It’s an Extravaganza
And it’s being done by Quentin Strub no less. He was the CO WISE EUS back in the 1980’s and has risen no further.
What an extravaganza of leadership and success he is.
Freetown perhaps?
Seems they have trouble with spelling and grammar everywhere…
Free Admission
But if you show your military ID you get free tickets for each child?
A “professional” Life Improvement Counselor
You have to wonder how you make a profession out of delivering free seminars?
A major purpose of getting children onto the Bridge…
Hide your kids
Inspired by those auditing on Solo NOTs
Maybe this guy is auditing on Solo NOTs?
Maybe he can handle global warming?
She joined staff when she was 15
You can bet she lives at home with her scientologist parents….
She isn’t making a career out of being on staff. Will she live with her parents forever?
More kid trolling
With free food.
And if you show your Military ID you get free food? That seems to be a new “thing”…
A whole new dimension?
The Twilight Zone perhaps?
Mystery Science Theater 3000?
What about terrible pay?
Why do you always leave that part of the quote out? It’s the only true thing in it….
For those who don’t believe in Christ.
Fold those arms
Looks tough. Doesn’t it?
Still trying
Months after they announced California was DONE, they’re still at it.
Come on Bart Simpson, where are you?
Three of these are scientologists
But none of them could be categorized as “successes”
Typesetting is not their thing…
Lasting changes in the lives of people in need
Check out this “success story”…
Christmas Carol Ideal Org Event
This is “Psych humor”
Some real knee-slapping stuff
Be immersed. Enlightened. Uplifted. Inspired.
But most of all, be REGGED.
It’s Free
Until one of our regges gets hold of you
More Christmas for the non-believers
Ideal Mission
Taking even longer than an “all ideal California”
It’s a combo event
Christmas for anti-christians.
And a kid trap.
Lisa Mansell
She is the person who handles local PR for OSA in Clearwater.
She is doing an amazing job… Obviously knows exactly how to “apply the tech”
They look happy…
The thought bubbles would read “How the hell did I get suckered into this?”
“Cmon we gotta clear LA like yesterday”
So sad this is something she thinks is actually possible
Talent show for Christmas
Some big names are attending
Let Juan Bogan splain it to you...
Why him? Who is he?
A “scientology expansion expert”
Maybe he can apply some of that skill to the shrinking “ideal” org he is lecturing in?
Very Well Done
Another meaningless cert to hang on your gold painted walls.
But you do look like a cool skater kid in that hat Tom.
Postulates Seminar
If they can make their postulates stick why havent they attracted any new celebrities in decades?
The ultimate hypocrisy
They are actually holding a Christmas service on Christmas Day!
The decade of freedom…
How so?
All your favorite people?
I really doubt it. Unless your favorite people are regges?
That typesetting “error”could take some real effort in the page layout programs I’ve used.
WHO could have passed that as “acceptable” to publish?? Hint: It could be that famous high school drip-out; too short to call a drop-out.
Really? You need a special tech to access the Scientology Network?
Two questions in this regard. First, who invented this tech? And second, why would anybody want to use it?
Mike has noted the “folded arms” in the recruit pics a few times and this is actually an important point. No doubt the word has come from above that this has been surveyed out as to how to pose. Same reason why all speakers at events tend to sound alike, same cadence, etc.
Fact is that while Scientology may have started out to help you “be more YOU”, it has evolved into the OPPOSITE of individuality, with the CoS forcing all members into the same box, saying the same things, having the same opinions on every subject, etc. LESS robotic? Methinks not.
Joe Pendleton gave us:
“LESS robotic? Methinks not.”
“Successful leaders never miss the tunnel and crash against a mountain on Venus” is a lie. Successful leaders help the ones that have lost their way back on the right track again.
How do you audit a three year old? My heart stopped when I saw that.
Jeanne M offered:
“How do you audit a three year old? My heart stopped when I saw that.”
Agreement, but “auditing” could be as mild as a “contact assist”, which I’ve observed to be helpful in a toddler’s “getting over” an inconsequential bump. Certainly, it’s not as enslaving as the TRs and objectives, and the silence is golden.
Mike comments a lot about Christmas being celebrated by non-Christians… actually Mike, most atheists celebrate Christmas as well. It’s a cultural holiday not a religious holiday. (in fact Christian America banned Christmas for a while)
That being said, I agree that it’s hypocrite of Scientology to celebrate Christmas… because Christmas is about celebration, gratefulness, generosity, family, all things they don’t believe in. But it has nothing to do with them not being Christians.
