Bring on the Regges…
Taking a break from saving the world to make some money.
In the Sea Org for 48 years…
Demoted from Flag and the Freewinds to CLO EUS and now he is going to tell you how to be OT?
BTW – he is a nice guy. He was Chief Steward on the Apollo. One of the most thankless jobs of all time.
Your questions?
How about this one.
Are you addressing the human trafficking occurring at Flag?
The only thing they are less qualified at than human trafficking…
Is teaching anyone how to be a good parent.
Who is this Cristian Vargas?
Flag and Orlando are interchangeable now?
Does anyone know his case level?
I would bet he is not even Clear.
“Connecting to OT”?
Files Party!
Means Chicago must be on the list of buildings to be opened in the next year or two.
But a “tailgate” party has got to be a little chilly in Chicago in January?
They think these numbers are impressive…
Because they cannot even contemplate doing anything close to this in their “ideal org” — but in fact the numbers are pathetic as I covered in my post when they first put them out.
Now he is not a Classed Auditor at all?
He went from Class VIII to Class IV to no mention.
Scotland’s ONLY organization
Isn’t it odd that in the 50 years since HAPI was established they haven’t managed to open ANYTHING in the larger city of Glasgow? Or anywhere else in all of Scotland?
The entire country only needs a single scientology outpost apparently. In fact, that’s one too many…
Wow, Lisbon Org still exists…
They STILL believe they brought down the Berlin Wall too.
How come they can’t postulate expansion for their orgs?
Postulates are popular
Same old, same old
Two of the same events. But different days?
Educate before Drug Dealers do?
No postulates here…
Just resolutions and goals
They are “jumpstarting”
Admin Scale from an “OT Viewpoint”
Does anyone actually understand what this means?
Bridging loan needed…
He actually believes the “sale” on the ACC’s (a wildly overstocked series of CD’s) isn’t going to be available after the New Year.
Dude, they are going to keep getting cheaper and cheaper. They pretty much sold every set they were going to sell in the first 6 weeks and have thousands of them lying around gathering dust. That is why they are “discounting” them to the exorbitant price of $5000 plus. They cost them about $50 to manufacture you know. They will be giving them away with each copy of Dianetics soon.
Chiropractor joins staff
And the significance of this is?
“Look we hired someone that isn’t a homeless person?”
Oh boy
This is some confused stuff…
Here’s the ED Valley Org
Never mind…
He makes more money doing seminars.
More postulates…
But they “proudly present” this
Yeah whatever
I assume this is a staff member trying to get in the spirit of things. Surely no public would show up like that?
Hall of Shame
Kiddie corner
That guy who’s been in the SO forever may have just gotten too old for life aboard ship – looking at pictures of the white-haired crew, the whole boat is about to go off a demographic cliff, so to speak! Perhaps he is getting bad arthritis, or needs dialysis, or has some other infirmity incompatible with even duty as a steward.
I hope that the Clearwater community, particularly leaders and staff of real religious and non-profit organizations, are now aware of the human trafficking occurring at Flag, and not falling for Scientology’s hypocritical attempts at “safepointing.” The events must even be staffed by human trafficked Sea Org members! And child trafficking, too – that’s what one of the lawsuits against Scientology is about.
The “postulates” bit about the wildfires shows that it’s really just what is better known as “magical thinking.” And it sounds positively delusional in the later piece that refers to “how to create your own universe and combat the MEST universe.” Plus obviously it’s not working out for them after more than half a century, when all they have to show for it is a group of very unremarkable members with no real world-class achievements, and an organization consisting of little more than big empty MEST buildings scattered across a relatively small number of locations.
On that last point, here’s an interesting stat that it occurred to me to look up: there are more Roman Catholic churches in the greater New York City area (over 100 in Manhattan alone), than there are Scientology orgs in the whole world. Including Long Island, there are probably also more synagogues.
Thanks Mike, I really missed seeing the “funnies” glad to see them again.
Jimmy Page, Mission-in-charge in frozen-balls Chicago?
What’s za’matter Jimmy, losing your looks? Bounced as AOLA’s David Cassidy SO recruiter of fluttery young girls?
Aging is a bitch, Jimmy. Hope ya brought a coat.
“I only need $5000 more and if you lent me this I could literally pay you $5198 back in a month time”.
Gee, Jeremy, you’d pay me back – literally?
As opposed to – figuratively?
Jeremy, why not just borrow 5K from the bank? Wouldn’t that save you a lot of interest? Even borrowing from a high interest credit card would be much cheaper, no?
Oh, but wait…that’s right…no bank is going to loan you a dime… and your credit cards, if you still have any, are maxed out…you’ve probably already completed your first bankruptcy …yeah, never mind! Gullible fellow Scientologists who believe that money could and should be made with no effort, or who “like to help” , or who’re are doing “lower conditions” are your best shot, Jeremy.
