The Fun is Back!
It’s Magical
That’s a good word for it… And it beats chanting every day for 12 years to not become a pig or a stone….
“Special” Commendations
All you have to do is send in an Extension Course for 7 weeks in a row.
Come in to the org and get a VERY Special Commendation.
What a prize!
You have to wonder if any scientology org has ever given out a “normal” Commendation.
It’s a Festival
Bet anyone that shows up on L. Ron Hubbard Way that day is a scientologist — and a large percentage of them will be Regges
Not enough hype
With hype inflation on scientology promo, this one seems so flat
Online holiday “party”?
That’s a cheap way of doing it.
3 goofballs
Not football heroes. Just fundraisers.
Clear Canada Holiday Gala
They can’t even renovate their building in Toronto….
Columbus going hard…
They seem desperate at this point to find some people to replace the SO members who have manned the org since it opened as “ideal.”
Soon all will be revealed
You will realize you have just been “mocking it up” — yes, the thing we told you had
He’s OT VIII so it must be good
Obviously, if he is OT VIII he knows everything.
A special commendation
For “bringing people in on the correct Intro route” — wonder what the other missions are doing?
Yes, wonder if they have any?
This new kick of serving dinner to try to get people to attend graduation has really caught on…
Full time volunteers
To do the backlogged filing.
They’re just getting to this now after working to try to renovate their existing building for more than 20 years…
Ugly Sweater Graduation
But only cookies on offer…
Not a graduate at Graduation
She is “still studying”.
She has been there for decades. She was the CO OSA Canada in the 80’s…
We need you!
Applied Scholastics is looking for a few good men.
And if you teach some kids you will be “improving conditions for people all over the world.”
It’s exciting to see Kathy Bates hosting the Vancouver Day Graduation!
Sorry to see Martin Kove the actor is still hanging around Scientology. What a waste of talent.
Well, he is kicking people’s asses on ‘Cobra Kai’.
“Ugly Sweater”
Dipshittus Malodorousturd when they finally personally serve him with a subpoena?
As SO member I have been on the lines of finance for some time, not sales but financial management strictly according to hubbard’s policies.
Back then, the concept of “fundraising” was a blasphemy. An FBO (flag banking officer) would literally risk his life to allow such a thing into his org. It was completly off policy. The only ones who could do it were those jackals caming from the IAS.
Now, you see in the promos, any org pathetically promotes any kind of fundraising, as the only chance to stay still alive. This tells you everything.
Yeah, I’m gonna leave my full-time paying job to move to Toronto to volunteer full-time. What an intelligent plan!
Even the quality of the cult’s promotional material has declined…
It’s pathetic, darkly comic, weird, and creepy. It reeks of dishonesty,
desperation, and that ol’ tone farty false enthusiasm.
May the fucking evil cult collapse sooner than later, and may the
Pimping Pontiff rock an orange jumpsuit for the rest of his miserable,
sociopathic life…
In the name of the hair plug, the apple box, and the Macallan shot,
Ramen to that!
When I was in Scientology, I always wondered why Hubbard did not portray himself as the Martyr of Scientology. This status adds aura to a religious leader like Hubbard. The Romans thought that Demons were causing the belief in one God. Normal status for Hubbard would thus be a thetan. The thetan easily
passes as a multiheaded Martyr. Beheading a thetan could thus be a repetitive act adding even more to Scientology.
The Romans could simply ask the thetan to be a multiple God thus providing data for the committee of evidence.
I believe that Scientology founder Ronald Hubbard explained this in 1952. In the Philadelphia Doctorate Course lecture number 39 known as the games maker lecture Hubbard explained how to “make a game”, which upon close examination and comparison to the doctrine and practices used in Scientology in my opinion is a blue print or long term plan for creating a cult.
I believe Hubbard understood this well and in my opinion he likely got this information from his experiences with the occult and earlier cultic groups. In other words I believe he plagiarized these ideas, and to some degree from psychology, psychiatry, sociology and similar subjects as well.
Here is a quote on this with some other excerpts from the lecture:
“look like God but uh… you can’t be God.” Ronald Hubbard
Plainly, he knew that you can’t go around saying “I am God! Worship me!” Or the rejection rate of your message initially goes to one hundred percent or very close.
If anyone doubts this you can try walking up to strangers and telling them this. I think it is not a good starting point.
The MEST universe would have you believe this is the only game there is anyplace in the whole of anything. That’s not true! Not even vaguely true.
