No corroborating evidence? Except what scientology churns out every day to try and discredit the movie….
Terrific promotion for the film though.
BTW, an interview Alex and I did will be airing on NPR All Things Considered today at 16:40 / 18:40 / 20:40 EDT (17:40 / 19:40 PDT).
New promotion for leaving scientology…
THE best way to overcome financial stress.
Flag OTC buying their own bs
Puerto Rico and Orlando are “on the runway.” Obviously they have no idea the state of these two failing field groups.
But even better “Making Ideal Orgs isn’t just about fundraising or creating events…” Then what the hell are those fools in Valley and everywhere else doing?
Hats for everyone
Whatever happened to “humanitarians” and “new civilization builders”? Or the “infinity club”?
Coming next week — bronze, silver and gold mardi gras beads for anyone that gives anything at all…
But, believe me, it’s not just about the fundraising.
Really, it’s not about the fundraising
Fundraising? What fundraising?
The IAS Easter Bunny is coming
He doesn’t deliver eggs. He is the Energizer vampire bunny. Relentlessly sucks you dry and moves on to the next victim.
Hope — it’s all we’ve got
They’ve had an “ideal org” now for a couple of years. They’re doing some heavy duty planning on how they are going to impact society and you can bring your ideas…
Dynamic Duo
They weren’t dynamic enough to manage it at the LA “model ideal org” and had to be replaced by SO members. LA Org rejects are now going to “do it” at Pasadena?
New seminar
Gavin (Harry) Potter has some more magic tricks to pull out of his butt hat so you can turn over more money. Really, scientology is not all about making/giving money.
Harry Potter is everywhere
Now he is “hosting” a seminar for artists being done by someone else.
Maybe he is being groomed up as the next MC to step into Miscavige’s shoes when he disappears into seclusion?
Birthday Celebration
I always thought the birthday was 13 March. They’re carrying it over, perhaps in celebration of Going Clear?
Honestly, it’s NOT about the fundraising….
Oddly fitting…
The only time they are ever going to see anything take off and go straight up and vertical
Now this is a rocking “OT” Committee…
Big FSM News
A single person was routed onto the Student Hat in this multi-million dollar “ideal” org. Woooohoooo… (google Larry Plank and you find him involved in the fundraising for the ideal org in 2010 — this is just a bit of a comm lag)…
What makes ASHO special?
Absolutely nothing at all….
Might as well be combined with LA Org at this point. It could be announced as another brilliant expansion move.
A bright future
That really does take some imagination when you are sitting in the church of scientology of St. Louis.
Maybe they should have a showing of Superman?
Sacramento Tude (?)
March was the best event ever. Ever. Since the last one. Til the next one.
Come to our OT Committee and we will give you steak, chicken, health food. Anything to get you to come.
Are Melanie and Chel twins? Or just Mormons?
Seriously, they look like everyone on the streets of Salt Lake City.
Here’s a link about truth and Scientology… http://youtu.be/ODQB4bC3gW8
I stopped watching Scandal after Huck went ballistic in the name of saving Olivia …
I guess I’m not the only one that sees the similarities to Scandal and Scientology
And at some point perhaps I will stop watching this train wreck, stop dreaming about it, stop wishing my friends would wake up and at the same time, I realize that that is just never going to happen because my involvement (even as someone who left 20 years ago) is well over 1/2 of my life And in actual fact – my scientology experience, while it shares many similarities with others – is uniquely my own experience.
And as a result — eliminating it from my life would be cleaving or denying most of my life. Thus I work to learn from the experience and see where I am still STUCK.
My wish is for everyone to really understand where and why they stopped trusting themselves and thus connect with themselves fully. And how they move beyond this is up to each one of us.
Mike, you were terrific with Megan on Fox.
How to overcome financial stress. Learn the exact tools to rapidly increase your income and expand your business”
I have to ask you, does this really sound like something from a church? No, I mean a real one which should be legitimately recognized by the IRS. Not some money grubbing cult run by a midget sciopath
LRH called for EXPANSION on his bir hday—and ha ‘s exac ly wha we are giving him! We are comple ing he cons ruc ion funding so our Ideal Org [can] BEGIN CONSRUC ION and we are doing i by LRH Bir hday even week!!!
Below is he exac breakdown of wha dona ion levels are needed o accomplish his. his is o be comple ed.
ARGE : All Hard Ha s auses quoa s me and he full funding of he consruc ion phase comple ed! M: 26 March 2015
GOLD HARD HA S = 25,000
HARD HA S = 500
Call he org now o make your dona ion!
How does no one in the orgs notice the filing parties directly contradict the perfection and teachings of LRH tech basics???? Should these filing parties not even exist with the perfection in all things especially office and Buisness organization??!!! Helloooo!!!!