The sad thing is, some dumb Clam WILL lend this irresponsible stiff $5000.
And then get stiffed for the $5,000. That’s what $cientology members do “for the greater good” cannibalizing each other as well. A “loan” among $cientologists is money never seen again.
Exactly! They might even intend to pay you back and have the money to do so but some registrar or ethics officer could talk them out of it, as you say, “for the greater good”. And of course the “greater good” is ALWAYS giving it to the cult! Back in the day a registrar attempted to talk me out of paying my income taxes (about 5K) so that I could buy auditing instead! Amazing! I was shocked, yet intrigued. Fairly new to Scientology then, she ALMOST convinced me that if I’d just get this auditing I’d be SO much better off, would EASILY earn the money back right away to pay my taxes and everything else, etc…the money would just flood back in…they’ll say anything, and very convincingly, too. By some miracle I didn’t succumb and my taxes got paid, but I was a hairs breath away from being convinced.
All I hear Jeremy B saying is: ” I’d gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today”.
I’m going to violate some Op. Sec. (“Operational Security”) here to talk about the Australia stuff, because I’m here.
The rain-postulate bullshit irks me. Rain was the result of natural processes, nothing more. Sydney got very little rain for months. If they could postulate rain, they should have done it on a regular basis.
The promo piece about the AO promotes Sydney as a bright, golden haven, and it normally pretty much is, but they’ve “not-ised” the bushfire situation, which will frequently bring haze to the city for some months.
So, one piece acknowledges the bushfires, and another doesn’t.
Also, AOSH ANZO has always been a Mickey-Mouse AO. I’ve trained and worked there for years. I was there when they stat-pushed to “Saint-Hill size”. The CO was busted to the RPF in about two weeks after that. That was just one of the negative events that ha-penned afterwards.
Wow, $5K that he doesn’t have just to buy a bunch of CDs of the Fatman blabbering on and on and on.
That’s a lot of money. He could take a nice vacation for that kind of dough!
The real comedy is that LRH intended the ACCs to only be listened to by trained auditors. Don’t the dipshits in the orgs realize this? If you’re not an auditor, these lectures ain’t for you.
I’m looking at them crowing at the thousands of worldwide completions on all that stuff and thinking really? Really? Wouldn’t you hide that? The alleged church that brags about millions of members can only get less than 10,000 completions on anything in more than 10 years worldwide? Ummm, where are the rest of the people? Oh, that’s right, they have all cut and run…
Totally not creepy. Nope. Not at all.
Is this what passes for “Spirit of Play”? Good lord, who let this unfortunate woman leave the house this way? She’s an attractive lady in a natural way, and the dusty pink flatters her, but the rest…Jesus.
“Pot luck brunch”.
Don’t be hungry is all I can say.
ROTFLMFAO!!! Now that’s some funny shit!
Is Cmdr. Smythe even clear? Published results suggest no:
Freewinds magazine issue 42 from March 2001-ish suggests he completed the “New Student Hat Course”, and not much else worth publishing:
Shame on you, don’t you know that even though Cmdr Smythe is not even Clear and he is touting giving OT Hatting as if he is an expert on OT, that doesn’t matter. What matters is: “Competence is above case gain.” That’s the Service Fac that they teach all the SO so that they can live with no progress on their own personal Bridge. They let them know that they are heads and tails above those mere mortal out ethics OT VIII public because they are Competent with a capital “C” because they are Sea Org with a capital “S” and “O”. It promotes an us vs them and we are better than you think.
Francoise Martin (Chicago new staff) has a Linked in page that says she’s on the board of a Buddhist temple. Also, she has a Groupon for 80% off her chiropractic services.
And why in Australia can they huddle their powers for rain, but they can’t put their brains together for an end to the fires?
the OT’s are restimulated by the Wall of Fire.
Oh, and the Parenting flyer; did you catch that they had the kid dressed like “the pilot”/!!!
I was going to say the same thing lol! Postulate rain, not extinguish the fires? Fail.
Will it never end. $ci postulating rain in Australia. Why didn’t you Assie $ci’s postulate rain weeks ago?
That post makes it seem like there was enough rain to resolve the bushfires. Delusion.
Because several thousand unhandled BT’s still attached to OT 7 Australian Scientologists refused to postulate rain, that’s why.
And so it happened that although a substantial majority of their BTs voted with the Theta Beings FOR rain, and the Theta Polls predicted that it WOULD rain in torrents.
However, unsuspected at the time, a relatively few quiet, counter-iintentioned-cocksucking BTs in less populated but key areas of the OT 7’s beingnesses postulated NO RAIN and swung the Winning Postulate to the Electoral Cootie College. Consequently, Australia is now burning up.