Games are going on with all kinds of rules, terrific interest levels and so forth. All right, I’m going to read off for you this paper just so we’ve got it on the tape. How many minutes we got? – five minutes. That’s plenty.
“The aberration above time is ‘there must be a game’. Now there’s a postulate up there, ‘there must be a game’ and there’s an interest level and therefore it enters into a flow. And ‘there must be a game’ and ‘there must not be a game’. So you have the Un-maker of Games quite as important as the Maker of Games.”
Now we get “The rules of games are as follows: Limitations on self and others, obedience to rules, unconsciousness of rules to add reality” – we pretend the rules are real.
“ARC with others to play. Pain as a penalty which will be obeyed” – you have to have a penalty that will be obeyed. Otherwise, nobody will stick with the rules.
“Agreement to rules and penalties is necessary to continue a game.” And boy, are they! “Deterioration of a game until no game” – cycle of action shows you the whole game is an object with no action.
You know, the… the… the wienie finally becomes everything there is, and there is no action even to get the wienie.
“Work is admission of inability to play” – if you have to work, you can’t play, obvious. They really yap about that here.
“A game of complexity and levels” – the Tone Scale is such a game. It’s just a map of MEST universe games.
“Peculiarity or liability of a maker of game, people attempting to play the game of Maker of Games” – it’s a game itself. Your big capitalista or commissar will do that.
“The game called Maker of Games results in No Game. And the game called Unmaking Games results in a game. 8008.”
“There’s a game called freedom, which is what you’re playing right at this minute.”
And Games contain trickery and misdirection to win” – your 180 degree vector of Have and Agree.”
The prize of winning is making a new game” – what do you know? “Or permitting a new game to be made or making it possible for a new game to be played.” Those are all prizes, and that’s all the prizes there are.”
“The necessity” – oh, of course, there’s these gimmicks, these wienies and so forth. But everybody just knows that they’re spurious as hell. Uh… „The necessity to have a new game coded before one ends the old game.” Otherwise, everyone becomes a maker of games with no game.
Now, “The value of pieces. Ownership of pieces may be also the ownership of players. And the difference between players and pieces, and the difficulty of pieces becoming players”
boy, when a piece becomes a player, there’s really a hell of an upset in the game; it’ll just blow. Oh, the quarterback walks out of the football game and all of a sudden starts to run the whole football game, and nobody can tell him “No.” That football game’s dead.
Now… so you’ve got to hide the rules from the pieces, otherwise this is going to happen.
“Now the caste system of game consist of this: The Maker of Games, he has no rules, he runs by no rules.
The player of the games, rules known but he obeys them. And the assistant players merely obey the players. And the pieces obey rules as dictated by players, but they don’t know the rules.”
And then, what do you know. There’s broken pieces, and they aren’t even in the game, but they’re still in the game.
And they’re in a terrible maybe: “Am I in the game or am I not in the game?” Now, “How to make a piece. This is how to make a piece: First, deny there is a game. Second, hide the rules from them. Three, give them all penalties and no wins. Four, remove all goals” –
all goals. “Enforce them… their playing. Inhibit their enjoying. Make them look like but forbid their being like players”
– look like God but uh… you can’t be God.
“To make a piece continue to be a piece, permit it to associate only with pieces and deny the existence of players.”
Never let the pieces find out that there are players. Now out of these you’re going to get games.
Now here’s a process that has to do with the making of games, and all this process adds up to, is you just address to those factors which I just gave you, oh, run and change postulates and any creative process that you can think of and shift postulates around, you get a whole process.
But remember, that up at the top of it there is a big postulate, “There must be a game.
“ Therefore if you want to regain the Spirit of Play, people have got to unmake postulates they’ve made all along, saying, “There mustn’t be a game. There mustn’t be a game. It can’t be a game. Don’t play with me. I mustn’t be played with. Life is serious. This isn’t a game. We’re playing for keeps. I’ll never get out of this,”
and so forth. In other words, the postulates which they’ve made to convince themselves that these are the rules and the only rules that can be played, and these that I’ve just read off to you.
I’m going to have this typed and you can figure it out more or less as you want to. I could, of course, give you even further rundown on this, if you wanted me to, but it takes… takes a little while to do so. It’s actually the backbone of what we are doing. But let’s take a break. (TAPE ENDS)
It has the blueprint for a cult. Make rules, hide them. Use claims that are 180 degrees from the truth.
