Eating Activities
The only thing that seems to be happening on L. Ron Hubbard Way these days is brunch and dinner….
Keep Calm…
Our old friend Kristen Toth has been busy on FB:
Sure glad she put the copyright symbol after “Flag”…
Letters Out
Speaking of Toths…
Desperate times call for desperate measures. This is sent on the theory that “outflow=inflow.” I expect the inflow WILL be equal to the outflow. GOGI
From: Sarah Toth <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Friday, 27 February 2015, 04:07PM -08:00
Dear Matt,
Have you heard of L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future ?
Sarah Caruso Toth Galaxy Press
(323) 466-7815 ext 1
7051 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, California 90028, United States (323) 466-3310
The org without purpose.
They don’t deliver the Briefing Course. They might deliver Power Processing to one or two people a YEAR. Otherwise it’s just another idle “ideal” org.
Rasing (?) A Happy Child
First step might be learning how to spell (or at least proofread).
But really, the Delphian School is putting on a seminar at the “ideal” org? Increasingly, the apparent distinction between ABLE groups and orgs is vanishing. And it seems especially prevalent in the “ideal” orgs who don’t seem to have the staff to deliver services to their public.
Ever Hopeful Unreal
“We are headed toward a clear planet. But it won’t happen by itself. We still have work to do.”
Ya think?
Dear friends,
We are just a few short weeks away from the end of another year in Scientology. Of course, I don’t mean the traditional year which ended on December 31st. I mean a year which is even more important. I’m talking about another year of the LRH BIRTHDAY GAME!
Have you ever read the LRH Birthday Game reference yourself? It is a brilliant piece. It tells us how we can make it. And that means all of us.
One of the biggest points that LRH emphasizes in this reference is SPEED. Why speed? Why the concern for expanding so fast? Why do we continually ask you to come and take the next step on your Bridge?
The answer lies in this quote from LRH, from the Birthday Game reference:
“Speed of expansion is the problem of management. And it IS a problem.
Let me give you some facts: this planet, politically, is an anarchy of
nations. These nations are armed with (of ALL things on a small planet)
atomic weapons. This is catastrophe in the making in any whole track
history book. To compound this, economic and social problems exist
far beyond the norm for such a civilization and these edge a political
scene toward war.” – LRH
Now, when I invite you to the LRH Birthday Celebration, what we are really celebrating is the expansion of Scientology and the forwarding of LRH’s postulates.
We are headed toward a clear planet. But it won’t happen by itself. We still have work to do.
Join us on Saturday, March 21st at 5pm at the Battle Creek org. We’ll show you what we’ve accomplished in just the past year, and what is coming up next.
Please respond to me and let me know you received this email. I want everybody to come this year. Ok?
Much love,
Tim Jones
Church of Scientology Battle Creek
Food — It’s the ONLY way to get anyone to come
The fad is spreading….
Buy our cassettes — yes, CASSETTES!
From: Markus Wuethrich <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Sunday, 01 March 2015, 08:40PM -08:00
Subject: Fiction on Audio Cassettes
Dear Harry,
Are you still listening to cassette tapes?
Or collecting them?
We still have a few copies of L. Ron Hubbard’s fiction on cassette tape.
Please drop me a line if you are interested.
Markus Wuethrich
Galaxy Press, LLC.
Mystery Sandwich — sort of…
Everyone knows it is fundraising.
12 years ago it was Tampa.
Now it’s going to be some other scheme to raise money. Atlanta would be my guess.
Clearing the “Country” of Texas
Funny, I doubt they have made a single clear anywhere in Texas since the Dallas ideal org opened. But that’s OK, just 27 million to get to Clear. If they were doing 100 a WEEK it would only take them 270,000 weeks or just a bit over 5,000 YEARS.
Sarah Toth and Kristen Toth both sounds Hungarian . Do you know if they have Hungarian roots?
Thursday Funnies are good but these days I laugh every day when I think about the whales donating to the IAS. What sort of people, even stupidly rich people, give large sums of money away, supposedly for a good cause, without knowing how their money will be spent and how it is accounted for? Funnier than that is that anybody with an ounce of sense knows that these IAS donations are being used just to keep the lights on in the Church buildings — “whale oil” to keep the lights burning. It could not be more obvious from the empty Ideal Orgs that the money for auditing and training is not coming in in nearly enough quantities to keep the Church solvent. But the Church is still currently solvent therefore this money is coming from somewhere else. And that somewhere else with sufficient money must be the IAS funds.In 2015 it is plainly obvious that the Church’s day-to-day funding is mostly with IAS money. But if these whales thought hard about it they would realise that this has been going on for at least ten years. It makes me laugh that they are such fools and as the saying goes “a fool and his money are soon parted”. I don’t wish a Steve Brackett fate on any of them but I have a good chuckle when I think of them going from welathy to being in debt and only having a few ornaments on their shelves to show for it. And if some of them end up on skid row with their cardboard sleeping box as their prized possession then it must go through their minds that if they had had the same sense of 99% of the population then they would have seen through the scam and still be rich to that day. I guess it would make other people sad to think about it but I get a laugh every time. 🙂
I just wanted to say that “whale oil” just seems so appropriate to me. Not only has it been outmoded a long time, it was also the opposite of sustainable.
