Thanks to everyone who submits these each week…
Financial Security Workshop
The irony is that the place will be swarming with more Regges than participants. The last place anyone should go for financial security is into any scientology building. Let alone Big Blue where LA Org, ASHO and AOLA Regges will be hovering. Not to mention IAS, WISE, ABLE, CCHR, WTH etc etc
Not much hype
The most important beings in the universe don’t get the hype that the dudes in the hazmat suits spraying Defcon 9 get. Not even a video!
Two water bottles
That’s the best they can do?
If this activity amounted to anything they would have staged photos of huge piles of trash collected…
A whole new level of freedom
From attending graduation?
I guess auditing is no longer needed.
Mighty Miami
The lonely VM Van in the ground floor parking garage of Miami’s enormous building. Shot taken last week.
Plus: the tires are not flat. Yet.
Not a lot going on at CC
More solve it without scientology in these empty orgs.
AOSH Africa in the news again
Their big training accomplishment? A Student Hat Completion.
Sunday Service Success Stories
That’s a new one. Everything in scientology is done for the hype (except Auditor’s Day)
“Fight Drugs”
That is all.
Should be good
Wonder who they have in mind they need to deal with?
Freewinds on a roll
An intro seminar.
From someone who married his way into money and has been riding on it since.
Abd check his neato “signature” — following in the footsteps of Ron using his penned sig?
Do they know what they’re getting into?
Charming Jennifer is back
Holidays in lock down in a motel room with a coffee table. And chairs. Sounds like a great time.
She must be doing lower conditions or something.
“Book now before all the cabins are gone” – Hahahahahaha
Donations needed for renovations…
What a shock.
Flag has no public…
Imagine having to advertise on FB to find a twin!!!
He’s baaaack…
What a strange man he is. Check out the first bullet point….
The Internet OCA line is “blowing up”
A tiktok video with music and a good looking woman. That’s unique…
You can bet the vast majority of those OCAs were jokesters.
Whoa, double take…
Now if this woman claimed SHE was the new L. Ron Hubbard I might wonder.
Diana Hubbard Doppelganger.
More “news” that is no news at all
They just don’t seem to DO anything. They TALK about doing things.
A Magic Show
Watch your bank account disappear right before your very eyes.
Some more “success”
“I can expect a pc to have more than one life in the same time period. And myself.”
Now wouldn’t you want to have gains similar to those?
BBQ, Waffles and Popcorn
And graduation. But honestly, the food is more interesting.
Would showing up for the Halloween gig costumed as LRH be verboten? Haha, I can only imagine the shock and awe at the desecrated image of the Great White Hubtard.
regarding the Halloween “event,” the “escape or not room: OH yeah; we all know that registra trick!
And the Doppelganger of Hubbards’ daughter’s mother was a student of Narconon? The how did her daughter get involved with drugs???? Really Works hah!!!
The guy looking for a twin says he’s received about 200 hours of objectives. What!? In the 1970’s dianetics came before the grades and then followed by Power and then the Clearing Course – something like that. I was an interned dianetic auditor and training on the grades when I split because of the price increases. I can’t recall exactly but I might have received about 10 hours or less on the objectives numbered 1 through 8. They were pretty simple and resulted in some type of cognition for myself and the people I audited. Maybe there were some additional objectives required on the grades but I sincerely doubt they required so much auditing time.
DM has really created an obstacle course to slow people down from “going up the Bridge” for people who still think it’s worth doing it. What a nut case.
The objectives as I recall mainly addressed the issue of “control”. Probably everyone has some issues with being controlled so from a theoretical point of view it was worth addressing it. Hundreds of hours now required to “figure it out” must mean it’s now considered a REALLY BIG problem. Lol
Just for anyone interested here is one of the objective processes. The preclear agrees to be audited on a repetitive rote process. Example taking place in a room:
Look at wall – Thank you
Walk over to it – Thank you
Touch that wall – Thank you
Turn around – Thank you
Look at that wall – the procedure repeats.
To an outsider this might seem like a stupidity, but the objectives often resulted in the precelear saying something like, “Wow – I never realized I had so much resistance to being controlled.” Take it for what it’s worth. :))
Objective processes as compared to subjective processes in scn
objective – adjective
intent upon or dealing with things external to the mind rather than with thoughts or feelings, as a person or a book.
being the object of perception or thought; belonging to the object of thought rather than to the thinking subject (opposed to subjective).
of or relating to something that can be known, or to something that is an object or a part of an object; existing independent of thought or an observer as part of reality.
My success story was “Now it’s scientology against an aberrated environment”.
An aberrated environment is a scientology environment.
Seeing the cult promotional pieces reminds me of the breathless, dead-eyed, gleeful, manufactured “spirit of play” that the die-hard cult bots manifested to “reg” people to attend…because…the “events” would be so awesomely theta and forward the goals and purposes of…Pontiff Pimp’s inurement…
And the 6…or 13…or 3 people… that arrived were-of course!- on the front lines of the battle against the “dwindling spiral”, and their efforts were-of course!- supporting the IMMINENT clearing of the planet!
