Bush league
Less than 30 people. Planetary clearing is happening for real in St Louis.
How to overcome financial stress?
That’s easy: Stay away from any scientology affiliated organization
Say What?
This email is about as bizarre as they get.
One year ago 200 school girls were abducted from their boarding school in Nigeria and haven’t been seen since. Imagine the loss for their families and friends.
It might seem far from home, but somehow, this is part of our dynamics.
“If this world has any faintest chance of surviving it will be not because I write, but because auditors can and will think and do.”
You, as an auditor – whether that be a trained auditor or a book auditor – can make all the difference in day-to-day situations.
We live on a planet that is in dire need of change and help. We have that help, real help and in reaching out and offer that help you will not only improve the lives of those you touch directly with LRH tech but you will create a ripple-effect way beyond that.
An auditor can and will do something about it and even better, an auditor can and will do something to prevent live’s tragedies from occuring.
We, from I HELP, are here to assist you in doing just that.
I HELP members across the world are using LRH’s technology every day to improve the lives of those around them and to assist them to become more able. However, we do need more. We need to outnumber those who have less humane ‘solutions’ in store for mankind.
Become an I HELP member today! Reply to this e-mail to let us know you want to join the team or call on 07939588961.
You can and will make a difference.
Ann Roelens
Here’s an idea for you Ann. Instead of focusing on girls abducted in Nigeria and the terrible loss for their friends and families — something you can do nothing about — why not do something about the families being broken up right under your nose with the church’s disconnection policies?
Chan chan
Oh my, a four day weekend. Look out Michael, Dear Leader is going to get jealous and think you are trying to outshine him. The next thing you know it’s “Michael Who? Heard he is connected with the squirrels.”
This guy is now the “face” of the IAS. What has he ever done other than wear silly shirts and braid his chin whiskers?
Wow, if they teach you how to gain command of life every Sunday — and they did it for real, that place would be jam packed every Sunday and would have moved their lecture to the LA Coliseum by now and people would be paying to attend. No free food would need to be offered to try and attract people to attend. Command of life? Are you kidding me? (well… as a matter of fact, yes we are, we cannot even figure out how to pay our bills).
Really? So why is everyone who is left being told they are now responsible for the “international” ideal orgs? Why isn’t each org responsible for their own org any longer? Answer is obvious: the orgs that are NOT done are never going to be done as they don’t have enough public with enough money to make it happen.
Circle Jerk?
They will try ANYTHING. Humanitarian statuses. Next gimmick “infinity” club and “infinity jackets.” Next gimmick hard hats. Then gold and silver hard hats. Now the circle of jerks heroes.
Such a witty play on words. And the Cont Finance Dir gave them a briefing about how important their org is. Because his stat is crashing. It IS urgent…
Now it’s fundraising by MV…. The ever shifting goalposts of Valley.
Hold the phones. It’s not Valley that is the most important org in the world. It is Inglewood.
No better reason for Inglewood than Valley. It’s what they say to all the girls these days.
Pasadena Patsy
Apparently the only person moving up the bridge in Pasadena is Tim and Rona (Pasadena ED) Bowles’ daughter.
Organize Your Life
If the quality of their graphics is an indication of their organizational ability, I would steer clear of this one.
Magic Mike
Learn how to make someone’s wallet appear in your hands without them realizing it…
The Jensen royal family
Money talks, training walks. Mama and Papa get top billing for top dollar. Daughter plays second string because she hasn’t turned over as much money. They are the heroes. She is just a lowly Sea Org member who is a Class XII C/S. Scientology royalty and scientology slave.
CC Nashville
They are moving into a second office on the ground floor. Just 4 more floors to go.
Free Service?
They will apparently do anything at this point…
A message to you from L. Ron Hubbard
“F e e l L u c k y?
Effective from 10 April 2015 to 9 May 2015
“Complete the following sentence in 25 words or less, and if you win you will at once receive an Extension Course fully free and without further obligation:
“I LIKE SCIENTOLOGY BECAUSE _______________________________________________.”
Send to Extension Course Director, [email protected]
IAS Lies
Bet the IAS has done NOTHING in Haiti since the video crew left a week after the handful of VM’s arrived to hand out WTH booklets.
![]() |
Since 9/11, the IAS has been sponsoring all major disaster relief efforts around the world.
Thanks to donations of IAS members we have now touched the lives of 6.1 million people in 51 nations at 228 disaster sites.
