it is funny and I’ve seen this cycle happen over and over again with Dean and Mary Ellen looking for the next big thing (multi level included) that will make them millions to give to the church.
OCA = Oldest Con Around. Thomas, try getting an honest job that actually produces benefit to others instead of chasing fake statuses and bowling trophies. I know it’s a lot to ask.
Yeah I agree with you 100 percent on that analysis. They want a genius who does ALL the work and they reap ALL the benefits (money). If it’s my leads and my contacts then my percentage is going to be much better than that claptrap…how about we reverse that equation. These scilons are living in a dream world.
Plus there’s no one in the business world that’s interested in the OCA. People will see right through that shite. I mean come on who leads a multi million dollar company and wants to buy into a ‘personality test’ for their employees…can we say lawsuit. I couldn’t imagine going to interview at a company and after going through the hoops of the interview process having the HR person whip out an OCA ‘personality test’…I would walk right out the door…and so would everyone else. Glossup you’re wasting your time.
Agreed Cindy! And why did they take a photo out in some alley next to a shipping container?? To make them look edgy? Not someone I’d want to work for… (and I used to work with one of those people years ago) Ridiculous…(shakes head)
This blog has its own CF: Cult Funnies.
The Dutch org gives the OCA for free.
Of course you have to visit the org to get the results so they can try and reg you.
Scieno link remove spaces h ttps :// http://www.scient ology-amsterdam .o rg/personality-test/
The red headed guy is back. There’s something about this guy that says, failure.
“Raise your IQ. Become willing & knowing Cause.” Are we talking about Santa Cause? Cuz if we are I got gipped last Christmas.
Arms crossed. Sunglasses on. What could be cooler?
California Legends!
Hey cult members! You’re old & getting older! Just look in the fucking mirror! What could be cooler? You tell me old people.
What could be cooler? How about the bearded dude with his hands in his pockets. Hidden masturbation?
ROTFLMFAO. Now that’s some funny shit! Thanks Scribe!
The Tom Clapp person posted an email address and I think I copied it correctly but when I tried to send him a message, it just immediatelly bounced back to me as “no such valid address”.
I have to wonder why he would post an add and list an invalid address for himself.
Perhaps they have gotten to lazy to check the ads they post. Maybe they just grabbed a very old ad and copied it? Oh well. I guess that is a sign they are on their last legs and sinking fast.
The faster the better!
Don’t copy it. You will have an extra dot after the address. Write it in. It’s valid.
Thanks very much Ella.
“Have you heard of Stephen Ridley?”
Another singer musician sucked into the feel good cult vortex. Performing for free for the brainwashed sheeple. What a waste. Too cool for words.
Since Davy is the apotheosis of all things Scientology, it’s time to give these spruced up buildings their proper designation: Idol Orgs.
This just reeks of crazy. And the uptick in targeting kids is very troubling…..granted its summer vacation, so I guess they are jumping on the fact that the public scientologists are now too poor to afford summer camp….
Also- I’m pretty sure one of the orgs in England they just started renovating was closed due to finding asbestos- they have to have it removed by special environmental removal companies…
The California Heroes look like they are bidding on an old storage locker. The ‘raise your IQ’ can easily be demonstrated by staying away from $cientology.
I raise my glass and highly commend everyone who sends in material for the Thursday Funnies.
I loved the one about Tom Clapp and making $400,000 selling the OCA. He was a reg. at FCDC when I was there and I think he later became the executive director. I always did think he was a little delusional. In the waiting area you could overhear their staff meetings. I happened to overhear one of their meetings and he was getting pumped about the birthday game. I recall him saying they were going to go from 20 staff to 160 staff in 4 weeks, I could hear him slamming his fist into the table in enthusiasm. I doubt if that old building could have even held 160 people. Delusional or not he was dedicated, nobody could deny him that.
Make no mistake. Most long-time still-in Scios know full well that “special briefings” are neither special nor brief. And they’re smart enough to keep their mouths shut about it. Though they can’t admit it, they tolerate them as minor inconvenient annoyances.
I wonder if they know that “bookworms” photo is not a photo of a library at all, but of the parking garage next to the Kansas City public library.
All this “come on” stuff is such a turn off. Gawd it’s just pathetic what the church of scientology has become. We could argue about the validity of “the tech” but when I first got in this group, it was not this repulsive. It really has diminished into a church/religion that has nothing to offer in the way of spirituality.
Open a mission
Become a staff member
Increase your status
Go Ideal
Come to an Event
Raise your IQ
Feel Closer to Ron
Ee gads.
Mary Kahn, and don’t forget to pose with your arms crossed, sunglasses covering your eyes, and glaring at the camera in a wide, don’t fuck with me stance. Boy that screams warm and fuzzy and come on in.
Yeah and you can narrow that list down to one item:
Give us your money
It used to be all about the Bridge and the Tech…now it’s just money, money, and more money…
Are you ready, hey, are you ready for this?
Are you hanging on the edge of your seat?
Out at the the Int Base the stats are crashed
As Miscavige grates his teeth
Another org bites the dust
Another org bites the dust
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another org bites the dust
Hey, I’m gonna get you, too
Another org bites the dust
How do you think you’re going to get along
Without me when I’m gone?
You took me for everything that I had
And kicked me out on my own
Are you happy, are you satisfied?
How long can you stand the heat?
Out at the Int Base the stats are crashed
As Miscavige grates his teeth
Another org bites the dust
Another org bites the dust
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another org bites the dust
Hey, I’m gonna get you, too
Another org bites the dust
Hey, oh take it
Bite the dust
Bite the dust, Hey
Another org bites the dust
Another org bites the dust oww
Another org bites the dust hey hey
Another org bites the dust eh eh
There are plenty of ways that you can hurt a man
And bring him to the ground
You can beat him, you can cheat him
You can treat him bad and leave him when he’s down
But I’m ready, yes, I’m ready for you
I’m standing on my own two feet
Out at the Int Base the stats are crashed
As Miscavige grates his teeth oh yeah
Another org bites the dust
Another org bites the dust
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another org bites the dust
Hey, I’m gonna get you, too
Another org bites the dust
All right!
A $150.000.000 investment in crazy expensive studios for Scientology tv certainly bit the dust. Often a full 0 on Google trends worldwide?
The US is hitting the dust even harder. Now that’s what I call hitting the dust at the right orders of magnitude by applying SFBT(Standard Foot Bullet Tek). presents:
Leah Remini Scientology and the Aftermath
Mike Rinder’s Blog
Tony Ortega’s Underground Bunker
Hahahahahahaha! So Upstat!
ScientologyTV is the tiny little blue bar, and the line buried below the others.
Are those miniscule stats really worth $150M?
Wow! Very well done Scribe. I recognized that tune as, “Another one Bites the Dust”. One of Queen’s very best. It must have taken you a very long time to have done that. But it sure was worth it.
It will be even more worth it if this filthy scam does bite the dust and the sooner the better!
Did you see Mike’s post yesterday? He said we will soon find out what will be going on with the TV show (at least I think he was referring to the TV show). How great will it be if we get another season of Mike & Leah?
I’d like to see the Aftermath show on the air until the cult is taken down.