That Cristian Vargas sure gets around…
He seems to be the only person organizing events these days?
Big news
From a “former” investigative reporter and a retired Army officer. I am sure they are experts. Just as sure there will be a lot of correlation without causation involved in this (almost by definition you have to be mentally ill to engage in a mass shooting — how come scientology hasn’t yet “taken over the field” on mental healing and handled this problem? Are they not just as responsible as “the psychs” who they claim know nothing but they have ALL the tech?)
The HELP awards…
Wonder if they can even get anyone to show up to accept them?
He’s everywhere
Rafferty the gold-digger is going to offer his tips on marrying into money.
I did this course 20 years ago…
Kids gardening party and Valentine’s “family” fun day
They are really hard up for ideas to get anyone to come in…
Cristian Vargas again…
And again…
Are they coordinated with Cristian Vargas?
Desperate to get anyone in for anything…
You know Hubbard was horribly derogatory about people bowling — called them dilettantes. What would he think about people sitting around watching a game on TV rather than studying the tech to save mankind?
And they are PROMOTING this.
Think Clearly?
I’ve always wondered how can you do that when you still have a reactive mind?
A “live experience”
Sounds pretty touchy-feely.
Whatever happened to your FASE study on the Purif to scientifically prove how it works?
Every staff member needs this…
Oh yeah, they all have to study this.
How come it doesn’t work for them?
The scraped together 25 people
They’ve had a building for at least a decade, sitting empty. Anyone under 40 in this photo?
Here is the current New Haven “org”…
Flag is your future?
Oh, that’s not good…
You are going to be feeling empty and overdressed.
Opening with a capital “O”
They have attained “Affluence OT Committee hours” — give them an award!
The next decade of expansion
Like the last one?
How many less missions are there in California in the last decade? There is one new (empty) org in Inglewood, but LA Day and Fdn combined into one SO Org — so in fact it’s the same number of orgs.
Get a load of these speakers — none of them from California.
Tom Cummins has “Conquered Life” and Jim Bridgeforth is “Living on the tip of the spear”? Seriously? Must be painful.
Kiddie Corner
How tragic always
The Purif is suddenly popular again?
They had some trouble fitting in all the words
This Current Diffic is a serious problem for kids.
You will remember paying $75…
…to eat in an un-renovated POS mission.
Sizzler would be a better deal.
They’re putting on events to try to get people in here too?
They don’t even deliver services? Desperate to get their stat of “Bodies in the Shop” up anyway….
Assume the position
Whereever that is.
But they have an auditor, 2 supervisors and a Book 1 auditor.
And that is “blasting off”!
“I am not a crook”
Methinks you doth protest too much. Of course you went there because it was cheaper.
And old Joe Bueno, infamous LA Reg, was OT 5 and he got through Objectives again so he can be put back onto OT 5. And this is presented as a WIN?
Another “I’m doing it again” success story
Why are they so happy to re-do things?
Yeah, fight back…
It’s a fantasy world…
Plymouth is daydreaming again.
Sure to be absolutely history making
Learn how they’re bringing the powerful social reform tech to OC….
A “creative” public speaker?
Is that a good thing? Sounds like he would flunk his Leadership test. You are supposed to duplicate and apply the tech. Not be creative.
Here they are again
Tom Cummins and Rafferty — how come these guys are the head honchos of explaining to people why they need to get onto their OT levels rather than Flag tech terminals?
Because it’s all about THE MONEY.
Book your couch?
OMG, they are getting ridiculous in their desperation to get anyone to stay there.
Bagged school lunches? Balloon Man. Two pool tables?
Did they steal this from Plymouth?
Lots of witchcraft happenning.
Michael DeLeon
Almost reaching Cristian Vargas and Rafferty status.
The Chan-man has been eclipsed.
Bringing back the gray hairs
Like REALLY gray.
LRH’s dream can be realized…
Which one?
Making all men my slaves?
They don’t even name their speakers
No creative speakers here.
