We see the start of the Christmas promotion this week. Scientology loves to partake in the psychiatrically implanted ritual surrounding the birth of “the man on the cross”… It’s pretty weird. But anything to try to get people to come into their empty buildings.
AO Africa hiring staff for Class V orgs?
About as NON-scientology as you can get
It’s a bunch of dilettantes.
Blast from the past…
Wow, Bobby Wiggins is still trying to make a living from IAS commissions.
It’s very gentle and easy…
You don’t have to mention scientology.
And it’s going to have a “huge effect”
So they are admitting they’re dead?
“Team Player”
For giving money…
What is “The Fight for Kids”?
Or is this just going to cover the expenses of CCHR?
Atlanta guy goes to Chicago
Why not Atlanta? They have an empty ideal org too.
Tell the kids…
Bring your piggy bank
Wonder who he has disseminated to — Flag does not take new public?
Super Heroes
I suspect the accomplishments will be rather less than super.
Case Resolution “Webinar”
Not on a meter?
All that work…
And they got a “Scientology TV Network card” that went straight in the trash
Makes no sense
“Brought” in Feb 22 or “bringing” in 2023?
Either way, the rest of it is confusing too.
OMG, the Cardone card!
Kiddie Corner
Revival? They’re dead too…
A commendation if you do an Intro service…
Greek Banquet
Euphemism for ideal org reg event
The Execs are training at Flag…
So she is going to be holding this position for many years to come.
Are you a hot salsa donator?
Richard and Susan are back…
This is apparently a big deal.
Wonder where they were?
This guy is known for this?
And what does it mean “$10 Refreshments provided”? They’re worth $10 but they provide them? Or they are for sale for $10?
Auction of Promises
Some to add:
Promise you will get paid if you join staff
Promise the stats will 10X by becoming ideal
Promise we are Clearing the planet
Like I said…
Anything to try to get some people in the building.
And more…
Having a Greek banquet at the Melbourne org may seem like a excellent idea in getting Hellenic people to come in, after all Melbourne has the biggest Greek population outside Geeece or Cyprus and Greeks may benefit Scientology as many have wealth due to generations of hard work however this idea will not work due to Greek Orthodoxi being so ingrained in the Greek culture. Good on them for trying but it’ll get them nowhere.
Sell Sell Sell
Give Give Give
Buy Buy Buy
Dog eat dog
Hands in each others pockets
Seems to be all about the money.
How about this line?
“Neil Orr joined staff at Pretoria org. He also recently made a big donation to Coastal Ideal Orgs. Well done Neil!”
Well done indeed! He likely gave them all of the money he had previously intended to use in his old age. But now he believes the cult will take care of him and so he doesn’t need that money anymore.
I would love to know what he will be saying ten years from now.
I recall the last Christmas party I attended at my little org. There was a tree, we sang carols, there were refreshments and…unexpectedly, Ideal Org fundraising.
The truth was I was mildly disgusted and more than a little shocked that in the middle of a Christmas party (Christmas, for Christ’s sake! ) fundraising had been inserted, sort of sprung on us. Certainly if I had known I wouldn’t have come.
One of the female staff in a Santa Hat hopped on the small stage and started ho ho ho ing about how OUR org was NOT on Santa’s “naughty” list because of all the fundraising we’d been doing that year, you see. It was cheesy and tacky. I sat there cringing in embarrassment and burning with resentment that I’d been snookered into attending this thing..
A few days afterwards I voiced my displeasure to one of the staff about this surprise fundraising gambit spoiling the party – for me at least. Could not there be just ONE event, ONE gathering of Scientologists together in our org, that had NO ideal org fundrasing, or regging of ANY kind? Could not Christmas at least be an exception to the constant demands for money?
Well, no. The convoluted answer I received boiled down to no.
Everything the “church”, excuse me, Cult, do is tacky. Fraudulent, phony, disingenuous and tacky. A gross, repugnant, dishonest and dishonouable organisation, as are its people. I feel nauseaous and disgusted thinking about them.
Jo, I agree with you about the organization but not about the people. The staff I knew were good, well-intentioned people who wanted to help others. At least they started out that way. Its very sad – tragic, actually, how many good people were – and still are – being deceived about what the organization really is and what it really does. And now for many of the old timers, the thought of leaving, the concept of admitting that decades of their lives have been wasted – well its too much for them to confront, I think. I know I sound like an apologist for what they are doing. Its just that, well, its not that simple to write these people off as being dishonest. What they are is deluded. They BELIEVE they are being honorable. They’re not being deliberately dishonorable. They’re trapped in a “Prison of Belief” – writer Lawrence Wright’s term for their mindset and the title of his book about Scientology. There’s an old saying that “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”. Perhaps that helps explain how good people can be so deluded as to believe that what they are doing is honest and honorable and helpful when in fact their actions are as you’ve said gross, repugnant, dishonest and dishonorable. There are so many historical examples of basically good, deluded people doing atrocious harm. The Crusades, the Salem Witch trials, the Holocaust. Recapturing the Holy Land from the Infidels; ridding the area of evil witches, removing the evil Jews who were the cause of everyone’s troubles, etc. etc.
