What Could Be Better?
I wonder if ANYONE actually attended this?
Kiddie Corner
Sad as always…
The Chan Man
I would love to ask him about being in Power on the 8th Dynamic and what this looks like?
Would he say he is God like Nancy Cartwright infamously did?\
Also, I wonder if him being in Power on all dynamics has anything to do with the fact that he is apparently doing “In Org Live Event” in 3 cities at the same time (everyone else has to Zoom In)???
Love that tag line
“We audit kids”
Still only 75,000?
After more than 70 YEARS.
Planetary Clearing?
The next great civilization…
Sure is slow. Cape Town has had a building for more than a decade
The “Americas Chapter”?
Not very impressive for the entire Americas….
Despite anything?
And of course, not an Irish person.
What does Egypt have to do with anything?
That’s the “new civilization” they are planning to replicate?
Amazing there is no org in Poland to do this?
How is this possible in the face of “unprecedented international expansion, greater than the two previous decades combined?”
Sad — they think they are saving the world
Another thriving Mission
Why is the “Church of scientology” so tiny on their sign?
He seems really confused
He is OT. He is going to be OT. He is already OT. He’s doing his OT levels next.
They are sticking to what Ron said…
The city is now named Gqeberha.
But Ron was there in the time of apartheid, praising it’s leaders, and he called it Port Elizabeth.
Sad she didn’t find the truth…
But it’s a bit of an overstatement to claim, no matter how nice she may have been, that few beings have touched so many lives so significantly.
Here’s a great opportunity!
But before you apply, I suggest you listen to our recent podcast with Julian Wain about working in scientology consulting firms
This is the best they can do?
Not very inspiring. She doesn’t even look happy….
Pickins must be slim.
Oh yeah, that will do the trick
A quote from a Hubbard fiction book about world peace.
Begging for Yelp and Google reviews?
Going for 100!
So Scientology likes to brag that they have 11,000 orgs and missions and front living rooms etc.
So in 70 years with 11,000 groups you produced 75 thousand clears, that means each group made 0.097 clears.
Great stats guys!
You’re really clearing the planet!
Oh but they apparently have 4.4 million new members a year!
I guess Miscaviage is following Goebbels and the Nazi propaganda technique of lying big and repeating often. Yeh that ain’t working. Scientology just looks so pathetic when you crunch the numbers.
Can’t wait for the census results. Every four years the numbers go down here in Australia significantly.
Is there some relevance to the frame color around the certificates? That chap on the stairs has two L10 Rundown Completion certs – one in a silver-colored frame, and one in a gold-colored frame – and is holding an L12 Rundown Completion cert in a silver-colored frame. I figured a typo, but that’s pretty bad that no one responsible noticed. (Then again, isn’t L11 the evil purpose one? I’m sure there’s gotta be a joke in there about him retreading L10 and not doing L11.)
After sixty or seventy years I’m surprised they publish the number of only 75,346 Clears but I guess they have no choice.
I got included in the “basket of clears” around 1978 or 1979 which included the newly released Dianetic Clear, Natural Clear and Past Life Clear along with the original Clear which came after doing the Clearing Course on the Grade Chart at the time. I blew soon after “attesting to Dianetic Clear” because of the price hikes but at least I’m part of the stat. . . . . . (joke)
I paid no attention to what was happening in scn after I left until I watched the HBO “Going Clear” movie in 2015 and started reading the scn blogs. For awhile I wondered if I was a “real” Clear or just some bastardized version until someone posted this 1989 article by David Mayo while he was still a believer in The Tech. He suggests there might be “harmonics of clear” and at the end of the article says someone might be clear-er than they were before so I’ll go with that.
(Thursday Funnies – haha)
Richard, if you left the CofS you certainly got “clear” about something! At a minimum you learned to recognize fraud, manipulation and abuse (at least regarding money).
