Do It For Ron
The Birthday Event hype is in full swing. Here is a favorite. “The best gift we can give him is the gift of expansion” so…. Give us £104 for “SMP”. Makes total sense.
And you will get a “special” “104” commendation to file in the round file of useless pieces of paper — you only have “ethics protection” based on your NEXT “donation.”
Dear Mabel,
This week we celebrate the 104th Birthday of our Founder, L. Ron Hubbard.
The best gift we can give him is the gift of expansion. And the best answer to that is Scientology Media Productions, the most important project in Scientology today. Scientology Media Productions gives us the means to reach out to the whole planet and introduce everyone to Scientology®Technology.
Be part of the sprint game for the last days until our official Birthday Event celebration:
Everyone who contributes 104 GBP between now and 21 March will receive a special “104” commendation in commemoration of their contribution for LRH’s Birthday.
Become one of the members of “104”!
Bookstore Officer AOSH UK
Inglewood Celebrity Centre?
Why is this being done at Inglewood and not CC? I guess they are trying anything to get anyone to set foot in this white elephant (pun intended).
Cognition Party?
And this line really has appeal and gives a clue as to what this guy is selling with his “postulates”: Now I know with certainty that sits I’ve had as an OT will be handled on the SRD.
Searing Tony
There are more ex-SO that are trying to make amends at Valley Org — this guy was an international “org manager” for YEARS in the Flag Bureau. Sisyphus was a sissy compared to the life of hopeless slavery these people put themselves through in order to “make up the damage.”
Who would you go to for help?
Guess where this phone number goes? To the experts on breaking up families…
And you just KNOW you can trust these people. Never betrayed anyone.
No wonder they don’t say who they are…
What will they think of next?
Celebrate St Patrick’s Day with Battlefield Earth. Why?
What wall?
This is how many people Flag has in WUS to beg, cajole, threaten people to go to the “Friendlies Place In The World.”
And the place is STILL empty.
This business model isn’t working.
Jackson who?
That is some “special guest.” The bar is pretty low in Seattle.
The honor to spend a few minutes with Chairman of the Board…
Did he punch you? Call you a CICS?
What is it with these people? Their “success” is how hard it was to get Pasadena done and they thought it would never happen blah blah and now 5 years later they are going to get it “St Hill size” (which by the way is the “make-break point of an org”) and they are promoting for other people to be involved in the same torture? Masochists?
The only appropriate word to ever be applied in this circumstance.
Gold hard hats? They just keep inventing new shitty “awards” every week. What happened to the “Infinity People” or whatever their last thing was?
And who added the “sparkles”? They need some tutorials on photoshop.
Honestly, all I can think of when I look at this is “What a pair of dickheads.”
Say What?
SP and Runinng Pgm Completions “summit” in the Monkey Room.
No irony here.
Used to be Graduation was for graduates. Now it’s “Showtime” with refreshments. Anything for “bodies in the shop.”
This poster makes absolute NO sense. Eagle Scout. Belief. Know Yourself. Far East. 167 Nations = Join The Sea Org.
Regraded Being
Regraded Being is becoming a legend. Amazing talent. Amazing insight.
peggy2176il says
These poor people, they need dental care, medical care, counseling, therapy of all types, decent food, hair and makeup advice, new clothes, new brains, and a guide to lead them out of the rabbit hole.
You know if this LRH dude would show up at his very own birthday celebration at 104, but looking 34, I might be impressed and try to buy 1/32nd of what he was selling. Ofcourse no plastic surgery allowed. His mind must create that youthful appearance.
Wake up people. Why keep building, and dupilcating services and doing the same things overand over again, but just give them a cifferent name. Is not that INSANITY! Meanwhile dear Davey is ru ning his shell game and while people are scraping the bottom of the barrel for their last dime, Davey is probably gathering up his billions and putting them in the Carribean and Switzerland, packing his bags and getting ready to move to Target 2 or 3.
The sneeple, maybe there are a few on wakeup, may e tbey could set tp hidden cameras and show the world the accurate amout of people that are not staff coming into any org., building, or mission run by sciontology. Maybe this would wake up a few more souls.
I hope for all those left that the end comes sooner, rather than later.
Dan Locke says
All those FSC people! Any idea if long time FSC guy and long time SFO reg Lou Swartz is still on staff? I called the FSC Office (long after I was declared) and had a fun 10 minute chat with Lou. I loved the fellow and very much enjoyed our chat,, but he was definitely sounded melancholy. I played it all good roads and good weather and did not bring up Scientology at all. Why ruin a conversation?
He and I used to reg together in his SFO days when I would rep ASHO and AO as a tours reg in SF in the early 80’s. Little known fact about Loveable Lou; he knew all the best Dylan songs by heart, and could do a pretty decent imitation of Dylan. And would, often!
I audited Tony Searing for thousands of hours on the bizarre politically motivated mind control sec checks in the RPF. A good guy and certainly sincere in wanting to win in Scientology. He´s made a fair amount of money over the years since he was routed out selling Infinite Aloe skin cream over the phones at their office close to the complex. People tell me that he has ballooned in weight to over 200 lbs. He can´t be more than 5’6″. i heard that he was routed out of the RPF after I was routed out and that he dutifully paid off his FL debt and that he lives in a little apartment and ALL his money goes to the bridge and donos.
So, they are not all whales. The guys like Duggan that give a thousandth of their income get a lot of attention, but there are still many Tony Searings in the world forking over 80% of their income to give 20 K or so a year as they live very frugrally, inching their ways sideways and down the grade chart.
All these people in the pics have been there FOREVER. I think that the last time any Scientologist was successful in getting anyone new into an org who lasted more than two courses would have been in 1981 or so. And I think they had rocketed international stats that year in October with 4 new people brought onto a major course.