He foreshadowed his later claims that life is serious.
He foreshadowed his statement that we’re playing for keeps or his claim that we’re playing for blood, the stakes are earth.
“We must come to orderly cause-point on every post. We must, we must, we must.
We’re playing for blood. The stake is Earth. If we don’t make it nobody will. We’re the sole agency in existence today that can forestall the erasure of all civilization or bring a new better one. If we aren’t willing to be hanged for our mistakes we’ll surely fry for them.”
Hubbard required “obedience to rules, unconsciousness of rules to add reality“ – we pretend the rules are real.”
He demanded extreme obedience. He used contradictions and deep layers of complex and compartmentalized doctrine for different caste levels so no one but he knew the rules. They were unknowable to everyone else.
By having the rules be unknown they couldn’t be analyzed and rejected.
It’s like how in 1984 ALL laws have been cancelled. This makes it so the government CAN’T break the law as there is no law to break. The government can legally do ANYTHING to ANYONE. So too do Hubbard’s hidden rules let him do anything to anyone.
Agreement to rules and penalties is something Margaret Singer noted in her six conditions for a thought reform program. Cults use a system of rewards and penalties. Hubbard certainly learned this from his participation in and study of occult practices.
“Scientology is the only game in the universe where everybody wins.
We respect the other fellow whatever his status and give him his right to win the biggest prize of all, himself or herself. That prize is won by dedicated, exact application of Scientology and full support of our mission in our organization and the public.
Organized, we can each one win the biggest prize that can be offered – a full recovery of self.
There is no greater game in the universe than Scientology, for it is the only game in which everybody wins. And that places it far above all other games and makes it the game of games where everybody gets the ultimate prize of self . . .”
(HCO PL 18 April 1965 Issue I CONTESTS AND PRIZES)
The weinie is everything statement is similar to the eventual blind obedience to Scientology. It goes from a tool to a way of life. It goes from optional servant to inescapable master. You just do things FOR Scientology.
Hubbard sought to escape work with his game. He wanted to have the pirates and bums attitude that life should just give him what he desired.
Like in his reference to pirates and bums in the first lecture in the PDC series.
If people believe in magic they can believe in a source of magic and Hubbard was only too happy to lie to claim both. He wanted it to seem detrimental to not have magical thinking and beneficial and logical to have magical thinking.
“Well, he was able to take a very grand view of all this at first. Then later on when it became serious to him . . . And you know—you know, the way to get ahead in the world is “Work hard” and “Save your money,” and be respectful, respectful and polite, and willing, and very agreeable to your superiors. This is the old formula, and yet it’s dismaying to go around and find the (quote) “captains of industry” and find out that they’re a whole bunch of pirates and bums. They were never respectful to anybody. It’s just incredible! Yet there they sit in command of large works and industries. And these fellows, they didn’t save their money. They don’t save their money. They are not cautious with their investments. They buy the doggonest things. They get into the worst possible scrapes and trouble, and seem to keep right on going and getting right out of them again.” Ron Hubbard
He suggested the magical thinker wins and the other kind loses in life as a rule.
“And you sit around and say, “Well, that fellow’s going to come to grief sooner or later.” And after you’ve said that for about forty years, why, you get a little apathetic about it but you just know that right will triumph in the end. Of course the end of that track is MEST. Well, the fellow who hopes this, by the way, is already pretty well on that track and he’ll be MEST before the other fellow will, because the other fellow can still bend the MEST universe around and he doesn’t have to agree with it too much.”
Ron Hubbard
Hubbard intentionally made complexity to control people. He made the tone scale to map how he alone would persuade people with a series of lies about emotions. It’s entirely a fabrication from other plagiarized ideas.
He said the game you are playing now is called freedom. It’s an Orwellian reversal. It’s slavery.
“And Games contain trickery and misdirection to win“ – your 180 degree vector of Have and Agree. ”
Hubbard admitted his game contained trickery and misdirection to win. He used 180 degree reversals in his lies, projection and his Orwellian reversals. He called things their opposites. His bridge to total freedom was a route to slavery. He called his hypnotic illusions truth revealed. He called a method of adding guided imagination to create false memories a method to merely listen and guide.
He called adding a cult identity clearing. He called obliterating independent, critical, linear and rational thought through high authority indoctrination study technology. He called removing the morals of a person ethics technology. He said auditing un-hypnotizes people.