Bravo / brava (as the case may be) to whomever came up with that.
It wasn’t me. Science Doc on 4 Sept, 2014 posted “The Freewinds is the last operational whaling ship in the Caribeean. It catches whales and renders their blubber into whale oil.”
Love the Regraded Being comics! Right on point, as usual. 🙂
How about rasing a child to learn how to spell?
Markus Wuethrich
Galaxy Press, LLC.
If Markus was busted to Galaxy Press, or demoted, that means some other “execs” are running ASI today.
Any info on who runs ASI today?
Somehow Markus avoided the Hole at least, correct?
He’s down in Galaxy acting sort of like their Bookstore Officer cleaning out and trying to get some money out of their stale stock of old cassette audio of the LRH fiction short stories.
Always trying to move Hubbard products. That’s Hubbard’s rules though, since Hubbard said make money selling his products.
ASI staff have a quota of selling a million dollars worth of Hubbard products yearly apiece as ASI staffers, that was LRH’s quota in the ASI advices to each of them. I read that advice, when I was in ASI we had to do our yearly reckoning of the past year’s accomplishment of that quota, and do our next year’s plans to accomplish the million dollar quota.
Re: “Thursday Funnies”
1. The Delphan School seems to have ther fnger on the pulse of ther community, what with a semnar on how to rase a happy chld. Question though: isn’t “rasing” a form of chld abuse?
2. Tim Jones of the Battle Creek org sounds desperate (“Please respond to me and let me know you received this email. I want everybody to come this year. Ok?”). Desperate as in, “Is there anybody out there?” He also sounds like he’s talking to a son or a daughter, as in “I know this is punishment, but it’s only for your own good (“Why do we continually ask you to come and take the next step on your
BridgeIAS Patron Status?”). Good question, Tim, why DO you continually call?The slaves who do not read Entheta on the internet MUST be wondering why nobody is coming into the orgs. They are working so hard for so little money and getting no progress. Just hype. It must be very frustrating and puzzling. They don’t have the right “why.”
Mike. Did you realize that allowed the recipients email to show on those posts.
Yep — Matt Feshbach is feeding me all sorts of info….
Hubbard, parenting¿ The school needs a school, amd a real teacher who can do the 3 R’s at least, then send everyone there. My god, idiots have an excuse, however DM can not come out of that closet yet. And as for those poor, (literally) kids in the Sea Org. a , minimum wage job pays more than they make now. Wish I could be in Cali for the showing of the documentary, but snowed in and broke in Michigan.
They do teach the 3Rs at Delphian: regging, robbing, and ravaging.
I just called the arclight cinema and spoke with someone at the call center which deals with all arclight theatres. I was told that the Going Clear documentary was promoted by a third party website and will not be playing there. Anyone having relevant information, please post.
Michael — I checked with HBO and they responded thus:
I did just go to Arclight website and I am able to purchase tickets for March 13 show in Hollywood.
This link below should lead you to Coming Soon page.
I will make sure that whomever answers the phones is given correct info.
Thanks Mike. Obviously the person answering the phone was not correctly informed.
Thanks, Mike. I just bought mine for the 5:15 show. Hope to see you there to congratulate you on your fine work in person.
The free Ruds Flying at ASHO seems as a veterinarian hypodermic needle mayble filled with dm’s special kool-aide!
Free ruds flying translates as charging nothing for being rude to you.
Dave, this one’s for you:
People who inflict their wickedness on the good are not truly powerful, since they have no capacity to stop the good people’s attainment of the one thing that matters.
Have never been in the cult but I have been watching the demise of Scientology for over a year. I Redx stuff and comment on videos as much as I can. I tell all my friends around the country about the cult as well. Even the middle of nowhere is working to stop Scientology
Mike, just wondering. What goes through your mind when you read Regraded Being’s (very clever) cartoons? Especially the recent ones about Miscavige?
They are eerily accurate and make me laugh out loud. Very talented cartoonist who captures the essence of much of what is wrong with scientology.
That’s good to hear. I wondered if they were a little too “close to the bone” for comfort!
I just returned from the corner of Vermont and Sunset, where I talked to a couple of Scientology Inc. Body Routers from the PAC Base, in Los Angeles, California. They’re dressed in $ea mOrgue attire (blue/black pants, long sleeved, white shirts) instead of the Parking Attendant attire I’ve seen them wearing in the recent past. They’re both in the 30’s; the guy wears glasses and hands out “free” tickets for personality tests; the girl wears a dark sweater over her shoulders and leans against a light post.
