Just to kick things off — here is a recent Facebook posting about the newly formed Clearwater Postulate Guild (I kid you not):
I really think these people need to touch bases with reality. But they had better be careful what they are “postulating” for as a Clearwater government that was “uptone” (ie not in fear) and made sane decisions vis a vis the church may not be to the liking of the “OT’s” and their Postulate Guild.
Before they start clearing anything down under, maybe they should start by clearing their MUs? Or at least getting an ideal spell checker. They didn’t even make it through the second line. Wonder how the kiwis feel about the name of their country being wrong?
Really? This is the image for a “new civilization”?
And the progress on “every org in Africa” is well documented at the South African Getting Back In Comm blog — they are going nowhere. Backwards even as one of their ideal buildings became a home for squatters, drug addicts and prostitutes.
Here is some hot news. New Haven “completed their building fundraise purchase.”
Funny, this derelict building was purchased MANY years ago. It is even on the scientology.org website as being “a future org under construction” but as we know from Valley, until they have ALL the money extracted for renovations they cannot even begin. Seems there might be a little white lie being told here somewhere….
These people are using David Miscavige “graph tech” — no scales, no dates. Looks like all the ideal orgs in WUS have produced 8 clears in the last year. Now that’s planetary clearing at the correct order of magnitude:
Bart Simpson, the Queen Rockstar Goddess OT Fairy Godmother Superstar Governess Yoda Jedi Knight Cause Resurgentness has moved up in the world. She is now “identified” as N_____ C______.
What insane reason do they have for doing this? They obviously WANT to promote her participation in everything. So she ALWAYS get mentioned, but with weird euphemisms that make it stand out even more. Is she embarrassed? She doesn’t appear to be, she shows up in goofball photos wearing a sailors hat on the bridge of the Freewinds? She is matching up to $3 million for the Valley idle org. Maybe this is some really old order that nobody is allowed to use the name of celebrities without permission from Command Intention or something (enacted to try and protect BFF Tom). It is the weirdest thing.
From the “Not Sure What To Make Of This” file, here is a shot of how the Ventura Mission used to look:
Embarrassed? Going out business? Sign just fell off and they didn’t notice?
The IAS now has “org” weekly standings. I guess they were afraid they were missing out on a good thing as WUS has been doing their ideal org “weekly standings” for some time. As if anyone needed any more proof that the ONLY thing important in scientology is MAKING MONEY:
And here is a little video one of our Special Correspondents put together. Sometimes it is slow to load, it is on a chinese site. It’s titled: Jeff P. Channels WC Fields for Captivated GOLD Audience. Be patient it’s worth it when you see it.
Funny as it is — it also makes a point. Just listen to the overblown bs about how the WTH has made St Louis “safe.”
Update: It’s now on Youtubeand may be easier to access.
And finally, two items in the not-so-funny department.
1. A follow up to a recent post about the witch hunt in LA Org:
Senior C/S LA Org, Andy Seidler had his certs pulled because of “out-tech” with auditors he was C/Sing in the field. Also, apparently the former SO Senior C/S and now field auditor Barb Rubio also had her certs pulled.
2. And some further information from the South African blog prompted by the recent posting about Greg Capazorio shilling for the IAS. I had no idea Kevin Jones had fallen from grace. I guess he didn’t formally have his medal taken away like Augie Pinto did after Miscavige heard he was engaged in some money making scheme with gold mines in South America (truth be known, I wonder if Miscavige wasn’t jealous?) but he did try to sell it and found out it isn’t real gold….
Ok – good. Now as you didn’t quite give me the last word I will take this opportunity now and say I am also content in letting the tone level of our comments speak for themselves. Although admittedly mine aren’t that high in these instances.
yours can be the last word on it.
i’m content letting our comments speak for themselves.
just skip over my comments from now on foolproof.
even if you don’t like what i say you could still grant me beingness.
should i be wiped off the earth or just mike’s blog?
how far should it go with a person like me, what do i really deserve?
Ok! In future I will ignore your comments, or try to anyway. But implying that I am some sort of Nazi Scientologist who won’t tolerate others sounds all very reasonable and all that but you started the ball rolling by taking the time and trouble to state in my view incorrect criticisms about something that I hold dear (the tech of Scientology and thus the dude who founded it). So – you can attempt to attack and belittle (i.e. “wipe off the face of the earth” then) my religion and its founder and not grant me or others any beingness about being a Scientologist – but when I defend it I am juxtaposed with Nazis! What does my (workable and effective when properly applied) religion then “deserve” in your mind? Or were you not then attacking my religion or not granting me beingness? It works both ways – and I didn’t “invade Poland first”.
A couple of random thoughts – No worries about “an uptone gov’t making sane decisions on the dynamics”. By definition, optimum survival on every dynamic calls for you to join the sea org, or at least staff. Therefore, unless every decision is to their liking, the CPG can always claim the city gov’t is not making sane decisions.
As for the “if nothing else…” comment, that is interesting. How uptone do they expect to get? It’s one thing to get uptone at the prospect of creating an effect. But when they fail to do so, they are expecting to be uptone? “Hey all of us super-duper postulate making OT’s just had zero effect! Hip hip hurray! Let’s do it again! Guys, that’s not called uptone. It’s something else. Glee, maybe.
The graph for WUS grade chart releases is on the promo, touted as a testament to the smashing success of the WUS ideal orgs. But do note what the graph is doing for the last 2 unknown time periods. It is going down. So while we are supposed to be very impressed with the “straight up and vertical”, how much you want to bet that right about now, someone is getting their ticket punched to a nice vacation in RPF?
Club Dread, anyone?
