What a strange choice for a quote… certainly had nothing to do with Thanksgiving.
Operating on that old scientology adage: If Ron said it, it must be good/true/appropriate….
Experts on Stress Relief
The Jive Asses?
These two pics really go together well don’t you think?
It’s a Mega Event!
VERY special guest “Captain” Mike Spurgeon. He’s been there forever captaining Canada and has accomplished absolutely nothing. Not even Toronto ideal and they didn’t need to buy a building! They probably forgot about him. But when he starts promoting himself as Captain he had better be careful or Captain Miscavige might get jealous.
And Twomey, who is an Australian goofball, has a “special message” because he is an Ideal Org Aviator? WTF?
Really, it is a MEGA Event…
Look at this world class entertainment. It’s not only going to explode but also catch fire.
More world class entertainment?
Not so much perhaps? Really getting downplayed. Not a single exclamation point or adjective?
Hear amazing news
Riiiiight…. At brunch.
They’ve not let us down with the exclamation points
The Chan Man
That environmental suppression just keeps on keeping on. Wonder when they will actually overcome it?
He’s been to 100 orgs imparting his unique wisdom. You would think some sort of results would be apparent…
Look who they dragged in
Suddenly Stanley Clarke is pitching. Amends project?
The gift of eternity
Don’t you already have this? This is always such a strange concept.
You have to pay to get it from scientology? That’s some “gift”
Still gearing up…
They’ve been “ideal” for years, can’t get staff to replace the poor SO members sent there to “hold the fort” but they’re “gearing up.”
Crap Nebula
Pretty much describes it.
Much better than “Magnum Opus”
Stanley Clarke again?
Must be amends….
Teaming up with Clive the jive. Still trying to get that 10,000. But now he is working on ideal orgs? Huh?
They love the Matrix in the bubble
What is the CO WISE EUS doing in Vancouver?
More world class entertainment
Watch your money disappear
Jesus was an implant
But never mind that, we are going to try to sucker some people to come in so we can count “Bodies in the Shop” to report on Thursday at 2pm.
Savings Club
More like Spendings Club.
Oh, so very rleigious.
Taking over downtown Clearwater
Isn’t this place an “Advanced” Org?
Christmas Market?
At the “Advanced Org”?
Also trying to get Bodies in the Shop?
Come to Non-Graduation
Nobody completed anything, but hey, come listen anyway.
And if we show you some nice legs, maybe that will get you to come?
Dianetics Fdn London? What happened to Scientology, is it the “religion” that dares not speak its name any more in Britain?
And if I recall, Vancouver has been mired for about a decade in abortive attempts to even buy a building to let sit rotting while awaiting renovations, which many others have dubiously accomplished including the org in the much tinier city of Winnipeg out on the plains. They need to pull themselves out of The Matrix of failure, inability, and magical thinking.
Re the Chan-man event. The times drive me insane:
1:00 pm- CA
4:00 pm – East Coast
7:00 pm – England
(ok, that’s all fine and I’m anal enough to verify the time differences)
20:00 – Europe
9:00 PM – S Africa & Israel
With regards from,
1600 – Buenos Aires
Sos vos de veras en BA?
Me mudé aquí hace un año.
Look-ee-there! Ol’ Quentin Stroub…
I think his last name actually has an “o” in it…
Anyway, he was part of a “Sea Org mission”that was at the Founding Church in Washington,DC before, during, and after its ideal org opened and he was one of several people who “regged” me to join staff.
Nice guy, in that scientological, fake-pr-kind-of-way…
He took himself and the Sea Borg QUITE seriously. I realized, later, after I left the cult, that he and most of the “Sea Org Missionaires” that I came into contact with were breath-taking-ly arrogant and emphatically believed that they were part of a small, elite cadre of superior beings who were working feverishly to SAVE THE PLANET. When I was in the cult, I pretty much agreed with that viewpoint, and felt like a lesser, dilletantish being who needed to get serious about doing SOMETHING to help the cause…by joining staff.
Many years after walking away from the cult, I received an email from him. He asked if I “was still on the bridge”. I replied that I was done with Hubbard and his dreck and his cult. He was “sorry to hear that.”