“Did you know that the HBO Film documentary, Going Clear, by Alex Gibney is coming to the Arclight Theater, Friday, March 13? That’s just down the street from here on Sunset Blvd.” says I, quite casually.
He hightails it to another part of the street corner, but not entirely out of earshot, as I speak to the girl.
“I’ve been in Scientology since 1977, but I will not support ‘Scientology Inc.’ Every time Scientology tries to slander Gibney, with full-page ads in the New York Times, all they do is give him more free movie advertising.” I add that I’ve just returned from the library, where I picked up a copy of Lawrence Wright’s national bestseller, Going Clear, so I can read it before seeing the movie.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she replies. I hear an accent in her voice (Italian?), so maybe there’s a language barrier, but I also hear a hint of antagonism.
“That’s okay,” I answer, “you don’t need to know about it. But maybe someday you’ll become enlightened.”
Today’s “drill” brought about a realization: when we do something like this, we help poke a hole in the “bubble” that these $cientologists live in.
congratulations Fred. Keep poking!
Hey, Michael Mallen, I’ve got my own cheerleading section; thank you!
I would have loved to see a video of your encounter.
Well done, Fred! Keep on poking those holes. I love it.
OMG. I just noticed they are also advertising “American Dinner” and “Asian Dinner” and “Graduates Dinner”. Run for the hills!
Markus Wuethrich
Galaxy Press, LLC.
This is interesting to me. I believe Markus was the ED ASI sometime in the years I haven’t been there, 2005 and on. Now promoting cassettes for Galaxy Press? My goodness, what is going on?
Laundry money.
“Brunch served”.
This reminds me of the old Twilight Zone episode when I was a kid where many aliens came to earth and earthlings were really freaked out until the aliens assured everyone that they only came to earth to “Serve Man”. The aliens held a special banquet and invited some people who wanted to be “served”. The people who came to the banquet were extremely excited to attend the banquet until they were marched into a big boiling pot so they could then be “served”. They were the main course on the menu! (Great show.)
I remember that episode! I believe the book was called: “How to Serve Man.”
“The book ‘To Serve Man’ ………… it’s a COOKBOOK!” (maybe the single most chilling statement ever uttered in a TV series)
That’s it!
That would explain Captain David Miscaviage and his throwing others under the bus.
After all, “A person is only as valuable as he can serve others.”
🙂 Bruised and mashed but still servable.
Whale oil — keeping the lights in the Ideal Orgs burning.
I always get a good chuckle when Scientologists proclaim Hubbard an expert on family & relationships and refer to his writings on such matters.
Let’s take a quick look at the Commodore’s own family history. Here are the highlights:
* Hubbard abandoned his first wife Polly and two children ( Nibs and Kay )
* Hubbard committed bigamy ( a felony in California ) when he married Sara Northrup on 10 August 1946. Polly filed for divorce on 14 April 1947 on the grounds of desertion. She was unaware that Hubbard had married Northrup ( and Sara was unaware of Hubbard’s marriage to Polly ) the previous August.
* Hubbard was a Deadbeat Dad. In 1951, he was ordered to pay 42 months of back child support, after failing to support Nibs and Kay for over three years.
* Hubbard’s second marriage was also a failure – he divorced Sara Northrup in 1951.
* Hubbard’s son Quentin killed himself in 1976 at the age of 22.
* Hubbard’s first son Nibs ( L. Ron Hubbard Jr. ) stated in 1983 that “99% of anything my father ever wrote or said about himself is untrue.”
* Hubbard allowed third wife Mary Sue to take the fall for Operation Snow White. He did not speak to his wife after 1980 and never visited her during her incarceration in the federal prison in Lexington, KY.
Well, nobody’s perfect!
🙂 You’re a funny guy, Michael. I just got a flash from the ending of “Some Like It Hot”.
Yes, that was my thought after I posted.
Ode To Ye Old Grand Dwarf
There once was a blimey Dwarf,
He loved to make others barf,
“Pick up those freaking cans–
Or i will hit you with my pans”
And to his midget surprise,
With little shuck or jive,
Out came their fat wallets,
Flag’s Reg’es did haul it,
Lest his rage get misdirected,
And they be Disconnected.
There once was a dude named Miscavige
Whose handlings were brutally savage
He ruled all his masses
With prods up their asses
The better their wallets to ravage
I stand in awe…
you are kind.
One more:
There once was a monkey named Dave
Whose methods were rather depraved
Dictating to minions
Who had no opinions
Content to go on being slaves
Truly I am not worthy, master. I really mean that! I’m absolutely NOT James Worthy, the former NBA player. When I can snatch rhyme from hand, time for me to leave temple.
