The Time is Now!
Of course, it ALWAYS is.
Until tomorrow, when there is something better….
How can it be more?
Last week was “everything you ever wanted”?
It’s really easy…
Except for people who have access to the internet.
Wonder if this is legal?
In most states gambling is restricted
Why is this Russian?
Barcelona only delivers to Russians?
It’s the next big thing
Re-do your Purif and SRD.
Because you can…
Big Think?
Ya think?
None of these pix — no doubt the best they could come up with — indicates anything big at all?
Hand in hand with an OT 7
As if this is a recommendation.
Reed Slatkin was OT 7. Grant Cardone too…
A new phase with our protocols…
That is the amazing news.
Find out if you qualify to be a Chicago Executive…
Do you have a heartbeat?
You qualify.
Top Gun
Oh dear, Jimmy Page is STILL in Chicago?
No doubt he will be there until the ribbon is yanked. Could be years…
The staff and field are the top guns of the city
Wonder what their definition of top gun is?
CLO Africa
Composed entirely of 2nd generation scientologists?
Or they hired some people to dress up and have their shot taken?
They will try anything
Back to school celebration??
We have people preparing to start their SRD
That’s some big news.
Sounds sort of good…
Though a few critical comments about the quarantine and routing in… Would not have passed muster if he had written this in his “success story” at the Examiner.
But here is a question.
If this is all being done without addressing the BT’s and Clusters, what is the point?
Vancouver Graduation
Mr. L’s is going to the Class V org graduation, along with a “special highly trained guest speaker” because they don’t have any actual graduates…
Kiddie Corner
It’s the biggest in the world!
Can hold 102 people at a time on the Purif.
The most they have EVER had at one time is less than a tenth of that.
Do the Purif again…
Your body “releases toxins” so re-do the Purif to release the toxins?
Makes NO sense.
Such a strange mixture
So amazing!
We are delivering the Purif now. To a kid?
The next big thing…
Uh, they didnt get the memo?
Game On is supposed to be no more masks and gloves????
First STCC completion in 2.5 years
Yeah, it’s really been a time of “massive international expansion” for sure.
Afternoon tea quiz?
And ideal orgs?
At least they took their masks off…
This is San Francisco Day and Fdn staff and public.
One of the first “ideal orgs” and it’s smaller now than when it opened.
The Easy Bake Ultra VIII
Now in black and white.
Often wondered how the color of the meter changes anything?
David Miscavige
This one’s for you…
Speaking of anger issues, there’s also the infamous “beat their teeth in personally” note that Hubbard wrote in his own hand:
I think anger issues are “baked in” to Scientology in subtle ways, and reflected in policies and practices such as their bitter, aggressive and sometimes even violent attacks against “apostates” and critics (and their pets). It’s yet another case of them psychologically projecting, by talking about a problem they themselves suffer from and have yet to properly resolve.
“…anger issues….” Advertisement from Foothills Mission of Scientology.
That just begs for the Foothills Scientologists to learn of LRH’s 1982 “anger issues”, the Scientology founder said the most despicable comments, to Miscavige, which Miscavige took literally.
“….and if you see WDC SMI spit on him for me….” – L. Ron Hubbard
One of the final all time horrible, I took it figuratively when I read this “advice” which was among the final LRH traffic, to “Spcl Pjt Ops” and to “CO CMO Int” and the above tiny comment was packed within the traffic specifically to CO CMO Int, Marc Yager at the time.
It was Miscavige who wished to seek out John Aczel, who was WDC SMI at that exact moment of this LRH comment, John I think was already busted to “decks” and in lower conditions, but Miscavige and a small entourage sought out John, and John was out doing some sort of deck related work outside, with Roger Barnes, CO SMI, Roger was busted too, and both were in lower conditions.
Miscavige charges up with entourage trailing, and spat multiple times and also socked, punched at both John and Roger.
I asked Roger, on the phone, in 2004, if this incident happened, he confirmed he was with John, and both were spat on and punched.
Others have confirmed it too.
Yes, LRH had his “Source” “anger issues” too, and it has trickled down to the Miscavige era, and Miscavige has retained his right to express his anger, since LRH expressed his own anger.
When a “religion” has this type of foundational writings to give the “leaders” of Scientology this option, to implement petty violence and anger, and there’s the other several LRH policies (“Ethics Presence” policy, and “Knowledge Reports” policy, and then one of the “Danger Condition” policies) which give the LRH source foundational justification to express wrath, and anger, upon one’s subordinates.
Mike’s listed out even further LRH violence writings, which are still on the books.