Some people may have gotten something out of the period of their life when they were in Scientology, but the first question to ask is, was it just part of the process of becoming more mature and wiser (hopefully) that people undergo anyway? The next is, was it something that could have been had (and that other people get) through something like a communication seminar, or a meditation class or prayer retreat? (the sort of sources gurus and groups often plagiarize things that “work” from)
Believers are of course going to attribute things, to whatever it is they believe in at the time. I wonder what Mayo would have had to say later?
“Could have learned it elsewhere” can be said about most any practice, philosophy, religion or cult. Hubbard/Scn presented itself as, “We know everything about everything. We are right and everybody else is wrong.” = cult
Separating fact from fiction and true from false remains the project after exiting. Metered auditing gives scn a mystique imo. Without it it wouldn’t be too exciting.
I think Mayo totally gave up on scn before he passed away.
I think the consensus on Elron announcing different versions of Clear is that immediately after Clear are the OT levels and he wanted more people going to the advanced orgs or Flag where he got a bigger cut of the money. A year or two after I left he looted the missions in what some people call the Mission Massacre and I suppose he got a windfall.
It’s all history now and the public looks at scn the way it’s currently run by Mr. Magoo.
Going Clear was a lot easier in the 1970’s .
Hey – just joking!
Mission of Leichhardt –
I just went to their farcebook and looked at the photos of the inside of the joint and it’s a dinky little nothing of a place.
The attached image taken outside, and this being $camology of course, makes the dump look like it’s hooggee –
Then you get a much better idea of it’s almost coffin size, scroll down for internal views that make it also look hooggee –
All in all, yet another $camalotofmoneyology bullshit.
And just cap it off, here’s the booming…ooming…ooming…missions opening hours –
Church of Scientology Mission of Leichhardt
Opening hours
Ah well, at least they are doing better than the gloomy crypt that is the Launceston mission; which is listed as Permanently Closed. Someone must go in there occasionally to dust the dump and refill the plastic water bottles on the table and move the books, magazines, and other junk around to stop the colour being bleached by sunlight.
I had a look on Google Maps, and that mission is on the back corner of a building. In many cases that means it’s just part of a larger space that the mission holder has for their regular business.
I saw a post recently, that someone had checked the current status of missions and many were just back offices and side entrances like that. Running a mission seems to be a money losing proposition these days, and so most of the storefront locations have been abandoned; using part of a larger space they already have, probably makes it seem to mission holders less like they’re paying to keep the mission open, even though they effectively are.
I wonder how many of the prior 75,345 clears are still Scientologists in good standing (not to mention alive) and still considered clear. If they’re still pushing for a goal of 10,000 on their OT levels, Given how many OTs can be found among ex-Scns, I’d be surprised if they even have a third of that number.
As for that “Live Auditing Demonstration”, I have a very hard time believing someone would willingly volunteer to be the person being audited with an audience. I’m much more likely to expect a carefully crafted training session pretending to be real-time auditing. (What would they do if something went wrong mid-session? How comfortable would someone be if their thought with charge was a real outness, especially knowing all sorts of people would be hearing about it real-time, rather than having the illusion of priest-penitent privilege keeping it only known to the auditor and case supervisor.
Fark! I had no idea there was a mission somewhat close me in Sydney. It’s an affront. Scientology is so useless here that I would not have expected it. I’ve a mind to visit it.
One thing that bothers me is that the United States has known for months that Russia was threatening to invade Ukraine. Why didn’t Miscavagie or Tom Cruise send WTH books to Moscow to prevent Putin from starting this war?
QUELLE outpoint!
Thanks for spotting it, Doug Sprinkle!
Yo Dave and Tom,
I’d just like to say
Much love,
PS: Of course we J & D the cult this way but I’ll share that at a Scientology event immediately following 9/11 a middle management Sea Org member told me in all seriousness that if they (he and his fellow Sea Org members) had been “wearing their hats” 9/11 would not have occurred. In brief, the Sea Org was “taking responsibility” for the catastrophe that was 9/11. This is true, people. He did tell me that.