I Yawnalot says
I can’t help myself sometimes. I read the “wins” those people got from events and scratch my head with wonder at the intelligence level of them.
I know, I know… “wash my mouth out with soap and hell and damnation will befall me” but I’d love to assess a Green form on say, half a dozen of those true followers of miscavige and publish the general results publically. I really do think the organisational Scientologist would be shit scared of an auditor with good TRs and with the intention to FN reading items.
Their own technology would a nightmare for them to contemplate if it was actually used on them – they truly don’t know what it is and what it does, it would expose their lives and lies like a can opener.
Now, please, PLEASE understand, I’m not advocating the wonders of the tech yada, yada yada but I’m just pointing out that those under miscavige’s care and guidance have never had a standard session in their lives and wouldn’t have a clue how to handle what their own minds would come up with a properly assessed Green form. (for those who don’t know a Green form is a prepared list of questions to find and repair general case outnesses, If done correctly it supposedly gets the person in good shape for whatever the next step on the Bridge is – it generally exposes any and all bs in current restimulation if audited correctly).
I feel the distinction should be made and fully understood that miscavige hates Hubbard and his technology as much or even more than the anti-Scientology people that post online. That is one thing he has in common with more people than many realise.
East is east and west is west etc. etc.
Michael Mallen says
The only green form Dave seems to want is US currency.
From83 says
I think the number one thing that has been missing from Scientology Auditing as practiced is the fundamental rudiment of the PC has to feel safe. If he feels like he’s going to get in trouble for having doubts, upset with, disagreements with LRH, the Tech, The Church and now COB. He ain’t going to get a lot of case gain since he doesn’t feel safe. Forget the green form just be friendly. Make people feel like hey they could tell you and you wouldn’t raise an eyebrow. Once you get the ARC there and remove the suppression, they’ll tell you everthing on the green form and MORE! Auditing and auditing like processes can offer a lot of sprital/mental gains when delivered some what correctly. Is there a bridge to total freedom, I don’t think so. But if we are very lucky there might be one day…
I Yawnalot says
Yeah, I like your reply. That’s really what I’ve always based my auditing on, I’ve always have my auditing (acts) ruds in and gotten on in a very friendly and honest manner with PCs and always intended to help them. If it wasn’t friendly and safe, auditing wouldn’t exist per se, not in my book anyway. It had a profound effect me when CSs (and exec’s getting involved with cases) began doing weird actions in the late 80s and sec checks and endless reviews starting becoming the norm and Bridge actions just fell by the wayside. I eventually just walked away, auditing became more and more aggressive and make wrong in the church. Money became king and the academies began to empty out, they didn’t make auditors but robots instead.
However, I agree the Bridge is probably a myth but I’ve seen lots of people get over some rather nasty upsets with auditing. L1Cs and 53s do magic sometimes and out-int is a bitch to have but the remedy is almost medicinal. I’ve personally witnessed some list corrections as simply incredible, from rip your head off aggressive to puppy dog friendly in an instant and some people insist on telling me the meter is a hoax???
Indeed safety is paramount in any communication and just having a good chat in a safe environment is worth a million bucks too.
Lucky – well… you never know. But I do resent being labelled as some sort of enemy to be vanquished just because I’ve caused and witnessed some auditing successes.
Simple says
IYawnalot – great post(s).
I Yawnalot says
Thanks Simple says.
You know, I get quite frustrated at being misunderstood but being misunderstood and treated as such is the first casualty of being an auditor in this growing anti-scn-auditing-mind-philosophical environment. It’s probably one of the more delicate professions one could ever have. Hubbard talks of lost technologies, auditors would be burnt to steak 100 years ago and are being done so now so to speak, it really isn’t safe in the cyber world for auditors, let alone admit to being one in the growing circles of damnation to all and everything Hubbard. However, I will never align myself with the destruction of auditors or its pure application, just can’t have that on my conscience. It’s simply time for urban camouflage as far as generalising goes for auditors & genuine Scientologists, but auditing as being part of a trap – what a load of horseshit! Miscavige et al have criminalised everything and used it criminally to entice more money and power, that’s all.
Yet, it’s a skill (although I’m rusty now) I love to have. However, it breaks my heart to see some things in life around me I know I can alleviate but don’t/can’t/won’t. For example, the marriage next door couldn’t be more nattery and they hate each other more everyday. The kid down the street is scared to death of his own brother and his mates, what a simple PTS CS1 and LIC would do for that kid’s life – it’s sure miserable for him that’s for sure and he has little accidents and gets sick all too often. Life is life I guess and personally I like the experience of being a trained but competent soldier in the past, even though it haunts me sometimes. It has helped me see people for what they really behave like. I can confront almost anyone (unfortunately) and look them in the eye and ask what’s going on with you? That really pisses some people off – wonder why? I’ve been told I’m not fun to have around the table sometimes as I detest critical know it alls who can’t do or apply what they think they are experts on. Bullshit gets a “please explain” out of me but I do like people to be happy, strange combination to have in the head. But the price of reality among those seeking the public limelight for their opinions is a minefield in itself, self-determinism is like a currency, you only have so much to spend before compromise sets in and then you aren’t you anymore.
Peace to you & yours.
cindy says
” But I do resent being labeled as some sort of enemy to be vanquished just because I’ve caused and witnessed some auditing successes.” Great posts, I Yawn A Lot:
Valhalkarie says
Wait,donate to media,they supress or try and supress anything they produce,wtf are they saying??!!!!
Gus Cox says
“SMP… the means to reach out to the whole planet and introduce everyone to Scientology®Technology.”
I hate to tell them, but that’s already done. Pretty much the whole damned planet has been introduced to Scientology “Technology” and they’ve rejected it utterly.
