200 and counting…
And absolutely nothing to show for it!
Orgs as humanitarians…
They just HAVE to keep fundraising.
Wonder when they will ever return to trying to sell and deliver auditing and training?
How amazing is this?
They are actually doing construction. Like this is some news. I guess compared to Battle Creek, or Albuquerque it’s pretty special.
An update on drywall installation and not a word about anything Dianetics or Scientology related.
This is what they are shooting for…
“Upstat” but empty is their motto
Well, the big clan gathering is over
And what do they have to show for it?
Apparently nobody except 3 Italians and a few locals showed up?
Doesn’t say much about being a Class VI
He must have gone by serious misunderstood words on his Briefing Course…
He apparently just learned “Earth is a dumping ground, a prison planet…”
Child therapist
As in, he is a child playing at being a therapist.
Camelback droppings
This is just gibberish — but Ron said it so it must make sense and be blinding wisdom. Even if we are not enlightened enough to understand it yet.
Obviously it takes…
John Belushi costumes
They are BOTH joining staff?
Hope they have wealthy parents.
And a full time babysitter.
Someone probably promised them they will make plenty of money and have plenty of time off…
Those lies have been told a million times and some actually believe them. Until the first week on staff.
Uh-oh 2
Just wait til you get your first “pay check”
There’s a LOT of stuff from Columbus
It’s all patriotic and hype-filled.
Obviously they are the next ideal org to open. There hasn’t been a single one so far this year. It’s a race between Ventura and Columbus to see if either can be done before the New Year’s event.
Don’t worry, you have years…
Once the “ideal org” is opened and they can stop promising what it’s “going to be like” they won’t sign up 20 people for staff in a year.
They might crack 50 sign-ups before the ribbon is yanked, seems to be about the level of “idealiness” these days. Within 2 weeks they will be down to 30 who actually show up. In 2 months it will be 15.
# 38
That’s right — they have 38 staff (or at least 38 who have signed a contract). That’s not many for a 50,000+ sq ft building.
They don’t have a clue…
But they don’t ACTUALLY say they do.
They’re just asking the questions.
Maybe the ChanMan can come home and give them a seminar to help answer their questions?
So goes Ohio…
Well, that’s a relief.
This means scientology is going NOWHERE across the nation.
I told you it was a lot of hype
They’re already celebrating their “victory”?
Wait, what?
He has been on staff for 14 years and now he’s “new”?
So proud of California
And all this has WHAT to do with fundraising to make it “ideal”?
How does another ideal org impact movies, fashion, television, surfing, the internet, redwood forests or avocados? (Apparently she doesn’t know where most avocados come from — it’s NOT California…)
Look what ASHO has become
Pitching those Objectives hard.
It’s all they’ve got.
Food, glorious food
And in someone’s house?
The standards of these IAS events is slipping
Out damn wogs
OMG, “wogs” are interested in it. That’s a 10 alarm fire.
I guess Foolproof would claim this is a term of endearment
Anything to get some people in the door…
Even kids.
I thought the ideal, St Hill Size (“nearly double St Hill Size”) was supposed to be above the “make-break” point and pay a living wage?
Assume the position
No mention of pay?
Blow away success
I wonder if she actually did any auditing or just learned about what drugs might do to others?
Former students?
Why are they former?
Wonder where they are driving to?
Kiddie Corner
NOI still at it
They’ve even got their OWN acronyms now.
You gotta love the top lines. Wonder how they square that with Hubbard the Messiah?
October 11th
Look out world. The great annual tent revival meeting is now scheduled
Anything to get them in…
Flag now offering a bouncy house, face painting, a movie and hold the door — a Pinata!
This is truly the Mecca of Technical perfection. Or something.
How desperate are they to fill some of those empty rooms that are not being occupied by people there for services.
Strange how on the 2nd ‘Funny’ where the Ideal California Orgs fundraising endeavors are listed from 1st to last that Inglewood Org is not listed anywhere? Hmmm…they didn’t even raise enough to get the first ‘status’? It shows them on the California state thingy that makes absolutely no sense btw, but they didn’t make the fundraising status list…🤔
Yes, put a bow on it, Kay, and while you’re at it, put a sock in it.
