May 9th
Reduced to a “special graduation”
Back in the day it was a major event held at the Shrine Auditorium
Ideal Scenes and Ideal Orgs
It’s pretty ideal in the world of scientology.
At least in their minds.
Well, isn’t that theta
He learned how to be “light and gentle” on the PTS/SP Course.
Must be a different course than I ever saw.
Still Going
Still a “Class VIII”
Still a rimless zero
Trying a new angle for some PR points
Pretty soon we will be reading that the VM’s have “formed a partnership” with the Big Brother, Big Sister program…
Why can’t he just go volunteer for the program?
Chicago — still a hot topic
Why is this happening in PAC?
They are doing this with “the purpose of opening Chicago Ideal Org” — WTF does that mean?
When is the ribbon yanking ceremony going to be?
It’s going down in history
As a complete waste of time
Dianetics Pot Luck Dinner
Don’t overdo the celebrations of this amazing date in the history of this universe.
Remember this guy?
He is the one Leah worked for who was having “out 2D” with a teenager…
Pedophiles are welcome in scientology as long as they keep paying and “FSMing”
Flag promoting extension courses?
Imagine how bad things must be for this to happen. They hardly make any money from these things.
And the Chan Man featured alongside the “Lead Super Power C/S” is pretty demeaning for Jessica Meyers.
Create the sanest city on the planet
By stuffing mailboxes with WTH?
Unfortunately, they are serious.
May 6th
No Dianetics.
But they have an ice cream bar. And are going to reshow the “Evening with Ron” Birthday celebration….
This one will also be historic.
They’re doing it big
In the chapel.
Mother’s Day at Flag
Omelets. Cornhole game. Tea tasting.
But no mention of disconnection. Forced abortions. Or Fair Game.
Graduation and OSA News
Chalk and cheese.
How theta!
Also doing it big
Another historic event in the chapel
This is the solution to war. Hold a book-a-thon.
Never gets old
Fundraising. Scientology’s perpetual motion machine.
Who is Michael Chan exactly?
There is a great piece about him on Tony Ortega’s site where someone recorded one of his bat-shit crazy seminars. He is a scientologist who made money with a roofing business who is now an internal “celebrity” who travels around telling people they need to give money to scientology in order to achieve what he has achieved.
“72TH” lol
A real plethora of steer manor today. Thanks Mike for keeping us informed about the sinking ship.
Why a Chicago Ideal Org in PAC? There’s a whole audience of whales who aren’t tapped out for a local-to-them Ideal Org that can be regged to support the Ideal Org program with the idea they’re making a san planet. The bonus is that few of them would be wondering in 3, 5, 10 years where the Chicago Ideal Org is. (Or if there’s ever a grand opening, they’ll feel good and forget about it and not ever wonder if it was worth it.)
FIND OUT the LATEST news on the OSA front: Two flight attendants floating above Teegeeack I mean planet Earth!!!!
Do NOT miss this special OSA BRIEFING!
The “Chicago” events are likely attempts to recruit staff for opening the remodeled ideal org project building there. The building has reportedly been ready for well over a year, so they are probably desperately lagging in operational goals like that. I think we saw recently here that they only finally completed their long overdue “central files” project, which involved such a vast number of old contacts (some taken over from defunct missions in the state) that it dragged on for over a year.
Maybe the reason Scientology keeps shrinking is that they’re still using gigantic SP Jeff Hawkins’ volcano image.
Oh goody — they are having a seminar on “How to Create a Booming Field.” The only problem is, no current Scientologist or Org knows how to do that. Dave certainly has no idea. The blind leading the blind. You’d have to go back to the 1960s to find people who knew how to create a “booming field.”
Thank you, Mr. Hawkins! So true! These people don’t know the difference between a building and an organization. That they don’t or can’t has never ceased to amaze me and I’ve been out for 11 years. I left Scientology mostly due to my fundamental and politely but firmly voiced disagreements with the Ideal Org Program as a strategy for the expansion of Scientology.