BUT, the “….spit on him for me….” is one of the final straws for why Scientology is NOT a religion, in weighing really, honestly, the “Doubt Formula” that all of us do, who finally quit.
To me, the LRH “…..spit on him for me….” aligns too closely to what LRH wished of his Commodore’s Messengers, per the LRH Commodore’s Messengers’ duties to LRH.
Yes, Foothills Scientologists, LRH did wish some of his top messengers to spit on their fellow WDC Member John Aczel and by extension to CO SMI Roger Barnes.
Miscavige followed through.
One of my continuing strongest reasons, personally today, to NOT recommend Scientologists actually follow L. Ron Hubbard’s orders or polices, or theory.
I recommend Scientologists take up the Hubbard comment in Keeping Scientology Working, where Hubbard challenges: “…..if they are going to quit let them quit fast…..”
What to do? Quit. And the faster the better.
Scientology is a faux religion, and imbued with Hubbard’s nastiness, which the lower members, like Foothills Scienotlogists might just not know about, and just might go silent about, even if they know of the LRH “….spit on him for me….” order to CMO Int staff.
Only when you quit Scientology, can you freely do the “Doubt Formula” and only in hindsight.
When you are in Scientology, you are obliged to rejoin Scientology, always, when you do your “Doubt Formula.”
Only when you are out, and free, and you continue naturally doing the Doubt Formula, stretching out for years even, finding more and more why your quitting Scientology was the right choice in your fuller “Doubt Formula.”
In my first years after quitting Sea Org, and watching Internet sites spring up, I thought there ought to be a
And have incontrovertible summarized material there, showing more full why Scientologists did quit.
Have a site for Scientologists who are “in Doubt” find this site, and see more fully why they ought choose to leave the Scientology group.
Great comment Chuck.
That order is well known and Miscavige spitting on John A is something Miscavige proudly pointed to as evidence of his dedication to Source.
Sadly, John, who was a very nice, softly-spoken, highly intelligent english gentleman ended up in the basement of the HGB as “Mimeo Files IC” — watching over the hundreds of filing cabinets that lined the hallways filled with printed copies of all of Hubbard’s scribblings. He was rarely seen, sort of the Quasimodo of the HGB hidden away below ground to keep him out of sight and out of mind.
What a sad end to a dedicated member. Reading Chuck’s comments and LRH’s orders and how they got followed by DM makes me grateful that my cherch experience happened outside of the big gung-ho on policy cherches.
We were more mellow out on the fringes. Lighter ethics, lighter regging, and kinder supervising. Everytime some staff member got too “on policy” or “on purpose” because of some trip down to Los Angeles to be “corrected,” public cherchies like myself got ground like cigarette butts. On numerous occasions, I groveled to whoever was dishing out the cruelty.
I was so busy trying to prove my loyalty that I didn’t notice that my flank was unprotected. I didn’t see that my “friends” in the cherch were acting out what had happened to them. I didn’t see that not protecting myself got me deeper in the mud. I only saw that I was bad and needed to become better.
That made me pant. (Wipes sweat off forehead). I”m so glad I’m out!
Our Waitstaff is ready to serve you
That poker game is being played in Vegas and DEFINITELY illegal. You can play for money at home, but if you’re anywhere else, you need approval from the State Gambling Board. Unless they have hooks there…
The only thing I actually know for sure in looking at those images of people in those flyers is that in a decade or two, maybe even less, 90% of those smiles will be gone. The other 10% have a hollow soul and they would probably smile with rotten teeth and think nothing of it.
Nothing good comes from investing in Scientology!
Why decade or two ?
2025 :Age of Extinction
It’s a final count down
It’s not me, it’s written on the wall.
I hope you’re right. I’ve been somewhat stunned Scientology has lasted as long as it has, but I’ve have come to some sort of terms personally that the brand of stupidity it peddles is quite acceptable to some. The lure of spiritual freedom is a sticky thing, even if peddled by a flim flam organisation, cult or other brand of off the wall or even conventional “religious” nonsense.
The poison of tobacco is also still extant too, despite the evidence. Yet some people puff away for years until eventually it takes them out or makes them very sick when their arteries and veins clog up.
Corruption comes in many forms; be it religious, financial, body kicks, substance abuse or dominance over others, sex etc. Scientology will come to pass pass or morph into something like acne. I don’t know, I’ve given up on predictions, I’ve been wrong all too often, but wish full thinking isn’t a bad thing.