Kronomex says
If someone gave me a copy of the “…towering masterwork of Science Fiction adventure…” now I would do to it what I did with the second hand copy I purchased when the “…towering masterwork of Science Fiction adventure…” first came out in paperback and (read barely half of it) throw it out my bedroom window. Except this time I would leave it out there to rot. Oh yes, there is no way I’d try and finish reading the other half this time. I’m half tempted to let Sarah know what my personal experience with Cattlecar Mirth was.
I’d like to know what the rest of the Caution tape stuck to the Wilson’s says. Caution, Keep Away From Free Thought?
I Yawnalot says
Oh gee whiz!!!!! Sign me up quick!! Daniel Trevor says I need Objectives for my ‘infinity of future.’
Now listen here folks, this ain’t for newcomers (bless their hearts), this is strictly upper level stuff we are dealing with here as the SRD unlocks the super dupper never seen or experienced cognitive type of blow your head off for ever and ever type stuff. Don’t fool with infinity – it hangs around like… you know… forever, and we’re the only ones that have got a handle on it, your hear me?
So, don’t try this at home folks, Objectives are powerful processes but me and my compadres are trained professionals. So come in and we’ll wrap you all in the warm blanket of evaluative CSing and overrun your socks off. You be so glad you did.
Join the mass of the thousands who’ve gone before you and give thanks to COB for his never ending commitment to absorbing your money. It’s tough love but he shoulders the burden like it was intended in the first place.
Your loving pal forever Trev say so.
KFrancis says
Speaking of Flag West U.S.,after I was declared I received and email from Barbara Dews inviting me to come to Flag. I wrote her back to let her know that I had been declared and wouldn’t be taking any steps to change my status with the church. Barbara was very nice about it in a return note and even ended off with, “Love Barbara”. I appreciated that kindness from her.
Eddie Lunden on the other hand could not put the phone down fast enough when she called one afternoon to get me back to Flag and I had to inform her as well. I got a very crisp, “Goodbye!” and a dial tone.
Aquamarine says
Off topic, but I really wish I could get back on the list to receive FreeToBeDumb Magazine. I would show it to D/A “Going Clear” to everyone I know and even strangers who might watch GC, as p100% proof that its a non-documentary full of lies, created by lyers, criminals, lying criminals, apostates and bitter, lying apostates. I’d make copies of everything and hand them out to people on the street while shouting and waving, “Right here in my hand is the real truth about the Church of Scientology! Get the real truth! Get it, read it, use it!”.
Aquamarine says
Oh, and while handing these out on the street, I’d also make sure to look and sound really angry about the injustice, because the Church of Scientology is not a “turn the other cheek” religion as Kirstie Alley has so aptly pointed out.
cindy says
I think you can get Freedumb mag online.
Schorsch says
“How to achieve affluence, make postulates effective, be more powerful and be cause!”
This is exactly how you have to be in the modern world.
This is the Goal that new Scientology wants to implant into their followers.
Within Scientology you have to pay lots of money and do some funny stuff like running around a pole for weeks as tech of how to achieve that Goal.
Outside of Scientology the tech is different. Drugs for example to make you more “effective”.
Within Scientology and outside of Scientology the people do not know that it is not their Goal.
It is a bit similar if you want to quit smoking. If it is your Goal to quit, then it is easy. If not, then it is difficult and the person has to apply “tech” to be able to quit. (The right of a person to want to smoke is denied. So all people that smoke do it against their own will. Therefore it is a act of grace to force someone to quit smoking.)
Or in other words: All that is wrong with Scientology is the Goal. That “how to achieve affluence” promo is a good sample of the Goal that had been used to change old Scientology to new Scientology. Old Scientology had to do with wisdom, enlightenment or understanding. New Scientology has to do with being effective, powerful and cause.
Maybe there had never been an old Scientology. Maybe I did misunderstood the purpose of Scientology and did live in a dream world. Maybe it had been always that way as it is today. The only difference then to the “old times” would be that many Scientologists I knew did live within the same dream.
(The right of the person to do Scientology is also denied. Everyone that did or still does Scientology is forced (manipulated) to do Scientology. So it is a act of grace to make someone to quit.)
Don_M says
After taking a look at Mockingbirds blog, the more I wonder about the hypnotic aspect of scientology and its promo. That sea org poster is total confusion and mystery (to deliberately induce a hypnotic effect?) followed by the command er .. Statement – join the sea org.
jgg2012 says
How were there stats this week?
Michael Mallen says
Hey, how ’bout dem Flag WUS uniforms – nice to see individuality so well expressed.
dankoon says
If that Joann Something is who I think it is, she is an old college classmate of the probable next President of the United States, Hilary R. Clinton. Joann Milan is who I knew her as.
Alex Castillo says
Mike, in the fhoto gallery, is that the Sandra Johnson ex CS 2 Dissem I knew at Flag in the 70s?
Mike Rinder says
Michael Mallen says
Which proves how seniority pays off.
reinhard says
oh. dearest regraded being. this is brilliant. brilliant. brilliant. thannk you. a week without regraded being is a wasted week.
cindy says
Regraded Being, One of your very best! I loved it. But the sad thing is it isn’t even a joke. The robots at the OTC really would react that way in real life. You nailed it.
Pepper says
Agreed. There’s a bright side though; “Lynn” got out of the cult, and more people will wake up when that documentary comes out. It’s inevitable.
Still sad that the We Stand Tall robots will be making glib rationalizations for the exodus.
Regraded Being needs a commendation for his/her stellar work.
threefeetback says
The satire is going up exponentially as March 29th approaches (Dave, think: straight up and vertical).
Michael Mallen says
Tony Searing has achieved the EP of the RPF. Good boy!
Pepper says
The Sea Org promo with the words collaged in the background all describe the various things that LRH had experience with during his lifetime. This is to plant some idea in the mind of the recruit that he/she will also live through this by a vicarious “connection” to LRH.