Yep, and back when he was a ‘kid’ in CMO CW he was just another twerp like DM was as a budding psychopath.
Re: Gavin, above.
Megyn Kelly of Fox News at the end of her show had a clip of Mike Rinder from the HBO documentary. And she told the audience when it would be on. That promo alone could get thousands of viewers for Sunday night.
For those still sitting on the fence about getting HBO in order to watch the documentary: HBO usually offers a 30 day free trial period (certainly to those who call their cable provider and insist on a free “taste”). 30 days is plenty of time to watch the film a couple of times and decide whether HBO is worth the $20 a month.
It’s certainly a lot less painful than learning about scn by taking the “church” advice and plunking down $20 for the Dianetics book at your local friendly org (and winding up a perpetual “reg” target for your troubles).
For the first time in my life, I am now an HBO subscriber–for free. Looking forward to Sunday night!
And that picture of Gavin Potter always creeps me out. Its not just because he resembles Miscavige. Its the expression (shivers).
The group in the Hawaii org could not look less like warriors.
Heard you on NPR. Epic!
I’ll bet DM will disregard his own orders and he himself will watch the Going Clear Documentary on Sunday.
Who can resist it? Not even himself.
Heading to Tampa soon to be interviewed by Megyn Kelly about Going Clear on Kelly Files. 9:40pm EDT. Fox TV News.
Holy Cr@& Mike. Per the industry ratings, you’ve now hit the real big times. I sincerely hope that you reap some plentiful byproducts from all this good work you are doing. I say byproducts because I know you don’t this because of money.
Does Gretta’s contract with FOX include a supply or Depends? Is she NOT going to see the interview?
Woop woop!! Just say U on Kelly File! Awesome it just keeps getting better and better
Great interview!
Great job on FOX News Mike! I wonder what is going through Greta’s mind right now………
Gold hat — 25 large
Silver hat — 10 large
Bronze hat — 5 large
Hard hat — 1/2 large (medium)
Cocky Doody hat — a wooden nickel
Give now. We’re building a shit palace for COB to cut a ribbon on.
Good interview on NPR Mike.
Ay Carumba, 3 more days to HBO Going Clear.
Just show “Going Clear” 24 hours everyday for the next 5 years.
There is a deluge of plugs to watch the HBO documentary from all sorts of mainstream media.. The Wall Street Journal’s was just a few minutes ago and is quite funny:
“Some Things to Fear in ‘Going Clear’
HBO’s documentary about Scientology, once seen, cannot be erased from the mind. So beware.”
I can’t stop laughing at these ridiculous promotions. Easter. Really?? Thanks for posting these Mike. I needed a good laugh after a hard day at work. The remaining few are desperate. Propping the “church” up is all they can do. It will come crumbling down soon.
The HBO movie will be devastating. And the BBC movie, Tony’s book and more after that will sink them. Hip hop hooray!!
Mike, I see that the church has taken your advice from a few weeks ago as they have now published Rick Hull pictures without a warped head.
And damn funny stuff Regraded Being!
“Please do not disconnect.”
Yeah, it sucks doesn’t it. It’s called karma, bitch. Look it up.
I’m sure those are the strangest words I’ve ever seen in scientology promo.
This is on the homepage of yahoo news.
great article
Another great Regraded Being. I love the rebellion. Hope all the under-the-radars and doubters will rebel and watch Going Clear.
You shouldn’t be afraid of the truth.
Dave…you should be afraid of the truth. Tick Tock.
a lot of lessons were learned from and since the Time magazine “cult of greed” fandango.
i just realized how to make a quick buck, just collect my trash and list it on ebay as “Alex Gibney’s garbage”.
I’m pretty sure someone will meet the reserve price.:)
This is the fisrt time i have actually read all of the thursday funnnies.
Excellent posting, and its not about the money!
Please have whomever does ‘Regraded Beings’ do a Michael Chen and Gavin Potter session!!!! I love a good prosperity preaching!!!!!
If you look in the upper right of the Hawaii Warriors pic, you can see Xenu and his tin foil hatted minion, Nutsxu.
Excellent hilarity today Mike. While one could make up these flyers, no one on the outside has to do that. Petard hoisted captain.
The workshops are so repetitive – “expansion” (make more money), “flourish” (make more money), “get into Power” (make more money) – then give it to the Church. How about a few of these alternative workshops: ‘Where can we find sustained happiness?”, ‘When are you sacrificing too much in your relationship?’, ‘How to deal with mean people’, ’21 ways to “give good no”, etc.
The problem with those types of workshops you mentioned is that people might turn around and apply what they learned towards the church… I think you see why such workshops aren’t given.
