I reckon Clint is looking for his .44 Magnum…
I suspect he would not be happy.
They should have left it as The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.
Where do they find their graphic artists?
Alfraudie is back
He will be working the hussle.
He is the “CEO” of what exactly?
The upper tenth of the upper twentieth…
Just study some Hubbard and you qualify for the Mensa society.
Or at least a “Who’s Who” entry.
The stuff is that good it will convert you from a run-of-the-mill wog into a homo novis.
Nothing bashful here either…
If this is in fact true, then everyone is doomed.
Mystery Sandwich…
But they only have one org to talk about — Ventura. So it’s not that mysterious.
What’s amazing is that this is their idea of an “Ideal California”… They don’t even have an org in Oakland, Fresno or Bakersfield — let alone Riverside, Pomona, East LA, Santa Monica, Long Beach, Sherman Oaks, Simi Valley etc etc etc.
The Jehovah’s Witnesses have about 40 Kingdom Halls in the Greater LA area… And scientologists consider them to be a fringe cult.
The insanity…
This place in Ventura is going to be the final piece of the puzzle for “Freedom for all California”?
Done Sir! Status?
The nuttiness apparently has no end
It’s BIG
That’s why the speakers are people who donated money to Austin “ideal org” — STILL not done and they didn’t even have to buy a building?
Now that is some serious cred…
And has anyone ever heard of Jierra Clark “world-class singer”? I see she did an internet interview in 2014 with 250 views…
Someone could call me a world-class singer too. In my case it would be very wrong. Not true at all. Not even remotely. But they could say it.
I am totally exterior with all 57 perceptions…
Complete bs.
Would love to hear his/her description of his/her “Cellular and Bacterial Position”, “Endocrine States,” the “Emotional State of Other Organs” and “The Perception of Having Perceived (Present)”…
Super Star Field Staff Member
Amazing they don’t have an actual staff member to do this
Full Clearing!
As opposed to part Clearing?
Whether part or full, this empty space isn’t going to Clear anyone
It will be the biggest ever…
Of course, everything is always “biggest ever”.
We know if we say that it makes it sound like we are “expanding”…
Only $15,000…
What a deal!
Imagine, you have to sell your e-meters so you can go on staff? Nothing odd here…
Don’t need an E-meter any more because staff don’t audit?
Know you won’t be getting paid anything so have to take care of the bills first?
Just want to use this as an excuse to be allowed to sell off something you regret ever buying?
Downtown LA Mission ED?
Who ever heard of a downtown LA Mission?
Nothing about it on the scientology.org website.
It’s a Mission like OT IX is an OT Level.
It’s a “future” thing.
A “postulate”.
Like an ideal California.
$25 per child
Probably cheaper to get a babysitter — and unless your babysitter is an FSM, a LOT cheaper than going into any scientology org…
Sort of Google It
See, you just need to go in and they have the answers for EVERYTHING…
Calling all wogs…
Let’s celebrate your “beliefs” as an excuse to get you in to try to sell you something
The Sheriff’s in town to take the psychs down?
So, I guess next month we should be reading headlines about how psychiatry is failing in Nashville…
It’s always the biggest
In history.
This tells us more about OT’s than Sea Org members…
I would define an SO Member as unhappy, imprisoned and penniless.
Like an “OT”
Rolling out the big guns…
Ken Webber. Nice guy. Hardly a PR powerhouse.
Roberto Canali?
Other than that, same old same old.
He’s “working with” a Producer…
That is impressive credentials.
Biggest ever.
Once we figure out where we will get things organized.
We only have a day to get our act together.
Trick questions
No matter what you answer, your Registrar will assist you to lighten the load of your wallet.
Oh, so it’s for a video…
What a surprise…
They are WAY less concerned about the number of books they sell than having some good footage to send in to “COB” so they can be seen in the next event.
But what the hell, it’s worth doing to qualify for a “Dianetics Tablecloth” — who wouldn’t sell their soul for that?
Yeah, I don’t think so…
Even less impressive than “working with a Producer”
What you need to prepare for New OT VIII…
Just a checkbook (or credit card, stocks, bonds, jewelry, property, porkbelly futures)
Oh guys, come on…
You can’t even renovate your building after 25 years of trying.