After all, as Mike astutely observed, a sane, uptone government in Clearwater would be very desirable. I’m down with it!
Those little guys in “The Wizard of OZ” were so adorable when they sang, “The Lollipop Guild”, to Dorothy. I just cognited that The Postulate Guild deserves its own eponymous song to be sung to Dear Leader at their meetings, via satellite. Now, the syllables of the title fit perfectly for a parody, so Apostates, please! Its All Hands now on this project, OK? Let’s give The Postulate Guild a great song. Then we can work on tee shirts.
Somewhere over the rainbow way up high
There’s a land that I heard of far from the church’s lies
Somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream won’t bankrupt you too
Someday I’ll wish upon a star
And wake up with the Ideal Org behind me
Where Davey’s gagging all has stopped
Away above his screaming top
That’s where you’ll find me…
You’ve outdone yourself, MJ. A Masterpiece 🙂
Thanks so much Aquamarine!
Postulate Guild should shit in one hand and postulate in the other hand then see which hand fills up first. 200 OTs? That would be a lot of shit!
135 comments and growing. Your blog is uniquely position and very successful. Maybe consider going to Discus on the comments? You could get a couple of people, an indie and a never in maybe, to moderate for you. You are doing one hell of a service for a diverse constituency. I’ve said this before on other forums but I’d like to buy you a beer one day.
How ’bout a Foster’s mate?
Crap beer I’m afraid (sorry if I offend your Aussie (?) sensibilities). Either a Lowenbrau beer (on tap better) or a Clayvar Scotch liqueur whisky.
Five years ago I’d never have imagined the Church of Scientology’s collective incompetence could sink so low. There’s no there there anymore They can’t do anything. They can’t even do anything wrong. They just can’t create anything at all that’s real. So now they’re forming virtual prayer groups, err, guilds. They need magic wands with glittered stars and colored nylon. POOF!
I believe Hasbro will be marketing Dave dolls whereby angry preteens (or anyone for that matter) can take out their aggression by doing the things to Dave that he has done to others. Sounds like a real winner to me.
MJ – hmmm, I like that but I’d prefer a Dave voodoo doll with pins included, now that would be wickedly fun.
Although stating this might be dangerous since OSA and Davey are here reading every day and are soooo paranoid. Too bad guys you can’t control our thoughts and fantasies.
Sounds good Ms. P. Perhaps you can get Mattel interested.
Once again, if you want to do laps of the circular bridge in New Zealand you must contact Australia, all the contact numbers are OZ mobile numbers and the e mail address is Australian as well, it’s booming in Auckland!!!!! We are so busy you must contact Australia, come on in people the Kool Aid is just right!!
Sara Goldberg, thanks for your reference. For some reason my earlier reply to you didn’t show up.
Dan351 said “LRH also says there are no absolutes. Therefore no one is 100 percent good or 100 percent bad. ”
LRH didn’t act that way. the tech works 100% of the time. LRH said so. scientology is built on absolutes.
i don’t see how you can reconcile your statement with the reality you’ve lived. they don’t match.
In KSW Series 4, SAFEGUARDING TECHNOLOGY page 21 OEC vol. 0, paragraph 2, LRH says,
“Scientology is a workable system. This does not mean it is the best possible system or a perfect system. Remember and use that definition. Scientology is a workable system.”
Whitestar: Yes, when it is very exactly and properly applied, as it should and can be, the tech does work 100% of the time. I and many hundreds of thousands of others can attest to that. But I won’t write a Success Story – ha!But what is your real point here and why are you making it?
As far as I can see here you have also misunderstood the overall context and the use of the word absolutes in this sense, and you have therefore slightly altered the meaning and intent of what Hubbard was saying. It seems you are desperately trying to find some angle to attack Scientology, or in this case Hubbard, but if you are going to do so then please find something worth stating and not just “well he said that and I don’t think that he is right”.
I don’t think I am going to post here anymore Mike! I am all ARCXen about people bending the context of statements or bulletins or policies to suit their own personal chagrins and I am not sure I can take their shallow, childish and uninspected comments anymore! Not really – I am of course being tongue in cheek.
Whew, Foolproof, you “faked me out”, as we used to say in my youth. I was all set to post “No, Foolproof, don’t go, please”.
Considering that Mike is laissez-faire as to content while at the same time monitoring alertly as to context (that one stays for the most part on topic, no extreme vulgarity, ad homs, etc) – considering that a wide range of viewpoints and differing opinions on Scientology, L.Ron Hubbard and David Miscavige can be aired here, I think we co-exist fairly well.
Haha. Aquamarine – Oh! Alright then! I won’t go. LOL!
Yes I realize that other people have other viewpoints. But I will always state mine when I can see nonsenses or actually unfair comments, actually even against Miscavige if untrue, because I would find that just as poor form as doing what he is doing and doesn’t really get us anywhere. And most of my thrust so to speak is against the current Church management and their shenanigans – as they have driven the subject into the ground.
To be frank though sometimes I do not understand why people who have had not much experience with Scientology come on here and want to try prove some point actually because they have not conceptually grasped the writings or principle being criticized. There are plenty of other forums for that and although Mike seems to be OK with allowing non-Scientologists to post, do you know I don’t really think that this is the forum for this. Now, it’s not my forum it’s Mike’s but even so it would seem that the vast majority of people who comment on here are still Scientologists in the true sense and I find it a bit non-sensical to try and be handling people’s basic questions here about how the Church is run or the the tech or philosophy. But as I say it is probably quite presumptuous of me to be “wishing” for a forum that I like or prefer rather than leaving it to the guy whose forum it is and who makes the decisions and does the work, (which is very much appreciated).Perhaps Mike also thinks that way but necessity dictates that he allow all comers but then he maybe doesn’t. Perhaps it does serve a purpose? Anyway, whatever, I’ll shut up now (on this theme anyway).
