Assault your eyes
I guess they think it will get a better result if they use the brightest colors, the biggest mixture of typestyles and largest number of words and images…
Give his dentist an award
Boy, he looks awfully happy for someone who jut handed over cash to another failed project. Hey Dennis, despite the millions you sunk into Sacramento “ideal” org, how’s it looking?
This is the “glee of insanity.”
This job IS life…
I doubt that is true. Where do you live? Who buys your food?
There are SP’s everywhere
You can’t avoid them these days.
Your “tech” doesn’t seem to be solving the problem though?
The BIGGEST Reg event of the year…
More Regges desperate to get your money at this event that any single place on earth.
The whole Pacifica Bridge…
In the AOLA auditorium? It’s TINY….
The Matrix — how appropriate
Here’s some suggestions for future showing:
Glengarry Glen Ross (Always Be Closing)
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Fistful of Dollars
They’re so desperate to get anyone to come to the Complex they offer “free concessions”…
Mixed messages
We are here to get you up the Bridge.
We need help.
It’s STILL not done?
They had their “Put a Ribbon On It” which was ALL of California “we got this”…
How come they’re still going?
Yep, this will show them…
An empty room with video screens.
That IS what scientology really is.
United We Stand
What happened to “Salvaging the Planet” and “eradicating social ruins” and all the other catchphrases?
The shrinking world of scientology.
A demographic survey
The true state of scientology on display.
The few, the tired, the gray.
Food, not so glorious food…
Even the free dinners are getting less and less enticing. Chili and cornbread.
Soon — rice and beans.
Thought this was the “OT ship”?
Nothing resembling anything “OT” here.
Desperate for anyone to come — they might have money the regges can get their hands on.
More demographic survey data
And this was the “big event” for “all of EUS”
Back by popular demand
Yeah, right…
Just because it’s cool
Get them from the Billboard Babes
First The Matrix. Now hot air.
They are really on point this week…
This doesn’t look like Troy Aikman?
They’re going flat out for Albuquerque…
Wonder when Troy is going to do anything to help the abandoned Dallas “ideal” org?
Still trying to get anyone to pass through their doors…
Wish I was in LA so I could swing by to check this out.
The Creek is running dry…
Check out the A-M-A-Z-I-N-G accomplishments.
It’s a “festival”…
In the WTH storefront on N. Ft. Harrison?
Like the KKK promoting a video about racial equality
It’s very, very exciting
We need to pretend our “stats are up”…
Learn how to waterproof yourself
Ignite yourself
Just have a fire extinguisher handy
The 1,000 VMs in the Bahamas…
Well, not really.
Love the Scots
Just in general. I love Scotland.
But what’s the guy in the baseball cap doing? Braveheart not so much…
They’ve got 4 entertainers
So you know they have a LOT of regges there. They don’t do nothing for nothing.
And BTW — how hard up are they that they have to bring back James Barbour? And seriously, ChilliBean?
Contrary Facts
I thought you got MORE capable and your “money flows” opened up as you travel up the Bridge.
You got to OT V and now need loans?
This is a “church”
Promoting fantasy fiction.
Only in scientology
Halloween as a money-making opportunity
A year of utter futility
That’s certainly worth celebrating.
Just one question — do you have more staff today than the day your ribbon was yanked?
Facebook Doubt Formula
What’s next?
Online auditing?
They got a completion…
No matter how small, they finally got one. Don’t nag a rise.
This “ideal org” is really rocking.
This whole thing has “SCAM” written all over it.
I always wonder at what point did DM stop believing in Scientology and turn to become the a hole scam artist ? Also did Hubbard create this as a scam or wha t?
Of COURSE Hubtard created it as a scam Robert. Why else would he make up the OT levels from whole cloth. Make up BS abilities for clears & other levels so people would by his crap. Is that a serious question or are you just joking around?
“I’ve decided to joint ht e group called OTs who are cause over matter, energy, space and time, considerations and universes. My group decides exactly what will happen and it does just because we’ve decided it is so.”
Let’s take a look at what this person just said, those of us who have been out of the cult for a number of years, and those who have never been in the cult.
What this person just wrote…this is mental illness, is it not?
Seriously. I’m not being funny.
If a non-Scientologist wrote this it would be considered mental impairment or derangement – Alzheimer’s, mild schizophrenia, maybe? Maybe the person should be institutionalized…? That’s what society in general would think if they observed someone spewing talk like this.
This is not normal. This is mental illness. People in mental facilities talk and write like this.
Is there such a thing as a brain pump?
Bernard Bonner Bozo has totally OD’d on Cult Koolaid; quick, somebody take him to the emergency room; never mind his stomach though; pump all the toxicity out of his brain!
Sorry for all the semi-colons, but I’m an SP so whattya expect?