You really think you are making positive inroads into anything?
The Expanison Convention
It wouldn’t be scientology if it was all spelled right
A combined experience of 75 years OF TOTAL FAILURE.
I have to hand it to them: The $30k emeter scam is ingenious. Or perhaps the work of desperate folks who realize how badly they’ve been had.
1. Sell off all your worthless scn trinkets to others in the bubble while you still can. (After all, this crap is worth next to nothing on ebay). Claim it’s for the noblest of causes to inflate the price.
2. With the shore story that you will be joining the SO “soon”, go under the radar. Go off the grid, change your name, disconnect the phone. And hope to Xenu that they won’t find you.
Those posters are so deceptive. If you just look, without knowing what’s really going on, they appear to be having so much fun…they appear to be joyous…they appear to be exterior with all 57 perceptics! LOL The real truth is staff are miserable with no pay, or very low pay as in 10 – 15 bucks a week with a bonus once in a while… often working 100 hours a week, but hey! That doesn’t matter. Appearances is all that counts! That girl singer? I googled her, youtube’d her and read her FB page as I LOVE music. She is talented, has a great voice I must say I admired her talent. However its very interesting to see how hard it is to find out that she’s a scino. You have to scroll down and down on FB to see that she was at Flag with Alfreddie J. It’s like she’s hiding it. She mentioned she had all her social media taken down and now she’s trying to build it back up? She said it was due to not being on a certain recording contract or something. But knowing scn and social media I had to wonder who made her take it down? If she’s putting it all back up does she need permission etc. She has so few likes and comments I don’t think its doing very much for her career. I wonder if she has a new scn manager? Someone who applied the “tech” to another “artist” so they really, for real this time, succeed. Sad.
Scientology rob banks and people go bankruptcy.
Clears publish success stories they regret when they are broke.
I would welcome one of these “got it all together” flakes to try to talk to any real skeptic about Scientology.
“I reached the state of hunger that I always wanted where everything, everything can be flavorful again.”
“I regained my full spirit of craving, my desire for many flavors. I know now that I will never lose myself again or my purpose of my entire existence which is to help myself and others to enjoy pickles, ketchup, soup, relish, preserves, chutney, mustard, and more.”
“I am totally Heinz with all 57 varieties.”
OT III X — “I now have the key to all mysteries that have plagued me for millions of years. I can have any game … I am definitely no longer human or ever will be. I am now and forever an Operating Thetan.”
— Michael Partridge, OT III X (Expanded)
Clear 3554, Michael Partridge, New York
(The Auditor, Issue 85, Worldwide) (1973)
Do I have to be in good standing to buy the $30,000.00 e-meters or not? That’s sort of a deal breaker for me. From his post Bryan Mann seems to be in a real hurry.
I’ve seen speculation that the new meters would stop working if their license and software wasn’t renewed and re-activated annually, though I’ve never seen it confirmed. The license agreements attempt to assert Scientology’s right to take the meter back from users who are no longer authorized, though apparently that’s legally dubious.
That is a Mark VIII and the contract was exposed and discussed here:
That “Big Event” in Chicago with the world-class singer… well, they aren’t lying about one thing: just like everywhere else in the scientology world, there will be plenty of “ample parking”.
Scientology parking lots are the home of tumbleweeds and crickets chirping. To COB, well done, sir!
Collect any Thursday Funnies and there will be spelling errors. Today’s collection has fewer errors of grammar or spelling than any Thursday in weeks. But, as easy as it is to say ‘use the spell checker’ or ‘use the grammar checker’, the errors in final copy, whether spelling or grammar or word choice, go much deeper than that. It is as human to err in reproduction of copy as it is to make any other error of oversight, omission, or misunderstanding. We try, often we fail, and that’s the way it is to be human.
One might be tempted to simply say “deel with it.”
(This comes from an old prepress manager who exhorted the troops to ‘use the damn spell-checker’ more than once, and who could not even get a snicker when he tried humore by writing “ Pleeze use the spel-cheker.”)
