OT VIII confront and shatter
Unless it’s an actual SP. Then it’s “run and hide” tech.
But the real question is, why would a master o&the universe have to REDO a course like this? Surely she was not PTS?
If you apply, you qualify
They rounded up the 5 youngest SO members at AOSHUK for this shot.
The term “bantu” is these days ONLY acceptable as a reference to specific languages, not peoples or cultures.
Oops… But then again, most people in the US would have no clue.
Uh oh, it’s another front group…
This is their home page — check out the photos on the wall.
The ChanMan II
Apparently the original is on haitus. Lost his purpose perhaps? There is a seminar for that…
So his bro has stepped into the breach to teach everyone how to be a genius.
What is even stranger is that this is NOT “Hubbard tech” he is teaching.
Amber Skjelset?
The woman who tries to get suckers to come into the “Community Center” in downtown Clearwater?
Wow, they are REALLY low on marquee talent when she is the headliner for an “ideal orgs” convention?
Everything BUT scientology
They have baking lessons, dance lessons etc etc.
I wonder if they are going to have a special showing of the Tom Cruise video — “only a scientologist knows what to do when he sees a car accident”
It’s SO OT…
We promote it by telling you how cheap the airfare is to the 3 ports of call we visit for the 11 months of the year it is not “MV”.
If OT VIII is the pinnacle of spiritual enlightenment ever contemplated in this universe, why do they need to sell it to anyone?
Conquering Life
You would think people might ask “If you know how to conquer life, why can’t you pay your bills?”
Learn how to work 7 days a week
It’s something worth paying for, believe me.
“Ideal home”
With 2 1/2% occupancy…
Where will they start?
The Gold Base?
Right down the street inside the Super Power building?
Nothing ironic here.
Come to St Hill
For the “hot wheels”.
This is given huge importance. The “scientology” of it all is not. They preserved the car, but not the course.
Kansas City
The BEST place on the entire planet for sure.
BUT, you know who has a MUCH bigger urban park? Los Angeles — Griffith Park.
So, join staff at LA Org or Valley or Pasadena if parks are your thing.
They’ve got 6 staff now…
To Clear the Midwest!
“Our safe environment”
Disconnection. Destroying enemies. Fraud. Yeah, it’s pretty special.
What is the point?
Leave your successful career?
How the Mind Works…
Will this include a study of Hubbard’s Brainwashing Manual?
Magic is the new Superhero
Suddenly, magic (sleight of hand) is the thing that is supposed to encourage you to hand over money.
And they are making magic become reality. Using your money.
Oh, here we go again…
He’s on the circuit now. Must have had an event that was a successful fundraiser and now they are keeping up their “successful actions.”
Malmo is still barely alive
In english? Almost.
Familyday and scientology don’t go together in any language.
Graduation with a Freedom Medal Winner?
Aren’t these supposed to be for people who complete a course?
And they photoshopped a medal on her?
The Elite Team
So many things weird about this…
Self-promotion has never been my thing…
If we could just figure out what day it is…
Maybe a redo of Objectives to get you “in PT”?
Kids Corner
Kids Corner II
Poor Ruth looks SO uncertain in that pic, doesn’t she?
I think the kid with the suitcase in the St. Hill photo is about to blow. Probably looking for an open car trunk (“boot”, in the UK).
I feel sorry for that poor Perth kid in “Kids Corner II”. She looks miserable.
When I was her age, I did a comm course during school holidays with my Scn friend. I loved it because the TRs felt like play.
I bugged my parents for some years to do more. I don’t know why they were reluctant. They were devout. It was years before I did my next service.
That woman gave up her passion with dance to run the Harlem center!?? Can’t understand that!???
I swear to God if I had to walk past one of these idealess morgue mental hospitals with their sidewalk body routers I’d carry a GD electric cattle prod w me to zap their body snatcher asses with if they got to close. FREAKS!
“Run and Hide Tech”. LOL. Yeah, the OTVIIIs have THIS tech really down, and the rest of the Still Ins are no slouches at it either 🙂
C’mon, y’all, scientology has always been a nasty, soul-raping con. Miscavige is just doing what Hubbard did a bit more ham-fistedly, but no less ruthlessly: selling pieces of blue sky and stealing folks’ assets, dignity, and common sense.
It has always been thus, even back ” in the good old days “, when course rooms in ratty old buildings were full and ” ethics ” were-allegedly-less harsh( never mind the ooverboarding and the other insane, abusive punishments crafted by the great
humanitarian ).
Oh, yeah, ” services ” were being sold, ” going up the bridge ” was the focus then,eh?
So, the hustle, in hindsight, was a bit smoother and friendlier, is that it? The quality
of bullshit and its mode of delivery/ presentation was, what… more, um, palatable?
Miss Savage is merely running a criminal enterprise into the ground, being the sociopathic ‘genius’ ( with high hair and elevator shoes ) that he is.