I wish we had an upvote feature I’d upvote this a hundred times! 😆
Staff members at Tampa Org, in need of jobs, willing to do “basically anything”. But it has to be “part time”. Of course we know they can’t work full time because they’re Class V org staff working 60 hours a week, minimum, and making no money. Sad.
Really, I don’t know what’s sadder; the young staff members with no skill sets whose parents support them well into their 30s and even 40s, or the young staff members with no skill sets who actually have to work to feed, clothe and house themselves while working full time at Class V orgs.
I think the former group is much sadder, in the long view.
Those who MUST work and earn money get worn out much faster and leave staff much faster then the ones whose parents support them indefinitely.
In this latter group you’ll find the cult brats who never grow up. These are ones still sponging off of Mom and Dad well into their 30s and even 40s. Or, if not Mom and Dad, they’re sponging in some way or another off of somebody, producing nothing of value on their staff posts, creating empty, purposeless, futureless lives for themselves. I know a few of these “kids” and they’re not happy, not happy at all. Of course, they don’t know that I’m “disaffected”.
Just wanna share the link to OTC-Gothenburg here (Sweden). You can find a lot of fun videos/pics from weird events etc. Videos are mainly in english.
Not that many young people in the OT committee. Not much future there for Scientology growth.
No young people? Not true, BKmole! You’ve heard the expression, “30 is the new 20”? Well in the cult, 60 is the new 40! And in wog society, “everyone knows” 40 is the new 30, and so on. See, that’s how that works 🙂
Seriously, I’d LOVE to know the average age of those who are TRULY in – NOT factoring in at all the UTRs going thru the motions but the truly active, for real still in Scientologists including Sea Org, including Class V staff – their AVERAGE age. I would love to know.
It’s Thursday and time for the funnies, so it seems appropriate to go way Off Topic here and notice that a legitimate cult in Alaska is making more inroads into local governments than scientology ever will. This despite the fact that Hubbard had a brief presence in The Greatland in the 40s (probably still owes money to those he shafted way back then).
I should add, this link gives a whole new meaning to the acronym FSM. And it’s apparently a lot more fun dealing with this FSM instead of the vulture variety in our favorite cult. With the Great FSM you’ll always have your wallet and integrity intact.
May he bless you with his noodley appendage!
The woman coming to “Put A Bow On It” may have started a new civil war in California. She listed Tree People but didn’t mention the Mole People. Stand back and keep your heads down.
I’m still wondering what’s going on with the reference in the HAPI PR piece to people “co-auditing to Clear.”
I thought the once-popular co-auditing way of doing things was now highly discouraged, except when used as a false promise to recruits that there are affordable ways to go up the bridge (along with joining staff), and I particularly wouldn’t think that under Miscavige’s GAT, anyone would be allowed to audit to “clear” that way.
Does the org only have the one staff auditor shown, leaving some members relying on auditing each other? Are they staff who are finally at the point of actually having time to audit each other, with activity in the org dying out?
Apparently, they have just this one auditor.
HAPI espouses what i call the John Wayne School of Doingness.
You know the John Wayne parody that Rich Little used to do, where he drawls, “There are eight thousand Indians out there…and 2 of us… I reckon that’ll be enough”?
Well the population of Scotland is 5,254,800 people…and HAPI has 1 auditor…reckon that’ll be enough.
Delusion, thy name is Scientology!
I guess they just can’t face it, and must hold on steadfastly to what they want to be true, desperately need to be true. I get that, actually. (And finally.) But jeezUS! There are people in mental institutions who are saner than these people! What will it take for them to wake up? What will it actually TAKE?
That tells us a lot if HAPI has only one auditor. Again, does that show that local orgs in Europe are being hollowed out, with upper level orgs and AOs ending up taking over even more of the basic auditing business? And yet somehow they need a huge new building, as if that is going to solve their problems.
It seems to me that the local orgs and their massive new facilities may be being virtually mothballed, like unneeded military bases kept on contingency and minimally maintained in case some unexpected event requires their capacity. Except that Scientology’s stated premise, at least, is that some “boom” is just around their corner.
It may also fit with the phenomenon I’ve referred to as, the orgs are the new missions. They’re becoming mostly low-level introductory centers.
That Kansas City baby looks deeply dubious. Probably already smarter than either of his beaming, clueless (soon to be penniless) parents.