His prize of making a new game is the illusion of a future as a free immortal spiritual being he claims Scientology prepares one to participate in. It’s a very generous empty promise of a counterfeit dream.
“The necessity“ – oh, of course, there’s these gimmicks, these wienies and so forth. But everybody just knows that they’re spurious as hell. Uh… “The necessity to have a new game coded before one ends the old game.” Otherwise, everyone becomes a maker of games with no game.
He had several references on necessity levels. He had hundreds on the deadly serious nature of Scientology. When he spoke of having the new game coded it’s a sneaky method of persuasion. People think they are temporarily giving up freedom but it becomes permanent. A world without criminals, war or insanity is a very difficult goal.
The necessity – “oh, of course, there’s these gimmicks, these wienies and so forth. But everybody just knows that they’re spurious as hell. Uh… “The necessity to have a new game coded before one ends the old game.” Otherwise, everyone becomes a maker of games with no game.
Now, “The value of pieces. Ownership of pieces may be also the ownership of players. And the difference between players and pieces, and the difficulty of pieces becoming players” boy, when a piece becomes a player, there’s really a hell of an upset in the game; it’ll just blow. Oh, the quarterback walks out of the football game and all of a sudden starts to run the whole football game, and nobody can tell him “No.” That football game’s dead.
Now… so you’ve got to hide the rules from the pieces, otherwise this is going to happen.
This quote really sums up why he hid EVERYTHING he really wanted. With his affirmations it becomes clear. Scientology was meant to make slaves for Hubbard that didn’t suspect it for a second.
Next is the plan to have Hubbard be the games maker and his highest assistants like Nibs be players, until Nibs left him.
Hubbard went on:
“Now the caste system of game consist of this: The Maker of Games, he has no rules, he runs by no rules.
The player of the games, rules known but he obeys them. And the assistant players merely obey the players. And the pieces obey rules as dictated by players, but they don’t know the rules.”
And then, what do you know. There’s broken pieces, and they aren’t even in the game, but they’re still in the game.
And they’re in a terrible maybe: “Am I in the game or am I not in the game?” Now, “How to make a piece. This is how to make a piece: First, deny there is a game. Second, hide the rules from them. Three, give them all penalties and no wins. Four, remove all goals“ – all goals. “Enforce them… their playing. Inhibit their enjoying. Make them look like but forbid their being like players”
– look like God but uh… you can’t be God.
“To make a piece continue to be a piece, permit it to associate only with pieces and deny the existence of players.”
Never let the pieces find out that there are players. Now out of these you’re going to get games.
Now here’s a process that has to do with the making of games, and all this process adds up to, is you just address to those factors which I just gave you, oh, run and change postulates and any creative process that you can think of and shift postulates around, you get a whole process.
But remember, that up at the top of it there is a big postulate, “There must be a game. ” Ron Hubbard
Hubbard had a few trusted lieutenants but over time stopped trusting anyone. He became paranoid and the only player of games. High level Scientology Sea Org members were pieces. Hubbard lied to Mary Sue and his closest advisors over time.
Hubbard made pieces out of Scientology cult members by pretending there were no players. The players were people Hubbard stole ideas from. Hubbard pretended to be the only source of Dianetics and Scientology. It’s always been a lie. Hubbard would excommunicate people who exposed him as having other people contribute to Scientology. He consistently used ideas from others but clamped down hard on it by the advent of KSW.
He used harsh ethics and the RPF to make broken pieces out of Sea Org members.
He went on:
Now here’s a process that has to do with the making of games, and all this process adds up to, is you just address to those factors which I just gave you, oh, run and change postulates and any creative process that you can think of and shift postulates around, you get a whole process.
Ron Hubbard
His process had many forms but added up to addressing the factors he laid out and run meaning use guided imagination aka hypnosis to change the decisions people make, the decisions they recalled making and the decisions they will make. Hubbard greatly expanded this over time to include any creative processes he can think of. That included the metered auditing taken from Volney Mathison’s guided imagery therapy, the objectives taken from hypnosis and occult practices, the study tech taken from a combination of hypnosis, loaded language and psychology and even administrative technology and ethics technology too.
Hubbard continued:
But remember, that up at the top of it there is a big postulate, “There must be a game.”