And no event would be complete without an in-ethics, KSW outflow of cash and/or credit and/or assets to the IAS and to the purchase of academy courses, books, auditing intensives, scienbollocky bling(bracelets, pins, necklaces), an e-meter or two, and loans to fellow broke homo novi to purchase the same!
Can you FEEL the excitement, the spirit of play, the “key-out” of aligning with COMMAND SUPPRESSION??? 🙌😂💥🤗
It’s the coolest religion on Teegeeack, can I get an “amen!”, pleeeeeease?😉
Hey George. Thanks for nothing . How do I realize that membership is at an all time low? Great question. Here is the answer short, sweet and works standardly when applied. I actually LOOKED! I actually went around to the Ideal Orgs and observed with my own eyes the facts that they are all empty. The Ideal Orgs are nothing but vacant and dead. Our tiny Org has been shrinking every year for a long time and you get used to seeing people leave all the time. The tech keeps members silent as to where they are. Staff will lie about where they are. It did not take me going OT to finally get it. The propaganda says one thing. When one looks as LRH says to one sees a totally different thing. Every Scientologist knows Scientology lies. Hell we lie to ourselves the entire time we are in. It just takes a bit of
Superb comment, overall, ariz1.
And then, “Every Scientologist knows Scientology lies. Hell we lie to ourselves the entire time we are in”.
The last time I told the truth to a fervent, totally in, OTVII Scientologist, his/her response was ALARM. “That isn’t something that needs to be furthered…I have a problem with this…this is not OK!”
Silently, I noted that no DISAGREEMENT was forthcoming. I HAD told the truth. I HAD stated a fact. So no disagreement from this OTVII.
Only that what I had stated ( a perfect truth, a total fact, no exaggeration whatsoever) should NOT have been repeated by me out loud because my doing so “furthered” (reinforced, affirmed) it.
Again, I noted this…what’s the word…unravelling, of this OTVII, right before my eyes. Splattering like an egg on concrete right in front of me. VERY upset. Probably worried about having to disclose having heard it in the next 6 month sec check.
Oh, I smoothed it over. I backed and filled, did a little verbal tap dance. Had to, at the time, long story. I made it all alright again with this koolaid drinker.
But, man oh man, all that dough to go OT and its… THIS?
OTVII…”Cause over life”…what a freaking joke!
Cause, my ass. Shrinking from life, shrinking from truth. Completely unable to deal with fact. Lying and being lied to and INSISTING upon being lied to…! Sad, really.
Nice to see thur funny’s are back. Thanks Mike and all the contributors.
Deal with a narcissist? Did ellerech say anything about narcissists? I don’t remember any reference using the word “Narcissist.”
I’m sitting in an airport, otherwise I would take a scan through the bulletins index.
I said “cognitive dissonance” once and got jumped because it was a psych term.
“Diana Hubbard Doppelganger” …
I had to take a double-take, then realized that Diana is about my age and I went white a couple of years back.
Do you think “Auditors’ Day” isn’t hype? Like most of their PR output, they’re hyping it up to the enslaved to make the auditors among them feel special for a minute.
“RSVP now to reserve your seat” means they might set up chairs for about the number of RSVPs —
IF they get around to it.
The internet OCA line blew up because someONE actually visited the site. That’s the WHY.
Guys spraying Defcon 9 v auditors: WHO is spraying the Defcon if not the auditors who are between sessions?
Those auditors are spraying Defcon in between letter-writing and call-in sessions because…they have no pc’s…
Scienbollocky: straight down and plummeting faster!
Are they REALLY promoting Halloween more than a month ahead of time? That’s desperation to get SOMEone to show up! Poor CCI, going down the tubes like that.
I mean WOW. Scientology breeds narcissists. Scientology grooms narcissists.
If one has one iota of narcissism in their DNA Scientology germinates it into a full blown organism.
Narcissists and sociopaths, both, Mary.
Deal with a Narcissist, deal with a Registrar: same old, same old.
Yes, Mary! Always love your comments
With Miscavage being the BIGGEST narcissist!!
Re: Remi Aregbesola needing a SRD twin
Note that he describes himself as “a Flag trained and interned GAT1&2 Class IV Auditor.” He trained the first time, only to be told, “Nope, you did it wrong, but GAT 2 will fix it all! Cash or credit?”
Also, not going to lie, I laughed at Remi’s pledge to “drill you correctly.” 🙂
Re: Internet OCA line
Scientology is crazy if it thinks it can make any inroads on TikTok and its younger user base. Even if TikTok users were receptive to Scientology, we’re talking about a church that still relies on telexes and in/out baskets on desks.
Re: Diana Hubbard Doppelgänger
I understand Diana is still involved with the church. Does Scientology allow her to make any public appearances? Given that Diana is the last direct family link to L. Ron Hubbard who’s still in Scientology, I’d figure David Miscavige would see her as a threat and keep her under lock and key in the Hole.
Re: Valley OT committee
Lisa Benest waited until OT VIII to join the Valley OT committee? I thought one of the requirements to get out of OT VII was to join your nearest OT committee?