Really — Chinese New Year?
So many Chinese in the local Clearwater Community.
What are they doing in NY?
AOLA and ASHO are the advanced orgs for the US.
Scientology is cannibalizing itself.
I’d like to know how many “wogs” attend any of these events. I’m waiting for the “psych” event. Can I come if I’m a psych?
Scientology and “Super Bowl” just don’t mix. Aren’t football games considered a “distraction” to get getting up the bridge? They’ve obviously gone “PTS to the middle class”, LMAO. But if they are going to host a viewing party (just to get people in the door), why is there no mention of beer or any kind of alcoholic beverage? Betting pools? Will someone please put their ethics in for me?
“We are the lucky ones.”
– Evelyn Bueno on OT3.
Yo Evelyn,
Yes indeedy!
“Lucky” is your middle name.
But your first name is “Un”.
Much love,
Wow, Joe Bueno is still swimming in the kool-aid. After all he has seen, how could the cognitive dissonance not have gotten to him? He is a True Believer. Sad, because he has some redeeming qualities but they are all now in the service a cult.
I hope that those re-doing courses and levels that they attested to previously have been through the Doubt Formula for their false attest.
You can’t expect to get Tech in if Ethics is out. This also goes for those that sent them to attest.
Michel Wisner is a complete and utter void outside $camology. I couldn’t find anything that wasn’t $camology based. A fart in a vacuum chamber.
Oh dear, some naughty person has sent an email to the official Harry Potter site, with a copy of the flier attached.
As for the rest of the crap…well…crap about wraps it up in a single word.
The New Haven location is a hop, skip, and jump from my school. You need any intel? lol Got any extra business cards you want me to leave in the area?
Oh, and I’d like to know what Scientology’s rate of bad reactions like people going PTS psychotic, is compared to psychiatry’s – adverse reactions per 1,000 or 100,000 people treated, for instance. Scientology is very small, particularly compared to psychiatry, but then a relatively small number of cases could actually make their rate quite elevated.
As a sort of rough comparison, I think I’ve seen a figure cited of one death per 100,000 electroshock (ECT) treatments. We have information that only about 30,000 people have ever been to Flag, and yet we know that at least one of them – Lisa McPherson – went psychotic and then died because of Scientology’s treatment. So it could be said that Scientology is more dangerous than even psychiatry’s electroshock, which Hubbard railed against – that might not actually be a really good basis for comparison, but it’s at least one step better than Scientology’s baseless number-slinging.
“…TOM CUMMINS and RAFFERTY PENURY not a typo will enlighten you…your wallet is too heavy…Walletness…Billfoldness… is THE major impediment to going Clear and OT…you’ll be enlightened as to how to IMMEDIATELY lighten your wallet so that it weighs practically nothing…enabling your journey Up The Bridge to be a Rocket Ride… as will be your journey down too by the way but never mind…that comes later, first, you need to get UP there…please confirm…”
What is it with these OBVIOUSLY dark-haired male Scientologists in late middle age going full out fake blond? Is this just me or does anyone else think this is ridiculous? They’re not actors. Perhaps this is un-PC of me as brunette women of every age go blonde all the time for all kinds of reasons, especially to cover up grey when they reach 50 or older, so why not men? Well, shoot me, I think its ridiculous. And I think that grey hair looks distinguished on a man. But that’s just me. But a 60 year old man with dyed platinum blond hair? Or any kind of dyed hair? Sorry, that’s embarrassing. I wouldn’t want to be seen with him. I think a man should be proudly salt & pepper, or grey or bald. Hair doesn’t make a man! Le rant est fini
I’m surpised you didn’t know. That is what happens when scienos use brain bleach. It sometimes bleeds through to their hair.
I’m surprised you didn’t already know. It comes from scienos constant use of brain bleach. The bleach sorta seeps through their skulls.
Oh, so its THAT kind of bleach, is it? LOL!