There once was an old surfer dude
Who sometimes used language too crude
He ridiculed Davey
And all of his navy
Because he had nothing to lose
When the lotus blossoms and the candle burns at both ends, then you will know the bliss of infinite detachment Grasshopper.
I like the new name of Flag FLAGC, isn’t the symbol small for copyright, she neads to be word cleared, and sent to Ethics changing Flags name
I have the Apollo Stars on 8-track if anybody’s interested.
How much will you pay me to take it off your hands?
How do you tell the difference between the music and the tape noise?
Apollo Stars 8-track! You bought because of the extraordinary talent?
I’d hang onto that, War Horse; it’s a real collectors item.
when that album came out, I was frankly embarrassed.
Yup, we should have realized that something wasn’t right then, MM.
That’s a pretty disastrous spelling error on that flyer, given the context. I see at least two people going to the RPF for that crashing embarrassment.
“Speed of expansion is the problem of management. And it IS a problem.
Let me give you some facts: this planet, politically, is an anarchy of
nations. These nations are armed with (of ALL things on a small planet)
atomic weapons. This is catastrophe in the making in any whole track
history book. To compound this, economic and social problems exist
far beyond the norm for such a civilization and these edge a political
scene toward war.” – LRH
I think it would behoove all Scientologists to start getting some CONTEXT in regards to the writings of L Ron Hubbard. Perhaps thats part of the reason this movement morphed into a cult? The practice of pulling quotes by LRH in an attempt to leverage the meaning to serve the purposes of those who are trying to justify some off beat agenda, in my mind, serves only to dilute and alter meaning. From a Scientological perspective, you would think that result deserves to be labeled a Suppressive Act. That quote has no date, no context whatsoever. These guys don’t deserve the trademarks, these are the real squirrels.
Hubbard used his own words to justify sociopathic behaviors, I don’t see any irony in scientologists using his words out of context, altered or diluted in order to further any perverse agenda in Hubbard’s name.
O say you use your own words to justify your own sociopathic behaviors. Disprove it.
Doug Parent, are you trying to say that the quote in question is old or, out of date vis-a-vis the present day situation? If so then El Con Blubber has written policy that you are to be declared an SP and you are also now Fair Game and subject to disconnection.
NOW Doug, do you REALLY wonder why Hubbard zombies do what you are accusing them of?
Doug – What you brought up has been a puzzle for me for some time. If the Co$ demonstrably does not use the original materials and violates policy right and left, it seems to me they have voided the trademark. Revisions to virtually everything from the definitions of F/Ns to cancellation of certs to rewriting the Grade Chart and removing the SHSBC seems to me to so significantly alter Scientology that it should be made clear the Co$ no longer has right to call itself Scientology. I guess the business logic of it all is that a trademark doesn’t have to actually represent anything in terms of product, that it is simply a symbol which can be used for anything, but wouldn’t there be some distinction when it comes to religion, that there must be some adherence to the foundational principles of that religion? I tried a few years ago to find out how I might go about opening a Baptist Church. The Baptists are pretty strict when it comes to their interpretations of Christianity. What I found is that one must apply to the Council of Baptist Church Ministers (I think that’s the designation) to open a church, and must show some number of congregation – it seemed surprisingly easy, just a dozen or so, and you could open a Baptist Church. I don’t know what other requirements they have, but my guess is you have to show that you will adhere to the principles of the sect, and I guess also study to pass some ministrerial qualifications. With the Co$, I have no understanding of how one would open a church which would not be centrally controlled. I wonder how other religions handle “break-away” sects who wish to retain some or all of the principles of the mother church.
THere is no puzzle. The value of a copyright or trademark is that it prevents others from (mis)using your intellectual property. Scientology is NOT suing anyone for IP infringement as they know they will likely lose. They can call themselves anything they want — Scientology or Dave’s Donuts and Dogs. Who is going to assert they own the mark “Scientology”? Your choice if you think the Church of Scientology isnt practicing scientology is to go elsewhere.
You can open your own church of scientology and see if you get sued and if they succeed. I seriously doubt it. I suspect that in the end the very first amendment the church hides behind to avoid being held accountable in court would prevent them from using the same courts to try and enforce their orthodoxy. That is not a matter for courts to intercede in.
THere is no “author” to copyright the bible.
Mike – Thanks. That explains a lot of things not just about trademarks. A lot.
From the little reading I’ve done in the two volume set of Aristotle’s works, plus a book I picked up by Paul Hoyningen-Huene (ten times, fast!) I hold a view that Hubbard’s work traces back very clearly through the history of philosophy and logic. If anything, Hubbard over-simplified when he improved, but the improvements, much of which were sorting out, making sense of, and phrasing exactly, are startling for their completeness. Scientology is very deep work, which rightly belongs in the classification of goods “for public benefit” (as opposed to for private gain). (Hubbard certainly was entitled to his money, but I don’t see how money was ever the primary objective, and as far as he’s concerned today, it’s immaterial.)