Poor guy: he is still drinking the kool-aid. Sigh…
So sad to see that Stanley Clark is still helping the cult. Scientology destroys creativity with its focus on everything is about clearing the planet, not creativity for creativity’s sake.
Yes, I agree Geoff.
Sad to see him shilling for an abusive criminal cult in a time when
the evidence about their toxic legacy is readily available.
I was there once. Something must have messed him up to want to be involved with the cult. Scientology has a lot of reckoning for destroying artists lives.
I’m pretty sure that Stanley had ‘blown’ back in the mid-80s and was ‘recovered’ fairly recently. He should of known better in the internet age, but it took me many attempts to extract myself for good so I’m not going to hold that against him.
I never met Stanley personally, but I saw him perform in a very small college venue in San Diego in 85 or so. The crowd was there to see him and they were incredibly rude to the opening act. When Stanley came on he brought out the opening act and jammed with them. They were in awe of one of their heros. He made them feel like they were important and they couldn’t believe their good fortune to be able to play with someone of his caliber. Stanley just did his thing and was very matter of fact about the whole affair. He’s a great guy and a great bass player. Very sad to see him get sucked back into the cult. Hopefully he’ll wake up soon.
Yes, I’ve known Stanley for a long time. Not sure why he is still in. When he was more out his career took off.
Exaaaaactly that: things go well when scientology is ouf of the picture.
Hoping he snaps out of it sooner than later…
For any Christians out there I have a simple question you can present to David Miscavige whenever he is in public.
Scientology cult founder Ronald Hubbard has been quoted as saying that “there was no Christ” AND “Christ was a lover of young boys.”
I am not an expert on paedophilia but think that a person has to exist to molest children. Fictional characters can’t commit crimes since they do not exist.
Ask them how Jesus Christ is capable of both never existing and molesting children?
Simple question!
From Wikipedia
Jesus as an implant
Main article: Implant (Scientology)
In the 2008 book Vintage Jesus: Timeless Answers to Timely Questions, authors Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears write: “According to Scientology, Jesus is an ‘implant’ forced upon a thetan about a million years ago”. In A Piece of Blue Sky, Jon Atack writes “In confidential issues, Hubbard dismissed Christian teaching as an ‘implant.’ … In confidential materials Hubbard attacked Christianity as an ‘implant,’ and said that Christ was a fiction.”[3]
Hubbard is quoted as stating that Christianity evolved from the “R6 Implant”: “The man on the cross. There was no Christ! The Roman Catholic Church, through watching the dramatizations of people picked up some little fragments of R6.”[4]
Hubbard described the belief that the Christian heaven is “the product of two implants dating back more than 43 trillion years.” He said further that heaven is a “false dream” that leads thetans to a goal that does not exist, and persuades them of the singularity of this life.[5]
Jesus in OT VIII
Main article: OT VIII
Operating Thetan level VIII is highest level of auditing level in Scientology. It is known as “The Truth Revealed”. It was initially released to select high-ranking public Scientologists in 1988.[6]
In OT VIII, dated 1980, Hubbard explains the document is intended for circulation only after his death. Its purpose is to explain the untold story of Hubbard’s life’s work. Hubbard explains that the reader has “undoubtedly heard pieces of data over the years that hinted at the greater untold reality of my mission here on Earth” but “the story was never written, nor spoken… It is only now that I feel it safe to release the information”.[7]
In the document, Hubbard teaches that “the historic Jesus was not nearly the sainted figure [he] has been made out to be. In addition to being a lover of young boys and men, he was given to uncontrollable bursts of temper and hatred”.[8] Hubbard mentions the Book of Revelation and its prophecy of a time when “an arch-enemy of Christ, referred to as the anti-Christ, will reign”. According to Hubbard, the “anti-Christ represents the forces of Lucifer”. Hubbard writes “My mission could be said to fulfill the Biblical promise represented by this brief anti-Christ period.”[9]
Ha, stop making sense!

There are probably thousands of similarly incisive questions one could pose about the rampant, glaring contradictions in El Bong Buglard’s “tech”.
You are of course right.
But we can benefit from presenting these questions.
Ex Scientologists can see how Scientology is not coherent or workable and presenting these questions helps us to work this out for ourselves and remove any doubt that Scientology is genuinely beneficial. It is not.
It also benefits people who were not in Scientology as it helps many of them to avoid the trap that Scientology could be.
