Out of the mouths of babes…
“I don’t like to be fundraised.” New terminology: Being fundraised. This accompanied an email for people to come in to a fundraising event!
They moved LRH’s Birthday
Now it’s 31 March.
Anything for a game…
And we will be presenting the gift that LRH didn’t want. Regging for donations. Happy Birthday Sir!
It’s Rush. It’s exclusive.
It’s “closed door.” But everyone is invited?
It’s a call to arms. Translation: give us money or sign up for staff. If not, hand over a child to join staff.
We Are Denver?
Sad Old People
Hear About “Standard Tech”
From the leader of the Nation of Islam…
What Do You Get?
Bankruptcy. Heartache. Stress.
Sanity by moving up in status? don’t think so…
Weird yet strangely appropriate…
Does anything symbolize the tiny orgs in huge, flashy premises, trying to look like something they are not any better than this woman dressed up like an NFL Linebacker?
As they would say in Texas, all hat and no cattle. About sums up the ideal orgs.
THIS is an Ideal Org…
13 people for graduation, INCLUDING staff. Obviously empty room. And they took a photo of it and are showing it off to the world.
The only thing more pathetic is two lonely people holding certs. Quite a return on a $10 million+ “ideal org” that is “clearing Cambridge (or whatever).”
Here’s another “ideal” org
The ONLY thing they have to promote is an OT VII redoing the Purif. Wow.
Death, taxes and backlogged CF
The only three certainties in the world.
The magic of the only workable administrative technology in the history of the universe. Not a single org EVER has kept their filing up to date. Ever. Anywhere.
This should be good…
These people are masters at finding “right why’s”…
“Blind leading the blind” ring a bell?
Regges leading a “seminar” ring a bell? Don’t attend without your wallet….
Flag(?) Alliance…
The “CO WISE EUS” is part of the “Flag Alliance”?
That’s the best they could come up with?
Is the Sandcastle resturaunt somewhere that Aunt’s hang out?
Also love the fact you have yo PAY $50 for the privilege of being raped by regges. What a fun night.
Join us for Easter(?) — It’s NOT free
Easter? Really? I guess these guys haven’t gotten the word about Jesus being an implant.
He ain’t no eight
Somehow, he still promotes himself as a Class VIII? How is that possible when he is not GAT II trained and there is NO Briefing Course or Class VIII Course even if he wanted to retrain from the bottom up… Drew Johnston must really be pissed….
I still believe in Santa
This isn’t really funny. It’s sad. Even today she still cherishes her “comm line” with the SO#1 ladies who answered her letters when she was a kid. Is she REALLY still so naive? Does she think Santa Claus delivers presents to every child too? I can’t keep up the mail I get and I have NEVER promoted for people to write to me. She is still buying even the most obvious bs. Come on Denice.
A tribute to our sleaziness
Hear him speak. Then hand over your money.
This is no “tribute to LRH'” — this is simply the latest excuse to sucker people into showing up.
PS: I have heard James Byrne speak. It’s not impressive.
Match game
Sounds like a corny TV game show.
But it’s worse than that. The “successful actions” from Valley (really? they are STILL not done after 10 years) are being exported….
“Call in your flows today”…
Translation: Give us your money
Stressed Out?
This is inside a casino in Laughlin Nevada off to the side of the bar near the tables and slots.
Another wonderful Scientology typo: I believe Mr. Sita should be Ms. Rita (title under speaker headshot). Seriously, doesn’t anyone proof-read in Scientology for not only their minor but their mega publications?! I’m embarrassed for them.
Hey John and the horse you rode in on,
I was already pointing out an example of hypocrisy in the COS when you decided to start grinding your ax. Haven’t you worn that thing down to the handle yet?
But I do understand what you keep repeating: All Scientologists = believers = believe everything Ron ever said is literally true = believe Ron never made a mistake = believe Ron never changed his mind = are deluded idiots. Understood what you said the 15th time, John.