Hubbard was certainly a wobbly character, he sure fell in a heap and took a lot of people with him, but he offered some remarkable insights into the human condition. Having to be right, the old ‘ser fac’ wasn’t all that far wrong as a powerful source of craziness. As a therapy, it doesn’t last very long or runs into a wall pretty quickly.
But as my old sergeant use to say, “gotta have a hobby.”
“….As a therapy…..” I like keeping Scientology in that domain. It’s a “bad karma” past lives fixup of one’s bad karma, essentially, “therapy” (two person team, one delivers the quackery therapy and one receives it) at the “lower levels.” And then one gets all one’s bad karma supposedly gone, when one reaches “Clear.”
Then some little more quack pseudo-therapy, and then the second stage of “bad karma” targetting, because on OT 3, Xenu level, you learn Xenu dumped surplus souls (body-thetans) with all their super super bad bad karma, and all humans are drenched and infested with these Xenu implanted surplus souls (“body-thetans”) leaking their undetected bad bad karma on us.
And the second stage of secret Scientology, is the exorcism, to strip off the Xenu “body-thetans” drenched in their bad karma, which stops the leakage of all that additional bad karma, off us “Clear” souled SCientologist, and now once all the body-thetans are exorcised off us, then that bad karma they leaked onto us goes too.
So that to me, is the basic way to describe Scientology’s “soul” practices.
Past lives bad karma “therapy” fixup, to “Clear” mid level.
Then second stage, exorcism to strip off the surplus souls we never knew we are infested with, and in exorcising those surplus souls, so too goes the bad karma leaking from them, once they are all exorcised off us.
So, that’s the “soul therapy” and “exorcism” double whammy of Scientology, in a nutshell.
They never tell you this, never summarize this, it’s just up to someone to figure it out, and summarize it down to the above.
People been believing in the soul for a long time, and Scientology/Hubbard is really just past lives bad karma soul “therapy” and then surplus souls exorcism to lose our surplus souls’ leakage of bad karma onto us.
Sums it up pretty well Chuck. Each to their own interpretation but I’ve traveled that path and would not recommend it to anyone. The wins and the fun dried up just before Clear and it only became like wandering around a desert beyond that and gave me a “hunted” feeling.
It was kind of fun initially, back in the day and passes for a therapy imo (the lower levels stuff and some of the correction lists). But to follow the so called bridge into Clear & beyond, well… to put it bluntly is a fucked up mess!
I think if I would have left, ie walked out the door, not to return after level 4 and never gone near Clear I’d be a happy camper right now. It’d be bygones and I would have dodged a bullet so to speak. However, at the time that never occurred to me and the people on the ‘old OT levels’ didn’t seen to bad mouth it, nor were they regged within an inch of their lives back then either.
But you are right imo – Hubbard was sure into the bad karma of it all and the more he delved into it the worse it got. Nothing he came up with solved anything. It drown him in his own goo, and anyone who followed or believed in him or his organisational nightmare he created.
Any “eureka” moment of or in Scientology is a myth.
Is it above or below the (paraphrased from one of the Bottom Live shows) scrawled, “My name is Demento and I am 8 inches long and 3 inches round.”
That New York Purif I/C is leaning in uncomfortably close to that poor child.
OK, let me process:
THIS is San Francisco’s Day AND Foundation staff?
All 36 of them?
Nearly all Grandmas and grandpas well into their 60s?
With a few pushing 80?
Oh, and a few youngsters too.
“Youngsters” as in little kids?
Would they perchance be the conscripted elementary-school aged grandchildren of the aging SF cult die-hards?
And then:
Sad. Very, very sad.
Lol it’s always been this small. I was on staff there back in the early 2000s. That org was NEVER full and I think Day and Fdn had maybe 35 staff each? If that? Don’t get me started on how empty the course rooms were. I worked in the Basic Courseroom and would have maybe 2 students a day.
“Don’t get me started on how empty the course rooms were.”
Interesting and informative comment, thank you, Joe.
I was never staff, for 27 years always a public, and, except in the very beginning in the 80s when I did intro courses in the basic course room, was always in the Academy doing some course or another.
I noticed the Academy course room in my org starting to empty out around 1998. Before that I’d be worrying about getting a seat and not having to be set up in the hallway!
Also, and no surprise, around that time finding a twin for certain courses became an issue. And btw my little org was on the east coast in a major city. Interesting that SF org’s course attendance paralleled my little East coast org.
When I was a young and naïve Scientologist on staff, I just figured we weren’t working hard enough, but the empty course rooms around the late 90s/early 2000s were the norm. I was the Chief Acad Sup around that time (2000/2001) and my course room was never full. And when it was “full”, it was maybe 15 students at once?
