There is a bit of a backlog of Funnies.
The ones that were too outdated I sent to the trash file. There are quite a lot, two weeks worth in one episode!
Smile away…
They’re “On The Plaque”
until they’re not… These things are VERY temporary.
The “Honor Roll”
On it until you’re not.
These are the marks who have contributed to making Australia the first “ideal continent”…
Big Thumbs Up
Come on in, the water’s fine. Not that many regges…
Chicago is big
So I joined staff.
Cincinnati needs staff desperately, their “ideal org” is empty. But they are told to send them to Chicago, so they do.
Flag is getting them for Chicago too…
Many Esteemed Colleges…
Fortunately, they ALL have Google.
“The future starts here” with a stock photo of college students (?) telling jokes on the stairs?
“Black people using scientology”?
As is the admission fee. Why not $5 or $10? Or $0?
OSA Propaganda
Stephanie is OSA Flag staff masquerading as the “Executive Director”
How sad
A quarter of a century wasted
Hawaii is going ideal! VERY slowly.
Maybe in another 20 years.
So all 20 of them, kids included, are jumping off cliffs into the ocean…
Sliding into the LAPD
Expand your beingness?
This guy really looks like a big being. I guess.
Expansion Shoot Out?
How odd this image is…
Kiddie Corner
As sad as ever…
End racism?
You think they will use some of those LRH quotes about “chinks” and the natives in South Africa…
Any excuse to try and get bodies in the shop
This is an ideal org…
The entirety of Pretoria in their 40,000sf building
Another one joins the geriatric brigade
Master the Sklls
But not the spelling…
I doubt he could draw a decent stick figure?
What does that mean?
It’s something to do with Grant Cardone apparently. They look like Cardone type people. Way too cool for school…
Same old same old
Jim Meskimen and Noelle North is all they have left.
250 events a year?
Forget the history…
Why not talk about freedom TODAY. Freedom to not be regged? To read what you want? To question anything from Hubbard?
The OT Universe is in an App…
That’s impressive.
Still no international events…
Even the big money-maker. Miscavige afraid to go out in public?
Rugby match and BBQ
…that’s a good reason to get bodies in the shop
Only an 18 year leave of absence
Sea Org members get 21
Mysterious good news
Real “magic”
And yes, these ladies DO say Valley. And that’s NOT good.
This huge building is completely empty.
This is an “Advanced Org”
Also trying desperately to get “bodies in the shop”
Got to sell my meter before 2!
Another one joining the Cocoon Team at Chicago
Flag is a shadow of its former self
Back in the day it would never have been contemplated that the Flag would promote and host a PUBLIC person doing an event in their auditorium… There’s no Sea Org member to do this?
A shadow of a shadow of its former self
They have a picture of the Flag AO and are promoting a public person’s event in someone’s house.
You too can be as happy as these folks…
Are they winning or what?
Limited number of seats…
What is the Bridge Walk of Fame Award?
Spelling isn’t their thing…
But they will teach you how to sell someone the only technology to salvage the universe.
Clear graduation?
They have a clear? Is it this woman?
Mystery sandwich alright, but not very appetizing.
Plymouth still exists?
Apparently so. At least for Halloween.
Funny, Halloween was a very US thing until recently. Wonder when the orgs outside the US will start having Thanksgiving events?
“Dream Team” Directors
IMDB wouldn’t categorize them that way…
Real Mystery Sandwich
Does this mean a bunch of people are escaping scientology on 20 November?
After 3 years he is back!
And nothing has changed.
Shatter the skulls to master suppression!
It violates a bit of operational security (“Op-Sec”) to talk about it, but I can’t help myself.
Scientology finds itself unable to retain a lot of its people. So that’s why I read this piece about Adelaide org keenly. These Derepas people are completely unknown to me. They’re most likely recent converts. I’ve also never heard of Rikke Beeny. Malcolm McClintock is the only name I know. He’s got some history. I’m always reading about complete unknowns in the ANZO orgs.
Adelaide is a dirtbag org full of complete failures. I blame it partly on the city, which I always hated and considered unimportant to the country. The org used to be money-grubbing, not because the staff were keen on lining their pockets, but because this useless org couldn’t pay its rent, and there was a long-term engrammic situation of being threatened with eviction. Of course, now that I know that the “real Why” is that Scientology has zero workability, and is a complete lie, I know why the org was a failure.
Rikke Jenssen/Galbiatti/Beeny was one of the RTC Reps FLB who oversaw the “handling” of Lisa McPherson and was there when she died. Rikke was sent to the RPF in Australia and was on it for years only to rise like a metaphorical phoenix and be put in charge of the ANZO Ideal Org project with Malcolm McClintock
Rikke wasn’t on the RPF in ANZO. She was in the Base Crew office. She then was on a special fundraiser project with Malcolm McClintoch..She married Chris Beeny not long after arriving in ANZO. Don’t know what she’s doing now.