I hear you Foolproof.
The basic reason the antisocial personality ( David Miscavige ) behaves as he or she does lies in a hidden terror of others.
To such a person every other being is an enemy, an enemy to be covertly or overtly destroyed.
The fixation is that survival itself depends on “keeping others down” or “keeping people ignorant.””
that part of KFrancis’ comment reminded me of the Bert Gordon character from “The Hustler”
Fast Eddie to Bert Gordon:
“You don’t know what winning is, Bert. You’re a loser. ‘Cause you’re dead inside and ya can’t live unless you make everything dead around ya! Too high, Bert – the price is too high. If I take it, she never lived. She never died. And we both know that’s not true, Bert, don’t we, huh? She lived, she died. “
That’s a good one Sara, thanks!
I’m sure there is plenty BS being spread
around about how terrible Barb and Andy
are for being such out ethics tech terminals.
Aside from the fact of one inspecting who
they really are as tech terminals, I’m sure
they are being treated with anger and animosity.
When the ones who should be treated
as above are the little idiot twits who know nothing
about the tech but are in charge of it.
I wonder if there are any old timers still in that
would consider these actions against Barb and Andy
an outpoint? If not secretly to themselves.
I hope so because Barb and Andy are good people
with a solid reality of what it means to help others.
This is yet another nail in the coffin of delivering the
tech with understanding and a true willingness to help.
Soon it will be all ritual delivered by the little idiot twits
who won’t have a clue as to what they are doing.
Wouldn’t you love to be one of their PC’s?
I’d prefer a root canal with no novacaine.
We Dutch get proper sedation for tat sort of thing.
Dutchology works and it helps people.
More like 30 years of guaranteeing the Miscarrbitch Slush Fund continues. He could care less about the Planet…..just as long as his minions maintains his expense account(s).
I dunno, but with a “guild” aren’t they postulating themselves back to the Middle Ages? Or into Hollywood, with the screen actors’ guild? Maybe I’m just too stupid to really get with their group ethic.
your nick or name means Shark
Obviously, the “a” in New Zealand was sacrificed for the greater good of Exclamation Tech.
It’s a rough planet, only the tigers survive…….
My God, if Pomerantz ever showed up to a real voice session for a real client, he’d get laughed out of the booth. That’s exactly the kind of sound voice artists joke about.
“And NOW how much would you pay?? DON’T ANSWER!!!! You also get this FABULOUS (fill in trinket here)…”
I can’t believe he’s serious. Wait, considering his client, yes, I can.
I used to cringe listening to Jeff Pomerantz’s over the top hyperbole when I was in and still do. Sounds like he should be out there working for Barnum and Bailey. I’m curious if Miscavige molded his speeches to sound like that. Mike?
Yes, it’s how he wants him. If he wasn’t to Miscavige’s liking, he would NOT be used. You can take that to the bank.
Thanks Mike. It’s all making sense. Too bad Jeff and Michael Roberts didn’t pursue their acting careers and make real contributions instead of ideal ones. What a waste.
DM has Jeff Pomerantz on a very tight leash. If DM suddenly decides on a whim that he wants something changed on a recording, Jeff will get a call to return to the Gold Base in Hemet immediately. Jeff lives in the Hollywood Hills. This is quite a driving distance and DM might ring him up at midnight and set him to work to redo something. His wife and friends see nothing odd about this, they are so “honored” to be in the circle of COB. It’s so F’d up and pretentious.
Such artistic self determinism! I’m sure Brando and Olivier would have done the same. 😉
I read these Funnies, and my first reaction is to immediately begin giggling at how ridiculous these people look and sound, for here is absurdity that’s on a par with the kind of over-the-top satire that Mel Brooks does. So I read and have my laughs.
But LRH said, “Look, don’t listen”, and because I agree with that and because I’m interested, after J & D time is over I go back and really look at the photos of these Still-Ins specifically at their facial expressions and body attitudes
They are all broadly smiling, beaming with joy, some with fists pumping, others with thumbs up and other expressions of exhilaration and enthusiasm. They all look, each of them, really, really happy.
But, about WHAT?
If they knew the real stats – if they were gotten together and, from someone they considered a reliable source, honestly and fully briefed on the actual existing scene, if they knew, if they really GOT it, and THEN were photographed, all together, with no masking of authentic reactions, what a photograph that would be!
There would be nothing uptone about it, that’s for sure. Its a safe bet that their emotions would be below 2.0. But, at the same time, as a powerful, naked portrayal of these Still-Ins’ first real look, their first unavoidable confront of the Church of Scientology’s unpleasant, unwelcome and inconvenient truths, whatever honest, low-toned emotions such a photo would display would still be further up the Tone Scale from where they are now, and, as such, good news, as it would show an honest first step on the correct ladder to being truly uptone.
You speakest sooth Aquamarine.
You can find the same cheering happy faces in all kinds of killer groups, like communists, terrorists, Branch Davidians, and for the same reasons you cite, that they don’t know their own outcomes, don’t have the end products lined up with the actual realities. Realities are all based on something ABOVE realities. “The truth of the matter” goes way high, and is also seen in very mundane stuff like pouring coffee into the cup and not on the counter (even if you are hung-over and yawn while pouring). Why people are afraid of the truth mystifies me. I think it’s a “What does one do with what one has done?” type thing. How does one make up for “indiscretions of the past?” I don’t have an answer to that one yet, but it’s clear to me that refusing the facts is not a good solution. These guys are refusing facts in the present time.