I can’t even believe the woman at East Grinstead referred to the homeless as “entheta.” I swear, the only reason Scientology isn’t guilty of an actual Holocaust is that they haven’t been in power. What do you think they would do with the homeless if they did have power?
And what is that hand sign they’re all doing in the New Haven photo? They look like metal bands and wannabe Satanists making the sign of the horns.
In contrast you have Pope Francis who advises that one should give to the homeless on the streets but, he said, “more importantly, don’t just walk by and drop the money, more importantly, LOOK at that person, let him know that you recognize his humanity.”
I’m paraphrasing but that was the gist – don’t worry about where that money you’re giving the HP is going to end up – wine, drugs, etc., – don’t worry about that, Francis says. Far more important than the amount you’re giving is that you CONNECT with that homeless person, however briefly. Look at him or her, smile, say something. There’s a human being in front of you; acknowledge that.
What a guy, that Francis! Kind, patient, wise…I’m not a Roman Catholic but he’s my idea of what a religious leader should be.
The homeless?
Dispose of them quietly and without sorrow.
Scientology is about making the able more able.
(And they fail at that.)
So Sunland, CA is restarting up a Mission there? All the other missions in Sunland failed miserably. But hey, they have Jay Clitheroe at the helm. I noticed his stats include being an OT VI. Maybe that is a typo and should read OT VII. Or maybe he was demoted and is having to re-do OT VII again. He did attest to OT VII completion some years back, so it is weird to see them calling him OT VI now.
In Sunland they’ve been having events in members’ homes for years, after losing their storefront space – and, probably, the mission holder. I checked corporate records, and the Sunland mission has been suspended since 2010, plus there was also a separate Sunland/Tujunga entity that ceased activity in 2007.
Apparently no one wants to actually step up, put down the money and take it over, so it must be operating as some sort of “postulate” or something. From what I can tell all the missions except a couple of well-established ones are money losers, requiring the mission holder to subsidize them – not to mention the initial investment.
Uh oh…Dave and Maria forgot to thank COB!
Most of the people we got onto the Purif were fairly new Scientologists. A little more than half of them latched onto it as a weight-loss or fitness regime. Even though we explained a number of times that it wasn’t, they still had that in the back of their mind. I think this, in part, explains our limited success with selling this service to our public. These are buttons with many people.
Canberra (ANZO used to refer to it as “ACT” for “Australian Capital Territory”) was always one of the worst orgs in Australia. It was either them or Adelaide at the bottom of the pile. Shitty, shitty orgs. It’s interesting that they referring to ACT as “National”. I guess they rebranded. Canberra is a very small city, and wouldn’t have enough population to support much of an organisation. That, of course, presupposes that you’ve got something valuable to sell.
This Michael Wisner guy, an expert in toxins? What, a warlock or sorcerer? Or a chemist?
It does sadden me to see Spencer Gill with his arms crossed and all. Such a great kid, his father and mother both VIII’s in NC. His sister Katie is at big blue, exec over training org or some such thing.
For some reason this batch of Thursday Funnies had me laughing more than usual showing the piteous and pathetic decline of Scientology that is still trying to have a brave stance in the face of continuing abject failure, exposure as the cult it is & irrelevance. Thanks Mike!
We have seen Mr Wisner before. Worlds worst haircut or worlds worst rug. How could anyone take him seriously.
Shucks, just when I was about to nickname him the Scientology Robert Redford.
You wrote: “Whatever happened to your FASE study on the Purif to scientifically prove how it works?”
I got to see a preliminary chart that showed the first 6 weeks of blood/urine work by FASC by a WISE consultant back in the day. The results were not encouraging. Years later I talked with same WISE consultant who said the program was dropped. I guess that answered whether or not the purif worked.
FPjr, a guy who actually ran the FASE studies dropped in a while back and confirmed their failure, as had long been reported: They found that toxins weren’t being sweated out, plus that no pharmaceuticals were being purged, as Hubbard had theorized/fantasized. Funding was then cut off before they could do further investigation into the finding that some toxins were being flushed, but presumably through the well-known mechanism of excretion (mostly urine), likely stimulated through some combination of hydration (drinking large quantities of liquid) and possibly heat.