Espiritu, so you agree that your assertion about SO officers having a button ‘Self-importance’ and thus were not-quite bright.” applies to El Con too. Great!!!
BTW, I’ll keep “grinding the axe” as long as scio’s keep thinking that El Con wasn’t a major criminal and posting thus. 😉
Espiritu, a good full ack does wonders. Way to go!
Mike: your facebook page link doesn’t open. “content currently unavailable”. Is this a temporary or permanent condition?
This “Mister” BS has always seemed weird to me when applied to SO “officers” whether they be a man or a woman.
In HCOPL 14 Feb 1966 LRH specifically requested that the term “Mister” NOT be applied to himself because the term derived from the word “master”. He also said, ” I prefer to be known solely by my name “Ron” or Hubbard…..
I guess that these self-important “officers” feel that the policy does not apply to them.
Also, Hubbard also said that, ” ‘Self-importance’ is a button of the not-quite bright.”
So maybe it isn’t so weird after all that they apply the term to themselves.
Espiritu said, “I guess that these self-important “officers” feel that the policy does not apply to them.”
Um, no. They are complying with El Con’s own Flag Orders. Where Hisself ordered people to call ALL officers (including Hisself Mr. or, Sir if junior to the officer being addressed.) You have fallen into the scientologist’s trap of believing that El Con wasn’t a pathological liar. He was.
Mike, AFAIK, the leader of the NOI cult is Louis Farrakhan. More in “Farrakhan, The Movie” by Leila Wills.
What is interesting, though, is that the Inglewood flier is promoting scientology whereas I thought that the NOI were claiming to do dianetics only (only a “technology,” see, no religious stuff there!). Maybe the NOI sheeple are not supposed to see this flier…
Tony Mohammed is the leader of the NOI for the West Coast. Not supreme leader like Louis FK. Just meant he is a leading NOI figure. They are hooked beyond Dianetics.
Ich bin ein Denverite?
Scientologists just need to do the “Quit Fast” Rundown. That solves everything. Puts one at total cause instantly. And saves money!
Mike, doesn’t David Miscavige see that him and his cult and his adverts are the laughing stock of the world and cannon foder for the media? Doesn’t he have any sense of REALITY? Oh, I guess I’m asking a stupid question….sorry…
Hmmm Alex. No. Sense of humor isn’t one of his strong suits. Speaking on which, you should check this out on FB, I think you will find it amusing: https://www.facebook.com/mike.rinder.5/posts/903687359661899?notif_t=like
The only permissible laughter in COB’s presence is when he mentions dead psychs.
It never ceases to amaze me that, no matter how glossy the flyer or catchy the typeface (whatever) there are never many public in their photos, if at all. The naval uniformed SO, (repulsive stuff to raw meat anyway) and ridiculously dressed staff or the biggest cheesiest smiles I’ve ever seen, seem to dominate their people attracting visual skills.
At least the Gas Company uses pictures of mom, dad and the kids to sell their product. $cientology uses a dead guy or someone who knew him, an unfamiliar quasi-military theme of waving, smiling uniformed people (truly chilling) or a handful of looney tune fanatics dressed in movie themes or as sports illustrated to pitch a non-existent product which is now gaining world wide condemnation in the media . All they do is demand more and more money from their own. There is no expansion!
Never have I see so many stagged photos involving just a coupe of people trying to pitch a ‘world wide’ product. How many times can a different response be expected from doing the same thing?
Its ridiculousness is mind blowing but I guess that is what they intend to do – “blow your mind” – now that’s a weird concept! Think about it? Gives the idea of being spiritually fucked a twist. Is this what miscavige wacks off to?
Sita Benetatos has been a Denver Org public for the past 25 years or so. Before that she was SO staff on the Freewinds. She and her husband left the SO when she got pregnant with their first child. When the Ideal Org fund raising started up she became a huge supporter of the effort and she worked hard to reg money from the Denver scientologists population. From this flier it looks as though she has joined the SO again. I wonder what her husband and children think about that?