“Therefore if you want to regain the Spirit of Play, people have got to unmake postulates they’ve made all along, saying, “There mustn’t be a game. There mustn’t be a game. It can’t be a game. Don’t play with me. I mustn’t be played with. Life is serious. This isn’t a game. We’re playing for keeps. I’ll never get out of this,”
“and so forth. In other words, the postulates which they’ve made to convince themselves that these are the rules and the only rules that can be played, and these that I’ve just read off to you.” Ron Hubbard
He told people they needed to regain the spirit of play. He put games at 22.0 on his tone scale so people thought they needed a spirit of play.
He of course said it’s a deadly serious activity and not some minor game we are playing in Scientology. He said we play for keeps.
Here’s the heart of it In other words, the postulates which they’ve made to convince themselves that these are the rules and the only rules that can be played, and these that I’ve just read off to you.Ron Hubbard
He wanted to change your decisions so you would see his rules as the only rules that can be played. In other words his reality is the only truth and if it includes obedience to him, well that’s now your belief too. Hubbard wins the minds of men. That’s the game.
The ideas expressed here find there way all through Dianetics and Scientology.
Hubbard said “His spirit of play is sensation of play and is not just energy. It’s a tremendous sensation. A guy has practically lost it if he’s here on Earth at all .” On the PDC lectures too.
A vast amount of the ideas and quotes in Scientology in particular Keeping Scientology Working Series one are echoes of the ideas expressed here back in 1952.
I do agree that Hubbard knew that acting like God or claiming it would add confusion to Scientology. Yes. the thetan was a safer route. In my opinion, Hubbard had a very simple mind and thus avoided the real problems with Theology. Hubbard made it all a game because that was the easier route to explain. Hubbard was too chicken shit to be a Martyr. He figured it all out in his head and got others to follow him.
Well, I know that you have examined these issues at length and did a tremendous amount of Scientology services including the original OT VIII the Anti Christ edition.
I picked up a copy of your book Lucifer’s Bridge and am glad that you created this record of your experiences in Scientology.
I personally believe that Hubbard had a significant understanding and education on only a few subjects, particularly bits of the occult and hypnosis.
He in my opinion plagiarized the vast majority of the methods he used and the ideas he presented.
If I remember correctly, you have presented the very appropriate claim that Hubbard took many of the ideas that people like Madame Blavatsky and Crowley presented and repackaged them as his own.
So, my opinion is that earlier cult leaders knew that you can’t simply go up to people who have no reason to believe you and say “I am God! I am your savior! Worship me!” and expect a good result.
He knew that you have to slowly work people up to that, bit by bit through a gradual series of steps of indoctrination.
I believe that the OTO and Golden Dawn both have a version of this gradual series of steps and it’s been documented by many people including Jon Atack and Tony Ortega that Hubbard was familiar with both these organizations.
Thanks for the refresher. After buying the PDC tapes in 1973, and playing them repeatedly I too went digging much as you have done. Even got Crowley’s “Majik in Theory and Practice’. But, you have done a better job of it.
I want to remark that when I left Scientology in 2014 I was initially skeptical about Hubbard plagiarizing from the occult as I knew nothing about the occult.
But as I found more and more evidence of his dishonesty and plagiarism I was more willing to reconsider my position, so I read the Book of Law by Crowley and found over twenty items that Hubbard plagiarized there! Which was especially shocking given two things – how tiny the Book of Law is, it can be read in about fifteen minutes! And second, the ideas presented there as magical are repackaged in Scientology as scientific and the result of research!
I would love to see Crowley’s larger work or any analysis you have of that material, particularly as it relates to Scientology.
I spent about a year with Hugh Urban of Ohio State and Katherine Wessinger from Loyola New Orleans. They directed me to Occult sources that Hubbard was using or which seem to appear in his works. “Road to Truth” lecture, for example, leads one to Blavatsky. As I recall, you can even see Hubbard in Rudolph Steiner and Charles Ledbetter. Hubbard rejected New Age but he still derived from it.
Just providing a list of sources that Hubbard plagiarized is in my opinion an invaluable contribution to the subject of cultic studies and for Scientologists and ex Scientologists the subject of cult recovery. Some people benefit tremendously from seeing that the ideas that Hubbard presented that enthralled them were in fact earlier practices and the vast majority of them had been failures in their own turn and abandoned.
Many of these techniques were clearly hypnotic and produced short term euphoria and enthusiasm in subjects but no lasting benefits and in fact heightened suggestibility in the subject and dependence on the practitioners.
This pattern being exposed is to my mind very useful.