Pretty slick but you need something to appeal to people, more than just sacrificing themselves for clearing the planet which may not be real to most.
No Sea Org member will ever share that same experience; theirs will be quite different and will not resemble the life of LRH in the least. Even though we kind of already know that, the kids or young adults with little life experience don’t.
nomnom says
They should have added words like “Creston”, “FBI”, “12 men”, “Polly”, etc.
Espiando says
Well, I don’t know about that. I’m certain that some Sea Borg out there might grow up to be a “playwrite”.
Pepper says
They will only do that if they get out of the Sea Org though. It’s impossible to fulfill any personal ambitions when you’re working 150 hours a week with no sleep.
hgc10 says
Playwrite!!!!! If ever there was a time to apply exclamation tech, this is it. They absolutely cannot not misspell.
John Doe says
Is it me or does David Wilson look like a photoshopped version of Bonita? Or maybe vice versa.
I HAVE seen them in the same room, BTW…
Aquamarine says
Thanks for another gem, Regraded. You hit the nail on the head with how difficult it is going to be for the hapless Still Ins to D/A the film, armed with only FreeToBeDumb Mag.
Yet, as Mike pointed out yesterday, how will the Co$ defend L. Ron Hubbard? I’m enormously curious about this. It will be so interesting to me to see if the cult even tries to D/A his marriage to Sara Northrup. Aside from everything else, just the film’s affirmation of his bigamous marriage would expose the Gibney people and HBO to huge lawsuits if it were not true.
I’m no fan of blood sports, but, man, this cult is really on the ropes!
hgc10 says
“… affirmation of his bigamous marriage would expose the Gibney people and HBO to huge lawsuits if it were not true.”
Not sure about that. How would the church have standing to sue? The church is not the same entity as Hubbard the person, who if he was still alive, might be able to sue if it weren’t true.
Good Old Boy says
I have it on the inside skinny that those who donate $5,000,000. directly to DM will be allowed to go to INT. and enjoy a fun get together over a gourmet dinner. Then for desert you get to read Ron’s notes on OT9&OT10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lets go guys and show
me the MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DollarMorgue says
I got the e-mail advertising USD 104 for a special 104th birthday commendation. Gee, the price of commendations sure hsa inflated. As a kid I used to get them just for helping out with work. Now they cost 104 + the sky is the limit?
Regraded Being, you are divine. Will you be my next guru?
Aquamarine says
There is only one reason for me to regret no longer being in Co$, which is the opportunity to attend seminars like this and ask the OL up there why he or she isn’t doing what’s being taught, to be able to raise my hand and ask, “So, is this what YOU are doing? How has this been working for you?” Oh, how I wish. Anyone still in, lurking here and UTR, would you please, pretty please do this?
cindy says
+ 1
zana says
I agree, Aqua!!!
Okay… I just checked and I spelled her name wrong… Denise instead of Denice. Even so… there are 2 Denice Duffs. One has 1 credit and the other has a whole list of B movies. Forgive my rant if she’s the one with the whole list of B movies. In the meantime…if she’s so good at this stuff, why does she not have a lot of A movies? Or at least an HBO series? Even a Netflix series?
I’m cranky. Sorry. It’s just that the HubbaLubbard Hubris is so extreme with this cult that it gets me going. !!
Pepper says
Doesn’t matter if Denice is in a bunch of B movies. Really, who knows her? She’s a “celeb” only in the Scientology world, which is tiny.
Keep preaching it Zana!
Aquamarine says
No worries, Zana. I get it, believe me. I spelled her name wrong also. Snark Alert:
I would doubt that this particular koolaid drinker is actively acting. I read somewhere that she’s married to some prominent Whale and they have a grown daughter. My bet would be that she dabbled in acting for a while, then got married and had a baby and became cult’s version of a Hollywood wife, whose husband dependably forks over the major bucks, and who “appears” at CC and other coveted venues like the auditorium at Inglewood Org to receive her regular doses of admiration and love-bombing.
Roger Hornaday says
I live in Atlanta so I can’t attend that seminar. It would be worth the price of admission to attend it and ask her to tell about her recent wins in “nailing the part”. I wish somebody would do that and report her response.
Michael Mallen says
New motto for minions:
“Don’t be a dope, propitiate the Pope.”
Fred G. Haseney says
(More On) Body Routing NOT at Vermont Ave. & Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA
Yesterday while waiting for the bus, I watched Scientology Inc.’s Body Routers try to get two retirees interested in their free personality test/movie. For a few moments as they walked away, each retiree looked at the ticket they had been handed, and then threw the tickets away in a nearby trashcan.
One retiree I’ll call “Sam” ended up standing next to me as we waited for the bus. I mentioned that I had observed the Body Router try to get him to go to the Scientology building. He chuckled and said something about “that crazy cult.” I laughed, and then he said, “Tom Cruise is in Scientology.”
Going Clear made it very clear that Tom Cruise is Scientology Inc.’s spokesperson, and like lemmings to the sea, his fans would follow him to the ends of the Earth.
“Tom Cruise is an idiot,” I replied, “Wait until you see Going Clear. The movie will tell you how Scientology Inc. split up Cruise and his first wife, Nicole Kidman. The movie will also tell you how Scientology Inc. lied to a young woman when they gave her “the works” (nice hairdo, makeup, clothes and accessories), so she could go on a “movie audition.” Imagine her disappointment and letdown when she discovered the truth: the “movie audition” turned out to be an “audition” to be Tom Cruise’s next wife (she didn’t “get the part”).
“Sam” and I soon parted yet within 30 minutes, we found ourselves waiting for the next bus down the street. We looked at each other and laughed. I said, “Long time, no see!” He chuckled, and I added, “Tom Cruise is still an idiot!”
cindy says
What a great story Fred! Keep on spreading the word. It’s great to see what you’re doing.