Francois, Mike is on point about this because over the decades LRH made a number of anti-Christianity statements, usually about it rewarding downstats and/or lower tone levels, as well as being anti self determinism. LRH also made a number of statements that there was no God, which obviously is in direct contradiction to the whole idea of Christianity .
When I was on staff throughout the 1970s, at a time when LRH was still very much the strongman in Scientology, while we occasionally had a party in late December, the CoS NEVER made any pretense of actually celebrating Christmas. This recent trend is COMPLETE bullshit PR.
I disagree on one point. There was a standing order to all LRH Comms to have a Christmas ‘event’ for staff with beer and either cookies or snacks. It came from LRH.
Getting the money from FP was like pulling teeth.
Yes, I do remember some December staff parties and also the word put out that LRH had personally paid for the keg of beer (!!!) … But the party was usually a New Year’s party, but in any case “Christmas” was barely mentioned, it at all.
“(in fact Christian America banned Christmas for a while)”
LMAO! Francois there has never been an entity in the USA that IDs as Christian America. THUS, it never banned Christmas.
Francois, Christmas Is indeed a Cultural holiday and was adopted from the pagan (roman) celebration, ‘Saturnalia’ which was a tribute to/observance of, the Winter Solstice.
However, although many religious groups frowned on it and imposed fines on those caught celebrating, it was never banned.
In fact , because of it’s popularity, it was glommed by christianity (specifically, the catholic church, I believe) and designated as a religious holiday/observance. Although many states began observing it as early as 1856, it was declared a national holiday in 1870.
As an atheist myself — defined to be A (away from or without) theism (or not needing a god or gods) — about as close as I get to Xmas is “Winter solstice” which the Xians failed to completely subvert as most of the traditions of “christmas” are the earlier pagan ones. Solstice IS a real thing, and something to celebrate: the inexorable lengthening of Winter’s days, leading toward Spring and the celebration of the world being reborn anew. THAT’s something I can enthusiastically support wholeheartedly.
I’m really bummed out about poor little Lindsey Trainor. She joined staff at 15 (“just a few weeks before my 16th birthday”). She’s celebrating her 4 year anniversary on November 19th, so she’s right at 20 years old.
Did she finish High School? I’d bet more than $1 that she didn’t go to college during these last four years, because she writes like she’s still 15 years old. There’s only one sentence that ends with a period and all the rest end with an exclamation point.
Based on her parroting of various $ci.. phrases, she probably hasn’t had the opportunity to interact with people who believe differently and thus have the chance to think and grow and then reach her own conclusions about what she believes. (“As iron sharpens iron, . . .” Prov 27:17)
Her body may be 4 years older but her mental and emotional maturity seem to be lagging behind. Poor kid, and it’s just sad.
When I first started reading the scientology blogs after watching Going Clear in 2015 a long time and well respected commenter said, “Most of us were intellectual adolescents when we entered Scientology, having little or no background in science, religion or philosophy.”
Without a basis for comparison and before the internet it was easy to accept that the introductory levels of the subject were factual and worthwhile.
Got a question. I’m seeing the name ‘Trainor’ pop up a lot in Scientology circles. Anybody know if these people are related to Tenzing Norgay Trainor? For those of you familiar with Disney Channel, he played Parker Rooney on ‘Liv and Maddie’
The Australian promotion says the “greatest decade in our history”. Yes that would be so.
1. The most books exposing Scientology abuses.
2. The highest ever number of films about Scientology abuses and fraud.
3. The most TV shows produced about Scientology crimes and abuses.
4. The most awards won by anti-Scientology media
5. The most news shows reporting on Scientology and Scientologists crimes.
6. The most people who have left the Cherch.
7. The most family disconnections.
8. The most scientologist committing suicide.
9. The most celebrity’s who have left the cult
10. The most mission closures.
11. The most bad press written about Scientology ever.
All these stats are highest Evers. Now that’s progress.
Don’t forget the greatest number of lawsuits ever that have resulted from false imprisonment, sexual abuse and all manner of financial frauds.
Skyler offered:
“Don’t forget the greatest number of lawsuits ever that have resulted from false imprisonment, sexual abuse and all manner of financial frauds.”
AND many/most of them due to Tommy Davis screaming “You dn’t have the F-ing RANK” to exactly the wrong person.
“Reverend” David Petit
Yes, if they really wanted to grow Scientology, all the OTs should combine forces to lower the sea levels and increase cloud cover, to solve global warming. Scientology wouldn’t be able to handle the flood of new people.