Maybe, they got sick of living on whatever bread crumbs were left over after the building reg and IAS had finished eating the loaf. Which means their declared… Following that she cog’ that the husband had gotten her to leave the SO because he was an SP the whole time and CICS’ing her greatness! It’s certainly possible.
Like a boomerang “we come back” is the motto.
We Come Back refers to the reges.
No he joined too.
And people say Scientology Separates Families….
I had dinner with Sita and her husband twenty four years ago this month in Denver and have not seen them since. They didn’t leave the SO when she got pregnant. What happened was that her husband Mike was offloaded from the Freewinds and she decided to go with him rather than stay (I think she was the HAS). Then a little while after, she got pregnant and both of their children are now adults. Surprised me to see her photo. Yeah, a true believer, kool-aid guzzler. Still looks beautiful.
Funny – On the “Flag Alliance Dinner” poster they have the name “Mr. Sita Benetatos”.. emphasis on the “Mr.” under the picture of what is clearly not a “Mr.” I love finding typos in CoS emails/posters. Makes me smile.
Not a typo WOG3232. Sea Org protocol to refer to women seniors as “Mr.”, though it is not usually done in promo as it looks fucking ridiculous and is actually “out Reality” and not supposed to be done. Anyone wonder why these peoples’ 2Ds are so fucked up?
There must be a big push to get people to the event. I had three calls over the last two days and I haven’t had any calls in the last six months. For the Ruth hall event I was told to go to the Ft Harrison and get checked in and get my event card first before going to the event. The other calls were from local orgs.
If an event is held in Co$, and there’s nobody there to hear it, is it an event?
All of these posts are so sad. People believing in something and giving up their lives, fortunes, and family for some blue sky. I have never been happier and saner since leaving the cult of Scientology.
Regarding the celebration of L Ron Hubbard’s birthday, I and many others will be celebrating it by viewing the HBO documentary released to select theaters in major cities in the US. Happy Birthday El Ron!
The correct spelling is fundrazed.
Brazin’ fundrazen.
Like the one above I like “And we will be presenting the gift that LRH didn’t want. Regging for donations. Happy Birthday Sir!”
LRH, whether right or wrong, would NOT have approved at all. LRH birthday fundraisers. Unreal.
Fundrazed, in a daze, happy just to be a slave. I’m amazed!
They raze the children and fundraze the adults.
“Sanity” has been pitched by the Ideal Org fundraising drones as “Islands of Sanity” as in that is what the Ideal Orgs supposedly are. Nancy Cartwright (Bart Simpson) & Co. says it repeatedly in the Valley Ideal Org promotional video. Now it’s just thrown out there as “Sanity” and then, “Move up in Status”, to make an association in the mind that “being sane” is equal to handing over money to move up in status.
Perverted, pretty much like everything else comes to be in the Co$.
In nomine Patris, et filii, et spiritus sancti
🙂 Good one.
(I was raised Catholic when Latin was spoken at Mass or in my Confessions.)
🙂 sorry McCarran. Holy water, genuflecting the whole nine yards.
I guess the translation of the Latin could be “in the name of the father, the son and the holy thetan.”
LRH the father, DM the son and TC the holier than thou thetan meritorious.
Appogies to erstwhile Catholics.
Apology accepted, except that there is nothing “holy” about the LRH, COB, TC trinity!
McCarran; there is a church in my neighborhood that still to this day holds Mass in Latin. Exclusively. Just in case you’re missing it, my dear.
On Friday, March 13th, the public catalyst that is sparked at the ArcLight in the Dome in Hollywood, is going to make your bunker in Hemet look like an ant hill.
What would your buddy, Ron the birthday boy, think about this weekend’s coming fiasco?
Are you going to bring Heber back into public view?
