There are some real gems in this one
“Dr.” Hubbard, the nuclear physicist expounds on his understanding of radiation.
Basically, as long as you gulp some vitamins and get some auditing it can’t hurt you….
State of the Nation…
What to look for?
When to act?
What ARE they blabbering about?
Meaningless words
Wonder what dimension they are operating in?
The world?
Nobody in Perth even knows you exist. How about starting there?
The planet gets a little saner?
A butterfly in the Amazon flapping its wings effects the weather in Siberia.
Same principle….
Sunday Service?
Super church-ey…
What does it take?
Goofy photo poses it seems…
This is effective dissemination in action
Can’t you see the floodgates opening?
Forget the courses and OT VIII
It’s all about the local costumes
A briefing on freedom
By the prisoners in the prison.
No irony here.
Imagination undoes fact
No kidding.
Like you guys imagine you are cause over Matter, Energy, Space and Time…
It’s a musical briefing?
Show up. Someone sings. You are briefed.
Well, unless you are a staff member
Family life does not exist at that point
There’s nothing to stop us now….
Hubbard said this in the 60’s.
SOMETHING has been stopping you.
And that will be that…
Not a new org on the horizon, but nobody cares about that. Because California will be “ideal” once Ventura joins the ranks.
Then everyone will forget California and start raising money for the “ideal US” which will be even more of a joke.
Can’t wait for 9/21
Are they going to have a ribbon yanking??? The suspense is killing me.
James Byrne — Genius Seminar?
He’s out imparting the wisdom of how to be a genius? James Byrne?
Miscarriage threw him out of Gold for being incompetent.
It’s that time again…
Dave is freaking out that his PR isn’t so good.
No new ideal orgs opened.
He is being sued.
Make everyone watch this event again to remind them what a great guy he is.
This is a reg event
No matter what they promote, this is ONLY to get people to show up so the regges can have at them and these guys can collect an FSM commission
No other comment…
Scraping the bottom of the barrel
This is the MODEL Ideal Org, staffed by Sea Org members.
And this is what they send out to convince people what an amazing job they are doing?
Seriously? Do they think this is going to make others want to sign up for the SRD? Or is it all they’ve got?
Empty Block Party
They keep doing them and nobody keeps showing up…
Find your missing money…
It’s in your couch cushions.
More really religious stuff here. Brought to you by this “expert”
Just sad…
Begging for someone to help these old people.
This is the LARGEST private relief force on earth and they don’t have an army of people at the ready to help one of their own?
What they will explain is that if you give them tens of thousands of dollars they will give you access to what Hubbard says is the truth of you.
But at least it’s a bit more interesting than the usual “learn how to find money in your couch cushions”
Wonder if the dinosaurs will be there too?
About on a par with LA Org
They actually think these “successes” are good?
Foothills Msn doing Foothills Msn
It’s incredibly special. They’re remarkable
And they are here to get your money
You are utterly being counted upon
And we brought a chef!
And 20 people to get your money. And none of them can get anyone to attend it seems…
So we are utterly counting on you to do that part.
Ignite your power
Why bother? Isn’t ScientologyTV taking care of all this?
The car with no gas runs on smooth waves
And not smoking enough gives you cancer
Biggest. Dissemination. Evolution. Ever.
I thought that was ScientologyTV?
You mean selling some books on the streets is going to be even bigger than that?
Ever try to get a car to run on the waves?
Short story: It doesn’t auger well for the car or its contents.
Just the word choices, font choices, and layout design choices of all of the above reveal a certain collective psychosis.
It represents their greed for allmightyness.
The description of dr. Hubbard, the nu-clear physicist is also a ‘best of’-description of hubbards allmightyness.
The flyer for the Midwest says, “What do you get?” and then they show a picture of an empty room and hall of an Ideal Org. So the answer in their own flyer to the question, “what do you get?” is: an EMPTY org. And yes they have achieved that goal! Clap clap and standing O for that product.
In their flyer they answer the question with one word: Dissemination! (don’t forget the exclamation point.) If they wanted to do the flyer correctly, they would after the word Dissemination NOT have a pic of an empty org, but would have tons of people photoshopped showing them entering the org. Duh.
IF TPTB cared about actually getting people INTO the orgs, they wouldn’t have changed everything so much, but what do WE care? They’re digging their own grave, and it might as well be a mass one, for all they actually care.
