Hall of Fame?
An an “extraordinary” briefing on GAK Extension courses.
Nothing about actual graduates.
Our files are current. Or they were last week. They’re probably backlogged again already.
The most sophisticated administrative system in the universe….
Get Virtually Briefed…
By a registrar! Haha
LRH Birthday
Celebrated at graduation? Oh dear. What a downgrade.
A Must See Event!
Your money will magically disappear….
All Ideal USA
Can you imagine how incredible it will be?\
The USA will be “ideal” — but not a single org in half the states…
It’s Urgent
Some unnamed person is “flying on from Los Angeles”
You know what that means… A money-grubber is coming to town.
Blurry Drop Out
They sent it out like this — unreadable.
Not really
As the finer print says, its actually about how to get people hooked on scientology and “handle their resistance and black PR.”
More LRH Birthday Graduation
Sure to be inspiring
That makes a lot of sense
Anything to get some bodies in the shop
Kiddie Corner
They’re having a toast
Bit of a letdown from the usual “gala celebration”
Same poster, different shit
These guys are going whole hog: Birthday Graduation and then a Birthday Sunday Service and Brunch, a fiction reading and finally a birthday “banquet” in Lebanon Hall (what a venue for a banquet)
Flexible schedule?
Just not for the students…
Recent statues…
Probably not counting the two in the photo
The Freewinds “Consultant” is the headliner?
She is an expert on artists?
Lessee: LA org celebrating a push for 100 auditors…
ONLY 100?
“We are racing towards the completion of an all-ideal USA.”
Ladies and Gentlemen, we interrupt these posting to bring you an Emergency Rhetorical Question Rant Alert:
How do they do it?
How do they LIE like this?
How do they LOOK PEOPLE IN THE FACE and LIE so blatantly?
It BLOWS my mind.
By now it shouldn’t, but it STILL does!
How do they DO it?
Thank you.
We now return you to our regularly scheduled program.
It’s extremely difficult to whip a snail to go faster unless they glue it on top of Dwunkendweeber’s head and then drive a B-double carrying a huge load of barrels of scotch past him at an opening of a new morg.
Most of the content is about the LRH birthday hoopla or whatever you want to call it. In honor of LRH, I want to dedicate this song to our beloved COB!
(Sung to the tune of ‘Happy Birthday to you Ron’)
Happy doomsday to you, Dave!
Happy doomsday! You’re going down!
This is our celebration and we’ll all watch your trial!
On TV all over the world!
To: Alcoboy
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: my purported demise.
I am extremely annoyed that you think that a superior being as myself can be taken down by any wog entity! And then you parody one of our beloved songs to make your point! J&Der! If anyone on this blog finds your song funny, they will have me to answer to!
You have been warned!
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: being afraid of you.
Ahhhhhhhh, shaddap!
I bet Leah Remini will have a field day watching you squirm in the witness chair!
No love at all,
To: Dwarfenführer®
From: Jere
Dude, you ain’t no great shakes. From where I sit, you’re not much more than a wog who joined scn, then the SO, to set yourself up a little power base. Since you succeeded in that, you’ve been the most successful squirrel and SP in scn’s history. Enjoy what little you can now, kid; your time at the ‘top’ is drawing to a close. You WILL pull in the appropriate punishments for your overts. May your nights be filled with memories of those transgressions/crimes.
To: Jere.
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: calling me a Dwarfenfuhrer.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: you as a disseminator of false information.
The way you inflate stats at all of those stupid events you put on, I question your claims of being a reservoir of truth.
You have been owned.
No love at all,
To: Dwarfenführer®
From: Jere
I know you, and where you came from. Remember we met just after you blew high school, a school I know well.
Nawwwh, I doubt you’d be able to remember much through that tiny alcohol-saturated brain.
Love? you can’t HANDLE love, sweetie.
Giving respect where it’s due,
PS: I DO credit you with being the most successful squirrel and SP in scientology’s (short) history. Enjoy it while you can — if you’re capable of enjoying anything by now.