Have you worked out legal stratigies with Tom and John?
Have you thought up an excuse for not addressing the sheeple in person on Satruday?
Or, are you going to ‘go with the flow’, continue to be effect of the facts, and drift further off into your own hallucinatory reality?
This is the most pathetic thing I’ve seen in all my life. You can almost hear David Miscavige’s demented shrieks as he flogs his heard deeper and deeper into the $cien mind slaughter factory. I hope a lot of them find a way to break from the line and run for their very lives!
arg! I meant herd.
Super funny RB. Love it!
It breaks my heart to see old people in Co$. (Partly because I’m heading into that lovely category.) They don’t know that they will be of no interest as soon as they 1) Run out of money or 2) Get a terminal illness and begin to head toward death. At the times when they need friends the most, Co$ will NOT be there for them. I also fear that, like lots of other scams, Co$ has no hesitation about taking every last cent from old people on a fixed income.
That’s because you have a soul, know what mercy is and have compassion for others Betsy. This is lost on the cult of $.
You are right about taking every last cent from people living on a fixed income too. One day I sat outside and listened and watched an IAS reg talking to an obviously lower income public. The IAS reg was trying to get the woman to gift her pension plan to the IAS and was telling her “I know you’ll do it because you’re such a good person”. They do not care about the welfare of people and if that woman ended up living on the dole or worse, that IAS reg would be the first to say that “She’s responsible for her own condition”. The IAS as a group would not give that lady one iota of help if she ended up out on the street after giving her pension plan to them.
The Co$, which includes the IAS does not believe in or practice Charity. Never has, never will.
Being an old bastard I feel compelled to share some Scn. history, some bad and some good. Bad first; I sacrificed two houses and most of a small inheritance and some of my wages to get up to OT 7. I got foreclosed on one, filed for bankruptcy and am now a free being so to speak. I would occasionally have bad dreams like getting lost while trying to route out, (think gauntlet) or finding a men’s room with a working toilet or one with paper like ass wipe or towels. Running all over the complex looking for terminals that could sign me out before my plane was to leave.the building always seemed to be under construction with many unmarked detours leading to nowhere. Somehow I was also reminded of world war two movies whereas the NAZI border guards were checking passports with suspicion and raised eyebrows.Then there was the emotional melt down after the freedom (bus)rundown. Now the good news is that I actually got quite a bit of good auditing and some training I still use. It saved my life and am now happy.
To quote Ms. Linson, “pathetic.”
It was very nice of them to move Ron’s birthday. Now people are freed up go see that upcoming documentary about his legacy.
WheresShelly, I’m figuring that the cult is figuring that many supposedly obedient sheeple will see it, and if their event is held before the 29th the film will trump the event. Better to herd them in and go to work on them afterwards. This way they can position the film as this decade’s version of 9/11. They can use the Gibney film as the perfect excuse to reg for the sheeples’ money, time, efforts, to recruit for staff. I mean, this is all they do anyway, but after the Gibney film they’ll be over the sheeple with no apologies like white on rice. My 2.
Not hard to figure why the cult pushed back LRH’s Birthday event to the 31st. They’re going to make appointments with the hapless sheeple to determine which of them sneaked watching the Gibney film on the 29th. I predict a huge push for attendance at “Closed Door Briefings” for this purpose. Handlings and Rollbacks and Sec Checks, Oh My.
Expect some spot checks at the closed door briefings. They won’t need to bring a meter, just check their shorts.
Yo Dave,
Just have Bill Batchelor by the mens room doing a spot check for Daveshit.
The Pope poops for PTS parishioners.
I suspect they moved the ‘birthday’ to the 31st to have more time to meet their quota. Nothing spells out ‘good birthday party’, like a quota.
I think the main Birthday Event with the Pope Himself is still at Ruth Eckerd Hall on the 14th or maybe it’s on the 13th.
Am I wrong about this? I thought I saw some promo on this.
