On the road again…
Mystery ailments and a mystery cure. Who said scientology doesn’t cure physical conditions? She can drive again!
This quote is not about joining staff…
Typical, they can’t even get their quotes from Ron right
Talking Half-Heads?
What happened here?
Another young life wasted…
But she was an employee of Grant Cardone, so it’s not a whole lot different. She just won’t have as much free time or money.
This is all they could muster?
A CLO, an AOSH and an Ideal Org and the best shots they could muster of the largest private relief force on earth rushing to save Australia on fire is 7 people in a selfie and 5 people posting in a tent?
But we will congratulate ourselves anyway.
It’s the thought that counts.
Seriously? James Byrne is going to help with your art and projects?
This 52 year SO veteran who is a Class VI, OEC is going to help some people in a mission get people interested in their art?
Why isn’t he getting people interested in scientology? At LA Org?
It is a direct betrayal of one’s friends…
Some guilt trip.
Hey LRH, where are you?
Just weird
The VM’s are hawking fresh fruit and vegetables, bouncy houses and a “Preparedness Village”
I thought this was a 1960’s promo piece
But it’s the same woman who was announced as a completion on a basic course last week.
Must be their only public.
This place just looks creepy.
But you do have to be a member of the IAS, so there is that…
I don’t think so…
It only ever tells you that there are a LOT of things wrong with you, but for a small fee, scientology can fiz it.
All these OTs cause over the MEST Universe…
How come they have so much trouble with money?
And making ideal orgs?
And expanding scientology?
Remaining married?
Christian Vargas is back
This time with donuts and sprinkles.
It’s a Wild splash – “Chill Out”. Whatever that means.
Bestselling author and authority…
Funny, cannot find ANYTHING he has written on Amazon, let alone a bestseller?
But he did get an award from the Nation of Islam.
Handle Stress and Get Wellbeing
Stay far away from scientology would be one important step.
And best of all…
You get to live in beautiful Ventura?
If that was the pitch you guys should have stayed in Santa Barbara. That IS beautiful. Ventura, meh…
But what really counts is you can Clear the Planet here.
Sounds very religious
They’ll give you free kebabs to show up
What happened to that other Mission Holder?
This place seems to roll through executives at a rapid pace
What are the relationship killers?
One I know of that is an absolute death penalty.
Being declared by HCO.
Almost as bad, not being as committed to scientology as your partner.
Hand out the WTH
Those gangs just love to read stuff from Ron about brushing their teeth.
It really makes all the difference.
More free food
And keto too…
Must be the thing to do in OC.
This guy represents something to aspire to?
Women’s lib!
“..high statistics go on top posts along with the girls.”
Help me make money…
I get a finder’s fee if you show up.
But what does “issued paid over $100k each month” mean?
I very much doubt it…
The number of new scientologists being made is limited to those who don’t have access to Google — and these days, that’s virtually nobody
Make a difference…
Chris Beeny is recruiting staff in Canberra? It’s a long way from Golden Era…
ChiliBean is back…
Still at it after all these years.
And the ChanMan too!
The UK is in GOAT mode! Chili and ChanMan in the same month.
Get the wheelbarrows ready to carry the cash to the bank.
The “making new Scientologists in Tampa” one is my Aunt. It’s so sad. She has a good heart but after so many years of being brainwashed, I’m afraid there’s no hope for her now.
I wish this “religion” never existed.
If the native americans had built a wall towards europeans the problem with a wall against Mexico hadn’t existed. Engglish and spanish can’t be friends.
Yes we can, Roger. The majority of Americans are not anti-Hispanic and are pro-immigration in general. The majority of Americans do get along with one another despite differences in religion, culture and appearance. Don’t judge us all because of the ignorance of a relative few, no matter how vocal and politically powerful they are.
The last poll done on Americans (Apr 2019) shows that 67% of people want illegal immigration stopped as it is a serious problem. Most people don’t mind legal immigration.
Agreed – Idealistically it would be nice to allow a million mostly nice poor people to jump the southern border per year. Realistically it doesn’t work.
Wynski and Richard,
No argument with this at all!