Also… just as a note, one of the “whys” as to why my courseroom was empty was because I was out-ethics (for being gay) and therefore impeding people from coming into the org to get on service.
Since I’ve been out of Scn since 2005 and STILL seeing the fact the orgs are empty whenever I have walked past one just reminds me it’s not me nor was it ever.
Talk about a clueless Wrong Why, Joe. Your sharing that your being gay and as such “out ethics” having been given you as the reason for your courseroom being empty – well, reading this, I want to laugh, cry, and fly into a raging rant all at the same time.
Targeting you that way…look, I have no words and can’t afford to get worked up right now.
I’m just so sorry and angry and contemptuous of them that you were put thru that kind of distress, Joe.
Please know that at the same time that you were Chief Acad Sup with course rooms very sparsely attended, at that very same time, clear across the continent on the East coast existed the same situation in my tiny org.
In fact, in the 27 years I was in Scientology as a public I saw the Academy Courseroom go from bursting in the mid-80s to almost no one except for a smattering of students in 2011 – maybe 8 or 9 at the VERY most – on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, with about a third of THESE being org staff, not public!
During course time in the evenings there’d be about 4 of us.
Very likely the REAL WHY for reduced student attendance STARTING IN THE LATE 90S was GAT, the first GAT, mandating that all auditor training be FULLY redone AND paid for AGAIN.
Last but not least, Joe: Thank you, for being on staff and wanting to help. Don’t EVER feel bad about that. Your heart was in the right place. It is THEY who run things in the cult who should feel bad. It is THEY who should feel the shame, and they will, some day. Oh, they will, yes.
Thank you for these kind words. Even after being gone from Scientology since 2005, I still struggle with the guilt.
To say the least, I haven’t been declared or expelled per se. Unless I have and I just don’t know it!!
I’m hoping one day I can share my story. I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s gone through the hell I went through growing up as a Scn.
The guilt, huh? Let me guess: You “let down the group”…? Is that what they got you with? Oh, brother. Would I like to wring these peoples’ necks. Joe, there’s plenty I could say but for now I’ll just say this: its only a matter of time before each and every one of them realizes they’re on a sinking ship, and not because someone has scuttled it, but because its hull is rotten. They’re phonies, passing themselves off as helpers. Some are doing it intentionally, others cluelessly. No matter, they’re all still phonies. One day in their own time each of them will realize this. As they realize this, they’ll jump ship. Possibly they’ll help others jump ship. Its only ignorance, real of feigned, that keeps them on board. Its just a matter of time before they wake up and leave, as you did. That’s not betrayal of the group; that’s survival. I’ll leave you with this one thought: There’s such a thing as betrayal of oneself too, you know. And when one has betrayed oneself, one is as good as dead. Pity them, but know that it is within their ability and power of choice to observe what they observe, to look and not listen. Have compassion for them, but don’t allow them hold your mind and heart, don’t let them clutch at you with their cold, dead fingers. Not that I’m religious or even technically a Christian but there’s something that Jesus Christ says in the New Testament: “Let the dead bury their own dead.” That’s them, Joe, until they, like you, learn to look, not listen. You can’t learn that lesson for them. Its a bitter, painful truth but the guilt is THEIRS unless and until they can cease twisting and turning and once and for all confront the truth that’s right in front of their faces.
Afternoon tea quiz?
Who is this mysterious Afternoon Tea person that is going to host the do, are they a good speaker or will it all just be a bore in a teacup?
In the footsteps of Ron: Are they going to make you smoke packet after packet of Kools, take loads of prescription drugs and drink lots of alcohol and finally die in a motor home just to complete the ultimate part of following in his footsteps?
Never fear, regging will be provided free of charge throughout the whole experience.
2 things grabbed me. First, I hope those Ukrainian and Russian ladies were NOT in the same course room! Could get a little sticky. Second, the Columbus Org. Back to School? The Columbus teachers are on strike! They MAY return next week but it’s not definite.
Notice the third one (“Attend the Disseminatin Seminar”) and the grammatical error:
“Showing how is easy to disseminate . . .”
It’s a common error among Latino writers learning English, but Holy Xenu/Xemu, try some proofreading.
Scientologists aren’t the people only who’re bad at proofreading. I’ve made a few mistakes myself.
The best bit about afternoon tea with Hubbard is he won’t be there. Unfortunately you will be surrounded by people who are in his valence and taken on his identity despite a so-called cure for that being at hand. Saint Hill?
Not to mention whose “Valence” [social mask] Hubbard is in, at the time the photo shows, and whose “Identity” [fake character] Hubbard has taken on there, himself.