And let’s not forget my personal favorite, the men and women who cry with joy at their amazing good fortune to live in the utopia that is North Korea….
I remember your face when you were spokesperson on one of the shows, perhaps Panorama. Boy did you look serious!
Panorama was the last straw for me, I had reached the end of my rope and it was about to snap…. Serious isn’t an adequate description of how life was at that point. I have described some of it in various places, if I ever get around to writing a book it will be fully detailed.
Mike, I can’t imagine the horrors you must have gone through in the belly of the beast. I had a run in with dear Dave and I wouldn’t categorize it as a pleasure moment. Would love to read whatever you’d care to say about in the future.
We are lucky to lie in a free-market capitalist democracy, and we may sometime take it for granted that we can “see the truth” of things. “The truth” is that it is founded on ages of philosophy and views of historical experience unfettered by agreements. When the United States issued its declaration of independence, it was opposed and outnumbered. It was “an experiment” – a wild notion. I’m sure a number of people railed against “the heretics” and made up names for Jefferson like “Flufferson,” or one of my favorites made up by someone truly witty “The Oddfather” (for mafioso Jimmy “The Chin” Giaganti, know for being “insane”).It’s so easy, or seems that way, to overlook what one has.
“to LIVE in” not to “lie” in. Only when we sleep or do other things like sunbathe do we “lie” in it.
” I have described some of it in various places, if I ever get around to writing a book it will be fully detailed.” (Oh, ho, ho ho!! We got you in print! When’s it coming?)
Yea, you looked pretty freaking bad, Mike. I can’t even imagine how horrible that was for you. Look at you now – healthy – happy – husband to a wonderful woman – father to a couple of beautiful boys.
Well, you did something right. :o)
Please write a book Mike! You already have an advance order from me!
Write that book Mike. It’s long overdue.
N C may be the voice of B S, but she’ll never be T C. Or even J T, regardless of rumors by S Ps that J T, like T C, isn’t really S, but either G or B. Even
K A’s bigger than N C (literally at least), despite whining on radio that her ex-husband had a small P. Be that as it may, it’s vital that N C remain as N C, and only as N C, so as to maintain some degree of future deniability were she to go the route of, say, former K of Qs star, L R. Or L-M P, daughter of the K of R & R, E P. Or any of T C’s ex’s, from Aussie tart N K to Hispanic hothead P C to monosyllabic
K H. This is a very real fear by the Church, especially if N C, T C, or J T (though probably not K A) were to read the blogs of M R or M R. Because when they were IN the Church, they were MR
M R and MR M R, respectively, whereas now they’re just… well, we don’t need to get into that.
Personally I think N C, T C, AND J T– along with every Church mouthpiece from T D to K P– are on L S D.
Friggin hysterically funny.
War Horse – you are hysterical
War Horse – that was so effing funny!
War Horse ….. as we say in Scientology …… “OK”
I bet that Tom Cruise’s Medal of Valor was Gold and if there are any gems in it, I bet they are real.
Yes, they are. I think that thing cost $20,000….
Complete waste of money.
It all depends on your perspective. Dave thought it was wonderful 🙂
Who the f*** cares what DM thinks?
The clubbed seals…
Here I am signed, sealed, delivered I’m yours!
As my son would say (but not me), Holy Shitballs!
And everyone else got soap on a rope? Geez.
Dave would think that a gaudy, $20,000 medal for doing nothing but being a movie star is fantastic. He is so impressed by stardom and lives vicariously though TC. Too bad he doesn’t get all those hot girls though. He expelled his wife to the hinterlands and I’ve seen pictures of Ms. Lou. A slightly sourpuss looking lady. Quite charming, I’m sure.
It’s funny, how you hear about all these great things Scn is doing and the huge impact it’s having on Society. From TWTH, Narconon, volunteer ministers etc etc etc. But isn’t it a little strange that you only hear this from Scientologists, and from nobody else. If Scientologists are making such a huge impact, don’t you think you’d hear about it from other sources? Like the news media, T.V. social media etc.? No, the only people you will hear about the great impact on society Scientology is having, is from Scientology. Because the only place this great impact resides is in their heads.
So true. The latest Impact magazine is a study in hallucinatory cause and “massive impact” and “changing civilization” and “salvaging countries” that are rally just the emperor’s new clothes. Nobody is willing to call bullshit on the bullshit.
As it was and so shall it always be. +++
I got about six of those Impact Mags sent to my residence. I immediately thew them into the recycling bin. I didn’t want anyone inside my home to see that crap and think that any of it could possibly be real. I call it “a bad influence”, that is my duty to protect my family from!
Major outpoint is omitted non Scientologists.
So true, OIC. Seems like one can Google just about anything that is anything. It’s easy to confirm just about anything with just a little bit of study and discernment.
How right you are, McCarran! There’s NOWHERE to hide now. If you go on YouTube and type in scientology, it’s about 98% against them. But if you really want a great laugh, go to: http://www.xenu.net. Scroll all the way down the page to the very bottom. Click on “South Park Takes On Scientology.” Because this made fun of Tom Cruise and exposed OT III, Mr. Cruise had it taken down. The episode is called, “Trapped in the Closet.” You’ll love it!
I think I screwed up on that last postulate because I was thinking too small. We are postulating NO MORE $CIENTOLOGY …….. PERIOD!
Yo Dave, check out your trend lines today at 2:00PM and let me know how our postulates are stickin!
I for one am postulating a much more important thing. A nice long weekend with family. I’m sorry so many people who read this blog can’t actually experience that due to Scientology disconnection. I would like to postulate that soon they will also experience that.