Pepper says
That’s a fun story Fred and yes, Tom Cruise is what you say he is.
May I add that in addition to the church having a hand in splitting up the marriage of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, they also succeeded in getting their children to disconnect from Nicole.
Perhaps this was not formally done with a Disconnection Letter but it was carried out through destroying the affinity of the children for their mother and creating a sense of fear of her. They went on to call Katie Holmes “Mom” and Nicole “Nicole”. My kids know them (I and C) and they have told me that they NEVER speak of Nicole, as though she no longer exists.
We know how things ended up with Katie Holmes too. Now these innocent kids have lost two mothers at a pretty young age. Some “family values” for a church claiming perfect spiritual technology and what exactly has it taught these children, who are now young adults?
Joe Pendleton says
Wait a minute …. Tom and Nicole BROKE UP?????!!!!! What the …… I knew I should have spent more time on TMZ. Anyway, those Mission Impossible movies are a goldmine … you gotta see each at least four imes just to stay with the plot.
Aquamarine says
Re Denise Duff’s workshop where she’ll teach you how to “walk into the room and nail the part”: my question to her if I were attending that seminar would be why she isn’t walking into rooms and nailing parts herself. What’s holding her back from doing what she knows how to do so well? She’s young looking and certainly attractive enough for Hollywood’s standards. Well, I suppose she finds giving seminars about nailing auditions at Celebrity Centre more exciting and rewarding than nailing her own auditions. Right.
Mike Rinder says
Aqua — I know I didnt really make it clear other than in the subhead — this seminar is not being done at CC. It is at Inglewood Org!
Aquamarine says
You did make that clear, Mike. I just got caught up in my seminar recollections and forgot.
Old Surfer Dude says
Not CC??? The Inglewood Org??? Wow!!!! That changes everything, Mike!!! Gosh, do they have the room for ALL the people that’ll show up?
Aquamarine says
Also, got it on how holding this seminar at Inglewood Idle Morgue instead of CC is a desperate ploy.
Pepper says
even worse…
cindy says
Wow, Denice Duff has been demoted to Inglewood Org for her “how to” seminars. What a come down. She had a few parts but nothing to write home about, and all of a sudden she is the expert on how to make it in the acting biz. Yeah, right. If she was so good a nailing parts, why isn’t she in a movie or TV show right now acting? I’ve seen far too many church people have one or two small successes, and then they become the in-resident expert on it and hold their own seminars to bring people together with the purpose of regging them for their next donation. It used to be regging for their next Bridge service but that is old and passé now. Now it is regging them for Idonos to Idle Morgues and IAS.
Michael Mallen says
Denice’s theme song is When You’re Smiling.
I Yawnalot says
Bridge service… What’s that? Concrete repair crews maybe…
Unbelievable, that donations as a way of organised life has become so accepted as a product by the so called self-determinism offered as the end product of Scientology.
zana says
Well said, Aqua. Why don’t I see Denise starring in a movie? Or even a TV series? Or even a Web Series? Here is her IMDB (Internet Movie DataBase) info:
The last thing Denise did was in 2003. She has something going for 2016 (Inside Bryan) in which she plays, tah-dah…”Herself.” I wonder how she nailed that part?
Thanks for the heads up. The dumb are leading the dumber. My IMDB goes on for pages and I’m not going to stand up and tell someone how to “walk into a room and nail a part.” One of my best friends has had great roles in Guardians of the Galaxy and 12 Years a Slave among a lot of others…he’s working ALL the time and winning awards for his work. His IMDB looks like a f*@kin’ telephone book next to most IMDB pages…and he doesn’t “nail every part” he goes up for. Being an actor is a relentlessly difficult profession. It’s a profession of dealing with rejection on a DAILY basis. My friend just found out that he was not picked up for a major film he had been “on avail” (held on availability) for and it was like a punch in the gut for him. It took him a day on his motorcycle going somewhere to just recover from the blow.
It’s preposterous for Denise Duff to claim to teach how to “walk into a room and nail a part” to unsuspecting young actors. A great sham. And a tragedy for young actors who get sucked into that. She probably makes her money selling courses for Co$…luring in the gullible. It makes me irate to see how young artists are gouged for their spirit, their mind and their money because they are so willing.
I just had to blow my stack. Whew. I love actors, performers, entertainers, filmmakers… I celebrate the richness of the lifestyle, the creativity and the willingness to start every day over from zero. The ability to deal in deep emotions and passion as a currency in life. That kind of courage makes Denise (in my eyes) look like a paper cut-out at best.
zana says
I made a mistake… I spelled Denice’s name with an “S” (Denise) on IMDB. There are 2 Denice’s…one has one credit…and the 2nd one has a whole lot of B movies and small parts… the last one being in 2012. There is no photo of her, so I can’t judge by the photo above.
Forgive me for being so cranky about this…I was a successful professional actor for many years, doing great until I lost steam by having to deal with a debilitating disease for 10 years. I’m fine now. Just looking back…I really expect people to have the street credibility to teach this. Not just the people who can’t make a living at it teaching the gullible.
Michael Mallen says
Hey Zana – would like to hear from you. Mike can give you my email.
zana says
Hi Michael…I’m not sure how to email Mike. ?? Hmmm…I’m not sure how to do this. You can also connect with me on Tony’s blog. We will figure it out.
Mike Rinder says
I sent you an email with it
Michael Mallen says
Thanks Zana.. You can email me at: [email protected]
Michael Mallen says
Hey Zana. Looks like Mike is sending you my email – you can use either one.
Potpie says
Regarded Being…..very funny!
Commendations are as worthless as tits on a bore.