Its just backwards! Organizations don’t expand this way!
I knew back in 2007 that the Ideal Org Program was doomed to fail AND to shrink Scientology.
Forget even that Hubbard said so and wrote so – common sense will tell you. Buildings, structures, don’t change peoples’ faith.
If beautiful churches alone had the power to convert people to a religion I would have become a Catholic after touring Notre Dame in Paris. What a breathtakingly beautiful church. ( Of course I have yet to see Westminster Abbey so there’s still the possibility of joining the Church of England, LOL)
The point is: “Build it and they will come”…bah! What rubbish! What total rubbish! How CAN these still ins believe this? How can ANYONE with a modicum of common sense believe this?
End of rant. Respectfully, I don’t expect an answer. I’ve ranted about this before and gotten answers. Its something I don’t expect to ever understand.
The Washington DC Mormon temple has been driven past by beltway commuters for over fifty years yet people are not breaking down the doors to join the Mormon church.
There’s an answer.
A very good real world answer and example, among millions more! Blows my mind, I tellya.
When you say “booming field” I gather you don’t mean a large paddock with a group of people throwing hand grenades around in it?
Raven Kane is now going by the name of a French nun (Pauline Fréchette)? Why do clams always go changing their names?
Silly affectations. Methinks they thinks it makes them interesting and “artistic”.
Just as a side note, are you from the British Commonwealth? Are you from UK, Australia, etc?,
Just curious.
American! But at the same time, a total Anglophile 🙂 And long ago I was going to move to Australia. Long story, didn’t work out. I hope I make it there someday. Ditto England, Scotland, Wales – total Anglophile!
“Create the sanest city on the planet” WTH scam in L.A.
There’s some sort of logical inconsistency here. So you give “wogs” a WTH pamphlet. Wogs who are according to $cientology reactive bank-determined, illiterate, and have not done the Student Hat, etc. yet magically crime is reduced or eliminated?
How exactly does that work?
Some sub-atomic substance from the WTH pamphlet by-passes the defenses and penetrates the wogs consciousness and and makes them a more moral and ethical person?
Also I’m reminded of Hubbard’s comment that Los Angeles was the only city in the world “that deserved” psychiatrists. Has that Scripture changed?
When you actually look at $cientology, EVERYTHING about it is a scam.
To be fair, I have read TWTH several times and it does contain a lot of good precepts. Of course a lot of it is simply common sense stuff but overall it is a good guide to better living. The problem is the Church of Scientology peddling the idea that if you just flood the world with this book all social ills will cease. War will end, crime will become nonexistent, ad nauseam. Statistics demonstrate otherwise but the sheeple will continue to buy into it as long as Miscavige and his minions continue to peddle it.
When I read “reserve the date” it brought all sorts of memories of that exact line being used in the Scn hype of events when I was in. But now the only time I “reserve the date” is to go to the cinema to see the latest “Downton Abbey” movie. And I fell much better about that than I did in all those years in the cult.
Way to go, Cindy; it’s great to feel the value of simple freedom after you’ve given it up to some toxic person, idea, or organization.
Yes, Indeed! Congrats for all who got out. Give to The Aftermath Foundation if you’d like to help others who are trying to escape the SO or the cult. If you shop on, you can set it up at so that when you buy anything from Amazon, a portion of what you pay goes toward the charity of your choice and Amazon will match that donation. It costs you nothing to do this by the way. Aaron Smith-Levin can give more details.
Two of these are pretty indicative of Kult current health:
Luke Ayres is a Sydney boy. He was on staff at Melbourne org not that long ago. Both parents were SO, one in OSA. Luke did attack videos on myself, Nic Xenophon and a few others back in 2009 when Kult got hit by Nic’s Senate exposure. Yet he’s doing PTS/SP in South Africa.