I ran out of time correcting misspellings so this goes below what I just posted.
Anyway, all of these unspeakable horrors were committed and/or supported MOSTLY by basically good, though ignorant and deluded people!
Mostly the ones IN CHARGE were the true bad guys and the rest were convinced, coerced, recruited by the knowing, manipulative evil ones.
The Crusades were also called the Holy Wars! Think of that! Murder, mayhem, theft, devastation, all committed in the name of Jesus Christ! They were doing it for Jesus. JESUS wanted that Jerusalem back under the control of Christians…sure. The bloodiest, most violent cruelty, the most virulent greed, etc., were all justified because dumb ignorant totally manipulated and deluded people thought they were doing what God and Jesus wanted them to do!
Do you see what I mean? You don’t have to agree but I just want you to understand and entertain the possibility of the point I’m making having some validity.
I think “$10 Refreshments provided” is supposed to mean that the event costs $10, and there are refreshments provided. Not the best formatting for a writing workshop flier.
When will Paramount’s lawyers go after the Malmö Org for violating the Top Gun trademarks? Are they really using crack to go up the bridge? And are Hubbard’s books an example of how Scientology will help with creative writing? So many questions . . .
Cool. Scientology is collecting toys for kids. Just like the Hells Angels do every year.
To be clear: Neither one is an organized crime syndicate. One is just a bunch of jolly guys who like motorcycles, the other is just a church that enjoys serving their community and strengthening family bonds.
Don’t they get those toys from their winter wonderland toy drive where parishioners donate toys ? In other words they don’t spend a cent buying toys, they just giveaway toys that were donated in the hope that’ll create a warm and happy glow to the recipients.
I love the Freudian slip (psych slip?) in the Aussie & Kiwi pitch:
“This is a great activity for kids and families to be apart [sic] of.”
Indeed! Let’s sit this one out.
“Dissemination drill” must be beating a dead horse, if after more than half a century they are shrinking rather than growing, and by all accounts have long been unable to recruit new blood. What Hubbard “developed” can only have once seemed to work as an accident, when it just happened to coincide with the baby boomer zeitgeist of seeking out almost anything and everything “alternative”.
Aww! Scientology trying to look like a real church by having a revival! So cute!
Re: Kids Christmas Festival, Church of Scientology, Florence, Kentucky
Join us for an afternoon of free activities including:
* Photos with Santa.
* Crafts with Mrs. Clause.
* Romp with Reg Rudolph, where you will learn to smash a piggy bank to smithereens in three easy steps.
What is needed is a Statue Of Slavery with a Scientology symbol on it. (I know, It’s lame.)
Juliette is right about one thing in #4: Scientology events are great activities for kids and families to be “apart of.”
As far apart as possible.
To all who are still in:
Or something like that.
OK just a thought RE Christmas. I remember reading before a few times where sea org members would be allowed a day off for Christmas……..yet I hear they work on other events such as LRHs birthday or dianetics day………doesn’t that speak volumes for the significance they hold with regards to their own “religion”.
THINK ABOUT IT – They allow staff to be off work 1 DAY PER YEAR to celebrate another religions holiday such as Christmas, but not to celebrate their own “religions” holiday………madness.
“…madness.” Yes, well, maria mc, the Sea Org is not a sane organization.
Still though, it shouts quite clearly “WERE NOT REALLY A RELIGION” to me lol
Quite right, it shouts that very clearly, and you hear that correctly.
Legally they’re a religion but in reality, practice, they are a business.
Or to put a fine point on it, from what I observed as a public Scientologist for 27 years until I left 10 years ago, they are a business when it suits them and serves their purposes to be a business (which is most of the time).
On the other hand, when it serves their purposes to be a religion, then they’re a religion.
IMO the Church of Scientology is a business that operates for the most part as a business and that it is a legal religion is useful to them at times because they are afforded protections that businesses don’t enjoy.
From my observations in my former org, the religion factor could be likened to a cloak hanging nearby in a closet. The weather is mostly warm and so the coat mostly isn’t needed but its there to wear for a while if the weather turns a bit chilly.