As MMA athlete Nate Diaz says: ” I’m not surprised, motherfuckahs! “
So that woman did the PTS/SP course previously and was left with “wrong” knowledge? That is implicitly critical of Scientology course delivery and standards. Even if Scientology had some “tech” that worked when delivered perfectly and under ideal conditions, seven decades of failure demonstrate that in reality it can’t ever actually produce the results promised.
I wonder if Michael Chan had to go back to his business of nailing roofs on houses. Scientology sells the idea that its management “tech” will allow members to set up businesses that are virtually self-running, allowing them to run around on Scientology business – but like everything else, that typically leads to “busts.”
This is a bit off thread, but overall relates. I have a high powered CPA to the stars friend. (“If I told you my clients’ names, I would have to kill you.”) Anyway, he said that you’ll know the beginning of the end when you see DM starting to sell real estate, or putting mortgages on the real estate. He said with all the lack of new blood coming in and all the long time ones either dying or leaving, there is not a base to sustain them and the buildings cost more to head and cool and pay the property tax on than they are bringing in. So most if not all Ideal Orgs are operating in the red, with Davey paying the short fall. Add to that the fact that DM has over the years had lots of lawsuits brought against them, or which they have brought, which translates to tons of money spent to pay for lawyers. And the ones that get too close to Davey, he settles out of court for huge bucks in exchange for a Non Disclosure Order. That takes money to settle. So his pile of money is dwindling. So the end may be sooner than we expect, per this guy’s readings about Scn. Makes sense to me too. PS he LOVES The Aftermath shows.
Just to be clear. Most of the ideal orgs do not pay property taxes. They only pay staff a small percentage of their income so if there is no income there is no pay. Their overhead not dictated by their income is generally only water and power. And in many if these buildings they leave the lights off in the unoccupied spaces. The worst off ones are those in SoCsl, FL or other hot locations where they have to have A/C. The interest on a billion alone would cover utilities bills for all ideal orgs.
I hope to one day see the morgue I drive past every day close down. Since it opened there has almost never been anyone in there – no public, no cars in the car park, upstairs (where people on service would be) lights all turned off.
Just lights on the ground floor burning over empty books and TV screens, looping the same stuff to nobody but one or two bored staffers. I saw a post here that they made a clear once, but that’s the only thing I’ve EVER seen about it.
Does an org ever shut down due to lack of any interest at all? What could cause an org to close? (i.e., how can I help!!)
Nothing will cause an org to close down because this is a high crime according to Hubbard. Unless Miscavige decrees the org can be combined with another nearby org. It’s happened to a bunch of former “CC’s” and the org in the same city.
Combining orgs is an act of Treason per Hubbard.
They don’t need no stinkin’ A/C! They’re just a bunch of weenies! I mean, if they can’t work in 95 to 100 degree weather, what the fuck good are they?
I always thought that a “clear” could just will the temperature to become anything they want. After all, what good is becoming clear if you don’t get the associated super powers?
Damn straight!!! More super power!!!! That’s what we want!!!
OSD, you jest, but I knew a man who told me that his OTVIII wife “always handles the weather” for the yearly OT picnic and that, “it never rains”.
Normally, that, would be true. But Scientology’s situation is exceptional, as Mike has noted.
For example, Scientology’s cash reserves alone are probably in the neighborhood of an incredible $100,000 per active member. Miscavige stands a good chance of keeping things going as long as he’s alive, even if membership and the pool of virtual slave labor shrinks to the point where the orgs have to rely on hired security guards to man the front desks and point visitors to video kiosks, as some apparently are already starting to.
When Scientology finally does start to unravel, it’s going to be completely unprecedented, like a pseudo-ecclesiastical version of the Enron or Madoff scandals, where it’s discovered that a seemingly large institution has actually been running on fumes, has no real business and has to be completely closed out and liquidated.
“…like a pseudo-ecclesiastical version of the Enron or Madoff scandals…”
I’m too lazy to quote your entire paragraph but this is exactly how I think Scientology will unravel also, Peacemaker.
After DM leaves his meat sack to join LRH there will undoubtedly be a power struggle for leadership. Lots of $$$ at stake. Tony Muhammad to the rescue.
Wouldn’t it be funny and ironic if DM, being the paranoid person that he is, never trusted any other person with the account numbers and passwords, so no one can access the millions in off shore accounts that he has socked away? And just like LRH didn’t write down who was to succeed him, so will Davey leave that detail out, so no one will be able to take a Will to the bank and say, “it s there says here I get the millions.” So the money will sit there unable to be put to any use.
So that person learned that when you’re a leader, others are watching you. And he also learned that if you work more hours, you get increased production. Competence & Leadership is clearly a profound course that teaches you things that you couldn’t learn anywhere else or even come up with by using your own basic common sense.
Seriously… And they pay actual money for these things. I would be willing to give them the same ‘education’ for half the price. Send them my way! (Spoiler alert: I’d just get them a library card.)
I wonder how much cash Ruth Groffman had to cough up to get out of the lower condition she was slammed into for not mentioning COB in her success story.
I compulsively mentally note every time I see an OT8 wearing glasses.
