2022 – It’s Going To Be Monumental
Like every other year. At the start its always going to be THE year. Coming up on 20 years they have been working on getting orgs ideal. 35 for St Hill Size.
Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner
Columbus is the third best org in the world? Columbus. OMG.
Are they recruiting homeless people?
It would not be the first org to have done that…
Guadalajara is going ideal…
One of the smallest and failingest orgs on earth is now going to go ideal. Sure….
What does this have to do with ANYTHING?
Strangest quote in a world of strange quotes
Success Story?
This is the best they could come up with?
Join our Ideal Org Reg…
He is an expert on “melting energy deposits” — a euphemism for taking your money.
They got one almost Clear
And that is really big news
Are you inviting Tony Huhammad?
Affluence and a whole level….
Sounds good?
All Ideal Africa?
Wonder if they are including Harare and Bulawayo?
They are not going to be ideal — EVER.
White Toast scientology celebration
Check out that course schedule….
Course 7-9 two days a week.
There are no pc’s at Flag?
Head scratcher….
The 67 reasons shall remain unknown
Prosperity Summit…
With Quentin Strub who has never made a dollar in his life.
But he has told a lot of other people how to do it.
Pity he never informed his org (CLO EUS) to make enough money to pay to heat their building.
$30 an hour for MEST work
Good luck with that…
Super Power
That’s still a thing?
Pouring in the doors…
Yeah, sure.
That LOUD “whiring sound we’ve been hearing is none other than Dr. Martin Luther King….SPINNING IN HIS GRAVE being used as a PROP to promote COS…..”Youth for Human Rights”……………………..
What a slap in the face to Dr. King. His family would be horrified.
Question…. when were those posts regarding port elizabeth done? Because Port Elizabeth changed its name almost a year ago now so why arent they using it???
This was recent. There are other pieces that use the new name but I guess they are sort of stuck because Hubbard probably mentioned Port Elizabeth do it will always be that in Scientology.
Every time I read here or at Tony’s a testimonial from someone who just joined staff at a Class V org I get mildly depressed.
They all look like good people, decent, sincere, well meaning, dedicated and very hard working people. VALUABLE people.
All the staff people I knew were.
Obviously they have a desire to help. The fact that they signed a staff contract is proof of that.
This woman joining staff at Chicago Org will be utterly wasting her time. And she’s not young.
Honestly, is there any evil greater than the perversion and abuse of peoples’ honest, sincere intentions to help their fellow man?
If there is a greater sin I’d like to know what it is.
Some thoughts.
I’ve met some homeless who have far higher IQs, in fact I’ll bet a huge number of them do too, than me.
It’s whatever was their factors that led them to go homeless, mostly mental health and whatever their justified choices led them, or drugs.
I pre Scientology thought that religious priests were exemplary for their forgiving nature, and their willingness to take and help even the most destitute in life, and help those needing help to get back on their feet.
So hiring homeless isn’t wrong, especially in their paths going back to more traditional lives, if they choose.
Hiring homeless, if that works to help them live a more law abiding life, good for whoever can help homeless lead that direction.
In fact, if Scientology were to regroup and seriously help homeless that way, fine by me. It’d have been a better strategy than pull down upper middle class kids to prop up the cult.
Selling the more benign Scientology introductory services, that don’t mess too badly with people’s minds, maybe working on staff in orgs to basically do that, might be at least one tiny aspect of the good that religions traditionally do, that Scientology potentially could do.
But I”m straining to find good in Scientology’s operation as a “religion” here.
The product of the introductory catechism teaching of Hubbard that lure newcomers into the pseudo-therapy and exorcism levels of upper Scientology is just wrong, since that is the long runway bait and switch of the Scientology con.
BUT, what happens, is the homeless or semi homeless who do get hired by orgs, and have for 50 plus years in the Scientology staffing history, I wish the voices of those that were homeless, joined staff, and so forth, their longer range life stories were told.
It all seems like parallels to upper staffing lives in the movement, people between jobs, seeing that jobs are available in Scientology, there was a bunch of Hubbard traffic in 1982 about the ‘Hiring Ad” success I forget the details.