Daniel Trevor, CL VIII. I guess CL VIII’s (Drew Johnston) now doing
seminars is the equivalent of the upper level training hole. They need them in
the open and being seen but with no tech altitude.
Seattle is lucky to have Jackson Wyan….the new up and comer in the field of
stealing money.
Graduations have become a joke hence Jim Meskiman.
Delilah says
I spend a lot of time in Seattle and although I KNOW there’s an idle morgue there, I have (praise be!) never met a Scino there.
Seattle, bastion of radical liberalism and legal marijuana, is a bad “fit” for neo-fascists generally.
Loads of folks up there are very excited about “Going Clear!”
Place gets more attractive all the time.
Newcomer says
Well it is going to be another sad day for Pete and Annie Sokoloff. I suspect that the ‘blowdown’ they are experiencing from donating their retirement account to the cult will be ending shortly after the 29th of March.
They will likely find out what it is like to soar …… as in a condition of permanently soaring TA.
deElizabethan says
Surprised to see Patricio Arellano as Flag Service I/C WUS. He was a (and my) MAA in 2011/12. I suppose they need someone fluent in Italian. He wasn’t very good at understanding English and would continue to fall asleep at the job, poor fella. Nice guy tho!
When I went back for a year and talked to him for many months, he was genuinely surprised that someone worked for the GO up to ’84 and couldn’t believe it happened, but I gave him my dox. He got in trouble for asking too many questions, as was told not too by OSA. I also, at that time learned about the real changes and the deep dark dangers involved.
Love your Thursday Funnies, Mike, thanks!
Newcomer says
What is his relationship to Jasmin Arellano? Hope he’s not her 2d as she is a real piece of work. Nasty,haughty, bitchy and strangely enough, can lie straight to your face with blinkless TR’s ….. you know , the kind of person that makes you feel good all over.
She worked at FSO with Kathy True, my daughter and nephew back in 2006-2009 to force my then wife to disconnect from her non scientologist sister ……… because her sisters husband had a degree in psychology. Now that’s a good idea. Can’t figure out why I didn’t think of it myself.
“Handle or disconnect …….. except we won’t approve of a handle. But you still need to decide! Do it NOW!”
Yo Jasmin,
Howz your stinkin empty morgue these days. Say hello to Alphonso for me. And get your frickin stats up for christs sakes!
Pepper says
My husband was told that he had to disconnect from my sister because her father in law was a retired homicide detective. He had never even met the man and we live on opposite ends of the US too. So effing stupid.
deElizabethan says
Newcomer, didn’t get to know Patricio’s personal life, but did believe he was single at that time.
Peter Sokoloff, if the same one from Miami, knew him fairly well, sorry he’s still in and yes, hope the HBO blows him away.
threefeetback says
Jasmin was personally coached to an RTC pass on blinkless lying by Dave when she was in RTC.
Michael Mallen says
What a mentor! That’s like interning in Hell while being professionally coached by Lucifer.
Newcomer says
I find it pretty funny that the speculation has now begun over at Tony’s site on how Dave’s reign as Ecclesiastical Leader of Teegeeack will wrap up.
Yo Dave,
What’s it gonna be good buddy? Are you going out with a bang or a whimper with your thong between your cheeks?
Espiando says
It used to be that that particular discussion was fixated on Time. Now it’s full-blown Time, Place, Form, and Event. And it’s become appropriate to move to that level of speculation. The Toxic Dwarf can’t survive the 29th. Too many snags, as Messrs. Bowie and Hoople would say.
Joe Pendleton says
“After Miscavige”, the probable downfall of the CoS as an actual single institution will center around …. surprise … money. Who will have access to a billion dollars plus worth of real estate and cash and other assets. There will be a blood bath. It isn’t that there wasn’t also a huge amount of loot when LRH died. It’s just that in 1986 you still had an active amount of high level SO leadership still committed to the actual cause Ron put there. AND I don’t think there was a general understanding in those days how much the CoS was really worth money wise. Different scene now. SO members (and all Scientologists really) are fully pledged to “following command intention” and doing whatever COB says. Once that is gone, the battle will REALLY begin. Just check out the splits in the Catholic Church, the establishment of the Church of England (yeah, it started about Henry’s 2D, but note what he did about church assets and personnel….), and various battles over succession of monarchy. The one thing LRH could not stop within himself and Scientologists obviously cannot stop is dramatization. Scientology dramatizes the USSR and almost every previous totaliarian monarchy. You see a lot of Henry VIII in Scientology, but it started way way long before him (on a planet far far away?). Get set for some GREAT fun after Dave. Unfortunately it may not come for another 15 years, but … it could happen sooner. And even if ONE guy takes over when that happens, there will be a battle royale behind the scene over the control of all that dough (and I ain’t talking about pastry here).
Visitor says
The fall will come when the might of the COS dips below the what is needed to legally defend the coffers. These two factors, the potential reward for whomever manages to lay their hand on the loot, and the cost of getting in a position to do so, are the parametres to look out for.
Hilarious; fantastic Mike’s comments and the Regraded Being. TKU
And it is fun. Have a great day.
Betsy says
I LOVE “Regraded Being.”
NOLAGirl says
I firmly believe that Regraded Being is leading to bigger cracks in members bubbles.
Old Surfer Dude says
I firmly believe your right, NOLAGirl…
Idle Morgue says
Regraded Being – LOL – I SPIT coffee on computer screen! I love it!
What jumped out at me is that I was on the OT Committee for while. It was awful…never been part of such an ineffective group that had very few people.
There was only 1-2 people that would show up at the meetings – mainly just old time Scientologist’s hovering around the Org. They would come to a meeting to see if anything changed and then fade into the background UTR. The OT Committees are a joke!
My EP – I could not get anything done. It was like working for a government. They would not give you any money to spend on anything and nothing was ever approved.