…or less than perfect teeth.
Now that’s funny! They still have to wear glasses. Shows you the might of Scientology. Hahahaha.
Good point!
When you see an OT8 wearing glasses, just start laughing! Laugh until your belly starts to hurt! Laughing is good for you, Katy!
“The dangerous environment of the Wog world, of injustice, sudden dismissals, war, atomic bombs, will only persist & trouble us if we fail to spread our safe environment across the world”. Ummmm…….atomic bombs? Really? Or are you just yanking my chain?
“They’ve got 6 staff now!” To clear the Midwest…Bwahahahahahahahahahahah!!! Whew! Now that’s some funny shit!
3 things really caught my attention;
1 – The FIRST AID course. In the fine print it fesses up that it is NOT a certification course. And it is presented by a volunteer at the Rose Parade (wow, such amazing credentials). So why bother with this course? I could teach it!
2 – Go all the way to England to visit a car? BTW, if LRH made NO money from the church (as they constantly claim) than how could he afford a Jaguar?
3 – Kansas City. I’ve asked before and I’ll ask again. Is the “lean slightly back and cross your arms” a required pose for all SO recruitment posters?
That is the look of “total knowingness with insouciance”
The poor Fools don’t even know they are in an evil criminal cult.
They are totally brainwashed and have no clue.
Someday….most of them will cringe when they see their photo,
I sure did and still do.
Kev, they may not consider it a cult but don’t kid yourself; they know about the criminality. Maybe not ALL of the criminality but they know that their own org is responsible for lies and fraud and for covering up lies and fraud. They’re not innocent, they’re not ignorant. They know MORE THAN ENOUGH to give them reason to leave, to decide to leave, but then, they don’t WANT to leave, so they pretend that they DON’T know, pretend that what they’re being told at Int Events as re “the unprecedented expansion of the Scientology religion” is true. And their “reward” for keeping their heads in the sand this way is that they don’t have to leave. Because if they acknowledged knowing what they know, they would have to leave. So they pretend not to know, and this is how they can stay comfortably and securely in Scientology, they think. And so far, they’ve been right. But this bubble will burst, because it is a bubble, its not real. And when it does, these very stubborn Still Ins, these somewhat stupid, no-confront types will be squealing, “What happened?” They’ll be squealing and whining and howling in pain. Well, tough, howlers. The truth was right there all along. You saw it, you know you did. Enjoy your final reward for refusing to confront. You earned it.
Aqua, IMO this is about the best thing (that I’ve read) that you’ve ever posted.
It is absolutely true and deserves to join the rotation of Mike’s “Important Quotes”.
A big ‘ol tip of the cap to you.
Gee, Phillip…thank you 🙂
so, JOHN CHAN is going to teach us all how to be a Genius? Wasn’t that supposed to be part of ‘clear’?
I was qualified for Mensa well before I found scientology. After attesting ‘clear’, I’m not certain that I could have qualified a second time though I certainly enjoyed the group & its activities. My ability to read and understand DEGRADED due to ‘study tech’, and It’s been a long struggle to throw those regressive techniques onto the scrap heap of monumentally bad ideas since I noticed their pernicious effects.
Oh, no jere! It’s two different things! You can either be a genius or go clear. It’s all up to you.
Experienceed the same.
If you try to make sense out of a text that does make sense you create stupidity.
I have thrown study tek out of the window and my ability to assimilate information has skyrocketed as I am now trying to get the materials instead of being worried about misunderstoods.
Am now at an advanced age studying quantum physics, conversational Japanese and artificial intelligence simultaneously and are helping Ph.D. students write theses.
Throwing study tek in da trash will increase your ability to grasp and retain and use data by at least 100%. Do yourself a favor. Trash this imbecile bunch of false data called study tek.(not to say all of the Hubs work was imbicile level)
One of my UTR friends attended this “How To Be A Genius” seminar. Threw them $50 bucks. Coffee, lunch, snacks, seminar, then got regged for Planetary Dissem. $50 bucks was all they got. Now that would have been $50 bucks too much for me to throw at them but this UTR is playing the game while planning to leave. How typical is this UTR’s behavior? How many other Still Ins are actually UTR, playing the same game, playing along, throwing away $20 – $50 bucks every so often, making no waves, etc., while on their determined (if quiet) ways OUT? I myself left just that way. I’d love to believe that there are many more like this UTR friend of mine.
About Stan Gerson: he was the late Alexander Jentzsch’s godfather. He has to be neck deep in delusion to even pretend to smile. My father said “if you can’t say something nice about someone, don’t say anything.” It would pain him that I even said this benign comment I am not a fan of Stan.
Stan was doing his magic schtick as far back as the early 80’s. He was OT VIII at that time too. I wonder if back then he ever would have dreamed that 40 plus years later he would still be OT VIII and OT IX and X were not released and looked like they weren’t even on the horizon for release? What a let down for all these old OT VIII’s.