Re: BBQ, Waffles and Popcorn
Scientology public tend to eat well at church events. What about Sea Org members? Is it really all just rice and beans for them? What do they eat on “good” days?
On “good” days, the SO was lucky to get — rice and beans. On fantastic days, they might get a hamburger & fries (of a sort).
I have an obsession with cheeseburgers.
Sadly, I can almost picture the S.O. peons fighting each other to see who wins the honour of licking the hot plate of the barbeque clean when the graduation (they graduate your money into their pockets) session is over.
“What is the one indicator that tells you if you’re just really upset with someone…”
The indicator is when you are banging their head against a wall and swearing at them. That’s a pretty good indicator.
Jackson Aces? If he’s so “famous” then why haven’t I heard of him, and if he’s so great why is he performing for $camalotofmoneyology?
Looking back on the many cult events I attended when I was in, I’m remembering that Sea Org members were for the most part very stern faced during these events. I used to privately (very privately) wonder why they had to be so…SERIOUS. After all, events were promoted to US (the public) as FUN. Even the Class V org staff would be smiling, interacting in a relaxed way -at least giving the APPEARANCE of enjoying themselves. But the Sea Org members – uh uh. Very, very little levity in that crowd. About them, I used to think to myself, “For crying out loud, lighten UP a little!”
Today, it occurs to me that they weren’t actually “serious” – just hungry. Really hungry! And likely tired. Who wouldn’t be frowning and cranky, watching everyone else gorging and themselves forbidden to eat?
Not that the food was that great, btw. In fact it was mostly awful. Whenever possible I made it a point to eat before an event or to bring some nuts or cheese or something because Scientology event food was the cheapest kind of cheap carbs plus soda and sugar. And the way people swarmed around the food if you really WERE hungry, well, good luck, you know?
Today, I wish I had realized that the Sea Org members, watching over us so humorlessly, so stone faced, were, in truth, exhausted, stressed and just plain hungry.
I judged them unfairly. Out of my own ignorance of what their lives as Sea Org members actually were.
I’d like to go to an event again just so I could go up to these SO and say, “Hey, how about if I bring you a plate? Stay right there, I’m going to bring you a plate. And then we’ll sit down and talk!” How could they refuse?
Well, I suppose its one way to attone 🙂
Re:: The bloke holding the two (2) empty plastic bottles up for all the tiny world to see. Wasn’t it a sci. event that littered the beach with thousands of balloons? Or is my memory failing me?
Regarding the financial security workshop in Los Angeles I assume attendees will be encouraged to max out their credit cards even further to donate to the IAS with the assurance that that will cause money to magically flow back to them?
Doug, that’s the fantasy they weave. The reality, of course, is that they’ll wind up destitute and homeless, the perfect public for joining staff or the S.O. When you’ve been reduced to living out of your car, a roach-infested dump looks good; when hungry, rice and beans is a feast.
Hopefully the number of people falling for this for getting fewer and fewer
What is it that Lron said? Outflow equals inflow? Something like that. Lron had the prosperity gospel down long before Bitch Osteen.
I wonder if anyone at the magic show is willing to give the ‘magician’ a 100 dollar bill for his act? And if so, will a reg beat him back to that 100 dollar bill?
Financial security is, of course, talking about Dave’s, not yours.
It’s notable if Sunland finally has some space, after years of operating out of the homes of the Stewarts and other members, subsequent to losing their previous storefront location. Obviously, none of them have the wherewithal to really take on the financial burden that a scientology franchise is these days.
However, it may also be noteworthy that they spin it as “expansion space” rather than saying it is a new mission location. I suspect it may be another case of using something like back rooms at a member’s business.
“expansion space” must mean they finally have a SPACE! which isn’t in their home, allowing them to expand their living into their whole house.
Yeah, Jere – or to rent out rooms. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen an insider refer to them doing just that, and once when I was looking up property information I came across quite a few people associated with address, including Brian Anderson – the same name as an old Flag PR.
The next question is, if it is indeed using a member’s business space, why do they have space to spare? I’d hazard a guess it could be an older member starting to wind down their business affairs, and having room they no longer need. We’ll just have to wait and see….
I think that the last time I checked, the mission’s corporate registration was in the Stewarts’ names, but obviously they’re not willing to front the money to get a proper space, and like Sunland are reduced to going around cap-in-hand.
I am in awe of those Miami Org pics above. Holy hell that place is enormous! What in the name of Xenu is Scientology doing with a 113,000 sq. ft. org in Miami (2220 S. Dixie Hwy)? Any real corporation would have at least 650 employees in a space that large!
DM is insane. This Potemkin exhibition of gigantic empty mOrgues for a booming ‘religion’ can’t last forever. I can’t wait to see when COB’s ostentatious, sprawling global simulation finally starts collapsing in front of everyone.
Isn’t a bit LATE for Dublin to be teaching people how to deal with Ronald Hubturd?
Someone may attend the Life Workshops to discover what not to do.