Why is “Graduation” never just graduation?
Because they don’t have enough people completing anything.
The results are in?
Form where?
Did they take a poll there too and discover it has the worst reputation of any group in the country?
What it’s like a the top of the Bridge
No different, you just have less money.
The Bay Area is Dead
They’re going to try to revive it.
How strange, there are 4 ideal orgs there…
Raven Kane (Campbell) has a new name?
Effective Management?
Howe to write a novel?
Love their copyright notice too — “Scientology” but it isn’t even used in their promo piece.
The Chan Man Cometh
If this is the “Crusade for an ideal USA” why isn’t he in one of those cities where they DONT have an ideal org still?
Obviously, this is where the money is.
Nation of Islam from Alabama?
Why Chicago?
Well, if it’s Meenu Mann! count me in…
Another “veteran” for Chicago
Welcome to Cocoon.
Creating a New Civilization
They are SO delusory…
What do you know and why should we care?
5 years of creating a new civilization…
This ideal org has 1200 people onto the Bridge in 5 years (you know this figure is immensely inflated from the ACTUAL number). But taken at face value this is 240 a year or 20 a month or less than 5 a week!
With the attrition rate from there being about 90%, you can deduce how much impact they are having on a nation of 5 million people
This is just weird…
The Flag Band…
Wow, wow and wow!
They are apparently inimitable – though like everything in scientology, that is clearly overblown hype (inimitable means: “so good or unusual as to be impossible to copy; unique” — kind of hard if you don’t do anything original)
The next excuse to try to get anyone to come to the org…
Kiddie Corner
Sad as always…
Out of the mouths of babes…
Hubbard’s PDC mumbo-jumbo “allowed me to change my viewpoint on what I consider to be true.”
They don’t even realize what they are saying.
“Truth” in scientology is highly malleable…
Rikke and Malcolm
An invitation to dinner from these two is like jumping into the shark tank after slitting your wrists. The two main “ideal org fundraisers” in Australia. She used to be an RTC Rep at Flag until she was banished to Australia because of what she knew about Miscavige’s involvement in the Lisa McPherson case.
Giving assists and face painting?
They wish
It took them a week to round up the people for this photo…
The NOI on “mental health” at the scientology ideal org
Sounds perfect.
A “group of OT’s”
No names?
Nobody worth your time obviously…
The social media tsunami
If this guy is so good, he needs to start helping scientology as they are 6 feet under the social media tsunami and going down fast…
You know pirates are not good, right?
They plundered their victims.
Perhaps this is just a “freudian slip.”
Hmm, something is fishy here
They are already “trained auditors” and they have “secured” their GAT II Academy Levels. Seems like they just paid and are not actually training.
Behind the scenes?
Old Mike Spurgeon has been leading Canada absolutely nowhere for decades now. Still don’t have a Toronto org even? Or the long-promised AO that was purchased 15 years ago…
It was probably a type and meant to say “Behind the times…”
Since 1950?
You know scientology wasn’t even invented by Hubbard until 1952 right? And the first scientology org wasn’t created until 1953? And Class V orgs only came into being with the change of the Grade Chart to move Dianetics after the Grades…
Still wobbling along to be the “first ideal ‘continent'”
Poor old Canberra doesn’t even get a mention…
All aboard for an Ideal ANZO, delusion at its best.
The Ripleys – ex Melb moved to Perth now back again. Michael is a Victorian, Sharon is a gas & oil engineer originally from Singapore. Very nice couple the kind of people you hope would wake up..
Jan and Craig Middleton – own a cleaning company in Melbourne’s Eastern suburbs. Both from the UK. Jan was MEL FDN staff for years , is still WTH Rep for Victoria. Their daughter Jasmine was featured on the Scn Network.
Beats family – own a wildflower business in Victoria’s Wimmera region. Shane and Amanda’s daughter Kat used to represent the family business at the Melbourne Markets but left to join the SO was based at AOSH ANZO and may still be there. Nice girl but never really knew her place in the world.
Hunter Leonard – marketing extraordinaire. No one loves Hunter more than Hunter…
As discussed above Canberra is pretty much dead with a few diehard stalwarts holding the fort – Matt Dent, Iona Kentwell, Wenda Moore, Renate Barton (the Capital Pancakes Bartons), Ayla Mottl, Harry Crawford…. no new public and zero foot traffic. Will be interested to see where they place their National Church in Australia, been talking about it for years but Brisbane and Adelaide appear to be the focus of the fundraising regges these days.
Ripped and torn flags hanging off the side of Auckland org, video display units out of action and unrepaired in Sydney org, nothing of substance in any of the org comms. Fun times in ANZO
Canberra (ACT) was always a trash org, consistently one of the worst producing in ANZO. I don’t recognise any of the names in the last piece. I guess those badges are for their locations, and they’re contributing to the other cities mentioned. Scumbag Adelaide needs a lot of help. I’m not surprised.