KC Baby’s silent thoughts while being photographed for staff promo with parents.:
“Well, isn’t this just swell. Of all the Moms and Dads out there longing for children I had to pick these 2 whackos. Why do I DO these things to myself? Both of them in this cult, schlepping me around to work every day. How am I supposed to get any rest? I’m a baby, I need m;y rest! Preferably in a comfortable clean crib. Is that too much to ask? And to top it off, the bitch here smokes so I can forget about any decent breast milk. What are they going to feed me, I’d like to know. Some crummy formula, probably. Oh, that’s right…barley water, I heard them say. Freakin’ BARLEY water…WTF?”
Class VI auditor!? Of COURSE not. The SHSBC was cancelled by the Munchkin™, and all had taken the original (out-source) one delivered personally by Ron AT St. hill.[“Stain hill”?] have had all their certificates withdrawn as squirrel tech.
I don’t understand why most Scientologists didn’t leave en masse when this happened. There were still plenty of old timers who were trained by the old man himself. How did they justify staying and being basically knocked back down to the TRs by Dear Leader? And then having to work their way back up and pay for it all over again at much more expense than the first time…cognitive dissonance? I know a bunch of old timers blew but there are still plenty in that have slowly been working their way back up…and they just can’t see it’s a money grab. Dear Leader is due to come out with GAT III any time now and blow everyone’s certs to oblivion again.
Linear13, I don’t see how EVERY scamologist didn’t leave 5 days after completing Grade 1. (Ability to recognize the source of problems and make them vanish.)
DM’s ‘Ideal scientology’ in 2 words:
“Pretty Empty”.
Scientology will continue rearranging its deck chairs until it finally and mercifully slips beneath the waves.
A bit off topic, but what’s happening with the Danny Masterson case? Is there anything we can do to speed it along?
I was curious about that cases status too.
Tony at the Bunker reported a new case listed against the claims today.
I got the kick out of the woman trying to sell her business and trying to create demand for it by saying that “the wogs want it” and adding, that she prefers to sell it to a Scn. Face it, she is desperate to sell her business and couches it like she is doing you a favor to sell it to you and lies saying there is lots of interest in it and come get it while it lasts. Ho Hum. I knew a Scn who sold his business 3 or 4 times and each time it came back to him because the owner couldn’t make a go of it and gave it back to the guy. In the end I think he practically had to give it away to someone and he didn’t make much if any profit on selling it.
Poor Vicky Miller at the Ventura morgue. She is a lifer. She was at the Buenaventura Mission back in the 80s when I started services there.
Wow! She really is a lifer! I wonder when the blinders come off. That’s probably wishful thinking.
No mention of pay?
Why would there be? There never is any pay. In fact, I would wager that in the future, people will pay to join staff. And they will pay through the nose!
That “Camelback house should more properly be called a shack for the utter lifelessness of its design and construction. Surprisingly, it’s erect, unlike Tubby.
“Wogs are intersted.” I am a wog and I am definitely NOT intersted or interested.
They are celebrating a Mexican Independence? All the years of going to Flag for services and I never saw any Mexicans outside of a few on staff in the SO. So they are scraping the barrel for something to celebrate and make an event from if they choose this reason. I guess anything to get people in one space so that regging can commence.
THAT SHIRT. That might be the ugliest shirt I’ve ever seen in my life. Why. How.
Once my temporary blindness subsided, I read the text under the Class VI auditor’s picture. They’re saying people were OT before but lost it? What’s the point then? Roleplaying as Sisyphus doesn’t sound like a good life to me.
Hey guy, the 60’s called and they want their shirt back.
The ‘60s called again, they’d also like their cult back.
HCO ‘Cope’ Officer? Wow! It’s come to this, huh? They have to ‘Cope’ while on duty? I pity the guy that has to cope.
As I recall, the orgs were tasked to “Cope, then organize.” Because of the nature of Tubby’s policy directives, they never could get out of “cope”, so it kept getting more and more frantic. Only in the franchise network could they ignore his blatherings enough to get the job they set out to do DONE, so all could make a living(such as it was) wage.
Yeah, it’s hard getting out of ‘cope’. It goes nowhere.