(I can’t resist this): In very very brief summary of the first pages of Hoyningen’s “Formal Logic, A Philosophical Approach” he points out that if one cannot see for oneself the validity of the conclusion drawn from *valid* premises, then one will never understand logic. Hubbard (I would say) summarized that in a word: “certainty.” That is knowledge. What is logic, if not an approach to a goal of certainty? That is the “intangible” sought, the discernment, and Honyningen likens the experience to other intangibles which can be experienced, but not described: “… being in love, the effects of alcohol, or of swimming in a strong current.” How is one to describe, for example, an emotion of “fear?” But we can say, “I am afraid,” and communicate very readily because it is an experience most are familiar with. And it does come down to accurate perception. There is no scientific proof in the absence of someone there to perceive it, and be certain they saw it.
Certainty is what you have right before you find out you were wrong. 🙂
P.S. I’ve never seen “The Catholic Church” (TM of MR). Or that for any other church.
THe term is too generic
Does “flippant” mean “flipping insane” in the CoS ?
Seriously, being flippant (lacking seriousness to the point of being disrespectful, especially vs serious or upsetting problems) is not really something I’d fondly want to be described as, and I’ve never read the word in the context of scientology before.
Insouciant, yes, but flippant, it’s the first time I see it.
Once the sheeple get flippant with Miscavige, the whole thing will flip.
Yep! And then you’ll have a fucking flippin’ mess. Warms my heart…
And if the Aquarium there’ll be a whole lot of flippin’ goin’ on in every sense of the word.
Hey, Regraded, thanks for the LOLs. You da bes!
Edit: “…if the Aquarium goes in…”
welcome back my friends to the show that never ends,
were so glad you could attend.
come inside, come inside.
there behind the bar is a row of registrars
and FSMs to help you sell your car
spectacular, spectacular.
If you follow me, there’s a speciality
some tears for you to see, misery, misery.
performing like a stooge, we have a sight to make you drool
COB and CGI, ain’t it cool, ain’t it cool?
not content with that?
With our hands behind our backs, we pull pearls from a hat.
Jesus is an implant, how ’bout that, how ’bout that?
come inside the show’s about to start
come and see how we blow the psychs apart!
rest assured you’ll get you’re money’s worth.
the greatest response force on heaven hell or earth!
COB says so!!!!
It’s a dynamo…….ohhhhhhh!!!!!!!
Well, the original song has the word “Evil” right in its name, so you know it’s appropriate to pastiche CoS with it.
Always happy to see an ELP song mocked up!
Galaxy Press is supposed to have a booth at a local book festival next weekend. I am hopeful I can just get my cassettes there and not have to deal with the new-fangled tech. LOL.
I do plan on checking out their booth…
Looks like Jerry Boswell (Austin flier) must be trying to complete OT VII. Must demonstrate that he is behind the ideal org program or he won’t finish VII or get on VIII. Donations alone are not enough. They want his influence in the game.
Reminds me of a story. About 2006, we received a package from the landlord’s office with some of the plans for Austin ideal org. It included a logo. The bright folks in LA had surveyed what symbols represent Austin. One was the Longhorn (Univ or Texas mascot). So they put these horns on the logo and used a lot of black and gray. We were horrified, including the ED. “Satanic” was our first thought we we saw it. We also knew that to tell the experts in LA that they were way off track would bite our butts. So funny now to look back. They are so rote in their attempt to use what Hubb wrote and so lacking in reality.
Not enough coffee yet, should be Univ OF Texas.
His name reminds me of Jerry Falwell.
So now the mOrgs have to ‘sister up’ to other mOrgs for fund raising. Nothing like have your nose to two grindstones. With the whales being tasked to keep the lights on, what is left for making ‘idle mOrgs’? I can see the loyal minions renting themselves out at the Home Depot, just for some day labor dollars. That well may have run dry.
Did the author of Regraded Being base the strip on some recorded event and then draw it? Too real to be imagination.
regraded being: you make each thursday a great day. thank you-.
on another note: it seems that scientology really succeeds in turning perfectly normal people into absolutely moronic sheeples
“Be flippant and come to flag.” What part of this slogan is protected by intellectual property rights? “Be flippant”? “Come to flag”? “Flag”? Putting the copyright symbol after this “slogan” is not only idiotic, it is tiresome because it is an attempt to bully readers into not using the words in the slogan. If this was a real slogan that the church wanted to protect it would try and register it with the US Patent and Trademark Office. In the meantime, I will be flippant anytime I want to be flippant and will go to any flag I wish to see. I will flag flippant people, I will invite people to come to my flag or any flag I see, and I will be flippant, very flippant about any Chuch that believes it has the right to prevent people from using the word flag.
