Way to Happiness?
They try to latch on to anything.
One of the WTH precepts is Support a Government Designed For All the People….
Don’t read anything in there about protests or blocking traffic?
A Mini Folder
This is to record the mini-BTs?
Looney Lewis
Is his first question projecting himself onto his audience?
Drugged BTs
How getting rid of druggie BTs accomplishes this is anyone’s guess. Of course, for those who don’t know what’s on OT IV it sounds amazing. For those who do, they are in on the joke. They go along as it would hurt their status as “OT’s” to pull back the curtain and tell the truth.
White Bread Feast
Wonder where the money went?
Someone gave money this week? WTF?
Shades of Steve Bannon’s Build the Wall grift….
Anyone see any tour?
More Whiteness
A whole lot more!
It says right here a Clear has no fears, irrational thoughts or anxieties. Seriously dude — you really think this is you? If it is, what do you think the OT levels are going to bring you?
Creating a Better World
Yeah, I don’t think so….
They can’t even create a better neighborhood.
Bring Tissues
For when you sign over the last few bucks you have….
Ad for an Ad
Urging you to watch an ad so you can “like” it! How desperate is this?
Those gloves!!
It’s the bank robber look
How Theta!
Empty building
Empty promises
A Fundraiser!
How exciting!
Epic and Milestone
Of course. The Central Files are EPIC! They completed them! Until next week, when they start backlogging again….
They’re wasting a lot of breaths….
Clive Rabies is back with the same old same old.
It’s not hard to understand why they haven’t come close to their target still, what is hard to fathom is how he is still around and isn’t driving a bus
They had a completion!!!!
An Academy level.
the hidden threat in the we are giants “what to do” flyer…. we will be watching the hashtags to choose our favourites………better get them hashtags hashing or your getting regged for weeks more like
Wow, 100,000 files?! That’s about 4 times larger than any number I’ve previously seen cited. Chicago must once have been an org in keeping with the massive size of the metropolis (about 10 million inhabitants) that they’re located in; the average org seems to have had around 15,000.
Now Chicago doesn’t seem much larger than the small and failing orgs in small cities. How many people did we see in the last major event promo photo posted here, 30 or 40, or at most approaching 50?
In the past we’ve seen figures that imply about 20 minutes’ time for each Central Files folder. If that holds, what they have on their hands is about 18 man–years’ worth of work – possibly up to 8 months’ or even more full–time work for every active member.
That might go towards explaining why the org hasn’t opened yet, even though the renovated building appears to have been completed going on 2 years ago. There’s even been some suggestion they might have had an abortive attempt at opening about a year ago, similar though more extended than what happened in Orlando, where the org was also too small to handle its mountain of accumulated files.
The “Theta Artistic Position” is written in pure Scilon. It reminds me of the chapter in 1984 describing Winston’s office work using Newspeak.
Great description I found online:
“Newspeak: a purposefully ambiguous and confusing language with restricted grammar and limited vocabulary…”
“I Love Vancouver”!!!!! The blue hairs are out in number. Sci is aging out. Hopefully it’ll be dead soon.
Let’s see the price of gas and food has doubled and almost tripled. The ‘trucker’ convoy is turning into another cult and now some dunce from Canada CO$ is making ‘trucker’ WTH booklets and passing them out and receiving “great enthusiasm” from the truckers. I guess Peter M. Stevenson doesn’t mind the empty shelves and tripled prices. I’m still stuck wondering how in the hell a vaccine got politicized. I could go on but I won’t. But hey Peter has that all important WTH stat for this week.
Conspiracy theory followers are the biggest market for Cult industry.
Those who see shadow figures , illuminate, hidden hands, secret government, invisible government, ruling elites, banking magnets etc etc etc given birth to Conspiracy theory industry after fall of Berlin wall.
They are the one who compete with Cult followers in some aspects, like fear of unknown and playing victim of some unseen evil forces etc etc etc
So either they were to be mesmerized by Conspiracy theorist Gurus or by a Cult teaching, it’s a very competitive market.
We prefer to enjoy this comedy circus as both of these sectors reached their age of extinction.
And…..they have a common enemy…… Universities and scholars.
You want to see death on the face of Cult followers and Conspiracy junkies ,utter the word University.
” I’m still stuck wondering how in the hell a vaccine got politicized. I could go on but I won’t. ”
The answer is easy, – the cult of Donald Trump.
“Curious? It’s time to find out for yourself.” As in how much can you be loved bombed, brow beaten and convinced to give all your money and time to Lron.
The Chicago mOrg ‘Milestone event’ may be properly call a ‘Millstone Event’. Because if you go, you will get a millstone tied to your neck.
‘Clive Rabies’…..giggle…..
I wonder if anyone has done a deep dive into all the testimonials that Clams have generated over the years and if any of them are still members in good standing?
After the new ad shown at the super bowl there is also the one for the Sea Org:
“You can RICE (and beans)”
Deep down … one knows it is true.
Rice-a-roni the San Francisco Treat!
Remember that advertisement jingle?
Showing my age now I know.
I live in italy but I found it. LOL.
It looks better tha SO rice and beans.
Then the one fron the 80s.
NEW! Rice-A-Roni Sea Org flavor! Tender moist kidney beans layered in bland tasting rice! Your family will love it whether or not they’re doing the RPF!
RICE-A-RONI, the happy Sea Org treat!
I actually like Rice-A-Roni as a child. Maybe not sea org flavor but I did like it.
Looks like we have stated something.
You can rice above ordinary life and go to places you have never beans before.
GL. Beautiful!
A mini OT III PC folder?
Anything in it about Xenu or Body Thetans?
Can’t be scaring people off.
It’s OK. In the folder, he’s just a teeny-tiny Xenu.
That’s funny right there. Probably even invisible as in doesn’t exist.
Church of Scientology National Affairs Office again attacks the People’s Republic of China, joining letter calling for diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics
Sorry, I am a bit late with this. This story is two weeks old but is still worth noting.
CIVICUS: Global Call to Join a Diplomatic Boycott of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics
Human Rights Watch: Beijing Olympics Begin Amid Atrocity Crimes
The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics will open amid atrocity crimes and other grave human rights violations by the Chinese government, 243 non-governmental organizations from around the world said today. The groups urged governments to join a diplomatic boycott of the Games, slated to begin February 4, 2022, and for athletes and sponsors not to legitimize government abuses
39. Church of Scientology National Affairs Office
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
I am in Ottawa and the trucker convoy is a disaster and made international news. Peter Stevenson is a long-term Scientologist in Toronto and now in Ottawa. P.S. DOn’t send money. lol
I, as a never in, have to wonder if these folks who celebrate all their wins after achieving a graduation point of say clear have taken a careful look at their bank account (or lack thereof) when they talk about all they have gained? From what I read here and other places it cost a bunch of money to reach these levels and I just wonder how much good these people could have done with that money if they had just invested it to say, feed the poor? Or house the homeless?
Just one of my questions.
Unfortunately scn is focused on strengthening the ego, rather than focusing on the spiritual side. Ego equal only oneself and material things. The others come into the picture only as something to be used somehow.
That right there is the root of the problem with scn in my mind.
Use anyone and everyone to get more for yourself.
Right. When I was there, whoever came in front of you was either money or a two-legged statistic. If he didn’t contribute to those two things, you quickly got rid of him.
He was uselessly taking up space.