There is a nice discussion of some problems dyslexics face in reading at the Read Regular website. They talk about wash-out effect, river-effect, and swirl-effect. It’s a sensible short article for anyone interested in the reading comprehension problems of dyslexics, and some ways to overcome them.
These posters just keep getting worse and worse. It’s so frenetic it gives me a headache. Everything is too over the top. (And what’s with the upside down quotation marks? Can’t they figure out how to turn them around so they are right? This is the second week in a row.
The assertion that studying Hubbard would help one qualify for Mensa is ABSURD!
I joined Mensa after fleeing the Land base and have been a proud member for 35 years. I qualified BEFORE scientology and I’m not entirely sure I could have qualified after by taking their STANDARDIZED test (NOT THE OCA!) ; My reading skill certainly suffered due to ‘study tech’, and I’m not certain that my reasoning is on the same level as pre-scn, as I accepted uncritically many outrageous claims during my time in.. Mensans may sometimes *joke* about “re-tests” when we’re caught doing something stupid,, but once you’ve qualified and NOT made such an ass of yourself that the powers that be kick you out, you can be a member if you want.
When I first read the ad for the Kansas City org, I thought it said, “Become a funding staff member”.
“Become a fucking staff member.” Hey! That’s how they talk in the Idle Morgues.
1. Does your ear sometimes “stop up” when you’re showering?
2. Do you every have to sneeze?
3. Do you sometimes get something stuck in your teeth?
4. Do you ever have itches that are hard to scratch?
5. Do you have nights where it’s difficult to get to sleep?
6. Does something ever “smell funny” to you?
7. Do you ever accidentally “let one”?
Save your money, because here’s the answer to why these things happen to you. – – – – – – YOU’RE A HUMAN BEING.
What…A big fart? Hey! It happens.
Mr. Ken Weber Port Captain Freewinds
What happened to Ludwig Alpers who was the Port Captain for more than two decades when Ken Weber was his still deputy? I can’t find anything when I google his name with Freewinds and no pics except in some ‘wog’ articles and on wwp. This seems to be odd as he was so many years featured prominently.
Did he get sacked and then got disappeared too (I can only find sparse info about him till 2013)?
Where’s Ludwig Alpers?
Ooh, a $15K special edition green PDU E-meter!
I’m still not up to speed on the acronyms. PDU:
Pretty damn ugly?
Pretty damn unnecessary?
Pretty damn underhanded?
Pretty damn unconscionable?
How about all of the above?
Pretty Damn Useless
Positively Dumb and Useless
Pooped Dave’s Underpants.
Planetary Dissemination Unit
Where you will pay — cough “donate” — 3x, 5x, maybe even 7-10x the ordinary outrageous price of an e-meter, for a special commemorative edition. You will be so happy with, forever, you will never want to sell it for a fraction of what you paid/donated for it.
It wouldn’t be Scientology if it didn’t have thousands of made up acronyms, terms and substitute redefinitions. The better to brainwash their victims with: Scientology-speak and Scientology-think.
And of course, like just about any possible thing that could ever come up about Scientology, no matter how obscure, Mike has covered all this before! (Almost 5 years ago!)
Wealthy Scientologists donating insane amounts of money for ridiculous limited edition commemorative PDU e-meters in Red//Standard Tech, Green//Policy, Blue//Source:
Planetary Dissem Scam
October 25, 2014 By Mike Rinder
Collect your full set of e-meters today! Move up in status!
“Wealthy Scientologists donating insane amounts of money for ridiculous limited edition commemorative PDU e-meters in Red//Standard Tech, Green//Policy, Blue//Source:”
WORSE – – POOR scns paying insane amounts of money for meters which didn’t work any better than the old Mk 4s and 5s which looked better, anyway.
Planetary Dissemination Unit 😬
“I’m totally exterior with all 57 perceptions”.
OK, lets just see one of them. How about….sight. I’ll tell you what, I’ll go into this room and close the door, you then tell me what I’m holding in my hand. You can shout it through the door, I’ll be able to hear. That should be easy for you. Really, you don’t have to worry at all about the other 56 perceptions, just sight. That’ll be fun. And when you do that, think of how many people will be impressed and then want to join Scientology in order to get the same abilities. Oh, this will be great. I’m so happy you’ve attained these things. Things are looking brighter every day!
