I have kept a few of the “Christmas” promo pieces, but the number of them is ridiculous so I just ignored most. The amount of promotion about scientology pretending to somehow be part of the Christian Christmas “scene” is crazy. As always, they are trying to create “religious image” and look like “real churches.”
A new civilization…
And nobody in Sydney is even aware they exist.
Most of them have no scientology at all…
The vast majority of countries in Asia have no scientology presence.
The graybeards…
This is the “elite”?
Learn THE “tech” of making everything go your way…
If this is true, they need to get that woman from Kansas City to attend. Her effort at “PR” was a magnificent footbullet.
And every other scientology staff member and SO Member on earth needs to attend too.
Because they are failing miserably.
And if this is true…
Apparently NOBODY is postulating that any org make it to St Hill Size? Or even expand? Or they haven’t done this seminar…
Come on Drew, even YOU could be postulating an Emmy for scientologyTV or a front page “theta” article in the NY Times? Or even that Tom Cruise shows up for the NY Event?
Scientology may be distancing themselves…
But the NOI are not going away easily.
Oh, another one…
With this Tampa should easily make double SH Size. Remember when they used to claim this was “imminent”?
OT IV’s getting into Present Time
How is this something to be excited about?
I guess all that auditing they did before didn’t really work. They’re still not even at the most basic level.
Odd they are not even promoting a completion. They probably don’t have any….
“We want to get 300 Clears…”
They will be lucky to get 30. But it will be “huge” if they even have 10… that’s how scientology PR works.
What a bargain…
Who wouldn’t want to find a classic lecture to go with the lumps of coal in their stocking on Christmas Day?
Go for the kids, always
How to “Unstuck” Your Life
And a quote from Calvin Coolidge? What wall?
And where’s Ron?
Even better than a Classic Lecture
Who doesnt need another copy of the WTH?
But it does come at a steep price. You need to do an OCA.
That may be a Bridge too far…
Marvel at our new carpet!
We have new carpet too….
And while we SAY we had “122 walk-ins” we couldn’t get a photo that showed anyone. But just marvel at that carpet!
Building Tours
The next big thing… get em in any way you can.
Free coffee — and it’s “proper good”
Get em in any way you can.
Helping bring peace…
Come, come. She hasn’t just nebulously “brought peace” surely?
Everyone previously has “brought peace to an entire nation” or “changed society” or something?
No height limit required
Whatever that means?
A “vital community event”
Generating so much “goodwill” we exported it to Kansas City
Why we must clear Chicago
It has tall buildings.
Nothing outpointy here.
See the miracles!
That would really be something.
Perhaps you could get them on video and you would have thousands of people coming in every day. Unless they are the Advance Mag style “I found a parking space” miracles.
They need an artist to come on board
To do a promo piece for their “Artist Convention” because this is one of the least artistic promotional items ever. I could have done this and I am definitely not an artist…
OK, what happened to the Birthday Game and the Universe Corps?
You know in 1983 Ron promised you could go OT in your own org?
Still hasn’t happened?
And now you have to find a replacement to go OT? Maybe you should check into nabbing one of this bodies in pawn Ron talks about?
Can anyone figure out what this is?
It’s some sort of scam — It involves Cary Goulston, Boris Levitsky…
I’d be really interested to hear/read that “Source Christmas Briefing on the spirit for Christmas”…
My guess is that the scam of “African Development” is yet another show of trying to spread Scientology across the continent, with the people leading it skimming off FSM commissions on money raised, and salaries as executives in whatever front organizations they set up. How much effort – and money – has Scientology put into trying to expand outside of the whitest parts of South Africa over half a century or more, with virtually nothing to show for it other than the Zimbabwe idle whorehouse, claims of “groups” somewhere, and the occasional featured recruit from another African country?