That’s very fascinating that they believe that about 9/11.
Thinking more about Russia I believe I have read here that Putin has banned Scientology from Russia or is at least trying to. Maybe Miscavagie has directed the OT 8’s to use mind control on Putin to force him to go to war. After a bloody war Putin is likely to come to his senses and see how badly Russia needs Scientology and will reverse his decision to ban Scientology. That is probably the real reason why there’s been no campaign to send WTH books to Russia.
Thanks for your response, Doug. Yes, there was no doubt, no doubt whatsoever (because I asked him several times) that the Sea Org members had been told that their NOT wearing their hats had allowed 9/11 to happen. I was incredulous also which is why I closely queried this Sea Org guy who was fairly high up – a middle management type. Blows your mind, doesn’t it?
Anyway, along your line, I have NO doubt that the OT8’s are being told SOMETHING along the line of THEIR having not taken responsibility for the planet as OTs…told something that ties their activities (or lack of them) into the causes of the current non optimum condition of the planet in general and possibly the Covid pandemic, Russia’s incursion into Ukraine, global warming, non expansion of Scientology, Scientology’s ARC-broken field, no planetary clearing occurring etc. – just pick something, you know, and its because, essentially the OT7s and 8s aren’t wearing their hats at OTs…poor still in OT schmucks. I almost pity them.
Key word being “almost” because knowingly they are David Miscavige’s fervent and fanatic enablers.
To: Aquamarine
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: flunking awesome theta beings.
THIS TIME, AQUA, YOU HAVE GONE TOO FAR! You not only have the audacity to flunk a superior being like myself but you also flunk the ONLY WINNER OF MY IAS FREEDOM MEDAL WITH VALOR WINNER TOM CRUISE! We are the most theta beings in the entire universe and you, a J&Ding SP, have the gall to give US a flunk? Now hear this! I GIVE YOU A FLUNK FOR BEING AN SP!
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: You and Tom Cruise.
I give YOU a flunk for sucking up to a no account actor whose career has totally tanked! And no Freedom Medal can fix that!
So there!
No love at all,
Dear Prince Valiant aka Alcoboy,
Being attacked by the Ecclesiastical Leader of the World’s fastest shrinking I mean expanding religion is scary!
Very, very scary.
Its good to know I have a Strong Defender.
That there is a David I can count on to confront this terrifying Goliath.
You are a Hero, Alcoboy!
Thank you 🙂
Thanks, Aqua! It always gives me pleasure to come to your rescue whenever Tiny Boots tries to bring you down!
You forgot to tell him, cob, to go to the nearest brick pile and pound sand up his butt.
Should he take Tom Cruise along with him?
Might be fun to watch.
Works for me. Not interested in watching though.
May Kay, Herbalife and Amway must have approved these sales campaigns. When your current sales force can’t bring in enough marks, get more sales force. All Clams are FSMs, and they better not forget that.
The Chan man appears to be running a Zoom meeting. All those cities in Oz can’t be done at the same time. I can understand the FSMs wanting everyone at the mOrg. Can’t reg ’em if they aren’t in the building. And Mickey Chan doesn’t have spend 24 hours in the air to get to Oz. And an airplane ride would really cut into his percentage.
Greta and Jason Clark’s success story sounds like 3rd graders book report.
Kyiv leading the book race? At least they’re winning something. К черту Путина
I know a little Russian but what does ‘K chertoo putina’ mean? Or is that Ukrainian?
The CofS apparently tried to get into Poland more than a decade ago, though it’s not clear they ever succeeded in actually establishing a mission:
The last “city office” I knew of was around that same time in Pittsburgh, where the Cincinnati org tried to keep a presence going after the last attempt at a mission in the area failed — and they presumably couldn’t find anyone left to sink money into a mission franchise package, plus probably subsidize keeping the doors open on a money losing operation as well. Before finally giving up entirely (leaving a thriving metropolitan region of over 2.5 million, with no Scientology presence), the office had end up moving to an old house in an outlying small city, where it seemed as if it was likely hosted by someone who ran another business out of the location and maybe lived upstairs.