That’s hilarious. “57 perceptions” Are we talking Scn auditing or Heinz Ketchup? I wouldn’t be surprised if Hubbard unconsciously came up with that number after seeing one of their ads.
Don’t forget the 58th – bullshit detector.
57 perceptics. Heinz 57 catsup. Of course that’s how he came up with that number. It aligns with all his other “research”, so why not?
If he had just seen a can of Nine Lives Cat Food, guess how many “perceptics” he would be flogging? (hint: a little less than ten).
Thank goodness he hadn’t just watched “The Music Man” or he would have had to decide between 76, 110, or a thousand. Or maybe 50, the cannon.
“Seventy six trombones led the big parade
With a hundred and ten cornets close at hand.
They were followed by rows and rows of the finest virtuosos,
the cream of ev’ry famous band.
Seventy six trombones caught the morning sun,
With a hundred and ten cornets right behind.
There were more than a thousand reeds springing up like weeds,
there were horns of ev’ry shape and kind.”
There were copper bottom tympani in horse platoons,
thundering, thundering, all along the way.
Double bell euphoniums and big bassoons,
each bassoon having his big fat say.
There were fifty mounted cannon in the battery,
Thundering, thundering, louder than before.
Clarinets of eve’ry size and trumpeters who’d improvise
a full octave higher than the score.
Seventy six trombones led the big parade,
when the order to march rang out loud and clear.
Starting off with a big bang bong on a Chinese gong,
by a big bang bonger at the rear.
Seventy six trombones hit the counter point,
while a hundred and ten cornets played the air.
Then I modestly took my place as the one and only bass,
and I oompahed up and down the square.
Double Bell Euphonium –
David Werden: Neapolitan Dance (quite good)
Oh, I have a lot of perceptions. To tell the truth I have 652 perceptions. You people got to get your shit together! 57 perceptions? Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha
It’s too bad Ron wasn’t eating Baskin Robbins, would have been a shorter course.
Take a long hard look at the face of Jierra the professional singer.
I know that look. I’ve seen that look on a face before. Oh, Jierra. What have you been doing? What in the world is wrong with you?
I don’t know for sure. But if I was one of Jierra’s friends or relatives, I’d be very worried about that lady.
Something is definitely wrong with Jierra. Just take a look at that face and see if you may not agree.
I agree, Skyler. She caught my attention too – and not in a good way.
“Heroin chic” – just another pose. It was a trendy look a few years ago. Perhaps it still is, if I care enough to check it out. I’ve seen the look on album covers and the like.
It’s neo post-modern gothic-noir chic. Smiling is definitely not cool.
Jierra, is an excellent singer. She started young and like many talented 2nd generation kids she has not progressed far. She was trying so hard to be relevant she missed the whole point. Be human. That is impossible for Scientologists.
They’re still promoting the new Ventura facility as if it’s going to happen. And the KC piece with “become a “founding staff member” makes it sound as if they are still pushing for that opening, too. Are the several “ideal” facilities that were already in the pipeline going to open in the next couple of months – maybe all at once – before they pivot to the “doing it all simultaneously” campaign, or have they just not adjusted all their propaganda to the new command plan?
Maybe they’ll do it when they’re not supposed to and start a “Squirrel Ideal Org” phenomenon.
I guess the Dublin dinosaur festival is a big event. They (the Dublin Scientologists) say there are thousands who will attend during the weekend and Sunday is “sold out” already. I wonder why, then, their July celebration was not quite as successful. From 0-10,000 in a matter of months. I guess those Irish are just all about dinosaurs.
Oh, and in order to get “tickets” for the dinosaur extravaganza, you have to register on Eventbrite for tickets with your name and email. They also allow for you to give a “donation” while registering for a “free” ticket. So, they would have your name, email, and credit card. No that’s what I call good branding and marketing. Perhaps Mara Edwards will be there!
Going Clear: Scientology and the Poison of Belief.
I couldn’t have said it better.
The Toxic Tyrant trots out another truckload of tripe.
Whoa! You’re good! Real good!