But in the 1984-1987 time slot i worked in Senior HCO Int and the “Hiring Ad” era was big then, and the ratio of quitters was high, as always, for joining staffs in the Scientology orgs.
It’s not a regular job, it’s really a meager volunteer or “monk/nun–but with paperwork duties mostly” type of job, it’s “religious worker” allowance level “income” subsistence.
I remember the year I looked at the fine print on my W-2 stub in the 1990s when Scientology started finally to send to Sea Org membes their W-2s at the end of the year, and “religious worker” category is mentioned. Look “religous worker” pay scale up, it’s five times below poverty.
A life of poverty, the vow of poverty, is essentially staff life in Scientology, and they dress you up in uniforms to man their “Ideal Org.”
Chuck Beatty
Hi, see if you can answer. I was on OT II for a year, but I came. If you did, would you tell me what the EP was?
You were supposed to be at cause over your “bank”, of all those dichotomies on the secret platens you “audit” and check which of them “read” on the meter.
Once you flatten all the dichotomies you are supposed to say or cognite that you are at cause over them, they don’t “read” anymore, and you are over that part of what is left of the R6 implanting.
I didn’t do it, but it “makes sense” to me, because when you do OT 3, you learn that Xenu mass murdered the body-thetans and had them all implanted with the R6 implants.
The R6 dichotomies you assess the “charge” still effecting you, and you relieve yourself, supposedly of that “charge” lingering.
That let’s you do OT 3, where you encounter the 4th Dynamic Engram, and the full force of that 36 and 1/2 days of the implanting of the R6 bank Xenu had implanted on you and onto the body-thetans that infest your body still when you start your OT 3.
Scientology is a “case” relieving pseudo-therapy.
On OT 2 you were supposed to defang the dichotomies on those platens, so that when you do OT 3, you see what is messing up your body-thetans, but you will only realise this in hindsight, and only if you think about it all, and put it all together.
Hubbard was trying to supposedly remove and relieve people of these supposedly deeper implants in people’s minds.
So OT 2 was the warming up and relieving of the charge of the dichotomies, so you can then get into the OT 3 exorcism.
It really needs a former Case Supervisor for the Advanced Courses sub area, who knows the theory, and who looks at all of overyone’s OT case folders, and is daily figuring out what is supposedly “wrong” at any moment in this whole process of supposedly peeling off your “case” of your “case’s” supposedly parts.
OT 2 is getting rid of the charge off the R6 implants.
So if you were “stuck” on OT 2, and got no further, my guess is you failed to say something like the dichotomies on OT 2 were having no effect on you, no charge, and you had freedom from any of them, and you had your floating needle.
But, it is all quackery.
It’s bogus, it’s something that even when you understand what Hubbard was trying to accomplish, that doesn’t make it true. ‘
I think, myself, it’s all bogus.
But it can make sense, when you dissect it into its tiniest parts. But it’s just bogus, it’s quackery.
Wow, thank you very much! You helped a lot!
March 13,1911
January 24, 1986
Ever notice that every year is “the most important year” in Scientology?
Hope springs eternal in the hearts of those heavily invested in the cult.
Experience has demonstrated that they will believe anything. Literally anything.
How I wish I hadn’t thrown out an entire storage bin full of cult promo back in the mid 90’s.
Nothing has changed. All that promo back then blasted forth the same empty promises.
A quarter of a century has passed. Dates change. Cult promo concept never does.
“THIS is the year!”…”Find out why 1996 is THE year that will…” (Change the course of Scientology and the world and the universe- words to that effect).
Many of the Still Ins I knew are still there – on staff, on lines as Public and they were there, many of them, since the mid-80s when I got in and even before I got in.
They’ve been reading this shit for 40 years.
Oh, well.
Continuing to do the same thing, expecting a different outcome” is one indication of insanity. The “modern science of mental health” is thus irretrievably bonkers. It’s antiquated and doesn’t have an even nodding aquaitence with scientific method, so nothing works as promoted.