The Americans to whom I was referring hate, and I do mean HATE, ALL immigrants and that includes LEGAL immigrants These are the people who, frankly, alarm me. I find them appalling, if you want the truth. Have you ever read the comments section of Breitbart? I do. I MAKE myself read this stuff regularly just to keep my mind trained for other viewpoints, so I don’t sink into my moderate right/left comfort zone and get stuck there. Anyway, the viewpoints in the comments section of Breitbart show the mindset and I use the term loosely to which I am referring. And such Americans number in the millions, apparently. They may not ALL be reading and/or commenting on Breitbart but they’re out there, in this country, in the millions, apparently. The HATE! The vilification of…this can’t be healthy and I suspect they’re not, but that’s another story. I’d like to be wrong about there being millions of Americans like this. I’d like it to be fake news. I don’t think it is, though. I wish it were.
Roger, you are badly uneducated. And CLUELESS about US politics.
I’m curious about the WTH real effects in the society. They say ‘criminality in that town went from 89% down to 20%’. And so on.
So why they don’t get the IAS bank to invest some more millions in it? It would be logic. If true that it works the collateral positive effects of it would work like a domino and in one week release the entire area.
In my town there are certain areas where not even the police goes. The guys of the gangs push drugs 24h a day and speak a mix of Italian and local dialet using no more than 70 words including swear words. Do something about WTH.
First, regarding the young Grant Cardone employee who joined the Sea Org, anyone want to start a betting pool that she blows in a year or less.
And as concerns James Byrne….
A 52 year Sea Org veteran?
Who knew LRH personally?!
She’ll have to give up her gorgeous nail enhancements for sure! $50 a week doesn’t go far, what with food n stuff.
The South Coast mission had another ownership turnover just a few years ago, and if I recall correctly there were hints that the earlier mission holder had been in deep trouble if not declared. It was taken over by Roberto “Bank e” Banke, who with his dentist wife ran an apparently profitable dental clinic business, and the mission got a fancy “ideal” makeover. They reportedly split up recently, and I’m guessing he no longer had the means to support and subsidize the mission, which is what I suspect happened with his predecessor as well.
Sunland may be taking in down-on-their-luck old Sea Org veterans. They are some sort of successor to the former Sunland/Tujunga mission that was once in its own storefront space, which apparently had to be subsidized by one or more whales – reportedly, the whales used it to hang out and avoid the org regges. I’ts now reduced to being run out of a member’s home, registered in 2010 but showing as suspended or forfeited in the California corporations database in spite of having tried to file paperwork in 2017 and 2019 – thus not showing much ability to handle things. It’s not even in the list of missions and orgs on Scientology’s website; apparently no one wants to be formally responsible for a mission now that that things have deteriorated to the point that they are financial liabilities.
Anyway, when I looked up the address a while back, one of the names that came up associated with the house’s address was Brian Anderson, who due to being about the right age and showing as having previously lived in Clearwater, was almost certainly the infamous old PR person for Flag during the era of the Lisa McPherson scandal and protests, and probably renting a room there. The aging sea orger visiting there now may just be passing through, but there have also been indications of an emerging informal system for trying to take care of offloaded staff.
Also, in decades past, quite a few of the missions on lists turned out to really be just old field auditors’ practices run out of homes, though that sort of old arrangement has largely vanished and nowadays what is more common to find is that a mission is actually run out of space in the someone’s business, typically set up to appear as if it has its own address so that it appears independent.
I feel terrible for that young woman who’s about to throw her life away to the Sea Org. Hopefully someone talks her out of it. Or, she sees the light. Most would-be recruits drop out during the project prepare process anyway.
Theater performance of “The Mad Dog Murder.” REALLY!!??!! Why don’t you call it “The Innocent Dogs We Poison” ????!!!????.
Why are they celebrating the Fatman’s birthday on the 20th?
They’re “celebrating” Tubby’s birthday on the 20th because it’s the closest they could get, what with Dwarfenführer’s micro -mismanagement. Anyone wanna bet about how far off of his “age” they get during the fake shindig? I figure that IF he’d not driven that body into the ground the way he did (literally), he’d have been 109 on March 11th. As it is, rather than live an extended life due to the ‘tech’, he was barely able to squeeze in 74 years’ duration, the last 20 or so in poor & failing health. And, as to what he’d think of the Twerp’s treatment of his creation in the decades since? He’d Hit the roof of his Bluebird for sure as soon as he saw how much Must-Savage has changed, trimming scientology down to a micro-cult to match his size and intellect — unable to even graduate a decent high school.
Ventura, Meh? MEH??
Palm Harbor?? What a ghetto. Might as well live in New Port Richey, Mike. Not that you are that welcome there, but don’t disparage my hometown.