The Tiny Todgered Toxic Tyrant?
I would surely love to have a list of all the psychiatric facilities and hospitals they have closed down!!!
It’s kinda hard to have a list of none.
They’ve closed down a few Narconons. 😂
Once again I am saddened to see that Idle Morgue go up in my hometown of Ventura. I did services in Santa Barbara as well as the Ventura Mission back when the Steiners owned it. However, I know nothing will actually get done there and it will be a ghost town. It is on a dead end frontage road that NOBODY goes down. While it is visible from the 101 freeway, nobody in Ventura gives a rat’s ass about scientology enough to go there. It will remain as dead and empty as every other Morgue.
I kicked around Ventura a bit when my brother and family lived there. Lovely town, too bad it’s been struck with this blight. But, as you say, it’ll likely be DOA.
I would surely love to have a list of all the psychiatric facilities and hospitals they have closed down!!!
I’m sure that if a facility closed to relocate across town they would claim it as a “win”.
I also spent time in Ventura. VERY nice place to live. But I think the new ideal org should have been moved SOUTH of LA to Temecula. Never been there , just dig the name. ( “A clear Temecula … The bridge from LA to San Diego!” )
Why is it that $cientologists gravitate to the bullshit occupations? Marketing, Public Relations, Sales, Clams seem to love those occupations? Because most of those occupations require the ability to bullshit on your feet with a positive (tone 40) attitude. That is what $cientology teaches, how to be lowest level on the Pyramid scheme(s).
Hey, you forgot chiropractic.
They’re also easy ways to make or scam fast money, for those with lots of need for cash flow and no scruples. And they require no critical abilities or professional skills, though the few professionals in Scientology use them to make more money through dubious ways of increasing their business, like the chiropractors currently on their way to jail for insurance fraud.
I have to take exception to your opinion about sales and marketing being “bullshit professions”.
Certainly you can admire and respect people who invent things, build things, but every one of those things created or built by artists or technicians or other skilled people have to be SOLD.
Every product and service that you have that you like and need and depend upon has been sold to you and before it was sold it was marketed so that you’d reach for it and before it was marketed there was PR that ensured that the company was well accepted by the public.
Of course, there are possibly many things you were sold that you COULDN’T use or were defective or misrepresented or inadequate, or even a total rip off, no question about that.
People who market and sell defective products or services, and people who do PR for unethical, rip off companies, give all sales, marketing and PR people a bad name!
Zee Moo, Steve Jobs was nothing but a Marketing and Sales guy…
I had to laugh out loud at the “Free Branding and Marketing Seminar.” What immediately came to mind was NXIVM. I think the church’s promo should stay away from the wording “branding.” Too close to sounding like an abusive cult.
🙂 🙂 🙂
I think Clint Eastwood should sue them for using him as their posterboy.
Yes, he should.
Yes! Also, the stupid Vanguard status ……
But isn’t she too young for NXIVM? She appears to be about 11 years old. Isn’t that too young for those monsters?
It’s funny but it’s sad!
Nola and Steve in that “Pasadena for Ventura” flyer really look beat. Like they finally got had at the end of one of those marathon fund raisers where they go on and on and on until you finally give up and mortgage your house just to GTFO of there. The regges surrounding them (and holding Nola’s arm up) certainly look thrilled tho.
Whenever I’m in Pasadena (I used to live here) I always walk by the Model, Idle Morgue. There’s very little action going on. They don’t even send out body routers!
And the only people going in are OLD PEOPLE. And all they do is the Pruif, Student Hat and the Survival RD. Over and over and over again.
Pasadener, buns no wieners, bad PR just makes ’em meaner.
I bow to greatness!
Good catch, they look like the least happy people in that photo.
Is the smiling woman to the left their FSM, who’s going to get her big commission?
She must be. But she’ll soon be frowning… when the reg on their right gets her to sign it over to the IAS too!
“Ebony Awakening”? A bunch of trees are asleep and they will wake them up at the event?