To: Jere
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: alcohol saturated brai s.
You, my dear SP, are the one with an alcohol saturated brain! I know this because you think I blew high school when in fact Scientology tech helped me to see the fallacies in the wog school system and gave me the ability to withdraw my support from it!
As to the location of my wife:
To:David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: blowing school.
So you just decided that high school was for wogs and, just up and left.
Yeah, riiiiiiiiiiiiight!
By the way, where IS Shelly?
And, yes I do have the authority to ask that question.
No love at all,
In have a song for his birthday.
“May the bird of paradise fly up your nose. May the elephant caress you with his toes…..”
To: safetyguy
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: birthday songs.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: you warning people.
That’s you, Dave. All bark and no bite. Really? Show me one of these bloggers(including myself) whom you have put into lower conditions.
So much for your warnings.
No love at all,
There is where I would answer:
Go to the nearest brick pile and pound sand up your butt.
Nah. That would be too nice for him to do.
What if someone told him to go d2 himself?
Not at all surprising, but sad to see Sam Whitta, no doubt a descendant of Marion Whitta, in the cult. She was the hard-as-nails head of CLO ANZO once.
maybe those dodos in brisbane should consider donating to flood relief aid in queensland instead of bloody CoS…
Yeah! At least donating to flood relief will HELP some people in ways they need. Donating to scn’s scams only helps Dave maintain his life-style (hic!)
The rah rah, the lies, the incessant money hoovering, the fake titles and certificates, the fair gaming and vexatious litigation…all of it driven by gleeful, cult-programmed certainty and El Schlong Blowhard’s Whole Smack Dreck…
They are all drunk on Tilden Tubby’s Fermented Shit.
The real ideal USA: CSI goes out of business and Fleet Admiral Macallan
get his custom-fitted orange dress from Bubba when he goes to a federal prison…
Mark, I love your way with words.
Don’t mention it.
My favorite promise today: “You can expect a clear-eyed view of where we are at and what is coming up for scientology in the world and for Vancouver.”
Such a “clear-eyed view” of where the cult is at and where it’s heading has been widely available for at least a couple of decades now. No need to sign anything, or pay anything. It’s called the interwebs, or something to that effect. I hear it’s a lot like a telex.
Hall of Fame actually sounds like a thinly veiled attempt to coax people who did extension courses into the physical org by using a heavy slathering of “you’re special, so special”.
Woohoo! They’re offering “lots of confetti”. Who could stay away?
The Magic of Training. I seriously expected that to be a Las Vegas org. I suppose it fits Hollywood glitz, but still it has more of a Vegas vibe.
Flexible schedule? Yes, to manage to work on their rigid schedule you will need to be very flexible. Contortionist-level flexible.
Bustling course-room. At 4 people per table, it would cap out at 40 people. That picture, though, is so in-line with property being more important than people in Davey’s Ideal Orgs.
And then the “Hall-of-famers” can effectively be regged in person for REAL courses —if such remain in Davey’s “Golden” lineup.
“Woohoo! They’re offering “lots of confetti”. Who could stay away?”
If it was rice instead of confetti the sheepbots would be there in their dozens.
Stan Gerson on the “Magic of Training.”
Pretty good magic because training has disappeared!!
No more SHSBC.
No more promotion for Co-Audit to clear.
No more bombardment of “Reasons to Train.”
Of course Davey doesn’t promote auditor training. Then, he’d have people trying to get audited on top of having to DELIVER actual training. Those extension courses, AFAICT are hardly more than study guides for the basic books: nothing but theory from the ancient Dn days. As far as the students of, they could read a paragraph, then get some necessary nap time and still “complete” the “course” on a few weeks.
There IS no reason to train in Davey’s Golden Ages. There’s no delivery of auditing — other than his golden age of gang-bang ‘I-am-not-auditing-you’ sec checks and “Truth Rundowns”.