Re: How to respond class. The first 10 minutes will be spent telling you how to contact Tom Cruise and get him to the accident as soon as possible as you obviously aren’t a big enough being to handle the accident. The other 50 minutes will be spent “Chinese Schooling” Tom Cruise’s medal of valor acceptance speech in case anyone ever asks you what you think of David Miscavige.
Back in 2011, there was an effort to recover me. I was talking to Larry Jacobs (see the Blown for Good chapter titled Personal Jesus if you don’t recognize the name), I had already told him I knew he blew in 2004 – he claimed he hadn’t BTW. During the conversation, I asked what he thought of David Miscavige and got Tom Cruise’s Medal of Valor speech spit back at me “he is the kindest, most compassionate, …” I laughed and said “so they make you Chinese School Tom Cruise’s medal of valor acceptance speech now?” He said (petulantly) “well, it’s true” I said “I’ve met the man.”
Less than 5 minutes later, I had him convinced to blacklist me. Ahhh what great memories.
Val R Did you mean Gary Jacobs, Public MAA at AOLA for a long time? I love your question of him and your comments to him. No one stands up to an MAA, until you, that is!!!!! Way to go!
Nope, Larry Jacobs from Gold. See Blown for Good, chapter titled Personal Jesus.
I think your printer mixed up your photos.
Instead of the welcoming and open ‘drop by and see how I can help’ shot, they used the ‘ruthless, conniving, assassinate-by-poison’ shot you were going to run in Soldier of Fortune.
I’d pick the Soldier-of- Fortune. Why? Because he has a fortune!
Great line Kyle.
And the sentence “I want you all to feel confident that if you bring a new person in, they will be properly taken care of” gives me chills in my back!
“5 youngest SO members? More like the 5 youngest who responded to the cattle call for the photo shoot. Would be surprised if ANY of them were scientologists, much less SO crew. scn lies, must lie, can’t not lie in their efforts to seem alive to the whales propping its corpse up.
The two in the front look like they were photoshopped into that image.
Thank you, scientology for never failing to surprise and delight us with new insanity each week by Thursday@ 2PM(Or rather, I believe, about 7 AM).
BK mole:”“One of the most influential city’s on the planet: Harlem”?
What do they base that on?”
The usual bubble-think, and the need to chalk up ONE “win”, of course.
I think they’re referring to Jazz, etc.
“The Harlem Renaissance”
Certainly not Scientology;’s meager results.
How MANY times must the public REPEAT basic courses like the PTS/SP course, which is about as basic as it gets? Are all attestations assumed to be false requiring the re-dos?
Of course the Fleecewinds is distraction-free. Nothing happens other than the odd quarantine, heavy regging, and maybe a meal or two costing 47 X their worth. Certainly, balancing your flattened bank accounts won’t be distracting you.
It’s sorta fun reading today’s page while watching “The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle” Each has about the same level of fantasy.
The huge amount of insanity displayed by these examples shows in no uncertain terms that the subject is DEAD. Only stored money keeping the corpse being wheeled with a few staff saying it is alive.
That, and Scientology still has the “whales” who are hooked on giving large amounts of money to keep up their membership in what is in some ways a sort of strange social club for people too crass and un-civically minded to get into a the likes of a real country club or union club (in LA, it’s The California Club or The Johnathan Club). The big events where Scientology gives away trophies to donors, are almost a parody of the sort of charity fundraisers that raise money for truly worthy non-profits and often honor individuals who have done significant philanthropic work. All that remains is for Scientology to start to host some sort of cotillion for the children of its wealthy elite.
Looking at that photo of Ruth Groffman holding up her cert, reminds me of a little kid finally able to use the potty and proudly displaying his poop to his mom. Ruth seems to be saying, “I did good, didn’t I?”
Yeah, Scribe: Ruth really was displaying a turd for all to see and admire.
Ideal Org Program – almost cancelled?
I got an unbelievable phone call from the ED of the nearest org the other day. (I’m UTR, stay friendly, far enough away furnish plausible excuses)
Here is the gist of what the Ed of this non-ideal org told me:
DM did an investigation and found that there was improper focus of activities in some small orgs. There are orgs who have very few staff and public, yet all the focus was getting an Ideal Org with lots of regging and no public. There wasn’t even staff to staff up an ideal org, nor public, so the new OT ambassador program was written to handle it.
They would now be focusing on SERVICE and DELIVERY. They want every single person to be on service, even if just an extension course. They will be just going flat out on getting everyone on the bridge and moving .
(It took everything I had to not communicate my massive eye rolling at his long spiel of stating what has been evident from the moment this ideal org program began)
He actually said this “oh yah! And he also found that there has been massive over-regging! and all kinds of illegal regging, and it was driving people away, all the focus has been on regging and now they’ve fixed it. THEY FIRED ALL THE REGGES. At that, I HAD to call it out and the solution was looney tunes. I pointed out that the non-stop regging was hardly coming from the Regs, it was from the top! He then back tracked and said that there had been regs in LA who were doing illegal things and they were all fired.
It was super nuts, folks. Seriously. You could not make this stuff up, it’s so off the wall.
