If he is so successful…
Maybe he could do a seminar for the staff of Columbus “ideal” org. Because they are failing miserably. So bad in fact that the majority of staff there are imported Sea Org members to try to give the appearance there is a going concern inside their new empty building.
The impact we are making in Ohio
This event should be done and dusted in 3 seconds or less… that would be an appropriate celebration for their “impact”
Valley Unites
Well, they will have the old ladies from the OT Committee there. That will be about the extent of the “uniting.”
Since when has Bruce Wiseman ever uplifted, revitalized or inspired anyone? If he is not talking gloom, and doom about the psychs it’s about the government and economy. He truly is a chaos merchant. It’s how the IAS gets people to give them money. Sell fear.
Oh, Africa Unites too…
These guys are going to give the same speech as Wiseman apparently.
The Chan Man is “coming to Dublin”
Not really. It’s just a zoom call.
How is this guy a “celebrity” in the bubble? Have you heard any of his mad talks?
Heritage Day
Wonder if they will pull out some quotes from Ron about the ignorance of the Bantu and what a great job the Apartheid Government did with the “blacks.”
Probably not.
The Mark VIII Super Duper Buttercream Limited Edition
Can be yours for only $10,000 to sit alongside your gold plated Mark VII. And we will throw in a free cake and a set of cans guaranteed to make your hands sweat.
Talk to a fishmonger
This is the science of life.
Who picks these quotes? They think if Ron uttered it, it must be good.
It’s a step up from Gangsta Night and Superhero Fundraisers
Truthfully, never heard of this org before. Maybe someone in Mexico can tell me about it? Is it an old org that moved?
This is Power Flow
Really? Seems pretty lame to me. Not able to afford rent?
That is all.
Dilettantes strike again…
Remember, Ron said “solve it with scientology”?
Do you think Dr. Ramcharan knows what he is involved with?
He is the only non-scientologist listed…
Hope they are finding it tougher to get people sucked into their schemes.
Still pitching it
The space is still limited. Probably showing it in a closet now.
The Chan Man is everywhere…
Oh, the magic of the interwebs
This one is not just special. It’s “exclusive”
It’s exclusively for anyone who agrees to see it.
I can think of a LOT more than 3 reasons
Like Wile E Coyote, they are using some reverse psychology to catch themselves some new prey.
Morals and Ethics
The only thing funnier than morals and ethics. Benevolence.
In scientology? Hahahahahahahahahaha
This is a scientology list?
The top 3 items are painkillers?
Wrong Level
Sorry Natalia, that is a flunk.
You must have misread the grade chart again. You were supposed to write this after NED. The Grade chart lists the “ability gained” as “a well and happy preclear.”
You were supposed to say “I have the ability to confront the Whole Track now”
Team up with alloy groups
They got a lot of bleach. Not sure what they are doing with that. Spraying it around? That’s what the photo indicates.
How much earlier?
Like before you got into scientology in order to warn you not to get involved with an organization that dramatizes the 12 points of anti-social activity?
The cult of Scientology of the Valley Women’s Auxiliary with a “Spago dinner for 4, valued at 450 dollars.” I wonder how much desert would be?
The guy in space is happy and saying: “I’m fee, and at last escaped from the cult.”
I thought the same thing about donate today for tooth paste, soap, etc. With billions the cult could take care of any needs and then some for these kids.
Hey, Chan Man,
The word is “renowned”, spelled without a “k”.
OT(oatmeal twerker) literacy for the win!
“Hygiene supplies needed for immigrant children”.
I usually react with derision and contemptuous laughter to the “Can’t make this up” bullshit displayed on Thursday Funnies, but this one caught my heart.
The cult, with its billions, shilling for donations for THIS purpose!
The Scientology cult, with its billions, too cheap to spend some of its own money for these necessities, for these children.
As if with its billions it couldn’t supply soap, toothpaste, and every other hygienic supply, not to mention nourishing food, warm clothing and much needed medicine to millions of desperately poor children, immigrants or not, the world over.
Its sad, just so very sad. To me, anyway.
Or maybe Gary can JOIN staff and boom the place, himself, by his example of “how it’s done”.😇
For Xenu’s sake. You couldn’t make this up if you tried!