Some used to call it all anti-scientology, which is also true, but its main connection to scientology is that it’s done with what’s left of scientology after Davey cut out and absconded with the pieces which were in his interest. Anything that once was “workable” is LONG gone, starting with the franchises which drove in the greatest number of prospects while giving their staff a living wage out of what little Tubby allowed them to charge for.
‘Matt Bennett of big bang theory’ was in one episode. He played Wolowitz’s half brother. He was completely unremarkable.
All the rest of the FSMs and the ‘influencers’ can bite my a s s.
How many of the lost sheep of $cientology want to be sheared again? I expect that even a zoom meeting will be poorly attended by the escapees.
Haha, and it isn’t even Matt Bennett who would be speaking. The two named have a list of credentials that are nothing more than borrowed glory. They *AHEM* “have had the opportunity to collaborate, direct and produce with great talents such as …”.
Daniel Lir has a list of mostly short films he’s credited with directing, producing, writing, or otherwise being involved in. Bayou Bennett has a shorter list mostly of music videos she’s been involved in the production or direction of.
There is a claim of “50 awards”, but the fact they don’t actually name any suggests that none are from well-known sources. Certainly not Oscars or Emmys, not even Sundance Film Festival.
Moo, *This* lost sheep has a strong set of defenses against scn’s scams and won’t be sheared again. Not a CHANCE once I saw how much of Davey’s squirreling the current clams have put up with —and APPLAUD! Maroons!
Theoretically, I have the SHSBC to complete – but Captain Davey in his infinite wisdom has cancelled that course designed to produce STANDARD tech. He had to, to not get a complete revolution from all his”golden Age” detritus. The only “gold” in that mess was what flowed into Davey’s coffers.
I just had a thought🤣. Now that Cruise has pretty much left the scn PR field, is Masterson gonna be Davey’s fair-haired boy, now?
As long as Danny Donkey-punch isn’t *convicted*, he can be squeezed for all he’s worth, and I expect that his and scn’s lawyers can complicate matters forever (or until Danny’s in his 80s), keeping him a “hot” celebrity for many years.
SORRY if I just gave Davey’s OSA minions a workable idea. [NOT that I expect them to change what is already not working.]
Oh, Wolowitz had a half-brother? I missed it, it was such an unremarkable performance. Yet another zero pretending to be an scn celebrity — “fake it until you make it.” They’re now ALL faking it out of necessity.
I wonder if those hundred thousand files were what delayed for years their opening the remodeled building in Chicago, and starting to actually use it.
It’s been fully ready for over a year, and they’re stuck paying utilities and taxes on it, while having their org still in the sort of grungy old building they were supposed to need to get out of. But apparently nothing can be done until they go through the obsessive bureaucratic formalities, particularly nothing sensible.
The Battle Creek org was apparently considering moving into part of the big building they’d bought while they finished the rest, but that must have made too much sense to be allowed, either. Scientology’s level of dysfunction and inability is almost unimaginable, and yet they imagine themselves having the answers that should make them the ones to run the world.
Re: LRH Birthday
That’s a unique birthday cake (“LRH”), but those candles look like flares.
Re: Blurry Drop Out
The cult/church of Scientology is fading right before their very eyes.
Re: Not really
For an event at Celebrity Center designed, in part, to handle Black PR, tells all you need to know about scientology.
Did you ever attend a function at the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, or Bible Study at your local church designed to help you handle Black PR?
What’s wrong with this picture? If you’re a Scientologist in Good Standing reading this, it is okay to question, and even doubt, your affiliation with Scientology.
Re: That makes a lot of sense
What, Ron?! I’m so glad not to be force fed “Source material” anymore.
Re: They’re having a toast
If you don’t confirm today your attendance at CC for the LRH Birthday event (or at least lie about having done so), then every single staff member will try to confirm you. Twice.
Re: Same poster, different shit
Fiction reading at PAC Base? Ha, ha, ha. It’s all a lie, it ain’t a church and the minute you leave it and speak out against it, scientology will turn on you like a rabid dog. ARF!