I think it’s the 14th, Mac. I presume that the hold-off until the 31st is, as Ze said, to handle blowback from the film, and secondarily to provide time for His Niblets to record a message to the faithful from the Ruth Eckerd “celebration”, have time for Gold to edit it, and then to inseminate it to the rest of the parties. Said message would also serve the purpose of handling blowback from the film, or at least enough false bravado from Macallan’s favorite customer to reassure the clubbed seals.
Do they have a birthday bash for the COB and Tom Cruise? if not they are missing an opportunity to do more fund raising. Another opportunity would be to sell copies of all the clay demos made by LRH. The originals would be priceless! OMG, I used an exclamation mark. Does that mean I’m a Scientologist in good standing?
I’ve heard that you call everyone above you regardless of sex, “Sir”. But do they also refer to females as Mr.? The woman speaking at the Flag Alliance Dinner was identified as MR. Sita Benatatos. Is that standard?
I meant to say that “Scientologists” refer to higher ups as “Sir” regardless of sex. Just wondering about the Mr. in reference to a female. Could be just one of their too tired to spellcheck typos that you find on most flyers.
NO, that’s also SO tradition. Officers are “Mr.” regardless of gender.
Stephanie, also in the US Armed Forces, ALL officers(male & female) are addressed as “Mr or Sir”. LRH’s navy attempting to emulate the Navy followed suit. Of course, most drill sergeants refer to their troops when drilling as “OK LADIES!” Go figure!
Love the ‘outhouse’ BTW. TC said somewhere,”First, there is LRH, then COB and then there’s me. You are right Tom, shit does roll downhill. I sure wouldn’t want to be at the bottom of that ‘house’.
Of course it seems to be Tom’s viewpoint that when he sees the results of GAT I, II and III, he’ll be saying, “I’d eat a mile of that shit just to see where it came from!” Hence the outhouse
The house of cards is destined to become a pile of shit.
In the real armed forces, Female officers are referred to as Ma’am
The “Mr.” for all officers was only applicable in the Navy, and was stopped there in the 1970s. When I was in the US Army in the 80s and 90s, I referred to all female officers as “Ma’am”.
Well Mike, you just summarized the TRUE E.P. of the most amazing “Tek” in the history of universes evah! El Con Tek! Truly mind boggling.
The CoS was run by people PERSONALLY trained by Hisself. The most competent in the Tek.
Let the lame excuses start for why the Tek didn’t work. (An exercise in tortured logic not seen in thousands of years)
All the stuff is funny/sad. Regraded Being — hysterically true.
Is the titling of ‘Mr’ to Ms Benetatos a Sea Org conceit, or a mistake?
MC, all in the SO are “Mr”s, even the women. Creepy, huh?
When Mr. Benetatos’ husband wants sex, I imagine he has to CSW Please,!!!
SO members are not bodies MM. They don’t need no stinkin sex to pull them down tone and into ‘needing bodies’.
Sea Ogres float around in the ether above eveyone else making sure they are at least three feet in back of you ……………… while writing up the KRs.
🙂 That’s right, Michael. And with CSW approval its, “Slam! Whirr!, thank you, Sir”.
And it has too go up to Dave for a video pass.
Regraded Being gave me a flashback to World Wide.
A Staff Auditor told me more than once that Jane Kember
would state ” Always kick people when they are down,
because when other time do have the opportunity to
kick them !!!!.”
No humanity. Amazing.