It helps people in Scientology as they can have a seed a planted and one day it may sprout into serious consideration of criticism of the organization, technology, and character of David Miscavige and Ronald Hubbard.
Yes, absolutely correct.
Seeing these kinds of quesrions and discussions have helped me immensely, and especially so when I was newly liberated from El Bong Slobbard’s “church”.
I think that they used to occur in several places, like ESMB and the comments at The Underground Bunker.
They still happen in the comments here and in several of the videos that Jon Atack presents.
I hope that they can find more participants and a larger audience as we have several thousand people in Scientology and several thousand ex Scientologists who to varying degrees can benefit from participating in these exchanges and even in witnessing them.
Chris Shelton has done a great job of showing how years of hard work and having these conversations can bit by bit over years help a person to peel off layer by layer of indoctrination from Scientology.
He sees things today he didn’t a year ago and each year he has been out he has thrown off more and more of the indoctrination.
The word “christ” was a title, meaning messiah or anointed one (fom Greek chrīstós). It was given to the foul-mouthed pedophile Jesus by his cult followers, following his death.
Revered whole track historian LRH claimed Jesus wasn’t “christ” (ie. had few (if any) OT abilities of note and was more enslaver than saviour). Whether he was a victim of R6 or was sent to Earth to compound its effects is unknown.
What is known is that the gene pool has been corrupted by a deep and insidious R6 GE implant that Hub missed on OTIII, leaving humanity biologically susceptible to extraterrestrial conditioning. Instructions on how to audit said implant have seemingly never been shared. Without them, we are doomed.
Jesus was an implant who loved little
boys. Big mistake Hubbard.
George, I think that sort of snarky irreverence appealed to the parts of the decadent Roaring 20s generation attracted to cultural blasphemy like Crowley’s Thelema in the 40s, the jaded Beat Generation of the 50s, and then the counter-culture hippies questioning and distrusting everything.
but in the long run it was a strategic mistake to associate with such dubious and fringe ideas, that much of the culture even finds highly offensive, including the sort of mainstream religious organizations the CofS seeks to ally with for cover.
I’ve just finished binge watching the A&E series on Netflix and OMG, I’m horrified and broken hearted for so many of the brave people who have spoken their truth or died way too early. I am going to write my MN representatives and I’ve been trying to research the Twin Cities Ideal Org. I don’t know anybody that is in scientology but I’m telling people about the show to help spread the word. We are traveling down to the Clearwater area after Christmas and I have been trying to figure out which businesses are or are not owned by scientologists. I want to be very careful of who I give my money to. Anyway, I’m going to start the podcast after I watch going clear. I’ve been Googling so many things I’ve heard about. Just wanted you to know that one more person (plus my family and my therapist) knows the truth and stand by you all. With much love, Marcie
Thank you so much Marcie
You’re welcome. I don’t consider myself an activist in the least but I feel a strong urge to march for your cause. The last time I was moved so much was when I learned the horror story of Yeonmi Park and her escape from North Korea intro China and then her escape from China into South Korea. Its hard to believe we have our own versions of dictatorship, mind control, and abuse right here in the United States (not to mention the other countries that claim to be free).
Marcie, thank you for understanding the traumas most of us endured while in the cult. There was no exaggeration in the Aftermath series.
Geoff, what a coincidence. I started the podcast today and decided to start at the beginning of this year and yours was the first episode. I’m almost done with it but I will definitely check out your music and movie. I haven’t heard the very end but I hope and pray that you are able to reconnect with your children if you haven’t done so already. You are all so brave for telling your stories.
A Holiday Season being oh “so stressful” represented by a young, model-looking female in perfect attire and makeup hoisting a champagne glass? If the cult were doing even a small fraction of the community betterment work that they are regularly congratulating themselves for they would KNOW that this is the furthest from representing what many individuals and families are really suffering this time of year.
If you really cared about “holiday stress”, check out a homeless camp, start a soup kitchen or visit a few of the record number of families who have indicated in surveys that they will not be able to afford any gifts for their loves ones this year. It’s what real churches do!
Hubbard’s “magnum opus” was a “novel” self-published by his own vanity press. Not only most telling; it makes you wonder about the quality of his “lesser works.”