When people see that Dianetics, for example, is the abreactive therapy tried by several others decades earlier and it was initially seen as revolutionary, but upon close examination it was exposed as harmful and just a temporary fix at best that harms far more than it helps. That led to it being rejected and other methods were in vogue after that.
And seeing that Dianetics in fact is using the imagination of the subject takes a lot of the luster off it, the incidents are often not real or exaggerated and this isn’t how Dianetics is promoted.
Exposure of more and more of the origins of the methods behind Scientology in my opinion will benefit the public and take away the hold that Hubbard and David Miscavige have over people.
My intent in writing my book “Lucifer’s Bridge”was exactly what you say. I sincerely believe that when you see Hubbard as not original at all his influence wanes. I traced most of Scientology back to the ancient Jains who lived in India the 10th Century B.C.
The book was destroyed by Scientology. They hated it. Also, I put a very small price tag on it which resulted in big time criticism. This was a big mistake. But I was Buddhist since 1968 and gave it all up for Hubbard. Another big mistake. Hubbard was very uneducated.
He was a criminal in trying to steal Buddhism
If he had simply plagiarized the stuff, it’d be one thing. He also mis-duplicated the key elements, purposely or not, and twisted it to cause the most damage/slavery he could. Since some of the stuff he stole was from Crowley’s black magic, I’m not sure if going back to the real sources would improve the outcomes. In a few cases, it would, but in others, it might possibly be worse than Tubby’s misinterpretation, scary and scarcely believable as that is.
Hubbard, of course, would never acknowledge that Crowley and magic were woven into the very fabric of Scio. Indeed, after the PDC and 8008, it seems to have been more and more an attempt by Hubbard to find a reality level, a comm line, and some emotional tone into folks who were in denial of Magick, or who had vanished the Magick universe completely. Scio fails because it became an attempt to satisfy all the wrong things; in trying to please everyone Scio ends up pleasing no one.
Here is Aleister Crowley, ‘Magick in Theory and Practice’ (1925)
Definition: Magick is the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will.
Postulate: ANY required Change may be effected by the application of the proper kind and degree of Force in the proper manner through the proper medium to the proper object.
Every intentional act is a Magical Act.
Every successful act has conformed to the postulate
Every failure proves that one or more requirements of the postulate have not been fulfilled.
The first requisite for causing any change is through qualitative and quantitative understanding of the condition
The second requisite for causing any change is the practical ability to set in right motion the necessary forces.
Every man and every woman is a star.
……… down to 28 items.
Further in the book Crowley drills the student in ways closely resembling the old OT4-7 drills.
IMO: White Magick is done openly and with the recipients consent.
Black Magick is done covertly and without the recipient’s knowledge.
So, if you truly want to have ‘clean hands’ you must practice only White Magick.
This is terrific information! I wish someone familiar with Scientology would analyze this at length and publish a write up.
A series on this with dozens of articles could be created.
Regarding magic, I am not a believer or practitioner myself but firmly convinced Hubbard desperately wanted to be a magician! His history and affirmations confirm this for us as well as his intent to secretly mentally enslave humanity, not exactly the most moral of desires!
Tubby THOUGHT he was a mighty powerful Magician.
Like most everything in his life, that was a delusion. He wasn’t nearly as grandiose as he imagined. Only in girth was he grand.
Have fun digging into the esoteric.
If this is the definition of magic: Every intentional act is a magical act. Then we all do it all of the time.
By the way, I believe Hubbard wanted to play the messiah role in Scientology as demonstrated most overly in the OT VIII anti Christ edition.
I wrote an extensive analysis of this.
George I think hubbard’s ego was so overstated that it went straight to the level of mankind’s ‘savior’.
The ego of DM, on the other hand, simply takes up space unnecessarily. The results of the last 30 years speak for themselves.
He (Dwarfenführer®) IS the most successful squirrel in scientology’s 71 year history, which IS an accomplishment of sorts.
Yes, Her Dwarfenfuhrere is famous in his infamy.
I am replying to THIS comment:
“If he had simply plagiarized the stuff, it’d be one thing. He also mis-duplicated the key elements, purposely or not, and twisted it to cause the most damage/slavery he could. Since some of the stuff he stole was from Crowley’s black magic, I’m not sure if going back to the real sources would improve the outcomes. In a few cases, it would, but in others, it might possibly be worse than Tubby’s misinterpretation, scary and scarcely believable as that is.” end quote
I think that many of the techniques that Hubbard plagiarized were not beneficial in their original form BUT he made them far, far, far worse.