In the last two decades 6,800 natural disasters have claimed 1.3 million lives. We must be prepared.
Get Cardoned
No comment needed. He is his own satire.
Regraded Being
The heading picture to this article is so relevant. It is borrowed from from The Austin Powers movie trilogy. This scene depicts Miscavige and the Messengers whenever they are out of site and earshot of normal people – – –
The header picture shows ;
– Doctor Evil = Miscavige.
– Everyone else = a “Commodores Messenger”.
Its interesting to learn from Marty Rathbun’s recent, 1-hour TV documentary (now showing on the Investigative Discovery (“ID”) Network cable channel, in a program there called “Dangerous Persuasions”), that the Messengers are mentally programmed (robotized) to emulate their “Senior” (upline manager). Whatever their Senior Is Being, or is Doing, they immediately emulate that behavior and activity. True “Nineteen Eighty-Four” stuff (a book by George Orwell. See youTube.com & wikipedia.com. Sometimes called “1984”). That is, no checks and balances anywhere in sight and not permitted even if they appear. That, in addition to total control and surveillance of everyone, to enforce this culture.
When watching the Austin Power movies this Doctor Evil scene is repeated frequently. Its always staged where the Juniors in the scene (the Messengers) watch carefully to see exactly how Doc Evil is laughing and acting and then quickly ease their way into behaving exactly identically, in personality and actions. Totally Yes-Boy / Yes-Gal behavior, as per “1984”.
We also see this behavior in North Korea. It’s liberating to comprehend this information connection. It’s all to do with the commonality of Evil, which, in turn, is another exhibit of the “Upside-Down’ness” of the Reactive Mind (“The Bank”) that LRH defined, mapped out and codified (at certain times when he was being himself, that is ! ).
So now we know what to detect and avoid – among many dozens of other things that the Technology of Scientology (“The Tech”) itself brings to us, to our advantage, if we so choose to receive it.
This Yes-Men behavior is known as “Command Intention”, within Miscavology. This term is used to justify Yes-Men behavior, even if totally Evil. To me Command Intention, in reality, is better aligned to the message in “Keeping Scientology Working” (“KSW’), a management reference included in Scientology Management Technology. This reference, when understood correctly, implies that Yes-Men behavior would remain out-of-favor, due to self-correction mechanisms also written into the “KSW” policy.
Unless the Tech. is mis-applied of course, as we know is occurring within the very offbeat and Evil Technology interpretation known as Miscavology, which is run daily on its unknowing victims (those who were foolish enough to get/stay involved in the Church of Scientology, as dictated & controlled by Miscavige).
My suggestion is to return to the good old days where everyone had Fun with the Tech. and got along just great, on an continuously improving basis. This would require Miscavige and his Messengers to go on a long RPF while the rest of us put the Tech back in – or alternatively, to simply build a new Church. Option #2 seems to be working best – thanks to all contributing Indies, Free-Zoners, “Outs”, SP’s and Protesters in general 🙂
You want to return to the “good old days” when everyone had fun with the tech. That is a desire I understand and sympathize with. Only thing is that even in those “fun” days when course rooms were filled and people were hard at work with auditor training and morale was high, there was still disconnection, maxed out credit cards and lots of Paulette Coopers. Not everybody was having fun with the tech.
I think you’re suggesting a “correctly understood” KSW and an end to mis-application of the tech could surgically remove the malignancy and leave us with what we once had and maybe something even better that doesn’t lead to disconnection, maxed-out credit and fair game. It looks like correct understanding is the key to your proposition to resurrect scientology. But can the “tech” survive correct understanding? Reactive mind/engram theory sounds pretty good on the surface but if you look closely it begins to beg more questions than it answers. But so what? If it works…but it doesn’t work does it? According to that theory I should be quite a robust example of realized human potential after I’ve gotten rid of my engrams. That didn’t quite happen for anybody as evidenced by the many “clears” who are no more healthy, successful, or nicer than the average wog.
Affinity, reality and communication are NOT the components of understanding. Understanding is knowledge plus confidence in that knowledge. ARC could be called the components of human amicability or you could make up your own three or four or five components of human amicability. Then you could devise a methodology of metered counseling based on those components and if you devised that system smartly in accordance with common sense and compassion you could have your own standard tech. Why in the world would any intelligent person think that somebody who said so many incorrect and nonsensical things (the axioms for instance) could be the one to devise the BEST possible metered interview methodology?