So the Sacramento cherch is offering: “Isn’t it time for some good news? You’ll leave this briefing inspired and informed.”
And what is the uplifting “exclusive, special” news? It is: “This planet is an ‘almost’ planet.” If that’s not enough, there’s the old doomsday clock (hour glass) so common with alarmist cults. With THAT good news out of the way, what’s the bad news?
At the “uplifting and expansion briefing” in Columbus, Ohio, the cult is going to entertain the little audience with music from a ‘Gospel band’. That would naturally be a Christian Gospel Band, wouldn’t it, wouldn’t it?
The fundamental problem Scientology has, are the offerings Scientology delivers to society.
Scientology even per Hubbard, per Technical Degrades policy, states the org delivers well trained students and thoroughly audited preclears.
So per Hubbard, a half answer which there is more he doesn’t answer, it’s training and auditing.
Training to become the pseudo-therapist delivering “auditor”. (Or training to become the exorcist, one exorcises oneself on OT 3 and OT 7, and on OT 4 and 5 one receives the exorcism, and on OT 6 one trains to exorcise oneself doing the OT 7 solo exorcism.)
So Hubbard leaves out the exorcism part of what Scientology does.
IN summary, Scientology does training to become the pseudo-therapist/exorcist.
And Scientology delivers pseudo-therapy and exorcism.
That’s the problem, and Hubbard of course never calls auditing and exorcism by their real names, and Hubbard never allows even the tiniest entry of doubt that the Scientology pseudo-therapy or exorcism is the problem.
But despite all the management flim flam actions which do work in regular businesses, and in Scientology the flim flam administration and bureaucracy jobs all keep the place “running” while the Hubbard wordage and training and theory keep the followers not disparaging of their quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism.
But the problem is the “tech” (the quackery) of Scientology/Hubbard.
How can you sell the quackery when it’s dissected, which it pretty much has been dissected by the outside world.
Xenu very very unlikely did not deposit zillions of implanted surplus souls (“body-thetans”) onto earth.
And these zillions of surplus souls do not infest all humans today. And there is no need to do the OT 3, 4 5, 6 and 7 exorcism secret parts of upper Scientology.
And the lower level pseudo-therapy isn’t really a replacement for modern mental health.
The Hubbard penalty rules against the followers for quitting and straying away from Scientology quackery are too much, too much backlash.
And it’s all way to expensive.
SO the world doesn’t really want Scientology once they find out what it is.
“What Is Scientology” book is a long winded dodge from what Scientology really is.
It’s hard to sell this sow’s ear and keep calling it silk.
The promo has picked up over the last couple weeks, but it is not as much as I expected. Things must be pretty bad down in Whoville.
DM will have to practice flexing his ot power X distance muscle, cause he is hunkered down and cowering in place. He’s probably like an ageing and failing Howard Hughes, except he’s not that smart and capable, and his success comes only from stealing from people.
Wonder what’s going through his mind?
He is staying in, and instead of watching “Ice Station Zebra” in the cinema, he is watching “Valkyrie” over and over again. He might have even gotten a uniform, breeches and all. He walks around clicking his heels when no one can see.
Nah, probably not.
When do you think was the last time HE cleared his word was? Hmmmm????
“SQUEEZE THE CANS, PLEASE” [caps theirs].
I know that things are desperate for a reviled cult and its debunked and discredited “services.” Why else would they be offering them anonymously and in an obfuscation system where even the front groups have front groups?
But if there was ever a whinier, more desperate plea to please, please. please buy a product that not many seem to want anymore, I haven’t heard it. Nor would I want to. Is this being “at cause”? Coming from big beings that can destroy and create universes, this is just sad!
This line stands a better chance in a Masterson defense than it does as a rallying cry for the purchase of “services.”
The superlatives that the cult attaches to people are not just embarrassing. They show genuine despair to get anyone to speak up on their behalf. It would also help if they at least knew how to properly spell these superlatives. “Reknowned?” Really, guys? This is the best you can do with all that “tech”, your PR “tech”, word clearing and your dictionaries, at your disposal?
Considering how a salesman in a multi-level-marketing scheme like Chan can be billed as a “world reknowned [sic] international speaker” should inspire great hope in your local Avon lady.