Hi Jere,
I understand and agree.
Actually, Mike, that “small and failing org” COULD go Ideal – as Miscavige defines it.
Any org can, no matter how small and failing, no matter how few their public or skeleton their staff.
That’s the beauty and genius of Miscavige’s Ideal Org Scam.
All it takes is some Whale writing a very large check. Poof, they can have a large new building.
And then another Whale or 2 to renovate and furnish it and poof, its Ribbon Jerking Time and Miscavige is ready for his close-up.
Now, I’m not saying that this is the way it ALWAYS happens. No, I’m not saying that. Mostly it doesn’t happen that way. Mostly, it takes years and severely depletes the resources of non-wealthy publics.
BUT… its POSSIBLE. It CAN occurr quickly. All it takes is a Whale or two, writing very large checks. No matter how few the staff or public of that org may be, all it takes is the money from a few rich Scientologists – or maybe only one! Poof! They’re “Ideal”.
That Melbourne one is cracking me up. “I am training at Melbourne Ideal Org. Training has improved my life.”
Did they truly not have a single course completion with curated success story available?
“Columbus is the third best org in the world?”
And Bogata is BEST?>/b> On what stat? How badly was it fudged?
DM seems to think that if he’s thought about a subject for a few seconds, he knows more than the experts in the field, so he CAN’T be taught anything new.
These pieces are mostly boring as hell. Look at them. They mostly don’t even pass the test of attracting attention. Some slipshod work here. Only hoping that words such as “prosperity” or “creating magic” or some such attracts. Hardly.
Morale must really be suffering in the Golden Age of Down Stats, or whatever they are spinning this as.
The word “ideal” probably triggers projectile vomiting for the old timers.
Do you think it will ever occur to the, cult, that they could just get rid of misgavige? They don’t need him to be the CEO, the captain of the tech. If they really believe in the tech then why not just practice the tech? They could still claim to want to improve the condition of mankind. lrh is the one who worshiped money and power and misgavige is the butt munch who worshiped the same and wanted it at any cost. He’s the only person who profits from all the hard work of others.
It would be so simple to toss misgavige under the bus, or yellow van. He was just in the right place and the right time to take over. I doubt if he was just regular Joe Nuckfut that he would be any different than he is now, he likes what he does and does what he does because he wants to. In the real world he would be a menace to society and probably spend time in jail multiple times. He’s just a bad guy plain and simple.
Maybe others there have already thought about this. That would be sweet.
Just curious.
If he goes all the stashed (no doubt in offshore accounts) cash and property portfolios will go with him. They basically can’t take the risk of removing him without losing everything.
Peggy unfortunately he anticipated them over time. He got rid of anyone who had any prestige and was competent and admired by throwing them in the hole for eternity. People like Diana Hubbard have been relegated to somewhere out of sight. Or as in Shelly’s case by literally making her disappear.
Those left are all selected one by one and perfect SeaBorgs who see DM as the savior, but in fact all ‘half socks’ (this in Italian means people without real character or utility occupying space unnecessarily).
DM two decades ago developed Stalin’s syndrome (paranoid and sociopathic) who saw conspirators everywhere, starting with his loyalists, and filled the gulags with all of them.
there is no “they” who have standing to get rid of Miscavige. The pyramid of top managers is such at the top that no one is able to employ the Hubbard quackery rules onto Miscavige to dislodge him.
There’s no one at the top to revolt and oust Miscavige.
In history, there was a “Loyal Officers” plot that Mike Rinder can tell about, and I hope Mike does tell about the ploy “Loyal Officers” plot which I think Miscavige is the one who dreamed up that ploy, and then this “Loyal Officers” plot was used against the then 1982ish era big critics, to try and coral the critics and nail them.
The “Loyal Officers” were supposed to take over the church, and Gerry Armstrong who was a critic, at the time, was one of the targets of this Miscavige dreamed up ploy, to coral Gerry and possibly do intel to find out who were trying to “take over Scientology.”
So, there was a fear, but it was only in the early 1980s, of ‘takeover” by outside forces, to steal Scientology.