Margaret Singer noted in her book Cults In Our Midst that the more complicated and filled with contradictions the cult indoctrination is, the more persistent it is and more difficult to recover from.
Scientology has been described as having perhaps two thousand hypnotic techniques in it and thousands of new terms that are often contradictory in their nature as both having multiple contradictory definitions and having meanings that are the opposite of their regular meaning, setting up double think.
Additionally, Scientology doctrine is jam packed with contradictory statements.
Add in the repetition and we have a very harmful, traumatic, and persistent form of indoctrination.
To recover from cult indoctrination or abuse it is useful to been recognize it, but where many cuts have one to a half dozen hypnotic techniques, Scientology has a couple thousand, that’s a lot to sort out along with the doctrine and terms..
I don’t know what exactly the occult techniques that Hubbard plagiarized from would have done left intact, but I certainly don’t want to try them out.
A pattern that Hubbard followed often was one he borrowed from a book he actually read and recommended, Hypnotism Comes of Age.
I read that book and it describes the combination of hypnosis and psychoanalysis to create hypnoanalysis.
Hubbard realized that you can combine hypnosis with many, many, many other things and call the result anything you like. If the subjects are not experts or at least fairly familiar with hypnosis and the various techniques in detail beyond a Reader’s Digest level, they are extremely unlikely to realize that they are being hypnotized.
Hubbard took ideas and techniques from many sources, Steve Hassan as many know is a cult expert with significant knowledge of hypnosis and he has stated that Hubbard read books from the thirties and forties and simply took the techniques, Jon Atack has written extensively on this as well.
OK, here’s the flyer that got under my skin the most this Thursday. Toronto. “Come North as a Full Time Volunteer”. Can you imagine? How about get a fucking life people.
I need someone to pyschoanalyse my dream from a few nights ago. I dreamt that I joined staff. Man it was painfully REAL! I was really joining. Anyone who knows me knows how impossible that is – even when I was all in and gung ho I could never join. However, in the dream I had no intention of actually working for staff. I was just going through the motions because I didn’t want to be unpleasant and make a scene – or upset my family, half of whom were on staff.
So I went through stage after stage (in the dream it seemed like a hell of a long time) and finally signed on the dotted line. The first moment I was alone I bolted. All I wanted was to escape and headed down the corridor. I found an exit and went through, only to find another very long corridor. Finally I found another exit, and in to an even longer corridor – every exit just went into yet another long corridor. I only finally escaped by waking up – and god what a relief that was!
Maybe someone can make sense of this. It couldn’t be as simple as I felt trapped surely?? Funnily enough, this dream was very nearly exactly how I finally blew from Flag while on OT7. I always tell people the story – I walked out of the Ethics Officer’s office promising to be there at 7am the next morning to start my sec check. As I walked down the road approaching midnight I felt this enormous weight fall from my shoulders as I KNEW I would not be there in the morning and would never audit that shit again.
dr mac, I’m no expert, but I think you have an ‘mu’ (that’s cult speak for misunderstood word for you never-ins). You said you had a dream. I’m here to tell you from your description, that was no dream, it was a gawd awful, terrifying nightmare. These are totally normal for anyone who was ever in the cult. If you have one again, embrace it, don’t run away. It will usually just sort of dissolve and lose its power to impose fear. Just like walking away from the cult creates freedom and you can breathe a sign of relief at having escaped your prison of belief. Hope that helps…
Dr Mac that’s a funny story. I am certainly not a psychoanalyst but if it had happened to me I would interpret it as the fact that something has perhaps been unconsciously understood. This is because you go to realize that experience, albeit in a dream, in which you finally go through a fear that was stalled there.
Reading that dream ‘literally’ is misleading. I think that almost all dreams, both the initial ones in semi-sleep and the deeper ones, are a reflection of the mind that, like a computer, rearranges files and creates space. Trying to interpret them literally leads nowhere.
That you didn’t escape before waking up could be significant. Or not.
Are you avoiding a situation irl?
Afraid to confront something?
Something you started but can’t seem to finish?
Profrastinating, maybe?
Yeah, the road out of scn, or what is calling itself that these days, is long and convoluted. Even after 40 years, I keep finding his teachings getting in the way of living a full life. Boy, his life must have been thoroughly depressing, since he had all that shite as part of his mostly unexamined psyche.