I tried to do advertising. The Staff told me I had to raise the funds. I had to get ads approved uplines. I gave up!! I asked them about the $26,400 I just spent on 12 “intensives”…I thought part of that money goes to helping disseminate Scientology. The staff said it goes to upper management and they decide. That was a crack in my bubble.
Idle Morgue says
I also found out that NO publication in town would allow Scientology to advertise. They would not give me a reason. NOW I know why!! LOL
Gimpy says
Magazines etc don’t like to advertize scn because they get a lot of hassle from their readers and other advertisers who ask awkward questions about why they are supporting a cult. I saw some of the feedback from people who had been badly affected by scn and at the time I just thought they were sp’s or pts – now I know the truth – they really had been badly affected by scn just like the rest of us who have only just realized it.
Martin Padfield says
Too true. If getting anything approved was almost impossible as a staffer then as public you may as well not even bother trying. It’s like getting tangled up in parachute silk. In the UK there was a fastidious little fellow called Ib Nygaard who was CO WISE. Several times when I was a true-blue believer I tried to get some kind of disseminating thing going only to hit a brick wall of stops every time. Didn’t stop him asking for 10% of my business income every time I saw him!
Michael Mallen says
Ibso facto.
From83 says
Regarding Battle Field Earth. “…and glimpse of what excitement is coming soon!” What could that possible be referring to??? Has COB decided to bring us the Golden Age Of SciFi 2?? Maybe COB will bring us his own SciFi, why stop at just bringing us his own tech?? Tom Curse going to prove himself the ultimate Scientologist and release a another Battle Field Earth? You know I heard someone might a have a new television and movie studio coming online soon if he’s looking for a place to shoot it?? Wait, they realize that they could use LRH SciFi for programming on that new television station that’s going to take the world by STORM??
John Doe says
This just in…The Church has announced it is punishing HBO by withdrawing all rights HBO might have had to broadcast the movie BATTLEFIELD EARTH!!!
Oh, all right. I just made that up.
Michael Mallen says
And all sequels in perpetuity. That’ll show ’em!
dan drazich says
If that is true, good for us. Bad book and bad movie.
The Dark Avenger says
It’s just a hole in their schedule for the free weekend preview anyway. They’ll replace it with “Mars Attacks” or “Waterworld”.
Old Surfer Dude says
Bad movie, dan? It won the Razzie award for the WORST film of that year!
cre8tivewmn says
I subscribe to a low-cost ebook list, as LRH Sci-fi has been showing up recently. Somebody has been using that Internet thing and getting ideas…
Jose Chung says
I have all the answer’s !!!
Memorize the full tone scale backwards, staring at a wall, no flub’s
Then know all Scientology holiday’s under intensive questioning where you guess the holiday like a Jeopardy question !!!
Then go see Going Clear
Michael Mallen says
Memorize COB’s birthday game speech, put it in clay, give Dave a cool million and receive a new status: Miscaviglorious Erectus Non Compos Mentis.
Jose Chung says
I was kicked off the Freewinds to do the Miscavige PTSP GAT course.
You do it starring at a wall( no twin) and backwards tone scale.
Finish with knowing Scientology Holidays like a game show contestant.
No shit , the secret of sanity despite the drooling and foaming at the mouth.
Michael Mallen says
I feel your pain Jose.
john johnson says
The Monkey room at Saint Hill? Is this another name for wogs? bwahahaha
cindy says
You know what monkeys do? They throw shit. How apropos that the IAS meeting is in that room.
Pepper says
Michael Mallen says
No shit?
Leonore says
The Monkey Room at St. Hill is called that because of the unusual wall mural that was commissioned by the previous owner of the estate; I believe it was the Maharaja of Jaipur (India). I am actually impressed that the mural remains as an historical piece.
Here is info paraphrased from the St. Hill website: John Spencer Churchill, nephew of Sir Winston Churchill, painted the splendid mural for the “Monkey Room” in the manor in 1945. He spent three months sketching monkeys at London Zoo and three months painting the room. There are 145 monkeys of 20 different species. According to the artist’s autobiography, s capuchin monkey painting under a tree portrays Sir Winston.
All else aside, the history and surrounds of the Manor are intriguing and cool as are so many places in merry old England. Here is a link to a photo of the Monkey Room on the website.
Pepper says
The Super Power Summit for SP and CRD completions is most likely for the purpose to give those people a pep talk to go out, share their wins and reg others to go to Flag. There is no other reason to bring these people together, that would be “productive” for the church. They can also be regged for more services at Flag that they haven’t done yet, plus all the other miscellaneous regges can wait for them outside when they leave. People must be used, any which way they can be. If they are smart, they won’t show up.
I have no idea what is the ‘Monkey Room’ at Saint Hill but it sounds appropriate for this monkey business.
Mike Rinder says
The Monkey Room is a room in St Hill Manor murals of monkeys all over the walls, painted by one of Winston Churchill’s relatives. So odd to hold a function like this in the Manor instead of in the org….
Pepper says
Monkey murals in the Manor then. Sounds a little creepy. I love all animals but monkeys make me uneasy and I don’t like looking at them except for the very tiny ones. It’s scary that people keep chimpanzees as pets because they have something like eight times the strength of a man and can become violent. I would not want to be in that room regardless of what’s going on in there!
Espiando says
Jeff Mintzmeat, Crazy Cat Lady Edy Lundeen, David and Bonita Wilson…they’ve become oh, so familiar thanks to this blog, and thanks to today’s Funnies, I now have faces to put with the names. THANKS, MIKE, AND HIP HIP HOORAY!
scientology411 says
Oh to donate millions just for the privilege of basking in the presence of COB in that tiny window between speech and subsequent scotches. Makes it all worth it doesn’t it Sokoloffs?