Vicki Robinson/Hanna/Dunstan is yet again an OSAspawn spokescreature. Been around in OSA since the GO days. She started there either 78 or 79. She somehow escapes getting scapegoated for the “Major Flaps” but a succession of her juniors haven’t been so “lucky” She’s being trotted out again for the Sydney Faithful with what looks like yet another new CO OSA ANZO, Vicki’s former post. She may even be back on it until the next Flap.
Kult has had its brand smashed so badly in ANZO that the Faithful are flying to SA for PTS/SP training. Lol.
Sending Scientologists to other countries, I think Mike can answer why that is done.
It sometimes has to do with sending people off to avoid being drawn into police investigations.
If I had known the LRH Bday on Sunset Blvd. would be held May 6 I would have gone across the street just to watch (I have a TRO against me there). But March 13th is his Bday. This is silly. No wonder I didn’t know about it.
The May 6th celebration was just a rehash of the event from back in March. Scientology does this a lot. Like making their public watch the 1992 ‘The War is Over’ event until they can recite it word for word.
Recite it word for word? That was three hours long!
I wouldn’t put it past them. The OEC Vol 0 course we were mandated to take when I was on staff had a drill where you had to be able to recite the entire Org Board. As if rote memorization of a bunch of divisions and titles built any sort of understanding.
LOL, okay, I do still remember bible verses I learned from a neighbor’s backyard Sunday school thing from almost 50 years ago, and the recitation of all the books of the Bible would probably come to mind if I let it. So, sure, it sticks somewhat when drilled like that. However, while I remember them, it certainly doesn’t make me want to get involved with Bible-based religions these days.
Happiness is to know the Savior!
Living a life that’s in his favor…………….
Or is that too restimulative?
Right. Exactly.
The ultimate in brainwashing!
I see they are still playing the “Way To Happiness” scam after almost 4 decades and untold lies and false claims. There used to be a full time WTH registrar at Flag named Dick that brought in about $50,000 a week running the scam. Unfortunately his used his very young assistant to give him BJs under his desk to help make him happy. The assistant got rushed to the airport to catch the next plane back to S. America. Dick quietly got his hand slapped and was allowed to continue the scam. Eventually his value faded, his life fell apart and he was put to pasture via the RPF. Just one more Way To Unhappiness story in the Sea Org.
It is Dick Story you are talking about. I was also told by a SO member confidentially that he had been RPFed previously “for out 2D” which could mean any number of things. But making your young junior give you BJ’s under the desk is as low as they get. When the late, great Hy Levy died (RIP), Dick was assigned to take over his post as registrar at Flag. So that means he became my reg. I had bad experiences with him. And I found out also that not only did Dick take over Hy’s post, he also took over Hy’s wife. He and Hy’s wife were now married and living together in SO birthing. Wow, the new broom really does sweep clean. I’m glad to hear he is on the RPF now as he needed it. Karma caught up to him it seems.
You mean some young dude was giving this Dick guy some fellatio under the desk?
Calling it ‘out-ethics 2d’ is way too kind.
Seems if you bring in enough bucks, there ain’t no such thing as “out ethics’. Back in the ’70s, one girl got nailed for going down on her guy. NO one was allowed to have an orgasm from and method outside of marriage. BO exceptions. There were a lot of blue balls at the Flag Land Base, I can attest.
Well, Hubbard clearly states that an upstat can’t be punished.
And this guy, this Dick, well, he certainly was Upstat, no?
Sorry for the stupid joke; what occurred was a great injustice – unfair, exploitive, deplorable and tragic – which is why I have trouble confronting it. I hope the young female SO who got shipped out has by now shipped herself out of this amoral, heartless cult.
To: Aquamarine
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: baseless lies.
Yes, Dick Story is an upstat as he brings in much needed money to our glorious cause! I therefore demand that you stop spreading these heinous stories about Dick performing fellatio! They are untrue!
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: getting the story straight.
Aquamarine never suggested fellatio. I did.
Do your research next time, bozo!