All those “ideal” orgs in California highlight how weak they are everywhere else. California has always been their stronghold, as a hotbed of all sorts of high control groups and cults, but with a population of 40 million, about a dozen local orgs still isn’t that impressive – one for about every 3 million residents.
Isn’t it strange that HAPI has people “co-auditing to Clear”? Are they that short of qualified auditors, and is that why people from all over Europe are going to Firhouse and Kalami to get services?
As far as “ideal” org staff-ups, the pictures from right after the Orlando opening, didn’t show more than about 18 staff; I think one was supposed to be the whole staff, but even if it was just Day or Foundation, then they would have had about double that at most. I haven’t seen staff photos, which they used to feature, from any of the openings after that. Scientology has apparently been increasingly relying on “postulate” contracts where most of the supposed staff don’t actually show up, for quite a while.
And the Austin renovation and expansion should be nearing completion, unless they stopped work. There were photos over 6 months ago, showing that they’d put the new 3rd story on the old building. It’s curious that we apparently don’t see promo about that org, which may indicated that it’s very small and failing. A check shows that they’ve only put up 2 Facebook posts in the last 6 months, which is indeed a sign of an org barely managing to survive. Plus the rendering of the renovated building that is used as the cover photo, is not what is actually being built; it shows a rather light and airy new top floor, whereas from the construction photos it appears they’ve done something more like graft on part of that brutalist style building in Ventura:
“All those “ideal” orgs in California highlight how weak they are everywhere else. ”
Since they’re Dave’s Cult’s stronghold, they show how weak the cult is even at its “best” — or the best DM will left them get, anyway.
‘Pitching those objectives Hard’. So you’re pitching at an objectives? Is it hard to do that?
Catching them is brutal…
No question about that!
I get Sick when I think of the Homeless individuals that could / Should be sheltered and fed by the TAX FREE DOLLARS being Squandered on this yet another empty monument to the CULT of $ !
Just one of the things I love about this group is that no matter how much DM thinks he can up the ante it doesn’t have any effect on you other than you just call and raise. There’s really nothing that he can do but just prove what all of you say about the cult.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. His followers are dropping in numbers, but those died in the wool cult members won’t abandon LHR’s original fairy tale. Unfortunately for him those died in the wool are getting up there in age or are so brain fried they can’t be much help.
Waiting for the day he really over estimates his power (or gets one too many botox injections and his whole face freezes up). There’s that hiss of the air (and people) escaping from that bubble.
Yes, they’re going from dyed in the wool to just dead. Sad.
Yep, either way it’s just sad. But, it’s been their choice.
That’s the thing, Peggy, it was their choice to become involved with the Cult. I hope they see the light.
Oh I do too Old Surfer Dude. There’s still time to get some joy out of life, even if it’s at simple as having a relaxing cup of coffee with a friend and no restrictions on what you feel like doing next.
I couldn’t have said it better. I really hope they find the way out. It’s a sad situation.
You’re a good soul, Peggy!
“Dyed-in-the-wool” to just “DIED”, in other words.
I just purchased Chris Shelton’s book jere. It’s giving me a whole new perspective on how deeply the cult takes over, controls your thoughts. How it can justify ever horrible thing it does.
I’m so happy you are out!
I guess the only authentic new people coming into the cult are NOI.
And it’s all because of the evil dwarf.
Uh…oh 3 – Advance Organization UK announcing a PTS Course completion?
Where are the OTs made? Where the Class VIIIs?
Oops, I forgot.Scientology is only about money, right miscavige?
It is so obvious what they are now doing in Scientology. It is the religion of “selfie’s”. They take people off the street and put pictures of them in their promo. When they join staff, they are sold on the idea that everyone is there to help and that they are part of a team with a purpose. These people get a “jolt” of self importance for a while. Once they get in, they are pressured and led along to give more and more. Hubbard’s quotations make them slaves. Just look at the false promo. It means nothing to be one of the first 100 of something but they put importance all around the idea. Miscavige is churning through society picking up the stray cats and making them feel important for a while.
There is no OT. There is no real progress. Miscavige is looking for alienated people.
Sharp, insightful and true comment, George.
I would like to be a fly on the wall for that discussion of how amazing the SRD is. LOL
MarcAnon, the “private” discussions would be identical to the “public” ones: non-existent. No one IN the bubble is allowed to exchange thoughts on what goes on in the bubble, lest they compare notes and discover they’ve been lied to from day 1.