Cloaked in “DM investigating and finding…” is so rich.. I can’t even deal.
But suffice to say, if this IS the new thing, if they’re pulling back from Ideal Org programs for these little empty shoe boxes (like Orlando was before they just funded that one) … and now going to focus on service and delivery….
look out.
I’ve already been getting more mail lately, now the phone calls will ramp up and the pressure to “get active”.
The ED also had a big long thing about calling everyone in and some convention or briefing about getting everyone on service and contributing to the effort, to get us to get on board with helping with this “”””” NEW”””””” program.
Un-Freakin Real.
I asked him if now the OT committees would be able to stop putting on clown shows to raise money all the time, and he hemmed and hawed and said they would do “less” of them, they’d still do them, but just once ..a week or a couple a month… or stutter stutter, ahem, er, ahh…? but really what they would start doing was working on getting people in and on service.
I’m going to look at the big shiny Scn News mag and see if they put anything in there about this new focus.
It’s not even April Fool’s Day. So weird.
Anyone else hear of this nuts stuff?
That is fascinating…
Assuming for the moment that the “illegal regging” was connected to funding Ideal Orgs, then the descent into insanity probably followed the pattern that occurred in the first few months of the Basics Evolution. Virtually all SO members were put on phone/in-person regging of public for Basics packages. At ILO this was being directly micro-managed by the RTC Rep and CO CMO IXU. Staff were run 24/7 on impossible quotas. If individual quotas were not meant offending staff were put initially on beans and rice, and if quotas continued to be missed, staff would end up in ethics. Insane and sometimes fraudulent actions were taken by desperate staff being beaten to meet the insane quotas (which obviously were from COB as they came through the RTC Rep). Accounts of dead and blown people were debited with no proper authorization to “buy” Basics sets. ABLE Int Staff coerced Narconon groups to spend their reserves to purchase multiple sets of basics. SMI Int staff used funds deposited earlier for Mission Starter packages never delivered to “buy” multiple sets of Basics. Public who had already been browbeaten to purchase their personal set of Basics were regged and re-regged to buy more sets of Basics to “donate”. Many public complained of filling up basements or garages with Basics sets. Excuses/causes/campaigns emanated from staff all over Scientology management and Orgs, for sets of Basics to be sent to libraries, university professors, church attorneys, church allies (politicians, other churches, nonprofits, etc) and gawd knows who else. It was completely nuts, a stat push of heretofore unseen proportions. Having said all that, I am sure that times of extreme heat and pressure on Ideal Org funding has generated regging crimes and irregularities aplenty.
At Flag, the Examiners were regging my spouse at the end of the exam.
Imagine sitting down for an after sec check session exam, waiting for your three swing FN, knowing that once she indicated the needle this sweet little pumpkin of an old lady would importune you to buy a set of basics…….
We KRed it and lived to tell the tale.
But only the most egregious reg tactics were slightly reigned in.
The basics evolution disaster is what us old timers would refer to as “a group engram”
Those were big in the 70’s.
I wonder if it has reached the point of madness, that COB is now blaming others for things like that in the past, that he himself ordered and oversaw, but has conveniently forgotten the details of, and instead pins on the underlings who carried them out.
Yes, it is!
So the Dwarf causes a huge fire, and when the building is burning down he comes running with buckets of water to put out the fire!
Too much regging going on…driving Scientology public away…who knew?
THANK YOU, COB, for spotting this Real Why that opens the door to a handling!
What would we ever do without you?
Boy oh boy, the cult must REALLY be hemorrhaging sheeple and staff for the Dwarf to be reduced to palming off THIS twaddle. No doubt he’s got Dan Sherman busy busy busy on a great speech.
Dear, wonderful COB!
And, you know what? The Still Ins will fall for it, and be SO grateful and relieved and GRATEFUL that finally, once more, like old times, their money can actually go for SERVICES, and they will praise Miscavige to the skies for “spotting” this and caring about them so much, and yes, they ARE that stupid.
Yo Dwarf!
There’s just one problem: who is going to DELIVER all these services?
You’re not exactly swimming in staff, you know!
But here’s an idea, from me to you, and its revolutionary. Are your ready?
People need jobs. Now, how about you wearing your Lost Tech Hat finding some Lost Tech ( that an evil SP long ago buried in the back of a barn in Hemet) – let’s say its a KEY Policy letter penned by Ron just before he dropped his body MANDATING that Class V org staff be paid AT THE VERY LEAST minimum wage.
Wouldn’t that go over beautifully? Wouldn’t you be able to recover people more easily if you just found this lost HCOPL, hmmm?
Think about it. PAYING people to work. What a concept, eh?
Much love,
Amazing stuff: Dragooning the “OT Ambassadors” as recruiting officers, probably without getting anyone’s agreement first, as usual. Maybe one year he’ll get clued in that you can’t ORDER volunteers who have a life outside of your cult and won’t suffer as much as you would if they up and said “GO POUND SAND, tiny twinkle-toes.” Hate to tell you, kid, but this is YET ANOTHER time when you’re going to do it all by yourself.
