Lots of found parking spaces and caught the green light…
There’s been a pretty big devaluation of “OT phenomena”
AOLA could use some of this…
Wonder why these guys who are so good aren’t 10X the success of the orgs?
Instead of being on course?
Oh my….
This is the big IAS event this year? Wow
The First Ideal Continent…
Just Canberra, Adelaide and Brisbane to go for an ideal “Continent” — but not a single org in India, China, Indonesia etc.
Seems just a little bit of a hollow accomplishment.
Part of the Bubble?
You are ALL part of the bubble. It’s the unreal world of scientology….
Check out those crowds
And that’s the staged shot
LAPD Hollywood Division
Still sucking up to scientology
What is it with Graduation?
Oh yeah, nobody is on course or getting auditing. So they have to use up some time with “Red Ribbon Week” and a Latin fusion band.
Not the association one would want…
A virtual “briefing”
But very nothing virtual about the fundraising. Just try to pay with some virtual money…
Mexican graduation at Flag?
Bet this gets a huge turnout…
No better place to be
Christmas in a bubble, what a joy.
Oi Vey
It’s the old BS “you can be a scientologist and a Jew too, see we have Hannukah candles on our promo…”
This is just weird…
Is this what these people aspire to?
Go OT and grow a tail….
The Valley is Uniting too?
And they have the Jive Asses?? OMG.
Everyone has an IAS Event….
This is the second one?
But Malmo scored Jeff Pomerantz. He must be so 1980’s that he gets assigned Malmo.
Next stop, Harare.
Sis and Bro
Check out her list of credentials. Impressive!
Second Anniversary
Two years and not even a blip on the radar.
Even though this org is manned almost entirely with Sea Org members.
Eternity awaits…
How is this possible? I thought we are all eternal spiritual beings already?
More law enforcement being co-opted
Fly solo
In an old biplane?
Look at those stupendous results
Sold 2 books!
New Era and WISE
All one big ball of wax
Yeah, right….
After 20 years they are racing to completion
They got one Humanitarian
Don’t nag a rise
The guy who won’t join staff…
Celebrate the implant
It’s a lot of fun!
It’s hypocritical when the co$ flat out lies about members being able to be Jewish and a scientologist too. It’s deceitful! Like Joy Villa saying she’s a “Christian and a scientologist”. And if I remember correctly, recently, didn’t a member of the City of Clearwater’s D.D.B. state, during a public meeting, that “a lot of scientologists are Christian’s too” (or something very close). In 1993 the co$ was granted tax exempt status. In agreement with the irs granting said exemption, the cherch stated a scientologist practices only scientology. So, either you are a scientologist or you’re not.
All so vague, nothing like their old school advertisements for specific, well-defined services delivered like some futuristic technology.
It was a nice dream while it lasted. (Sad Emoji-con)
That Jeff Pomerantz flier is one of the few things I’ve seen out of Scientology Sweden that isn’t in English. Any idea why they do that?
Jeff Pomeranz: “Next stop Harare.”
I’ve been laughing for hours and maybe tomorrow too.
Who knows what condition that org is in.
So snarky.
Are you sure you don’t mean, Jeff Pomeranz: “Next stop Curare.”?
GL. Laughing. Yes in italian mean ‘cure’. It fits well.
Unite Australia?
I didn’t know it was untied.
Yeah, it is all the time. The string keeps getting wet and it unravels so we spend just about every day doing it up again. We tried bungee cords but people kept stealing them, tying them to trees and jumping off cliffs and railway bridges.
“Celebrate the implant.” Priceless. Love it!
Yea, O.T.’s are good at postulating and finding parking spaces.
I guess these days it’s pretty easy to be O.T. in any parking lot at any church of Scientology.
“I’m so O.T., I found a whole parking lot full of spaces”!
Shane and Amanda Beats live in Melbourne not Brisbane. They are desperate for an ideal org in Brisbane but I doubt anyone is going to the current org.
I love the flyer about doing the OCA and buying Dianetics. Most people are forced to so they can get the hell out of there are doing their so called “free personality test.”
You are correct Joe. The Brisbane org has a set of very dilapidated, narrow set of steps leading up to a couple of 50’s dated rooms. A couple of girls seem to be bored having to only talk to each other for the few hours they are open for business. It could be easily mistaken for an old ‘D’ class escort agency and massage parlour.
Omg. Matt Reeve WAS CO WISE ANZO back in the day before all the Idle Morgue crap came in.
And now the brag is he’s been busted down to a DEPUTY post in the local org. That means he’s probably Day AND Fdn staff because there is SFA staff on either org.
What a thing to promote!!!
The real world of $cientology is collapsing nicely.
Leave it to DM to collapse anything he touches, nicely. He sure has the “tiny” touch.
So exciting to see all the great promotion for “much ado about nothing”.
The absurdity of all the success seminars so people can make more money to go into more debt donating to the cult. Just psychotic.
“much ado about nothing” — and getting smaller, thanks to Dwarfenführer®.
Cults are dreams of mad Men , to flourish and prosper in insane world.
Full Ph.D..thesis:
Auditing in Contemporary Scientologies: The Self, Authenticity, and Material Culture
By Ailed Thomas.
Archived with two screenshots on ESMBR at:
This is part of a reply posted on the ESMBR site:
The term “NRM” [New Religious Movements] is used repeatedly throughout this paper. It was Scientology Inc. paid apologist, [J. Gordon] Melton, who coined the acronym “NRM” as a substitute for “cult.”
This is superficial, lazy, “scholarship,” like so many other papers.
The reply was interesting with an aspect of scn Inc. attemting to attain credibility.
There are many ways to notice the shortening days in the northern hemisphere, one is by the holidays and another is the going for broke $cieno series of ‘briefings’ and ‘conferences’ and prosperity seminars that all run under the IAS banner. Soon the solstice will come and then all of the ‘reduce your taxes by spending on us’ ads from $cientology will come too.
It’s written on the wall , The Final Count Down.
I learned a lot about Judaism when I was stationed at Fort Benning in the ’80’s.