Did they actually have 2 completions in one week?
They never show shots of the actual graduation…
More “Advanced Org” services
What are these people doing? They’re so desperate they are trying to attract raw public?
Monumental Achievements
They got some people to play at Graduation!
The bar is pretty low these days…
It’s International(r) you know…
Here’s one of their events
Same few people — doesn’t really look too international
What I Fear Most
Taking financial advice from an old guy trying to look cool and hip who can’t put a sentence together…
Bouncy house and pony rides
What do those have to do with Memorial Day?
The best they’ve got is STILL Raven Kane and David Campbell? Hardly very inspiring.
Makes you wonder if sexual crimes in religion are 137X? There are a lot more reported sexual abuses cases in religions than psychiatry? But no mention of that.
This is really spectacular
He is going to tell his wins from the Purif at the Freewinds?
What is with the “Sea Org chef”?
The Sea Org sent a chef to Chicago?
Ooh, another leatherbound Dianetics!
Just what the world needed.
Freedom Summit?
The only freedom at this summit will be freeing yourself from your cash.
It’s being run by professional FSMs… not even a “special management speaker” or even a Sea Org chef
The Ghost of Ron
Apparently the promised increase in value didn’t materialize. A $5,000 price reduction doesn’t quite add up to the hype of the popularity of LRH.
BTW, this is “masterful”? It looks like it sat in the sun for all those many years.
Bouncy houses and face painting
But at least they are claiming it’s a Sumer Fest, not Memorial Day
You have to be in good standing…
But maybe not.
Can you imagine how the laundry might get messed up or the dog meals mangled by some lowlife who is not in good standing?
Mark this one on your calendar
It’s going to be spectacular.
Celebrating 40 years of going nowhere.
These “Advanced Orgs” are regressing
Booming I tell you…
It doesn’t even matter what org this is from. It’s a lie.
Still trying to get us to take an OCA!
Ex-CO New Era Publications
Not sure how she got out of the Sea Org after so many decades as a senior executive.
Even less sure why she is continuing to be involved?
And still sucking up to Captain Dave.
The AO’s are becoming Class V orgs, the Class V orgs are becoming kindergartens
Still gearing up
But it is going to be massive.
How do we know?
Actually, we don’t. We just say this every time.
Sunland Mission is gearing up
A mind is a terrible thing to waste
The only new SO members that are not from Eastern Europe or Central America are second generations who have been indoctrinated since day one that scientology is saving the planet
Balloon animals
Summertime Swingers
Seems like a steep price
Mark this one on your calendar too
They’ve got half a century of nothing to show for their existence.
I occasionally see recent graduation photos that show a meager handful of people in the first couple rows of seats. I assume they aren’t getting more than that, or they’d pan out the camera and try to make it look more like they are flourishing and expanding.
Robert Duffy, Christel Duffy, and now…Evan Duffy…and another 2nd Generation Brainwashee bites the dust. So sad. Very sad. A young, smiling, helpful, hopeful,energetic looking, attractive young man like that. What a waste of a promising young life.
Some funny funnies here, Mike, not the least of which being your Cardone snark. Still laughing
Sad to see Lena looking like a lump of suet pudding. She used to be dynamic, good looking and effective. I remember when she came to the SO from Stockholm Org. She was a great CO/ED up in Stockholm. I liked her.
And now she is doing Level 0??? This is pathetic.
Yes Mick. The evidence is before our very eyes — remaining in scientology does NOT improve your quality of life. I remember her from those early days too. On the other hand, look at Mariette who escaped the SO and is flourishing, successful and looks healthier than she did when she was in the SO. I remember when she came to the SO from STM org too, I brought her to Int to be WDC Scn in the early 80’s.
The Sea Org Chef?
Hell, get this guy a spot on the Food Network!
(Cue music).
Announcer: And now it’s time for ‘The Sea Org Chef’! And now here’s your host; Petty Officer Ron Mixit!
Ron: Thank you and welcome to the Sea Org Chef! Today we are going to do a variation on our luscious rice and beans casserole. This variation includes slices of kolbasi which due to most org budgets is very hard to get. Oops! I wasn’t supposed to reveal that, was I? Looks like lower conditions for me, ha, ha! Anyway, we first cook…….
I think you could create more content on Artists for a Better World. I got kicked off a Discord group because someone had posted an interview video with one of the artists. I said Artists for a Better World was a front group for Scientology and shouldn’t be allowed on the site because they have a no-religion-talk policy in the group I was in. I was told the video was harmless chat about becoming an artist. Most of their (AFABW) YouTube videos have a couple of dozen views, so maybe it’s not worth the effort of writing about, but there are some who still don’t seem to know about all these front groups and grasp the harm they can do. And from their letter above, it’s clear that their (AFABW) objective is to get people into the org, not promote art and artists.
Personal assistant? Guess that follows on doing an org board for one where you consider yourself the ED (executive director, top boss) and then don’t want to do all the jobs you’re responsible for as an adult.
I love that it also makes no salary claims at all, no talk of benefits or hours/schedule expected.