This is off topic and probably asked and answered before BUT why isn’t David miscaviage ever seen in public?
Scared someone will serve him with a subpoena
Thanks for the response, Mr Rinder. I am absolutely “obsessed” -at least that’s the word my hubby uses- with your fight against this cult. I pray for the day when you can rename this blog “something has been done about it”.
It may be unfortunate Lassie, but nothing has been done about it for many years now and it sure does not seem that this blog will ever cause anything to be done about it until Mr. Miscaviage dies.
I wish it could be different. But that is just the reality of the thing. Mr. Rinder left the church around 2006 and started writing this blog. But in all that time, nothing much has ever really been done about it.
I’m sorry to say this. But I don’t think Mr. Rinder really knows how to have anything done about it. He should have picked a better name for this blog.
Love the trolls. They always stimulate conversation…
Haters gotta hate 😂
“but it was Angus MacTavish who was the star. Pugnacious, never knowing the meaning of defeat, a bundle of enthusiastic black-haired optimism,”
A line from LRHs Battlefield Earth.
Wrong Valence?
Oops…. Rock Slam!!!
Referring to The Ninja Warrior ( The King of the Mountain) in the poster standing on the steps with his 3 certificates. If I worked for the FBI as a forensic analysist in ‘letter writing’ ,I would swear that his affirmation was written by Dan Sherman. As I believe many of the others are.
Och, Mr. McTavish, pull your head out of your nether regions. I’d call having a hugely successful, Emmy-winning, multi-season national television show something…especially since, in the aftermath (see what I did there), Scientology has come under a lot more fire for its abuses, and just lost a major court battle.
But you enjoy sitting there in your sweaty little room and trying to dead-agent people who are shining the light on your nasty little club.
Scientology has been cut down to about half its size since Mike left the church. In 2006 there were 63 missions in the US according to my edition of one of their books from that year, and now there are only about 30 to be found on the CofS website.
The number of “church” orgs is actually down when you consider the Celebrity Centres that have been shut down or merged into local orgs (Las Vegas, Portland, Nashville, Dallas, plus more abroad). And we can see from photos that the orgs that remain can’t gather more than 40 or 50 people, when a decade ago it was closer to 100.
And the general public, as well as government officials, are now much more widely aware of Scientology’s deceptions and abuses thanks to Aftermath — something Mike can directly be credited with — not to mention Prison of Belief, Going Clear, and so many more. All the unflattering stories once can see in magazines in a checkout lane, are a “bad indicator” demonstrating a profound problem.
We can smell the desperation in the dead-ender trolls sent out.
If not for virtually being brainwashed, wouldn’t someone look for themselves in an older book and on the CofS website, and ask questions about what actually happened to “expansion” when there are now fewer listings than ever?
Hello there Cellar Dweller Cus Gox,
You have reappeared with another wholly unoriginal nom de plume from which we can only assume that you got your four extra beans and now you’re trying for six beans and an extra spoonful of rice and returned with the same old ad nauseam scratched record comments about the name of the site and how it has no effect on $cumology and Demented Miscreant.
You do realise that if you stop playing with your little second brain while you think you have the nasty people here reeling on the ropes with your masterful and sharp comments that the extra blood flow to your big brain (I use those two words grudgingly) might fire up the second braincell and let you create a truly original name. Go on, surprise us..
Hoookay, Angus(if that is your real name), let’s look at this. Who brought down the Soviet Union in 1991? Was it Saint John Paul II? Ronald Reagan? Mikhail Gorbachev? The correct answer is that all three played a role. So it will be with Scientology. Mike won’t bring it down single handedly with this blog neither will Leah with her tv show. But both working together can eventually cause the whole rotten edifice to collapse like the walls of Jericho!
To quote your dear leader, David Miscavige,
‘So there!’