Purification Rundown Debunked
It’s sort of classic pseudo science: the real factor at work is the water drunk, not the heat that forces the drinking; and the real mechanism is just normal peeing, not the sweating. So subjects would likely get the same benefits, if any, just by increasing their intake of fluids by a similar amount for a similar period – though actually, the optimal period apparently remains unknown, and could be shorter or longer.
Bwa ha ha ha ha someone must have gotten in trouble last year using the words Super Bowl. So now people are invited to watch the Big Game in two separate promos. Sorry, I can’t attend. I will be at a Super Bowl party where I may win money based on my squares on a board (probably no, I usually don’t) but I will definitely be eating good food and enjoying good company, with people who won’t be watching my every move waiting to write a KR on me.
Perhaps the CoS has purchased a license for this, but if they have not, they are breaking one of the rules for churches to show this game by showing it on a screen larger than 55″ in size.
“There are some important rules to follow to avoid being tackled with risks of copyright infringement:
1. Churches must show the game live on equipment they use in the course of ministry at their premises.
2. Churches cannot charge admission for the party. The NFL has stated, however, that churches may take up a donation to defray the cost of the event.
3. Churches must not use NFL Shield, Super Bowl or Club logos to promote the party.
The NFL has the right to put restrictions on how churches and other establishments show the games because the broadcasts, like all televised programs, are protected by copyright law. The U.S. Copyright Act specifically restricts public establishments from transmitting broadcasts on TV screens larger than 55” without paying license fees to the copyright owner. In this case, the NFL owns the rights to show the live TV broadcast of the game.”
Ah, I was going to ask about the studious avoidance of the name Super Bowl. Super Bowl. Super Bettlejuice. Oops!
As for the Buenos, they earned more in 6 months while not at work? There’s a hint about what their staff think of them.
“…I will definitely be eating good food and enjoying good company, with people watching my every move waiting to write a KR on me.”
Val, what you just wrote is another item high on my Gratitude List. I carry with me a kind of perpetual, low-level yet fundamental feeling of thankfulness that I no longer have to spend tension filled holidays or ordinary days obeying the cult’s demands for my presence at some event or another! I can CHOOSE the people with whom I am going to spend my non-working time! I can even CHOOSE to spend it alone! Bliss! Bliss, I tell you!
Edit: “WithOUT people watching my every move…” OMG, I must discipline myself to edit every post!
Re; The Plymouth Org. So, now they’re admitting that Scientology is Witchcraft? Hmmm. That’s verrrrrrrry interesting! By the by, I doubt Warner Bros. or J.K. Rowling will sue. Too many people use images from Harry Potter to make it worth their while.
New Haven org…
I pity, I SO pity the execs of that org once it’s Ideal.
(My Class 5 Org Exec posts are wayyyy in my rearview mirror, but I still have the flinch reflex)
From what I was told its quite empty. But of course, somehow below, or, rather, high above our awareness – very high above – people are FLOODING so they need a larger building to handle all this…TRAFFIC, this URGENT DEMAND for Scientology services
My question to you is, why pity these Execs?
After all, they are RIGHT THERE.
They KNOW how empty their org is. Yet, they go along with this shameful scam.
They ENABLE Miscavige to fleece their public; they AID AND ABET this real estate Miscavige’s fraud, and they perpetrate it themselves, ACTIVELY scamming their public for money to a buy a building they don’t need.
Sorry – for THEM? Why?
Are they REALLY that stupid? Do you REALLY think they don’t know?
Or, as I strongly suspect, did they at some point, for whatever reasons, turn a corner on their own integrity and reconcile themselves to become aiders and abetters of a criminal, and themselves corrupt, willing, and knowing criminals?
The BEST case scenario would be that they really ARE that stupid, in which case, even if they weren’t in Scientology, some person or other, or some organization would be hoodwinking them; abusing them, corrupting them.