What’s that?
Oh, you’re welcome. I’m glad this was helpful. Do feel free to ask me anything, anytime. I count my greatest pleasure as contributing to the enlightenment of others.
To: Aquamarine
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: slandering the tech
Regarding the item concerning Nation of Islam Sister Amatuallah Sabreen, in the Nation of Islam a superficial understanding of the Scientology theory of Engrams serves the politically useful purpose of making all of the injuries (including physical injuries) attendant with slavery both real and extant in present time. That is, the NOI member being audited is suffering from an Engram that was created when their ancestor was physically injured by their slave-master. The NOI member is currently, in present time, suffering a real injury, with physical and mental manifestations, because of physical injury their ancestor suffered at the hands of the ancestor’s slave-master.
A bit more specific example of this is Sister Sabreen’s Facebook post where she writes about “Running more Slavery Engrams out today!” See my ESMB Redux post at:
This politically useful purpose is served only by a superficial understanding of the Scientology theory of Engrams. As anyone educated in the theory of Scientology knows, the Thetan does not follow the Genetic Line and the Thetan’s association with any particular Genetic Entity is random. Thus, to take the situation of Sister Amatullah Sabreen noted above, 400-year-ago she, the Thetan, the actual “self,” was just as likely to be inhabiting the body of a slave-owner as the body of a slave.
Good point, ISNOI. And the fact that most of the identities we think we’ve been on the whole track turn out to be false on OT VIII mean that her whole slave thing might be false track.
‘400-year-ago she, the Thetan, the actual “self,” was just as likely to be inhabiting the body of a slave-owner as the body of a slave.’
But it’s probably more useful to her, psychologically, as a way of looking at the damage the slave trade did to her ancestors, and which she in turn inherited to some degree, doing it this way. In other words, she does have a connection to that history, so maybe it’s helpful to her to deal with it in the form of that story.
On the other hand, the involvement of 2 destructive cults can’t help but offset any good done and add a bunch of harm.
Thanks for pointing out how strangely “altered” the NOI version and understand of aspects of Hubbard’s “tech” is. I’d guess that Scientology tolerated some of that from the beginning as a calculated concession, perhaps with expectations that exposure to Scientology would shift fundamental NOI beliefs, but I’m wondering if it’s now becoming an increasing point of contention; as racists, the NOI would have to believe that their people would always come back as African-Americans (or Africans or “Moors”).
That the background of slavery somehow resonates with her in the context of auditing, to me just points to how Scientology is really dealing with psych-social issues, not reincarnation or spirituality.
And besides the various problems this points to with past life theory, the NOI’s African Americans have significant “white” ancestry as well, though it seems as if they somehow ignore that.
Also, I bet that none or virtually none of the overwhelmingly white CofS members has claimed a supposed past life as an African-Slave – one of the characteristics of such false memory phenomenon, is that people’s imaginings almost always come out of what is known and familiar, including race and also gender. Infamously, there are hundreds of Jesuses – but, come to think of it, I bet again no or virtually no Muhammads (I wonder how that works within the NOI, since while expectable it might also be considered blasphemous).
Interesting comment, Peacemaker. Two Jewish Scientologists I knew when I was in told me that in their just prior lifetimes they had been SUPPRESSORS of Jews. One Jewish lady told me she’d a Nazi, the other lady relayed that she’d been Russian -presumably an anti-Semitic Russian.
The gist of each of their communications to me was the Hubbard datum that what one fiercely RESISTS, hates, etc., in any given lifetime is likely to be what one GETS or becomes in the next.
I haven’t read this LRH datum anywhere but I have little doubt that it exists somewhere within the “tech”. It definitely sounds like LRH!
Now, if this datum does exist, and worse, if its true, then per LRH, insofar as the NOI’s make wrong of whites, they’re assignment of full blame, etc., to whites for ALL their troubles – quelle surprise – pretty much ensures they’ll be Caucasians next lifetime 🙂
Just think; Calypso Louis’ and Tony Mohammed’s WORST nightmare; their next lifetimes, White People! Crackers! Blue-eyed Devils! Or, wait! Wait! I almost forgot! JEWS! They’re going to be JEWS next lifetime!!!
Oh, the horror! 🙂
Edit: “Their” not “they’re”, sorry. Look, I know nobody cares but once a grammar nazi, etc.
Aqua, I think the actual quote is “What you resist, you become”. If you didn’t like slavery and joined the abolitionists one life, next life you’re a slave.
Makes about as much sense as anything Hubbard ever said.
Quaker one life, soldier the next.
It all makes sense unless you think about it.