How does the NOI square with the fact that scamology says that YOU and I are the almighty Gods and all else is an implant?
You mean to tell me that I can become a…a…GOD? Whoa Nellie! I’ll take it, Wynski. I’ve never been a GOD. I hope I get everything right. This is a big deal for me.
Funny how they can “walk that line” and nobody calls ’em out.
NOI doesn’t “square” things any more than scns do. Theirs is not to question Why or WTF, it’s just to pay up, do the drills, and make happy fairy tales for the “success” Officer.
NOI has little to do with Islam, as that term is commonly used. It’s more of a political and cultural philosophy than a religion, although it presents itself as encompassing and replacing religion’s place in life.
The NOI members worship Allah and hold him as the ONLY God. Hence my question. MarcAnon, based on those facts your answer makes no sense.
NOI actually has nothing to do with Islam. NOIs don’t read, believe or follow the Koran! They don’t recognize the Prophet Mohammed as their Founder. There is no prohibition against pork and shellfish. They don’t, at certain times of the day, pray to Mecca. Just as the crucifix on top of a Scientology org fits in with the prevailing “ethnic” of the US as a Christian nation while at the same time denying in their scripture that Jesus Christ ever existed, the NOIs Muslim names and garb are pure window dressing, an attempt to get American blacks to join up via an appeal which praises their pre-slavery Muslim-African roots.
Aqua, I’m going to have to give refer you to primary docs of NOI.
“1. WE BELIEVE In the One God whose proper Name is Allah.
2. WE BELIEVE in the Holy Qur’an and in the Scriptures of all the Prophets of God.”
OK, ok, wow. So I didn’t do my research before spouting off. Ok. Full disclosure: I based what I said on a number of Scientologist NOIs I have known. They dressed up sometimes in those robes and headpieces now and then but not always.
I never saw them praying to Mecca or heard them mention doing so and I took courses with them. They certainly never followed the Muslim dietary laws – ribs, fried shrimp, no problem. Plenty of pork on those forks. Except for their sometimes Muslim dress there was nothing “Muslim” about them. Last but not least, Islam doesn’t recognize NOI as one of their sects. But I stand corrected on what I said, given the evidence you’ve produced – theoretical evidence as to what they’re supposed to officially believe. But now I’ve got a question: if they DO believe in Allah and all that, why DOESN’T Islam recognize them?
There is no coherent “Church of Islam” with a leader to make such decisions. So, it is impossible for “Islam” to recognize anything. There is no such entity. Only individual sects all over the place. It would be like saying the sect of The Russian Orthodox church doesn’t recognize the Southern Baptist church so members of the Southern Baptist Church aren’t Christians.
So if anyone tells you that “Islam doesn’t recognize” blah, blah, blah realize you are talking to a person that is ignorant of what world wide Islam IS.
I see what you mean. But no one told me that Islam doesn’t recognize NOI. After I read your response and the link you provided I googled various things to get more informed and in reading some article (sorry, this is vague) that listed the various sects of Islam (about 7 or 8 sects or factions ) NOI wasn’t listed among them. But I get what you’re saying; there is no central, organizing body, the way, say, the Vatican is for Catholicism. I get it.
There is a sort of de facto standard reflected in who is allowed to make the Haj to Mecca. The NOI aren’t qualified to go, though occasionally a small number attend by special invitation. But for instance the Sunni rulers of Saudi Arabia allow Shiites – even from Iran – to come, recognizing their right as followers of the Prophet.
There’s more complexity to it, as the Hashemite Kings of Jordan are actually the guardians of the holy places as patrilineal descendants of the Prophet Mohammed, which the Saud family are not actually, but you’re probably not aware of that and it’s not necessary to a basic understanding of the matter. There is also an effective consensus about who is a Muslim reflected in the fact that all the major sects effectively recognize one another as much as they disagree – but none recognize the NOI; again, there’s actually some complexity to that not worth wading into here.
Some of it is explained here; note that Islamic Centers are given the authority to determine who is a Muslim, for the purposes of the Haj:
Aqua, in this pic , the top 1/3, it shows just the major sects of Islam. There are MANY as you can see.
Those crazy WOGs, they don’t know much, but they do know business.
I love being a crazy WOG!