Off topic- Ol’ Jim Leon (the Albuquerque Humanitarian above) still living with his mom after all of these years. I worked with Jim 25 years ago outside of DC when I was first introduced to Cof$. I dabbled briefly with it long enough to meet a woman at CCDC, get a job at a Scieno company, and have a child with her. After researching the cult at the local library and realizing our beliefs weren’t compatible but attempting to discuss it and find a workable co-parenting agreement with her, she disappeared in the dark of night to the state of Ca. It took me over a year to track her down and bring her back to Md for a custody case. Since we weren’t married and my son was born in DC my rights as a father were limited. But he spent every summer with me (after we went to court) and a couple more weeks a year when financially possible. Our relationship was good but never as strong as it should have been between father and son. He graduated at Delphi in Sheridan, Or. After his graduation he moved to MD for the summer to live with me and went to work at my company as an intern. We had an argument over his Scieno beliefs, which I was clearly over-bearing and approached in the wrong manner. That day while I ran an errand he had his mother buy him a plane ticket and he caught a cab to the airport. He disconnected from me and my entire family that day in the summer of 2008. He had just turned 17. We have not spoken since. He has since graduated from UCLA and interned at the US House of Reps. I find little tidbits online from time to time but he blocks any of my attempts to communicate. He is a very smart young man and I told him that many times. I just asked that he look at all view points before deciding what to believe. I still hold out hope that one day he is willing to talk again. Him viewing Going Clear may be my best chance in years.
I feel for you, gstoner42. I hope he wakes up when the church crumbles and you get him back. Good luck to you.
I sincerely hope this works out. The whole disconnection policy is so horrible and so destructive. This cult is a destroyer of families.
I’m with you on that gstoner42.
Disconnection must end.
gstoner42, I hope your son eventually finds his way back to you. I admire your efforts to communicate with him in spite of him blocking those attempts. This is really important. Hopefully he will find it in his heart to give you another chance.
The church is so careless about family relationships and is only interested in saving its own skin. This is why they encourage family members to break ties with each other – just for the church itself. Another reason why in interviews they always inquire about your family members; it’s to find out who is on board and who isn’t, and exactly what they are doing in Scientology (or not). The church is paranoid about protecting itself and people as individuals are nothing to them, except potential for income and free labor.
Michael Roberts sat down one day and thought to himself…..will I make more money acting or being a shill for the IAS?…..I think we know his answer.
Tony Muhammad’s passion for training??? Sounds odd coming from a member of the NOS whose leader wants to wipe out an entire race. I can only think his passion is for Miscavige’s training to know what Muhammad’s true passion for training really is. They should put Ty Dillard into the Muhammad promo and Muhammad into Dilliard’s promo….wait what would be the difference???
Sorry I intended to say NOI.
I wonder what he has trained on. Maybe he did the GAG II SCOHB course with Dave?
The SCOHB Internship is done on Hollywood Boulevard.
A talk by NOI on training? What next. Just a string of people pretending to be what they are not.
No, they have them already. Hundreds of “humanitarians” who have never done anything to help anyone in need, just given money to the Miscavige ideal org boondoggle.
The Co$’s alliance with the NOI and its vocally on record Anti-Semitic leader is a huge embarrassment to me, and I’m not even Jewish, nor am I any longer a cult member. Of all the many, deserving, religious and non-religious African American groups with which Co$ could join forces, it picks this toxic one. It blows my mind. Looking from the viewpoint of a never -in, if I knew nothing else about the cult other than its embrace of Louis Farrakhan I would stay away from it just for that. I’d need no other reason. This man is psychotic. A raving, generalizing, indefatigable hate-spewer. Blows my mind.
So, Mr James Byrne is named “original” Sea Org Member? Does that mean there are faked ones?
And they are now using WISE to act as Master of Ceremonies as DM has kept Int Execs in ‘training’ for over a decade. By the way, where is Shelly?
Yes, there are “faked” SeaOrg members. You see some people who were off-loaded were upset they couldn’t continue with The Orginal SeaOrg. So they start the 2nd SeaOrg for off-loaded members only. It really makes the Original SeaOrg look like a joke. You don’t see any of them on-line because they refuse all tech invented after January 17, 1986 unless personally endorsed by COB! Off course there all on self imposed double RPF.