Ventura is more beautiful, better people, better night life, better restaurants and much better surroundings… beautiful hills and mountains. You live in Palm freaking Harbor.
Hey, hey, we shouldn’t be going at each other like this! Every person has the right to an opinion, even Mike! You know, I once lived in a beautiful state – at least where I grew up it was beautiful – I thought it was beautiful – and someone I was dating, someone I really liked joked that this area and the whole state where I was born was “the armpit of civilization”. Well, that what what he thought of it, that’s all. I’m sure he had his reasons. I have an opinion of a certain state, a certain Mid-West state, where I lived for 2 years, and its a low opinion. I won’t name it because I don’t want to offend anyone here but I don’t really like this state. I didn’t have a good experience there and I looking back on that I have not a very high opinion of its inhabitants generally, whom I consider kind of backward and not too bright. Ok, I could be right or completely wrong – so what?
So Mike doesn’t think Ventura is attractive – so what? Its just his opinion. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and so forth 🙂
I think perhaps Mike said “meh” lightheartedly, and in comparison to “glamorous” Santa Barbara, Ventura is a little like the cute but slightly mousy sister. Ventura is def the better place to live though, imo. And it’s closer to the Channel Islands, my favorite places on earth.
I know. I absolutely respect and support Mr. Rinder. We are most certainly on the same team. It was just a bit of an unnecessary shot on a town that is actually quite wonderful. Is it Santa Barbara? No. That’s why its Ventura. Aside from this new eyesore along the 101, there is plenty of good there. My shot on Palm Harbor was just as unnecessary.
Thanks, Bad, and I’m glad we’ve all kissed and made up :).
I’m gonna half to stop with these smiley faces. They’re becoming an obsession. But it has occurred that people don’t know when I’m joking so to be safe I use these.
Aqua: That “armpit” state? New Jersey? There ARE places along the NJ Turnpike which deserve the smelly designation. and the Pine Barrens are just /CREEPY/. (one of my favorite campgrounds is in them.) ; – )
Yes, you are straight on correct, jere 🙂 That said, there is New Jersey, and then there is New Jersey. I’ll leave it at that 🙂
New Joisy is a fashionable place to live. Bruce Springsteen and Mike Tyson live in NJ.
I liked it, growing up. Many pretty towns. “The Garden State” . Though its hard to understand why its called that when you’re entering NJ via NYC’s Lincoln Tunnel. What you’ll hit right out of the tunnel is no garden.
Glen Steward has come back! I remember Glen from the failed GAT 1 which I was also a part of way back when. Canberra must’ve doubled in size since his return. How exciting.
Canberra MIGHT have grown, but any scientology presence there has probably pretty much disappeared when the last person out turned out the lights.
The specious hoakyness of Scientology promotional material should be sufficient to turn anyone off.
Foremost quipped:
“The specious hoakyness of Scientology promotional material should be sufficient to turn anyone off.”
As it has for 60-70 years, judging from how things have shrunk.
I still have lots of promo from pre-1980. It was nowhere near as stupid, underhanded and pretentious as it is today. Nowadays it’s all “Get-You-To” as if the advertising was meant for 12-year olds – dumbed-down for supposedly highly knowledgeable, serene and wise OTs.
Hey now Ventura is beautiful! The Scientology org building is FUGLY & in an area right next to the freeway but the rest of Ventura is lovely. I encourage everyone to come check out this great beach town!
I was a little surprised by that too Sandy. I grew up and lived there almost 40 years. It is a wonderful beach town. I grew up, surfing, fishing, hiking, camping… North enough and NOT Los Angeles, beautiful beaches, hills and mountains. A great harbor. Downtown has really improved and there is plenty of life and culture. That morgue is on one dead end street and is far from anything that represents Ventura.
But Barry Cozihar has 4 subscribers and 2 videos on his YouTube channel and 195 photos on his Instagram account and 485 twitter followers, which include Kathy Feshbach, Joy Villa and Dianetics Bellair. Um Huh. Really an important guy. A marketing genius. He’s ummm not even close to viral even in the scientology world.
Mary Baker still has to work on those OT parking space abilities though.
Clearing the planet means: “IT’S A COOKBOOK”
“Auditor” is……. A federal employee of the IRS who seeks MONEY…. I think L Ron was good at creating controversy, and using that controversy to LOCK in his “students” by aggravating people that are not Scientologists, so that those people only make his students more determined to suck-seed. He was burning the candle at both ends. Even if a person never heard of scientology, he was a scientologists in one way or another.