To think that despite going to many BYOB parties over the years thinking it meant Bring Your Own Beer [morphing into BYO Beverage with more temperate folks]. And now I find out from Mike Rinder that it really means Buy Your Own Bullshit. My, those COS parties where the faithful buy in to competing with each other to see who can donate the most money look like a whole lot of fun!
At least back in the 80s the promo had something to do with the Bridge – you know… get audited or get trained, go free or something like that. The events then use to say something about well done auditing hours, auditors made etc. But now is all status of how much you supposed to donate and Ideal Orgs. Unfriggen believable!
Love Regraded Being this week. Wonder what it will be next week?? BIG week ahead for davey boy.
Mike Id pay money for a download of all the regraded being comics any day! How about it? Proceeds can go towards church abuse fund or towards your blog upkeep? Laughter is the best medicine after all and these are priceless, love it!! Making some money from DM’s baffoonary sounds like a way to go.
You can download them now free of charge.
Not really. You will be required to treat the author to at least one Starbucks coffee should you ever meet.
Nice, thank you verry much!
Hey man, I’d happily buy you a cup of coffee. Regraded Being is great!
I wonder if they have a public performance license for the Man of Steel showing at Orange County?
If it costs money you can bet they won’t have.
That Man of Steel picture is owned by the studio that produced the film. Hmmmmmm…I wonder if someone might make a phone call or two and let the studio know they’re being ripped off?
Why would they? The only copyrights they adhere to are the ones they own. Besides it’s the greatest good…… For RCo$
The DVD will make your jaw drop.
But then it will shut tightly, like, well, a clam.
It has something to do with evolution, I think.
Poor little clam, snap, snap snap.
From CBC Radio’s Q (a fairly heavy-weight program) this morning:
Ex-Scientology spokesman Mike Rinder on ‘Going Clear’
There’s a listen button on the page. (20:59)
Ooh, there’s mention at the end that Going Clear is coming to some Canadian theaters. I’d go if only for the audience reaction.
YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now all Canadians can make fun of the stupid, evil, toxic, militant cult!
After next week anyone wanting to participate in the poke fest is going to have to take a number and get in line!
Ooooh goody.
Hope they remember us frogs.
I had an epiphany (that’s a 75 cent word and as everyone here know, I’m a 10 cent type of guy) the other day. I’m certain now that Freedom Magazine should be renamed. In its current form, it’s a blatant lie! The new name should be, “Enslavement Magazine.” Now that would be truth in advertising…
Mike, I am here every morning. Love your blog and all that you are doing. The fallout continues:)
Davey threw a Sec Check at the Int Base jail
His trusty dog was there and he began to wail
E-Meters going til the needle did three swings
Tiny Tyrant making all them jailbirds sing
Let’s talk, everybody, let’s talk
Everybody in the whole cell block
Confessin’ at the Int Base Rock
Jenny Linson hardening a heart of stone
Little Dave was screamin’ on his office phone
Statistics kept on falling with a crash, boom, bang,
The MAA’s were sticking out their hungry fangs.
Let’s talk, everybody, let’s talk
Everybody in the whole cell block
Confessin’ at the Int Base Rock
One of Dave’s lieutenants said to some SP
“You’re the biggest loser that I ever did see.
You’re no longer welcome in our company,
You just lost your passport to eternity.”
Let’s talk, everybody, let’s talk
Everybody in the whole cell block
Confessin’ at the Int Base Rock
Some sad sack was sittin’ on a block of stone
way over in the corner weepin’ all alone.
Davey said, “You fuckup, sit down on that chair.
I will find your crimes and kick you down the stairs.”
Let’s talk, everybody, let’s talk
Everybody in the whole cell block
Confessin’ at the Int Base Rock
A lowly staff was thinking, “Man for Heaven’s sake,
no one’s lookin’, now’s my chance to make a break.”
He quickly changed his mind and then he thought, Nix, nix.
This kool-aid is addicting and I just can’t quit.”
Let’s talk, everybody, let’s talk
Everybody in the whole cell block
Confessin’ at the Int Base Rock
You are magnificent!
I read it to the song melody and liked it.
Thanks Cindy.
Great job MM. I would love to see an Elvis impersonator do this!
John Travolta.
Guess I would be more impressed by the Twin Cities FSM, Robin Harstad, except that’s not HER in the picture. I don’t know who that woman in the glasses is, but Robin Harstad is a beautiful, tall long-haired blond. C’mon guys – now you’ve gone from bad photoshopping to completely wrong pictures in your newsletters?
Gavin (Harry) Potter:
Please define “New OT III”.
Is it COB´s version of OT III?