I had never seen a promo of scn – and front groups – with a cute, smiling girl in a short dress and thighs in full view. Is it intentional?
They must have finally changed that bigoted head of the marketing department.
When Cult are at the stage of Paranoia ( 2nd last stage before decay) ……confusion and chaos every where …clown and cartoon are predominant …….rest is matter of time before the Final Count Down.
It’s not me…I am just a messenger…..its written on the wall.
Shocked to admit that I checked out France D’Amour on youtube and was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed her singing. Not the usual pop sound that is now the standard sound for female pop singers. All the songs I heard were in French except for the old Charlie Chaplin tune , “Smile” which she sang in English, not as good as Nat King Cole’s version, but not bad.
It says you can join the gift of eternity event online. If I call that number I wonder if they would let me join online.
On one of the early promo pieces here they have the word “reign” and “auguring” in it. For the experts on MU Phenomena they sure are using a word that is an MU for most people. And putting an “ing” on the end is very unusual and weakens the prose even more. I guess many SO ad writers are leaving the cult , so not so many left to write good stuff, huh?
On the “Christmas Market” in the “Great Hall:” I seem to remember, similar to the New Testament story of Jesus overturning the tables of moneychangers, throwing them out of the temple as a violation of sacred grounds, LRH has a similar directive: no promotions or money exchanges in the org on ANYthing but LRH materials or services.
If you were a jewelry designer and a fellow parishioner wanted to purchase a piece from you, you need to step out of the org to ethically do the transaction. To do so INSIDE the org would be “cutting across the income lines” and disrupting “the flows” in the org and a likely view of you as “counter-intention” to the org because of your advance of “cross-purposes” to “setting people free.”
Oh well, it looks like times they are a-changin’. #MoneychangersInTheTemple
If Hubbard said it, it’s probably false. My first regular job (I had two paper routes and a government summer job) was a part time janitorial gig at two Fanny Farmer candy shops in Downtown Minneapolis. Both shops had picture windows and were faced with white glass. Hubbard’s method of cleaning glass was NEVER used.
No thank you. I would rather watch grass grow. BTW, from watching the show I learned that reaching the top of the bridge is not the end. They can just say your tech is out of date so you have to go back to the bottom and start over.
IF that ain’t as plain as the nose on your face then……. you ain’t looking.
Wow . CO CLO in Canada is the same one since 2002 or so. LOL
Poor guy,
Right. This is a record man.
20 years surfing blades and facing upper management avalanches of crap but still there. Unbelievable.
Eighter he is a rock or – looking at Canada expansion – they have nobody to replace him.
By the way. Among other things, if you were around in the late 90s, a command team was sent from int management to clo canada. It lasted a short time. FBO Marco Dieva removed and RPF for serious financial irregularities, CO CLO Corine …? I don’t remember her last name (later I think she became DCO D&E int at FB), the same for out on the second dynamic, and the others in the team because they knew it and did other crap. A real disaster.
So he is the ‘after’ that still survives but as if stuck as a result of that ‘engram’.
yeah – this was way before Claudia and Emilio Bertinato and a short young lady CO CMO who F’ed off out 2D with another guy. So much drama in little Toronto
I remember the faces, not so much the names. Cheers.
Besides the abandoned Toronto org, Canada is saddled with the vacant and rotting old resort that they bought more than a decade ago. It was supposed to be some sort of national or “continental” center, but they have also been unable to do anything with it, either.
They seem to be in terrible shape in the country, and it’s almost surprising that whoever is in charge hasn’t had their “head put on a pike’ to scapegoat for the failure and shrinkage. Maybe they don’t have enough people left, to sacrifice.
I’m auguring down statistics now and into the future for Ronnie, Davey, crew and public.
They are sucking the current public dry. It’s not an entirely bottomless well of able-to-be-regged-public. Lives are still being diverted from better causes.
I used to spend many holidays a year in an org because I either couldn’t get permission through csw’s or couldn’t afford to do anything anyway.
I see those smiling faces and wonder what else is in our environment, that so easily fools every kind of person that there is on this planet.
An “OT” “Having wins on extension courses”, the very bottom of the Bridge.
Methinks that with all the Golden Age balderdash, the simplest, most basic steps got demolished. He/they should have had those “wins” years ago.