Yeah, RIGHT! DM investigating and finding the same outpoints we’ve been discussing here for years, that his minions have been denying for the same years. like that could ever happen.
I’ll believe that whenI see the petite one’s face looking out through the bars with “Bubba” close behind him.
This IS fascinating! I haven’t heard of it but it doesn’t surprise me. This is david miscavige’s modus operandi. Find some new money-making endeavor, impose quotas on all staff members, OT Ambassadors and public to do MANDATORY drives and events until it’s beyond the breaking point. Then dave can claim he found the culprit(s) that drove public away and cost the orgs their income and stats, and now have staff and public bow to him the savior who fixes it. Never mind that he doesn’t really fix it. He doesn’t clean up the mess and the dead bodies and the debris that the program created. He leaves that mess behind.
He, the pope, has to mix it up and it’s just like him to introduce the new talking points of how HE has fixed it – spotted the crimes – handled the criminal(s) and now a big push to get people in on services. This will be interesting to watch. During the Basics there was such a push and it pushed many people in and then right out the door or just pushed them right out the door.
HEH DAVE! I have an idea. How about you do a pretend (because I know you can’t admit wrong-doing) mea culpa and rescind all SP declares. If you want to save face, you can say you were looking at all recent SP declares and found them to be “non-standard” or “out tech.” And you’d be right. Rescind all of ’em, admit mistakes were made and encourage your members to get back into ARC with their family, loved ones and friends. Maybe that’ll help. But I doubt it. Plus, dave, how could you control your members if you couldn’t hold Disconnections over their heads. So, never mind. Keep doing what you’re doing, dave. It seems to be working.
There were out points that came to my attention and I have written up a program to address them all. I’ve also corrected gross out-tech on the upper levels that undoubtedly affected you. I’d like to indicate that in many cases you were running false BTs and Clusters! So, to terminatedly handle the situation, I’m offering you a discounted Sec Check (the first 2.5 hours are free!) to clean up all that bypassed charge. Let’s get you back on OT VII so you can get all that latent gain earlier denied you.
Rip, EVERY day is a fools’ Day in that bubble. And they’re hardly even selling all that bridge. It’s seemed to have been forgotten in the rush to violate every single point of KSW multiple times, not even bothering to disguise the fact.
So Micheal Chan and Gavin Potter got thrown under the bus? That sounds like a total lie and when was there a $cieno exec who wouldn’t say anything to get bodies in the door?
Rip, thank you very much for that really interesting insider report. I think this is the second time in about a week there’s been an account of staff taking the tack of saying that things have been done all wrong in the past. But I’m surprised to hear them admitting that some of the orgs are indeed small, and lacking in staff and public.
I suspect that what really upset international management, is that the small and failing orgs yet to go “ideal” are the ones that can’t come close to raising the amount of money necessary, and thus require large subsidies that drain international case reserves – though I’m sure that on the books, the facilities are kept as assets at the value of what was originally spent on them (though as I explained yesterday, their market value is much less), thus keeping Miscavige’s stats appearing to go up.
There are accounts, such as from Steve Mango, that the “ideal” org initial staff-ups have long been a farce, with many people signing “postulate” contracts and maybe showing up for the opening or a couple of days after, and other staff and SO sent out for the big show slowly drifting away and being re-posted, until staff size settled back to about what it had been before. But perhaps, outside of their stronghold in California, they’re now having real trouble even getting enough sham staff sign-ups to fake meeting the supposed requirements for an “ideal” org.
Tell ya, the little Podunk hovel that calls me has never even had but 5 or less of its own part time staff. (Borrowed Garrison mission SO staff don’t count)
It’s probably a real nice relief for the poor long suffering ED,….how the hell he was to staff an ideal org must have been a source of stress.
(sooo f*cking glad I’m no longer staff….shudder**)
Great report, Rip… Thanks for detailing it for us all. It’s amazing that they’re trying to handle things Mike has been writing about for years, and saying that “DM observed that….” More like DM read Mike’s blog
Makes complete sense. Every time DM notices that people are starting to not buy the latest Nude Emperor scam he “discovers” what is wrong and issue a program to fix it once and for all time.
And now he has a “program” to “focus” on selling auditing and training?
Honestly, this shit can’t be made up.
Imagine a car factory, instead of building cars, using its factory space predominantly to hold fundraisers for the past 12 years. Then one day this business owner decides that his car factory will once more be focused on producing cars…no, you can’t make it up.
Nut as in….
How much are they going to pay auditors? In a week or two I can brush up on my TRs and metering and get back to work. (Not)
Hubbard “justified” his price increases by saying it would increase staff pay and living conditions for staff. It didn’t happen – oops
Actually Richard he mainly justified it by stating that it was to adjust for inflation
Wynski – The first round of monthly price increases started in 1976 and was blamed on inflation. A second round started some years later which is why I blew and joined the Great Exodus in LA. It might have been blamed on needing to build up a “defense fund” for scientology but I’m not sure about that.