One of your kindred souls, peas in a pod sociopaths, is also visiting the Southland from DC. This is adding buzz and lots of traffic in the Hollywood area this weekend.
No Silvia but it looks like James got burned.
Listen buddy, if you don’t do what I say I’ll fundraise you to the gates of Hell!
(Terrified staff member): PLEASE, PLEASE, I’ll do anything you tell me to do! Just don’t fundraise me anymore! i can’t take it!
Why you CICSDB! You ether hand over a whole lot more money, OR, hand over your pre-teen to the Sea Org.
(Terrified staff member). Ok! Ok! You can have my pre-teen!!! But, for the love of LRH, PLEASE don’t fundraise me again!
Back in the day, A reg, long-time staff in my org’s Div 2 told me, in all seriousness, that the only way for Scientology public to guarantee their Bridge progress would be to cede control of their bank accounts to the org registrar (him) so that withdrawals for Bridge could be made when/if/as necessary (by him). Truth.
I guess I’m still cogniting.
I guess this is still an ongoing process for me.
Thank you.
In my own defense, I thought it was nuts back then too. But back then, I just nodded my head silently, and didn’t do it. Today, there would be no pretense of agreement. Today I would say, “You’re nuts, pal!”.
Whoa! Now that’s some serious evil making, Aqua! Handing over your bank account to a cult! Scary to say the least…
That in itself Aquamarine is about the best example of “exterior” there is.
“No pretence of agreement and saying you’re nuts pal” is a BIG pass.
I think we all suffered a bit of “back then” disease but look at us now – quite ‘self-determined’ I’d say.
That, “say no to drugs ” slogan should read “say no to $cientology” as well.
I am surprised that to see the “Benk Family” agreeing to pay a large donation for the Atlanta Idle Org.
Joel Benk was the income earner of that family. He was a successful Atlanta dentist, OT and had been involved in Scientology since the 80’s. He gave millions to the church. He died of a heart attack aged 60.
And the family I guess is giving his life insurance payout to the idle org. Sad stuff.
that “Fundraised” caption at the top of this post really angers me, if I had received this even while still in I would have told them to f. off. In the 15 or so years I was involved with that organization my debts spiraled ever upward – loans, mortgage, 4 credit cards. At its peak I owed $380,000 in the few years since leaving I have managed to reduce this by over a third and now have no credit card debt at all. Evil mofos and more fool me for ever believing in them.
We ALL believed at one time. We truly *wanted* it to be true, so we made “exceptions” for various things until enough wrongness piled up that made us see the light. I had wins. I kept them. I’ve probably had all my certs cancelled. I don’t care. Just pieces of paper. But what I got, I still have.
RB – awesome and so true. Shit does roll downhill.
I did finally figure out a purpose and use for the 60,000 – 90,000 sq.ft. Ideal Org Buildings.
They can store the “DEAD AGENT PACKS” for all of us SP’s out here.
According to my sources, there will be a new release after LRH’s birthday –
Instead of “Going Clear” (which thanks to Lawrence Wright, Alex Gibney, Mike Rinder and other brave SP’s) GOING CLEAR has become an ENGRAMIC PHRASE.
No one will be allowed to say those words ever – kind of like Xenu. It will make Scientologists sick and possibly kill them.
David Micavige has sent out BPI to all that he found some PTS/SP Tech buried in a box in the bowels of the Fleecewind Ship – where LRH predicted that in the near future, a few well known and respected SP’s will make a movie and write a book about GOING CLEAR (and expose the Con that is Scientology).
All Scientologist’s are ordered OFF the Bridge and on to the Fundraising Rundown – where the state of CLEAR is a true possibility. (Cleared bank accounts, cleared IRA accounts, cleared inheritance etc).
Status is a level of awareness never obtained before. Just think of the theta you will experience when you are deemed “Gloritorious Meritorious Bastardorious”.
The Fundraised Rundown is the latest craze going on at Flag and an Org near you.