Money is just MEST that only holds you back, so give it to us. Buy your freedom instead of more restimulative implants like that stuff they show on Wholetrack SP Network HBO.
Absolutely love Regraded Being’s new cominc. If there’s ever a book, I’ll buy it!
Gavin Potter looks as crazy/psychotic/hypnotized/dominating as COB.
Joyce Wallace…. Dear God! She tried to replace Milton Katselas as the feeder of potentially famous and rich into Celebrity Centre. He made a fortune (I knew one the BHP shills who was part of his FSM team – he was very very protective of his selectees and potential seclectees). Joyce was a typical Scientology reg in that if you didn’t do what she said right away, she would load, aim and fire insults, dirty looks, eyerolls, any inval she could.
Team Milton was much more chill and had a much better game. Milton pretended he wasn’t really that into the cult anymore. Except when it came to his checks. I’ve seen other OTs do this to shill.
If you’re hardcore like Joyce, you offend a lot of people, earn a lot of distrust, but sometimes it works and the cycle the of the abusive relationship starts.
What you said about abusive relationship and the cherch is so true Madora P : “If you’re hardcore like Joyce, you offend a lot of people, earn a lot of distrust, but sometimes it works and the cycle the of the abusive relationship starts.”
This “cycle of the abusive relationship” is what new people in Co$ have to look forward to. Fortunately, their time in the cherch will be short-lived because of the availability of information to anyone who cares to look, which is about 99.9% of the people who are not fully indoctrinated into KSW..
Only the 20 year + koolaide drunks, their children and grandchildren will close their eyes to this information and perpetuate the cycle of abusive relationships. But, even so, 2nd and 3rd generation Scientologists are shrinking fast…
My experience of Joyce was that she was totally dysfunctional. I took several Admin Scale workshops with her, she was late for them, disorganized and kaflumoxed. I didn’t want to be around her.
By the way – I could never make the Admin Scale stuff work. However, I can really get things happening in my own life with my own way of creating intention. I kept thinking I needed LRH’s admin scale… I didn’t. That was a revelation!
zana, I’m not surprised. El Con simply plagiarized and then bastardized (almost to the point of uselessness) a small bit of what had been taught at Mil Staff Colleges (notably from the Prussian school). His very poor understanding of that tech is what you get from him in “his” Admin Scale.
I think I will watch the documentary a few times.
Dean, you’re going to love it! I saw it at the Arc Light theater in Hollywood on 13 March. The place was packed! I hope this documentary comes out on disc.
They say it will be released on Vimeo down the line.
Mike, Can you put up a link to the NPR interview you did for “All Things Considered” so we can see it?
Regraded, funny as usual. It cracks me up to see DM at his desk with that little head of his popping up. And your depiction of the scientology cross and the logo are CLASSIC!
Mike, you crack me up too! So hilarious – your captions above each piece of promo. You are a very funny guy!
This church is a total caricature of itself.
Yes, that little head with the high hair only showing over the top of the desk, that little hand clutching his drink, OMG, Regraded, thank you. I’m still laughing and would be even without the perfect verbal satire.
Funniest ever! Totally out of reality. Weren’t Scientologists supposed to be able to confront? Miscavige is really mismanaging everything he does…well he is still sitting on billions of cash so he can afford those mistakes. I went to the Freedom Mag website today. Appalling! just like Mao and the cultural revolution. Truly totalitarian bigotry.
Clear your cookies and cache and check for Malware…I’m sure that site can infect.
Thursday’s have now become my favorite day of the week due to Regraded Beings comic strip. It leaves me wanting MORE!
By the way, my huge family all across the United States has signed up for HBO – just to watch this documentary – Going Clear. We are all so happy to contribute to the motion.
Other HBO benefits – all episodes of ‘Game of Thrones’ .
OMG – I am addicted!
Yea, I signed up for HBO too. Just added it to my cable.
You can smell the desperation. Thank you Mike for your work to deconstruct the spin and hype proping up the facade.
ASHO’s promo says they “consistently get students done in, and under checksheet time” … oh grammar, how pesky you can be. And what is Phoenix doing serving ham for Easter? I’ve always opted for lamb (they got the stuffed egg part right though). Love this week’s Regraded Being and suspect it’s truer than not.
What a treasure trove of what is really going on! Regarded Being made me wonder: does Davey now BELIEVE his own lies like the old man ended up believing? Does Miscavige believe there ARE that many Scientologists? Since the copper rod thing, I can’t decide!
The mainstream Newsweek Magazine puts in plug to watch HBO’s Going Clear with headline “HBO’s ‘Going Clear’ Is a Perfect Scientology Primer”
Who’s NOT going to watch this film?
The funniest ever!!!! Did I mention unprecedented?