$15,000.00 for a Wheatstone bridge!? Here is the basic circuit that runs an “e-meter”: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/93/Wheatstonebridge.svg/1200px-Wheatstonebridge.svg.png
Nothing advanced nor mysterious about it. If you want to know how e-meters work throw away anything from Hubtard and read this: https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/blog/wheatstone-bridge.html
An unnamed scientologist or scientologists gush forth their successes with auditing at Flag©®™$.
“I reached the state of existence that I always wanted where nothing, nothing can bring me down again.”
“I regained my full spirit of play, my love for others.”
“I know that I will never lose myself again or my purpose of my existence which is to help myself and others go free.”
“I am totally exterior with all 57 perceptions”.
A friendly visit to the reg or recruiter will easily crush these wins. Any reg worth their salt can suck the life out of a ‘VGIs pc’ faster than an ‘OT’ can crush a fuel storage tank like the cellophane wrapper of a cigarette pack**.
**Ronnie says any ‘OT’ can do this. Ronnie also says that a ‘clear’ has all sorts of wonderful attributes too but I think he’s full of shit. No one in history has observed any of these attributes. It’s a fucking con.
Ms. B,
I saw that drama play out in numerous ways at the HGC( Hubbard Guidance Center )
at the founding church in DC. The process of manipulating the euphoric preckear involved ” letting him have his wins “, while still adhering to the ” routing form ” that stipulates the pc has to go to the reg and sign up for his next service( auditing or course ) before being able to leave the building. The so-calked tech and its ” theta effects ” were, finally, fragile and fleeting. It makes sense, as the whole deal is, as you say, a fucking con. The degree of cynicism, greed, and cold-hearted manipulation exhibited in the process of regging pc’s was breath-taking, and there were times when a pc’s post-session euphoria got emphatically shat on. MAKE MORE MONEY-yes, indeed!
Nothing, nothing can strike her down. Riiiight. This woman is still high. Would love to be a fly on the wall in a month when she opens the mail and sees that the minimum payment on her Visa Card would feed a family of 6 of a week. Enjoy the high while it lasts, whoever you are!
I am totally INTERIOR with twelve perceptics, but currently only using my six favorite ones …
*by the way , OT 8, the first ACTUAL OT Level??????? Say what???? That ain’t what Ron and Advance mag said for decades … Oh, well … gotta shovel the bullshit and promote it, I guess … (at what “OT Level” do we get the state mentioned in the Clear section of DMSMH?)
“…totally INTERIOR with 12 perceptics…”
Good one, Joe 🙂
Gold has been on the rise so I checked the value of my $3,000 OT VIII bracelet purchased in 1988.
It is worth about $190. I think I’ll keep it for Foolproof.
George, was it solid gold or just gold plated? 14 carat or 24 carat?
It is 14k gold with special engraving of my name, date of completion and number.
George, a 14K gold MEN’S bracelet should be worth at least $500. I would take the thing to a reputable jeweler and tell him you’re thinking of having it melted down. Then you’ll find out if its really 14K gold. I wouldn’t put it past the cult to have palmed off gold plate as the real deal. They could have paid some crooks to etch “14K” into the thing.
Good news., thanks
Foolproof will love it! I will keep him occupied for days and days!
He’s working out a handling for dealing with all the entheta on Mike’s blog. Hey, it’s not easy being an Indie!
Foolproof, I have my certificate of OT VIII completion, gold bracelet and many pictures of the graduating class on the Freewinds. It has been more than thirty years but I have never published the graduating class picture. I am of course in it. Do not be afraid of the anti-Christ. It is Biblical mysticism from the Kaballah. The book of Revelations was included as an afterthought. It was written by a mystic on a remote island in the Sea.
The prominent use of the number 7 is ancient occult. Cool it man. You can get over this.
Wait a minute. Didn’t the We Stand Tall performance qualify as world class singing?
Good point.
I will now start promoting myself as a “world-renowned singer” as I WAS singing and that performance IS known all over the world.
Thank you for that.
I was also shown fishing on videos seen around the world, so I should probably add “world-renowned fisherman”…
Didn’t you once sell cars? You may qualify as an automotive fleet expert or perhaps even a luxury automobile service consultant. The possibilities are endless.
Do everyone a favor when you resume your “world-renowned singer & DO NOT…I repeat…DO NOT wear any “American Flag” clothing like you know who……
OK, deal.