This fear is from Hubbard, who bought that idea from the reporting top execs of CMO Int who reported to LRH that some high up Scientologists wanted to take over Scientology back from the hands of the Miscavige crew who’d taken over Scientology (with LRH’s blesssing, always remember that Miscavige and the other tough young leaders, Yager, and the others, they did have Hubbard’s blessing and Hubbard’s support at the new tough top management of Scientology.)
I don’t know if I’m spelling this out properly, but Mike I hope does an episode on his show on the “Loyal Officers'” counter plot ploy that Mike was a part of, in 1982, against Gerry Armstrong.
Chuck Beatty
If the old-timers still in really applied the ‘tech’, he’d be M-9 word clearing Intro to Scientology Ethics 5 times before his Comm-Ev for crashing all primary stats.
If the past is prelude to the future, 2022 WILL be monumental for scn, the monumental collapse of Davey’s tiny little fiefdom. Each year, the results get more pathetic and the hype taken to the next level for NEXT year.
There’s also an interesting phenomenon in place at this point. In Dianetics “reactive mind” terms: A = A = A.
The tech of Scientology = the Scientology organizations = David Miscavige.
Point out his personal out-ethics and you’re an SP attacking Scientology. There’s no nuance or middle ground. Point out that an org is violating admin policy written by LRH (what, no musical chairs? Shhh!) and you’re an SP attacking Scientology. They’re equal to, the same as, questioning whether Clear even exists.
Re-releasing the books and lectures with a big production about how all the alterations were removed, with his face at the forefront, really helps cement the association. Here’s the person who is number one in making sure we have the correct technology.
That has led to an illogical mindset that even thinking about DM in a less than a laudatory way means you’re an enemy of “the church” (because he *is* the church, he *is* the technology, right?), and either need heavy ethics handling or an SP declare.
Thank all of you for the excellent answers. A part of me really does get it, and then there’s this larger part of me that just can’t get past the child abuses that this cult believes, or maybe better said that has been convinced of, that children are not children. LRH’s legacy is that a horribly twisted person has ruined a lot of lives and his mini me has continued on where he left off, or dropped off – whatever. Sadly this isn’t unique to what’s happened over the centuries, but neither would it be unique for the leader of the cult to be ousted.
“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.”― Heraclitus
“One falsehood spoils a thousand truths.” African (Ashanti) Proverb
“Justice will only be achieved when those who are not injured by crime feel as indignant as those who are.”
— King Solomon – 635-577 BC
The “Indie” scamologists already tried this. Making a new church of scamology. Nothing happened because they had nothing to sell that was worth anything to people.
“The extreme willingness of adults to go to almost any lengths on the command of an authority constitutes the chief finding of the study and the fact most urgently demanding explanation. Ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process. Moreover, even when the destructive effects of their work become patently clear, and they are asked to carry out actions incompatible with fundamental standards of morality, relatively few people have the resources needed to resist authority.” – Milgram (1974).
Since you don’t have to eat rice & beans all the time anymore, what’s your favorite thing to eat now? Do you ever get a craving for your old rice & beans? When you were in Scientology & had to eat in their cafeterias, did they ever dress the rice & beans up with cilantro, avocado, tomato, etc.?
Love you, Mike & Leah! Keep on keepin’ on & good job to Leah for going back to school, despite the challenges of getting fully registered without hs diploma 🙁 YOU CAN DO THIS (I’m gonna go back for a psych degree too)!!!
Back when Laurie Noonan, later Englehart, was head chef, the rice & beans meal was pretty good. it didn’t taste like a punishment, just a regional comfort food. [sorry if I misspelled her name; she really did do wonders with nothing to work with.]
Mastering Admiration Particles?
What does that even mean?!?!?
Polite translation: culty, deluded wanking
Jessica Scozzola is looking for work. Good for her to take some initiative. Most employers check out social media posts of potential hires, so I did such.