PS: The “proof of the pudding” is in the LEAVING. Leaving the cult is the staff’s ONLY way to demonstrate their integrity, to prove they HAVE integrity and to prove that they’re not criminals – whether its the amazingly dumb, clueless kind, or fully aware, willing, knowing kind. Either way they’re criminals.
Horrible grammar, sorry. Always too impatient to edit when I’m emotional.
They suffer from toxic head up the ass syndrome, aggravated by a dangerously high level of kool-aid in their system, requiring a radical operation known as the Hubbardectomy.
Staff members survive on their goodness.
Whatever it is, whatever it’s composition … that hard kernel of hope and desire and conviction keeps them there fighting …
The goals are laudable at heart.
As staff, the next big breakthrough or campaign follows one after the other, and though one becomes jaded and tempers one’s enthusiasm and expectations.. within the kernel lies hope.
The kernel holds the basic belief in Scn and hope for the star high goals.
Hope and losing hope and losing, over and over, year after year.
I spent the bulk of my time in as staff in orgs and groups.
My core emotion towards staff is compassion.
Otherwise I’m just standing over the body of a coma victim, deriding them for their inactivity.
(But I can still make fun of them at times)
Understood on the basic goodness, idealism and desire to help of staff members, Rip.
Why else would one sign a contract for 2 1/2 or 5 years to work so many hours for so little pay, and in addition have to work a second job to actually support oneself?
Believe me, I’m not accusing Class V org of being SPs. They’re not sociopaths. They MEAN well. They mean VERY well. Without question they are basically decent, extremely caring, altruistic people with a strong purpose to help others and make a better world.
None the less, they ARE criminals. De facto. By default, whatever. They are criminals. They are committing CRIMINAL acts. People who commit criminal ACTS are by definition, CRIMINALS.
They are DEFRAUDING their fellow human beings by convincing them to pay for real estate that the church doesn’t need. They’re ENCOURAGING their fellow human beings to incur extreme debt, default on their mortgages, declare bankruptcy, etc.,
They are DEFRAUDING their fellow human beings by convincing public to donate to the IAS scam.
In the name of “Standard Tech”, they are delivering OUT TECH.
In the name of “On Policy” they run their org WAY OFF POLICY.
In brief, they are out-ethics, off policy, out tech, pro- active criminals.
There’s no getting around it; they enable and support a criminal organization. Their activities are criminal activities.
Now, as to WHY they became criminal?
All kinds of reasons. Here’s where we can weigh in on our opinions about WHY. I offered mine, you offered yours, and there could be many other reasons and any of them could be true and none of them could be true.
Peoples’ motivations for what they do can vary but, knowingly or unknowingly, if I’m supporting a criminal organization, for whatever reason myself lying and defrauding my fellow man then I’m a criminal, that’s all!
Absolutely correct, Aqua
The “Church” dos not accept excuses for bad conduct . In most Comm-Evs I have seen one is Guilty until proven Innocent, and after they are proven Innocent they are declared Suppressive for making “Justice” wrong.
Kids on the purif always bugged me when I was in. Such a stat push.
But it’s now so much worse, It’s scary how dangerous it could be.
When it sunk in that the “tech” of the purif is the same bullshit as Clear and OT, my alarm skyrocketed.
The kid stuff always makes me angry. We know that the number of hours in the sauna is dangerous, and it really alarms me when I see kids doing it.
I think it’s wonderful to see the love and pride on the face of that mother with her child who finished Life Repair, but it’s so misplaced. I was a kid in Scientology, and being aligned with Scientology made my mother proud.
Mikey Chan seems to only do Prosperity Preaching. Tom Cummins and Jim Bridgeforth have been doing road shows for the last year and are somewhat newcomers. They only need Gavin Potter to complete the 4 horsemen of the Clampocolypse.
Evelyn Bueno has perfectly aligned her 2d. What needed ‘alignment’ and was a Chiropractor involved? What is it with $cieno sex stuff?
