This one is going to be the real story….
We are circling the drain, more unpopular than ever, stats going down, more leaving than coming in newly.
So, give us your money.
Any excuse for a fundraiser…
They’re supposed to be GIVING OUT candy.
They don’t even know what Halloween is in Australia.
Gosh, what happened to Africa?
Maybe they’re not doing so hot despite their promotional pieces that always say they are?
Then again, AOSHEU could be full of bs too.
Trick and treats?
I think they might not understand the Halloween concept either
They know about parenting
Because they are OT VIII?
Of course, an OT VIII has superior knowledge about EVERYTHING don’t they?
A costume contest and stuff…
But no St Hill Special Briefing course at the American St Hill org.
United for all an Ideal ANZO!
Is that a sentence?
Bet they don’t get 5 people to attend
Reserve your times?
A Central Files Superstar!
Another one signed up for the Cocoon gathering.
He’s got the gray hair
Kind of slow there in Chicago
Everyone else jumped on this bandwagon more than a month ago when they were allowed to deliver the Purif again
Scientologists for The Republic
WTH does that mean?
I don’t think this campaign is going to accomplish much…
What’s wrong with the “ideal org” in Tel Aviv?
Still gearing up
A Halloween “briefing”??
Three guesses what it might be about.
Halloween at noon?
Rah rah rah…
The IAS is actually doing NOTHING to make any of these things a reality.
Be part of this monumental achievement…
Don’t know what he thinks that is?
Even Facebook is on the Chicago man up bandwagon
Kiddie Corner

This event is free and open to anyone?

A new pitch to fund the “ideal org”
Key LRH data…
Running around in circles came from “whole track” research.
You’ll need more than a game face
Some other means of support is the first requirement as your staff pay won’t cover your bus fare to and from work daily
Halloween BBQ
It’s Jennifer
Apparently she doesn’t have another name. Like one of those Brazilian soccer players…
Mystery sandwich
Buy your coffee here…
Hey Bob Wade, go look up the word “Slavery”.
Then do a clay demo of how that pertains to you and your
thousands and thousands of hours in central files with little or no pay.
In observation of Halloween (and the financial shakedown opportunities it may provide) they managed to make Celeb Centre look appropriately sinister. They needn’t have bothered. The ongoing masterson trial has already done plenty of that
You are so right, Todd!
Many years ago great musicians and artists used to perform there, but the Masterson case has exposed the fact that it seems to have become the hangout of a bunch of spoiled, “entitled”, Hollywood sleaze whose behaviors are protected, if not condoned by the Celebrity Center. If I remember correctly the original purpose of the Celebrity Center was to nurture and enhance artists. Apparently they are doing the opposite these days.
reserve your times with the wizard, leave your wallet with the cashier
Halloween is the new biggest Holiday for Idle Morgues. VERY apropos
Kudos for the Commendation, Jennifer, and well done on shooping in only your first name, so that when you blow staff you don’t embarrass the cult. Then all they’ll need to do is pull it from your Ethics Folder and no one will be the wiser.
It must be really demoralizing to put all that effort into sparsely attended events!
Magnum Nilsson completed his “mayor” status? Don’t bury such important news in a tweet.
Iirc Dave Sola was a Californian at FSO when we trained there in the late 80s. Now he’s going to Chicago??? Wtf?
Desperate times indeed for a (mercifully) dying Kult. Sad to see good people still supporting a hopeless cause.
Helping me ‘expand on all of my dynamics’. Yea right!
AOLA/ASHO/ SO never liked me saying that I was busy expanding my First Dynamic and my Second Dynamic.
I keep having to grown.
I also keep having to groan…I mean grown.
My copy editing still sucks.
Kiddies corner with a TA of 5 1/2 and still rising… Here’s hoping the kid cognites and blows the TA down by dropping the cans and running.
Seriously though, those staged photos are just so much bs it’s sickening. There is nothing genuine about Scientology except their desperation.
The picture of the 4 kids from behind with their backpacks was bad because every little kid in the picture had an adult sized backpack that was way too big for their little body. One kid couldn’t even get the straps on her shoulders and so it dragged off her. These OT VIII’s don’t know that you get a backpack that fits the size of your kid. That’s just common sense.
The last thing an OT8 has is common sense – that I know personally and painfully. In fact I’d go as far as saying OT8 is the definition of stupid! Geezers, just ponder what you’d have to go through and how much money & integrity it’d cost to have that piece of paper on your wall with your name on it?
“I’m gonna take them cans, I’m gonna shine them up really bright and clean, I’m gonna turn dem sideways and cram them right up yo candy ___!”
Wonder who said that.
Don’t know, but I’d like ’em!
“No Social Veneer Briefing” That should be interesting, especially since a scientologists “social veneer” is behind masks of lies and more “social veneers.” It takes a while to figure out one’s true social veneer and then of course, “basic personality” may be gone forever.
And Lisa Malm and Evan Malm teaching about parenting? Yea right. First of all, she’s not a “working mother.” (Unless I missed something.) She has grown “children” and I believe they all joined the Sea Org. Never take parenting tips from people who think “successful actions” of raising your children is guiding them into joining the Sea Org. It runs a close second to a life of drugs, alcohol and criminality, but both of them, your children will lose their souls.
Have a look Evan talking about Disturbing Midgetmonster –
Makes me wonder if that’s the “before” photo taken just prior to Even inserting his head up Muckmonsters doorway to heaven (heaving?). The “after” photo would give people nightmares.