*I* thought they were crossing their arms to show off those swank watches. Looks tough? … If you say so. Certainly doesn’t look open or inviting.
Quentin Strub is a name that sounds like it belongs in a Roald Dahl book.
Wasn’t he head of Flog’s RPF for a while back in the day? Years ago an ex-SO’s shared delightful and memorable RPF experiences with Strub as I/C.
Remember to bring the toys unwrapped so we can go through them and keep the good stuff for ourselves and pass the junk along.
“Free Introductory Seminar” We teach you the very basics of how to stick your head into the sand of $camology unreality and feed Dianetics to you one page at a time…anally.
Camelia Bee is seriously creepy and somewhat deranged in my point of view.
The echo chamber inside Christine Sargents skull would be a sight to behold seeing as how there is no grey matter of any sort to block sound entering via her ears and reverberating for hours.
“Be uplifted” means that two large regges will lift you up out of your chair while a third regge removes your wallet from your back pocket.
“You are invited to an evening to remember” until the next evening to remember a week later then another week after that, ad nauseam.
So in Melbourne YOU bring a dessert to put into their buffet BUT (it would appear) you still have to buy your meal from the cafe. Makes you wonder what will happen if you bring your own dinner with you an then head to the dessert buffet when you finish for some of those free sweets.
I can’t make up my mind whether the “cloud moving” post is hilarious or plain tragic.
The premise–there has to be a scientologist somewhere who can change the weather–is ridiculous enough. However, it’s also telling: Oatee stories are like all other urban myth; there’s NEVER anyone who can PERSONALLY attest to, let alone demonstrate them. It’s invariably someone else who knows someone else who heard of someone else whose fourth ex-spouse (this IS scientology after all) reported that win where they moved mountains and relocated oceans.
Considering that these elusive folks used STANDARD “tech” why are they so hard to find? Flipping a light switch is standard tech. With a little practice (almost) everyone can do it. I don’t have to search the whole world over for someone who can attest to having done so successfully.
It was touching to have the poster voice her concern for holiday travelers as a reason for wanting to alter the weather–until it came out that she was one of those travelers; and undoubtedly about the only one that she was really concerned about. This reminds me a lot of universal fight for religious freedom–as long as it’s the scientology “religion” that’s at stake.
Just when I thought this couldn’t get any more amazing, imagine my surprise that someone actually replied to her. And not just to inform her that perhaps for some folks consulting a “psych” may not be such a bad idea after all, but to actually feed her delusions.
What if I wanted to practice a little Fair Game. Let’s say, use deceptive means to unfairly discredit the scientology “religion” and its “parishioners” and make them look quite a ways beyond nuts. It may occur to me to make up a story like this one. It turns out, I don’t have to.
Todd, “Urban legend” IS another name for OT powers. Never do they say “I’m gonna do A.” and then it happens. Instead, something happens and THEN they claim “*I* did that!” Just like psychics and otter conmen.
“…and other conmen.”
“…and utter conmen.”?
“Find out how we’re going to 10x the expansion…” As the tense of this phrase indicates, this is something that they are promising to do in the future. Fair enough, were it not for the fact that they have been announcing this for years now. In other words, they should already HAVE BEEN 10xing for years by now.
If I were to announce that I will make $10 million this year, and show others how, I may attract a few interested folks who want to do the same. But how many years in a row can I announce this same promise–with ZERO progress last year–until I lost all credibility? Indefinitely, as long as I confine my scam to a cult setting…
Hey, Todd: 10 x 0.00 is still 0.00; they can and likely WILL keep that up forever.
“Find out how we’re going to 10X the expansion…”
Superb comment on this ubiquitous bit of cult bullshit, Todd.
Springing from the points you made, I ALMOST wish I were back in the cult so that I could respond, ” No. No. Tell you what. YOU find out. Once and for all, YOU find out. And find out FOR REAL this time, OK, because you’ve been saying this same thing over and over for past 20 years! With no visible result. To tell you the truth, I have my doubts that you know. Frankly, I don’t think you have a clue! Therefore, out of what is now my utter scepticism and extreme boredom I’m now telling YOU to find out. But wait! First, you might want to apply a little LRH, and clear the colloquial phrase “find out” in a good dictionary to full conceptual understanding. It might help. Then again, it might not. (Tone 40) Ok, that’s it! Thank you!”
Ooooh what a delicious fantasy… to be able to say this to a Sea Ogre and watch his or her head EXPLODE….
