A Field Auditor?
Wow, pickins are slim when they have to announce they have a field auditor…
On the Plaque!
Unless something happens in the next decade before their ribbon yanking and he is no longer “in good standing”
Why is she not training at Flag?
Because they know she will NEVER graduate
How pathetic
Begging for people to download their app.
And not only that, begging for 100 people OMG.
Technology so advanced it can only be delivered at Flag…
Like running around in circles.
The Swept-Away beard look
OMG, this guy has been an auditor since the 70’s and he just now “catching up” with GAT II?
The AO Africa
Looks like about 100 SO members. Almost all white.
How is this possible?
Thank you COB for the Student Hat?
The world of scientology is now the cult of Miscavige.
Chicago Made a Clear!
Well, no, someone from Chicago went Clear at ASHO
The LAPD still playing footsie with scientology
And someone from the DEA too…
THE best OTC on the planet
Doesn’t say much for the others if true.
The Florence Police Department is also playing footsie
This is apparently Lt. Booth.
Ideal Scientology Schools?
And yeah, they have NOTHING to do with scientology… They’re completely separate and not religious…
Such a deal!
Dublin discounts. It’s the way they attract those people from everywhere except Ireland.
Magical Thinking
The hallmark of scientology promises.
Kiddie Corner
Masters of Communication
They put out a promo piece that was so unclear they have had to put out a clarification.
This is THE best OT Committee on earth.
Make sure you get video footage
Most important.
Child Labor
And a pitch for money…
AARP Meeting?
The demographics of scientology today. The very old who are still there and second or third generation scientologists.
That’s about all they’ve got.
And yes, I am probably older than the guy in the red shirt.
What’s really telling is Kathy Welch doesn’t deny that “Escape from the Temple of Zoom” may actually be yet another fundraiser/recruiting event/IAS reg-a-thon. What’s perhaps even more telling is that Valley Scientologists suspect they’re being asked to attend yet another event where they’ll get hit up for money.
There is one ad with a microscopic “Are you coming to graduation?” at the bottom – just so sad.
On a side note: How long will it be before $camology starts with the crowing and bullshit about Paul Haggis after this.
This is my last post and a warm goodbye from the handle of “I Yawnalot”.
It’s been sort of fun over the many years from way back to ESMB and Marty’s site and the beginning of Tony Ortega but social media has a disease.
Scientology is as good as dead anyway and Mike has done a stellar job in exposing the abuses. Good luck with this blog, but it has corrupted.
To the many good people here I’ve exchanged with, Adios Amigos!
I’d much rather put my time & efforts into preventing veteran’s suicides and homelessness.
You win… enjoy yourself whoever you are being an impostor, it’s just a bunch of letters to me, but to you it’s your conscience that is black! Sleep well…
Sorry Yawn… I will delete those comments from the person who used your name. I didn’t notice them when they first came through.
No worries Mike, I don’t how you how you do what you do anyway. You must be as busy as heck!
Time to move on anyway. Scientology is a subject I unfortunately know too well technically. Be nice to spend some time away from being continually reminded of it. My last family member involved it is near her end and now has dementia. So my last personal link to that organisation is severed. It tainted my mood in my comments recently.
Scientology’s abuses are now getting so well known, particularly not only by your remarkable book but the incredible amounts of interviews and podcasts that it no longer requires explanation of Scientologese and comments by the likes of a veteran like myself. That was my main objective over the years.
To those that think it’s entertaining to grapple with Scientology and ex Scientologists but have never experienced life inside it, good luck with it, but the abuses are very real. Good lives wasted and financial ruin are its true products.
Thank you. I appreciate the time you have spent here and your participation. I wish you well.
100% – well said. Fare well.
I have appreciated your contributons to this blog, Yawnalot. I really wish you would reconsider leaving.
There is something very wrong with social media. I saw a movie about it about a year ago, and soon decided not to be part of it. I deleted all of my Social media accounts: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, even Gmail.
After 37 years in scientology, Tony Ortega’s The Underground Bunker and Mike Rinder’s blog cushioned my fall when I stumbled out of that dangerous cult some eight years ago.
I have also enjoyed your comments I Yawnalot. Thank you.
Hi Fred! Your comment stuck in my attention and I truly hear you loud and clear so it plays on me that I haven’t at least replied. I understand what you are saying, but it is life as we humans now experience it.
There is, as you say something very wrong with social media. My analogy it has the mentality of a state run, school playground. A sort of scary war zone of the mind but is quite well camouflaged.
I’m not a conspiracy theorist and hope not a doomsday introvert, but I’ve been a soldier and was clever enough to observe the military systems on this planet and those who influence them. A horror in the making lies in those systems already in place. I thought Scientology might be an answer to stop it, boy, how did wrong can one get?
Anyway, I’ll leave with this, if you can understand the strange Aussie lingo, but a lecture in 1989 by a very observant man regarding the surrender of Australia’s economy, why and by who.