+ 100 Valerie
You could spend the weekend volunteering to Idealize central files, Bum. Get yer priorities in command order!
Top Priority – Ideal Org Program #1
Major Target: Remove Miscavige
Now THAT’S the Coop I’m talking about! You just needed to thinker BIGGER, Coop! Maybe you should have included Target 2, too…
I’m on it OSD! Thanks for the reminder.
Lets see …………postulating the ideal scene for Clearwater……….hmmmmmm that’s a no brainer!
Ok all of you bitter defrocked apostate’s, we all know that the exit from the cult was more beneficial than say ‘all of the frickin OT levels rolled into one’ and our perceptions and abilities soared with the occasion;
So lets postulate ….. all together now….
Thank you. Now let us all watch this come to pass!
Yo Dave,
I can just about guarantee you that the number of SPs out here postulating the end of you and your shitty little cult is greater than any amount of OTness you can conjure up. So Bye Bye Baby. Take the rest of the day off good buddy, I know you are overworked.
Postulate Guild is awesome! They remind me of Dickbag Chopra and the global meditation for world peace. Are these people adults? How can anyone over the age of 12 seriously engage in this infantile exercise of wishing their preferred reality into existence. Oh, that’s right — that’s what “postulate” means in the upside-down Scientology lexicon.
Uptone, pro-survival, sane decisions on all dynamics — these are all things mean absolutely nothing to sane people. Bubblelicious. But we know what they really mean — they’re wishing for a city government that is compliant with Command Intention.
“Bubblelicious”. Good one!
HGC10, you might be very surprised at the value and power of meditation.
I might. If you’re referring to the value of meditation for the meditator’s personal well-being, then not too surprised. If it’s the power of meditation to remotely cause events, then yeah, real surprised.
A postulate guild? We are witnessing the group within the group that are the most insane. These are (for the most part) people who have spent decades doing “OT” levels that don’t deliver any “Otness” yet they are deluded into thinking otherwise. THESE are the truly dangerous ones as they have almost ZERO grip on reality. This phenomena is what leads to Jones Town’s, murdering people for money like Rex Fowler, child abuse, etc. Hopefully someone convinces all of them that they can all fly. LOL!
I will pray for them.
Wait! You’re telling me John Allender and Joanne Wheaton aren’t totally the sanest people you’ve ever seen in your life? ;0)
Valerie, I literally just about choked on my lunch I was eating. God, what total psychos those two are. I hope & pray that as many people as possible that are still in can make a “soft landing”.
More Thursday funnies:
DM: Any policy or issue stating that former members be declared or otherwise treated unjustly and made to disconnect from friends and loved ones is hereby cancelled. THE WAR IS OVER!
Just kidding! (hehehe)
One can dream, MJ. Although, I have a greater chance of achieving the spontaneous combustion as stated above than you have of achieving this vision.
Not really my vision McCarran. I don’t need DM’s approval for anything.
DM: We hereby issue a general amnesty to all present, past and future bitter defrocked apostates aka SPs whether officially declared, wannaby declared or as yet undeclared. You are all ordered to attend the next event and accept forgiveness from Him (oops, I mean me)……………… and remember, bring cash, check or your favorite credit card. We can all be friends!
The Cult, errr, ahhhh, I mean, Church of Monetary Forgiveness…
Do they longer proof read? New Zeland? It’s New Zealand people. They’re slackin’
Augie(neé Agstin) Pinto from Valencia, Venezuela set up this postulate: Instead of donating for services, you were going to receive actions from a phony gold mine. As scientology was going to explode, no shortage of returns on investmente was forecasted. Then reality showed up and the scheme was over.
DM: And make no mistake about it, we are making monumental inroads in all sectors of this society.
Tonto: Who ‘we’ white man?
Meanwhile back in Hemet, Tonto, not realizing that the Lone Stranger was cleverly disguised as a pool table, racked his balls.
Must have been a stiff proposition!
SHE who cannot be named can be found — right after Chantal Byrd and before David Campbell.
Hmmmm could it be? Let me think?
I’m not so sure that’s Nancy Cartwright. These names are listed alphabetically, and N_ C_ appears before David Campbell. It must be Nancy Callwright or someone like that.
Spelling is not their strong suit….
It’s really Nancy Costanza …(talk about in jokes!)
I live in Ventura. There is no sign still and none really that you can see on the inside unless you get right up to the window and press your face to look in. So sad. No one is EVER there. They hardly even have the lights on at night any more. Really BOOMING here in Ventura. Just the way I like it. I hope the Santa Barbara Org goes the same.
Now, now, Jane! Maybe they’re all just pumping up their theta for the huge influx of public that will coming pouring into the org. They do this behind closed doors because wogs wouldn’t understand. You see, BBJ, it’s….it’s….ummmm…Bahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!! Hey, I hold out as long as I could! Venture is scientology free!
Next up —- Clearwater! Then Hollywood. We can rename LRH Way to Cult Lane.
Although it is sad to hear of someone having their certs pulled, isn’t everybody having their certs pulled these days? I mean GAT1 put everyone on a total retrain then GAT2 did the same thing. Doesn’t that mean that their previous certification meant nothing? I thought it was SOP to pull all certs for everyone these days. I could mail them mine. No one has asked for them, which means they’re still valid, right? They were issued in the ’70s.
I think the church was smart to not declare Barbara Rubio and Andy Seidler. Because if they had declared them, two bastions of standard tech and excellence each, they know that they would make enemies who would find their way over to the Indie world and to Mike and Marty and others. I wish they had declared them so that they could break away and be free of that suppressive BS. So now instead, these two will maybe do an RPF stint or not and will work their way back into good graces. But I think they should just look at it as a win and say, “Good! I’m free of them!” over the lost certs. I hope this last slap in the face brings Barbara and Andy to their senses and they leave. Oh, and who will take their place at LA Org? Anyone there qualified to? Barbara and Andy have been around for decades and know the difference between a real “FN” and a “three-swing FN.” So maybe by getting rid of the old guarde, the new, young and dumb guarde will never question the three swing FN or anything else tech-wise.