My Oh My!
I’m looking at the photo of Spencer Gill who is labelled as “D/Executive Director for Delivery & Exchange” and I’m trying to figure out just what that might mean.
My first thought is that the stance he is taking – with his folded arms – would usually result in him appearing to be so very serious. But the goofy look on his face would lead me to believe there is a strong disconnect between his physical appearance and his mental thought pattern.
In other words, his overall image just fails to make any strong statement. Instead, he seems to project an image of extreme confusion.
I am left to wonder what the “D” means in the title “D/Executive Director for Delivery & Exchange. It seems pretty clear that this scam does not ever refund or exchange anything. If they deliver any tangible objects – like their crazy books – we all know they never, ever, ever, refund the money paid for any crazy books or anything else. It would follow that if they never refund money for anything, they also certainly do not exchange anything.
There is an unwritten and unspoken policy that whenever a sucker pays money for something, that money is never refunded to the sucker or exchanged for any other product or service. People who have been enslaved by this scam for any length of time are well versed in some of the old adages used to describe the flow of that money. One of the most common is, “Money paid to The Scam is money lost to The Scam. For ever and ever.”
Skyler, let me explain: D/Executive Director for Delivery & Exchange can be shortened to DED which is a particular brand of Hubbard overt. However, it’s actually a subconscious plea for help to get a life and not be dead. Hope this helps.
“D/Executive Director for Delivery & Exchange”: I’ve forgotten what this is exactly, but “D/” means “Deputy”.
I heard Spencer Gill is no longer on staff in Tampa. Spencer has other fish to fry. The “BBB’s”
Spencer has a beard, a band and a baby. Does he still have his BT’s? Can anyone in Tampa confirm?
Yes, he still has BTs and I think that’s great! BTs have enough on their minds. So, I say to you, embrace the BTs! Show them compassion. Can you live with that, Tampa Tyrant?
Yes, please do embrace them, lest we have situation resulting in what can only be described as Clusters Last Stand.
OSD – Yes! I certainly can live with my BT’s. I love them. They are some of the finest BT’s one will ever have and I am keeping them. Okay- who is Spencer Gill? 11 years on staff? Poor kid – what a waste of life. Spencer married Joelle Adney (she was married to Senior C/S Adam Heft from St Louis). Adam and Joelle split and she moved to the Florida area because her father has a lot of money. Sad, but 30 year olds raised in Scientology have no skills to work and create an independent life. This happens a lot. Joelle’s father is Kevin Adney, a animal vet and a Whale who keeps his family in Scientology, sufficiently hydrated with the koolaid. I think Joelle’s brother, Jarron, is on staff at Tampa last I heard. A purify I/C. Joelle’s sister, Kaylie, may be out and UTR. She blew back to the homes State they came from; Arkansas. I did not know the older sister but I heard she never got involved in the cult. Smart woman. Spencer Gill’s band is called “Tides of Man” and his wife just had a BT…uh, I mean, a baby. A little boy named Hunter. Poor kid. He will be breast fed koolaid and is already wearing Navel Diapers. They are all nice folks stuck in a stupid cult. I hope they all go free. Especially Baby Hunter Gill.
You’re a good lad, TT!
Joe Bueno at Saint Hill is ready for his GAT OT V Advanced Program.
Oh god, I hope is not the same as the one we used to call it exactly like that – the Advanced Program – in which the person received the R Factor: ‘ you are not Clear and now have to redo NED’.
And the Purif becoming popular again will help to report stats of well done acting hours to be in Ideal Highest Ever Affluence like nothing ever seen before.
He’s probably having more fun than when he was on the RPF, but that’s debatable.
“Anyone in this photo under forty?”
Well, there is an infant.
As for all that Plymouth Org Harry Potter promo, does JK Rowling know about this? Might mean lawsuit.
And at Bay Head, NJ, the book reading is going to be one of LRHs pulp fiction favorites. Why not a reading of DMSMH?