Chicago has one musty old-school storefront org and apparently a minimal number of members who can’t raise enough money to renovate their “ideal” building, in spite of being in one of the US’ largest, wealthiest and most vibrant cities. No wonder they try to associate themselves with the wonders of the town, rather than referring to the actual state of Scientology there.
And that person looking for someone to take over for them as HGC auditor gives us some hints about staffing in the orgs: 3-1/2 hours on weeknights and 9 hours on weekend days, for a nominal total of 35-1/2 hours a week – apparently set up so that it can be done on top of a day job to actually pay the bills. But no end date is given for the substitution – her time at AOLA could be interminable, and she might fall prey to the common problem of getting ripped off from her local org to work at AOLA, so anyone who took over for her would risk being stuck indefinitely.
I worked with Nicole Bender and her husband Paul Bender at DC org; sorry to see that they are still swimming in the kool-aid…
Mark, what is up with her hours, does she work a 9-to-5 job to make ends meet and then spend all her evening and weekend time on staff at the org?
Good question, PM. My guess is that her husband works full time( and is no longer a registrar at the DC org),while she is with their child/children during the day and is then at the org nights and weekends. Maybe she also works from home during the day as well…That kind of dedication/delusion is standard for the true hubbardian kool aid aficionados…
Where’s the V.M.’s in Sydney and other areas of massive fires? Why aren’t they doing their usual massages and photo opportunities?
My postulates have cleared up quite nicely since I started using Kool Scented $camusol with added Miscavige Away. Also available, new $camusol with Regge Removal. Buy yours today.
“No height limit required.”
Yeah, really, whassup with that?
Maybe Miscavige is planning to be there and staff need to reassure attendees that they won’t be turned away at the door if they’re taller than 5’5″?
If someone gave me the “gift of Scientology” for Christmas, I’d give it back…😖
Rolling on the floor laughing
Scientology, the gift that keeps on taking.
So, for all these events where an Oatee comes and tells you how to make postulates work and shares the LRH data you need to become wealthy or do whatever else you want –
Why don’t they just play LRH’s lectures and invite people for that? The tech couldn’t get standarder than if it came straight from the old horse’s mouth, could it? Why do you need these Oatee amb-Assadors?
Oh, right – it’s because they’re on a mission to clear your wallet.
I feel like I’m an expert in Open House events, so that Perth mention of 120 people in their building in two days during Open House Perth was interesting. I’ve been attending Open House Chicago events since they began, and I’ve been to locations in downtown Chicago as well as in areas most people don’t take the time to visit. If you go to a location in downtown Chicago, you can expect there to be thousands (literally) of visitors in 2 days and you can expect to wait to get inside a building.
This year, I went to an art gallery in an area of Chicago that might be considered by many to be a less-than-desirable area of the city. They told me they had had 500 people in their door on the first day. We were some of the first ones there on the second day, but we were there within the first half hour of opening. With Perth claiming120 people in 2 days, that’s not a great turnout. Maybe the attendance at Open House Perth is far less than what Chicago brings in, but those are not good numbers.
Anyway, I would encourage people in cities throughout the world to find out if there is an Open House event happening in your area in 2020. They are remarkable events.
(I wonder why other Scientology buildings don’t open to the public during Open House. We’ve been to several types of “religious” buildings over the years.)
Sorry, I just found some statistics for the 2019 Open House Chicago. There were 370,000 site visits over the 2-day Open House event in Chicago. That averages to 500 people per day per site, and, yes, some buildings will have far more and some will have much less. On a quick Google search, I couldn’t find similar statistics for Perth.
Thanks for the perspective. Even 120 has got to be a huge boost for their stats, if they’re claiming them as regular walk-ins. And apparently other orgs are on to the same artificial stat boosting scam.
I suspect the few visitors Scientology reported as being open-minded, were just being polite – and if not, they’re likely to go home, use The Google to really “find out for themselves,” get informed and become antagonistic SPs.
Calvin Coolidge: “to be plenteous in mercy”—isn’t mercy like sympathy, bottom of the tone scale?