No love at all,
Alco, I have a response to this but I’m restraining myself from communicating it because while your comment has us wandering a yard or two off the reservation, my response, however amusing, would catapult us far, far afield, and Mike might not even print it.
We have to keep in mind that LIVE With Alco and Aqua Lee is a family show suitable for all ages. And then there are our sponsors – we can’t lose them. Especially that sugar coated nutritionless breakfast cereal, our biggest, most important sponsor – what’s the name of it again?? You know, it has the commercial we cut to every five minutes? I’ve kind of blanked it out. The one with the kids pouring milk over bowls of this dreadful stuff and spooning it all over themselves, managing to miss their mouths 50% of the time?
Americans love looking at little ones with food all over their faces – cereal, spagetti, jelly, chocolate, etc. Our public loves this. It makes them happy.
We can’t lose this sponsor, Alco so we have to keep the show clean 🙂
Got it.
Jerre, I used to go every six months to Flag for the “6 month check” or “refesher” as they later changed the name to. You’d have people coming up to you all the time wanting you to read their Liability formula and sign it. One guy was doing Liability for have a lap dance at a strip club. To make amends he bought his wife 2 intensives of auditing. I came home and said to my husband, “I need two intensives of auditing. Can you please go get a lap dance?” LOL
No his female junior was forced to give him BJ’s under the desk.
It is really a shame when one has to tell others about how great they are for one reason or another. It would seem to me that if they were that great others would be able to see it without you telling them about it.
“Never need praise, approval or sympathy.” – LRH.
Um…right. Unless one is attending an endless Scientology Int Event, and, at the proper intervals, one does not endlessly applaud, in endless appreciation of Dear Leader’s endless sing-songing of The Mullet’s endless sentences!
God, am I ever glad to not have to attend these things any more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you, God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Some exclam tech there to show that I’m REALLY glad.)
To: Aquamarine
From: Lieutenant Commander Shanaynay Muhammad Nation of Islam/ Sea Org.
Re: mocking COB sponsored events.
I had it wit you, ho! Talkin’ trash about our glorious events! I don’t care what LRH says, COB says that praise, approval and sympathy are important for the growth of Scientology! So knock off the natter!
And you are not to refer to me as ‘Bootylicious’!
Lieutenant Commander Shanaynay Muhammad Nation of Islam/ Sea Org.
To: MIDSHIPMAN Shanaynay Muhammad Nation of Islam/ Sea Org.
From: Alcoboy
Re: above comment.
Okay, Bootylicious, listen up. First, do not call Aquamarine a ‘ho’. Second, you got demoted. Third, if Aquamarine doesn’t want to go to your stupid events she doesn’t have to.
There is a name for people like that . Hmmmm let me think…..
egomaniac. How is that? An egomaniac.
Add in a hypocrite. Someone pretending to be something they are not.
As if a major city wasn’t insane enough.
Hey Dave,
How come scientologists aren’t coming back in droves. I’ve been in football stadiums full of people since last August and now the Hockey stadiums are packed to capacity.
Where are all the scientologists? No more Ruth Eckerd Hall? No more Shrine Auditorium for the special May 9th event? Time to let the scientologists out. Like most of America, I’m sure they’re chomping at the bit to come out and celebrate.
A million dollar question
Answer : its a final count down.
No Cult exists beyond 50 years unless it reinvent it self to some thing NEW, like Cult based on Harry Porter adventures or back to basics , starting from agrarian community doing dairy and poultry farming.
It’s not me ,it’s written on the wall.
Mormonism is a prime example.
Fifty years, ditch polygamy. Fifty years, suck up to Cecil B DeMille. Fifty years, let black guys have the priesthood. Fifty years, stop calling ourselves Mormons. Fifty years……….
Sports fans are coming back for something FUN to do. scientology ain’t that.
But dave does insist they come out and pretend. Except this time no one is coming back.
To: Mary Kahn
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: above comment.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: comm particle
In your dreams!
No love at all,