So come on in to the nearest Org to watch the most important event in Scientology history…the 1993 “The War Is Over” Video. Riiigghhht…so this video is almost 3 hrs long and it’s mostly Dear Leader pontificating on a yuge stage with big flaming torches behind him. AGP (Angry Gay Pope) has a copy on his YouTube channel. So no need to go to the Org right…well there is a few problems.
First problem is the story DM tells about how he and Marty Rathbun surprise visit the head of the IRS and somehow magically talk him into tax exempt status after years of litigation. This is the big reveal in his speech leading up to his announcement of tax exempt status. Somehow I doubt that he’s going to allow that to be played to his followers now that MR is anathema. They’ll have to edit it out which will ruin the story that makes DM sound like he did it ALL himself or dub in another name because he says ‘we’ many times.
Second problem is ALL the other SPs in the video. Can’t edit all of them out. Mike I’m sure you were there somewhere?
Third problem is the exec strata. Is he going to edit out the speeches by Yager, Mithoff, and Lesevre? Probably. Why? They are saying the same old same old in 1993 that Dear Leader is saying now. We’re expanding…people are moving up the bridge faster than ever…blah blah blah….oh and there’s no mention of statuses and their ‘importance’. Plus everyone will be wondering ‘What ever happened to the executives of our church?’…something no one dares to mention.
So COB where are the execs? In a prison in some other country since the US got too ‘hot’ to keep your ‘hole’ in?
Anyway if some of you UTRs can view the video it would be nice to see a report comparing it to the original (go to YouTube and type in IRS the war is over or go to the page of Angry Gay Pope).
Tick tock Dave…
Interesting point, I wonder what the 1984-ized version of the 1993 video is like, with all the unpersons edited out, and other Orwellian major adjustments to the “truth.”
They probably dare not even distribute it on video, because people might compare the newspeak propaganda version to the original.
Is it just me or did anyone else notice that the success story from the Los Angeles org for completion is dated back to 2015. The SO org is using 4year old success stories as promos for bringing people in???
Good catch. The OC one is for listening to tapes, which requires minimal staff supervision, and could even be one of the at-home extension courses they seem to be using now to keep their stats up.
I always look forward to your quippy “Intro” for each piece.
I wish we could vote on them!
Columbus Ohio one is a little bit personal for me. It’s where my family began it’s total destruction…
Awwww Sarita. Hope everything is better now.
I love the photos Mike finds. The pin popping the bubble ect.
Apparently the Survival Rundown renders one incapable of writing a complete sentence much less a coherent paragraph… Sorry, but so painful. That first phrase never got to become a complete sentence! Argh! (head-desk) And if I see one more pathetic Sea Org member standing with arms crossed I think I’ll barf… So sad… At least they seem to have given up on the “Have it All” slogan. Such false promises…
Manchester, UK? Still no love for Sunderland.
The request for touch assists is very sad, plus aren’t you supposed to do it to yourself, or am I not fully hatted?
The Church of Scientology NZ. I assume the NZ means Nazis?
Kukae remark there OSD… 😡
Not even REMOTELY funny comparing New Zealand to Nazis…
Hey!!! I took a shot!!!
Volunteer Ministers Needed
Well at least this person is seeking for help for a couple of members. No idea why he just doesn’t give the assists himself. Guess it is just easier to write an email.
Reminds me of a friend who was told by his C/S to get a ton of assists after a horrible traffic accident that broke many bones and put him in the hospital for about a week. The friend called the person in charge of the Volunteer Minister program in Clearwater and asked for help. The guy wouldn’t do anything except tell him to “find a neighbor and train that person on the processes and get help from them”. It is abundantly clear the whole thing is a sham. Well, just like all the rest in this cult.
What is the biggest mistake in handling HAVINGESS?
Staying in the freewhims!
O/T. Another Thursday Not-Funny.
Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad uses a fake Time magazine cover to attack.
ESMB thread with all supporting materials, including the fake and real Time magazine covers:
A frustrating copy and paste error. I wish I could edit my post. That should be:
O/T. Another Thursday Not-Funny.
Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad uses a fake Time magazine cover to attack VACCINES.
ESMB thread with all supporting materials, including the fake and real Time magazine covers:
Another phony Time cover! Time, the magazine of choice for magazine for those claiming to be what they’re not – like “Man of the Year” – or like someone even sufficiently relevant to merit being on the cover.
O/T. A Thursday Not-Funny.
Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad teaches that:
Jesus said White people were “serpents” and “devils.”