“Show Manchester what scientology REALLY is?
no, No, NO, NO-O-O-O-O!
NEVER tell the TRUTH!
OMG, how MANY obviously forced smiles can they publish!?
As much as a eschew all religion now, I must say that I’ve never heard someone in a mainstream monotheistic religion announce, “I want to increase my devotion to God, so can you help me finance my journey?” Scientology is amazing at pulling off such an obvious scam. I am impressed.
Francis gave us:
“Scientology is amazing at pulling off such an obvious scam. I am impressed.”
And that they’ve gotten the government (IRS) buy-in that they’re a “religion” just makes it all the more unlikely. Unlimited funds wielded by a narcissistic autocrat can seem to do nearly anything, can’t it?
But just like the apparent “flowering” of the USSR in the 60s and 70s, it’s just an illusion. Reality WILL catch up. Maybe not as quickly as “instant Karma” would be, but I expect it will catch up with them within my lifetime.
Can hardly imagine what the overtime would cost for all the event crews for the IAS event in the UK, all the weeks of preps, then travel and set-up, take-down and all the post production of all the videos in all the foreign languages, packaging and promo that HAD to be done “yesterday”….Man, setting up the “religious” sea org was a real coup. You get 80-100 hour work weeks out of your staff and don’t have to pay anyone anything! Whoo-hoo!!
“You get 80-100 hour work weeks out of your staff and don’t have to pay anyone anything!”
“All men will be my slaves” — LRH
Oh FFS, don’t the poor Quakes fans have enough to deal with already without being pestered by scientologists at home matches now?
Yo Gaby,
You raised 20 Mil for the cult and they can’t even throw you and the Missus a couple of OTVI freebies?
Instead you’re begging for a loan from your fellow Scientologists?
What makes you think these fools-and-their-money-are-soon-parted idiots have any money?
Especially since you talked them into donating to the IAS instead of buying their own bridge!
How about getting a loan from a bank, Gaby Baby?
What did you do with all the IAS commissions you earned, and why am I even asking that?
Good luck begging your Bridge from the schmucks you ripped off, creep.
Much love,
No doubt in my mind that Miscavige or someone briefing him follows this blog closely. Know why? All our J & Ding about staff and Sea Org with “fierce, dedicated glares” (deadpan stares, scowls) and crossed arms. Well! now they smile, warmly. Still with the crossed arms, but now the dumbots are told to smile, all warm and fuzzy and friendly-like.
Yo Miscavige!
You doin’ a Danger Formula on Staff Recruitment, bro?
“Bypass Normal Habits and Routines”…etc.?
Is all this grinning and smiling helping?
Are more Public signing up for staff and Sea Org now that your Div 6 Slaves in the promo aren’t looking so introverted and serious?
You know, like they haven’t had a bowel movement in the past 2 months?
And instead of glowering at us like the angry, abused field hands they are, they grin like Happy House Niggers enjoying all the comforts of the Plantation, are you getting more sign-ups?
What’s the story with staff and Sea Org recruitment now, Dwarf?
Much love,
Rolling over laughing…
loved your post Aqua.
You just keep getting better and better all the time.
Much love (no, really!)
I do actually wonder if someone in Scientology reads this, or if it’s considered too toxic even for Miscavige and his closest cronies.
Aqua, the change-over to big smiles might have worked but for the seriously-damaged teeth shown, an obvious side-effect of being staff: No one can afford decent dental care EVEN if it were considered necessary or desirable.
I remember some years ago when at Flag almost all the pages and board IC’s and young SO members had braces on their teeth. It was noticeable. I asked about this and found they had recruited an orthodontist and made his full time post handing the teeth of the SO. So they all got braces. But he must have blown cuz now no more braces and the teeth are as Aqua said.
“The BIGGEST Reg event of the year…”
Well, personally I think they should show the We Stand Tall video even though a lot of the people singing blew. It’s still quite catchy little tune and probably no one would notice anyway. They will be too busy thinking about how they can get past the regges.
The SnL Neurotology skit and too many unwanted faces means the “We Stand” video will never see promotion from by the dwarfenfuhrer.
The kilted guy in the cap…looks weird…his body seems out of proportion…a big bear of a man with shapely, dwarfish legs…most odd…zooming in, there’s a jagged crop line along his right ass cheek and upper thigh…poor guy.
…yeah, they’ve given him a slimmer leg and a smaller ass.
…and don’t get me started on what’s going on behind John Gourlay. Arms and legs akimbo.
I really likke the writeup that stated the person wants to join the group of OTs that are getting things done. So is this the next Board Member for the Aftermath Foundation???
Lots of great stuff here! Here are some more Movie Night at the Org possibilities:
Dirty Money
All About the Money
Money Monster
Mad Money (with SP Katie Holmes)
Money Pit
Money Talks
and, of course,
Money for Nothing!