If you repeat the same lies over and over for long enough I guess it results in empty buildings. Something is very screwy with their math for the sheeple.
COB likes it though, donations are fun! Especially when all he has to do is jump up and down and scream a lot, plus slap the odd person about (behind closed doors now I imagine).
Kiddies corner always makes me grind my teeth.
I wonder about the logic of selling her two meters. Does she know she’ll never go any further on the Bridge as a Sea Org member? Does she figure they automatically have meters available for Sea Org staff? Is she clueless that she’d be doing more solo auditing all the way through OT VII? She sure won’t be able to save up for 2 of the latest meters on her Sea Org stipend.
As for “escaping the temple of Zoom”, I think it’s a reference to no masking, no gloving, so time to get back in the building and stop doing contact via Zoom. Which leads me to wonder what they were doing by Zoom. Maybe their Sunday services, which is a lot of group processes of the “pull the blackness toward you; push the blackness away from you” nonsense.
Why is Michele Burnside trying to get BACK into the Sea Org? I thought most people who left the SO stayed as far away as possible.
Oh my – the photo under “you can be as happy as these folks.” LOL – that is one set of disgusted people posing for a photo they didn’t want to have taken.
I have had a question. What happens when a child is born into Scientology with a physical or other disorders/disabilities. Like if they are in wheelchairs or have autism. Things they can’t just hide? What happens to the children. Just never seen anyone in the organisation with disabilities?
Mike is on today’s episode of one of my favorite podcasts, The Town! Check it out here:
For any of you who may know, is an “Ideal Org” like a cathedral? And an “org” is just your local church / meeting place?
An Ideal Org is a regular Org that Miscavige has fleeced the sheep worldwide to supersize. Still no people, but an enormous, empty building.
Once upon a time, Hubbard defined an “ideal org” as a place with plenty of auditors and supervisors and the space for public to take courses and receiving auditing. It included a list of minimums to really be considered ‘ideal’.
Then along came a Miscavige who sat at the head of things, and redefined “ideal org” with the top aspect being square footage of the building and what Mike calls their FART (public entry to a bunch of TVs playing intro messages.
Mike has a pretty good older blog posting on it:
They are now used to smaller games and are adjusting. The int events will have to compensate with 5.4X exaggerations, more than normal. Maybe Cardone-esque 10X exaggerations.
What a weird world they live in.
Mike Spurgeon was CO CLO Canada in 1999 or so – poor guy
Noelle North is a horrible person who made Anon protester’s children cry:
I saw her years later in a vitamin commercial that aired a lot. She probably gave all her residuals to “you know who.”
Theta meters are way better than Co$ meters with their unreliable ancient technology, so much more can be done with them – like recording a session, they are a small fraction of the price of Co$ meters .
Better how? Anything associated with any e-meter, like auditing for example, is a scam. Bottom line, the ‘tech’ doesn’t work no matter how super dooper a meter is. Don’t waste your time with anything Hubbardesque. Anything he “researched” is just something he pulled outta his ass.
Hubbard did not found scientology, its actually a German science, you see thats just another lie that we have been told, that Ron
Hubbard and Mary-Sue coined the word scientology and found scientology, scientology is a German science from the 1920s.
If anyone is going to buy a meter, get the theta-meter, its a fraction of the price, I have one and it works better than the junk the Co$ is selling for thousands of dollars.
“Wonder when the orgs outside the US will start having Thanksgiving events?”
It’s black (mood) Friday every week after the stats crash at 2pm the day before.
Re: “Hawaii is going ideal! VERY slowly. Maybe in another 20 years. So all 20 of them, kids included, are jumping off cliffs into the ocean…”
Lemmings to the sea.
I was thinking the other day Mike, the Freewinds is 60 years old. Assuming Scientology carries on as it does this ship will soon go extinct. They will need a new ship with staff to man it and hope that some public come to it. Do you see them retiring it? Is it a cash cow? Could they even afford to have one and have all the amenities and food needed for public and crew. I mean staff is easy, just beans. But…
The world will never be free of drugs. (Gosh, I’m such a cynic.)
Freedom is NEVER free.
I’m trying to wrap my head around Valley having an event in November and expecting 1000 people to attend when they have regular attendance of 25-30. Are they flying people in or what?
No, they just get the usual 25 people to bring in 39 extra changes of clothes.
Take a photo.
Change clothes.
Take another photo.
Rinse and repeat 38 more times.
Photoshop (usually very badly) and, ta-da, you have your 1,000 people.
It is simply amazing to me how much they expand and grow, (Please note sarcasm!) If they truly grew at the rate they claim then every one would be one by now.
Why does the most ethical religion and most ethical people on earth have to continue to resort to not telling the truth when they advertise? It is simply astounding. (At least to me)
I always say actions speak louder than words…..and Scientology is very good saying one thing but doing the opposite!