Jim Meskimen must not get many paying gigs these days since all he seems to do now is org fundraisers and the like.
And awesome work from Regraded Being again – you keep totally nailing it!
On a side note I’m currently reading ‘Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion’ by Robert Cialdini. Very interesting and explains a lot of the behavior you see in these fundraiser fliers. And it refers to ACTUAL studies and experiments – imagine that!
Espiando says
Jim Mescaline gets the occasional voice-over credit in animated programs, usually at the bottom of the cast list. TV versions of Dreamworks projects seem to be his specialty, as I see his name pop up on the tele-spinoffs of Dragons and Kung Fu Panda…
…yes, I’m a 50-year-old guy who likes cartoons. Is there a problem?
The Dark Avenger says
When I bought the Dark Horse 2-comic adaptationof The Shadow movie back in 1994, my newlywed wife asked the clerk if they had Shadow pillowcases or Shadow Pajamas. So I understand. I like Invader Zim, the guy who wrote it is operating on so many levels. I think they should do a live/CGI movie version of it.
Old Surfer Dude says
Problem? No sir!
Pepper says
Why do people like the Sokoloffs think that they are saving countless lives by putting an Ideal Org in their community, when there are several large orgs in Los Angeles a short distance away? This is THE most important event in their lifetime. They are motivated by spending a few moments one on one with David Miscavige and conforming to his plan.
They need to understand that giving money to build an org is not the equivalent to saving anyone’s life. This is a grandiose idea and a little self serving. How about donating that money to people who are in real need, where a little bit of money can go a long way to combat disease and starvation. What about cancer research? That would be what I would think of as “saving lives” for a start.
scnethics says
Meskimen’s career seems to be going really well. So much for karma…
I’ve got Cialdini’s book on list – looks good!
Aquamarine says
Jim Meskiman is the greatest impressionist of our times. Seriously. Now, I would have thought that acclaim belongs to the late, great Robin Williams, but no, its Jim Meskiman, and to prove it, he’s appearing without pay before an audience of 12 on a Friday night at Pasadena Org. You’ve heard Pasadena Org, right? All the hot talent vie to appear there. Again, no arguments, now, because he has indeed been called the greatest impressionist of our times. I believe his mother called him that once.
NOLAGirl says
“Backing off from being Cause? Get LRH data on why you do that and how to stop it”
Translation: Not giving enough money? Get LRH world-salad twisted by Miscavige to find out the ethics your ass will be in if you don’t give more.
“the honor of spending of few minutes with Chairman of the Board”
Bahahahaha!! I bet he picked your pocket while you dutifully praised him.
hgc10 says
A more generic translation: Doing something we don’t like? We know why; you don’t know why unless we tell you. Still think you make your own decisions? We can fix that too.
Aquamarine says
I’d rather spend a few moments with the Artful Dodger.
Gary Johnson says
It’s as if all the lights are on, but nobody is home. There stupidity is absolutely unreal. These peeps are getting dangerously close to “Dumb and Dumber” dumb.
From83 says
It sure is stupidity in a Scientology definition of the word, unknowingness of time form and event. But I feel it takes so much intelligence to keep coming up with new justifications and explanations for what’s going on. Maybe the truth is we are all just intelligent enough to fool ourselves into believing anything if we try hard enough. If we were smarted we’d just be better at tricking ourselves and if we were dumber we’d just be easier to fool.
Heidi says
Regraded Being is genius this week! Again!
Wayne Borean aka The Mad Hatter says
I love Regraded Being. It always hits the spot.
But yes, today’s was incredible.
Michael Mallen says
To all the “happy people” depicted in today’s blog, I offer the following: instead of applying force yourself to smile and you’ll soon stop frowning tech, force yourself to leave and you’ll soon start living.
Brian says
This just in. You have got to see how this site is depicting Freedom Mag! The title wave is starting. The tsunami is in site. The walls are closing in. Scientology is going full on “Tim and Eric” !
I hope Going Clear gets an Oscar. What a blow. Please IRS and Feds, we need you to protect our citizens!
Ella R says
This is comedy gold. Criticism of the criticism videos. Slurs of the slur videos….
dan drazich says
Interesting stuff as usual. What valley is the Valley Ideal Org in? Lots of valleys.
thegman77 says
Around LA, there’s only one valley, the San Fernando Valley. But given scio’s lack of knowledge of geography, an org/mission can be called anything, no matter its actual location.
The Dark Avenger says
Yeah, they have the Stevens Creek org in San Jose located in the Berryessa District, miles from the Stevens Creek area, which is south and west of Berryessa.
M Greene says
And Los Gatos Org located in San Jose.
Gus Cox says
Los Angeles also has the San Gabriel Valley (where Pasadena is and home of the infamous Jack Parsons, as well as JPL and Cal Tech). And for some reason, lots of Olympic figure skaters, too.
But, you are correct – when somebody in LA refers to “the” Valley, without any other prefix, it means the San Fernando Valley. Home of the Valley Org, the biggest money pit in the whole agonized history of the whole track.
Valhalkarie says
I was thinking Napa valley because they already have,cc,la,ingle wood all so close together,guess Napa valley is too far and there bubble doesn’t alow them to realize there are ALOT of Valleys in Cali. So dumb,they think everyone lives in LA.
Mike Rinder says
Well, THE Valley is only one place in California. It’s not just “a” valley or “any” valley but THE Valley. That is the San Fernando Valley – like totally.
Michael Mallen says
Gag me with a spoon, OMG, this is frickin’ awesome! Like I am so stoked and the SPs are SO busted cuz Valley rules dude. Like totally!!!
cindy says
Fer sure. Like I’m a Valley Girl, totally.
Newcomer says
Valley of the Dolls. The perps are all on something trying to keep the prison walls intact.