I spent the morning of Memorial Day at our local cemetery to honor the men and women we sent to fight in our wars who died. This is not supposed to be a day of “fun for the whole family.”
Very true and thank you for honoring those deceased who died so we can be free.
Wait a minute.
I thought the mighty midget was going to send a comm particle.
Anyway, hope that everyone had a good holiday.
Interesting dwindling spiral report this week. Sad upon reflection, but interesting nonetheless. So many completions & prepped for 3 decades or more for unprecedented expansion (any decade now, you’ll see. A big ‘I told you so’ moment is coming right up; just waiting, waiting, waiting, honest, it’s going to happen. The people in the funny naval uniforms who’ve never been on the ocean said it will). – the mind boggles.
Evan Duffy. Remember him as a young boy. Both parents were SO – supervising OT course rooms at AOSH ANZO then fleeing to Melbourne where Krystal ended up Principal Yarralinda school. He didn’t really have a chance to do anything else.
SO Chef? Does that mean he cooks some really tasty beans and rice or what?
He looks like he eats the good food as it’s cooked and leaves the rice and beans.
For those who would like to submit a product for a Hermes award I found this in the website FAQ: “Most entries are $110. Campaigns and specialty categories are $185. An entry can be entered in more than one category, but it is an additional fee for each category.” If you’re still on the fence you’ll also be glad to know “entries are judged against a standard of excellence and not each other”.
If I had more time and fewer scruples I’d start the Platentship’s Gudgeon Award. You’d have to pony up more than $110 to be considered for that one. The Planetship does not deal with small timers.
Re; the “Freedom Summit”, if it’s at the Central Ohio (Columbus) org, why do you call the Chicago org to make a reservation?
What happened to the podcast it ended with episode 80 in March and I can’t seem to find any new ones
On a break
Permanently? I hope not….
I’m missing it so much!
The Sea Org “chef” and I were staffed together at the CLO EUS a lifetime ago. He ran the kitchen at 16 years old. Because we didn’t pay bills, there was never enough food, and since nobody had trained him and he’d been in the SO since he was a child, the boy could barely make it all work. Food vendors wouldn’t deliver to us, so they bought the food at “Big Apple Beef” a retail outlet near Times Square.
I remember more than once coming to eat a little late and being offered raw oats with milk, an offer I only accepted once.
“None is so blind as he who will not see,”
None are so blind as those whose jobs and social standing depend on not looking.
For what it’s worth, that Sea Org chef they are referring to, Mason Wells, is originally from Chicago, so this may have something to do with why he is back in Chicago currently. He is one of two twin sons (both in the Sea Org, last I knew) of Sarah Page-Wells, whose recent Facebook postings have been posted on this blog. Sarah is a long-time staff member at the Chicago org. She is actually a wonderful person. I’m not saying that to defend her regarding the points Mike has made about her Facebook postings recently, and I agree with Mike on those points. I’m just saying she is a wonderful person to the people who know her, and I have a small degree of hope that we can re-connect some day. I have good memories of times spent with her and her family, including remembering when Mason and his brother were born and becoming buddies with them when they were little kids.
Hey Dave — thanks for the additional info. A LOT of scientologists, staff and SO members are wonderful people. But they are twisted into knots and do and say crazy stuff as a result of their indoctrination into believing they are saving mankind.
Yes, and I and many others reading this blog each used to be one of them. Good talking to you, Mike.
Didn’t The Beatles have a song about coming together?
I think so but it wasn’t about rice and beans or the Sea Org.
Had to laugh at the “masterful” piece by Larry Gluck. (I wonder what happened to him.)
Ben Kugler spent $100,000’s plus (not exaggerating) on Frezettas when miscavige was running that con out of Arthur Services and when Ben owed more than that in back taxes, the IRS took the prints and put them up for auction. This is where it gets funny: NOT ONE OF THEM SOLD! NOT FOR ONE THIN DIME. and the IRS gave them back. These “masterful” works of art are worthless.
Yes that was the biggest joke of all time that you could buy one of these prints as an “investment” and sell it to make money when you needed it. No one bought them.
Re Larry Guck, a great artist, he died several years ago. I am a friend of the family and got it from a family member that when alive, both Larry Gluck and his wife would never ever open the door to the church when they would come at night ringing the bell to beg for money. They got a gate and intercom and wouldn’t even talk on the intercom. They didn’t want to always be inundated with SO at all hours of the day and night asking them for more and more donations. So even the whales were sick of the costant regging.
Gluck originals sell for just hundreds, and a print for $30, according to what I could find in art sales databases. He seems like just one of many average artists.
He does however appear to be pretty good at self-promotion, and at setting himself up as a teacher for aspiring amateurs – which are the ways artists make money when they’re ambitious but not outstandingly talented. Hyping oneself inordinately does seem to be something Scientology teaches.
Unless the seller can hype the print to some fellow scientologist for far more than its real market value, they’re out of luck. The concept is sort of interesting, but I think most buyers will balk at paying to put something on their wall that you can hardly make out, and that appears more like just a pastel color panel – it is a “mirage” style he seems to have experimented with, but Mike’s impression that it just appears sun faded is telling.