Bruce, I think Hubbard was plagiarizing an old philosophical and psychological principle that, typically, has some truth to it. One version is “you become what you hate” and I think Scientology exemplifies that – Hubbard loved to hate “psychs” and “commies,” and yet his organization resembles nothing so much as the practices of ineffective and even dangerous early psychiatry, and the thought reform totalitarianism of the Soviet Union.
Looking for origins of the saying, in the early 20th century I came across this by Hermann Hesse – whose “Siddhartha” was a classic for 1960s-era seekers, and is sometimes referenced in accounts of beatniks and boomers who got involved in Scientology – in his 1919 book Demian: “If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn’t part of ourselves doesn’t disturb us.”
Got it, Bruce, thanks!
Now, OK, leaving aside whether its ACTUALLY true or not – leaving that aside, let’s just suppose for our purposes now that it IS true:
This means that, next lifetime, top NOI brass like Farrakhan and Tony Mo are going to be Jews or Caucasians.
Next lifetime, CCHR people are going to be PSYCHIATRISTS.
And, last but not least, given what was his constant fear, make-wrong and avoidance of the media, L Ron
Hubbard, having dropped his body in 1986, is now…a reporter for the New York Times 🙂
Aqua, past life fantasies come down to what is lurking in peoples’ subconscious – research has proven that, and at least one study demonstrated that if subjects who had experienced such phenomenon were hypnotized, they could then recall the forgotten source, often something like a book read or a movie seen when they were a child.
Nazis would certainly be an archetype kicking around in the psyches of Jewish scientologists. In the case of the NOI what would mostly be at work, is such imaginings have been shown by research to mostly conform to the familiarity of individuals’ real-life race and gender, and in particular subjects rarely imagine being a different race regardless of the circumstances, while in the the NOI an extra factor of repression and taboo might be at work in keeping their fantasizings to their own race.
It would be very interesting to know if any NOI being audited do sometimes have past life imaginings as white people including slave masters, as might be expected in relatively rare instances, or if they repress any such thing because of their beliefs and prejudices. There’s also the question of whether they would even report it to an auditor, or attempt to re-contextualize on the spot any such imaginings that came up, placing themselves as either a witness or a black overseer.
Thanks for explaining this, Peacemaker. In any event, Scientology auditing of past lives being what it is, I can’t see the NOI as being anything but muzzled. If we have lived before, millions or lifetimes I would think that there’s hardly any race or occupation or nationality etc. that we haven’t already been!
If we do live again, if we are immortal beings who occupy different bodies each lifetime, then, given their NOI beliefs, Allah help them if they get auditing recalls on having been the captains of slave ships or auctioneers or plantation overseers, or Jeff Davis or Robert E Lee…they’ll have to suppress THOSE cognitions, lol!
On a lighter note, if we do live again and again, I’m just hoping that I don’t come back as a man.
Shaving my FACE – ugh. NOT shaving my legs. Gross. No more pink. No more – well never mind. Always having to carry things…I really don’t want to be a man. Don’t get me wrong; I like them. I do. Men are OK. More than OK, they’re…very necessary. Nice to have around. I just don’t want to BE one. So I’m trying not to resist this concept too much, because then it will happen 🙂
Interesting how, in that thread, you also excerpt “How you Eat to Live” by Elijah Muhammad and the passage just before the section you highlighted states repetitively that one has only a SINGLE life to live. Kind of flies in the face of their “tech” and running of slavery engrams.
So not only do they have a superficial understanding of scientology, they contradict their OWN founder. No wonder the combo is a match made in cult-“heaven.”
Mick Davies. Knew him when he was CO Flag Estates. Nice enough fellow but not the brightest penny in the pile. Lacked a lot of “real world” skills and I suspect the idea of having to confront “making it in the outside world” has kept him from leaving the SO all these years.
How to create your own universe! Why aren’t people beating down the doors to get this info? They could create a world without $cientology and blow this org!
Keeping Scientology Wanking.
Bwahahahahahahahahahahah!!! Now that’s some funny shit, Gladfly!!! Outstanding!
O/T. A new, longer Twitter video excerpt of Minister Tony Muhammad’s remarks regarding Jewish people.
On 1/5/20, Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad blamed “the Jews” for slavery and again promoted the book “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews.”
As noted in Wikipedia, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., head of the department of Afro-American studies at Harvard University, called the book “the Bible of new anti-Semitism.”
“Who cares if he’s anti-semitic – as long as he’s upstat he can get away with murder.”
Chairman of the Board
Revisionist Technology Center
“Revisionist Technology Center.”
Perfect, Gadfly 🙂 Just perfect. I’m stealing it.
Be my guest. That’s what it’s become. 😘
But I’ll make sure credit for this genius is duly accorded to you.
Well, that’s the least you could do! 😉
Absolutely, and I promise you I will do the least 🙂