Hint: The very opposite of being himself!
“Do you have a heartbeat? You qualify.”
And yes, that anger issue seminar should be a must-not-miss for Misscavige.
Mike, you put the funny in the Funnies
Mike forgot to add the most important and overarching question, “Do you have a bank account? You qualify.”
“Well, I’ll be…” (you haven’t run away yet) – “you’re in!”
Jan Hansen at AOSHEU. If memory serves me right, that’s the same Jan who used to be in the Intell Bureau of the Guardians Office Denmark – which used to be located on one of the top floors of AOSHEU. Bob Metzler was the boss of GO DK. Carl Heldt was in the Legal Bureau.
So, now he’s OT8 and ED of the Hubbard College. Once a master of lying, always a master.
Re: Top Gun Chicago flyers.
I wonder what would happen at the Chicago org if/when the street gangs of Chicago saw these flyers being passed around in their territories. Turf war?
Well, it may be a way to get people in the doors of the org. Just not what they intended.
“Stable Exteriorization achieved on the Ls”
Oh, I see Colin. You’re ExTerIoR to all these other identities and characteristics, mannerisms and other crap you picked up and copied or emulated in your life.
and you’re Stably Exterior to that “not really me” stuff forever’n ever.
and it was worth every penny!
(Colin, are Ls intensives still 8 grand a pop, no packages no discounts anymore?)
Way back:
Ls intensives were 10, 12 grand each, with discounts and packages available. Regular flag intensives were 8 grand each. GAT II, November 2013, prices dropped to 8 grand Ls, 5 grand regular, no discounts, all packages on account cancelled.
When I get audited, I always request a light green meter as that mellows me out at the start of session, providing me with a nature induced pastoral vibe. But if I have a real loss or upset before session, I request a fiery red computer to jump start my confront. For long sessions, I like the navy blue meter, it’s solid dignity speaks to me of stability and stamina.
Now though, I want to make a proud statement about my personal style by buying two complete sets of the new black and white meters. Even though I am an OT8 Super Power, I feel that their understated elegance will make the distinct statement that I am certainly not the schlub I once was, traveling down the time track with my old wooden meter propped against two manilla folders, using old soup cans. I’M BETTER THAN THAT! And maybe this is TMI, but just the thought of their streamlined curves and aesthetic perfection are causing an arousal down yonder the likes that I haven’t felt since I was in my early 20s as an org staff member, and Diana Hubbard walked in on a mission, hips swaying in her tight uniform, long red hair trailing as she turned and smiled at me and then winked …
Hmm, Joe, you might just have to write a book too
What sort of mood did you have be in if you ever had to ask for the meter that goes, “Ping.”
With all the emphasis on ‘dissemination’ and ‘bring a friend’, how many new bodies do get in the shop? I doubt that anyone outside of second or third generation clams ever shows up.
In all the years I was in the cult, I could never overcome my hesitation in bringing in any non Scientology friends of mine thereby subjecting them to the org’s seemingly insatiable demands for money. And then there were other things too; the non stop phone calls to ensure event attendance, and then, last but not least – believe it or not – having to “give a hand to LRH for the tech” at the end of each course period! I really didn’t like doing this!
Now Don’t get me wrong; I LIKED the tech. I liked it very much. I wanted to be there, on course. My back off on this LRH acknowledgement was in the public display of gratitude mandated. It always made me uncomfortable. I would have preferred to have offered my own personal, private, sincere yet non verbalized thanks to LRH, when the spirit moved me to do so. “Hip Hip Hooray” and clapping while looking at his photo on the wall I just found to be an embarrassment that never really went away over time! Go figure.
Scientologists of the org set mentality require constant assurance they are doing the right thing. It only takes a one or two of them and it spreads like a virus.
In the 40s if you didn’t raise your arm in salute in Germany – the same type of thing really. Witch hunting and persecution resulted if you didn’t do it.
You are not alone in that ill feeling Aqua, applauding a picture or a hunk of bronze.
What I have to say is my opinion and mine alone.
In my view Scientologists don’t believe in the reality of Reality. Take the Touch Assist. To a Scientologist a Touch Assist is invaluable. To someone who is outside of Scientology a Touch Assist is worthless. To a Scientologist the word of Hubbard is invaluable. To someone who is outside of Scientology the word of Hubbard is worthless.
I could go on.
It’s called ” obsession ” the Essence of any Cult .
This what bring myopic view, pave way for Mental conditioning ( out there
are evil to grab you ) , leading to isolation from world and its realities and ultimate objective the Stockholm Syndrome.