Marisela Logan – vote for me so I can win some money. Tell me I am pretty, and younger than I look, or look younger than I am, or something. But the reality is my nose is too big, and my painted-on eyebrows look just like every other set of Marks-A-Lot eyebrows in the known universe. Then there are my lips, a not too swift use of crayon with an inability stay within the lines – see how the color goes above-the-top and below-the-bottom of my oh-so-ordinary lips?
The only prize Marisela will win is the booby prize, and we don’t even get a look there. Could it be because they inhabit the Flatlands? Only the Shadow knows.
p.s. all the photographers who make their subjects look way off out of the corner of their eyes are straining some eye muscles and introducing an unnatural look for no good reason. Try it yourself and see how uncomfortable it really is. I predict bad headaches to come soon. BTW, somebody forgot the cheek blush, give a call back to the make-up artist, Marisela’s face looks like a monotone balloon. Watch out for sharp objects!
As a photographer the side eye makes you look mysterious, complicated and intriguing. Unfortunately, taking your photo in the less-than-flattering interior lighting of a 1988 Ford Escort is likely not a winning composition. If only someone at Scn had access and experience (LOTS of experience) with photoshop.
Ms. Marisela’s photo is an absolute velour dream compared to the nightmare that is the Chan Man. Every photo of him looks like he just busted through the door of a public toilet stall and then took a moment to give a steamy, lingering side eye glance to the horrified occupant before disco-sliding away leaving the stall door open so he can maintain eye contact a little longer. (Hey, you have your fears and I have mine.)
The saddest thing about her is that had she not gone all Chola, Marisela would be a pretty woman. She has really pretty eyes, but the treatment is not flattering. Someone please tell her that a cement trowel is not an appropriate makeup applicator, and Sharpie is not a brand of cosmetic.
As a photographer, I don’t like that side look for the most part. Too try-hard. But then this is no more than a selfie with a phone, and maybe this look is the new DuckLips(tm)?
Poor little Phoebe. Next step on the Purif routing form is the Ethics Officers. How quickly children can be taught that anything that doesn’t make a good headline will be their fault.
Separately, are Stevens Creek and Los Gatos really being dragged around by Mountain View to that degree? Do they even count SF as a “Bay Area” org? Weirdness. I wonder how many trained auditors there are on staff between all the Ideal Orgs and Missions within 50-75 miles.
Goodness me… fingernails meet the bottom of the barrel. Scientology advertising today is a vomit stain of its former self. Not that it ever made much sense anyway once you came to realize it’s never anything more than a “meet the regges” time.
Off Topic:
I don’t know how many are following the Masterson trial but it sounds like it will be really interesting. They were discussing the witness list yesterday. Hmmmmmm.
“An invitation to dinner from these two is like jumping into the shark tank after slitting your wrists.”
This makes me laugh. I can see it actually happening, in my imagination, of course. Blood in the water definitely draws in the sharks.
Staff Reunion???
This reminds me of one of the first red flags I encountered shortly after being ensnared by the cult. There was a message board of sorts at the mission where I was doing the comm course. It had all sorts of notices posted there. For some reason there was a notice that someone had completed their staff contract and was not going to be renewing it. Naive me thought it would be a great idea to have some sort of get together to acknowledge this person’s service and contribution as a staff member. I mentioned my idea to another staff member. The look of disgust was palpable. There is no such thing as someone “retiring” as a staff member in scientology and remaining in good standing. They are looked at as someone who has betrayed the cause. The only thing that lets them remain and be somewhat tolerated is money. If someone contributes enough cash they are deemed worthy to remain but they are never looked at the same in the same light.
This Staff Reunion event is nothing more than a thinly disguised effort to recoup ex-staff members because other sources for recruiting have dried up. Anyone interested in moving to Chicago?
Why did raven change her name, Pauline frecette is her real name, Darby Simpson at cc ny gave her that name, thought was more dynamic for a singer, I was married to raven when I left the cult.
I guess that hot dogs are the lunch fare in Canada. Not here though.
Or is it just cheaper?
I thought that “what is true is what is true for you”? I guess not. Apparently, “There is so much data here that has opened my eyes to the apparent realities that we agree upon and allowed me to change my viewpoint on what I consider to be true”. SMH! In other words, “I’m guzzling the Kool-Aid and my brains are so scrambled that all I can do now is babble”.
When are they going to open a Storefront Org?
Does ANYONE outside of The Bubble use a manual typewriter anymore? (I know Hubbard was old fashioned, but come on!)
Not only dinner will be served at the reunion. Regges will be there.