I don’t consider this a petty bone I’m picking with you. The belief that MY ETERNITY IS AT STAKE! is the fear that is at the root of all the idiocy and cruel madness. But what IS the root itself? I say it is the belief that Hubbard was a wise visionary who knew and discovered great truths. That belief will can easily be dissolved when it is pointed out how stupid and incorrect was so much of what he said. Axiom One: “Life is basically a static”. FALSE. A static is something that doesn’t move or change. That is the OPPOSITE of life. Why didn’t anybody ever catch that?
uh oh. wow wow wow. i find this so disturbing. I dont think youa re joking at all.
you are a person who has all the information available and still believes Hubbard was right. Xenu?!? no psychiatry?!? dont take epilepsy/diabetes meds?!? emeters?! reactive mind, oh man, its the subconscious–Hubbard used basic psychoanalysis techniques… a BILLION YEAR contract?! wowow.
Man, if I were a different person, I could start a religion and make so much money off suckers. Everybody wants a fairy godmother. but those are fairytales. Fairy tales!
L. Ron Hubbard was not a good guy, not a sane guy, and I have my own suspicions that he was a closeted homosexual. that’s why he put gay ppl at 1.1. People condemn the most what they fear the most. Elron has an effeminate affect in all of the vids I’ve watched.
anyone that has all the information on the scam cult of Scientology available and still believes it has agreed to shut down independent thought and live a life of fear and subservience. In my opinion.
Jules, I like your comment but to set the record straight I think it’s in response to Third Side of the Coin, not me.
Thanks for your Theta reply – I can see the caring intention in there.
When were you in and what did you get to study ? I can also see that your words-of-wisdom may have sprung from Training on the original, unmolested Bridge.
Also, tell me more about your take on Statics. That was intriguing ! Are you referring to a daily interaction with MEST or to the “life-force” alone ?
Thanks for your friendly words. Please forgive me if I decline to answer your questions on the blog. You may email me. I have studied vedanta under a qualified teacher for several years now and some of my answers are difficult to follow for people who aren’t interested. In the context of scientology I wish to speak as a formerly brainwashed person who found liberation from the tyranny of the dwindling spiral doctrine. I aim to show people how a little logic can be used to deconstruct Hubbard’s “tech” to a pile of horse shit. It’s a modest undertaking but it keeps me away from the racetrack, prostitutes and reruns of MASH.
This message is for Jules
Hi Jules
I enjoyed reading your reply – glad to receive your opinion.
I replied mainly to defend my gay acquaintances and friends, all of whom, whilst in a minority, are all very special and caring individuals.
Are you Homophobic ?
If so, lets try not to pander to the C of $ mentality, eh ? In Miscavology, EVERYONE is a loser who needs to be scammed and the scamming is easier against people who can be labelled in any way, especially early on in the scamming process. Now that’s Upside-Down !
“My suggestion is to return to the good old days where everyone had Fun with the Tech. and got along just great, on an continuously improving basis.”
The amount of non-confront OR, out right wrong data in that statement is almost unbelievable. That was a joke right?
Hi John
That’s quite a statement you made there !
When were you in ? Am very interested to learn what experiences would lead to such an emphatic reply.
Two things right quick:
1. Please, some lurker out there- send back the free extension course question as follows: I LIKE SCIENTOLOGY BECAUSE, it gives me passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken.
This is exactly 25 words, and its also the creed of the Dark Lords of the Sith from Star Wars. Darth Vader and the Emperor, most evil dudes ever and it sounds just like something DM would eat right up.
2. Next Valley fundraising flier should be an honest one. Have Dave Wilson dressed in a purple zoot suit driving his own limo with Bonita and the girls in the back down to Hollywood Boulevard. To, you know, SCOHB. For the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics and to get Valley to a DONE, SIR!!!!
I’m not a violent person, but Everytime I see grant Cardone, I want to punch him in the face.
I LOVE SCIENTOLOGY,,,,,because it it the only religion I can imagine would promote a slime ball like that as a specimen of what you should aspire to.
Peter Popoff was second in my contest.
Joint turd would be fellow televangelists and DM. Maybe they recruited Cardone to make Miscavige look semi human?
You don’t want to punch him in the face. There’s too much bone there and you could hurt your hand, so some place soft like the solar plexus would be better.