Hey! The Avon Lady DELIVERS a product valuable to some. AND she doesn’t blackmail you to buy products she won’t or can’t deliver(AFAIK, at least).
Just a heads-up: Avon is an MLM. Not the worst, but still…
Yup, Avon’s the oldest of the MLMs, AFAIK, but they DO deliver their products, which I’ve been told are pretty decent.
As opposed to scn, which can’t deliver on the promises they used to sell, and has fallen to selling STATUS only.
What does the Chan man do for a living when not giving speeches? It seems like some years ago I saw he was high up in a multi level in LA and everyone looked at him as a guru cuz he graduated from Delphi in LA and was successful in this multilevel. Was that Chan man?
Dont think so. As I recall, he had a roofing business in Ohio or somewhere in the midWest
Thanks It must have been someone else who was Asian that was big at that multi level marketing place and from Delphi
They must be running out of “good” Chan promotion photos. That one looks like the guy who barges in on you in the bathroom stall and then stares a moment before uttering an inane comment and leaving. (AKA the turd burgler)
It’s interesting: scientology just never really took hold in the middle of the US, not even when Tubby hisself was in Witchita, Topeka, Columbus, or Phoenix. Just the two coasts.
“Just add water”?
Will a closet be big enough!?
Assuredly, With lots of elbow room.
Tylenol, aspirin, and ibuprofen for children at the Mexican border??? You mean touch assists don’t work!!
Benevolence in scn? I’m still laughing. Watch them how benevolent they are when you end up in their regging list.
Maybe they meant beneviolence.
Deep in sarcasm and irony they are.
Loved the reasons to not be on the OT committee list. They’re so OT they can’t make a word processor number a list correctly. Bah! It’s just MEST!
SBS News Australia: As Scientology shrinks, it turns its gaze towards the Pacific.
By Steven Trask.
I don’t know what the Criminon program entails but if it is factually reducing recidivism or helping prisoners in Indonesia so what if it’s a front group. Outside of the official cherch where most everything is oriented toward programming does it have any value? The article says it’s being administered by Muslims. As usual there are no reliable statistics.
“No reliable ” statistics?
No stats at all, in other words.
It’s all hype and baseless predictions of what they COULD do. IF sufficient victims show up & IF the “tech”niques actually delivered on their promises.
How the fuck does scientology, in whatever package, help anyone or anything???
(Rhetorical question)
See Jere Lull’s comment.
The issue is information and awareness
When a Cult activity is pronounced the Equalizers came into action.
There are many poor countries in the world whos head of state cannot afford air travel or hotel expenses .
But none of them went to the hands of any Cult or criminal organizations. Though there has been number of attempts but thanks to the watchful eyes of Interpol, UNO and BIS it never materializes.
Let them have 60 second of fame ,the Equalizers knows when to say ” thats it”
The mystery meat “must-see event” advert has an Edinburgh phone number.
“Mystery meat for a mystery meet?
I always thought mystery meat was what was for lunch at Flag/flog.
Time after time i think they’ve reached the peak (or rock bottom) of lack of awareness. But then you show us new stuff that just baffles the mind.
There’s no limit to the depths they will dredge to make that ever-demanding stat.
Regarding the Sea Org members sent to Columbus, just curious where they sleep at night. Does Int. Management get them a cheap apartment and force 10 people to live in an apartment designed for two people?
Then please provide the contact information to apply. That sounds like a dream job.
Just call Columbus org, they will be happy to sign you up I am sure. Just don’t mention that you comment here.
I probably shouldn’t have done this but a few years ago on the Thursday’s funnies you had a post of someone collecting money for something I don’t remember what. I emailed the person and indicated I was interested in donating some money. He replied right away and then I mentioned that I read this blog and I never heard from him again.
Perhaps we should mention it to see just how frantic they are to acquire more staff/crew.
At at least at first, that apartment won’t be so infested with vermin.
*Heaven!* 🤣
The next to last time I stepped into a church was to collect on a paper route. (There was the indoctrination Chaplin service in basic training.) I’d probably be declared an SP for demanding payment on newspapers.
Of COURSE they declared you, Otherles, you agent of the merchants of CHAOS.