The 2nd round was also blamed on inflation. I read the issue when it came out as it was required by Qual.
Wynski – Okay. Thanks for corrections here and below.
Richard, it is possible that if you were in a Class IV org out on the fringes the staff may have been told all kinds of stuff that didn’t come from Hubbard.
Inflation was 1% per month at worst in the 1970s, and averaged about 6% per year. The 10% was Hubbard’s greed, compounded by desperation to keep his cash flow up as Scientology’s prime demographic of young baby boomers dried up and orgs’ cash flow started to go bust (the term “baby bust” was actually used in the late 1970s, in reference to effects felt by business and institutions that depended on an influx of teenagers and young adults).
Almost worse yet, Hubbard was sitting on hundreds of millions of dollars in cash in vaults in European banking havens, often extracted at great personal cost from his credulous followers, whose value was being significantly eroded by the decade’s inflation, because he didn’t believe in investments. Each US dollar stashed in Switzerland 1970, was effectively only worth 47 cents in 1980.
Realistically the only way to increase staff numbers would be to increase staff pay. We’ll see what happens.
Richard, just paying say 3,000 staff* – not even counting SO – minimum wage and associated benefits, would cost Scientology at least $50 million per year. I don’t think they have the cash flow to do that, even if they wanted to.
Just paying into Social Security or a proper retirement plan for SO, would bring the total cost around $100 million per year. Scientology’s assets are built on their having exploited virtual slave labor for more than half a century, as much as anything. Without human trafficking, they would have collapsed long ago like most other similar groups and cults of the 60s and 70s.
* That’s a number I think I’ve seen from people with insider information. I think it fits, assuming an average of 20 full-time staff per local org – and not accounting for mission staff and non-SO staff at upper-level orgs – though I can’t get a good handle on how many truly full-time staff the orgs really have these days. Claims of staffing numbers are obviously inflated, with many part-timers counted and hard to separate out.
Peacemaker there aren’t anywhere NEAR 3,000 NSO staff in scamology orgs in the USA. There are about 5 full-time per org average. MAYBE 7 average. So, about 300. Almost all scamologists that are REALLY onboard are now S.O. members.
Wynski, in the Quebec org pay case, the labor board was asking for about $750,000 for 62 workers, though it didn’t say how far back that went. Figuring about $10 per hour, given a Canadian minimum wage of around $12 and reports of weekly pay stubs of about $70, that’s something like 75,000 hours of labor, or what 40 people would put in working full time for a year – not taking into account part-timers, pay claims going back for multiple years, or whether overtime was included as well. Plus there may also be a couple of staff at the top of the heap, making commissions regging and off IAS donations, whose pay came to more than minimum wage, and possibly even some loyalists who refused to be taken into account by the labor board.
At a minimum it shows that there are still at least dozens of nominally paid part-time workers in an org, in spite of it being otherwise mostly empty and having few paying customers. Full-time staff could even be in the 10 to 20 range, though again it’s frustratingly hard to determine just what is really going on inside the orgs.
Apples and oranges. Those figures are messed up because of back wages and large time based penalties and much higher minimum wages. That wouldn’t be the case in the US where most orgs are.
Wynski, it may be hard to figure out exactly, but it does point to orgs having more nominally paid staff, whether full or part time, than would seem obvious given how little business they seem to have.
The labor board sought $750,000 in back wages, and over $900,000 when “interest and indemnities” were included. Given a Canadian minimum wage of around $12 per hour and evidence Scientology was paying around $2 per hour, the $10 per hour gap would indeed appear to equate to about the 75,000 hours I cited.
Quebec is “ideal” but reportedly small, so I’d assume its staffing is typical of US orgs as well.
I’m hoping this discussion will flush out someone who can actually tell us the details of what goes on inside orgs these days.
PeaceMaker – I think you’re right on this. Even with the whales and other wealthy donors chipping in millions per year I don’t think the CofS could afford to pay minimum wages to staff.
Build the orgs and they will come has just about run it’s course since most of them are done. Staff the orgs and they will come, if that’s the new pitch, is clever. It might maintain the status quo and keep the delusion going for a number of years.
On the other hand, wouldn’t staff pay depend on the Gross Income? For example, selling just 50 hours of auditing per week at $200/hour is $10,000 which easily covers minimum wage for 20 staff members or fewer as Wynski mentions above with money left over. I guess it goes into corporate finances. Obviously if the org isn’t making any money the staff can’t get paid.
In the mid 1970s I worked at the Salt Lake City mission for a year for minimal pay. The mission holder made enough money to start a second mission in Bellevue, Washington.
Like any other concern (profit or no) 100% of income cannot go towards payroll. Business average is ~25%. Maybe 35% for non-profits. Most orgs had rent, utilities, royalties, mandatory book stock levels, mandatory promotional outlay, mandatory PTF (payments to Flag aka Sea Org Reserves), etc.
Per the Humanitarian Hubtard staff pay comes AFTER he gets his cut of the pie.