Never ceases to amaze me how much work goes on in Scientology that is only about getting more money, making more money, giving more money back to the cult. All the rest is simply about getting more Scientologized.
There is never ever anything at all about giving to the poor, the hungry the needy. Nothing at all about being in service to anyone. Nothing, nada, zilch about anyone else in the world but Scientologists.
They are in their own little happy dappy world where everyone is saved only if they go to the next seminar, buy the next book, attend the next function.
It is so insular, it is pathetic and depressing. All those happy faces, for what?
I think you’d be somewhat disgusted at what the people who support miscasvige actually think of and how they regard ignorant people like you, me and the rest of humanity who don’t give $ to be Ideal thetans.
Like Tilk from Stargate says, “they worship false Gods.” That pretty much works with people in the RCS too – they are neither Scientologists nor wogs – they are miscaviologists who believe they are the only ones who matter in the general scheme of life. The reality is as individuals they will forgotten just as quickly as the exchange they get for their money.
To be a good miscaviologist, those who don’t have the wherewithal to give to the church are low life’s and are degraded beings not worthy of association and those that have money and don’t give are PTS or suppressive. They have the whole concept of religion, life and a church reversed – just the way miscavige likes it.
“All those happy faces” – indeed! ‘Give and give again till there is no more and then join the SO’, the first and only axiom of miscaviology.
Loved Mr Rathburn on ID Discovery last night. For one who was never in, it gave me insight! Oh by the by I do know how to spell and even have a college degree. Pretty sure I would not have had one if I had been in a Scion school. Just saying
I like Scentlgy cause they got good skoolz!
“I like Scientology because…here’s my wallet…here’s my brain…COB is dog…I mean god. It’s dark here and there’s 13 of us and only 12 chairs.”
They are starting to run short on celebrities now in the church. So if you can braid your chin whiskers you are in.
I also had to look up in the dictionary the definition of “circle jerks”. I’ve never been so disappointed in a definition.
Poor bastard – now he gets to try and communicate with a toilet! You hit the target on the nose with this week’s Regraded Being.
Regraded, thank you for another piece of comic brilliance. I’m at the point now where I’ve almost 100% in the camp of PT Barnum when he said, “Never give a sucker an even break”. I used to think it was cruel, to sneer at people who are being swindled. Perhaps it really is. Yet, when people keep getting taken – not just once or twice but repeatedly taken, over and over again, and they still allow it, and they still don’t question it, well, then they are true fools, and deserve who don’t merit compassion. They are stupidly, blindly, fatuously happy about it being taken, so let them be fleeced, let them be lied to and tricked and cheated, all of them, and let it be fodder for our laughter and jokes while we are doing something about it, because they are too stupid to do anything about it. They really are the suckers who don’t deserve an even break, even though they’ll eventually get one- no thanks to them.
OMG, so many typos, sorry. but you’ll get the concept.
Aqua, I had hoped that it was just a sarcastic rant.
1984, it was a truthful rant. My truth. I just can’t pity these people too much anymore. I no longer have it in me.
That doesn’t mean that in any way I think its ok for this type of financial hoodwinking to continue.
Nor does it apply to the physical abuse and torture and imprisonment of SO, or to those suffering from being disconnected to their families.
My indifferance applies only to the public still ins who continue to allow themselves to be financially fleeced – not once, not twice, not 3,4,5 times but continually, year in and year out.
I read here and post here and write my congressmen and help in other ways to bring down the “church” but my heart is no longer rung out for these financially ripped off IAS/Ideal Morgue donors because they are and have been for the past 8-10 years perfectly capable of cogniting on this insanity.
As I was, and did. as you did, as many have.
These people are PUBLIC. Not staff, not SO.
They CAN withdraw their financial support.
Barring the celebs, upon whom there is blackmail dirt from their PC folders which can harm their careers, these public can cognite, and then simply, unobtrusively, gradiently, withdraw their financial support.
Now, in fairness, its possible that a significant number of them ARE already doing just that. It is entirely possible that a number of silly-looking Still-Ins we laugh about in Thursday Funnies actually ARE mid-process in withdrawing their support, and this gungho behavior is just part of their cover. We here would have no way of knowing who these people are. So to this group, to whatever extent they exist, my hat is off to them.
But for the rest of them, who are still fatuously happy about being fleeced, I’ve decided they’re just stupid, that’s all.