But that reminds me, I am also a world-renowned style trend-setter. People abandoned sweaters after that video. Hoodies came in. I was part of creating that fashion wave…
Don’t forget, you’re one of the most renowned bobbleheads in the world. Be sure to work that angle.
Yes, forgot that too…
Sribe! You stole my quip! Oh, well, great minds, etc. 🙂
Why not. C of S gets away with it. Why not anybody? I apologize for bringing back that unfortunate event but just couldn’t help myself. Not to worry though. I’ve had my share of them. Take care.
I know this is a serious subject but this here comment had me literally laughing out loud.
Alfraudie is the CEO of DFI inc. (Defraud Dupes Internationally)
Before he was principle of FSS(Flimflam School Systems)
He fully qualifies as CEO of NOI – Nation of Idiots.
Repetitive until all the pre-clear’s assets have been obtained. Like Op Pro By Dup, it needs to be run for HOURS.
EP: The realization that he or she can start a new cycle and get even more money.
NB: This is an unlimited process.
A briefing by Clive at the Ballroom about OT VIII, the first of the ‘actual’ OT Levels.
So, the prior OT Levels, what were they? Faked ones? Lies?
Apparently current Scientologists spend YEARS on OTVII. Did it always take that long or is that a “new” version?
The Bridge is one cycle of action that’s never complete – just ask Ron. Ron?
(Ron) I’m here. And yes, ‘one cycle of action that’s never complete.’ And I made it that way. I like fucking with peoples mind, because I can. But, I really want to go back to Target 2. The people there are wonderful! They treat me so nice. I might just stay here…
BTW…I made everything up! Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha.
From Day 1 Richard. It’s hard to tell if you have eliminated what doesn’t exist. That is the problem.
Once you’ve as-ised it all you is an ass.
$15k for the e-meters?
Ebay has a nice selection, even a “Proffesional” model. $300 to $500 (or best offer).
Well, this is a “special edition” in forest green, of the super duper, extra sensitive Easy-Bake Mark VIII.
Better knobs, molded plastic and needles than a gently used BMW for the same price…
I’d like to have the “Special Edition.” How much, Mike?
I have two gently used orange juice cans and brand new string…think that’ll do?…I’m only asking $20
$2 if the cans have orange juice in them.
IF the O.J. cans are FULL…it will muffle/distort the “sound waves” and confuse the E Meter report…..then SOMEONE would be SCREWED & sent to the HOLE….
Staff: What the Hell is wrong with this E Meter…it keeps saying Minute Maid
“When in doubt, send ’em to the Hole.”
Sayings of Chairman Dave
Heck, in my day , we used wooden Mark V meters attached to soup cans , the dial hidden by a floppy old manilla folder, on a card table and the pc and I sitting on metal folding chairs … Yeah, we were AUDITORS back then … (Reminded of the movie Sister Act, where Mary Wickes says “We were NUNS back then”)
I figure a meter like that might be worth $600 on Ebay; from what I’ve seen sometimes the special ones do go for a bit of a premium. It at least used to be that savvy CofS members would buy meters there, though I’m not sure if they can do that now with the latest model and the “phone home” features that allow them to be tracked and controlled. He’s in for a rude surprise if he thinks he can sell those for what they paid for them, unless a whale decides to bail them out just as a favor – but maybe if they can’t sell them it will prevent them from making the mistake of going on staff or even getting involved in the Sea Org.
That also points to turnover in the Boston D/ED position, which I thought I remember had long been held by an old-timer. I wonder how the Boston org is doing, stuck in “temporary” quarters down in Quincy, while they own two buildings neither of which they can use – and on both of which they have to pay commercial real estate tax assessments since they’re not in “religious” use (I just checked their current status, it looks like it amounts to about $150K per year).
And I’d think Clint Eastwood would object to use of his image, even if Disney has apparently decided to overlook “church” use of their characters.
They just sold the hotel for 11 million….
I think it’s weird that they’re going to join a Class V org staff, then, soon, the Sea Org. They would have to sign at least a 2 ½-year contract. That’s not “soon”.