I think the movie “The Master” just about summed up LRH and scientology. Spoiler alert, the dear leader’s son woke up to the con, just like real life.
The Stevens Creek flyer is particularly revealing:
LRH went on record and made it perfectly clear that the “religion ANGLE” (his word, not mine!) was nothing but a ruse for the “lawyers and accountants.” (again, “source” speaking!) And that religion, other than being an implant, was for the sole purpose of making him millions of $$$ only. Yet, self-importantly the Stevens Creekers drone on about “parishioners” and “Reverend” this or that.
But they catch themselves in their own lie when they find it necessary to announce that their “reverend” gave a “FREE introductory lecture!” Which clearly indicates how unusual THAT is and how they can pat themselves on the back for THAT!
What respectable religion would announce that “last Sunday we gave a 20% discount on Communion.” Or, “this Saturday only, free Bible class.” Other than the “religion” of Ron. Or actually, Rob, as in “we WILL rob you blind!”
Yes Manchester, tell us all about $cientology. And don’t leave out the disconnection, reging, the hard sell tactics and of course, the ever popular dirty tricks for SPs.
Glengarry Glen Ross (Always Be Closin). I cried at the end.
Rocky Horror Picture Show. I loved it!
Fistful of Dollars. Another great one!
I hope no one reading this page this morning is prone to migraines or epilepsy. That Drug Free Revolution campaign poster would trigger both. Plus with the font color choice for the dates and times, they are impossible to read.
And secondly, the Manchester poster is a breathtaking study in truth in advertising.
then it has a photo of a totally empty room with video screens and at the bottom it says
Scientology. A shiny empty building that only wants your money. Yep. We got it.
I just watched Steven Mango’s video again and unless I missed it, he never seemed to reach the conclusion that the reason all these reges kept calling him was because they got ten percent of all the money they could “strong arm” from him.
He understood they were trying to get him to “donate” thousands of dollars he didn’t have and that would ultimately force him into bankruptcy. But he kept saying he felt sorry for them because they were so distraught they needed to “get their stats up”. But unless I’m mistaken, isn’t the real reason they are all so driven is because they make more money strong arming these poor dupes than many successful sales people make?
If they’re staff members, they don’t get commissions. FSMs get commissions.
Thank you for that info, Imaberrated.
Mike, if you don’t want to publish this post, I will certainly understand. Perhaps you have already written a blog entry about Steven Mango? Or perhaps you would like to at some point in the future?
In any case, this post is off topic. But I just witnessed the most powerful and (in parts) gruesome story about the scam that I’ve ever seen.
There is a former member named Steven Mango. Many of you may already know his story. But for those of you who don’t know about Steven, this poor kid’s story will just break your heart like hardly nothing else. Thank God the story ends on a happy note. For a long time, while watching this video, I was worried something awful was going to happen to him. But happily, the story ends on a happy note. I just didn’t have the heart to let anyone watch this video while fearing the outcome.
If you want to try watching just one minute to see what I mean, go to 1:01:00 on the video and watch for just one minute.
Then, to get some of the back story, go to 57:00 and watch for 3 minutes (until 1:00:00). Then if you still want more, go to 1:00:00 and watch for another 3 minutes or however long you can stand.
Better bring a box of tissue paper with you because I’m sure you will be crying after just a few minutes. It is absolutely maddening what these dirty filthy scumbags did to this poor kid. It would have been better had they just reached into his chest and ripped out his heart.
Here is the link:
Alternatively, you can Google “steven mango Inside the Scientology Celebrity Centre: An Ex-Parishioner Reveals All”
For anyone truly interested in the nature of this scam, this is a fabulous video. After watching so many videos that are produced by people who just seem to have no clue how to reach the viewer, this one may have been produced by people without much production experience. But Steven tells his story in such a way that he is either a “natural” or a brilliant actor. Either way, I think you will be glad to see this video if you’ve never seen it before.
For a powerful bonus, go to 1:06 and watch another minute to see just how illegal and immoral this whole scam can be.
For some extra crazy powerful info, go to 1:22:00 and try to watch for a minute or so.
For another powerful moment, go to 1:42:30 and try to watch for just 30 seconds.
For one of the most powerful moments of all, go to 1:49:00 and try watching for one more minute.
Want a good laugh? Go to 2:14:30 and watch for as long as you like. Steve’s fiance explains about them calling Steven 40 times every day.
Around the 2:20:00 time, there is an excellent explanation of “Fair Game” and “Disconnection” that you may appreciate if you have never seen it before.
I know you’re new to scientology watching, but Steven Mango has been around for years. Tony Ortega first reported on him in 2014 when he released his first video. He got sucked into scientology as an aspiring actor. There are people who are new to scientology who would be interested in watching this, so your discovery is good for them, but Steve has been a vocal critic for 5 or more years now. If you want to do a deep dive into Steve,
he has a youtube channel, Mangotology
He’s also got a presence on Facebook and Twitter and Tony Ortega has several reports on his doings including this one.