Because there is a hell of a lot more evidence of the scam being perpetrated on them available now then there was 8-10 years ago – even 3 years ago.
Hundreds, if not thousands of financial victims of Co$ have cognited on MUCH less evidence than exists today.
It is to this stubbornly clueless group that I direct my contempt.
That doesn’t mean I won’t work as much as I can to stop their being fleeced, because I will.
What it does mean is that I’ve come to decide that there is something wrong with these people, mentally, and that, if the Co$ were not fleecing them, someone or some other group would be.
That’s what I’ve decided about them, 1984. They deserve help, on principle, but I don’t waste any emotion on them, anymore.
Aqua, I understand your viewpoint.
I have had similar temptations, and I have been reluctant to draw a line in the sand (everybody is different, and it takes as long as it takes). Granting beingness and taking a tough love approach uses a lot of energy, and can be rather grating (especially in some cases).
You can’t force help, but you can force yourself to take a break more often. Works for me to keep the charge level down.
As for “this stubbornly clueless group”, they have surpassed my estimates a while back.
On the other hand, this whole situation is an interesting study in ‘group think’.
I’m very curious how many people attend these events. I suspect the vast majority of still-ins would seek to avoid such affairs like the plague.
Just looking at a picture of Grant Cafone raises the hackles. He is everything for which I have contempt. And that spelling of his last name is not a typo, btw. The Italians know how to insult creatively.
Can’t wait until 5am on Saturday morning for Mr Blowhard!
mmmm… there’s a message in there not appropriate for the young ‘ins. Think I’ll stick to telling them to sleep at that time.
All this comes from a church? You’ve got to be joking.
To be totally honest, if NNANCY CARTWRIGHT BART SIMPSON hadn’t lucked into the role of a lifetime, she would be wishing she was as famous as Bob Blowhard. Just like Jim Mescaline is.
And Jenna Elfman who once gave a success story about her PTS/SP Course in which she stated over and over again that she can just look at someone who’s “suppressive” and “they just scurry”. Must have said it ten times in one little success story; “they just scurry”. But that’s just the literal sense as far as blowing air out of the lungs, and words coming out of the mouth with little substance.
Wow. Cool. Maybe she’ll give COB a look so he can “scurry”.
I was snorting in derision while reading through all the Scientology ads UNTIL I got to Cardone and projectile vomited. And what is the deal with the girl saying “I have no problems”. Eh, I bet she only said that because she was fearing a sec check or something worse.
Mike–The Inglewood flyer said nothing about the food on offer being free.
“Complete the following sentence in 25 words or less, and if you win you will at once receive an Extension Course fully free and without further obligation:
“I LIKE SCIENTOLOGY BECAUSE ( it has taught me how to spot a Cult before I give it money, time or my kids!___________________________________________.”
Send to Extension Course Director, [email protected]
And never mind about the coarse course and all that fluff.
“I LIKE SCIENTOLOGY BECAUSE It is not the place the disconnected me from my friends. It helps bring families together but never through fear of disconnection. Total Financial Release!”
My entry to win the extension course: (Complete the following sentence in 25 words or less, and if you win you will at once receive an Extension Course fully free and without further obligation)
“I LIKE SCIENTOLOGY BECAUSE I see David Miscavige’s tone level is punishing bodies. And that all statements released by the Church are ser facs.”
I LIKE SCIENTOLOGY BECAUSE in a free society, it serves as an excellent example of what to watch out for in a dangerous totalitarian cult.
Video of staff released after the feds raid the Int Base:
Even though we know that all Scientology events are to get bodies in, regged and then to collect the moolah, still I found the Chan “event’ very funny when you look at the subtext of how it is set up. It’s a “four day weekend”, BUT … the event hours add up to ten and a half hours total over FOUR days. Hmmmmm … wonder WHAT is up with THAT? Then you see the line below … “one on one interviews available Saturday through Monday” … ha ha … so Chan is coming in on a Friday night to give two hours of as big a pep talk as he can. The org will try to get EVERY stinkin’ body in they can, ANYONE who they think still has cash or credit to hear him. They will also schedule as many personal interviews with Chan as they can and will continue to schedule them as people listen to him throughout the weekend and get pumped (they hope). Notice theevent scheduling, 2 and a half hours Sat morning, then Chan is free the rest of the day and evening to help reg, free Sunday morning and Sunday evening and free ALL day Monday before the two hour close on Mon night. Chan will do his best to crush handle prospects in quantity (he’ll quickly prospect them, pump them up big time, handle any objections, get their ok, then turn them over to the reg, who will be right there, for the quick sign up.)