Wasn’t that the punchline by a scifi story so bad I still remember it?: “How to serve mankind”.
Mike the one on the piece of promo of the 60s made me laugh too much. And I am still laughing. To be perfect it is missing only the wall paper with psychedelic flowers.
That first testimonial should be evidence of fraud and ‘practicing medicine’ without a license.
If Micky Chan is spending all his time giving ‘lectures’ all around the world, how can run that business he ‘owns’ back in Ohio? I wonder how much his 10% of the take pulls in each year?
On Tony Ortega blog I saw a video of this Chan guy. He was in Athens I think and blabbing to new people a mix of space opera, ot stuff and other crap.
They don’t know that this is the best way to arc break a field shooting unreal stuff?
Please Chan carry on.
Never disturb an opponent while he’s making a mistake.
The true quote is Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”— Napoleon Boneparte.
O/T. The Real Truther’s Twitter video contains a good compilation of video and text excerpts demonstrating Rizza Islam’s anti-Semitism.
“Why are anti-vaxxers teaming up with an anti-semitic Scientologist awaiting trial for a felony?” — referring to Rizza Islam.
ISNOI news retweeted:
““Why are anti-vaxxers teaming up with an anti-semitic Scientologist awaiting trial for a felony?” — referring to Rizza Islam.”
“Never interrupt an opponent while he’s making a mistake.”
Let them stumble along on their own as they head for the cliff. They’ll find it soon enough and it’ll be unmistakable when they do.
https://youtu.be/Mguu-t_CSh4 – JAMES BYRNE THREW COFFEE IN MY FACE WHILE DEMOTED TO SECURITY WORK AT HWD WINTER WONDERLAND. He is a charmer he is. I’m told he would throw people in the water or sewage at Gold Base as punishment. Now he is an “art teacher.” Okaaay. A cultist who left told me she was warned by him about ME saying “Avoid this loser you deserve him if you don’t!”
And James Byrne is older than 52.
AGP, under the law, that is ASSAULT. You were not (I’m assuming) endangering his person, verbally threatening him or the church of anyone in it harm, violating a restraining order of any sort, or breaking the law in any way (again, I’m assuming). You were merely exercising your 1St Amendment right to free speech in this country. And he threw coffee (hot coffee?) in your face. Assault. Possibly criminal assault, if you had been burned or injured in any way. And actionable as such.
“…church OR anyone in it…”
https://youtu.be/Mguu-t_CSh4 in this YT video the attack happens at 4:00 mark.
Great news to hear that the IAS event is free. I bought my lifetime membership in 1986 so I qualify. I need to shine up my gold OT VIII bracelet and dust off my e-meter. I would love to attend.
Don’t forget your orange robe and alms bowl for the party after the event.
George – Sorry. I double checked and it’s another stupid “Pirate” party.
Richard, I have been waiting for you. I got a new job.
Laughter! “Chief Universe Information Officer” – Wow! You’re a man of many “hats”, George.
Don’t forget the e-meter.
Richard, I wonder if Davey could sit through my new favorite video.
An orange robed Buddhist with an alms bowl, gold OTVIII bracelet and an e-meter would be trippy. I was going to bring my robe and Hare Krishna bells. Maybe next time.
Why don’t you have your OTVIII bracelet melted down, the gold extracted and shaped into a heart and then engraved with “I love you” or something like that, for your wife to wear as a locket on a chain around her neck?
Now, while I’m very busy here not minding my own business and being an interfering bore, please don’t ask me to tell you what to do with your e-meter. No clue 🙂
That’s a great idea. We celebrated thirty years together. It might say something like “thirty years of Freedom.”
By the way, I have a new job.
Happy 30th to you both, George!
And Congratulations on the new job too.
Going to your link now.
George, LOL! Chucky Goes OTVIII.
Aqua, there’s not enough precious metal in a scientology trinket to pay the gas to the event. At most, it’s a pitifully thin plating of 10k gold , over a pot metal base. Whatever they CHARGED for the thing was pure profit, a scam even worse than the E-meters. At least the early meters had a real wood case which could be spiffed up pretty good.
Paid $3,000 for the bracelet was offered about $300.
jere & George,
Can’t contradict you! Never owned any. Never went Clear or OT. Never bought a Clear Bracelet, or an OT bracelet or whatever jewelry OTs are supposed to buy (rings?). Never saw any of it up close either. Heard somewhere that they’re 18K gold but honestly, I don’t know. Feel free to scrap that idea of mine, George!
