How very appropriate
Enter the world of Alice in Wonderland.
Yes, it’s OPEN!
Not funny, sad
I have not had the opportunity to read the decision.
The activities of scientology are NOT beneficial to the public at large. They are only photo ops.
AOSH Africa
Busting open the bottom of the Bridge
I wonder if Joburg or Joburg North or Pretoria (all 3 of them “ideal” orgs) have ANY customers?
They don’t have certs any more?
Just cheesy signs they hold up…
In true Chicago style…
Half a dozen, tired old people sitting in a room doing three cheers for Ron.
The doors are wide open!
Most of the time…
Reserve your seat…
If ONE person shows up they will be thrilled.
Super Power magic!
It’s all an illusion and sleight of hand…
Apparently it’s worth getting excited about…
They can deliver what they have always been able to deliver until they were told they couldn’t deliver it.
But there is nobody there anyway, so what does it matter?
Elderly staff unite!
Chicago is gathering a collection of old people from other orgs.
It’s kind of embarrassing that this is what the “ideal org” program has come to.
Another one
Two more…
And they have someone “rolling” on their training
Not completing anything, but rolling.
More celebrations for nothing
Yep, the obvious place to go from Ukraine
Successful marriages
From the bigamist who “didn’t have a second wife”
I guess it’s better than bowling?
The Hubs is rolling in his grave.
Malmo graduating Super Power completions?
Wonder who the “special VIP guest” that cannot be named is?
This Brief Moment in Eternity…
They’re waiting for you!
Yeah, not so much
This guy has never done anything… He just talks about doing things. But doesn’t mention how he married into money.
Congratulations for giving us your money!
Wash, rinse, repeat
How these people keep doing the same thing over and over again and having new “big wins” is really quite sad.
Class VIII C/S?
Wait until RTC hears about this.
There are no Class VIII’s.
This level of miracles…
ARC SW done Solo. Woop-di-doo.
But they have to make it sound like something earth shattering because it’s an “OT Level.”
A crucial datum
Thetans occupying small bodies… the only way you can understand children.
This is the “true data” about what childhood is.
Yeah, right…
This is an ideal org?
How are they NOT already doing what they need to do?
They have “vital projects” that remain undone? So they have to beg for non-staff to come and do them?
Still “gearing up”
Ooh, come see the Top Gun himself…
But only if you are on service. No freeloaders allowed.
The incredible news from the first week of delivery?
Like orgs never did Purif and TR’s before?
They can hype literally ANYTHING.
The “Wider” Bridge
The way they latch onto stupid terms is pretty amazing.
This is one of the markers of a cult. The redefinition of terms that become catchphrases within the bubble of the cult.
“The Wider Bridge”
The Asshole Legacy of Hub-Lard, Expanded
Chairman Of The Whored, Pimping McSavage, “Out-Creating” His
Previous Hustle
The Entrance To Hell, Superficially Remodeled…
What is a Purification “Tour”? Odd wording.
Re the 2D-seminar. Will the Dwarfenfuhrer attend? And Shelly?
Oh my, another face tightening, butt clinching reaction! That’s what happens whenever I see advertisements concerning learning Hubbard’s way of starting or maintaining a relationship. His track record of family & kid raising is akin to Robert Duvall’s line out of ‘Apocalypse Now’. “I love the smell of napalm in the morning, it smells like victory.”
Hubbard’s relationships were train wrecks, Scientology will do the same to yours!
I know Charlie doesn’t surf. It’s the other things that Charlie does that’s really annoying.
See the Reg. Get ripped off.
Wait. But it’s the “newest” Regs, all our new Regs are fresh off the RPF and won’t rip anyone off.
All the Crim Regging is Over, Come In Now and see for yourself. Do you dare?
Erosion is a slow natural process that wears down mountains made of rock. If you have a few hundred million years you will see it. The ocean is full of the pieces of former mountains!
Scn is in a fairly rapid erosion cycle. You can see it in the pics that they are accepting as proof that orgs are now “bursting at the seams!”
New people walking into an org nowadays don’t really have an excuse, the data is available. Sadly there will be a win for the cult now and then, but the erosion will continue.
I wonder if the era of Crim Regging under Miscavige’s boon years, is really over, or just veiled threat regging has taken over Crim Regging?
I wonder what the feel is like at the “new” Reg Offices these days.
Funny story about the Sci 2D course… A few years ago I grudgingly agreed to do a weekend marriage course with my Scieologist wife, in a last ditch attempt to help our struggling marriage. That Friday evening after work, I customarily prepared to mow the lawn as part of my end-of-workweek decompression ritual. And just like every other time I’ve mowed the lawn for countless years before, I went straight to the fridge for the mandatory ice cold adult beverage required for the job. Then I heard the strangest thing…”Hey! You can’t drink that beer or they won’t let us go on course tomorrow.” I vividly recall the cracking sound as I smiled at her and opened the can. I can even still practically taste that delicious beer. Well that turned out to be the damned most expensive beer I’ve ever drank. But my new girlfriend and I have a great “2D” setup… Cheers!
“Pop, pop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is!”
Celebration, celebration, celebration. What are they celebrating?
From what I read here and other places what they celebrate the most is you losing your money.
The scientology way….
They’ve all been retrained, and they’ve replaced their Crim Regging with straight Hoopla Regging.
I really cannot see how they won’t fall right back into “Hard Sell” since Hubbard authored Hard Sell, and it’s always waiting to be found as “lost tech” to reimplement.
And then the cycle repeats, and they bust all the successful Hard Selling Regs, and give Hard Sell a tiny hiatus, and then go back into it.
Hubbard’s policies chase them back and forth, paint them into corners, they bust themselves, and then return to Hubbard’s same old policies that get them in trouble again. Then they blame themselves for the trouble they create just doing Hubbard policies, take a small hiatus, and then do it all again, year in year out, decade by decade.
Hubbard’s Keeping Quackery Working.
Re: This Brief Moment in Eternity (at Scientology Polanco)
To the girl on the left in the photo:
That’s quite a kink you have in your neck. Scientology can help you with that!
Poor Jose of the Chicago org. They can’t even get his name right. Is it Garcia or Rodriguez?
I’ve seen younger faces on money.
I see Chicago is getting the best of the best , the cream of the available Scienos. S/
Imagine how much emptier the other orgs will feel when these people leave for the windy city.
9/11 is a big celebration day? That’s wrong on so many levels
“That’s wrong on so many levels”
And that’s SO scientology. It’s just the way they ARE. Not quite thinking the thought through to the end.