I don’t recall exactly, but I probably supplemented my staff pay by doing outside work while on staff. Maybe I assumed so much of the money was going “uplines” for scientology expansion. While on staff I could take all of the courses the mission offered for free which was part of the ” exchange “.
I was single and didn’t have any obligations and got by and always had an old car to drive. Car insurance wasn’t required and gas was cheap. Memories – lol
Sounds straight out of the Hubbard school of blaming someone else….”It’s been found that someone…”
“One of the most influential city’s on the planet: Harlem”?
What do they base that on?
They base it on nothing. Nada! No way! Not going to happen.
The Globetrotters.
Duke Ellington lived there. Not only did he live there, he wrote, “Takin’ The A Train” and “Satin Doll” when he lived in Harlem. These songs had a huge impact on American culture and Ellington wrote them in a building that was a mere 3 blocks from what is now the Church of Scientology of Harlem. Need I say more? C’mon, now Join staff.
PS: I just made that all up. I have no idea where Duke Ellington lived when he wrote those songs. He likely did live somewhere in Harlem for a while but I really don’t know 🙂
“Want to introduce kids to the tone scale” where children learn to omit, compassion, empathy, gratefulness, caring and most of all LOVE. Where children learn it is BAD to have certain emotions.
This is a good entry point for indoctrination. Disgusting and evil.
That’s a pretty scary thought, BK. And you’re right about that: Disgusting & Evil.
On the Ideal Org Convention poster who is “Mr. Lauri Webster”? Is this a transgender person?
In Sea Org, everybody is Mr., male or female.
I knew they referred to everyone in the Sea Org as ‘Mr.’ (or Sir?) while speaking, (which is weird enough), but I’ve never seen it in print like this. Totally bizarre.
1. After you have been in awhile, you forget how to speak “wog”. That is the hardest part about leaving, learning how to not sound like a total stilted idiot.
2. They probably didn’t expect people who had never been in to see the poster. Don’t know why they would expect this, because it is fairly obvious the inside is leaking like a sieve, but …
I can imaging how difficult it is to completely shed all the cult-speak (and think) after being in for so long. I notice that sometimes exes who have been out for long periods of time & have accepted that Hubbard was an abusive fraud, still often drop in little words or phrases in $cientologese.
Yeah, you’d think the CO$ would’ve realized by now that a ton of people are leaking their silly flyers/promos to Mike, Tony, etc. all the time, and that a lot of that nonsense will end up on of the these blogs.
Fun for us; embarrassing for them. Win, win!
Ugh, need the edit function back…
Meant to say: “..will end up on one of these blogs.”
Cracking up at BKMole’s question.
Shocking that a Jaguar is what is used to get people to Saint Hill.
For years now, all the promo does not forward messages about training, tech personnel as auditors and C/Ss, pre-clears and so on…nothing…zero.
They live in a world of falsehoods.
LOL, Kansas City Org, if you want to know about the danger of “sudden dismissals”, just tell them you aren’t going to disconnect from your SP relatives…
As far as Chan Man II, Bigger Badder and Channer – does he look 20 or 30 years older in real life than his promotional photo, too?
On through the miracle of scientology or a magic trick from Stan Gerson can the get that other chan (Chan the roof man) turn himself into the Galactic spokesperson for the 27 points of genius. The level of hallucinatory cause is hitting highest ever on the empty floors of the Morgues.
An OT VIII with thick glasses re-doing a PTS/SP course? She is “spotting the SP’s and blowing them off.” WOW! The delusion just gets thicker.
Wow!!!! Cristina Parisio in Perth!!! I am shocked.
She was one of THE MAIN staff at Mission of Belleair – a very needed staff member there as she knew how to get very creative with the “new start” stats and worked hard to do it. I wonder who replaced her at Belleair, maybe her Italian prodigy, Sylvia. Mission of Belleair really needs their Italian staff members; so this is a huge surprise to me. Would love to know the back story on how Crisitina ended up in Perth. I just bet she was made a deal she couldn’t refuse.
I say it’s a surprise but I have seen this before where a staff member doing well “over here” is ripped off to do well “over there” (Perth). Then it turns out that “over there” doesn’t have the benefits of Flag rejects or scientologists doing courses at your Mission so they don’t have to be at Flag with all the regges and “standard” schedules.
I wondered about this, too. Wondered whether Cristina P had f*cked up somehow to the point where she was “banished.” I’m a never-in, but I know from my reading that DM has a habit of shipping off those who are too high profile to ignore (i.e. Jenna Miscavige Hill) to the antipodes. Or if they are TOO high profile, he apparently hides them altogether (Shelley.) Too bad for DM he wasn’t quick enough on the uptake to get his tiny claws into Leah and “disappear” her before she blew. *Chuckles quietly to self for a long time*
I thought that was a huge outpoint. A long way to go. Weird. If an SO member were sent there, it makes a bit more sense, as I’ve seen some remote postings for SO. Is she SO?
Perth is a middling org in ANZO. It’s better than the scumbags, Adelaide and ACT (Canberra).