The girl on staff for 4 years at age 19! She’ll get married have a kid and be tied for life due to disconnection threats. Ugh. And the mother of 3 getting audited? She’ll join staff soon as she will agree that he’s kids are thetans so they can be left with nannies day and night or send them to the sea org cadet style at age 8 or more. Maybe less. Ie Jenna Miscavige who was there her whole life! It’s child abuse!
I was like that 19-year-old. I joined when I was 18 and my parents supported me until they left to join Flag and I had to fend for myself on zero staff pay. Mike was right about his suspicion that her parents would be supporting her.
What really got me about her story was that she said she “was going nowhere in life” at FIFTEEN YEARS OLD. They make her feel like a failure while going through an already crazy, hormonal time in life when she should be just worrying about finals, who’s going to the prom, maybe college applications. 15 yr olds aren’t dilettantes, they are KIDS becoming adults and that’s pressure enough. Your observation that she’ll prob end up having a child and then dealing with disconnection later seems very likely and that makes me really sad.
All MY favorite people are not gonna be there. Mike, Leah, Mary K, Amy, The Headleys, Aaron, Goliath…nope none of you are gonna be at The Captain’s Holiday Party.
That would be a hoot.
Would that be Captain Bligh, Captain Queeg or Captain Hook?
Sing, ‘Put them all together, they spell Shanghaied’
Stefani, the one I want to see is GOLIATH, the espy super-dog!
News Flash: The Oats were 100% unsuccessful in keeping snow off of the Grapevine that Wed and Thurs. It was closed completely most of Thurs due to snow. It must have been my amazing atheist powers that held the snow Wed AM until I was safely in Bakersfield, then re-opened I5 in time for me to drive back south on Friday AM. All praises to the primordial soup! Or… respect Mother Nature if you prefer.
PS… Mike mentioned MST3K – anyone know if they ever did Battlefield Earth? That might actually make it watchable 🤔
MST3K didn’t get around to it, but there is a Battlefield Earth Rifftrax that’s pretty good.
Hi HJ, this was thrilling news to me until I saw it cost $10 to watch. I can’t spend even a penny for anything $cieno related. Woulda loved to hear Tom Servo’s caustic ditties had MST3K done it up.
That was you? My husband is very grateful, he was able to leave Bakersfield to go to LA to pick up our son! These Oatees should take a lesson from you.
Hi, Nicole, glad to know that someone else’s travels were eased by my little spell of, well let’s just call it “good luck”. 😀
I did feel really bad for the folks that got stuck Thurs. 2hr drives turned into 6 or 8 hours, people were sleeping in their cars til the road opened.
It’s so delusional, it makes me angry.
“All praises to the primordial soup! Or… respect Mother Nature if you prefer.
I’m leaning toward the flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) right now. That makes about as much sense.
AND if you don’t get what you want, you can at least EAT the deity.
I do like spaghetti way more than soup!
Don’t eat those FSMs though, lest you become what you eat :-p
So if you want your favorite dessert, you have to bring it with you? How perfectly appropriate for the Clampire.
When ever I hear the $cieno word, ‘postulate’, I think of Jiminy Cricket and his ‘when you wish upon a star’ song.
You can have your fill of all the food you bring yourself.
As a Communications and English major in college, all the grammatical errors in the post about getting kids on the bridge made me cringe.
So much for study tech! 😆
Hooked on Hubbard…🙄
To add to my first post:
Graduated from college in 2002. Just wanted to make that clear since I’m certainly not in college now.
I wish I could turn back time, though. As the saying goes, “Why is youth wasted on the young?”
As a graduate of the Key to Life, all the grammatical errors in the post about getting kids on the bridge made me cringe!
ImAberrated piped up with:
“As a graduate of the Key to Life, all the grammatical errors in the post about getting kids on the bridge made me cringe!”
It’s worse for those of us who were actually taught grammar back in Grammar school. The lessons seem not to have “taken” for Tubby. As didn’t anything else he wasn’t much interested in, like mathematics, logic, or Ethics
KatherineINCali, anyone acquainted with reading cringes at seeing what scientology considers “literate”.
As a lifelong reader, — going on 70 years soon — I cringe at the punishment Hubbard visited on anyone who COULD master all those courses he was too busy to actually study and do the work to master. He thought “study tech” was his way to have all those subjects magically become clear to him. Instead, those of us who could study effectively were made less certain of what they’d just read and understood, since a few “Star-rate” checkouts will shake their confidence. Word clearing, particularly when metered, was an unbelievable experience of invalidation.