Plus, the copyright symbol is NOT used like that. So idiotic. You don’t but a big huge “c” with a circle around it at the end of a word, like it’s another letter. Idiotic. You put the copyright symbol and a name and year somewhere else at the bottom of the page. If you’re Trademarking a word or phrase you start by registering your trademark legally through the copyright office. Then you put the TM sign at the end of the word or phrase, very small and high. When you are notified that the Trademark has gone through, you put an R with a circle around it for “Registered” in the same place…way high and small at the end of the word.
The Scios are truly showing how illiterate they are. So much for study tech. I don’t give them a pass for 2 hours sleep and being beaten up. Yes…that plays into it. However, the truth is…they never learned any of this stuff to begin with. Scientology does NOT work.
Possibly a lot of Flag’s SO are ESL.
Someone has an MU on “flippant.” Or, is that supposed to be a joke?
And they quote: “Speed of expansion is the problem of management.” Which Management?
The cartoon answers the question- a madman got rid of all decent, caring past management individuals and now the whole structure is collapsing.
The use of “free” and “Dinner served” in promos indicate how empty the orgs are and is likely new public won’t get nearby anyway. But behind this is something else, the begging aspect some have fallen into, and that is sad.
OMG…the thought of going to one of those things gives me the creeps. To be one of the only ones there with all those regges hanging around ready to pounce like vultures. Yikes. Like a baby zebra being invited to lunch by the lion pride. They ARE lunch.
Speed of expansion is the problem of management. Nope, the problem is management.
Right, MM. Should be, “The problem of expansion is management”.
“…and clear the country of Texas for real.” Hmmmm. This could go two ways: 1) They don’t want Texas to exist anymore, hence, clearing the country of Texas. I don’t know, it’s a pretty big state and everyone is armed to the teeth. 2). All this time from the very beginning of the Model Ideal Idle Morgue program, has just been fun and games! Nothing serious. It was just so the clown dwarf had something to do every day. BUT NOT NOW!!!! Now it’s FOR REAL!!!!! After all these decades, I guess the psychic midget realized that staff was just playing games. They were just a bunch of CICSs. BUT, everything, and I mean everything has changed with the words, FOR REAL!!! Look out world, (especially Texas), because now IT’S FOR REAL!!! Whew! I get goose bumps just thinking about it being real…
Yea, it’s about time those kool aiders decided to get real!!! Glad to hear it OSD.
The only thing close to something really real is of course how REALLY, REALLY FUCKED THE CULT IS.
That of course is about to change again after Friday’s opening of another round of truth serum. I guess it will be something like FUCKED to the 47th X. New dimensions for Dave’s Tourettes Syndrome!
Sure wish you could join us! But, that is a very long drive.
It would be too fun to do an OSA BBQ event — live!
Dave doesn’t want Texas to exist anymore or any other state where he could be deposed. 🙂
Better to dispose him.
OSD, Davey could practice clearing Texas by starting in Wyoming because it’s much less populated. If he can make it there, he could head on over to Texas. In Wyoming, though, even the dogs are armed.
(one news headline went so far as to say that the dog was no longer being held for attempted murder)
On second thought, he ought to just stick to what he knows, drinking and hiding behind closed doors pretending to be someone.
Regraded being is a classic! And somehow it brought to mind Bryan Cranston’s character in Breaking Bad – which I binged watched recently on Netflix (utterly brilliant incidentally). Walter White’s descent from middle-class chemistry teacher into sociopathic drug baron made compelling viewing. His “greatest good” value of “I do it all for the family” was his end justifies the means. I saw a number of Sea Org members in my time – and some public – behave just as DM does in the cartoon above – all neatly justified for the greater good. Slightly random thought – just thought I’d share it.
Martin – welcome to the Breaking Bad fan club. Now you’ve got to catch ‘Better call Saul’ which is the story of the lawyer before his Breaking Bad days, brought to us by the same writers and producers and looks like it’s gonna be another brilliant show. Anyway a very appropriate comment about the “greatest good” and basically the end justifies the means which defines our favorite sociopath, DM who can definitely show Mr. White a few tricks.
Regraded Being you crack me up EVERY week and I love the panel of DM lunging for his prey. Classic indeed!
Full disclosure. My youngest brother was published in L Ron Hubbard’s “Writers of the Future” 23 years ago. He is so much younger than me that he was 4 when I left Scientology and had no clue LRH and Scientology were related.
So how, you ask, did that great and marvelous career boost of LRH publishing help him? He’s a college professor, its the only time he was ever published. He also never went near Scientology.
Now there you have a true L Ron Hubbard Writers of Future Success Story.