And … you don’t seriously think he’s doing this for free, do you? Now, that’s funny.
(anyone out there ever heard him? Like to get an idea of how he is, have read a couple of comments. Better yet, go and record him!)
Omg,WHY when seeing the posters to donate to ias,donate for ideal,reg members unmercifully for $ to?Why don’t they say,when are we going to use the billions to finish these orgs? Cob says its so important to collect for the IAS,that after study and wins gained in session,there is a reg,session incorporated for All before leaving. All to collect funds to improve,build,renovate,help communities&expand scientology. How don’t these people say,no I’m not making up another bs fundraiser,the church has enough donated money for scientology projects in the ias account for finishing these couple ideal orgs,we have been collecting money like crazy for years now,wtf??!!!! How can they let that man take down something they love? It’s just unreal,no one likes the guy,everyone I’m sure has a distain for him,they can see all the bad crap happening and it’s all from one PTS,one day at a fundraiser I hope the crowd turns and starts saying,last fundraiser you collected 250,000, that was enough to get half of this place done,where are yall putting all our $$$$$
Hi Mike,
new commenter here but I had to say it: Regraded Being is amazing!
Thank you, Regraded Being, for inserting a little bit of truth to the day’s postings.
Damn, Regraded Being – great stuff!
Fantastic Regraded Being- complete with misspelling in the poster. Hilariously spot-on!
thanks for this: I love Mr. Bob Blowhard. He is the perfect Scientologist!
What I like about Scientology is that it is disappearing, and will soon be a memory, bitter or hilarious depending on your level of involvement.
Grant Cardone….yep, there is no doubt anymore, he is proof that the Church of Scientology has become a huckster’s dream.
These people just get crazier and crazier. How is it all going to end? I hope very soon.
Love the acronyms always. WUS.
a person afraid to act or not up to the task because of fear.
Thanks for another great morning start Mike!
That Grant guy. It’s so nauseating. He’s so full of himself he oozes. YUK.
I played on the beach with Craig and Sally’s daughters when they were just teenagers. They were such nice kids. Very innocent and shy. As wealthy as Craig and Sally were back then, they were also very shy and never seemed to seek out being a headliner for anything. They were humble, quiet and nice people. Now they’re all headliners? Either their ego has changed or they are being forced into it.
I think Michael Chan is from the Columbus Ohio area. Married a girl named Sara Downey. They were a partnership and ran a business called Durable Slate with his brother – not positive about that. She seems to be missing from his promo pics now. I wonder if that “partnership” ended…and it was forced. Sara had a little sister named Melissa who was headed to the big time as a Ballerina. Mike and Cherie Downey are their parents. Anyone know if they are still around?
Lastly, I always read your in-between comments and have to say that my #1 favorite this week: “braided chin hairs” – for some reason that makes just chuckle. Imagine getting ready in the morning…
Toot TO OT said, “They were humble, quiet and nice people.”
Craig was NEVER that. He’s an old G.O. criminal. I remember when his company was quite large and he was issuing marketing orders that would collapse it. Many of his execs tried to tell him but he got upset and started firing them for disagreeing. Well, the company DID collapse as a result and he was forced to do what his fired execs recommended in order to rebuild. He never even apologized. Too arrogant and crazy. I guess da bridge doesn’t handle that…
Wow @JL that’s terrible. I just did not have that experience. Then again I did not work directly with him. I worked for one of his companies.
I heard his company Executive Software/Diskeeper/Condusiv got sued – successfully – because they were using it as a scientology training school or way to get people into the church and got caught. Millions awarded. That’s just a rumor.
Now that you mention it – he had a guy he hired named Jesus. His job was “all secretive” and he met with and worked with CJ at his mansion in La Crescenta. Jesus married Jan Brenneke – her mother was Pat Brenneke (are Jesus and Jan still together? They had a few kids I think).
Jesus would go on the internet and cause trouble for CJ’s competitors. I’m not sure how – but it was all hush-hush. Heck, maybe he was doing this for the church too…since CJ is ex-GO, I would bet that he was/is doing that! The “legal guy” there – Danny Chadwell – also managed Jesus.