“Fundraising” has become a verb and will be in all Scientology Tech Dictionaries with the
Release of GAT III
“Fundraised” – the act of going clearly out of your mind by going bankrupt, losing your home and releasing all of your MEST and being homeless in the best interest of John Lobb shoes and very expensive Attorney’s and Private Investigator’s so that
Scientology can keep the SHOW ON THE ROAD!
“Gloritorious Meritorious Bastardorious”….LOL-orious! 🙂
Megalious Stupidious Bankruptious with Brainious-washicus
I love the way you think and express yourself. I wish you were still on ESMB. I agree with everything you write.
In a policy by Hubbard, he lists the four conditions of exchange, the first of which is criminal ripoff. One could safely say that Miscavige and his minions are number one at something.
It just gets more inane.
Regarded Being … One of my favourite reads!
“Bring you favorite LRH quote as we honor the man who set in motion a new civilization for this world” Really. Really, Please, Can I. There are so many good one’s to choose from but I guess my favorite is “When buildings get important to us, for God’s sake, some of you born revolutionists, will you please blow up central headquarters. If someone had put some HE [high explosive] under the Vatican long ago, Catholicism might still be going. Don’t get interested in real estate. Don’t get interested in the masses of buildings, because that’s not important.” -LRH.
Hell, I think we should start a collection and give money to any UTR who brings this quote to a birthday event. I am pledging $20 to this. If you bring an original copy of Genius of D&S to play for them it, I’ll throw in an extra $10. Of course, I’ll need proof so I’ll give another $5 for an upload of a audio recording of you doing it and $10 for video. That’s $40 dollars right there. You know it would be an overt not to do it because you could use the money to up your status on the third side of the bridge!! Or use it to repay for those loans you took out. AKA Get your WOG ethics-in and pay your damn bills!
Wow!!! I have this thought often. Always saying to myself someone should say this quote at a dinner,event etc. it would be amazing and how I wonder what weemans reaction would be. Insane little limp girl,I mean woman. I apologize didn’t mean anything by the girl comment. Also someone needs to ask him,why he keeps using obvious confessions made under duress as proof of xmembers lies to discredit everything. The using of these and auditing confessions proves the hole is real,&they do use your private auditing discussions made in the Sanctified interigation rooms against departing members.
How can no one advise him this?
Oh! Regraded Being! What a mind you have. 🙂
I always enjoy reading LRH’s legacy being promoted. LRH’s Legacy? It’s at the bottom of that comic strip. It’ll take an act of God to revive it – cuz “standard tech” is also at the bottom of that comic strip.
I guess a dirty mind is a joy for ever… 😛
As Dave knows, shit rolls down hill.
Regraded Being ! That is sick. Insanely funny!
my suggestion . each blog post ,make a P.S. ” (here you put a video of PIs ) ,this will make more visiting to your blog.
Big hello from LRHs Bulgravia.
How is that trailer in Creston? Does Dave have the Bluebird gassed up and ready to go?
Oh my gods, Regraded Being! You’re making me wee myself, but I’d rather do that than borrow one of the “Big Three’s” toilets!
OMG Regraded Being! You outdid yourself! And as they say, “shit rolls downhill…”
Wonderfully funny. And the long, rambling, non infomrative “answer” was so very much realistic, too. NEVER answer a direct question. ALWAYS turn attention away from the question…and the fact that you never answered it.
If you don’t like being “Fundraised”, it might be a sign it’s time to find a new “Religion”.
Is it just me, or is someone trying to collect as much as he can as he is in the last phase of his exit strategy? Frantic fundraising, corncob nowhere to be seen, and you all know another doc is coming out. If he was testing the waters on how the perception of scientology is being viewed by the world at large on the strength of this one, he knows he is sunk. By the way, the Theroux doc may touch another dark side of sciontology, that Gibney couldn’t fit in. Theroux must have a yummy different take of the criminal cult, that is going to be just as explosive!