Now you are in my realm Valerie. Let’s see, 23 years ago would be 1992 or so. I was the Writers of the Future Contest Administrator back then. Would love to know your brother’s name as I probably dealt with him when he won, was published, and attended the annual awards event. To clarify a couple points, your brother’s winning the contest and subsequently having his story published would have been a career boost had he pursued it. It looks, however, like he took another career avenue. Perhaps he didn’t want to continue on the writing/publishing path that winning the contest and the subsequent publication opened up. Your brother didn’t need to go near Scientology when he entered the contest; back then there was a great deal of separateness (like a chasm) between the contest and the COS.
I think they meant “razing” a happy child.
Could be rousting or roasting depending upon the circumstances.
🙂 🙂 You guys- too funny!
Hey Mike. They meant: Some Rules for ERASING a Happy Child. That was the type here.
Sorry I meant “typo”. Imagine a typo writing the word typo. 🙂
On some blogs/forums, there used to be an offering to the great god Tpyo, mixer and eater of letters, when someone made one 🙂
Quit a few of these posts are funny enough to be a Saturday Night Live skit.
I’m still laughing at cassettes!
How ’bout some 8 tracks for custom car owners. Could be a real niche market.
Hey! What are you saying here, Tara??? That my 8 track cassette player is out of style??? The nerve!
Hey OSD, just read up-thread that you’re going to see Going Clear on the 13th. I hope we’re all going to be treated to a patented Old Surfer Dude review of the film? 🙂
You know, we never got our tickets for New Years Eve. Think Dave will invite us to LRHs birthday party? We could go pass out my HBOGO password to wayward sheeple. *giggles*
Guess I should have kept my Steely Dan 8 track after all.
Wish you could make it NOLAGirl! I’m hoping a CRUSH of exes show up.
And, yes, NOLAGirl, I will be posting a review. Maybe while waiting for the movie to start, we can play the game of: “Who’s the OSA goon?”
Keep on the lookout for a short person in a wig and sunglasses with some heavies standing around watching….
Well, wait a minute, Mike! I like dressing up in wigs with sunglasses on! Thank goodness I’m tall!
I didnt say there was anything WRONG with it…. I commented to be on the lookout for someone. I should add for all readers here to be on the lookout for a tall scotsman in hawaiian shirt, wig and sunglasses who seems to be enjoying himself 🙂
I will be there with you in spirit OSD. 🙂
Hope someone in the SP posse has a camera-phone on hand just in case any Co$ “undercovers” show up. Wouldn’t want to pass up the chance to give the interwebz their head-shot. Hehe!!
P.S. Looking forward to your review. More importantly, have a fun night. Enjoy yourself.
Okay, I’m still laughing at the comic strip. Very funny Regraded Being. I love the smell of Makin-Fun-of- David-Miscavige In the Morning. Regraded, you are doing a great service to mankind by helping to disarm this little small fry of a twerp. If scientology weren’t such a small insignificant “church,” I’d say this strip should go in the Smithsonian.
“Free Ruds Flying Session at Asho!” Really! Gawd! I wish this would have been offered when I was still IN. Oh wait, maybe that’s what OSA and the MAA meant when they kept asking me to go in and get sec checked.
“Today we were given a BRAND NEW objective.”
I guess that’s better than an old one. Perhaps they’ve got a new process for the Survival Rundown? I’ll alert the media.
My personal favorite:
“We need each and everyone of you to drop whatever you are doing and join us Monday Night at the OT Committee Meeting.”
Sure thing, right away. I’ll hop to it. Nice to know what your needs are. Thanks for sharing.
By the way, who is writing? I wanted to respond but don’t know who to address. Okay, let me give it a shot:
From: United Alliance of Flag Friends (UAFF)
To: OT Committed
Dear terminal(s),
Monday doesn’t work for us. Please send more glossy promo so we have ALL the data with which to evaluate your request.
The Public
I get a headache every time I hear the word “need.”
… oh, also the word “duty.”
I think duty in this case means if you don’t hand over all the cash, they take a dump on you.
I know a lot about rasing happy children. Maybe they should book me to do a talk, or anyone else from the cadet org.
“How to Rase Happy Children?” #1. Don’t get them involved in the church of scientology (David Miscavige).
good one, McCarren!
raze or rase
verb (transitive)
to demolish (a town, buildings, etc) completely; level (esp in the phrase raze to the ground)
to delete; erase
(archaic) to graze
“I don’t know how I ended up on this stupid planet.” lmao
Looks like the Boswell’s will have plenty of room for us in Arlington, TX
Jerry Boswell has been around FOR-EV-ER. I remember him from my Austin Org/Dallas Days and that was forever ago. His thetan must be squashed up into a little ball hunkered down in the back of his right foot.
I don’t think flippant means what you think it means…
“Flipping burgers” pays $8.15 an hour. Refresh my memory, what does the Sea Org pay again?
Good morning, Rinder Readers!