Ugh – Grant Cardone – fits right in with the other money grubbing SoB’s in scn.
I love regraded this week, especially the poster – “seen by hundreds of people at 5.30am…” And of course the chilling reality of ‘holdback’ public – because of course they are entitled to EVERYTHING you own.
The Finance Director WUS (West U.S.) speaking at an Ideal Org event? It just proves what we already know. The Ideal Org program is all about the MONEY, MONEY………
For a few moments I thought the first panel of Bob Blowhard AKA Spunky the talking dog was
LA Org church promo. One of the the regulars from the CLO WUS .
Why do I suspect that the stock picture of the space shuttle ” rocketing up the bridge,” is a shot of Columbia.
Hilarious Degraded Being – I laughed big time. Thank you.
Oh, Mike, re the name of Chilli E.B – it stands for Extremely Blind, which has become almost the last name of the few sheeple left in the bubble.
Silvia, I always thought it stood for Extra Broke.
Chill E.B hasn’t a clue.
He came to being the Pied Piper of the IAS through CCHR. He was angry that his son was labeled ADHD and the school system was INSISTING that his son should go on a drug for this. Chill E.B.’s ex-brother-in-law, Wezo, from Flag, brought him to CCHR.
Chill E.B. wrote a song about this experience and CCHR started using him to do events for them. Perfect marriage, right? Not according to the IAS, apparently. They stole him away and won’t allow him to do events for any other group – Ideal Org fund raisers, IAS events not scheduled by them, etc.
Both Chill E.B. and his wife are really very decent people. Too bad they are being kept in the dark like the rest of the mushrooms. Last I heard, they aren’t even Scientologists. So maybe there’s hope.
Here is the song that Chill E.B. wrote about his son.
Chill E.B. Trivia: He was the first SEGA man:
Interesting, thanks for the data. I wonder if he realizes he has taken the place of Michael Roberts as the token minority in the old white man’s club (plus Bart Simpson) that is the IAS.
Does that spring leaflet say “a rousing” or “arousing”? If the latter, it’s nice they’ve started giving the poor Sci bots some pleasure before fucking them up the arse.
I definitely read it as “arousing”, the people on the poster didn’t do much for me though.
That’s because the people on the poster have given their last dime but are being regged for more. I’m wondering how the toilet paper situation is effecting them…
Cardone: “Zero to Millionaire, and Back Again”
Chan Contest: First prize: A One-Day Seminar, Second Prize: a Four Day Seminar
Hey! 1subgenius! You totally forgot about third prize! That’s not like you!
Third prize is being the only public on the MV for two weeks straight.
NEWS FLASH!! Wanna know what REALLY happens at a Grant Cargroan seminar that you pay 50 bucks for? You think, “Cool, I’m gonna have a whole 5 hours of learning about how Grant used LRH to make his millions. This is totally worth the money. So cool for him to come here for our measly 50 bucks! Probably donates it to the org anyway. What a great guy!”
WHAT REALLY HAPPENS: Grant talks for about an hour or so AND THEN you’re told that, because you paid your 50 bucks, you’re going to get a personal enhancement course delivered to you right this very afternoon!!
It doesn’t matter if you’ve taken that course before of if you care about taking it at all. There you are, in a room full of about 20 to 30 people, all held captive for the next 3 to 4 hours, watching the films and doing the lessons for a course you never wanted to do anyway.
THIS is how they are stat pushing and padding the deck with, “New Starts”.
Grant is probably one of COBs best students in the art of fleecing people. Maybe he’s a natural.
Either way, maybe he’ll be the second patron of valor when DM tires of Tom and wants a new BFF who is JUST like him.
Could it be the NOI is moving in on the IAS?
Watch out David Miscavige, Louis Farrakhan is
making his move. You might end up being a body
router for the Inglewood Org before you know what
potpie,you have a good point there. Saint Louis Farrakhan already has a good foot hold in that city. He is a walking dichotomy; good guy, bad guy. He could sure use some good real estate bought for pennies on the dollar from, oh say, someone who has a lot of empty buildings scattered all over the planet, plus I unnerstan there may even be a few vacant lots on which there could be built some nice mosques.Now if they could get rid of some key personnel there may be a bonus bank account available. Just sayin.
Regraded, you are brilliant!
So crazy, you can’t make this stuff up! …..wait a minute…yes you can.