There is a program in the shadows of those, among other objectives and things also influence the military machines of this world. Don’t jump to conclusions too fast, I believe it is their attempt to avert another war of catastrophic magnitude by changing the world into a one order system. Individual states and countries in their minds are the problem, in that, they go regularly wild and start shooting at each other, as they have over & over through history. They now have nuclear & biological weapons – Russia right now is a real example of modern insanity. However, a new world order requires a singular world economy to function, that is what is happening right now. After that a new age very few of us can stomach nor can see coming. Best to you and find something fun to do. Find someone else’s computer and look at this – it’s remarkably honest and straight forward
Thanks, I Yawnalot, for what you wrote as well as for the link to the Facebook video (“The Planned Surrender of Australia”).
I try not to pay attention to conspiracy theories. There is a battle of good and evil at play on Earth. Some of the battles require armies, while others require an army of just one.
When, in 2014, I strayed from scientology, I had been homeless since the end of 2012. A faith-based homeless shelter became my home mere blocks away from PAC Base in Los Angeles.
The shelter had program obligations that I needed to participate in on a daily basis, and at multiple times a day at that. As a result, I became reacquainted with the Holy Bible.
Today, I see validity in Christianity and accept reincarnation as a truism. I believe in a God, a higher power and the creator of everything.
Twenty-two years ago, I nearly died from cancer. “Every day is a day not promised,” as I recall from Bible studies. “Dear Father, Mother, Maker, Master, God Almighty and Creator” is how I begin my prayers of thanks for the mere fact that I’m still here.
There are higher powers. There are games being played that I’ll never understand, yet have to accept, while knowing and believing that good will triumph, no matter what.
Good on you Fred. I too believe in an author of existence, not exactly inline with conventional religions but anything that peacefully gives purpose and unifies people is a good thing.
My life changed dramatically with military service, very sobering seeing what it can do. I was severely injured and medically discharged. It was a long struggle to get over it, but I have to a degree that I’m happy with things. I have an understanding of the condition of life and death struggles to stay alive, well done for getting through the cancer scare.
Then the con of Scientology hardened me considerably when I woke up to it. But I’ve relaxed with it to a fair degree now and am very proud of Mike for doing what he has done and continues to do.
I’ve seen my beloved Australia literally change hands and it’s resources sold off to the highest bidder. My only reason for sending that video on was to try to show that I care about democracy, we all need it, money has corrupted just about every aspect of it.
I wish you well. Take care of yourself and maybe I’ll get back to this site when I’m done with veteran’s welfare I’m currently involved in, it’s quite an emotional trip.
I’ll keep an eye out for you, I Yawnalot. Happy Trails.
Adva: “With training, you gain knowledge about life. You understand what is happening in front of you.”
Wouldn’t that depend on the kind of training you receive?
If your “training” convinces you that a shrinking enterprise is growing immeasurably, or that rape is not “rape” when committed by an “upstat,” what does that say about such “training?” If “training” amounts to a micro-management of your emotions, attitudes and opinions, isn’t there something very sinister about that? If the “training” in question is viewed universally as quackery outside of a small cult following, doesn’t that ring alarm bells? If that “training” is billed as “science” yet is not based on anything resembling scientific method and is devoid of evidence, doesn’t that raise alarms? If that “training” is so fragile that no challenges or differing views may be considered by the “trained”, that would be strange. No?
Looks like they could spring for frames for the cheap certificates for the last two folks. I guess that would cost too much.
The AO Africa promo piece for recruitment.
Now, that’s sobering, promoting Militancy with the Scientology ‘Religion’ in Africa. I’m not so sure a bunch of mostly white people in uniform clothing saluting (God knows what) is going to win the hearts & trust of the African people. Not a good message… They threw Hubbard out of the country once didn’t they?
I’d rather peel off my toenails than redo the student hat. And I “only” did mine at Ron’s Org.
I discovered something in common with Scientologists: I hate Thursday.
Seeing so many cringe-worthy PR pieces is always an unpleasant event, even if necessary. Child labor? Police safe-pointing? A hundred South African SO lined up to create a saluting photo op, with very few giving a proper salute, almost none holding their feet at the proper 45 degree angle, and one lone guy at the back who just HAD to get in the photo, despite not wearing a matching costume. Sheesh.
And some appear to be wearing gloves – like they ran out there right from the kitchen.
Re: Masters of Communication and the Valley OT Committee
An honest flier from these guys would read:
Registrar for Escape from the Temple of Zoom
Register for Escape from the Temple of Zoom.
So … getting out 10 OCA boxes is delivering 1000 promo? What way to cheese a Stat.
Edit: That wasn’t even worded in a way that suggests they got business permission.
You can’t underrate the value of publicity. (I should groan again.)
That’s not the real I Yawnalot. It’s just a low life spreading miserable lies and distention about.
Whoever you are you’re a true scumbag, but OK I’ll change my name and you can have “I Yawnalot.”
Note Mike, the I Yawnalot poster is a fraud and a filthy liar.
ILancealot says this, or maybe Howie, whatever, if this blog has reduced to false representation and fraud it’s a damn shame. It’s something I would expect of OSA.