Last time I was accused of being flippant was in regards to a threat of being ‘recalled’ to the prisonwinds for an OT VIII behavior modification cycle. I think it was 2004 and Samantha was so warm and fuzzy about it! I think it was going to be a pilot pgm of Daves revisions to the ARC processes that Regraded Being referred to in today’s funnies.
Another massive and epic SO operatives FAIL program trying to mandate to the supposedly now totally compliant OT VIIIs at the top of the bridge. Too bad many were but really good most (IMHO) were not.
Yo Dave,
Todays New GAG II ARC process command:
‘Find someone to hate and slap the crap out of them.’ Continue until morale improves or PC utters a bognition, (esp about you).
Scientology is really stupid – they think that feeding people will entice them to come into their
Venus fly trap Church filled with nothing but death and destruction. No way – the public are too smart and “genned in”.
Hell, I even figured that one out early on. I would never eat their food – so I would never feel obligated to buy anything.
That is some tech you won’t find in ole Tubb’s Green, Red and Blue Vols. B
ut – It worked because it was “standardly applied”. Tubby did say – “never need admiration” or something along those lines…then he instructed Statt to love bombed raw meat. (cringe)
Regraded Being – LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!! You manage to grab the total essence of the Dictator, David MIscavige total personality and his abusive treatment of the Sea Org Slaves in the”Total Failure and Being Nothing” cult called Scientology.
Love your work!
Code of Honor: 13. Don’t desire to be liked or admired.
Hubbard is getting his wish for that one. He created an insane group, a chimerical and poisonous tech, and just enough sugar to it all that the bitter pill would taste sweet.
Crashed his way into history? Yes. Liked and admired? Hmm.
But hey — he did not desire to be liked or admired anyway, right? (Right.)
Regarded Being has really outdone him/herself this week – hilarious stuff, well done.
Delphinian School dishing out Hubbard based advice on parenting – read a bit of his family history and you quickly realize he really is the last person you should take advice from.
“A few cassettes” more like a warehouse full of the long redundant things. Most likely it is that awful abridged version of Battlefield Earth, which makes the original book look like a master work of fiction.
Is the Delphian school a boarding school?
It’s a 4 hour drive minimum from Sheridan to Seattle, Maybe most of the parents are in Seattle?
Absolutely love the calendar. There’s a whole week of one-hour dinners leading up to March 13, which is when they’ll have an hour for LRH’s actual (Caribbean) birthday dinner. Okay, so March 13 is a Friday (production time!). Still …. rather than having a birthday bash the NEXT day, they’re having a “Mom’s night out” instead. The big celebration of LRH’s March 13 birthday is scheduled for March 21 (at no specified time). If I were LRH, I’d be miffed.
That quick Friday the 13th evening dinner will give everyone time to rush over to the ARCLight theater in Hollywood to watch the first showing of Going Clear. 🙂
zana, I’ll be there along with my buddy, Michael Mallen for the first evening showing on the 13th. I think it’s 5:20p or something like that. Look, it would be great if posters in southern Cal can show up for that documentary. Imagine how much fun we’ll have! It brings out the ‘bitter apostate on the fringes of the internet’ in me.
Where are you seeing show times for this??? I have called the Arclight and they told me on the phone yesterday it wasn’t booked. Then I tweeted to them and they said they were screening it and they would keep me posted. Their site doesn’t have it on there at all.
Wish I could be there! Mike, can you arrange a showing in Clearwater! 🙂
Alex and Larry are working on it. I thought the Capitol Tjeater would be a good venue. 🙂
Not The Crystal Ballroom? 😉
I am sure its available, there is nothing else going on in that building, but they don’t want to offer a chance for anyone to get away from the regges for 2 hours….
The locals would love a showing in Clearwater.
Hey Old Surfer Dude… I’ll be there, too. Grinning a lot. That’s how you’ll know me. I know OSA will be there as well…we are coming out of the closet!! 🙂
Mary, the locals would DEMAND a showing in Clearwater! You need to go and tell us how many locals showed up!
if its at the Capitol..don’t forget to invite the mayor!
The Capitol Theater 🙂 Great Venue, Mike.
OSD, they would have to book AMC multi-theater complex in the Clearwater area. They would ALL fill up. Or maybe Ruth Eckerd Hall could arrange a showing. 🙂
Zana, I’ll be in one of my 40 Hawaiian shirts & jeans. I’m tall. Come up to me and say: OSD? And I’ll reply: Zana? Then we’ll speak the secret password to each other. Hopefully ex-cult members will turn out in force! Maybe we can all sit together! That would be a hoot!
Let me know if that’s good for you!
Terrific. ! Secret password: “Bunkaroo.” 🙂 I’m going to try and be at LACMA on Monday evening as well. My brother is a member… he just called yesterday morning to say he had gotten this book entitled “Going Clear” from the library. We’re going to try and swing it for Monday, even though they say they are sold out. Whadda week!! Exciting.