Thank you ValR. I didn’t realize how long Steve has been around.
The thing that I really liked about Steve was that the video I referred to was the most powerful I had ever seen on the abuses of this scam. The amount of abuse and suffering he experienced was just incredible.
FYI: He was in “My Scientology Movie”.
That hideous grin on Dennis McKenna’s face instantly reminded me of one of my favorite horror flicks, “Mr Sardonicus.” (William Castle, 1961) Well, Halloween is approaching after all.
Mike hit the nail on the head when he said that the huge grin on Dennis McKenna’s face was the “glee of insanity.” So true. It reminds me of Jack Nicholson in “The Shining.”
Its not a real smile. Doesn’t reach his eyes. More like a forced, wide grin. Obeying the photographer’s instructions to look totally enthusiastic and “uptone”. Poor stupid devil.
Hey Chris,
I just watched Mr. Sardonicus and I think I know why it might be a favorite movie of yours.
I kept thinking, “What a perfect punishment for the Corn COB!”
Thank you for the recommendation.
They are getting very bold with the idea that OT means essentially total subjective masturbation. These posts are amazing. Wow! a group that essentially controls matter, energy, space, time and the dynamics?
OT’s asking for money from other Scientologists? The cult is evolving into serious subjective reality.
The main idea seems to be to create reality with agreement from others. The problem is that the mental energy only exists in a small group and excludes the environment. But it is very obvious here where one of Miscavige’s characteristics has pervaded the group. Get rid of a small body by thinking big.
Why can’t the church loan him money or extend credit? He’s a good payer and he’s given them tons of money already. (Yeah, I know the answer already.)
I was actually offered a $3,000 no interest loan at FCDC by Liz Clapp for some special rundown I supposedly needed. I declined the offer and was then later told I didn’t need that rundown after all.
I borrowed $10,000 from my FSM in 1988 for OT VIII. Paid him back in two months.
George, I’m a stickler for paying bills on time, but, have to say, this is one “terminal” you could have stiffed.
OK, OK, just kidding 🙂
He was the one who feared “spontaneous combustion” from the original OT VIII materials. We watched football games together. He passed after OT VIII.
There’s a saying I invoke every now and then. “Reality is that thing, that even if you don’t believe in it, it doesn’t go away.”
Yes, that is a great saying to describe what is going on.
They’re claiming 6,000 coming to Saint Hill? That would probably be every last active member in all of Europe. Maybe they’re figuring 2,000 for each of three days, since they have to come through the gates every day from wherever they’re staying. And even then that seems a bit high – I wonder if anyone has ever figured out how many people the tent used for events can actually hold.
Where is that meeting of grey hairs? Southern California, Scientology’s real remaining stronghold, almost certainly.
@Peacemaker, they are not claiming 6,000 coming to Saint Hill, they are telling an acceptable truth that SOME 6,000 will be there. That way when some less than 6,000 show up, they can say they didn’t say 6,000.
I think at one point I finally figured out their algorithm. They are always touting 47X expansion. This means they expand their reality by 47X each time they report something. So in order to report the number of people coming to Saint Hill, they took the actual confirmed number and multiplied it by 47X and came up with a number approaching 6,000 then rounded up to the nearest 6,000. So they probably have 125 confirmed including the bookings from overseas, multiply that by 47 you get 5875 so that means they will have SOME 6,000 people there.
On the floor, ValR!
Clever, funny VERY likely quite close to the truth.
PeaceMaker, that’s what I was thinking. I mean, 6,000 members? It’s…it’s just too far fetched. But, hey, that’s Scientology for you.
The CoS Los Gatos is in San Jose? That would be like having the CoS Beverly Hills in East LA. Except that Los Gatos can be more expensive than Beverly Hills…
Scientology has always been geographically challenged. Just look at what they call continents. East US is a Continent as well as West US. Just sayin…
This is different ValR. There USED to be a CoS in Los Gatos. It was dismantled. EUS and WUS are internal designations for staff. The “Los Gatos” org would sound stupid to any new people because it isn’t there.
I wish I could be a fly on the wall in these facebook groups. Sounds like good comedy.
Just beware of ‘fly swatters’.
And the Freewinds Holidays include an ‘eternal education..’ Really?
Yes, Sylvia … One re-learns an eternal truth on this “holiday” … A fool and his money are soon parted …
SILVIA, I think they want you to stay there for the rest of your life. We can come and visit you!
SILVIA, it may not be that they want you to stay there for the rest of your life but rather …
“You have been CHOSEN to stay there for the rest of your life.”
Big difference! Or is it?