Only 2 out of 7 ‘execs’ of the African Youth Human Rights & Citizenship Development Initiative’ look like they have African ancestors. How very white of them.
The new Kansas City mOrg got some great PR in the KC Star newspaper. They got into the backstory and mentioned Aftermath, Tony Ortega and Lron’s Jesus story.
Channel 5 KCTV had a nice story on their website and said this on their website.
“As for the portrayals of the church as a cult or a business masquerading as a church, she refused to refute those portrayals directly and, multiple times, instead simply said that anyone who wants to know what they’re about can go to their website.”
Kansas City has been thoroughly warned.
I was thinking exactly the same thing, just 2 of 7 of their “African … Development Initiative” are African. And here I thought western colonialism was over with, particularly after Ron failed in his Rhodesia expansion efforts long ago. In any case it’s a bad look. But Scn clearly doesn’t recognize how inept their attempts at PR/image are. Thank god they keep doing them, makes for wonderful Thursdays on Mike’s blog.
Wow, just,,,,,,,wow. Come and see our carpet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .wow. (no exclamation mark)
That’s all they have to offer? Carpet? Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Scientology is sooooo stupid!
Oh my. Smoking hot Data from LRH… that’ll bring tons of bodies in!!!
The ‘Life is a struggle’ poster delivers the seminar, or services, at a Mosque and is promoted by Muhammad.
Interesting, the poster also mentions ‘loss of faith’.
Makes me wonder if they are using scientology cult techniques to create fear on their parishioners and then, as miscabage does, get their money.
Now I am really angry! Scientology showing Buddhist Monks in Sri Lanka at a world peace event and using it in their own promotion!
There is no limit to their audacity. Fortunately, Buddhism is such a great religion I do not need to get into the details of Scientology’s insanity. The Buddhist Monks are dedicated to studies of the Buddha and to lives of meditation. I personally know many, many Monks and have spoken to them about Scientology. Most of them refer me to original references. People such as Hubbard are cited by the Buddha as a “Stupid man”. My brother Monk is head of the largest temple in Sri Lanka. He is a very sweet man. When he was my teacher, we talked about Scientology. There is no connection.
Now I am angry and I must calm down!
I just saw the promo for Tampa Org’s Schwant Postulate event … TWO FULL DAYS??? … TWO HUNDRED BUCKS???? … When good ol’ Drew Johnston is freaking GIVING IT AWAY and you only have to give up two hours before dinner, not your whole freaking weekend! … Hey Schwant buddy, you ever hear of SPEED OF PARTICLE FLOW?… You know what this all proves? … CALIFORNIA RULES , BABY!!!
I would like to clarify something about the ‘Hubbard Street’ listed on the Chicago Christmas event flyer.
Chicago’s Hubbard Street was NOT named for L. Ron. It was called Hubbard St. long before little Ron broke in his first bronco.
I’m not aware of Scientology claiming Hubbard St in Chicago was named for Ron, but I don’t want that kind of rumor to even start.
There was once a drinking establishment called Mother Hubbard’s on Hubbard St., which I occasionally frequented. Back in the day. When I was fun.
Ok, so Drew Johnston is giving what looks like a free two hour seminar and you are supposed to “learn to make your postulates stick, effortlessly”… Now it might be the usual sarcastic retort to say this, but just LOGICALLY (per the WORDS being used) if that was at ALL true, wouldn’t that be like 90% of what most people hope to get out of all their training and processing? I mean that IS the total basic ABILITY AND NATURE OF A THETAN (see Scn Axioms 1-3) … From just ONE short before dinner seminar by Drew Johnston! … What a freaking MAN! … One question, Is he trying to put the CoS out of business? … Drew, I can smell the SP Declare percolating … and anyway, how come you’re not a super duper IAS Maximus Saphire Zirconium Platinomian? … Time for your next status Drew … Pronto!