Her Instagram account notes that she is a “Humanitarian, Photographer, Actress, Dancer, PA, Producer’s Assistant, and Mary Kay Consultant. If you are curious about her talents, here is a snapshot of her dancing abilities. (BONUS: Please note the attendance at this Scientology Holiday Party, the setting for her dance routine.)
Ah, Mary Kay, a multi-level marketing cult…
Quentin Stroub…No, MISTER QUENTIN BOOB, still selling Tubby’s Turds…
Talk about doubling down on delusion…I wonder how many cult clown hats he is wearing now,for beans and coins,whilst postulating imminent planetary clearing and speaking to audiences of a half dozen people?
Cognitive dissonance is a motherfucker…
If he doesn’t SEE the contradictory data, there’s no dissonance.
Oh, but he does, literally, SEE it:
Empty and near-empty orgs, with some operating on reduced schedules and dealing with heavy debt; poorly attended events; encounters with ex-members,either in-person or via email(e.g. me), who openly express their disgust with the lies and abuses of his “church” and its leaders; continually falling stats over many YEARS; no regional “clearing”, much less planetary “clearing”…
He’s been in the cult a long time(decades). He was-and still may be-the commanding officer for CLO EUS, so he has HAD to deal with the stats and the battle plans and the ethics conditions and the “hill-10’s” and the standard, face-ripping S.O. fuckery that accompanies this ongoing shit-show. He SEES it…and then, like the well-programmed cult robot that he is, he “puts in ethics”, he “out-creates” it , and generally “assumes responsibility” for not figuring out HOW to make El Bong’s PERFECT TECH work to “handle” it!
His cognitive dissonance is a skin he wears, it’s the air he breathes…He is so used to updating and rebooting his cult programming that he doesn’t even see it as programming; it’s simply a do-or-die “mission” that he HAS TO constantly re-dedicate himself to, that he has to push away all of the “obnosed bad indicators” about.
Just my opinion, of course, based on my past interactions with the guy…
“reduced hours”: Like Mission of the Foothills’ 2 hours of course time per WEEK.
At that rate, they’re closed, for all intents and purposes.
And you’re right: That pic of “Barbara Baker” DOES make her look like a homeless person.
The MLK poster. First thing that pops in my head is, was it Tommy Davis or some other Scientology goon, screaming at Leah Remini “How DARE you compare L. Ron Hubbard to someone like Martin Luther King?!!!!”
Miss Dutch, What I recall about that was that it was not L Ron Hubbard who Davis resented being compared to Martin Luther King; it was – oh boy – David Miscavige (“How dare you compare David Miscavige to someone like Martin Luther King?!!!!”)
“Someone like” Martin Luther King? By itself that could be interpreted as a racist remark made by Tommy Davis. How this would go over with the NOI contingent, I wonder.
And yet I agree with Mr.Davis. Miscavige cannot be compared to MLK. The Dwarf would require extensive ethics clearance to be fit to lick the boots of Martin Luther King.
Yeah. comparing him to anyone who actually has made a difference cheapens them, MLK in that case.
Ron never did help anyone but himself — mostly for 2nd and 3rd helpings, but also the bulk of the money orgs were generating.
Ideal Africa. In the photo I seem to see almost only white people. Surely for hubbard and DM this is almost “ideal”.
Eventually they will go to some village to annoy someone and take some pictures with children showing the way to happiness – as if that would help somehow.
Then once the photo is taken, off to full speed from those “degraded beings” towards home with the product.
It seems that there has been an order from David, for more than a year, to always wear masks and gloves even in the height of summer.
But in the photos I don’t seem to see anyone wearing them. The only one is the Psychl.
Aren’t they starting to think for themselves ?!
This is an intolerable non-compliance with a senior’s order!
DM wouldn’t stoop to ordering staff to follow scientific guidelines Thus, the absolute overuse of defcon 7 which isn’t that useful compared to (free) vaccinations. AND, the way he’s using it is pretty certain to make staff ill from its side-effects.
Lmr, am I being too cynical to suggest that if staff/VMs re wearing masks, it’s because the authorities made them mask-up and they just forgot to take them off for the photo op?