Tweet: with video excerpt
ESMB post with full video:
Has there been any call for CF help or staff for Ventura, FKA Santa Barbara? If there’s really a ribbon-yanking coming on 9.21.19 like the flyer implies, normally we’d have seen those signs, though perhaps the “California alliance” has tried to handle that internally without the usual unbecoming public begging.
The Kansas City flier seems to be part of a typical push for “founding” staff for their new facility prior to an opening. The Columbus fliers don’t specifically reference an “ideal” opening, so it’s hard to tell what’s going on – and maybe they don’t know themselves if there’s confusion about what the new “doing it all simultaneously” directive means for the facilities that were in the pipeline and nearing completion. Austin is also in that limbo.
I doubt that Foothills Mission is really putting on activities as a “service to the community.” They’ve probably found that the only way to get people through the doors is with things that are NOT Scientology – and then try to get their hooks into them to do the sort of intro courses that used to be the front line bait. The Dublin/Firhouse org seems to be doing some of that sort of thing with community events, and I’m almost surprised we’re not seeing more of it in the US – yet.
And that picture of the 1993 event is actually a reminder of Scientology’s shrinkage – it’s been decades since they could muster a crowd like that, and fill even part of a small stadium (the old Los Angeles Sports Arena) rather just than an auditorium.
There’s no way that ’93 event couldn’t be a reminder of their shrinkage. I’ll bet few of today’s Scientologists have seen anything close to that many peers gathered together. Backfire!
I’d like to think so, but the remaining bubble dwellers seem able to not-see almost anything. I suspect something like this might cause some questioning by a few, but just a few, who have some critical faculties and lingering doubts.
We have reports, for instance, that the staff in the empty orgs must really believe that there are millions of scientologists somewhere else. Members like Kirstie Alley have cited a figure up to 20 million that apparently is circulating informally – pretty bizarre when the reality is something less an a thousandth of that, and pictures of the largest gatherings nowadays show just a fraction of the crowd at the LA arena.
“…the remaining bubble dwellers seem able to not-see almost anything.”
And this never ceases to amaze me.
I can’t seem to process this, seriously.
I’m not even going to ask for advice from anyone.
I’ve gotten the most insightful, perceptive, helpful advice from people on this blog and each time I have I’ve said to myself, truthfully, “Yes, I understand. I’ve got it now. This makes sense. I understand the Still Ins now.”
And then, I come back on here and read something else and its like I’m reading it for the first time.
Seriously, I don’t seem to be capable of processing this. I don’t know if I’m ever going to really get it.
The EP of “Effective Dissemination: a good-looking, EMPTY space, no one home — or visiting.
Good point! the EP really means Empty Place, as all the Ideal Morgues are.
STILL with the “radiation” button! Hate to burst your bubble, guys, but there are fewer and fewer nukes around, even if the fear-mongers (the regges) are prattling on and on about Tubby’s ’50s’-style paranoia of an armageddon that never came about.
Poor Perth, being required to aspire to everything scientology isn’t
They never were a major player in ANZO.
“How to stay cause” …
very, very fast — away from all things scientology.
Do we get new shoes?
The next Golden Age: GAS: the Golden Age of Sheep-dom.
Oh! I love that smell!
So, the chef is “pouring” over the menu? Super-literate indeed.
I noticed that, too. I wonder what the chef is pouring over the menu? Beans & rice from the blender? Yum!
The problem with the #1 place to raise a family poster is that it is a lie (imagine that). But they feel they can get away with it because scientologists aren’t allowed to use the internet.
If you google #1 place to raise a family in America, Columbus GA comes in 158, Columbus OH doesn’t even make the list.
Giving them the benefit of the doubt, I googled #1 place to raise a family in Ohio. Northwest Columbus makes the list at #40.
Not wanting to stick with one reviewer, I tried another. This one ranks Columbus at #58.
All I can say is that those statistics track with the other statistics scientology spews about its 47x expansion.
Anyone reading this blog wondering if they should cut and run, here’s a hint. They are lying about a statistic that is so easily researched, can they possibly be telling the truth about other information you are being fed?
Oh no, Zach and Anna need medical care not touch assists. This is really scary. They have obviously given many years for their lives for this cult. They probably have no retirement savings. Probably on Medicare (for old people) and Medi-Cal. (for low-income people). They are vulnerable and at the mercy of these vultures.
If you want to decrease your assets and make life robotic, you need to stop thinking!
Tracy Upchuck
World renowned bullshitter and implanter!