What the hell’s going on in Inglewood? You get a free girl if you get your stats up??
“What the hell’s going on in Inglewood? You get a free girl if you get your stats up??”
Who says “Sex doesn’t sell”? scn will try ANYTHING! Particularly if it violates long-standing policy and all standards of decency
Am I wrong when I think this all sounds like a multi-level marketing company, like Amway? I was invited to a huge Amway event years ago. Everyone was dressed up, there was music, testimonials from the diamond(?) tier people about there successes. Afterward, there was a cocktail hour were you were pressured to become a distributor and buy that first kit. It all felt so fake to me.
Amway and the other MLMs have learned well from cults over the years. There’s a podcast called ‘The Dream’ that covered this in their first season if you’re super interested in that stuff.
My parent’s marriage was so LAME that even Amway improved it! Then they got burned out trying to sell expensive high quality soap products to their friends. This in Cincinnati, Ohio, home of soap giant P&G.
You’re not wrong, Tim. Far from it. It’s exactly like AmWay!
“It all felt so fake to me.” That’s because it IS ALL FAKE!
I’m surprised AmWay is still around.
It’s more than just “around.” It’s running the US Department of Education these days.
Yes, Betsey DeVos, Secretary of Education, daughter-in-law of billionaire Amway founder Richard DeVos. Seriously, do we really need public schools anymore? Think of all the taxes we’ll save so every American child can all go to private schools like Betsey did.
Drain the Swamp.
Tim, you’re on to something, the dirty secret is that there’s a commissioned sales scam underlying it, something that they manage to keep fairly well hidden under the guise of a “church,” which people tend not to question – as Hubbard said, “without a public incredulity we never would have gotten as far as we have.” Scientologists make something like a 10-15% percent commission when they sell others on courses or donations, and some of the people in these promo pieces make their living going around and doing that, giving presentations that appear to be about other things but counting on the money they’ll make when they sign people up for Scientology courses as the solution to whatever they’re talking about.
Apparently many of Scientology’s minor celebrities, whose careers often seem to not actually be going that well, also make a lot of their money through those sorts of commissions from people they’ve sold to using the lure of whatever fame or status they have. And so they’re really acting as compensated spokespeople when they speak to the media about Scientology, but that almost never gets caught due again to the incredulity that no one thinks of a “church” paying salespeople and promoters – something I think really needs to be exposed and called out.
Tim, scientology isn’t even as good as the MLMs. At least Amway has SOME product it can and does deliver.
Every time some doofus publishes something about a “business opportunity” on social media, it’s code word for MLM. Real investment opportunities are private, involve lawyers, contracts, and no obligation for you to recruit people under you.
The one MLM I know that sells insurance is called Primerica. One fellow student tried to recruit me while I was doing my PhD. Problem is, I hate selling shit and recruiting so much, I would not do it for a million a year. I am quite content being a “wage slave” with a guaranteed paycheck, insurance, paid vacation, retirement plan, company shares, in office gym with instructor and friends who don’t run away from me because I’m trying to get then to buy shit.
MLM’s were huge in Scn as everyone was trying to make more money to pay for their Bridge and their donations. The pressure on the public to make tons of money actually made some go criminal in it, (think Reid Slatkin and others). After Primerica there was one called WFG and another after that, all same concept of selling annuities and life insurance and investments, recruiting, etc. I know one couple who lost their house to foreclosure because their MLM guru, a Delphi graduate, told them to mortgage their house to get money to do the business with and that if they did this they’d make it big time. Well it backfired on them and they had to move back home to live with mom and dad because they lost their house to foreclosure.
Oh, and PS, hate selling? hate recruiting? No worries. YOu just give us your “warm market” of parents, relatives, friends, co workers and we’ll sell them for you and split the commission with you. We’ll do the same to recruit your people for you so that you don’t have to recruit, yet you’ll get the commission when I recruit or sell them for you. Then once they’ve used up your warm market until it dries up and there is no one left to talk to, they declare that you are now “trained” and ready to “go out on your own” and do the MLM with no prospects to call on. When you ask them to teach you how to get prospeccts, they have nothing for you other than, bring your friends in. So the vultures make money off your communication lines until the bones are picked bare and there is nothign left for you to sell to.