Sorry for the grammatical errors in my last as I didn’t review what I wrote well enough before I hit “post”
Thank you Mike Rinder, for all you have done to help expose the truth about Scientology.
I would like to take a few moments to pay a tribute for Lisa McPherson, who died at FLAG doing the “Introspective Rundown”.
Scientology’s Leader, David Miscavige, was directly responsible for killing Lisa McPherson. He covered it up by destroying the Medical Examiner, Joan Wood, with fair game.
The “shore story” that was fed to Scientologists about Lisa McPherson, was she died of an embolism.
Lurkers, I invite you to please look at all of the facts carefully documented and hidden from your view.
Think for yourself and draw your own conclusion after looking at all facts hidden from you by David Miscavige while he runs Scientology with an iron fist, spending YOUR money on keeping his crimes hidden from your view.
Scientologists – who is next?
Lisa McPherson does not get mentioned often enough. Whenever I am in Clearwater, I stop at the spot where her car crashed on Ft. Harrison. Miscavige should be in jail.
George M. White, where on Ft. Harrison was her car accident?
Near Starbucks but more towards the Ft. Harrison hotel now Flag
It was actually near Morton Plant hospital some blocks south of Ft Harrison hotel
Thanks Mike. I cannot walk that far so I will still pause for a moment of silence at the Starbucks spot and have a fruit drink. Someone pointed it out to me but was obviously in error.
Enthusiastic seconds on your sentiments. Lisa McPherson should not have died as such a vital and young person; MustSavage should answer for his crimes including her death.
For the Christmas Wonderland, who do they ACTUALLY give the donated canned goods & toys to?
Dianetics and Scientology Holiday Catalogue? Wow. How does one get to view that? Is it on the website?
In my day, it was a thickish magazine.
The holiday catalog can be found here: (And heads up, only the first ten or so pages of the catalog are shown initially, so be sure to hit the ‘load 67 more images’ tab under the last page to get the remainder of the catalog. That’s probably obvious to most, but I didn’t see it right away).
My favorite bit dealt with the E-Meter. They don’t want you to just order one, but rather use “these special offers to obtain a second or third meter for home, for travel or just in case,” After all, “with an additional meter to hand, you will never risk wasting a single moment of this brief breath in eternity.” That last sentence tries to be poetic but instead comes off as an oxymoron and is a good illustration of Scientology “scripture” as a whole: writing that attempts to be profound but is often illogical. The implication proffered is you don’t have a second to spare and you have all the time in the world. Those two phrases would be contradictory to most, but in the realm of Scientology they’re both true.
I didn’t see a price listed for the E-Meter, though. I also didn’t see a number to call or site to visit in order to get a price quote. Did I overlook something? On the reddit where the above link was posted, someone wrote that a new E-Meter costs around $4,000. Can anyone verify if that is accurate?
Thanks! Very interesting stuff!
Thanks for the link, 6organs. I needed the chuckle today.
A tremendous amount of celebration and hoopla over the birth of Jesus Christ for a cult of the anti-Christ…
I was going to go down the line and comment in order on all the stupendous fantaxtick little posters, but…
I ran across Ms. Bee, some woman so proud to have her 3, 5, and 6 year old children in auditing, which of course substitutes for paying a real babysitter…
anyway when I saw that I threw up all over my keyboard, thankfully it was an old one and I had a spare, but man did that upset me.
3,5,and 6 and already being indoctrinated by a mother who will probably abandon them if she gets posted to somewhere she likes,
and some place where she can’t bring them along.
Scientology- it’ll make you lose yer lunch faster than ipecac.
Quentin Strub, just good enough to keep on that post, just bad enough not to move up. I can’t think of a better example of a guy that adds gasoline to the fire than bad old QS. When I was in, people that I knew that knew him did not have anything good to say about him. Only the sycophants would say something good. He is worth a good bit of natter. Much more than this, btw.
Thanks for this every week. It reminds me of how lucky I am that I WOKE UP!!
Think I will go cross my arms and look in the mirror for a while.
And what the fuck is up with Tom Cummins’ blue frickin hat!!?? I’ll pledge 5k if he burns that thing.
I met him once. Wish I could share my story, about him and Bronwyn, his Stockholm Syndrome Wife.
Not a clue as to How Idiotic their jargon is/sounds!
‘Attend the seminar and know your human rights’ –
Then, promptly check them at the door on your way out!
Satan was never invited to Christmas, but he did witness it in jealousy.