In this circle jerk cum anal fisting,I will help you discover how to:
1. Give me your pocket change and poppers
2.Discover where your anus is, so that I can shove your head in it
3.Dispense with PTSness to the middle class and become a smiling,
Hollywood Boulevard CSer( NOT an abbreviation for case supervisor) for Miscavige
( bring your own sani-wipes and mouthwash)
4. Bury a simple habit(thinking) to maintain your exalted slave status
5. Plus a few more fresh, theta butt nuggets!
Monday September 23, AD69, at the Atlanta Portal to Purgatory
There, fixed it.😎
Damn! You’re good!
The 1993 EVENT ! Again?
David, you be stuck in a win my friend. Haven’t you had any win since then? Anything?
Anything at all? Maybe when you and ‘she-who-shall-not-be-named’ got it on 10 or 15 years ago? Maybe once when you punched someone bigger than you? Maybe when you set your OSA/lawyer dogs to ‘fair game’ people speaking out or suing your cult?
Nothing? Sad
Jim:”Maybe once when you punched someone bigger than you?”
EVERYONE is bigger than the TWIT!.
I put that out there as bait. 🙂
Who needs a hybrid or electric car when you’ve got smooth waves?!
That’s one of the things my hubby would get WRITTEN UP for at his job w/the scio-owned company. His “negative intention” was causing the work lift-trucks to break down or not function properly. (His “negative intention” was his pre/post-workday inspection of the vehicle he was assigned and documenting much-needed maintenance, low hydraulic fluid levels, etc.) Once he even stayed late, on his own dime, to do minor maintenance/repair on a van &lift so the lift wouldn’t hesitate or get stuck… he was told if he’d simply trust them to get it done and bring “high energy and positive intention to wrk everyday, he wouldn’t need to worry about that.” NO JOKE!
Well shoot… they should’ve just told him “smooth waves”! That’s what was missing… maintenance & repairs are for wogs.
Well congratulations, you’ve had a cognition. Report to the registrar to pay for your next course. Maintenance is definitely a “wog” construct. So glad I do it these days.
Jenyfurrr, THAT is SO “scientology”: getting written up for trying to ensure things go right. AND if the vehicles had broken down, he’d have been docked for NOT being “positive enough”, or some such dreck.
It is true that, in the hands of some individuals, machinery breaks down. Being a skeptic now, I have to look beyond mumbo-jumbo and consider that inept handling of machinery with some latent problems is more likely the reason.
What does it take? Three drunk guys!
Find your missing money?
That’s an EASY one. It is in an IAS offshore bank account.
I have my money in the ground.
@Wynski, you mean that portion of it that isn’t in scotch bottles and shoes at Davey’s house.
Of course. Davie must live like royalty doncha know?
Two OT Vs, one with brain operation and another just leaving the Hospital…are you kidding?
Does not the so called ecclesiastical leader claims the best tech with his famous GAT and now the products are OT Vs going straight to hospitals?
Maybe miscavige can re-re-review the materials as it seems they are not working at all.
They really are OTs. They’re just shy about talking about it. Bless their little hearts.
MY OTVII ex mother in law died of brain cancer. Of course, scientology would probably say she pulled it in because she was diagnosed shortly after she sued them.
I’m so sorry for your loss, Val. I lost my mom to cancer too. Of course she hadn’t been doing any of the normal screenings since western medicine/doctors aren’t to be trusted. Then decided to do alternative medicine first. I’m sure a lot of people thought it was because she was too long a Clear and never got to OT III. Pro tip: joining the SO as a Clear won’t get you to OT III very quickly. Oh the devastation Scientology leaves in its wake… Hugs to you.
So the ‘ideal usa alliance’ is now the thighmaster of religions?
How can imagination undo facts? The absurdity of that statement defies the physical universe.
We are all God??? Yeah, steal from Robert Heinlein why don’t you.
Lron, the psychic car healer. No wonder his mobile home didn’t mobile.
Same old bullshit, different day.
Ron was a Car whisperer. I think he said he once drove an atomic powered race car somewhere but I think he was just joking about that.
The Russians apparently just screwed up a test of a nuclear powered missile. I want a nuclear powered motorcycle so I can say I outdid Ron!
No, he was dead serious about that Richard. They guy was a total nut job and dangerous criminal
Hubbard must have been drinking his own past lives Koolaid. Or almost worse, he was using such stories to create a suggestive “reality” about past lives as a tool of control, so that for instance pedophilia in Scientology could be swept under the rug and blamed on childrens’ having done something wrong themselves on another planet eons ago.