I don’t usually feed the trolls…but have you been paying attention? Oh no…that’s right you’re not allowed to read ‘entheta’. You must be on an amends project. Ethics probs? I would say a two time Emmy award winning show IS doing something about it. Say how many new people are on course at your local ‘Ideal’ Org? I’m not talking about old John and Jane doing the purif for the 100th time…I’m talking about new bodies in the shop. I’m sure your org is just booming. Right. And how many people are tuning in to SciTV? No one not even hard core kool aid drinkers can stand that channel long. Big time fail. Scientology could have used that channel to really show people what Scientology was all about but that would mean no $ for big daddy so can’t have that. You have to pay if you want to know what Scientology is all about…and pay and pay and pay.
I think it should be already renamed “Something Is Being Done about It”. Mike and Leah and the soldiers of right are having a huge impact, which is why Davey “Napoleon” Miscavige is in hiding.
Great comment, Alabamaslammer 🙂
And thank you for caring.
Or scared that one day he will be made to recite those famous lines:
“Et tu, Brute?”
Just sayin’
“et tu, MarTAY?”
Yes, laughter and Oh, if only, if only!
How wonderful that would be!
He’s agoraphobic because people might discover that his pompadour isn’t real, it’s a trained tribble that lives on top of his head. That, and he’s scared that if someone frightens it it might piss or crap on him and the stench is truly horrifying.
You know, I’m reading that people are speculating that Putin has left the mental reservation due to 2 years of isolation on account of Covid, so why not Miscavige?
Indeed the Dwarf had been isolating even BEFORE the pandemic. Possibly this put HIM over the edge.
Possibly he was agoraphobic even before and now… Its quite possible that he is officially board certified schizophrenic now and his lawyers and those in his inner circle (hello Lou) are covering it up. I really wouldn’t be surprised.
Anecdotally, I have observed some things about agoraphobia. A once good friend of mine had it from his late teens.
For decades he would go out but would never stray beyond his immediate neighborhood which also happened to be my immediate neighborhood, so I saw him often.
He and his wife were both good friends of mine. Now in his senior years per his wife he never leaves the house and is quite, quite paranoid.
I don’t want to embarrass her with pointed questions but according to her the TV is on incessantly and he listens to a great deal of (right wing) radio, and then there is right wing internet, etc. (Please understand that I am NOT being political. His politics are NOT the issue. The issue is that he sees no one except his wife).
I never see him anymore; he doesn’t want me to come over although he’s not angry with me. He just doesn’t want to see me. Or possibly ANY ONE as his wife has assured me.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he was full on Q by now . But again, please, politics aside, what is very hard on her is that he never goes out of the house any more. The agoraphobia in his case just became more and more severe, the parameters of where he could or would venture narrowed severely over time. Very sad for him and for her.
Chan the Con Man in Australia. Geezers… I can only image the crowds he’d bring in.
Is it just me, but Miscavige seems a bit scare these days. There’s only so many ways to redecorate a bunker one would have thought.
“Battlefield Earth. May its message of peace prevail.”
Which part of ‘nuke their home planet into oblivion’ is peaceful?
“Battlefield Earth. May its message of being a p.o.s. forever prevail.”
(Still more groaning…)
To: otherles
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: perpetual groaning
To:David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: harassing otherles.
No love at all,
the last one, begging for reviews……..
interesting fact #1 – those who are googling “scientology” or “COS” aren’t googling it for the reasons you are pretending they are googling it lol
Was going to say just this. I google it when I want to see the claimed locations in the area. I do **not** look at reviews and think “Oh, maybe I’ve been wrong and they’re sane and helping people.”
Far be it from me to suggest a counter-campaign of reviews and pictures. “I went to take a picture and had the door slammed in my face.”
Yes, to see young children involved in this is really sad. They have not developed the thought process yet to see through the garbage. And their “parents” are not helping. In fact, their parents are a big part of the problem.
How can a parent teach their children to disconnect from their own family? Their friends? Basically their own selves?
sad, I agree!