Be kind, be decent…
Yeah, the guiding principles of scientology. Not
AOSH Africa taking over the world
One country that is actually their zone, everywhere else they are poaching other AO’s territory!
And who the hell is this guy — he is from Albania? Why is he promoting AOSH Africa and not AOSHEU?
Oh boy…
Columbus is almost the BEST org in all of EUS?
And the real scoop on this Sea Org manned org is that it is a complete morgue — listen to the podcast Chris Shelton did recently with the SO member who The Aftermath Foundation helped escape
More bottom of the Bridge
What is it with the castles?
I had forgotten there was even an org in Barcelona….
Yeah, listen to Dan
Kansas City has been tearing it up since they went ideal…
Wonder how he is a Class 6?
It’s all happening in Chicago…
Wonder when they are ever going to open this “ideal org”?
I guess when Captain Miscavige is sure it’s safe to go out in the world.
The best people on earth!
Why be bashful?
Chan Man and Andrea D’Agostini are going to be at Columbus org but you call Chicago org to confirm your attendance?
A Greek lunch!
He’s got the crossed arm pose displaying his what might look like a Rolex.
He could have joined staff at LA Org? Or Pasadena? Or Valley? Or Las Vegas? Or Kansas City?
Why DID he go all the way to Chicago? It’s not even an ideal org yet?
Read carefully…
This is about making the first 10,000 on or through Solo NOTs TARGET 2022. Not about making the actual 10,000 in 2022.
This is the “Maiden Voyage” celebration?
This is it?
Check out the crowds
The demand for LRH tech is unprecedented!
You know these were the HIGHLIGHT shots.
Games Extravaganza
The WTH scam marches on
“Affrodable” Living
They put this stuff out over and over… How do they mess it up newly?
The next great civilization is taking place there, didn’t you know?
This one’s a Milestone Milestone
Wonder when the first Milestone Milestone Milestone event will be?
Maybe the Turning Point Turning Point?
Spectacular successes
And fruits and cheeses. I suspect more come for the cheese than the successes.
Save the date!
This is going to be a milestone milestone for sure. They have accomplished absolutely nothing in 50 years. After 30 years of trying they still don’t have an ideal org even.
Oh yeah, lots to celebrate
Doubt they will mention disconnection and how many children have disconnected from their fathers, and fathers who have disconnected from their children.
How sad….
She looks like a bright young woman. Full of hope and excitement about the future. That will amount to a lot of pain and sacrifice for nothing.
“How to remove effort from your life.”
By receiving “services” in a vacant org and being made to pretend that you achieved results to people who exhibit such results no more than you do?
By receiving costly “repairs” to these wildly successful services or enduring repeats when demanded?
By worrying about the dwindling spiral and putting your eternity into the hands of merchants who can grant or deny it based on their own agenda?
By living under the burden of knowing that your family life and your circle of friends and businesses associates are contingent on your doing what’s expected and demanded of you?
By allowing yourself to be stalked and harassed by regges at any time and place?
By knowing that your deepest and darkest secrets are now written record?
By drowning in a sea of debt for your troubles?
As pointed out already “kind and decent” are clearly not priorities or preferred practices in the cult. However, even the examples given are telling. So you practice “kindness” NOT for its own sake but because someone will brighten your day by thanking you profusely and repeatedly or because it brings you closer to making a sale?
THAT is not what anyone would recognize as “kindness.” It’s simply a selfish and strategic interaction with others for what they can do for you. It’s all about their utility and not at all about their humanity. This is the “kindness” practiced commonly by malignant narcissists, sociopaths and con persons.
Genuine question: do these people pictured in these flyers wear those lapel pins all the time or are they worn only in the photos? Or are they supposed to be worn all the time and if not, someone gets sent to Ethics?
Not only that , those super humans ( Harry Porters ) are so w….so pure.
BTW where are their magical broom to fly high.
They must be desperately recruiting staff for Chicago from all over, to try to meet the standard for opening their new “ideal” facility. They’re apparently casting about as far away as California, and the Columbus event maybe just a covert attempt at it as well — hence the the Chicago phone number.
The Chicago building was apparently completed a year or two ago, It’s strange that they’ve been unable to “open” it by now; there must be some combination of ongoing organizational paralysis in the wake of the pandemic, along with problems getting enough people to come back and get involved again.
I remember Dan York when he was on staff at CCNashville (briefly). He was a self promoter who used to say that he and his brother couldn’t read Scientology-A History of Man because the Mormon church wouldn’t allow it(not true). He quit staff and went into some small business ventures. Not sure if he’s still there or not.
And speaking of Chicago Org, where are the Eddingtons? Where’s Steve? Carole? Lane? Dan? Last I heard they were living in Nashville but Chicago Org is their home org so why aren’t they up there promoting it?
Delphi spelling for the win. Milestone should be millstone.
And “affrodable living” at the SA AO? Does that have to do with Frodo, or just inability to proofread?
And Columbus wants you to “Get on SERIVCE”
At the Freedom Summit at the Chicago Org.. is Ryann Lieble solo NOTS auditor and film director. As usual her claim to fame is a film she wrote and released in 2020. It’s gone absolutely nowhere. But Scientologists are going to come see her talk on “Break through every barrier to OT”. A typical wanna be celebrity. Sad and annoying. I did recognize one scientologist in her crew. It’s the blind leading the blind.
These people are degrading themselves.
Yes, every direction out of Scientology is upwards.
Just another day in the Church of Scientology.