Yes. The church is sick of declaring. I believe won’t do if they can create the same effect with a whisper campaign or a dead file.
I do hope Andy and Barbara loudly drift away.
Bravo Cindy. It’s very true that there would be a major flap were Barbara and Andy get declared as SP’s. They have been around for decades and I know that Barbara would still be in the Sea Org auditing and/or CSing if it weren’t for the health problems she suffered, which caused her to leave. She is a well known field auditor in LA and respected and loved by many.
Well, well, well the Postulate Guild should direct their intentions towards their Leader and its minions so they can be more up tone and responsible but, of course there is a but, this may take a very, very, very long time and even wonder if it will ever happen.
That would be interesting to watch, Silvia. I think that might create a spontaneous combustion. Hmmmm. I think I’ll go try that ….
They mention Boston as moving toward IDEAL. The Boston org is sold, they are moving out and recently had a huge yard sale “everything must go”. This included chandeliers, desks, and most notably the HVAC equipment that had been purchased for the “new ideal” org. They ain’t building nothin.
I checked the Boston Redevelopment Authority documents, the only approvals for the Hotel Alexandra are for the building of housing units. I emailed the mayor and learned that these are old plans from the previous owner. It takes years to get approvals in Boston, so no new org will be happening any time soon. I’d love to know where they will be hiding out…I mean conducting services.
Now that’s Ideal, Eileen! I wonder where their Ideal hideout is?
Quincy. I think 1515 Hancock St
Somewhere near the front door of a portable toilet.
Yes and it is even worse than that. Boston Org had it’s own building fully owned. Before the 2008 property value crash they had that building sold for a much higher price then they more recently sold it for. It could have funded the majority of all the needed Ideal org funding. But no…they were not approved to send the building then…property values then crashed and now finally it is sold for much less. Meanwhile the difference in their return on the sale is millions less, that the parishioners are being whipped and beaten to pony up, they have not funded the new building renos fully, and had to move out of the building they owned. Once again DM found the best way to screw both the org and the public, a particularly honed talent he has.
Western U.S. ( or WUS) ought to be re-named “WUSS” for their wimpy performance……
With every truth — like the anti-social characteristics which LRH spoke — with enough study and discernment one can find the antithesis of those truths BY Hubbard himself.
There is no question that dm is deep down terrified of others; however, I would look perhaps to how he was raised FOR STARTERS.
A loving home. Hardly.
Two parents who bickered embarrassingly … like cat claws on a blackboard. While his dad is a good guy … he’s got JUST LIKE YOU AND ME plenty he’s probably not proud of. Including his first marriage.
THE biggest failing I’ve been able to find in the entirely of the scientology teachings is the BLACK AND WHITE thinking …
Someone is 100% good or 100% bad — all the while saying it’s a multi-valued system.
It’s not.
Take a few minutes — 13 to watch this, please — I posted it on Marty’s blog yesterday … without much comment because people there and here and everywhere would just rather hold to their OWN point of view.
But — oh hum …
I know of no place where LRH says someone is 100 percent good or 100 percent bad.
There are many places where he talks about gradients. The tone scale, the bridge is all about gradients. Ethics conditions are gradients of survival.
LRH also says there are no absolutes. Therefore no one is 100 percent good or 100 percent bad. LRH also said man is basically good, so how can anyone be 100 percent bad?
It amazes me how what LRH actually said gets altered. Then, when it sounds stupid or doesn’t work then LRH is condemned.
You hit it right on the head Dan351…Ron “talks about gradients.” Ron “talks” about a lot of things.
He talks about the supposed states of Clear (described thoroughly in DMSMH) and OT (described in the PDC lectures and elsewhere) but beyond “talking” the rest is just a series of role playing exercises followed by excuses and justifications for failure.
What Scientology has become is a direct result of empty promises where LRH “talks” about stuff, but did not deliver.
Miscavige has come up with a new game called direct donations, but it is not really that different from the false promises made by his predecessor.
Very well spotted Dan351 – I was just about to make the same comment but you beat me to it. The exact and best reference is in Science of Survival regarding “Infinity Valued Logic” which can be applied here as well.The fact that the Church are declaring good people though is another matter.
Thanks for your replies —
As I throw my hands into the air and say …
Yes — LRH speaks about infinity valued logic and yet does not himself apply it.
So — that said — my days commenting are over.
Whew — I’ll have much more time …
Oh dear, don’t be so discouraged. Stick around, I like your comments!
Like a lot.
I agree Dan351. I hate to see things like conditions thrown out the window because someone was abused with them. We have to take some personal responsibility somewhere. It’s just a tool to use when you want to, if it suits you. I was an avid reader of philosophy and religion before I got into Scn so I have trouble with people saying that “Scn” or “Ron” wouldn’t let me read anything else or I was forced to think such and such. I can’t imagine not reading something because someone told me to. Some people who made a career out of fucking others over in Scn will have to meet their maker someday. I take comfort in that. There are lots and lots of people who do and did a lot of good and we each, as beings, need to take our own road in evaluating the goodness/badness of our own actions. We are not the same. It’s the compromising of our own integrity that pisses us off the most. The 100’s of millions in bank accounts speaks loudly to the fact that many people benefited from auditing and were moved to give. I’m not throwing the baby out with the bathwater, my many valuable experiences are important too.