Much Love,
Fred G. Haseney
A former Scientologist
(1977 to 2014, RIP)
An authority figure said it therefore it’s true. Never mind the actual facts of Reality.
New Civilisation Builders, Andrew and Pat Rinder are Platinum Contributor with Honours for Brisbane.
Family newsletter material.
Stuff we never expected. It is the third Lrh event in a row to jump.
By now they could have found tens of ways to do something, so it simply means that they have nothing to tell. Embarrassing.
They are now waiting for the release of the golden age of knowledge to get back to bragging about something and ask for more “partecipation”.
By now it should be obvious to even the most implanted in scn that they are ABSOLUTELY not going anywhere. So how can they not smell the rot?
I guess after a while of living in the rot you cease to smell the rot. Kinda like living near a paper mill. After a while you get something call olfactory fatigue and don’t smell it anymore. Your brain basically says “I ain’t smelling that any more!”
“Its easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” – Mark Twain.
Put that aphorism on steroids when it applies to die hard Scientologists. And lest you think I’m being pejorative, I include myself in that statement.
When I was in, NO ONE could have convinced me that I was being lied to or conned by the Church of Scientology!
If anyone had tried I would have cut communication with him/her/them.
Fortunately for me, thru a series of rather unimportant little events that made no sense to me but about which I was somewhat curious, I began pulling a thread…and eventually received (to quote Hubbard) “the Sherman Tank”.
This process took altogether about 4 years in which I kept pulling threads, and then more pulling threads, etc. , until I convinced myself, and left.
Aqua, I like that quote, but I find that Twain actually said was:
“How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!”
Later, an analysis by John Maynard Keynes was paraphrased as:
“it is easier to bamboozle than to debamboozle”
Unfortunately, there seem to be lots of falsely or fancifully attributed quotes floating around. It seems a bit strange that people do that, but then again they join cults and follow gurus!
Hi Peacemaker,
Thanks for the correction!
I got the one I shared attributed to Twain off the internet years ago and have always liked it.
That said, if he never said it, I have no problem acknowledging that because it just truism that SOMEBODY thought it up, you know? 🙂
And the quotes you shared are also truisms, spot on observations of human nature, phrased differently.
Thanks. This makes sense. It could be a reason for it. Some kind of ‘think for yourself’ fatigue.
Let me guess. You grew up in Westernport, Maryland.
Nope. I worked around paper mills off and on for a few years. Stank!
Yes, it certainly does. I’ve been through the aforementioned Westernport, Md.
I can tell you what I think my all time greatest win is. I put that freakin book back down that I almost bought years ago. I count that as one of my greatest decisions.
Can one be a suppressive person without ever being in? Just asking.
The only people declared a Suppressive Person are people in or out or never in’s who speak out about The Church of Scientology or say something negative about it. In one of the church’s issues it talks about SP’s being the likes of Hitler, Dillinger, etc., but I guarantee you they never would have declared Suppressive any one of them if any one of them would have talked positively about Scientology.
…but to clarify, the church of scientology sort of “quietly declares” someone who has never been in that speaks out about it.
Thanks. I just wanted to know if I was one. Guess I am in that way. I will consider that being in good company.
LRH claimed that 2% of the population is suppressive, so yes. (For some perspective, 2% of 7.8 billion is 156 million. Scientology has, at its most fanciful, claimed around 8 million Scientologists.)
Suppressive person started off defined as just about anyone who intentionally tried to stop others from doing well, even correlated with being anti-social or trying to hinder “any betterment activity or group”.
Of course, Scientology doesn’t really care about people who might be hindering a group like the Red Cross or (fill in the blank with any group you know that does good work). They view Scn as the one and only betterment activity or group worth supporting and are rabidly paranoid that their own members will see past that falsehood.
Which leads to their application of it. To merely express doubt that Scn is accomplishing something it claims is suppressive.
“To merely express doubt that Scn is accomplishing something it claims is suppressive.”
I guess, in that sense, the whole universe is suppressive, since it stubbornly refuses to validate ANYthing Tubby said as truthful.