Supposed past lives, at least as the construct is used in Scientology, are a form of false memory syndrome, in Scientology cultivated and directed so that members come to believe things that suit Hubbard’s agenda of indoctrination and control, even being led so far as to create cunningly influenced false narratives about their own personal histories. If there is anything like a real “implant,” that’s actually an example of it.
Mike thanks for sharing the “smooth flow” tech. As someone who drives 110 miles to and from work Monday through Friday, no longer having to buy gas, currently at $2.73 a gallon, will save me a fortune. Thanks again, I was totally unaware of this technology.
And because you were unaware, you’ll need to do Super Power, over & over again until you realize that Miscavige is God.
The purif too, don’t forget the almighty purif. bwa ha ha
Can we keep them in there for years at a time?
I already run around the track at the YMCA, so no need to do super power again.
Yeah, but they have really cool machines. That’s pretty bitchin’.
In 2019 showing a 1993 video of your BIG SUCCESS.
P.S. How many times have you had to edit the tape to eliminate any embarrassing faces from showing?
You’re lucky. I had a showing from 1975.
Anyone else shocked that a company headquartered in an office suite on Cleveland in Clearwater is the one billed as “one of the most successful energy consulting companies in the USA”?
BULL SHIT (clap clap). BULL SHIT (clap clap) BULL SHIT (clap clap)
After wading through all this drivel, I am reminded of Shakespeare’s famous line:
“It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
Miscavige’s rise to power most closely resembles Macbeth, and like the murderous king, things will not end well for him.
I think I may just have to take a stroll around the block party and hide Aftermath cards in a few books and WTH pamphlets.
Holy shit!!! PLEASE take me with you, Badafuco. It sounds like fun!
I was thinking the same thing. We can start on opposite corners and meet in the middle.
The testamonial by the man who got his “fatherly views” seemed unique to the testamonials I have read that are vague and reveal nothing at all really. This man seems to reveal that he specifically learned that he can be God or not or just have a direct line to God…or whatever he wanted to make up for himself. Not sure that fits the definition of a religion/church then since they don’t have a defined set of beliefs? I remember reading comments on here that was part of qualifying for tax exempt status for a church. This is church promotional material so it seems it would be true to the teaching. I hope his kids are safe.
He can’t be God as Dave is currently doing an impersonation.
I’m beginning to love Foothill Mission. Learning CPR – at least they offer something one might be able to use.
Mary, yes the Foothills Msn has been reinventing itself for a while now. They offer everything EXCEPT Scn services. In their promo you now never see the word Scientology, never see Dianetics, never see auditing or Scn course work mentioned. It’s dance classes, CPR training, pot lucks, anything but Scn. So why the big omission? Could it be they are aware of how toxic the Scn brand is?
Maybe somebody there grew a conscience and decided that should at least DO SOMETHING that was worthwhile.
I actually think they know their brand is toxic and decided to try another tact to lure people in.
Would they still expel you if you showed up for a dance lesson, I wonder…
“How to Stay Cause”????? In that context, the word “stay” means to STOP! Ooops! Then again, isn’t that what they always do?
And just who is the “world renowned” Stacey Repchuk? I’d bet that very few people in the world
have ever heard of the lassie.
They keep repeating the same ineffective garbage that has failed for decades, somehow expecting that THIS time will be different.
Cloud Cuckoo Land!!!
The “world renowned” Stacey Repchuk is probably as renowed as this “renowed Italian chef” they shipped in for the Flag World Tour 😉
Speaking of which, do they still not realize that people see all these amenities being promised for the events, and read that as “There’s going to be some REALLY heavy regging if they are doing all this…”
Repchuk would most likely make me upchuck.
Get some vitamins and gulp some auditing?
Who the Heck ever said that?
Gulp? Gulp? Gulp?
Some folks swallow most anything while others will fall for most anything.
How else is it possible to explain Scam apology.
Bottom Line? Someone really needs to apologize to this planet.
Oh, Screw it!
No matter how much I may imbibe,
I’ll never be a tiny bit as good as Scribe.
“Some folks swallow most anything while others will fall for most anything.”
And ALL will FAIL if they accept ANY of that drit.
Thank jere.
I was trying to float the name “Scam Apology” as a trial nickname to see if anyone might like it.
I’ve always admired the way Wynski originated “Scamology”. That is a great nickname for these criminal bastards.
Over the years tens of thousands of people fell for it. It wasn’t that difficult to do if you didn’t know the overall picture. The lower levels addressed more mundane things like communication, problems, and regrets as well as attitudes, emotions, sensations and pains.
The Magic Carpet Ride was relegated to the OT levels which were hidden.