This is good advice Dr. Hanson is giving here. Something anybody, whether on the Bridge or not, CAN apply.
Thank you!
Hallie J: You are absolutely spot on.
Don’t go, Windhorse! 🙂
I enjoy reading what you have to say.
I also enjoy your posts, and learn from them, Windhorse.
I second that. Don’t go.
Windhorse – you comment that Scientology claims it is a multi-valued system. Where is this claim and what does this actually mean? It is all very well to post comments that are very open-ended as to meaning and then complain and get huffy when it seems people don’t understand you and refute your claims, or take up your claims and attempt to or actually invalidate or negate them. I don’t think you will be able to post things on here that are just generalities without being taken to task about them, as has happened with some of the replies to your post.
As to the criticism of Hubbard, well, people are entitled to do so if they feel the need, for whatever reasons they have.It’s a free country. However, my point in retort is that someone who invents the only completely workable mental technology there is, that changes and improves peoples lives and takes them to higher states of being is I think allowed to have picked his nose when he was 15 or had a few indiscretions when he was 26 or “personality failures” or had CMO girls hold his ashtray for him or whatever relatively unimportant “fact” people want to say about him. Who cares? I don’t. Yes LRH was a bit fat and he was this and he was that etc. etc. – but the man spent his life researching the only workable technology of the mind there is – and people criticize him??? He wasn’t perfect (although I think the criticisms of him are so irrelevant as to be almost laughable, unimportant and infantile) but that is not the point of Scientology,is it? Or is it? It is somewhat similar to a non-Christian saying “well, Jesus had a beard and we all know people with beards are weird”, ignoring the reported good deeds he did – because he had a beard. Poor analogy/example I know but it is about the same level of perception.
Now I have posted support for other statements you make on here so you will see straight away that it is not a personal criticism of you here. And it is not, as you may think, blind support of Hubbard. It is just that such “facts” that are presented about him are either not true according to my data or – totally unimportant in the overall scheme of things. There are certainly no “facts” about Hubbard that would prompt me to give up learning and benefiting from his technology that he discovered.
“There are certainly no “facts” about Hubbard that would prompt me to give up learning and benefiting from his technology that he discovered.” I agree. There is a vast difference between the man and his work. The final test is: if you apply it, does it work. If it is true for you, it is true. If it doesn’t work for you, and you applied it correctly, it isn’t true for you.
Windhorse, your comments, suggestions etc are very appreciated
and in some cases let me see things I had never looked at before,
which has been very beneficial.
Windhorse —
I did take the time to look over that video – it was great. Dr. Hanson is sincere and obviously well-intentioned and his compassion rings through.
I would like to know more about why you included that link alongside your other comments.
I got into SCN in 1972. Within a few weeks after starting, I was struck by two concepts that I have held onto for the last 42 years and will probably continue to hold on to.
1. Scientology works
2. There are assholes and shits in Scientology, just like everywhere else.
I say this because I have witnessed great results through the application of the tech and watched it butchered beyond recognition by someone who was more intent on being “in control” than helping someone else.
LRH had an amazing run of clarity and was able to suss out some remarkable techniques that work and can help others uniformly. I’m just happy he had that chance.
Was he “above” his own teachings? Who would even suggest he was. Simply because he was able to discern the characteristics and causes of PTSness, doesn’t mean he was immune to it – he wasn’t. For most of his life he was a great observer of human characteristics – read Science of Survival. Yet, in the last 5+ years of his life, the man couldn’t spot an SP riding through his living room in a Humvee. Evidence the rise of David Miscavige, who manifested such incredible duplicity and evil intent during that time, that even Machiavelli himself would have kissed him on the lips.
Scientology is not the accumulated acts and efforts of all Scientologists, past and present. It is a finite body of data, that when applied with certainty, compassion and love, produces great results.
Please stay and continue communicating Windhorse. All viewpoints are needed.
In case anyone didn’t see this yet it is a very interesting bit of writing done by a former IAS Fundraiser. http://androvillans.wordpress.com/2012/11/27/ex-scientologist-story-411-confessions-of-an-ias-fundraiser/
Thanks Andro. The site you posted will be useful to me.
8 clears produced in one year, for the entire WUS, all those orgs. And they’re excited about it. I’m still digesting this.
Actually, I just went back and checked the flyer and it says “8X!”, so the clears produced this year were 8 times the amount produced last year/month/whatever. My head is kind of spinning from the omissions, but I suppose that’s the intention.
So if it is 8X the number of Clears, I bet they made one last year and 9 this year. Still very low stats. And I’d like to know how many of the Clears made are just re-dos of people who were told they are NOT Clear and have to re do it? How many of those numbers are actual new people just off the street who actually made it to Clear? I bet none.
I hear you, Cindy. I’d love to know how many are re-dos. One would think that there would be separate stats kept for new Clears and Clear re-dos. In my dreams, right?
Your upset stomach should pass in 3 – 10 days.
The most interesting detail in this post was the list of names including the mysterious “N C” in the invite for the September 6 Valley “Autumn Gala” event. First thing is that it’s not clear whether this is the list of people who Command Intention declares must attend, or if it’s the list of people who have actually committed to attending. Given attendance at these events is fairly low, I’d have to believe that there aren’t 250 people (the approximate number on this list) that have committed to attending. In other words, I would have to believe that this is the list of public who are “on lines” in the Valley.
The most interesting part of this list is that there are so many shared surnames. In other words, about half of the list are people who are related. It’s probably the case that a far higher percentage of the list are people who are related but who don’t share a last name. So I’m estimating that those 250 names boil down to about 80 families or partnerhips. That’s not exactly making a dent in what is supposedly the biggest concentration of Scientologists in the world.
Incidentally, I went looking for the name of Melinda Brownstone, who was supposedly a big pal of Leah Remini when Leah was still “in” and saw neither her name nor that of her husband. Both have been involved in business ventures that mostly focused on Scientologist clients. Wonder if they got declared due to Melinda’s friendship with Leah. Does anybody know?
That’s what I was thinking too, John P. I would be very surprised if that many people went to that event. Seems like a padded list.
Based on a number of prospects I know who are not listed, I’d say the list is just people who have already bought, or agreed to buy, a ticket. It doesn’t mean they will attend (and endure additional regging), but $100 is relatively cheap to get the registrar off your back and to stay out of Ethics.
There was Ivan The Terrible. Anyone got a good nickname for Miscavige? Free pin the tail on the Davey game for best entries.
You should go over to Ortega’s more often, MJ, entheta or not. We have over 1100 different nicknames for DM.
I know for a fact that Melinda Brownstone disconnected from Leah, and from her own brother, William, who is married to Leah’s sister, Shannon. Melinda is hard core kool-aid drinking, second generation scientologist, who can’t/won’t allow herself to see anything wrong in the cherch. She’s also an OT7 or 8.
PS: Melinda and her husband live in Los Feliz, so they probably wouldn’t be included on the Valley promo.
Thanks Mike. I cracked up several times!
One thing Miscavige hasn’t mastered is how to show stat graphs that have no down slopes. It puts the lie to his straight-up-and-vertical slogan. But somehow he just can’t figure out how do it. He made a similar attempt with the AOLA phone “on-hold” music (I think Flag has this also) – to always go up and never go down. Have you heard this? It has an insane gleeful quality to it. My 3-year old nephew writes better music.
“Andy Seidler had his certs pulled…..”
“Barb Rubio also had her certs pulled….”
11. Helping others (Auditors and C/S’s) is an activity which drives the antisocial personality nearly berserk. Activities, however, which destroy ( OSA ) in the name of help are closely supported.
The Basic Reason
The basic reason the antisocial personality ( David Miscavige ) behaves as he or she does lies in a hidden terror of others.
To such a person every other being is an enemy, an enemy to be covertly or overtly destroyed.
The fixation is that survival itself depends on “keeping others down” or “keeping people ignorant.”
If anyone were to promise to make others stronger or brighter, the antisocial personality suffers the utmost agony of personal danger.
Re DM – I recall an LRH reference regarding ethics presence, stating words to the effect that it’s based on ARC, and the removal or interruption thereof, or words to that effect. If anyone has the exact quote, please post it. The point being, that Miscavige doesn’t appear to have a lot of ARC, so his “ethics presence” is totally based on the amount of fear and threat he can interject into the minds of others. Interesting, eh?
If memory serves, it is HCOPL Ethics Presence. I don’t have it to hand, but you’re pretty much there. Loss of, or threat of loss of the executive’s ARC, is enough to compel the junior to produce.
Right Statpush. I had that aptly demonstrated by the late Yvonne Gillham.
I seem to remember something about ARC when using Ethics but it must be somewhere else than in HCOPL ETHICS PRESENCE, where the ONLY reference is at the very end “You can, however, get in such a frame of mind you cease to use the softer arts as well”.
And then -last line- “Wrath IS effective but used in moderation and only in moments of urgency”.
Yes, we DO remember those that applied ARC when wearing their E/O hat. For me it was a
rather obese lady at AOSHUK, saying things like “Get your butt out of here”, “don’t come back”, “I don’t want to see you here again”. It was HOW this was said and there was an UNDERSTANDING there.
Personally and thankfully I am no longer interested in participating in the emotionally manipulative game of keeping or losing an “executive’s” ARC …. which of course is not REAL ARC at all ….. just a faux and false version that lasts from Thursday to Thursday. Talk about 1.1! Give me hate instead … better than the bullshit control flows from hco pl ethics presence.
Joe wrote:
Personally and thankfully I am no longer interested in participating in the emotionally manipulative game of keeping or losing an “executive’s” ARC …. which of course is not REAL ARC at all ….. just a faux and false version that lasts from Thursday to Thursday. Talk about 1.1! Give me hate instead … better than the bullshit control flows from hco pl ethics presence.
No kidding. This PL represents some of the worst Scientology administrative and management training ever.
Scientology has some very bad teachings, but PLs like “Ethics Presence” can ruin a person and get him fired pronto if he applied on any job outside the sycophantic cult environment of Scientology.
If I recall correctly, there was an FO Ethics Presence that had one extra sentence in it beyond what was in the PL, and that stated pretty much what you said.
Good to see you here Dan. We shared some trying times together. If you’d like to contact me here’s my email. [email protected]
Hey MJ – Is this the quote you are thinking of? It is from Essay on Management:
“Any management which operates as a censorship or a propaganda medium will inevitably destroy itself and injure the group. A management must not pervert affinity, communication or reality and must not interrupt it. A management fails in ratio to the amount of perversion or severance of ARC it engages upon and its plans and the goals of the group are wrong in the exact ratio it finds itself ‘forced’ to engage upon ARC perversion or severance of ARC in terms of propaganda or internal relations….A management which will hide data, even in the hope of sparing someone’s feelings, is operating toward a decline of the group.” (Policy letter – LRH Essay on Management, under “Laws”)
There are two Flag Orders about Ethics Presence that are part of “Mission School” — one of them states that the cessation of ARC can be as heavy an ethics gradient as any form of punishment. Don’t have access to the issue to print it here.
Thanks Mike.
Excellent points Kevin. Thanks for that reference.